tv Hannity FOX News March 12, 2015 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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ferguson, missouri. an ambush that left two officers seriously wounded and some fear could reignite the protesters. rain cleared out the crowd less than an hour ago. the black teenager who was fatally shot last summer by darryn will sop, the white police officer. at this hour, the officers who were shot early thursday morning are recovering at home and the search for the gunman or gunmen continues at this hour. no arrests made so far. we'll be covering this throughout the night. for now, i'm eric shawn. "hannity "starts now on the fox news channel. "the kelly file." and sean hannity is live now. welcome to "hannity." this is a fox news alert. a manhunt is underway in missouri at this hour after two ferguson police officers were shot last night one in the face the other one in the shoulder. and here's how it all went down.
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[ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> hey hey ho ho! >> we got to fight back! [ gunfire ] [ bleep ]. >> we hear three shots. those shots immediately strike two officers. >> acknowledgment nine months ago would have kept that from happening. >> i saw it with my eyes along with other people saw the shots coming from the top of the hill. >> this is the number one priority right now, to identify these individuals who shot our police officers. >> this was the damn punk, punk
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trying to sow discord in an area that's trying to get its act together. >> and that was last night. joining me now on the ground live in ferguson, missouri with the very latest is fox's own steve harrigan. steve, what's going on there? >> reporter: sean, we got about 200 protesters here with pretty much just emerged. this is right where the spot where those two officers were shot last night. we're wondering how the shooting was going to change the dynamic here. the protesters have come out again. with me right here is one of them 18-year-old cordel abernathy. you're a high school senior. i want to ask you one question what's your reaction to the two police officers shot there? >> if you give out violence you have to expect it come back towards you. none of that would have happened if darren wilson was sent to prison. mike brown is dead those two officers are alive. that's the bottom line. >> reporter: any regret? are you upset that those two officers were shot? >> i'm upset darren wilson is a free man and mike brown is dead.
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that's what i'm upset about. >> reporter: no reaction about the police officers serving this community? >> no. i have no regret to the police officer. i have regret mike brown is dead he's not getting justice. >> reporter: no regret for those two police officers that were shot -- >> steve, can i ask that guy a question? i don't know if you can hear me, steve. i want to ask that guy a question if he's still there. is he still there? >> reporter: you've got to speak up real loud sean. go ahead. >> i want to know does he know that mike brown robbed a store? that eyewitnesses saw him fight a gun -- fight a cop for his gun? did he know that he was charging at the officer? did he know that eric holder's justice department confirmed all of this last week in their report? he seems to be saying the cops deserve this. >> reporter: cordel, let me ask you a tough question. >> no problem. >> reporter: some people think that the police deserved what they got. as a high school senior young man who's been out here protesting, what's your reaction to that position?
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>> to the statement? >> reporter: yeah. >> i can't agree nor disagree. what i'm going to say is you cannot expect to punch someone in the face and expect them not to punch you back. if darren wilson was sent to prison, none of this would be happening right now. >> reporter: so the basic gist i'm hearing is a punch and a punch back to those two police officers. the real question is how long are the police going to let this go on here in front of the police station? one policeman told me off camera he said the gloves are off now. we could see a lot of quick arrests. and will that inspire more people to come out? right now a pretty small crowd, just about 150 200 people. but you see a lot of barricades in front of that police station. and also st. louis county police taking charge of security. the police chief saying this situation is unsustainable. if we see people here try to stop traffic really wondering how the police are going to respond to that. no visible police presence right now. sean, back to you. >> yeah steve, is that the
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consensus of everybody there? does one guy you interviewed? is there anybody else you can interview? do they all feel this way? because that's pretty despicable. >> sean, there's been a real diversity of opinion among the demonstrators. some outrage over the shooting. and i'm sure for our next live shot for your show look for some more varying points of view. but i'm struck by a thoughtful 18-year-old high school senior who's been out here a lot for the demonstrations and one of the calmer ones that we found saying this is a punch for a punch. gives you a sense really of the feeling in this crowd. i think we're more likely to find people more extreme, more angry and less reasonable than the man standing to my left, sean. >> steve harrigan we'll go back to you when you get other people to talk to. we'll go back to you throughout the night. joining us now someone protesting outside the ferguson
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police department when those two officers were shot last night. ivory net is with us. ivory, i talked to a lot of people on the ground including people that were there last night. and there's two different stories that have emerged. one is that the shot came from behind the crowd, which brings up the issue of whether or not a high powered rifle with a scope was used. and others say, well no, maybe it came from the crowd. what can you tell us? >> i was basically right there at the crowd so i can definitely say it did not come from the crowd. but this is what you have here. there's a situation that happened back in august when mike brown was killed. and that was the first action that happened. then you have a reaction what happened, which is last night when the police officers got shot. i'm not saying it was right -- >> ivory no, you should be saying it's wrong. because, you know we now have the department of justice under eric holder we now have the
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grand jury we have eyewitnesses many who happen to be black they testified to the fact and the evidence showed and the forensics showed we have mike brown robbing a store intimidating a clerk. we know he fought for a cop's gun. we know he charged at a police officer. so you're acting as though this is, well to be expected after mike brown acted the way he acted. i think the story here is you shouldn't act that way. and people shouldn't be shooting cops. i don't hear you saying that. why not? >> the thing is you have no evidence that he charged anybody in the store -- >> yeah, we do. we have witnesses that testified. >> listen, listen -- okay. there are also witnesses that testify mike brown had his hands up. so you look at the facts first. and the fact remains is there was an altercation on -- the altercation happened between darren wilson and mike brown. mike brown the forensics show there were bullets with the hands -- i don't know how i'm
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not a scientist but the facts remain. with the cops getting shot last night, that was not right. but that was not right for mike brown to be dead four hours on the ground. >> you know, let me ask you -- let me read to you -- i'm sure you didn't read the 87-page report from eric holder's justice department, did you? >> i haven't. >> you haven't. let me help you and i'm going to read some of it for you and some for our audience because this is what eric holder's justice department found out. witness accounts suggesting that brown was standing still with his hands raised in an unambiguous signal of surrender when wilson shot brown are inconsistent with the physical evidence or otherwise not credible because of the internal inconsistencies or not credible because of inconsistencies with other credible evidence. in contrast officer wilson's account of brown's actions if true would establish that the shootings were not objectively unreasonable under the relevant
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constitutional standards governing an officer's use of deadly force. multiple credible witnesses corroborate virtually every material aspect of wilson's account and are consistent with the physical evidence. let me translate that for you, so eric holder's justice department after investigating all these months said the witnesses corroborated and the forensics corroborated and the evidence corroborated the officer's story. and you still believe otherwise. why don't you believe eric holder's justice department? >> sir, it sounds like your head is a one-way street. so i'm going to take you to cantfield, i'm going to take you to the st. louis community how we feel about this. >> you don't care what the facts are, what the evidence says? >> the fact remain mike brown was laying down on that ground for four hours. >> you keep repeating yourself. witnesses said -- >> that was a fact. that was a fact. >> let me go through this -- >> you have to listen to the fact. >> did he rob a store? fact, did michael brown rob a
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store, sir? he did. did he intimidate a clerk? he did. did he fight a cop for his gun? he did. did he charge an officer according to the justice department he did. >> how do you know? how do you know that he charged that officer? >> because of witnesses and forensic evidence presented in the case that you obviously didn't read. and now two cops are shot and you're trying to compare this. >> well well we're on live tv right now, so present that to the world, can you do that? can you present that to the world? >> you need to educate yourself. maybe read the evidence in the case. >> put the facts on -- >> let me go back to steve harri harrigan back on the ground in ferguson with this big crowd. >> reporter: sean still about 150 protesters here. we've been talking to people of different ages. nicole here with me works at bush stadium as a cashier. she's in her mid-40s. nicole, you've lived in ferguson for a while. and i want to ask you two of your police officers were shot
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about 20 feet from me. when you heard the news, how did you feel? >> i didn't feel anything. >> reporter: what do you mean by that you didn't feel anything? >> i mean, it's sad. like i said they are people just like we are. only thing about it they're just on the other side right now. when they come off that side they're people just like us. >> reporter: right now those police you feel are on the other side? >> yes. >> reporter: what do you mean by that they're on the other side? >> well, i mean i'm pretty sure that when i say that people know exactly what i mean because with their badge on you know, they have a right to, you know, arrest us or do whatever they want to do to us. but on the other side when they don't have their badge on they're human just like we are. i'm pretty sure they got emotions just like us. whenever something happen to them they cry they feel it. >> reporter: but when they have their badge on, not human, on
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the other side and you felt nothing when they were shot? >> i feel nothing. and it wasn't two ferguson cops. it was -- >> reporter: right. >> they were cops from somewhere else. >> reporter: sean, we'll come back to you with more reaction -- >> steve can i ask her a question? >> reporter: so far no visible -- sure, go ahead. >> ask her if she knows the evidence showed that the mantra of hands up don't shoot never occurred? does she know that? >> reporter: i want to ask you one question about this saying hands up don't shoot. >> uh-huh. >> reporter: did that actually happen? >> yes it did. >> reporter: it did? >> yes. >> reporter: how about the shooting of michael brown, where did that stand? was the police officer justified in doing that? >> no he was not. to me -- well, everybody saying he killed mike for nothing. >> reporter: despite the fact that a court saw things differently? >> yes. they should have indicted him. he was due to be indicted yes he was. >> reporter: sean we've heard
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from a woman in her mid-40s with a steady job at busch stadium. we've heard from a high school senior. we'll look for more reaction from the 200 protesters out here tonight. pack to you. >> we're going back to steve on the ground in ferguson tonight. joining us now is lieutenant governor of the great state of missouri. peter kinder is joining us. you see what's happening on the ground and what is amazing to me -- >> it's terrible on tv. >> well, what's happened here in my opinion is i think people have been fed a narrative. and i'll name names, by politicians and by activists about hands up don't shoot and a lot of -- nobody's read the facts of the case, listened to the witnesses, read the doj report. and people have believed a narrative that has been advanced by other people. and they never look at the facts. this is a big problem. how do you deal with this? peter, can you hear me? >> oh, i can hear you.
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i thought you were coming to me after the break sean. sorry. >> no i got you now. they have been fed a narrative by politicians. and they've been fed a narrative by others and activists -- >> sean, sean -- >> it never happened. >> yeah. sean, it's really regrettable to sit through and listen to what i just listened to from those uninformed 18-year-old mr. cordel whatever his name is. you know the people of missouri, sean have had it up to here in august, we had it up to here in september. we've had it up to here in november and we really had it up to here last night. the people of missouri are looking for law and order. they're looking for a governor who will lead us and enforce law and order. and they've had it with this tending toward violence protests in the street. they've had it with the holder justice department that wants to come in and put the full weight of their power on the side of
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the mob and against the forces of peaceable law and order in our community. we've had enough of this. there are some very bad actors who come into ferguson, missouri. and they have been egged on too often by the holder justice department. and a governor governor nixon who is in league with them, sean, who is joined at the hip with the obama-holder agenda. and who will not enforce public order the way he said he would before the verdict was announced -- >> lieutenant governor, i would argue that eric holder and barack obama -- and i've got all their quotes and all their statements and even in new york mayor de blasio, al sharpton they're not guilty for what happened last night. i'm not saying that. what i am saying is they advanced a narrative. and they rushed to judgment any time there seems to be a case, three cases in the case of the president rushing to judgment where it happens to be somebody
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that is black that gets shot without any evidence. and they create in the communities an impression that there's going to be a certain verdict or outcome that's not coming. and then it doesn't even matter that the police in the end might be justified or use reasonable force as with the case with darren wilson or if there's no evidence that race is involved they advance this narrative. and it literally has penetrated as you can hear from people tonight the minds and hearts of people that haven't looked any deeper than what they heard from these guys. how do you stop that from happening? >> sean, some of those young protesters need to pack the protest in, go home, go to bed or go to a job -- >> it's not going to happen. >> -- and get gainful employment so they can be contributors to society. we've had more than six months of protests. we've had enough. we've heard -- we've heard the protests. reforms are being instituted where they are needed. and we want leadership from the executive office in this state
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that will restore law and order. >> let me ask you this. i've got to break here. we don't know if the people work or not, but they're certainly out there protesting. this is the question i want to know. do we know -- i want to know, was this a high powered rifle with a scope from beyond the crowd? could there be a situation where this is a targeted assassination where the cops were pulled out of their headquarters and then somebody back further fired at them? i talked to somebody on the ground tonight. they believe that's a possibility. >> i have not reviewed the ballistics. i'll leave that to the chief and other experts on the ballistics. we'll have to wait on that. but they were clearly targeted by the shooters -- shooter or shooters. >> yeah. and you believe this is a targeted situation. >> we almost had two dead cops like new york. >> lieutenant governor kinder thanks for being with us. why isn't the guard out there tonight? why weren't they out the other
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night when the grand jury came back in august? we'll go back to steve harrigan and more when we come back on this busy news night. [ bleep ]. >> burn this [ bleep ] down! >> we'll examine the rhetoric that led to the anti-police sentiment that you heard just earlier on this program tonight. coming up next darren wilson's attorney will go head-to-head with the michael brown family attorney. that and much much more and we'll continue from ferguson tonight.
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harrigan in just a moment. steve is on the ground -- steve apparently is ready. steve is on the ground in ferguson, missouri tonight. there are some 200 protesters outside of the police department once again tonight. steve, what's the latest? >> sean, we're right across from the police station where that shooting took place just after midnight last night. and about 200 protesters here. we've been trying to get a different point of view from people who are here out tonight protesting about what they thought. i want to ask you about what you thought about the shooting of the two policemen across the street? >> well, i was also out here last night. last night was a different vibe from tonight. the vibe tonight is a lot more of one being in unity than last night. last night was more of like an emotion and victory type of celebration -- >> reporter: last night emotions were a little high. >> yes. >> reporter: but what i'm looking for two policemen there shot. >> yes. >> reporter: how does that --
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what's your reaction to that? >> my reaction to that, that should not be so. we're out here for not only our black lives, our black lives matter, mike brown's life matters, but if we can't have a community at the end of the day that includes our police what are we out here for? that's my opinion on that. we shouldn't be shooting anyone on the cops side, on our side nothing. >> reporter: so completely no justification for violence like that? >> no justification for that. that does not help what is going on. that does not help us change a system that has been oppressed. >> reporter: a number of people echoing that statement, sean, especially the peaceful protesters not happy about what happened, outraged about what happened. and they say that's not why they're out here again tonight. sean, back to you. >> hey, steve, i want to ask you what do we know in terms of an update on the two officers, one shot in the eye, the other in the shoulder. and by the way thank that one guest that you had so far
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obviously those two men in the community -- >> reporter: sean they were both released. those two police -- both released this morning. one of them still has a bullet lodged next to his ear. as far as the search goes for the shooter we saw very aggressive manhunt throughout the day today. s.w.a.t. team actually going through the roof -- well, you have a mask on so you're really not wanting to speak about what's true and what's false. if you want to talk to me take your mask off. tell me your name. and then let's talk. i don't have a mask on. i'm standing here giving my opinion. >> it's false. >> reporter: that's being a coward having a mask on. >> what being a coward coming into someone's community after a tragedy and assaulting them with your words. >> reporter: i'm not assaulting anybody. this is my community also. i'm of the united states. i'm trying to get people's reaction here. >> you're making a reaction different than what it initially would be. >> reporter: ma'am, he's interrupting me. it's actually true. >> that's false. >> let's just move forward.
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so if you want to continue with your press conference that's fine. >> reporter: it's not a press conference. but what i'm looking for -- >> calm down. >> reporter: i'm speaking to this woman now. >> i'm sorry. >> reporter: ma'am, i'd like to speak to you. i'd like to ask your opinion, your reaction about what happened there. >> well, i was out here so that bullet could have easily been me. so what's amazing is all these people have come in and flown in to the p.d. tonight and they haven't been here months. if they were protesters i wonder if they would still be here. we do not condone any violence. for 216 days we have been nonviolent and civilly disobedient. those bullets did not come from the protesters and they will not stop the protest. we continue a community of people fighting for their rights as human and we will continue in our pursuit against accountability for police and elected officials that caused everything that happened in the past six months. >> reporter: did you have some fear, personal concerns about your own safety last night? >> everyone did. >> reporter: do you feel like those cops were deliberately
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targeted? or was it someone just shooting into the crowd perhaps to hit anybody? >> i cannot say if that's the case. all i know is that those bullets could have hit anyone. the trajectory from up the hill went through protesters into police. so i have no idea what the intentions were but i know the intentions of the people that i stand with every day and it was not their mission to ever do anything like that. >> reporter: do you -- one last question. do you expect a reaction from the police after this shooting perhaps not allowing people like yourself to come out and protest? >> i believe that fear causes people to not consider right sometimes. and that has happened a lot in this community. my hope is that they have seen that in 216 days we have not been violent. that is not the profile of the protesters. >> reporter: but there has been a lot of violence. i was here in august. things were street protests, a few scuffles. let me just finish my sentence. i was here in august street protests, right? >> uh-huh. >> reporter: and three months later in november buildings burned down. and now seven months later two police officers shot. that seems to me like an
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escalation. i'm not saying it's coming from you. but i'm saying it seems like things are getting worse and not better. >> we -- i can't speak to what has happened because the community of protesters that come out every day when you aren't here besides the big events that people like to fly in and make a spectacle out of they haven't violent. so what happened yesterday is a tragedy. it's a tragedy since august six more boys have been killed by police and no one's having that conversation. that's the bigger tragedy, two officers shot, seven boys killed. that's the biggest problem. there's no accountability. they want to blame us tell us we are bad, but what we've been doing is peaceful protesting. >> reporter: so you're saying the media's coming in here because two white police officers were shot but they're not paying attention? >> steve -- >> do you know the last person killed in st. louis by police officer? do you know his name? >> reporter: no. >> that's the problem. >> steve could i ask you, steve. >> reporter: thank you for speaking with us tonight. >> that woman was amazing.
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and the person before was amazing. very different than the first two people you interviewed. this guy in the mask, can you interview that guy in the mask? >> reporter: no. no. >> he won't talk to you? >> reporter: no. whether he will or not, no. >> okay. all right steve harrigan thank you so much. we'll get back to steve later in the program today. so he's interviewed four people now, two had no feelings about the police officers being shot and then you had two really good community members that care about everybody in the community. here with analysis brown family attorney daryl parks, good to see you. darrell, you heard these people they don't care two cops were shot. the thing that bothers me the most in all of this is that a narrative that was false without evidence and a rush to judgment by so many "prominent people and that includes the president that includes eric holder that includes al sharpton that they
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created in this community a mindset that there was going to be a grand jury indictment. but with eyewitnesses and forensics that was never going to happen. and then the department of justice report confirmed and corroborated what the grand jury came up with. but the community was believing something that was false. who's going to apologize to the business owners the cops that were shot and irresponsible rhetoric that has been surrounding this from the beginning? because that community needs an apology from those that were reckless. >> sean i think you actually got part of your answer in that last interview from the young lady. >> she was great. >> i think her views -- she was great. she represents the majority. >> did you hear the first two people? >> well, you know what? i think you got to find more people like that young lady. she was decent she was in order -- >> two cops were shot last night, and if you ask people in ferguson if michael brown had his hands up a lot of people
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are saying they believe that. they believe that because they were told that by politicians and by activists. that was false. they rushed to judgment. now two cops were shot one in the face and one in the shoulder. that's irresponsible from so-called leaders. that's a problem. >> let me say this to you, right? we talked about this earlier today on your radio show. and i went back and did a little research right? there are at least 16 people that said his hands were up. so whoever can come to whatever conclusion they want to there are 16 people out there who said it. now, what conclusion someone may come to in a report is their opinion. and they're entitled to it. >> neil, you read the 87-page report. i just put up on the screen some of the highlights of it. eric holder's department of justice corroborated what the grand jury and the eyewitnesses said. but most people in that community were told a different narrative. i would argue that helped cause what happened there last night. your reaction? >> the narrative was false.
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i knew the narrative was false from the very beginning. the attorney general had a duty to correct that mistake. he had a duty to stand up and say none of these things were true. i don't believe that the two -- that the two police officers were shot because the attorney general failed to do something. but i think that the attorney general has failed in his job. he owed it to the community to explain to them why he found what he found. i've been listening to your show. i've been listening to these people talk. they keep saying the same thing that that 86-page report ir refutably says did not happen. the attorney general never says that. if you take his report skm you look at that report there's no question there was a false narrative. i listened to the young man before saying where's the evidence, the believable evidence on the ground shows you he was charging at the police officer. just now 16 people had his hands up. >> he got shot on the top of his
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head which corroborates he was charging at the officer. >> no question. so why am i still hearing about these 16 people? if you read the report, if the attorney general -- >> they weren't credible. >> there'd be no dispute about it. there's no dispute anyway, sean. people want to hear what they want to hear. so the attorney general owed it to us to clear that up. >> the attorney general barely said a word about it even though it exonerated darren wilson. that's an outrage considering all the rhetoric that led up to all of this and followed this initial shooting. we've got a break. we have a lot more. we have steve harrigan on the ground in ferguson and much, much more. wwwwww um... i...i think we can make it, right? it's okay, jim. just stay calm and move as quietly as possible. everyone understand? no sudden movements.
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(hush my darling...) (don't fear my darling...) (the lion sleeps tonight.) (hush my darling...) man snoring (don't fear my darling...) (the lion sleeps tonight.) woman snoring take the roar out of snore. yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. welcome back to "hannity." this is a fox news alert. we continue our coverage live protests after shooting last night of two police officers in ferguson, missouri. we'll go back to steve harrigan. he's on the ground.
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first we have bo deitl with us. how are you, sir? >> good evening. very disturbed. >> did you hear that? >> unbelievable. >> i'm going to play -- we can go back, hands up, don't shoot. that became the narrative. burn this [ bleep ] down. the stepfather. >> and the united states congressmen with their hands up. >> exactly. but remember this we didn't arrest this guy for inciting violence. watch this. watch this. >> burn this [ bleep ] down! burn this [ bleep ] down! burn this [ bleep ] down! burn this [ bleep ] down! burn this [ bleep ] down! burn this [ bleep ] down! burn this [ bleep ] down! burn this [ bleep ] down! >> we didn't arrest him. we didn't arrest the people we had their faces looting. >> looting the stores. >> now it looks like a targeted assassination of two police officers. >> and by the way -- >> and two people didn't even give a rip tonight when we asked
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them about it. >> and the young woman who talked and she was a good -- >> she was great. >> she was great but realized they weren't aiming at her, they weren't aiming at the crowd. they were aiming at the cops whoever did this. >> they targeted the cops. >> sean that's a hill, that's a view that comes out at the police station. i remember when i was down there. you have a good line of sight to the police officers. this was planned. >> a lot of people don't realize over the course of those several months there were dozens of shots that were fired -- >> in the air. >> fired in the direction of those cops. and a lot of times they had those helmets on they had their shields there also. these cops were targeted before. this is open season on a police officer. i'm here tonight because i feel for all -- >> who do we blame? >> who do you blame? well, when trayvon martin happened the president went on the air. attorney general the president of the united states why didn't the president -- >> hang on for one second. steve harrigan is on the ground
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outside the police department. this is where the shooting took place last night. and he's been out there talking to people protesting tonight. steve. >> reporter: sean about 200 people gathered here in a circle right opposite where those two policemen were shot. we've been talking to different people out to get their perspective. we have a young man who is a city manager in a nearby town. two policemen shot 40 yards over there. simple question, your reaction to that shooting? >> i think it was a complete setup. i think it was a setup between members of the police fraternities, what i like to call it. i think they operate just like the kkk. i think they did it to make themselves a victim when honestly the victim are black people. i think it's just a publicity stunt. no more than that. >> reporter: so who shot the police? >> i don't know. maybe kkk. i don't know. their brothers. i don't know. >> reporter: this was done to instigate, to throw a wrench into things? why? >> to put them back in control.
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>> reporter: you have a pretty a city manager. would your constituents feel that way? >> i'm not sure. i speak for myself. my constituents speak for themselves. >> reporter: do you think this is going to get bigger? >> absolutely. >> reporter: why is that? >> because nothing is going to die down. we have a motto and it's called we cannot stop. we can't stop now. we have to keep pushing this issue forward because this is a major problem that black men, black women are being shot down and killed by white police officers sometimes black because the powroblem's not always the white people. it is but it's not. >> reporter: when you say push forward, do you mean in a peaceful manner or any manner necessary? >> police can answer that question. i can't. police can only answer that. >> reporter: do you mean respond to force with force? >> i mean defend yourself at all times. >> reporter: so not a strictly nonviolent movement? i'm not trying to put words in your mouth. i'm just asking where you're coming from. >> no i get it. >> reporter: because a lot of protesters here have told us this shooting is an outrage it has nothing to do with us we
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don't want any part of it, other people have said it's a punch for a punch, they got what they deserved. i'm looking for people's points of view. i'm trying to figure out yours. >> absolutely. >> reporter: where is this going? >> i think this is going to be a major movement until things get the way they're supposed to until justice actually comes to black people, until justice comes to mike brown things are not going to stop. >> reporter: things are not going to stop. seven months ago we saw street protests, in november we saw buildings on fire and now we see two policemen shot. where is it going from here? >> like i said, your police brothers can answer that question. i cannot. >> reporter: my police brothers? >> your police brothers. >> reporter: they're not your police? >> no they don't serve and protect me. >> reporter: so it's just purely a race thing? >> that has a lot to do with it. >> reporter: they protect whites but not blacks? >> that's been proven. have you seen st. louis, have you seen ferguson? it's been proven. >> reporter: thank you for speaking with us. >> no problem.
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thank you. >> reporter: back to you. >> so a city manager is claiming it's an inside job and that the clan -- did i hear that right steve? all right. what's your reaction? >> sean, first of all this has got to go broader to america. that man's a disgrace. he's a disgrace because he goes back to the old black panther we created cocaine to kill the black mankind of approach the the problem is someone like that has influence as city manager. the bigger problem is the ferguson community and american community need to reject whether it's holder obama any others al sharpton, president said he's his liaison, the fact this resonates this is a bigger problem is much more than the progressives what's going on here. >> the people with these masks on -- >> you know again, i'm here as a formal law enforcement guy. the hearts and souls of these
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officers are being ripped out. two guys could have been killed last night -- yesterday. two guys could have been killed. and every one here is not -- no one's talking about it. why didn't the attorney general the lead of law enforcement for this country, why didn't he go to the air and say this is not going to be tolerated? the president tweeted -- >> when the doj came out with a report last week after all that was made about hands up, don't shoot, darren wilson, rush to judgment. and they exonerated him. he barely mentioned it. >> now is the time for -- he -- >> we're going to come back. we'll go live to steve harrigan and more with our guests as we (woman) the constipation and belly pain feel like a knot. how can i ease this pain? (man) when i can't go, it's like bricks piling up. i wish i could find some relief. (announcer) ask your doctor about linzess-- a once-daily capsule for adults with ibs with constipation or chronic idiopathic constipation.
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us. steve, the latest. >> reporter: sean, the crowd's beginning to march again out in front of the police station. about 150 strong here standing with me is a man who's come to this protest tonight, john kennedy, 57 years old. he works in security. when you heard two policemen shot, you said it hit you. how did it hit you? >> well because i know some of the ferguson police officers and it might have been someone that i might have known. so that's when it hit me. >> reporter: hit you when it felt like something was bad, something is wrong? >> yes, it did. a friend told me about it this morning. i watched it on the news last night, but i don't think that i got a chance to actually see the part -- i heard about when they got shot last night. i didn't find out about that until this morning. and the first thing that i thought about was it might have been one of the officers. i do know some of them. that's the first thing i thought about. >> reporter: so when a police officer in your town gets shot what's your reaction? >> oh.
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i dislike it. i dislike when anybody gets shot really. >> reporter: your son has been out here. you have some concerns about his safety. you are saying anyone could have been shot. >> anybody out here could have got shot. it happened last night. and hopefully it will not happen again. >> reporter: now what should be done with these people who are protesting? i mean, this is first amendments here, right? they deserve to have the right to protest. >> yes, they do. >> reporter: but you say the police really have to reign it in at the same time. where do you draw the line? >> i cannot answer that question right now sir. >> they're blocking traffic, things like that. >> yeah, stopping traffic and people trying to get through they can't get through. and actually stopped there and actually stood in front of my vehicle and they would not move out of the street. that's pretty bad. >> reporter: so the protesters blocked your vehicle. you're not happy about that. >> no i'm not. >> reporter: all right, sean, back to you. >> steve in ferguson tonight. joining us now is kevin jackson. he's in ferguson.
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he's with the black sphere. you heard a lot of these guests tonight six protesting three no feeling he was shot and three with a very different take about the tragedy of last night. i want to ask you to what extent do you believe the community was influenced by those that came in or those that made statements the rush to judgment about michael brown before any evidence was even presented? how big a part did that play in what happened last night? >> yeah, heavy part, sean. it's funny, the young man you talked to earlier i talked to him off camera and i was explaining some of the statistics and about the municipalities that are mistreating blacks much more than ferguson. and you know what he said to me he says why are they hiding this information from us? i said that's exactly the question you should be asking yourself. you know, it's a tragedy this whole thing tom jackson is a friend of mine, the police chief
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that's now gone. and he's gone sean. and it sneaks up on him like a thief in the night because he didn't shoot michael brown. and the man who did shoot michael brown has been exonerated. he's been looked at under every awe -- these are not bad people. these are people doing great things in this community. what you can see if you could really see people could see where i'm standing you'd see that this is an amazing town. and the thing that i think is most insulting is they are bussing in people who are effectively saying sean, that the black people of ferguson don't have enough sense to know who they want in their positions of leadership who they want to protect them. and they know more coming in from atlanta or wherever sources money is being spent. >> but let me ask you, earlier we showed the video of the stepfather, you know, burn this b down, okay. then we've got video
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surveillance video go back to when all these stores -- first we have michael brown when he intimidated the store clerk and robbed that store. then we have the surveillance video of the person putting the store on fire. then we have the video of those stores being looted the way they were. we have video -- we could have arrested the stepfather for inciting violence, we could have arrested all those people that we could identify on those surveillance videos, and they didn't do it. so the message is sent you'll get away with it because, well, we don't want to anger people especially maybe those that are activists in the community. was that a mistake? >> oh it's a huge mistake. and the level of lawlessness that's going to be created and the fact these two police officers were shot and you've seen -- you've talked to people that don't seem to have a a care in the world. the thing i find is that people don't understand that what eric
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holder and barack obama should have done is make a statement that said darren wilson has been exonerated and we apologized to him. then should have gone on to find people that lied about these men that man, and went on to hurt his career. that would have been what they should have done. >> mark fuhrman is with us. one police officer was shot in the eye and lodged toward his ear, i'm listening to comments. two cops were shot this looks like a party of 200 people the night after. and some people don't feel a thing about the cops being shot. how should we interpret that? >> it's shocking the blind ignorance you're hearing and it
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is a party out there now. i don't believe the people that you described have outrage or a plea for peace or nonviolence. and this environment was set in august by promising people this would turn out the way they wanted it to be. it didn't add up. and these people that pushed that narrative knew the facts. they're attorneys and educated and knew the law. kevin jackson the belief of people that steve has been talking to and i had to ask questions of do they know the department of justice do they know black eye witnesses corroborated the story?
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people don't know that part. all they know is hands up don't shoot. >> it's the level of ignorance. look. things that are leaking out and what people are using as i said the young man i talked to he was shocked to learn and said why are they not telling us this? >> that is amazing. the woman is great. she can be a leader in the community louder voices from outside have agitated people and mark how did
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the police handle this? what is the best way to deal with another night of protests after two officers were shot and set up to be targeted? what do they need to do? >> it's simple. they're stopping traffic and commerce and pedestrians from using the area. they need to make a declaration and set up a curfew at 10:00 and need to clear the streets. if people don't want to leave they need to start making arrests. >> you can see that is going on live. those look like anonymous masks the department of justice and eye witnesses apparently the world is filled with air. but
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steve harrigan back on the ground. >> we've seen police coming out now. no helmets they've come to talk to try to get them to clear the streets. this is probably the first in what could be a number of different skrim yifrns. >> steve, great job tonight, thank you very much. and two officers shot but they
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