tv Outnumbered FOX News March 13, 2015 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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jon: testimony you haven't heard from jodi arias, when we see you back here in an hour. jenna: "outnumbered" starts now. ♪ >> this is "outnumbered." i'm andrea tantaros. here with us today harris faulkner kirsten powers katie pavlich from town hall. today's #oneluckyguy, executive producer of imus in the morning. he has to put up with don imus every day. he is outnumbered. bernard mcguirk. >> thank you very much, ladies happy friday the 13th. >> you're our one lucky guy. not unlucky today. >> any trisidek phobes here on
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couch? >> second one in a row. >> friday es always end with cocktail and good night sleep. no matter what, a good stay. >> amen to that. >> high-five bernie. >> massive manhunt in ferguson missouri. thinks are looking for one suspect or multiple suspects that shot two police officers during the wednesday night. it was relatively calmer last night but as the investigation continues, president obama coming under fire for initial response to the shootings. first a tweet saying quote, violence against police is unacceptable. our prayers are with the officers in missouri. path to justice is one all of us must travel together. on kelly file milwaukee county sheriff david clark who for months has been warning that a war has been declared on america's police, visibly disgusted with the president's response saying he took, quote, the lazy way out with a tweet. >> that might score him points
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with hipsters but it is not going over real big with me. it is not going over real big with the american law enforcement officer. i need president of the united states and attorney general to remind young black men in american ghettos, they have an obligation to comply with the law enforcement officers lawful commands. if we want to end deadly encounters, it will be incumbent upon them stop fighting police, stop resisting arrest, stop engaging the police in foot pursuits. stop trying to disarm them. them. >> we finally did hear the president speak about the injured officers last night when he sad down with comedian jimmy kimmel. listen. >> i think what has been happening in ferguson was oppressive and on just shunnable. and was worthy of protest but there was no excuse for criminal acts. and, whoever fired those shots shouldn't detract from the issue, they're criminals. they need to be arrested.
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>> so is the president's response on ferguson enough? harris, i will go to you first on this one. getting criticism for responding over social media but he did address the controversy last night. what do you think of his remark. >> first of all what he said wasn't in the tweet. would be more appropriate to say it was unacceptable. he didn't say that. he softened it. part of it was venue. hopped on air force one and fly to california and jimmy kimmel show. tweet is what they would do because they didn't have regular white house briefing. that is one thing. at one point jimmy kimmel was joking about not having parking tickets put out equally he felt as a joke. the president had to elevate the conversation again back to salient points. it is awkward venue. i love jimmy kimmel. i think he is hilarious. i don't know if that is the first place you go to comment on situation where two police officers have been shot in ferguson missouri. >> initially bernie, we know the president stepped to the
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podium when the first initial incident happened monthsing a. the president stepped up to the podium. he made a pretty strong statement. people were upset. i remember he upset put seemingly police on moral equivalent as the protesters. >> right. >> how do you think he handled it last night. >> you do not preface outrage no qualifiers with regarding to outrage of shooting of police. i don't care what it is. react way eric holder reacted in this particular instance. are punks. cops are only thing separating us from chaos with civilized people. without the cops it is wild west. it is civilization has ended. you do not say, well yeah, what happened in ferguson was oppressive. however you shouldn't, you should say those punks would hunt you down like joe biden said find you to ends of the earth. that is what he should have said. i was kind of outraged what he said last night on "jimmy kimmel." he should have showed passion. almost like his reaction to the isis atrocities saying, well,
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you know, before you get on your high horse remember that the we did it back in the crusades. where is the passion? where is the anger. where is the outrage? two cops got shot. two cops were executed here a couple months ago. come on. >> about that, kirsten. there were as bernie points out, two nypd officers shot. i remember at the time the papers here in new york were pretty hard on the white house because the president didn't reacting a strongly as he did in ferguson. they took heat because they only sent joe biden to the funeral. they didn't think the white house was represented. how do you think the president handled this latest incident in ferguson? would you criticize him or would you say he struck the right tone. >> handles the way he handles everything which is not real well. everything you said about him can be said about almost every incident how he tends to be too late how he responds. tends to not have passion or outrage, going back to things like benghazi. where was outrage over what
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happened. that is just not who he is. he doesn't do that no matter what the circumstance is. he doesn't, i wouldn't expect him to do it in this case. i would make a distinction i think that when we can't compare if, if he is talking about police officers doing something, i think that we do hold police officers to a higher standard than some thug who shoot as police officer. so it is hard to interchange them in a way. you know what i mean? i think we do that, well, he should be treating talking about this criminal, you know who shot somebody like, he is representative of something versus when a police officer does something, we have expectation of police officers not going to do something bad. >> katy, what do you think? we've seen him kirsten is right, he doesn't react to these things very well. that is just not who he is. we have seen him channel passion going after republicans. he has gotten really angry and passionate on the stump. i want to ask you about the kimmel platform to respond and
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twitter. do you think that he should have gone to the podium or done something different? because sometimes people say don't get involved in these local issues. >> i was saying that. >> he has done that before. damned if he does and damned if he doesn't? >> this is the problem when the department of justice and of the of the united states get involved in local police departments. whether it is in florida. whether in ferguson missouri whether in new york. when the president comes out and interjects himself into these situations which should be handled locally then he is expected to comment not only on situation he injected himself into but every single situation that occurs across the country. so when the president does inject himself, needs to understand, he is putting responsibility on himself to not just go in there, get in and then when bad things happen, get out and go on "jimmy kimmel." you have to take responsibility and see entire situation through which the administration hasn't been very good at when it comes to seeing the end of everything that has happened. >> all right. let's move on. also making news today the
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white house says president obama still has full confidence in the secret service director despite the agency's latest scandal. have you heard about it? two senior agents, including a top member of the president's protective detail are being investigated after a crash outside of the white house. reports say they drove a government into a security barrier last week, following a night of, alleged drinking. we're told they also disrupted an active bomb investigation, nearly running over a suspicious package, as they drove into the crime scene. i added that part because well it's true. the white house is defending secret service director joseph clancy i saying that no one has higher standards than clancy. he was appointed last month to turn the troubled agency around. 30, 35 days, that is not a lot of time to turn things around, i would imagine but really, you drove through a crime scene. you're a secret service agent. >> i imagine so many men would love to be secret service agents such a prestigious job
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protecting president. if president obama wants to look like he is in control, he would tell him step aside. look you have time to fix it. i think if he feels has him step aside or make a statement not supporting him. it will refleck poorly on his decision to put him there in the first place. it is always about the president. >> i have to ask though, kirsten, my goodness, he only had a month on the job. it would be hard to turn around any situation. >> i don't think it is enough time. you have to give the person more time. >> does this maybe suggest that the president didn't make the best choices in terms of how they have been doing all along? one guy can't fix it quickly. so how bad is it? >> well, it is something that should have been dealt with sooner. you have to give somebody time to assess the whole situation. i don't think they want to be making a lot of decisions probably in the first month, right? if it was me i want to have time to look at the whole place. i think it is too soon to say this person can't handle the job it will be interesting in clancy
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ends up firing people bernie? maybe he will do what other people haven't done? >> these guys are respected secret service guys. look, they were at a retirement party for somebody. they got liquored up. heard about incident happening at white house. >> secret service liquored up. >> they were not on duty. they were at this retirement party. they heard about something going on at the white house. so they instinctively jumped in their cars. albeit, they should not have. somebody sober should be driving. somebody will get fired. >> will they? that is the question. >> itself is not such a bad thing. just collective, all these events starting with prostitution thing back in colombia. >> a long list. >> the president appointed woman julia pierson, left in for two years. she did squat to help out. he appointed her because she was a woman, to encounter the old boy network thing. left her in there too long.
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give this guy a break. >> katie, in 2014, won't read all this three agents protecting president in amsterdam put on administrative lead after a night of, drinking. is this chronic? i don't know. >> yeah. >> you have to start to ask. there is prostitution mentioned allegedly. so many things have gone on in just like the last 24s, 30 months. >> i want to stress this actually isn't just a secret service issue. there is this culture inside of a lot of federal government law enforcement agencies of non-accountability. if nobody gets fired nothing will change. that is the key. if nobody is held accountable for what happened, we'll see what happened under the last secret service head. see it continuing to move forward. bottom line we can joke about the secret service driving through a crime scene with a suspicious package. they contaminate ad crime scene which is a crime. if it had not been a suspicious package that was not harmful, and it had been some kind of a explosive device, they could have caused some real damage and real problems. but only for president and
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white house but people standing around. they have responsibility and have to be held accountable. >> give them more time to come in redirect the president's office. this is security. this is his life. >> no tolerance. >> day one, zero tolerance. if one of us would crash our car through the glass of "outnumbered" studio i don't think they would say just okay. >> only day two. give my fellow bald-headed irish guy, clancy. day two. they may get fired. >> right bernie. >> bald, whatever the heck you just said. if he doesn't fire somebody, maybe they fire him? i don't know. >> someone needs to be fired. >> yes. but give them due deliberation. let it play itself out. >> okay. we're moving on allegedly. two terror groups joining forces as isis accepts boko haram's pledge of allegiance as their caliphate
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expands. they want a whole nation just like them. what does it mean for the united states and the rest of the world? email scandal involving former secretary of state hillary clinton, it is just heating up, actually. it is not going away. here why our own fox's charles krauthamer the controversy absolutely isn't going to go away. ♪ major: ok fitness class! here's our new trainer ensure active heart health. crowd: yayyyy!
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♪ >> welcome back to "outnumbered." well isis has officially accepted african terror group boko haram's pledge of allegiance in audio message. an isis spokesman is heard congratulating quote jihadi brothers saying the caliphate expanded to western africa. despite seven months of u.s.-led airstrikes, intel officials are warning that isis is holding its own, losing just 20% of territory it seized in iraq so far, still managing to launch attacks and expand idealogical reach beyond syria and iraq. in fact isis and boko haram, now have affiliates in 13 different countries on two different continents. bernie, i want to go to you on this one while the president is busy doing jimmy kimmel we haven't heard a lot about cogent strategy to defeat isis.
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there is unwillingness to put boots on the ground we know he said that, but should he be saying a bit more? >> we're spending what eight to $10 million a day to fight isis right now. we are using our air force. we have, what, 3,000 or so troops over there. so there is something being done. and as far as isis you know, making an alliance with boko haram, i mean, in the grand geopolitical scheme of things it is kind of small ball. it is not like nazis hooking up with japan. more like the bloods and crips. remember isis people, 40, 50,000 fighters. they're surrounded by countries that hate them. surrounded countries whose armies collected in millions. those armies should do something. i don't necessarily think it is incumbent upon us or the united states or our president to send our guys back over into the meat gripedder. let these people, iranians take over tikrit, rather them going
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door-to-door than our troops. >> iranians, will not in my opinion katie isis or boko haram achieve some type of sunni caliphate. i doubt saudi arabia would do same thing. these attacks, bernie mentioned according to "new york times" a senior defense official was quoted saying look, seven months it is not working, isis is holding their own. i agree with bernie no more boots on the grounds let others fight it out. what do you think? >> this strategy on isis from day one top military commanders said it would not work. here we are seven months later it is not working surprise, surprise. generally speaking if you look at the map that was up on the screen, if you look where isis has strongholds, it goes to bigger picture not just about isis. this is radical islamic ideology. these other groups with that ideology are simply pledging their allegiance to isis. they are not really different. they existed before isis is under the new umbrella.
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it does exist. what the map didn't show sympathizers we have in western countries like great britain canada, united states. they don't have strongholds, necessarily but there are people here who have pledged their allegiance to isis. it goes to overall structure of radical islam being a problem. they're simply pledging to a different group at this time. it will change. >> the question again what should the criticism, is that we're not doing enough. what should we do? >> we're bombing empty buildings. you talk to commanders, bombing empty buildings. >> interesting development i was reading about, how many young men in caribbean aisles pledged allegiance to isis. reportedly authorities are joining isis in the middle east. now they have a new place to join them in western africa. they are recruiting and building a hornets nest. actually it might get a little bit easier if they stay in one place. it will be easier to hit them.
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we have to figure out what it is we want to do. and how egregious what they want is to our american spirit? i put it to kirsten. this is war on women like never before. boko haram wages war on women every hour. >> what is happening, even if it was never going to affect the united states is something that, we don't want to sit by and ignore because what is happening to people, men women children is horrific. but i'm with bernie, i think it is something that isn't more incumbent on the people in the region. we should do what we can to support them but, unless we're going to send boots on the ground, i don't think these airstrikes are working. they're holding them back a little bit but i don't see, unless we can somehow as a country come together to say we want to fight and send boots on the ground, we'll probably see something shift dramatically. >> kirsten you and i are saying same thing. is it friday the 13th? are we in the twilight zone?
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wow. "freaky friday." hillary clinton's email controversy well keeps getting bigger. lawsuit, congressional investigations and a possible criminal investigation all piling up. so how far could it go? some say this "time" magazine cover make it look like hillary has got horns yes horns. are new questions whether the media will be her toughest adversary for the presidency. we'll debate it. ♪
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at ally bank no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like mute buttons equal danger. ...that sound good? not being on this phone call sounds good. it's not muted. was that you jason? it was geoffrey! it was jason. it could've been brenda. welcome back to "outnumbered." hilary clinton might be glad the week is almost over but her e-mail controversy is far from over. the associated press is suing to
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release the e-mails and three committees launched or may launch probes into the clinton's e-mail practices. trey gowdy is issuing subpoena for all of the records. charles crad hammer says all of this means one thing: >> it has legs it has long legs. it has legs because the ap has sued the state department to get access to her e-mails and three committees will sue to get access or subpoena her e-mails. >> this is what jumped out to me. what charles was saying -- >> wow. so wow. >> i will take a compliment
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because there is going it be a day when they stop coming in. bring it on. >> that day will never come in. >> no the ap thing is a real problem. it is one thing to have republicans coming after you but when you have the associated press coming you have problems. >> i think it is a problem. i think the media has been unfavorable to her and more favorable to her husband. she said on january 28th she would participate in another hearing and my thinking is she wants to get her side out. i wonder if she will keep her word. i am not sure she is going to be willing to get her but up there to talk about it. >> don't you feel like she will do it and change the victim? >> absolutely. >> acceptisn't that the idea?
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i am getting attacked by republicans and everybody wants my e-mail. it is just like -- the narrative goes from i used my personal e-mail for official government business and then it will go to these republicans just want access to my personal information and personal data when really the problem is if you have never used your personal sever and e-mail for government business it would not be a problem. but there are two issues. there is the political side where republican components on the campaign trail can use it against her but there is the legality and the obligation has to make sure the state can apartment is complying with the law when it comes to transparency and openness. >> she said there were no
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classified documents in the 55,000 pages she turned over. i am concerned about the 30,000 that have been deleted and the pay were play, was there any foreign governments? >> it is money and potential corruption that is the issue. i love the phrase she is nixon in a pant suit. >> without the charm. >> she has had a charmed life and a tough life being disrespected by bill and then the democrats when they dropped her and now they pop this in her face. if she is guilty of a felony the good news s one of those orange jump suits will look good. >> orange doesn't look good on
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anyone. >> to me the big problem is she thinks that things that belong to the american people and the u.s. government are hers and she can keep them secret. i think that is a huge problem. >> the press has a problem with this as well. and it looks like hillary's biggest rival might the not be a democrat but the news media. she waited eight days to address the controversy and reporters didn't let up asking similar questions to what another campaign might ask on the campaign trail. it was said democratic voters may let her have the nomination without struggle but the press will wage a campaign against her and try to bring her down a peg
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or two. and this article gives hilary clinton horns placed under the m. the magazine said it didn't do it before and it happened with others including the pope and several presidents. >> maybe they should reposition their letters. >> andrea don't you think this isn't something new for the press? the press has been unfavorable to hilary clinton and that is why she lost partially in 2008. >> if i am hilary clinton i am hoping the press demonizes me because she will play the victim card. she really hopes they were deliberately putting horns on her. >> a reporter did ask do you think you would be treated the
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same way if you are not a woman. you context of the question. >> that guy was from turkey. he doesn't know any better. >> i was saying about blaming the republicans or the media and not all are asking to get attention. there are legit concerns to ask and who is going to challenge that perp person leading up to the primary season. that is our job. we are supposed to hold people accountable and find out their influences. they are going to be leaders. it isn't a media thing. it is an american thing. >> i do think she has been treated badly by the military and treated badly compared to obama. the problem with the media is you cannot just do it to hilary clinton and romney. you have to do it everybody.
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but she has done something here that is beyond the pail and should be expecting to be raked over the coals. >> the media will go easier once she is announcing she is the candidate. can you imagine if first-term black senator like cory booker through his name in the ring and the same thing happened to her. >> she will throw bill under the bus saying it is his server. she is running the clinton administration and uses that one? i want to know if it is strong yoga power yoga or bic ram? >> protest continue in ferguson missouri with the manhunt still on for whoever shot to police
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officers. we have the latest. and new developments on the flag banning controversy at uc irvine. so why much uproar over the cherished symbol of freedom. start investing for my retirement. transamerica made it easy. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. transamerica. transform tomorrow. hey pal? you ready? can you pick me up at 6:30? ah... (boy) i'm here! i'm here! (cop) too late. i was gone for five minutes! ugh! move it. you're killing me. you know what, dad? i'm good. (dad) it may be quite a while before he's ready,
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this has been a huge talker this week. another big development in a flagbanning controversy we have been telling you about. a second student meeting at uc irvine was canceled after tuesday's planned meeting was canceled due to threats of violence. the student counsel created a stir voting to remove the flag from the lounge and that ban zit vetoed and lifted but the petition signed now by professor and students says this embodies
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the aspect of nationalism and hate that the counsel hoped to eliminate with the no-flag vote. the petition says we admire the political immaturity and support them. what are you thoughts? >> i am sick and tired of the american hating guilty white liberals in academics. they make me sick. go anywhere outside of the united states for a while and come back and you will appreciate the flag. this is a government funded college. so you take money from our government but you don't want to fly the flag? the flag has to fly. it makes me sick >> you know what is interesting watching this all week is that the tone and mood have changed. at first it was the students who wanted the ban and said we are not going to do that and rather than moving on that did not
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happen. why do you think that is? >> is anybody studying? is any work getting done? now we have the professors involved. i think they are using this as an opportunity to take what they have been teaching in the! against nationalism and get this splashed across the media and on fox news and make their point although they are looking like idiots. if the professors don't like it go to a private university or go to a university in iran especially the female professors >> your point of view would be taken -- >> they can protest against the iranian flag >> i want to ask katie about the nationalism language. this is the nag nationalism they
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wanted to keep out. >> this is ridiculous. this bottom line is that flag survived an american revolution civil rights movement, and civil war. it brings people together. and the spoiled professors and students that have a problem have choses to go elsewhere and live elsewhere where they don't have the chance to have a flag that upholds human rights. >> preach it katie. that a girl! >> what she said! >> i have a couple kids in college believe it or not and they actually taylor their papers they write because they know what the teacher wants to hear and had afraid of having adverse reactions >> you are nodding to this? >> i just read a book about this
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topic and i went into it knowing there was a problem but i had no idea how bad it is. especially if you speak to conservative students and not even just conservative students. it is anybody. someone with no political views or a democrat who is not sufficiently liberal enough. if you go off the reservation on issues the way you are treated ostracized and punished. >> and grading >> and you wonder if anyone is talking about what the flag means in terms of free speech? we have the right to fly and and we have the right to burn it. my dad serving in vietnam it broke his heart, but he said i fought for whatever decision you want to make regarding the flag but didn't fight for it not to be flown ever. >> i think you are totally
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right. i have travelled so much. and when you travel around the world, even to western europe and countries i love you do recognize when you come back to the united states there is something special about this country. people look to this country as a beacon of hope and that is what the flag represents. it doesn't mean we are perfect. we are not perfect. but unfortunately these students are not being taught about this. >> from little on up. determining if it young athlete has a concussion could be as simple as holding up a flash card and we will explain the technique that will help coaches and parents quickly check to see if the child suffered more than just a bump on the head. if you want to win over your guy laugh at his jokes even if they are not funny.
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what is happening next on "happening now." >> the stocks are taking a drop with the dow and oil down. investigators are worried the rising dollar could eat into the profit of american companies. three three brooklyn men arraigned on charges of joining isis shooting the president and bombing coney island in new york. and iraqis claiming progress in the fight against isis terrorist saying they have retaken a key town from isis but there are growing fears about the spread of the isis message. we will explore that ahead on "happening now." >> if you want to impress a guy, don't try to be funny but make sure you laugh at his joke. researchers asked how important is it to find a partner who can make you laugh and second does it matter if your partner find
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them funny. and the results men preferred female who liked their jokes and women don't care if guys think they are funny. ladies let me just say a love a funny woman but no one wants a guy to be funnier than you are. right? >> why is that? >> what does tina fay's husband do? fade into the wall paper because she is funny? >> joan rivers was hilarious but i didn't want to date her. >> you equate wittyness with intelligence so you feel inferior if you are with a woman who is funnier than you. they also say there is an old irish saying if you make a woman laugh you are halfway -- >> stop!
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[laughing] >> just in case you didn't know he is laughing just to be nice. so that is why a guy wants to be funnier than a woman. >> because he is trying to -- >> he is trying to you know. >> am i wrong? >> i think all diffe guys make you laugh. >> does your husband make you laugh? >> all of the time. the funnier they are the more i am attracted to. and humor is a sign of intelligence. guys who are witty are smart. >> katie is so quite right now. i have to know. >> i mean i don't want to tell a joke berny doesn't laugh at. i don't want to make him feel bad and insecure about himself. >> i would think it is cute and adorable. i think you want to have fun with someone so making each other laugh is a good thing. but if you intimidate a guy
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because you are funnier you should move on. >> christen you have been quite. >> i dated a professional comedian years ago and he was not funny when he wasn't working. i didn't know how to take it. he was really unfunny when he wasn't working and it was odd. it was like do i laugh anyway? you know me i never could. >> you don't suffer fools >> and finally i think we ended up breaking up because he said you don't find me funny. >> was he funny on the ed sullivan show you have watched him? >> when he performed he was hilarious. >> a lot of people don't know this but you have a really good sense of humor and that is bad apparent apparently? >> no i love funny guys. >> amy schummer. i would date her. i like funny ladies like that. so it is not a deal cutter
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>> not too funny, though. there you go. it is your read by the way. >> so much for dry-clean only or dry low. one clothing company has washington instructions that are being called sexist with the tag selling men to give the jersey to the woman. they are apologizing but is it good enough? you will like this one. stay tuned.
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9:57 am
♪ ♪ ♪ >> machine wash, cold and dry clean only. well some of the common washing instructions on clothes and one indonesian company is under fire for a shirt label that is called sexist. give this jersey to your woman. it's her job. social media was quick to shame the company and they tweeted instead of washing the wrong way give it to a lady because they are more capable. there is no intention to humiliate women in contrast we want men to learn how from women how to take care of the women.
9:58 am
>> who does this? >> the salvo sports company. and the explan augz is worse. >> i feel it is hilarious. i know it is sexist. but at this point we joke you know. i think it is funny. >> and put it in the wash, plose, huh. >> i have a hard time doing my own laundry and no man should give me his jersey. >> they should have said give it to a woman because you are the idiot. and like you are the woman. but it is her job? not so much. >> it is indonessia. and at least they apologized and they allowed women to go to school and vote and they are not saudi arabia, but it is the country with the largest muslim population in the world and so give them kudos.
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>> they are not accustomed to women like me. if you give me your underwear i will give it back to you pink. >> you have a lot of pink and gray. >> i don't know if they look good on boxer shorts. >> and i am silent on this one because i married a guy who does not do laundry. >> nothing wrong with that. >> if it was him it would be small and pink and gray. he would shrink it all. >> that was a joke. >> but we split it up in my household. i don't take care of the outside of the house. >> and that is the trash and whatever and keeping that clean and manicured. and i take care of the inside of the house. and so i don't want him wearing a t- shirt that says that. >> or like a half shirt. and walking around and doing the yard work. and bedazz and he will puffy
10:00 am
paint. it we are back on tv on monday noon eastern. "happening now" starts right now. >> we start out with a fox news alert. syrian rebels battling government and isis getting help from obama administration. nmillions of dollars for the syrian opposition group and fourth anniversary of the start of the bloody conflict. we are covering all of the news "happening now". ♪ on the moon one day. >> only a few set foot on the other world. the look at the life and journey of the last man to walk on the moon. >> and a medical break through imagine being able to check your child for a concussion on the sideline and using flash cards. we'll show you in this these test. >> and that was crazy. >>
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