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tv   The Kelly File  FOX News  March 9, 2015 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT

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writing to the factor. thanks for watching us tonight. we're looking out for you. breaking tonight, in the face of a controversy that threatens her possible presidential ambitions we are now getting reports that former secretary of state hillary clinton will come to the microphones and address accusations she broke federal laws in an alleged effort to hide things from the american people. welcome to "the kelly file" everyone. i'm megyn kelly. afterseven days of tough questions for the woman many expect to be the democrats' choice for president, we are now hearing hillary clinton will finally speak. she is expected to offer what we're told is a "innocent explanation for why she used a private e-mail server for all of her official business as secretary of state," allows her
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to share what she wants, keep what she wants and anything out of the federal record and public eye. this is not how it's supposed to work. we have team coverage tonight with howie kurtz suggestions this is part of a right wing conspiracy, congressman trey gowdy joins us saying part of this could be tied to the benghazi probe. we are joined by judge napolitano on questions whether the secretary is ignoring the law and his reaction to this remark from president obama this weekend. >> mr. president, when did you first learn that hillary clinton used an e-mail system outside the u.s. government for official business while she was secretary of state? >> at the same time everybody else learned it through news reports. >> were you disappointed? >> let me just say that hillary clinton is and has been an outstanding public servant. she was a great secretary of state for me. i'm glad that hillary's
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instructed that those e-mails that had to do with official business need to be disclosed. >> joining me now judge napolitano. so he is glad hillary has instructed that the e-mails about official business need to be disclosed. >> apparently the president has the same misunderstanding of federal law that his former secretary of state does. because the federal statute written in 1950 and enhanced during her husband's presidency and signed by him requires that documents and records used by high ranking government officials belong to the government. and when you leave office, the ex-official can ask the government for personal documents back. she did the opposite. she retained and concealed 100% of the documents with which she dealt while she was secretary of state in 48 months. she decided what was governmental and kept what she didn't want to reveal. that is the exact opposite of the premise of the law that she
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swore to uphold and the president swore to uphold. >> and he's still okay with it. i'm glad that hillary has instructed that her e-mails about official business need to be disclosed. at this point should she be getting to instruct anything? >> no, the government decides what is kept and what is revealed. mrs. clinton, because she concealed all of her documents a felony from the government of which she worked, she is deciding what to reveal. you're going to interview in a few minutes congressman gowdy. he subpoenaed her records. he does not know if she gave him everything he subpoenaed. he has to rely on her good faith. what good faith? she controls the documents and the statute says the government controls the documents. i was very disappointed in bill clinton. even though we know him, he's a long-time tv guy his son is a producer here -- >> interviewed president obama. >> correct. he should have followed up and said, mr. president, are you concerned at all that your secretary of state had
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classified materials on her server and kept them from the government? mr. president, are you going to prosecute your secretary of state for placing classified documents in a nonsecure environment just as you prosecuted general petraeus for doing the same thing? we didn't hear any of those questions. >> what have you done to satisfy yourself that she did not do that? are we just relying on her word at this point? >> well apparently he's done very little to satisfy himself because since he made those statements to bill plant, he sent his press secretary josh earnest down into the press room earlier today to say, well, the president really knew she used the private e-mail all along, he just didn't realize there was a legal problem with it until the media told him. >> he didn't know it was exclusive. he didn't really look into all that. i want to ask you about this. you'll be happy to know that some folks on the left have pronounced that hillary clinton did nothing wrong legally. james carville and andrea mitchell have decided that there is no problem legally with what
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hillary clinton did. watch. >> you agree it was totally legal? >> absolutely. >> okay. that's fine. now we've established that. >> okay. >> she committed -- probably because i don't know what was in her heart, several criminal acts when she became secretary of state, she promised to follow the federal records act. she didn't. when she left secretary of state, she signed a statement saying all of my documents have been returned to the government. they haven't. instead of the documents in possession of the government she concealed them. instead of the documents being in a secure location, she had them in a server. we don't know where the server was. we don't know if it was in her barn on her estate in chappaqua, new york or in texas which she says it does -- >> and if she deleted anything. then we're at a new level of problems. >> and the good congressman gowdy may never know unless he
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can get a search warrant and a bunch of fbi agents to serve it. >> speak of the devil. judge, good to see you. also tonight there are new questions over past requests for information from the state department. and not just requests i'm talking about legal demands. that appear to have not been appropriately handled. because none of then-secretary of state clinton's e-mails were being reviewed never mind produced. according to the state department, none of that matters. let's just let bygones be bygones. who cares if we were hit with subpoenas we didn't respond to appropriately? last week deputy spokesperson marie harf said any past requests are not going to be revisited. >> will there be an issue depending on what kind of records searches were being done somebody asked for a search of the office of secretary e-mails, wouldn't it be the case that those other e-mails wouldn't have been produce snd and is the department doing anything retrospectively to look at forward requests or litigation or congressional about whether
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it provided complete production of documents? >> it's my understanding that will not be happening. >> joining me now congressman trey gowdy. good to see you tonight sir. they said it right there on camera, they're not going to go back and look for responsive documents to subpoenas to litigation inquiries to freedom of information act requests. if you asked prior to the date hillary's 55,000 pages were turned over a week ago or two weeks ago, you're out of luck. >> well, the state department is not going to be the final arbiter of that. they missed every single opportunity over the past six months to tell us that not only did she not have an official e-mail account, they didn't even have her records. you would think that that would come up in all the conversations that we had with the state
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department which is precisely why they are not the third party arbiter i would recommend the secretary turn her server over to so you can analyze it for forensics to see whether or not there's been any hacking or tampering. secondarily, i have no interest in e-mails about bridesmaids dresses or wedding cakes. it's none of my business and i don't want them. but public records are all of our business and that subsequent benghazi is particularly our committee's business. >> how did you find out? i know you've been trying to get documents from the state department on benghazi in connection with your investigation. how did you realize that you were not getting anything from the secretary of state's direct mail? >> well, i am kind of slow as you know having interviewed me in the past. in august we were seeing her personal e-mail but no official e-mail. and, again we were having private conversations before the state department in part because
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they told us they wanted a different kind of relationship. they didn't want an adversarial relationship with our committee. so throughout september and october where are the rest of our e-mails? where are the official e-mails? they made another production, i don't know that this has been made public but i'll tell you i wrote a lawyer and said i need e-mails from your client. he referred me back to the state department. so we learned the day before the "new york times" article broke that she did not have any official e-mail account and that the state department had no idea whether or not we had all the records because they didn't have all the records. >> so all that time when people were seeking information about benghazi and other subjects in the state department, no one was getting any e-mail record of hillary's that didn't come from the desk of a different state department employee? >> yeah. and we were being told the whole time, megyn we need more
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resources, we need more time. can you please prioritize what you really need. i mean we even had to have a public hearing with joel rubin because we weren't getting anywhere. so the state department had six months to have the conversation you and i are just having. shame on me for taking six months, but really shame on me if i trust the state department to be that neutral detached arbiter of her records because they failed in the past to do so. >> last question, how are you going to up the ante? normally they leave it up to the employee or her lawyer at least to offer a certification. >> well, you know, my committee does not have a power to seize tangible, physical items like a car or server. the house itself does although that's an open constitutional question. what i think we ought to do, what i'm planning on doing, is giving her the opportunity to produce that server to a neutral
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independent arbiter a federal judge, an archivist an twice -- >> this is a different situation. she chose to merge the two accounts. she chose to use only one e-mail account for business and for personal items. and she chose to take all those e-mails into her possession and never have them on a server. therefore she's created a situation where these questions now need answering. hopefully they say within the next 48 hours she'll try to. although we'll wait to see in what forum and with what
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reporters and whether a q & a is allowed. trey gowdy, great to see you. thank you for being here tonight, sir. >> yes, ma'am thank you. a former campaign manager added to this controversy today. and howie kurtz is next on the accusations that the coverage of this story is yes, part of that old right wing conspiracy about which hillary clinton first complained so many years ago. remember that was about accusations that her husband was having an affair. plus, did you see the story about "new york times" accused of cutting president bush out of a front page photo from the weekend march at selma? check it out on leave a comment. stay tuned as we separate the fact from the fiction and the debate. and then new fallout from an ugly display of racism at a popular southern university. [ bleep ] just a stunning, stunning piece of video. the head of the school's black student association joins us live with an unexpected response. don't miss this.
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. the great story here for anybody willing to find it and write about it and explain it is the vast right wing conspiracy
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that has been conspireing against my husband since the day he announced for president. >> oh poor hillary. that was then-first lady hillary clinton nearly two decades ago defending herself and husband against a laundry list of allegations including that he had an affair. now some long-time clinton allies seem to be using the same play book to defend her against claims that she misstepped and may have even broken the law by conducting official state department business on her own personally controlled e-mail server only. >> do you remember white water? do you remember travelgate do you remember benghazi? all of this is just the same stuff that we go through, get something from right wing talking points, they prep the story, they got to walk the story back and the chin scratchers go oh, my god, the story's not right but says something larger about the clintons. this is never going to end. we've lived with this for 20 years. we'll live with it for the rest
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of the campaign. it's all about nothing. >> joining me now howie kurtz, host of "media buzz" on fox news. howie, good to see you. we kind of gave andrea mitchell a hard time in the first segment, but we have to press her back saying dianne feinstein who hillary clinton said needs to come out and speak with this is not some talking head but they're pushing back. >> stays silent for another day and sends out her attack dog james carville to bite the press in the butt. brilliant strategy. there were several things carville got wrong there. start with right wing talking points -- >> your being sarcastic, right? >> a little you picked up on it. the fact right wing and "new york times" is carrying is farce farcical farcical. what journalists do is check out leads and tips and try to confirm it. everything the times reported about hillary clinton using private e-mail account and the
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a.p. reporting on the personal server is fact. it's not spin. it's not right wing talking points. >> and yet we're starting to get a feel for where they're going to go with it and it's straight out of the clinton playbook which is the media's bad, they want to hurt us unfairly. by the way here's a list of republicans that have done it. they point to jeb bush and colin powell. colin powell didn't have only a personal e-mail account, he did most of his business on the state department's e-mail servers. but in any event jeb bush was not working for the federal government, he was a governor. but in any event that's what they do look at them, look over there. >> remember on friday i sat here and said the reports that hillary clinton and her team were just going to go in the bunker and the press was just going to get bored and move on were ridiculous. instead the story has me tast sized like a cancer. she's let several more days go by. carville rattling off white water and those allegations some are serious enough that she
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had to testify, others are overblown and then throws in benghazi with the most generous interpretation was a bad day for the hillary clinton and the entire country with the deaths of those americans. so he was firing away at every target he could think of. >> what do you make of the fact she's now going to speak? my own personal belief is she has to offer a full press conference. she has to let whatever reporter get in come in. she has to subject herself to tough questions. she has to stand there for as long as it takes to answer the questions about this. what say you? >> it's interesting because it reminds me of 1994 when hillary clinton as first lady held what was called the pink press conference because she was wearing a pink outfit and answered questions for the moment diffused allegations swirling around her then. james carville i've fenced with him for two decades, he's a character. of course he's going to defend her. but he doesn't do this on his own. this is team clinton trying new attack lines, make the press the story. it's clearly not going to work. i think it's just going to tick off journalist who is are trying
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to get both sides but not getting very many answers, certainly not from the clinton camp and not from the state department. >> can you imagine poor lanny davis? the man's exhausted. they sent him everywhere to go offer the defense, which you know, jeb bush did it and colin powell did it. but hillary clinton issued a directive in 2011 when she was in charge of the state department saying no government business on your personal e-mail. i have yet to hear somebody explain that to me? how about if hillary does it at a presser at which maybe "the kelly file" is present. how would that go? >> i would pay money to see that. >> i got to go. >> okay. >> good to see you, howie. >> same here. >> we'll stay on it. we'll see. is this going to be like a corridor interview, here i am and this is my friend. or is she going to let journalists in there to actually press her, credential journalists, not any journalist, we'll see. new reports about harry reid answering questions from the fbi about hundreds of thousands in donations from a man already
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connected to a federal corruption probe. why is that happening? chris stirewalt is next. plus, we'll detail the social media showdown over the big challenge being mounted to a tiny little facebook icon. plus, the eye opening look at the doj ferguson report and what our next guest calls the honest people in the media who are too scared to tell the truth. >> hands up! >> don't shoot! >> hands up! >> don't shoot!
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well, there's a big battle shaping up tonight on social media over what critics call body shaming. facebook users may be familiar with the little icons you can click to show you are "feeling fat" or another one that suggests you are "feeling ugly." nearly 16,000 people have signed a petition from a group called -- noin dangered bodies -- you should see what the prompter says arguing those phrases make fun of people with eating disorders and endorsing self-destructive thoughts. facebook has no plans to change those icons any time soon. breaking tonight, new reports senate minority leader harry reid was interviewed by federal investigators as part of the ongoing investigation into new jersey senator bob menendez. chris stirewalt is our fox news
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digital politics editor. he joins me now. for those not up to date bob menendez is a democrat and he appears to be in a lot of trouble. he denies everything but they think he did something very bad, like felony bad. and now they want to talk to not just menendez but mr. reid. why? >> it doesn't count if you say it out of the side of your mouth. the rules are. >> i'm feeling fat. >> exactly. then it would be fine. if harry reid had an emoji it would have a black eye. not just because of the bad fall he took it would be because not only did he lose an election and go into the minority but now he's got to deal with this serious corruption case that is swirling around congress. what it relates to is bob menendez, he is a democrat from new jersey. ranking member on the senate foreign committee has harassed the president on his foreign
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policy. mr. menendez points out he's not been charged with anything, but if you're holding a press conference and defending yourself against the noncharges it's not exact -- >> we do that every day we say nothing. >> also not charged. >> nor have i been charged. there you go. >> no charges today. >> harry reid doesn't want to get the call from the feds saying, hey you too, come on over here, sit down with us. >> come over and talk. because, as politico reports that reid did talk to the fbi, that he is not facing charges himself or there is not an investigation targeted at him. but he took money from the same guy, or i should say the super pacs he endorsed took money from the same guy who is a medicare doctor, big trouble down in florida, eye surgery stuff. so reid took money from him and took apparently a private jet ride from the guy he was out on the fund raising trail. >> oh. >> so reid had to talk to the feds about them. this at a thiem when his own
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pacs are under scrutiny. a testy time for the minority leader. >> do you think reid will be put in a situation where he's got to give back the money or do some reimbursement for his plane trip? >> he's got to give it all back. you guarantee it. >> okay. i guarantee it? >> no, i will guarantee it. >> i guarantee nothing. emoji that. >> i feel ugly. good to see you. did you see the story about "new york times" accused of cutting president bush out of a front page photo from the weekend march at selma? coming up separating fact from fiction. and for a racist sing along gets one fraternity booted from a popular southern university. the head of the school's response. and later some media outlets are calling this woman the megyn kelly of the middle east.
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yeah it's actually free. look, you don't have to put in your credit card information. whew! credit karma. really. free. breaking tonight, the department of justice says it is closely monitoring developments in a deadly police shooting in wisconsin involving a white officer and an unarmed biracial teenager. it happened friday night in madison. police say officer matt kenny shot 19-year-old tony robinson after responding to a 911 call. investigators say the teen assaulted the officer and he fired to defend himself. today hundreds of people, mostly teens, rallied at the state capitol in madison chanting "no justice, no peace." and "black lives matter." we are digging deeper into this case and have development tomorrow evening. there's also new fallout
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from the justice department report on ferguson. the doj concluding that the hands up don't shoot movement was not based in fact. and the report completely cleared officer darren wilson in the shooting death of michael brown. but the justice department does accuse the ferguson p.d. of treating african-americans unfairly and recommends more than 25 steps to reverse policies the doj calls discriminatory. but my next guest says the real story is about a community in which honest people are afraid to tell the truth. bret stevens foreign affairs columnist for "the wall street journal." what do you mean by that? >> well, there are two reports. but the report about darren wilson, the report that completely exonerates and acquits the former police officer has massive witness testimony from people who saw the shooting. and in a number of cases you have witnesses who refused to come forward and testify tooutfully to authorities because they were afraid of what might happen to them if they
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went against the media narrative. so they told untruthful stories to the authorities to the fbi then it turned out their account simply couldn't be corroborated with forensic evidence. and then they came clean. so it seems to me the real media story isn't hands up, don't shoot. the real media story is a community in which honest people want to tell the truth and they're afraid of what amounts to neighborhood vigilanteism that prevents them from giving the facts. >> you outline it in your column, witnesses stated it was justified but repeatedly refused to give formal statements to law enforcement for fear of reprisal. witness 113 feared offering an account contrary to the narrative reported by the media that brown held his hands up in surrender even though she knew that wasn't the case. this is a situation in which those media folks who stoked the
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fires really did -- they did real damage here, bret. real damage. >> well, look, this is the thing. the story here according to the world the story of ferguson is a racist police department what has maligned and abused its own community, its own citizens. in fact, when you read the report you see that the real story here is people terrified of neighborhood thugs and therefore afraid to have a better relationship not only with the local police but with all -- so it's more of a story being victimized, a story of a community being victimized internally than one being victimized by outside forces whether it's municipality or higher state official. >> and not only that you talk about the ferguson p.d., which obviously has some bad apples in it, you reject the narrative it's just a racist group that needs to be disbanded. >> this is a second justice department report and this is a real problematic report. basically what they say is the
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ferguson municipality, the city of ferguson is so desperate for money that it is issuing tons of traffic citations minor fines that are abusive that aren't really for the sake of public safety. they're for the sake of raising tax revenues. well hello, this happens all over america as municipalities are increasingly squeezed. in fact there was a report in 2006 from the st. louis federal reserve about how municipalities are doing precisely this. it's not a story of institutional racism in ferguson it's a story of blood sucking local government that's trying to get every ounce of revenue that it can out of pension problems or whatever. >> not of the least very few companies in america public or private if you sick 40 fbi agents on the company and review every e-mail and document and communication you can, you won't find any racist e-mails or comments and to tar the entire
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organization with that it is additionally problematic. got to steal the last word on that, bret. good to see you. >> good to be here. >> from oklahoma a different story involving race. take a listen. and we caution you it is harsh. to this sing-along caught on tape and conducted by a group of brothers from oklahoma's university now of today defunct sigma alpha epsilon chapter. [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> trace gallagher live in our west coast newsroom trace. >> megyn, we don't know when that ten-second video was taken or where it was taken. but it shows a group of students on a bus in formal attire. they are now confirmed to be members of the university of oklahoma's sigma alpha epsilon fraternity. watch it again. [ bleep ] [ bleep ].
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>> now, the person who took the video reportedly sent it in an e-mail to unheard which is a black student group at oklahoma. the group then posted it on youtube and twitter and directed it at university president who immediately shut down the fraternity and their house and told all members to move out by midnight tomorrow. listen to him. >> no longer our students. we don't have room for racism at this university. >> sigma alpha epsilon's national headquarters also severed ties with the oklahoma chapter issuing a statement saying "we are embarrassed by this video and offer our empathy not only to anyone outside the organization who was offended but also to our brothers who come from a wide range of backgrounds cultures and ethnicities ethnicities." and listen now to on-campus
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reaction. >> you hear a lot of you know, stuff here at the university about you know, racial tension and things like that. but to see the video is eye opening for sure. >> this is the first time it's in public, but this isn't the first time it's happened. >> there have also been a number of on-campus demonstrations today. the university of oklahoma by the way has 30,000 students, 5% are black. megyn. >> trace thank you. while that fraternity got the boot almost as soon as that video hit the web the president of the school's black student association came out almost as quickly with a call for forgiveness. that young man, isaac hill joins us now. isaac, thank you so much for being here tonight. >> thank you. >> it's amazing to so many of us the instinct is anger, retribution, the need to see them punished, and your first instinct is forgiveness, how? >> well i do agree with what
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the university officials have done and the national sigma alpha epsilon chapter has done. but i want to say it is not smart to fight hate with hate. it is only logical to fight hate with love. and to show right now i do say that i forgive them. and i hope that we can take this experience and not -- hopefully they don't turn this into more hate towards our community but better yet as a time to learn and grow. and i want to see them -- i invite them to come meet with us and learn from us and learn why that was offensive so they can maybe get a better understanding and not pass this onto future generations. >> do you know who these guys are? do you think you could start a dialogue? >> i unfortunately do not know who they are. >> how do you sit down with somebody who chants the word and says they may be hanging from a tree but they'll never be with me and talk them into a human position? >> it's hard.
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it's hard to do honestly. but i do think the only way like these behaviors are taught, we are all born innocent people. and i think the only way to do it and so unteach it. for them to be able to look me in the eye and see if they would be able to say anything like that i just think would be not be a thing that would happen. >> when you've been on the campus before, have you felt this sentiment with it being so overwhelmingly non-minority. i don't know if it's caucasian but non-african-american. have you felt this before? >> i personally myself have never felt this before. although i do say that diversity is a problem that we are currently working on at the university of oklahoma. >> do you think the numbers matter? do you think it would be more helpful if there were a larger black community on campus? >> i think it's not just about numbers. yes, numbers are important. but it's also about education and making diversity enrichment the number one concern and priority for our university. to make sure that they don't
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just isolate themselves to the off campus and leave room for people to say these things without maybe no diverse -- around them. >> to those who have graffitied their fraternity house and some death threats issued against the men in that fraternity your message tonight is what? >> is let's not let their hate spark hate with us. let's just let their hate spark love with us. and let them learn. and let's teach them how to be good american citizens. >> isaac hill, you're an extraordinary young man. god bless you. thank you for being here. >> thank you, megyn. >> i don't know why we're doing anymore segments. we should have kept isaac to the top of the hour. unbelievable. taking your thoughts on him. that message, how hard that must be. think if that were you that they were chanting about in those
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terms. what would be your instinct? let me know during the commercial break. up next, why a family was told they will not be allowed to adopt a child all because of a perfectly legal gun permit.
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permitted to carry a concealed weapon, and because of that the department of family services denied them a license to foster parent. arthur new york trial attorney and fox news contributor. mark eiglarsh. arthur, they can't be foster parents because why? because they have concealed carry permit? >> exactly. the underlying premise is that it's to protect the child, right? so now you have a child in a foster home. in this particular case we're talking about a 12-year-old. we're not talking about a 6-year-old or infant, a 12-year-old they wanted to adopt. and by all other parameters they are eligible to adopt this child and give them a typical lifestyle they're not living in a foster home. but because they both have carry permits and the law currently is you cannot have a loaded weapon in the house. even if you have a weapon -- >> and be a foster parent at the same time. >> you can be a natural parent, but you can't be a foster parent. in your house in your car or on
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your person. so now they're lobbying. they asked for a variance, in other words let us do it even though this is the law they were denied and now they're trying to get the legislature to change the law, which i think would probably be a good idea. >> what sense does that make, mark, when you've got all these kids in foster home and a biological parent can have a loaded gun in the home. and it's legal for a would-be foster parent to have it just once the child enters home it's illegal. >> yeah i feel for these people. and i think the issue is safety. the argument is in the last -- it was let's see four months there's been 16 incidents allegedly involving children who accidentally discharged loaded firearm. so they look to those statistics, they say we need to protect these children. we can't cover those other parents, but these parents we can. why can't the parent just keep their loaded firearm in a safe or keep the ammunition separate from the gun? >> go ahead. >> it's the second one, mark. it's not that they can keep it in a safe.
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they're not allowed to have a loaded weapon in the household even if it is in a safe place. they want it separate. megyn, common sense needs to prevail. what mark said is true. 16 deaths in -- 16 incidents in four months. all parents who are going to register a gun should have to take some government issue type of course about when you have a child in the house about safekeeping this weapon away from the child. but don't keep the child away from the parents because of the weapon and keep them in a foster home. >> i wonder how many incidents happened as they were wards of the state over the past four months to kids if you tallied up the numbers. probably not a good number. let me shift gears and ask you about president bush and "new york times." mark eiglarsh, conservatives were going nuts saying in the picture of selma this weekend if you just expand this picture out a little bit, not so zoomed in you might see another president standing there, president george w. bush. and they are not happy with the "new york times." there he is in the blue shirt. is it true? >> no megyn please.
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listen, first of all, this is -- they included the bushes in the photograph at the bottom. they included them in the caption. and the explanation i buy, call me gullible maybe, but bush is overexposed in the sunlight was the reason given. obama is not. he's in the shade. and for those who truly believe that the "new york times" somehow has another agenda, i will let you know that my camera guy is elvis. >> it's funny because they said he didn't make the picture because he was overexposed. and of course the response was no thanks to "new york times." get it? >> i do get it. and here's the thing, megyn. i think with modern technology and all kinds of the gizmos they have to edit photographs i think if they wanted to they could have figured a way to get george bush in there. what really troubles me is whoever the events people were should have had the two presidents much closer. this is very symbolic. >> oh but do you think those two people thought it through as
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well? >> well, there are events people that make these decisions. there are people saying you go here, you go here no, no, the presidents have to be -- why is al sharpton in the middle of it? that's what annoys me. not president bush. >> mark what do you think? he was an accident. like president obama and president bush was in selma and one in siberia in that photo? >> absolutely. i can't believe that they're making an issue of this. i just cannot. if you're really going to do that, then you keep bush's name out of the caption you keep him off the front page. and then what's the motivation? in other words, if bush -- >> they don't like him. we got to go. cutting you two out of this when it comes to good nutrition...i'm no expert. that would be my daughter -- hi dad. she's a dietitian. and back when i wasn't eating right, she got me drinking boost. it's got a great taste and it helps give me the nutrition i was missing. helping me stay more like me. [ female
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tell a female lebanese tv show host to shut up on live tv. and her passionate response has gone viral. trace gallagher in our west coast newsroom with the story. trace. >> megyn, the interview was being conducted on lebanon's al jadeed network. she's known for keeping her guests on topic. in this case she was interviewing an islamist based in london asking about christians joining isis. and she felt that he was offering too much history. watch and read along. [ speaking in a foreign language ] >> don't cut me off. she tried to explain they have limited time. but he was clearly annoyed she was trying to steer him in a different direction. here's more.
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[ speaking in a foreign language ] >> then came the final showdown. telling her guest that he was wasting time. listen. [ speaking in a foreign language ] >> by the way so far that back and forth has gotten 2 million youtube hits and she's gotten a lot of praise. it's rumored she once asked someone who died and left you scientist in chief. >> oh, that may have been the actual megyn kelly. good for her. it is beneath me to be interviewed by you. he's a charmer that one. we'll be right back. there's nothing more romantic than a spontaneous moment. so why pause to take a pill? and why stop what you're doing to find a bathroom?
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he will hear all cases and have the authority to change court policies. coming on the heels of a justice policy report with racial profiling and biggotry. >> private sector employees can no longer be forced to join unions and pay dues. the bill raced through both houses in less than two weeks. scott walker signed it into law. hannity starts right now. countries. and some of them are in the middle east. i think it's a good thing. >> bill clinton stands by accepting foreign donations. ainsley