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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  March 10, 2015 12:00am-1:01am PDT

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tom shaw lieu, come on down, you're the next contestant on fill greg's shoes. >> hello rvetion everyone. i'm tom shaw lieu and now let's welcome our contestants. she holds the world's record for juggling rubber chickens at an impressive 37 chickens. i am here with joanne know saw chin ski. and he once took first place in an andy levey look alike contest. >> he came in third. >> his name is german for the
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vore, it is john devore. and he paid for college mud wrestling baby alligators. next to me is dan soder. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. >> liar, liar pant suit on fire? it is day 74 of the hillary clinton e-mail scandal as new details emerge about the lack of details. the former secretary of state said she would turnover all of her e-mails regarding the 2012 ben dwaw sze attack to the committee overseeing the investigation. but according to the committee chairman and my slightly less handsome dopplegainor there are gaps. >> and there are gapss of months and months. if you picture her on a c-17 flying to libya, she has her sunglasses on and her handheld device. we have no e-mails from that
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day. in fact we have no e-mails from that trip. >> but that is a great picture. hillary will hold a press conference in the coming days to address the benghazi e-mails. there is one politician that will not be caught in an e-mail scandal anytime soon, senator lyndsay graham. there was this claim on "meet the press." >> i don't e-mail. you can have every e-mail i have ever sent. i never sent one. >> graham says he prefers maury liable forms of communication like smoke signals and carrier pigeons. who is a bigger liar, lyndsay graham or hillary? >> if hillary is one of the choices she will always be the answer to who is the biggest liar. hillary clinton is richard nixon without the charm. i will say what i said last week. the house committee should not be asking for her e-mails
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about benghazi. the house committee should be subpoenaing her entire e-mail server. of course she is not going to give everything. the only way you will get everything from her is to legally demand everything. quite frankly i don't know if they have the power to do. >> benghazi they have been hitting her with this for a longtime. and nothing seems to be sticking as far as rest of the country is concerned. why make this e-mail thing about benghazi? >> it should not be about benghazi. >> how guilty does hillary look to you? >> we haven't seen her in awhile, but the details look to be that she is. it should be interesting to see when she comes forward to talk to reporters and address these questions. the only thing she can say is she has an addiction to candy crush. or angry birds whatever was
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popular back then. we have pictures of her especially when she was on the trip to libya and she had her phone out, and then there is no info from the trip. there are no e-mails. >> that's a good excuse. i thought she must be -- >> you are welcome hillary. >> she could be playing games. >> she had a blackberry. tetrus maybe. >> dan what do you think the missing e-mails say? >> i don't know what is happening in benghazi. oh no, no idea what is happening. >> this is what the clintons do. the welch's make grape juice and the clintons lie. it is par for the course. >> do you think they will show up these missing e-mails? >> that's adorable. that's almost as adorable as him saying i will give you all of the e-mails. i don't have e-mails.
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>> john they are going to blow it. how are the republicans going to blow this goalen -- golden graham of an opportunity. >> first they have to let go of benghazi. it hasn't stuck and it is not going to stick. >> it is the gop getting their fighting weight up. it is an appetizer for the real -- >> what is the real fight then? >> her policy. like any number of -- >> come on. there are any number of things you can go after hillary. it is like smoke and mirrors. >> that's exactly what she is going to say. >> first of all the reason they attach benghazi to it is to get attention. people are not caring. they don't care. >> the committee is in place. they are the ones -- >> they are the ones that came up -- they found out she wasn't using the state department e-mail so it is all coming from the committee or the subcommittee. they still -- john is right
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and you are right. this should not be about benghazi. john is wrong thinking it is not a big deal. >> it is going blow over. >> it is not a big deal. >> how can you -- everybody the "new york times," every political persuasion says it is a big deal. >> it is a little media snack. this is not a surprise to anybody. second of all she will release the e-mails and then it will be over. >> she will release the e-mails. she is holding back the benghazi e-mails. now they say it is a scandal and she will release a bunch of e-mails that prove nothing. >> we trust her with blind faith she is giving all of the e-mails she has and she hasn't tampered with anything? >> i don't trust her with blind faith. i know what the clintons are. >> are you willfully ignoring the fact she is lying. >> is she lying?
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>> are are you her defense lawyer now? >> we glossed over this. is lindsay graham lying? >> 100% lying. >> that looks like a man that makes a mean moonshine in a bathtub. >> he didn't say he didn't have e-mail. he said he never september an e-mail. he never sent an e-mail. he took down a letter from the tv to another person. >> he said he gets texts or gets stuff all the time but if he wants to say something he calls the person back which is annoying. >> all family members that send me e-mails i am going full lyndsay graham on you. >> how does he -- if he has a news story to send to a constituent, how does he do it? >> he has staffers. >> he is lying. or everyone in washington d.c. has a private e-mail address and all politicians are sending e-mails on the sly. >> how do you get to the
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orgies if you don't have it? >> this is a gop reaction to whenever the clintons do something they go the other way. >> when bill got caught with monica they said i have never had stuff like that happen to mow before. >> in lyndsay graham's case that may be true. >> i kept my clothes on and i willfully -- this is on tv. hillary is maybe definitely possibly running for president and if she wins the world would be a better place. at least according to an op ad in the wall street journal. they state that all wars are boyish blaming testosterone and funyons. women lack the biological trip wires that lead men to react to small threats with exaggerated violence. and to sexual temptation with recklessness. yes instead of conflict women seek compromise.
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connor points to the 2013 government shutdown which ended when three female gop law i can thatters -- gop lawmakers broke ranks. he concludes sex scandals and financial corruption and violence are overwhelmingly male. yes, men must lead by force as seen here. >> attack dogs. >> i have never seen a woman do that. >> devore? would the world be a better place with women in charge? he is a bunch of, you know
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penises. >> is that what it is? >> it is a lot of fallacies. >> you are thinking of porn. >> i say yes. wouldn't the world be better if it was run by your mom? >> obviously war would not be better if it were run by my mom if the war was already happening. if we lived in a world in some kind of john lennon song perhaps moms could rule the war. >> i think he wrote this with his wife yelling at him. men start wars, but women provoke men who start wars. you are going to let him mobilize the troops on the border like that? you are just going to let him do that? i thought i married a leader. and then i have to send a
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missal over there. >> if you have the blonde hair you would do more. >> i am trying. >> you said in the green room that women cannot run the world because their brains are too small. >> i believe in science. i don't i don't see what the problem is here. boyish is a compliment. boyish charm is good. can i please finish my statement? this was -- first of all this article -- i believe women would run the world equally as poorly as men do. and this article -- any evidence that his theory is wrong is just imagine clear dismissed. people point to margaret thatcher and women too can be war like. they approached the all male hierarchy and they will
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masculinize. men made you do it. thanks for the man-splaining. the last person who should be running the world is hillary clinton. >> joanne you are a woman. what think you on this issue? should women rule the world? >> it is more that they don't want to. of course they are capable to but many of them have other things they want to do and they want to take care of the kids. and as far as president goes would it great to have a woman president? sure. if she is qualified. i won't vote for a woman just because she is a woman. >> what? >> i know hard to believe. >> maybe they would be better at running the world. but the article admits they are better at some things.
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the things some feminists don't want to admit. women are good at running the world now, but they were not good at .17 and before? i made a point and everyone shook their head. >> you made a good point, but it is interesting to see a woman president have lobbyist groups and special interest groups buy stuff for them as opposed to -- you know what i really wanted, big tobacco was a new car. all right, we'll do that. >> i love that woman voice you have. >> stars and stripes forever? well at least for one more day. on saturday a ban on all flags including america's in the lobby of the student government offices at uc irvine was overturned by student leaders. a student legislative council passed the resolution calling it weapons for nationalism and singling out old glory for being flown in instances of
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colonialism and imperialism. after complaints by many students and military vets the cabinet voted to rescind the ban with the president saying "we see the flag as tran sending policy and politics. it represents american values." for more let's go to "red eye"'s education correspondent. >> taking a sip of water there. i assume you are obsessed this ban was overturned. >> i want them to burn the flag. >> he is not a holy relic. the spirit of uncle sam did not reside in it. like the people in whoville if
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you remove the christmas tree christmas still happens. if you remove the american flag america still has it. >> oh good that is one i can understand. we love america just as much as everyone else. >> then why don't you shut up and salute the flag then. >> should there be a law that forces liberals to -- >> if you don't need a symbol why do liberals want to get married? >> bam! >> it is a series of rights they want all to have. >> joanne met your analogy with another analogy. >> i am a big fan of captain america and he wears the flag. >> i am just saying. >> you are a complex man.
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some california lawmakers propose an amendment to the state constitution that would prevent universities from making any similar ban on the american flag in the future. that's a nonconfusing thing right? >> yes. thank god they are doing it. many of the constitutions should only be for really important things like this. the system worked in this case. the dumb idea of banning flags got reversed. why do we need a law let alone a constitutional amendment to deal with it. the system worked. >> like when we decided on the story they rescinded it and we said let's do it anyway. >> just like that. >> dan, you play a lot of college campuses as a comedian does it surprise you that the american flag would be banned? >> not at all. i can't get a decent joke off at these places. these kids are tensing up quicker than anything i have ever seen going, no! that's every reaction to my joke.
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it is a joke and i take it seriously. >> yeah they will ban the flag and they will wear american flag flip flops to class. that's cool. glad you are doing that. >> are you a hero and now it is time for this week's -- >> "red eye hero. >> traffic jam jimmy is a reporter for fox's baltimore affiliate. he was driving around in a snowstorm for hours monitoring conditions and he was getting hungry. let's watch. >> deteriorating conditions for sure. it is incredible to see what is happening out there. let's start off with our traffic jam jimmy. he has been everywhere from pennsylvania and now through townsend. what is the latest? >> hello. please pull forward to the next speaker. >> is it too early to get a fish sandwich? oh candice are we live? i have been in the car since 4:00. i am starving. i am getting something real quick. >> is it too early to get a fish sandwich?
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can i get a fish sandwich? >> we are on breakfast. >> give me an egg mcmu dp -- mcmuffin and a black coffee. >> $4.40. >> stay put. it is bad out here. i have been out since 4:00. stay put. i didn't know we were coming live. i'm sorry. i'm hungry so i'm getting something to eat. they expect you to work for eight hours in the car. sorry, candice. don't tell the boss. >> i will be back in awhile. >> i told you we were coming to you. >> can we see that again? >> hey, is it too early to get a fish sandwich? oh next speaker, hang on. >> i love a fish sandwich. >> local news is the best thing in the world. i can't watch it, but god
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bless him. >> why does he say don't tell the boss, assuming the boss doesn't watch sph he is on the news. >> the guy was probably a jerk. he was probably working for hours and just wanted to eat. she a working crass hero -- working class hero. >> people want to see this. great performance. >> joanne why was he more concerned with the people working at mcdone willed thats than the viewers at home? could he say hold on to the order. i have to do the news. >> he didn't want to holdup the lean. >> that's why he is a hero. who cares about the people? he is out there in the snow driving which we all know is dangerous. he is eating mcdonalds which is even more dangerous and being good to the workers. >> that's why he is a hero and you are not. >> coming up, who but the bop in the bop shoo-opp-shoo-opp. mark cuban says the college bubble will burst if it is
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anything like the bubbles i blow on the playground with my kids. he's right.
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you can't put a price tag on a good education, but someone else can. that's the subject of tonight's -- >> sweet briar college announced they were shutting their doors after the spring semester shocking students and faculty and prompting this tweet from mark cuban. "this is the beginning of the college implosion" yes, cuban has been warning about a higher education bubble for some time and i agree with him. he makes a good case that the tuition is too damn high and americans have taken outweigh too much debt to pay for it.
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the student loan debt stands at $1.3 trillion with a t. that's higher than all u.s. credit card debt and all outstanding auto loans. you can't blame schools for raising their prices. every time they do it we just increase the size of the loan. sound familiar, underwater homeowners? we need to stop pretending a college education is the only kind of education. we hear it over and over that people who go to college are more successful and people who go to the top college rtz most successful. but it is not cause and 50e fect. cause and effect. of course they churn out the most successful people. they got the top high school students and were successful to begin with. the paypal founder gives $100,000 to top students to not go to college. and others are doing great work. as a result teal is villa fight -- villafied by big edu. guys are exposing the secret that won't be secret for long. to many college ain't worth it.
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andy i made so much sense with that monologue you have to agree with me. >> i honestly didn't hear a word you said. >> you've got to listen, andy. >> really? since when? >> i think you did make some sense. did you go to college? >> yes, but i dropped out like bill gates. >> that proves my point. >> what is that? >> i have no idea. i agree that there are people who go to college who shouldn't go to college. i also think we shouldn't be in such a rush to be telling people not to go to college. i think there is a middle ground somewhere. i don't think it is as bad as a lot of people on the right make it out to be. i don't think it is necessarily as good or necessary as people on the left make it out to be. i stake out a middle position so all sides hate me, tom. this is what i do. >> i don't hate you andy. >> yet.
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>> are you taking cuban's dire talk seriously? >> i am. >> it sounds like he is promoting a week in daytona beach. come to college implosion. we have shots for 10 cents. ladies you drink for free. i'm on board. i wish i wouldn't have gone to college. basically my college diploma is a receipt mocking me on the wall. >> there is no major for stand up comedy. what did you waste $100,000 on? >> journalism. >> how appropriate! >> it was gross. >> that is literally a step below clown colors. >> i wish i would have learned balloon animals. >> joanne, you probably haven't started paying off your massive debt. >> i have and i went to school on full tuition scholarship. i have been paying off room and board the past four years and i have five more to go. it is so expensive, college. i had a great time and i think
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college is important because it shows -- especially on resumes you can commit to something for four years. i was a student and mission representative so i had a lot of these meetings. it shows you can commit to something for four years. you have seen it through and put in the hard work. an employer will value that deaf that thely. value that, definitely. >> do you think they will say that? amazing, you put in four years. >> no it means you graduated. you saw it through to the end. that said the best schools doesn't mean the most expensive. i think you need to take into account what you can afford regardless of loans.ecause how will you enjoy your life with a degree if you can't actually enjoy it because you are broke. >> so you agree with my points. too many people with graduate degrees working as a barista right? >> a barista is a great job. >> it is. i am not talking about bar sigh tas. they wasted time in school. devore, you probably loved colleges because he are
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incubators -- they are incubators. >> i sort of agree with you. there should be other alternatives, vocational schools. there should be a party that values entrepreneurialism. >> how about the republican party? >> and give small business loans to a teenager or people in their 20s to start small businesses. i don't know what party could do that, but they should offer that as an idea. >> andy is it -- it is no mystery as to why all of these top men of industry like cuban they are all from the libertarian school. they know what it takes to be successful, right? >> wrong. are the loans leading to the higher tuition leading to more loans and leading to higher tuition. >> so you think it is a bubble? >> i don't know if i agree
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that it is burst yet. one college going out of business will equal a bubble bursting. but at some point the game has to stop. the schools -- i am not in the for profit schools because they are all pretty much scams, but let's not pretend every private university is not for prove fit. they are -- profit. they are looking to increase their endowment. they are in it for the money. the more money they can charge you based on the loans the more they will charge you. >> say it, all schools should be for profit and run by companies like coca-cola. >> i love it. >> coming up, a communism themed prom. i could have used one of those. i look good in red. first a word from our sponsor. >> it is not just fun to say it is fun to do.
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seniors at a new mexico high school want their prom to have a communism theme. that's the subject of tonight's -- they call it promunisim. they voted on-line and the commi theme won. they said we have a lot of jokesters and a lot are intense with politics. others say it is inappropriate
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to have a destructive idea as the theme. but what do people in bike helmets think? >> i actually don't think it is that funny. >> i don't think it is something that they should be choosing as a theme for a dance. >> what do you think of the decision? >> it is hilarious. it is absolutely hilarious they have a communism prom. everyone gets a date and everyone wins. it is great! >> does everyone have to be equal? >> i am assuming so. everyone wears the same dress and the same tux. >> you are seeing the humor in it. you don't think there is anything political? >> they are children. are you really worried about what they think? if you are really worried about that you need to take a long look at yourself. >> what would a promunism -- by the way i would think of a different name.
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>> everybody dance saying that. >> what would a come communism theme include? >> the prom king and queen would have to be deposed and then killed. there will be no limos. you are not taking a limo to a communist prom. there will be really, really long lines for the punch and only prom committee members will be able to get any before it runs out. anyone who sneaks in their own booze will be denounced and sent to a meat locker which will be a pseudonym for siberia. >> you make a good point, you can't take limo tots prom. >> and you are not wearing a tux, not to a communist prom. >> you are right. a thick, wool jacket. >> itchy. >> you make jokes about alcohol but i don't think kids drink at the proms anymore.
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>> it was one of those days when you were allowed. >> i don't think you know the stringent rules they have anymore. >> back in your day you had the flasks. john you probably love this theme. it was just as you loved siberia. >> i would have gone to a promunism if i would have got a date. i agree 110%. they are kids and having fun. i bet they love this controversy. >> they are pissing off dad. >> in my senior year i wore horn rimmed glasses. they said you are a bad ass. >> drinking booze and wearing spectacles. tom shaw lieu don't care, prom
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committee. >> i didn't get drunk before the prom but i did share a beer -- >> were you 50 when you were in high school? >> i had a little beer to take off the edge. i knew my palms would be sweaty. >> joanne, if we allow a communist prom what is next? >> i don't know. probably no prom. we like to take things away from the children. why do kids let people vote. if anything you give them two options. >> one is under the sea. >> or you just do school colors. >> you can get the balloons in the school colors. >> that's right. i don't think they chose -- -- i don't think students chose my prom. >> how fun is an after
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party -- like the after prom would be the fall of communism party. i want you to take down that wall. >> in the parking lot. >> i think you are wrong. they have chaperons at these programs. they make sure that the kids don't have any alcohol and they are with them. they have people with them at all times. >> parents are the enablers. >> it is all very different. it is not the 1980s. >> what was that movie? pleasantville. that's what you remind me of. >> i thought the movie was realistic. she should have edited herself. she caused a bit of an uproar after she took a photo of a homeless person reading "vogue" and posted it on instagram with the caption paris is full of surprisers. "vogue" readers on every corner. she defended the post writing
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in the comments why cruel? this person to me is as dignified as everyone else. she later deleted it and apologized. what is the world coming to where princesses can't photograph homeless people anymore? >> it is part of their birthright. don't they get to play with sports? why are we so sensitive. who cares? >> the homeless person cares. >> does the homeless person read the paper? >> no the daily interest viewed a homeless person and she said she was off fended. >> she was reading "vogue"? >> the homeless person was upset her picture was taken and trivial liesing homeless. i'm sure they also gave her money and they said whatever they wanted. >> here is a hot mail. >> do you disagree with this
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woman? she said all people are dignified. >> i agree they are all dignified. a great way to show it is by giving her something since you are a princess and she doesn't have anything. so offering some charity to this woman rather than just giving her the "vogue" to pose with which is what i think happened. >> you don't think she came upon a "vogue" reading -- >> no. >> isn't the point of "vogue" you need a little help to become dignified? >> don't tell the readers that. >> "vogue" is not about all people are dignified. you have to step it up to be dignified, right? >> all i know is i now fully support the communist prom. i think it is just nice that vogue was able to provide a job for a girl whose mother is a countess and whose brother is a billionaire. good for her because i would be worried about her if she didn't have the job that -- you know what, there is no one
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who needs a job and could be a paycheck. good for her. >> see what i mean? >> don't you agree they are all coming down on this woman because she is a princess? her name is a full sentence. that's why we are after her. >> yeah. she is an aristocrat. they should all burn. "vogue" is an american magazine and there is nothing more american than the air craw stock kris see. she should be banned from this american great country. americans do not support aristocrats unless they are republicans. she should be banished. my favorite hobby, dance. first here is what is coming up tomorrow on "kennedy." >> on the next "kennedy" dana
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marine know will stop by -- dana marine know will stop by. it is a little place i like to call fox business network.
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he was sh shim me. i speak of dancing man. some jerk posted these photos on the internet forum with the description "spotted this specimen trying to dance the other week.
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he stopped when he saw us laughing." people were not amused and began a social media campaign to find dancing man and do something nice for him. a lady named cassandra fairbanks tweeted "we would like to fly him to l.a. for a vip dance party with the coolest and most awesome ladies in l.a. please help." one day later he was found and now celebrities are getting involved. farell -- pharell williams are interested in the dance party. he told dancing man, never be ashamed of yourself. and mobey offered his dj services. no one should be ashamed about dancing. i am go going to insist his name is farel. >> i love mobey. >> oh there are two? have you ever been shamed for your dancing? >> i have been but i learned it doesn't matter because you need to dance like no one is
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looking. >> i disagree with that. you need to dance like everyone is watching and because dance is a gift and movement is an expression that needs to be shared with others. >> maybe you agree he should have been shamed because he would improve his dancing skills. >> that's not what i said at all. >> that's what you were getting at. >> i think everyone needs to dance and just do them, do you. >> what is wrong with laughing at the guy? >> they weren't laughing at the way he was dancing. they were laughing at the way he looked. >> why do you assume that? >> they refer to him. >> they didn't say anything about the fact he couldn't dance. >> that second picture is a bummer. >> for that reason i think it may be a hoax. >> no way man dancing man is
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real. dancing man is real. >> it is -- it looks too staged. >> he is looking at his feet. >> the first picture he looks so happy. that's what i'm saying. it looks like he is manufacturing these emotions. >> we live in a world with awful things. you have poverty and hunger. it is nice to see something good like this. can't you just leave it at that? >> we are all trying to create a cinderella story. >> i don't think fharel would be something that fake. >> oh yeah like he is never seeking publicity with those big hats of his. >> what is this for chan. who is chan and why are they doing so many things for him
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on the internet? >> whatever you do keep talking about. gyro boughts. -- >> and robots. do you have videos of animals animals ? send them to us.
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e block. last story. that's the last story. >> with the new neo blomcamp -- did i get his name right? with the new movie opening this week the birds decided to make a list of the best robot movies ever. coming in at number five is the matrix. tub four is "blade runner." pixar's "wall- e" at number three. "metropolis" took the coveted number two spot and topping the list" the terminator" a movie about a weight lifter who travels through time to i'm i'm pregnant his maid. as a robot which movie
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captures your artificial life experience. >> not the robot movie. >> what do you call them? >> wall-e and the iron giant are two of the best robot movies ever made. >> beautiful movie why "west world" great. >> wait a minute, "blade runner." >> and if you are adding that we will add "aliens." dan, "blade runner" should have been number one, agree with me. >> no. >> the original "robocop." >> he has artificial intelligence. >> i'm pretty sure if we keep this conversation up we can
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get joanne to leave. >> tell me what is the number one robot movie? >> wall-e and the step ford wives. i think we have the photo which 1* -- which is tick-tock. i saw it a little later than that because i wasn't born then and great technology used for the 80s. >> they were looking at the santa claus is coming to town. >> if you will look at the matrix than "star wars" is the movie. >> number one is "a space odyssey." >> it is a gigantic space ship. >> i agree. i agree it is not. >> and 2001 there is no robot
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in that movie. >> the pod? >> the pod had people in it. >> and not only is "blade runner" the best on the list it is one of the best of all time. >> i have seen enough and read the book. you know what is interesting about that? there are a lot of people who don't like me, but they are going to -- now that i said "blade runner" is the number one film. >> you are off. i liked that guy and he likes "blade runner. >> there are a lot of the nerds. a very special thanks to joanne know saw chin ski and john de -- joanne noy saw -- know saw chin ski. "blade runner" was the best of all time and i will see you
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breaking tonight, in the face of a controversy that threatens her possible presidential ambitions we are now getting reports that former secretary of state hillary clinton will come to the microphones and address accusations she broke federal laws in an alleged effort to hide things from the american people. welcome to "the kelly file" everyone. i'm megyn kelly. afterseven days of tough questions for the woman many expect to be the democrats' choice for president, we are now hearing hillary clinton will finally speak. she is expected to offer what we're told is a "innocent explanation for why she used a private e-mail server for all of her official business as secretary


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