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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  March 13, 2015 6:00am-8:01am PDT

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7 million hits have taken this video. a cop taking down some drunken spring breakers. a fight breaks out on a beach in florida. another spring breaker comes over. he manhandles him. puts zip ties on. a project done. wow. more from that. good morning, everybody on a friday. new concerns about the growing threat of isis. good morning everybody. i'm bill hemmer. >> good morning to you. hi, everybody. tools pose new challenges for the united states. the general in charge of the southern command says isis i am a thesers from south and central america he believes could walk across our porous southern
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border and wreak havoc at home. bill: john, what is the islamic terrorist group doing now? >> reporter: we are talking about boko haram. they have essentially become partners in terror. boko haram released a message on line saying it wanted to jane ranks with isis. now isis released an audio recording. it looks like it is from isis. accepting boko haram's pledge of support and he lee jones to isis and the expansion of the caliphate to west africa. boko haram is the nigerian-based terror group responsible for an estimated 10,000 deaths and last april the abduction of those 275
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schoolgirls. bill: you have the ongoing battle in iraq. how close are they to taking back the town of tikrit. >> reporter: they are very close. according to ground forces they are in 80% control with help from shiite militia fighters. they sealed off the militants in the center of the city. but isis has been resisting with suicide bombs and sniper fire. there was a roadside bomb that went off killing six iraqi soldiers and wounding 11. this is an important fight because of tikrit's location basically right in the middle. so retaking tikrit would put the
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iraqi forcing in range of mosul. it's been an important test to see how battle hardened these iraqi security forces are and whether they will be ready to launch another ground offensive to mosul in the coming weeks. martha: we are going to have much more on the growing battle against isis and the weapons they are using. oliver north will join us with that. we'll talk about all of that coming up with him in just a little while. there is a massive manhunt underway in fergen, missouri. the police are looking for the suspect or multiple suspects who fired shots at two police officers during the protests late wednesday night. the protests turned violent but they were relatively calm last night. so what's going on there mike? >> the priority number one is
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the manhunt. the police chief says that's what they care about. s.w.a.t. teams went into a house four blocks away from the site of the shooting. they went in with cameras and s.w.a.t. teams. those people have been questioned and released. we watched people scouring the grounds looking for physical evidence. they found shell casings but can't say they came from the gun or guns that shot the two police officers. a reward is being offered for information leading in the to the suspects in this case. $13,000 total. $3,000 from the local congress people. march thank? martha: that's a lot of money. to be near these people or have information for the police. last night things went pretty well right mike? >> reporter: more of the same with the demonstrations.
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50 people gathered and demand more firing and demanded action against darren wilson despite the determination from the grand jury and the justice department. relative live the night went off without major since dent. then just before midnight the demonstrators gathered and formally dismissed themselves. bill: president obama reacting to the events in ferguson on jimmy kimmel live. he was in los angeles for that. >> i think what was happening in ferguson was oppressive and objectionable and worthy of protest. but there was no excuse for criminal acts. we need to make sure that like-minded good-spirited people on both side, law enforcement who have a terrifically tough job and people who don't want to be stopped and harassed because
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of their race. we have to work together to couple with some good answers. bill: before that the president tweeted violence against police is unacceptable. path to justice is one all of us must travel together. we'll debate later the input of the media and politicians on this whole event over the past six months in ferguson, missouri. martha: we get new details on an alleged drunk driving incident. sources are telling fox news the agents drove into an active crime scene near the white house last week. they nearly ran over a suspicious package being investigated. the officers on duty wanted to arrest the agents but a supervisor ended up intervening
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and letting them go. the white house says president obama was told about this earlier this week and he has quote full confidence in his new secret service director. john clancy, he took over after a string of security debacles. the latest incident is under investigation. bill: an american infected with ebola has arrived back in the u.s. form treatment. the healthcare worker arrived at the national institutes of health. we don't know if it's a man or woman. that person to be treated in the u.s. martha: more on the terror super group being formed between isis
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and boko haram. general jack keane joins us on their new partnership and what he believes this new turn of events really means. >> reporter: lift off with the atlas 5. bill: it's even more awesome at nighttime. i'll tell you about nasa's atlas 5 and where it's it's headed. also this. >> reporter: the fallout from the shooting of two police officers in ferguson, missouri. are the police under attack? >> i said several months ago on your show that war has been declared on the american police officer. it's a fact. kind of like shopping hungry equals overshopping.
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martha: it was all systems go. nasa's rocket blasted off with 1.6 million pound of blast. >> liftoff with the atlas five mms. martha: the rocket carrying four satellites going up to orbit. they are set to fly around the earth in pyramid formation to study magnetic field.
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the pyramid formation of the satellites. bill: one day we'll be on board that rocket. martha: we'll go to marls. only if it comes back. >> i said month ago on your show that war has been declared on the american police officer. some people thought i was engaging in hyperbole. this isn't the first time. it happened in l.a. and san francisco. cops on routine patrol taking sniper fire. it's unfathomable that we have gotten to this point in the united states. bill: i want to bring in missouri officer roy blunt. there is a man who has been
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there on the streets of milwaukee. can you understand this point? >> i can understand the frustration he feels and the police feel generally. the whole suggestion that started last august in ferguson almost totally -- when you looked at the equipment that wasn't what was being described in the national discussion. nobody i heard has any problem with everything possible to protect peaceful protesters. but when somehow the discussion become that the police are advocates of something other than peaceful protests, that's not a good thing. these are just officers whose families want them to come home at the end of their shift. somebody in washington, d.c. is never going to be in a position to decide what you should wear for this activity as an officer
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or what kind of equipment you should surround yourself with. i talked to these officers and i have seen the bullet-proof vehicles they were able to rally around in the moment in the course of an evening early on in this protest there would be hundreds of shots being fired and you could see the bullet marks in the equipment the police had and the cars that weren't bulletproof. it appears these two policemember with survive and thank god for that. bill: if that's the case, have the politicians made this worse than it would have been otherwise? >> i think a lot of the reporting made it worse than it was otherwise. bill: suggesting the media?
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>> people talking about armored vehicles as if they were armed vehicles. there is a dmints armored car that goes to the bank and a sherman tank. but in a lot of discussion you would have thought police were out there with equipment designed for warfare and it was only designed to protect police and others. these aren't the first people shot in ferguson. they are the first police that have been shot during these protests. people shot during the protests. the police on occasion had to take armored vehicles in as the only way to get the protesters who was shot out of the situation they were in. that was never reported in the way it should have been. and a lot of discussion about should they have military equipment? almost any equipment they had came not from the military but from homeland security. people would have said homeland security equipment, that's fine.
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bill: come back to the discussion with the sheriff in milwaukee. he's suggesting the president and the attorney general need to talk to the people living in these communities and remind them to respect authority. that was one of his main points. what about that? >> it was one of his main points. i thought yesterday the president and attorney general were on point in talking about how unacceptable this activity was. how as the attorney general called these people, punks. i think both referred to these attempts as ambushes. that's a cowardly way to approach anybody. i think they were right there. but i'm not at all sure -- bill: it was about reminding people in the communities long before incidents like michael brown take place that you need to respect the authority and the
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law, and send the reminders repeatedly so we can avoid the next incident. >> i don't disagree with that. i think the president and the attorney general could have been more respectful as this division began to develop about policing tactics. there is nothing wrong with looking at a force to see if pattern and practice could be better. the st. louis county force that 1,100 person force has been working with the justice department to be sure that all of their practices are what you what hope they would be. i think when the justice department completes that, we'll find that they are. >> you know there are good people in ferguson, missouri. the grandma joarlt of people are good. one of the point that was made on our network was on the factor at 8:00 and bill o'reilly was
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making the point that these people who want to stir unrest aren't necessarily even from ferguson. bill: i believe the protesters did not shoot the officers. this was a calculated ambush by anarchists who want to create violent situations inside the usa. bill: was that your experience? >> that was the response almost always when somebody was pulled out of that protest they were somebody from out of town, somebody who had come in to try to provoke activities that local protesters and peaceful protesters who travel from out of town weren't part of. again the police more than anybody else have protected the rights of peaceful protesters at the same time having lots of other responsibilities to protect property two protect other lives and to let the city move forward in a better way.
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bill: you put out a statement yesterday the police are trying to get home to their families alive. end quote. thank you for your time. roy blunt from missouri. republican on the hill with us tonight. martha: three men accused of trying to go overseas to join isis now face a judge. bill: a hillside comes crumbling down. >> oh, my god. >> the line is gone.
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bill: a hillside comes down. you can see the power line shake. the neighborhood has been evacuated. there is heavy rain rolling in this afternoon that will last for a good 12-14 hours in that same area. martha: a hearing this monday for three brooklyn men accused of trying to join isis. they were charged with conspiracy to provide material support to the terror group. what do we expect to happen in court today? >> reporter: this will be the first time the three men will in the same courtroom all together and each of them will have an opportunity to enter a plea in the federal case against them. two of the men ages 19 and 24 who are legal u.s. residents
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were arrested here last month. the 19-year-old was pinged up while trying to board a flight to istanbul. the 24-year-old had a plane ticket to join him this month. the oldest of the trio, a 30-year-old from uzbekistan who oversaved his visa in the u.s. was picked up in florida last month. he's accused of trying to fund the opposition. they came to the attention of the authorities after expressing their support for isis online. martha: apparently they had specific plans even if the plan to travel oversaves failed. >> reporter: these plans came to light in interviews with authorities. we want to show one of the
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postings to you. one wrote it's possible to dedicate ourselves as dedicated martyrs. shoot obama them shoot ourselves. he alsod a he would plant a bomb on new york's coney island if ordered to do so by isis. we expect more court dates will be set if all three are found guilty they could face 15 years in prison. martha: thank you very much. bill: like that guy in ohio we talked about. boko haram the latest example of the islamic state's reach. martha: new details in the hillary clinton e-mail controversy.
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she refused to use the government blackberry issued to her. >> it am not over. it's lot long legs. it's got lings because ap has now sued the state department to get access to her e-mails. three committees in the house are going sue to get access for subpoena her e-mails. and then one day you tap the bumper of a station wagon. no big deal... until your insurance company jacks up your rates. you freak out. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? hey insurance companies, news flash. nobody's perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance.
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bill: isis saying it accepted an oath of allegiance from the terror group of known as boko haram. protesters calling for calm in ferguson after the shooting of two police officers. no suspects arrested and the officers have gone floament hospital. new details on the alleged drunk driving incidents.
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the agents ran over a suspicious package during an active investigation. martha: new details in the the hillary clinton e-mail controversy as she we learn she used her own blackberry instead of a secure state department device. charles krauthammer comparing her explanation to all this to gymnastics. >> what is the proper of the meaning of the word "is"? with the clintons you can't make this stuff up. we are returning to it depends won't meaning of the word "is" is. martha: i'm joined by mary katharine ham and juan williams. martha: it turns out it's not a
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state department blackberry with the security apparatus she was supposed to have. juan what do you make of it? >> it's an on going blight for hillary clinton. her staff says the device was properly encrypted and secured. but that's her decision, her staff's decision and a matter of asking the american people to trust hillary clinton. so i don't think this is going drag down her campaign according to all the numbers i have seen, democrats still are uniformly behind hillary clinton. but it does give you have the sense either she is overly defensive given the battles she went through in the 90s in the white house or she feels entitled that she can live the way she wants without regard to resumes and regulations. >> to me it feels like she sought advice on how to do this in the most shady and
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irresponsible way possible. perhaps she got it from bill clinton. they are good at these kinds of things. but this is not what the american people deserve. i would say the same if it was on the other side. this kind of practice where you are making things as opaque as possible. doing away with evidence based on your own judgment and where you have a history of not being terribly honest. this is the problem. she is making all the calls here. the blackberry was not even available to state. the server is not available to state. it's disturbing. >> what you are groaghter side is concern other people, other potential' republican candidates had similar setups when they were governor or senator. it could be this become problematic for a lot of people and that's neutral aisles it. >> also people should pay a political price for having those kinds of situations set up. in hers, here is the thing.
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wech it comes to hers she started with this plan. she came into her confirmation hearing with the server set up for this specific person and declined a state department device for this specific purpose. this dishonesty is baked into the clinton cake so she can ride on that. but when things continue to happen as they will because they are clintons and she respond the way she did in that press conference. martha: she feels she is under attack always has been for 20 years and this is nothing new. this is a 50% favorable opinion for hillary clinton which is decent obviously given what's going on. but this was taken to march 2-4. the first day we reported on this story is march 3. it's quite possible we haven't seen the i am fact her numbers yet. >> there was a "wall street
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journal" post on the cusp of when all this happened and it was 80 plus percent of democrats say they want to support hillary clinton. the scandal has deepened and it's been a constant on the front pages. sow it may have had some impact i suspect with independent which are critical if you are talking about a general election. but just to follow up on something you and mary calculate relationship were talking about i don't know if there is any indication she did this plotting with some intent, some horrible intent. i don't know that. but what i do know is she set a precedent for how people in either political party could behave in the future and i think that's a bad precedent. we need to know what our public officials are up to. martha: it seems what's foregothen in all of this, when you work for the government and
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you are the secretary of state or the governor or senator you work for the american people. they pay your paycheck every week and you are account toobility american people. just like any other company you work for in america you are accountable. what you have write on their e-mail server is their prompt. i think at this point most people understand that. so the fact that you can try to hide things from the american people when you are working for them is almost like to is a mini government that has been a established in this camp where there is a circle of e-mail that goes around and we are supposed to say it's okay we are not privy to that. >> i want to say amen, martha. it's not political or partisan. someone said it's like if are you charred nixon controlled the tapes and burned the tapes. that's a problem. >> she is asking the american
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people to hire her for the biggest job in america so she needs to sound like she is interested in working for us. martha: she is unhappy about the fact that she has to answer to anybody in terms of her facing expressions and the way she d her fitiondd -- in her facial expressions and the way she responded. bill: a followup on the blackhawk helicopter that crashed. it has been found. 11 marines and soldiers on board whenever it went down near eglin air force base near the panhandle of florida. heavy fog may have played a role in that crash. how are recovery efforts going now? >> reporter: they are worried about the rain coming in today but the military requested a
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civilian salvage vessel toll assist in the recovery efforts. they say the main fuselage of this helicopter is in several pieces about 25 feet under water in the middle of santa rosa sound. smaller boats continue recovering floating debris to help with the investigation. experts say looking at the debris they can tell this was a high impact crash. what started as a search and rescue operation has turned into a recovery effort. >> at this time i can report that we have located the wreckage of the ua-60 blackhawk that was reported missing tuesday evening. at this point we are not hopeful for survivors. >> reporter: the helicopter went down in heavy fog but investigators say it's too early to tell whether that was a contributing factor in tuesday evening's crash. they say they know where the flight data recorder is on this helicopter however it's still at the bottom of the sound in
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all that wreckage but they hope to recover it in the upcoming days. bill: what about the victims? what are we learning about them? >> reporter: the military is not releasing any names yet as they contact the next of kin. but several relatives have come forward and contacted the associated press. the military has inform them their loved ones were on that helicopter and they are presumed dead. marcus bay dell -- baywall. and cary choanlt is described as a loving husband and father. those marines onboard that helicopter there. martha: isis is accepting boko
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haram's pledge to be in support of that group. so general jack keane joins us with his take on what this potential terror super group could mean for the west. bill: wait until you hear how the golfers reacted when they saw their newest playing partner.
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sing. disney announces plans to make the sequel to "frozen." i'll bet it went over really well when they met in san francisco. the film will reunite the original cast which has become a cash cow for mickey and company. guess how much this movie made. $1.3 billion at the box office for "frozen." i now it's a huge hit and all the little girls love it. but i thought the mostive was just okay. that song is fantastic. bill: i think i'm the one who hasn't seen it. i have a question for you. am i missing something? martha: no, no. you would not last 15 minutes into that movie i guarantee it. bill: 15 minutes. the islamic state expanding its reach well beyond the middle east.
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isis agreeing to team up with boko haram. the same terror group that kidnapped hungs of nigerian school children last year. they are also sponge for the deaths of tens of thousands of kidnappings and murders. jack keane a retired four-star general and military analyst. good morning to you. what does this mean? >> certainly isis has accepted the pledge of allegiance. they haven't declared them as an affiliate yet. but it increases their brand boko haram. they want to be a regional and global jihadist organization. but they have some real challenges. they are competing with al qaeda in western africaand that competition for resources and recruits will go on and lead to violence. they also have a multi-national
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force operating against them in the region. in the near term we'll probably see more suicide attacks and more even slavement of girls in complex attacks to increase the brand and attention they currently have. i don't see isis being able to provide them with training capability leaders or anything like that. bill: let me come back with what's happening in iraq. nigeria in the western part. general you talked about algeria and libya stretching out to independent neets yeah in the philippines. when you talk about the aspiration of these groups coming together, how much is it simply aspirational and how much is it real? >> most of it's aspirational. the real affiliates, boko haram
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and egyptian sinai and there have been leaders on the ground with the isis now now affiliate. and the most interesting one is on the afghan-pakistan border. but the group is small. they have a pledge of he lee jones. they exchanged their plans et cetera. the rest of the match is aspirational. it's a desire to increase their brand and it helps them recruit and helps them get resources and attention within the country they are trying to overthrow. bill: where are you on if a foreign fighter couldn't make his or her way to syria or iraq, they would go to africa.
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>> i think it's a possibility. but the fact of the matter is that's and totally different culture and totally different environment. the lavant will always be the calling card for radical fighters. that will continue to be the main drawing card. bill: there is pressure on boko haram in nigeria. is that pressure enough? >> here is the issue. we have no plans to take away the isis sanctuary that exists in syria. there are no plans. we have no ground force to do it. even if we are able to reclaim all of iraq. let's assume we are successful. the fact of the matter is isis can still attack into iraq and retake some of that territory.
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and alsonue to grow their affiliations outside of syria. so that's the problem we got. because we have made a strategic blunder not to go after isis in iraq and syria simultaneously. martha: four colleges are accused of running an illegal scheme allowing foreign student to buy their way into the united states. and wait until you hear what they are confronted with when they get here. bill: a basketball team refusing to allow one of their cheerleaders to be bullied. >> we walked off the court and went to the bullies and told them to stop because that's not right to be mean to another person.
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bill: the basketball team who defended a cheerlead were down's syndrome is taking their support one step further. lincoln middle school naming its gym after 14-year-old december rayderkssiree andrews. they walked off the court in protest. reporter: what was it like hearing that from the fans and what was it like seeing the team come to your defense? >> it's cute. bill: the players say they were defending desiree. they said it's the right thing to do because she could not stop smiling. martha: they do that bullying
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program now. the boys were so nice and adorable. they said they walked off the court because we heard somebody was harassing her. they took it into their own hand and dealt with the situation perfectly. nicely done, guys. really good. colleges in los angeles accused of being a front for widespread system of student visa fraud. william lawj necessary is reporting from our west coast newsroom. how does this work? >> the indictment calms it a pay to stay scam. they pretend to be students and enroll in a pretend university to attend non-existing classes to dupe the federal government to give them and visa to study in the u.s. and in reality they are here to play or work. chinese and korean student paid
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$3,000 a year to attend these fake colleges. at one college officials found 1 student out of 3000. the% don't even own in l.a. so the owners falsified their attendance record. the scheme? >> they say you pay us tuition and we'll continue to certify the paperwork and the systems associated with the student visa program today to show you are in status and attending school. >> reporter: the defendant pled not guilty. they face 16 years if convicted. martha: those classrooms remind me of enron. is this widespread in. >> reporter: it's better than it was before 9/11.
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but the federal government is trying to keep track of 1 million foreign student a year. some of them don't go home when they are supposed to and they work when she shouldn't. at one school they printed phoney degrees and staged a fake graduation ceremony to appear legit. in other cases they raided schools where the student were prostitutes working in bars instead of going to class. martha: i'm sure some student would like to sign up for colleges that don't have classes. bill: there are new details on an alleged drunk driving accident involving two senior secret service agents. >> this battle is ongoing against isis in tikrit has iraqi forces are clashing with them over that key city. we are going to tell you why this matters so much when we come back.
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martha: so we have breaking new details in the alleged drunk driving incident involving secret service. sources telling fox that the two agents involved nearly ran over a suspicious package that the police were investigating. this story gets stranger by the minute. welcome, brand new hour two of "america's newsroom." i'm martha maccallum. bill: i'm bill hemmer. this is latest in series of scandals involving the secret service. president obama saying he has full confidence in the new director joe clancy who took over just last month. clancy can expect a grilling next week when he appears before the house subcommittee on his agency's budget. kevin corke leads coverage on all this. good morning. how bad is this for the secret service. >> reporter: i want to say it is not as bad as perhaps it is being made out to be because there are thousand, literally thousands of hard-working women and men in the secret service that do an incredible job on
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daily basis. but certainly not what they would have in mind, when you point out you look at totality of all issues that happened over the last several years. you just mentioned incident, of course occurring here at white house last week on white house grounds. a truck basically driven by a pair of agents, ran into one of those huge orange barrels, the kind you see at construction site or on a highway. hit it very slowlily. didn't knock it over. it is appearance, appearance of impropriety that has been doing this agency. a week -- we could go chapter and verse about all the things that happened. needless to say there is abundance of criticism on capitol hill. >> the bottom line is the secret service has to be overhauled. the president has led, has led the charge getting that overhaul and what happened the other day shows we have a ways to go and the overhaul is needed soon and very deeply.
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it really is, this is not just trivial. >> reporter: certainly it is not viewed as trivial from their perspective. and granted we got new information about relative speed what happened. bill it just doesn't look good. they recognize that. there will be even more questions probably in the coming days as you point out next week. bill: what have you learned about when the new secret service director heard about this latest incident? >> reporter: this is another one of the issues because as you can probably imagine from a management perspective, some issues are seen or deemed as relatively not significant. so you may be want to shield your boss if it is not a big deal. eventually joe clans sir, the new director did learn about it but it was not immediate. that ticktock is where part of the problem lies. you have to have a accountability. maybe a supervisor wanted to shield his troops but unfortunately you have to go right to the top when things happen. i want to share you quickly before we let you go statement
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from the white house. eric shults, deputy press secretary. he was disappointed to hear the allegation gays. everyone at the white house wants to make sure the department of homeland security secretary does a thorough and exhalt tiff view of this. does that mean heads will roll. we'll find out next week. bill: kevin corke live from the front lawn next week. martha: islamic state accepting a pledge of loyalty from the west african terror group boko haram. leaders warn that members of boko haram have already traveled to isis camps for training this expands isis a foothold in at least half a dozen nations. retired lieutenant colonel oliver north. colonel. good to see you this morning. thank you sir.
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we showed you that map. we showed it to general keane a little while ago. it shows the spread which he says was sort of aspirational this map at this point. but those aspirations seem within reach do they not? >> some of them certainly are. the linkage between boko haram which is a very large terror organizations and operations they're conducting in the west african area just lethal because they have killed at least 11,000 people we know of. what clearly isis has in mind is trying to at least give the impression of a global reach. al-baghdadi advertises himself as the savior of sunni islam and apparently he wants to take it beyond simply arab sunni islam. for example the force attacking tikrit iranian, organized trained and led. he is advertising what he is doing is saving sign anything from shiites and particularly persians. al shai organization which is
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run by iranians. about a third of the entire force is islamic revolutionary guard corps volunteers from iran and shiites from the rest of the world. what is happening isis has metastasize ad good about it. it is spreading globally. they have linkages in malaysia and philippines. it is aspirational as general keane put it. 23,000 iranians, inspired trained led actually under the command of sumani, quds force operational commander he is in charge of this operation. they aim to turn that into a victory even though they will lose on the ground because what they're showing is murder of sunni civilians and children from by al-ashad and persians. the implications are devastating
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for us out there. martha: you have the situation iranian forces as you point out under general suleiman any and according to reports they're killing innocent sunnis on the ground. in a way the united states is tort of tacitly saying, in fact the chairman of the joint chiefs indicated we were in favor of the work the iranian forces are doing in baghdad because they're helping to push out isis. this leads many people to look at this situation colonel north, it's a civil war. why are we there? clearly shia versus sunni. what is your answer to that? >> first i think it is much more than an iraqi civil war. i think what you've got right now is the consummate conflict between sunnis and shiites and iranians are pushing the shiite side. what happens now? i think very likely mainstream sunni military involvement from the region saudi arabia jordan egypt emirates, will put boots on the ground. worse case situation the obama administration six-year tilt
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toward iran to have nixonian foreign policy legacy like china, will become a mitigated disaster. it likely precipitate ad nuclear arms race in the middle east. last week's meeting in riyadh ignored by almost everybody. probably sealed the deal on nuclear weapons. so what happens in geneva hardly matters. martha: we know that those leaders in egypt and saudi arabia they're looking for leadership from the united states. >> didn't get it. martha: which they're not going to get as you just explained the at administration is clearly on the side of getting a deal done with iran. it is complex and important. thank you very much, colonel north. always good to see you. >> great to be with you. thank you martha. >> no one has officially declared yet. in fact dr. ben carson come as close to anyone. but the 2016 campaign is picking up speed. former florida governor jeb bush and wisconsin governor scott walker hitting the ground
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in new hampshire. the granite state holds the first primary in the election season. could be make oar break for both men or anyone else for that matter. chief political correspondent carl cameron live in manchester new hampshire with more. walker just getting rolling and getting started. how is it going for the governor? >> reporter: this is his first visit in new hampshire bill. he is rolling hard. he plans to have nine events in the granite state. we should point out not only guy who will be here as well as jeb bush. ted cruz from texas and rick perry from texas will be here. walker comes here to iowa, excuse me, new hampshire as something of a an underdog whereas in iowa he is the frontrunner. being frontrunner in new hampshire is real problem. folks tend to put a target on your back. i talked to him as he just entered union leader newspaper a few minutes ago. he called himself a underdog. recognizing too much attention dan be negative. the union leader, statewide newspaper is symbolic and important. all candidates do it. this paper has a history of
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being pretty tough on bushes. george h.w. bush did not win the first primary when he came to new hampshire in 1980. beaten up pretty badly by pat buchanan in 1992. george bush lost pry hairy to john mccain. he talked about it. he talked about his understanding of the new hampshire voters. rick perry did too recognizing in his case he didn't come here enough last time and it hurt him. here is a little from both. >> we want to be competitive anywhere. you know, we think we're still the underdog over all when you look at kind of money some of our likely primary opponents will have but we'll make a case directly to the people. we get in, we'll fight hard for every vote, be it new hampshire or anywhere else around the country. >> what i learned about the people of new hampshire they want to see you. they want to see you often. they want to interact with you. they want to ask you questions. if you don't come often and i will suggest early, you're
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going to be at a disadvantage. >> reporter: all the candidates say the exact same thing about iowa. iowa is unofficial caucus. this is an official election. this is a statewide primary and many, many more people participate. the stakes are a great deal higher. jeb bush excuse me arrives here later this afternoon. he will be making stops along the southern tier in rather small groups trying to reintroduce himself quietly. he is the person who is raising all the money that scott walker was talking about. not a very veiled shot at jeb bush for his collections of big bucks while scott walker and others are trying to essentially catch up in the cash and maybe match him in the name recognition. bill: fascinating to follow. thanks carl. we'll be in touch real soon. carl cameron from new hampshire. martha: hillary clinton says that she knows the rules. listen. >> be happy to have somebody talk to you about the rules. i fully complied with every rule i was governed by. martha: there you have it. but obama administration reportedly said it is baffled what they call hillary clinton's apparent failure to learn the
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basic political lessons that they are demonstrating. does it seem at all like the white house might be enjoying this whole thing? we'll talk about it. bill: watch here this is not right. taking a tumble near the finish line sabotaged by a spectator. is that what happened? we'll show you video as evidence in a moment, there. >> i encourage you to stick around for this. a witness of realized first-hand watching isis, watching this group inside of countries they are working. he will be with us and tell us what he has learned from watching them. >> they're now attack being en masse. we decided to pull out. you know, anyone who thinks that isis is being pushed or on defensive in this whole conflict need only to come to the front line like this realize in fact much more is needed to defeat them. ing hungry equals overshopping.
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bill: a car plowing into a colorado pizza shop take as pedestrian out with it. surveillance video shows the car struck a woman walking outside. crashed there in front of the restaurant with her on the hood. incredibly, that woman was not seriously injured. whoa. >> whole store was moving. that was crazy. they were trying to find out what is going on with this girl. it was like lots of luck in there. >> everybody is okay safe and sound. we're just very grateful.
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we thank god it wasn't no worse. bill: slides into the window and stands up. it is like, perfect landing. i stuck it. we hear the driver hit gas pedal, not the break. police are investigating. colorado. martha: on going drama half the hillary clinton email scandal causing head-scratching apparently according to reports today at white house. reports surfacing that the president's inner sill is baffled that clinton and her advisors think they can skate by with such a lack of transparency? the whole mess creating a sense of deja vu for people in washington apparently. look at latest issue of "time" magazine. the cover headline says the clinton way. bringing back memories of the scandals that dogged the clintons in the 1990s. that can not be helpful for any potential campaign. a source telling "politico" how the white house feels about all this saying quote to sum up the feelings all the way up to the highest levels, what the
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hell. with so much on the line. so much time to prepare. she is back to classic clinton they say? flubbing a campaign kickoff eight years in the making because she thought no one would ever care she would set up a secret server email. my my, interesting quotes from supposedly highest levels inside of white house. jonah goldberg senior editor of "national review." fox news contributor. good to have you here. >> good morning. martha: when i read this "politico" story this morning i could not help but think there was so much in there. if these so-called white house insiders are saying, how could she not have learned from us about transparency? how could she not have seen all the lessons the way we do things and she should do things the way we do. it is pretty stunning, jonah. >> no, look, i agree but i mean there is one of the few constants about the obama crowd and white house they're incredibly arrogant. there is certain irony in them thinking they have been particularly transparent
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administration either. they prosecute more whistle-blowers than ever before. obamacare was passed in secret back rooms with secret deals with industry. the notion that the obama administration is this paragone of transparency might be something they tell themselves but it is not really true. at the same time i agree entirely with the sentiment, what the hell. charles krauthamer said last night on "special report," i think what the hell is the sanitized pg verse of what they're really saying. it is, simply amazing and i think the simple answer here is, you know look in aesop fables the scorpion has to sting the frog because that's what scorpions do. this is the clintons. they're clinton all the way down. there is nothing else they can be. they're secretive. semiparanoid. they hoard information. they parse statements. they speak in half-truths. idea there would be some new hillary belies 30 years of experience with both of these people. martha: i go back to the same point which is that, you know for all those who think that
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hillary clinton is inevitable, she may be inevitable as democratic nominee because she is clearly the frontrunner at this point people do need to remember she was not successful. she lost last time around. the last time she tried to do this, she lost. you're right pointing out if they are going to win this time they will have to present something different. they are not off to a good start in that regard. >> right. so far this whole fiasco comes out right in the middle of their planned rollout which was part of this whole shattered glass ceilings, i am woman, hear me bore women's liberation stuff. the whole idea they were going to roll this out as an identity politics rollout. the problem is, the more you have scandals like this, the more the less she seems like a generic first female president more like an actual human being named hillary clinton with a lot of baggage and a lot of problems. you know, they want to make it, a vote for hillary is the vote for first woman president. martha: yeah. >> these kinds of scandals make
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it a vote, no, a vote for hillary clinton and her husband. that is more politically difficult for them. martha: whoever is quoted in the "politico" story is seems to lick their chops for this whole thing and eating it up. there is no love lost with these camps. >> there is huge breakout across washington in all of this, not just the white house. martha: jonah, thank you very much. we'll watch it unfold with your help. thank you, sir. bill: do you trust the stock market america? new reports that a billionaire hedge fund manager is being investigated for manipulating a particular doppler stock. can the little guy make money stuart varney asks and answer. martha: this is very interesting story. stick around. this little boy get as bionic arm from that guy on left. "iron man.." all this is caught on camera.
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>> do you know who that is? >> "iron man." >> what is his name? >> robert. >> great. it's why edward jones is the big company that doesn't act that way. ♪ building aircraft, the likes of which the world has never seen. this is what we do. ♪ that's the value of performance.
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northrop grumman.
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martha: a bad crash at the finish line of a woman's bike race in europe apparently was caused by a spectator. watch, the right-hand side of the screen. biker was trying to pass. watch this down she goes. a man reached out and apparently grabbed her handlebars according to people who have taken a very close look at this video. you can see that reach out. very odd. she flew head first over the bike. broke her collarbone. lauren rowney. she later tweeted thank you for your well-wishes. try to get back to you all. hard with one arm. on my way to hamburg for treatment. organizers of the race are launching an investigation into what happened.
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bill: that is just not right. stocks are lower but nothing to do with the next story. new reports that the fbi is investigating a hedge fund for manipulation of a popular health company. stuart varney from the fox business network with me now. good morning to you. the company herbalife, been around 30 plus years. employs a lot of people 7,000. has diet supplements and nutrition. what is the allegation? runs a hedge fund with $20 million in it. he make as bet that herbalife stock will go down. he says it will go all the way down to zero. then he goes public with what he is saying. he made the bet. he bet that it is going to go down. he goes public says this thing will go to zero. it's a pyramid scheme. don't buy it. the stock is going to go down. he was talking up publicly the position which he had previously taken privately. is that ethical? yes or no? now put yourself in the hands of
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the little guy. an individual investor who may have bought herbalife thinking this is good company. i know it, i like it, i'm buying it. suddenly they're whipsawed by activities of a billionaire. this is another reason why people don't trust wall street. i'm not saying that ackman did anything illegal or even unethical. i'm saying this happened. if you're the little guy you're caught up in it and you have lost. bill: got it to be clear. these are allegations right? >> yes, they are. bill: the fbi is investigating. >> he told people who worked for arc man -- bill: i see. at some point they will talk to him. >> we don't know that. bill: so he bought the stock at a certain price? >> he shorted it. bill: shorted. it will go from 50 to 2 in this case, in this case from 50 to zero. went public and said this ain't working out for us, folks. >> no, no. bill: took advantage of the drop in the stock price. >> >> that is what he intended to do. bill: that is the allegation. >> bet against it privately. then publicly said it is going down.
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he bet it against it, talked it down publicly. is that ethical? bill: got it. >> but he did it. the stock did go down. bill: stuart varney is over there, bottom his 50 shares of herbalife and he bought it in 2008 and stock market fell to the floor. since that time the stock market has triple yes. bill: so are you making out as little guy in this? >> well, look the stock market has a terrible reputation. people don't trust it because of things like herbalife, that don't trust it. they think the market is rigged against the little guy. so a lot of people have stayed out of stocks. what a tragedy. because in the last six years, the dow jones industrial average is nearly tripled. bill: it has. >> huge bull run. many, many people dropped out stayed out of it. and have miss ad huge opportunity. bill: we'll see if the story goes anywhere. we'll see what ackman has to say about it. see you at 11:00 eastern time. >> you will. bill: stuart varney. martha. martha: people in missouri say they have had enough after
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shooting of two police officers the other night. >> people of missouri are looking for law and order. they're looking for a governor who will lead us and enforce law and order. and they have had it with this tending toward violence protests in the street. they have had it with the holder justice department. >> that is peter kinder's take. president obama and attorney general eric holder both weighed in after the latest violence but has the response been on point? our panel will debate this. bill: there is a new documentary exploring the life of the last man ever to walk on the moon. >> really wanted to reach out bring it home and show it to everybody. this is what it feels like. ♪
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ask. martha: back with fox news alert. we have brand new reaction from president obama about the letter sent by 47 letters -- snorts
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that was sent to iran. this is vice news. >> i'm embarrassed for them. for them to address a letter to the ayatollah, who they claim is our mortal enemy and they're basic argument to them is, don't deal with our president because you can't trust him t follow through on an agreement. close to unprecedented. martha: close to unprecedented he says. full interview from vice news is available on monday march 16th. interesting stuff. bill: at the moment a manhunt underway in ferguson, missouri. s.w.a.t. teams fanning out searching for suspects after shooting of two police officers. president obama responding last night on "jimmy kimmel." he calls the suspects responsible criminals he also focused on race. >> whoever fired those shots shouldn't detract from the
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issue, they're criminals. they need to be arrested. and then what we need to do is make sure that like-minded good-spirited people on both sides, law enforcement who have terrifically tough job and people understandably don't want to be stopped and harassed because of their race. bill: executive director of the tea jewelry roginsky, former advisor to democratic snort frank lautenberg out of new jersey. good morning to both of you. law enforcement has a terrifically tough job, the president said. then concluded by saying people have to understand they don't want to be stopped and harassed because of their race. if you refer niger to the department of justice conclusion, they found racism in the police department in ferguson. it also found that there was no hands up don't shoot claim. it also found darren wilson was not responsible. so how do we, how do we work our way through this niger? >> we need some real leadership
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from the president of the united states. you know, one of those powerful weapons that a president has at his disposal or her disposal is the power of symbolism. why the president when the trayvon martin case spiked, if i had a son trayvon would look like me, said that on the white house lawn. went before the united nations during spiking of the ferguson situation, compared ferguson to isis cutting off heads, to russia invading ukraine. then this attempted assassination on two law enforcement officers. attack on civilization, quite frankly. the president goes on "jimmy kimmel" to talk about, after tweeting and his tweet ends signed bo. there is something wrong with his judgment when it comes to cases like this. i think you need a little more leadership. bill: i gotcha. julie, is that the case, lack of leadership? >> not a lack of leadership. look very clear about the fact that what happened in ferguson was absolutely unconscionable on both sides. there is no excuse, no excuse, to shoot two police officers.
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that was said very forcefully by him. at the same time there are obviously systemic problems within the ferguson police department as how they treat minorities. i think the justice department report was very clear on that. for the president not to speak out about that, when an entire police force apparently is victimizing people of a particular race, would be a lack of leadership. the fact he did speak out about it is very -- right thing to do. bill: to both of you then, as you look at all the events over the past six months out of missouri, have the politicians niger, perhaps the media made things worse than they actually would have been? >> no question about it. you know, i actually went to ferguson myself and dr. king as part of our restore the dream campaign. we met with the former, now former police chief the mayor. we also met with a number of black elected officials and black community leaders black and white community leaders. and what we found was consensus across the board which was that
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there was a tension between police and the community. the tension existed because politicians had made law enforcement officials that should be about protecting crime, protecting property and safety into tax collectors, for big government. that was a crisis. they all agreed to that across the board. so i think without the celebration without a u.n. speech comparing the ferguson situation to isis, without our justice department had before the investigation is even complete, comparing it to emmett till a horrendous civil rights case in mississippi this situation could have healed. bill: six people fired or resigned as a result. julie, what about all that? if it weren't fact media shown light on ferguson put so much on it i'm not sure the justice department wouldn't have come in. bill: really. >> there are probably more than
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one or two fergusons in the country we don't know about. the reason we know about this one because of media attention. that forced justice department's hands to investigate what was going on. niger, absolutely right the police department was forced to be tax collectors for municipal government but it is more than that there were systemic findings of dogs being sicced on 14-year-old black boys. consistently only happened to african-americans and not others in ferguson. there is more than just the fact they were tax collectors although that is abhorrent. i shudder to think about the fact there is probably more than one town in this country like that today we wouldn't know about if it weren't for all the media exposure that took place after death of michael brown. bill: it was calm last night. let's hope it stays that way from this day forward. niger julie. thank you. >> thank you. bill: 22 minutes before the hour. martha: it's a remarkable story that is truly out of this world. a new documentary exploring the life of apollo 17 astronaut, captain eugene cernan.
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his likely journey to become the last man that walked on the moon. casey stiegel live from austin texas, with this story for us. hey, casey. >> reporter: martha, good to see you. captain gene cernan, a lot of people don't know, was one of the very first nasa astronauts. the former u.s. navy fighter pilot was hand-selected by the space agency in 1966. it even submitted an application and, well, the rest is history of the his rise to fame and everything that came along with it, showcased in this new documentty. and tonight is the north american premier of, "last man on the moon" at the south by southwest festival a film profiling the man who flew three space missions in 1966. cernan, piloted gemini 9-a. three-year later lunar module pilot of apollo 10. december of 1972 he became the 11th and final person to step foot on the moon as
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commander of apollo 17. famously singing and dancing from the lunar surface as the world watched in awe. >> ♪ strolling on the moon one day, in a merry, merry month of -- december. >> may. >> much to my surprise, a a pair of eyes, da. da. this is a neat way to travel. >> reporter: neat way to travel indeed. last man on the moon. also examines sadness not just from cernan, but from the space community as a whole over the dwindling space program. he wishes more astronauts like himself were up there exploring these days, with a legacy for future generations. big night no doubt planned here in austin. captain cernan who is now 80 years old will be on hand to meet his fans and see his life play out on silver screen,
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martha. martha: he is terrific guy. looks like a great movie. thank you very much, casey. bill: journalist going into the war zone, reporting on reality of isis from behind enemy lines. >> soldiers here pledged their lives to us. they said they will die before they see us taken. it's a bit nerve-wracking but there is nothing we can do except sit here and wait. bill: so in a moment you will hear a first-hand account on the brutality of isis terrorists. >> then we'll have this for you. best story of the day folks. robert downey, jr. gives a little boy a wonderful gift, showing "iron man" is a true superhero. ♪
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bill: "iron man," robert downey, jr., gives a real life bionic arm to a little boy who will never forget this moment right
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here. >> want to have a look? >> sure. >> ready? >> yep. >> great. >> each one looks the same. >> actually, i think yours might be better than mine. what do you say we, we both try them on. do a progress report. >> okay. bill: nice. 7-year-old alex was born with a partially developed arm. he knew he would be meeting with some kind of expert but had no idea it would be one of his favorite superhero characters, the avenger himself, live and in person. downey showing up in character as inventer tony stark the alter ego of "iron man." the 3d robotic arm was given to alex at no cost to his family thanks to a charity called limitless solutions. downey said giving arm to alex was, quote an absolute privilege. he looks great with it. martha: watch the whole thing. the little boy, do you know who that is? we showed it in the tease.
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"iron man." that's "iron man.." do you know his name? robert. just so cute on both their parts. well-done. nicely done, robert downey, jr. and the company that did that for him. good stuff. >> isis, if you are not muslim why? why? give you children, more children? this is happened -- martha: brutality of isis described by a woman who has seen it first-hand in iraq. she is a yazidi. basically christian, living inside of iraq. and under the threat of death from the terror group. last month 21 coptic christians from egypt were beheaded by
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islamic state. we all witnessed that horrific scene on the beach in libya but the aggression is not just towards christians. the jordanian pilot who was burned alive was muslim. benjamin hall is a journalist. he wrote a book, "inside isis, brutalize of a terrorist army." what he witnessed first-hand in the middle east. he joins me now. ben good to have you with us. it is a very intense story that you tell. lots of video on your website. we'll see a special tonight on "special report." one of the biggest points you make, people need to understand it is so much worse than the pictures we just showed in that statement. >> that's right. every time i see a video in the public sphere and huge for record around it, i want to say to people there is so much happening more on the ground that you don't know about. particularly the way children are being brainwashed. idealogical training they go through, creating a whole new generation of problems. we really need to be doing more about it. martha: when you look at what you saw, and you say that, because of the brutality that
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you witnessed and families who are ripped apart, and scrawlings of little girls on the wall where they're writing pictures of people who were beheaded in their village it must be difficult for to you have seen this and witnessed it and to sort of see what you might describe as inaction in many ways. >> that is absolutely tragic because in some cases there is no hope at all for them. we're talking about villages who lost their entire male population. 4 or 500 slaughtered in massacres by isis people. when you talk to woman with 90 members of her family. last one there and she is i will withing. you understand the scale of this problem. martha: how how about you personally? because that's what i kept wondering, watching this? we saw what happened to james foley, steven sotloff. you must-have been very, very scared. >> i was in aleppo around the same time. a lot of my colleagues knew them. of course it puts things into perspective. many people would say why don't
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you stop covering the region? the fact by writing this book, inside isis, by continuing to report on the subject hopefully we bring more awareness to it. people need to know what is happening and ramifications. >> did you feel you were in the middle of a world war ii situation where you're kind of screaming to the world don't you understand what is going on here? what do you think western leaders should be doing that they're not doing? >> especially early on in the syrian revolution. i was out there when it was quite a nascent rebel movement and fighting oppressive dictator. yes, this is going to turn to something bigger. very little happened at that point. now western leaders are not sure what to do. they're not sure, whether assad is savior of this. well, he isn't, first of all. if only more people would listen. martha: you outline the instructions that were given to members of isis when dealing with women who hand taken into slavery. it's a list of questions, that tells them how the koran and their religion deal with taking into slavery religion. question number eight.
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does two or men buy a female together are they sexually more permissive to both of them? this is barbaric. >> they are proud of many of these things. they put propaganda out daily. we have a list of crimes they committed. one of the selling point to them. a lot of people join them precisely for this reason. they're drawn to the bloodlust, sex, violence. it is incredible that disenchanted youths want that. martha: it is civil war, shia, versus sunni. it is not our problem. what do you say? >> that is problem. if we leave that alone with arms race. cold war in saudi arabia already growing. iran having a bigger hand in iraq at the moment. to imagine shia backed mill like sharks iranian backed guys can somehow solve this is a big problem. no we have to have more hands on approach. we need to look at ways to do that. martha: ben, you have done a great job with this book and i encourage everybody to take a look at it. you have perspective from what you saw very few people have.
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thank you very much. come back to talk to us more. fox news reporting tonight you wan watch ben's story in more depth, unholy war, the march of isis, premiers at 10:00 p.m. eastern here on fox news and will rerun over the weekend. thank you very very much. good to have you here. bill: jon scott coming up next. "happening now" coming your way. good morning. >> good morning bill. hillary clinton email controversy going on two weeks. no signs it is letting up. we're awaiting word on the official subpoena from the house oversight committee demanding electronic records of clinton's communications while she was secretary of state. but have the media gone too far? will it be hillary clinton versus the media instead of a traditional presidential primary? we've got all the angles covered. plus a new easy way to test for concussions and guerrilla style of parenting making kids fend for themselves. we've got it "happening now." >> thank you jon. happy friday. >> you too. bill: you have water hazards
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♪ ♪ bill: keep your hands and feet inside the government cart for this one. a 12-foot long gait are stalking greens in englewood, florida. i talked to the golfer brave enough to snap those pictures. dick hueber is my guest. how are you, dick. good morning to you. >> i'm fine. good morning to you. bill: you drew a lot of attention for this thing. that is the kind of hazard they don't put on the scorecard, isn't it? >> no. no. not really. it -- but it is quite common to see gators there on the course. bill: i bet it is. my understanding you're coming
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up on 7th hole. playing with your buddy, right? >> yes. bill: you come across a 12-foot alligator new member apparently at this club. >> i think he has been there a long time. this is one of the local gators going from hole to hole. or from the pond to another pond. he short distance was crossing the, green. bill: but you were coming up to the green, right? you already hit your ball. your ball was sitting there? >> yes. bill: you got how close? >> i got within about 10-foot of the gator to take the last picture. i started taking, i took over 10 pictures. and i walked, as close as you possibly could get to a gator. bill: dick, what are you doing 10 feet away from this thing? >> trying to be as nervous as i was. bill: that is little too close do you think. >> it was too close. you don't want to get that close to a gator. it didn't bother him at all. he just walked on up by the pin. laid down.
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and, then, rested a minute. and then walked off the green. >> usually, you don't see gators in that position right? they're just laying out there in the grass or in the pond. this guy was just on his feet making a move. >> well this time of the year it is breeding season for the gators. and, the gators move from pond to pond. so he was moving that day. bill: yeah. you know, when you come across a player like that, they have got honors, don't they? >> oh, yeah. bill: do what they want. >> like i say, the greattores live there. we just visit. bill: indeed. dick, thanks for coming on. best to everybody at the club there in in englewood florida. >> thank you very much have. bill: dick hueber. shot of the year. congratulations. play on. >> thank you. >> let the guy play through. a manhunt continues in ferguson. the latest on that story when we come back. can you pick me up at 6:30?
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8:00 am
>> will farrell going out all playing nine innings. he said he thinks he is going to go pro. >> good cause. raising money for cancer. have a great weekend, everybody. "happening now" starts right now. >> more problems for hilary clinton on this friday. the house oversight committee could susubpoena the former secretary of state as early as today about her growing e-mail controversy. welcome to "happening now." i am jon scott. >> happy friday. i am jenna lee. and we are learning the black berry ms. clinton used was reportedly not issued by the state department. and trey gowdy is preparing to turn up the heat. his select committee on benghazi wants her e-mails considering the


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