tv Red Eye FOX News March 21, 2015 11:00pm-12:01am PDT
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previously on "red eye." >> do not attempt to adjust your television set. >> please keep watching. >> this is the beginning of the end of western civilization. >> now? now you tell us? >> obama what are you doing to this country? >> unless there are booze or smores i am not going. >> you can't throw me around like i am a cabbage patch, i am not interested. >> neither of those things are legal. >> and now the thrilling conclusion. >> hello, everyone. i'm joanne nosuchunsky. let's welcome our guests. i am told obama is leading a war on her last name. i am here with the finance contributor lauren lyons cole. he was excited about friday's
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eclipse because it turned the sun the color of his heart. and will ron so far away. it is will ron. he is now the daily beast washington bureau chief awesome. and he is more shocking than a taser. sitting next to me is gavin mcginnis, writer for talking and street you got it. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. >> is saturday night too far right? one "snl" cast member wishes the show would get back to the progressive roots. sands says will farrell's portrayal of george w. bush as a beer drinking bro may have helped him win the election in 2000. and the show seems to be more concerned with being cool than being anti-establishment. and then there was this
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exchange about a recent portrayal of hillary clinton. >> kate mckin none did a hillary clinton in the last episode that was pretty savage. they usually don't go after democrats like that. it was pretty brutal. i thought wow if they keep this going it could affect things a tiny bit. it really made her like a caricature. >> i wouldn't mind the show -- i just think the politics of every there the writers and the actors is different than that. so i think in the spirit of the show as it was when it started, it should be a little anti-establishment and a little less conservative. >> totally agree. gavin, can you first tell me who horatio sands is? >> horatio sands was a popular character on "snl." he was constantly giggling his pants off. he was always laughing through sketches. very physical comedy kind of guy, but i think we see these "snl" dudes and think of john
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bough lieu she and think they are cool. they are all improve people. they are those annoying people from high school who are in the drama club. >> hey, hey! i did improve troop. i was in drama club. >> oh. >> i know exactly what you mean. >> you grew up and became an adult at some point. jim norton says you are 100% with us or 100% against us. "snl" is totally liberal. they were in the tank for obama and they ridiculed sarah palin. even tina faye thought her imitation was a bit rich. because they mocked joe biden once or twice or some people liked it when will farrell was george bush even though he was lamb -- lamponning george bush -- >> do you watch "snl"?
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>> yeah, actually. >> do you watch it and think, wow, this is really conservative? >> i watch it and i am a little embarrassed that i sometimes watch it. the point he is right on, it is not that it is too politically conservative. it has had six years to lay a glove on obama and it hasn't. as far as it being subversive and anti-establishment, it is not subversive. >> that's like my least favorite word. >> it is a stupid word. >> it is like holding your nose in the bath. >> the reaction to the kate mckinnon bit. people said is this too far? people are criticizing it. you are playing a crazy person. that upset people. it should upset people from time to time. now it just bores everyone. >> and do you think a part of that too is they care more about ratings than they do about being progressive, right? they have been going for so long. they need to keep the viewers.
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>> right. their point is not to make political commentary. they want ratings. with the hillary clinton skit, i thought it humanized her and if anything all press is good press even if they are making fun of her. she is still getting air time and it could help her case. >> i thought that was such a funny sketch that they did it almost made me forgive her a little bit. andy, as a socialist you probably agree with sands, right? >> absolutely, 100%. i get why he would prefer the show he was on always helps his side. i just think it sucks when comedians want comedy to serve an agenda. it makes it less funny. he goes after jim downey who is legendary, legendary long-time writer for "saturday night live" who is literally a genius. >> and a huge "red eye" fan. >> that's why he is a genius. that's what i meant. downey had no problem going after conservatives. downey went where the funny was. downey went after liberals and
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conserve at -- conservatives. the difference between sands and downey is jim downey was able to see the funny in liberal politicians. it seems like horatio sands can't. >> or some people don't want to. >> that's what i mean. there is this laughable notion that liberalism in 2015 is anti-establishment? >> no. >> when nixon wasn't liberalism was anti-establishment. when regan wasn't, sure. six years of president obama and you think liberalism is anti-establishment? >> you are right. they are not anti-steb meant because -- establishment because they are not anti-pc. when they got the message about not hiring enough black females they hired the first five that popped in their head. even that blew up because the ncaap was mad about the black woman for doing the jokes they said were too racist and then apologetic for that. >> what is more anti-establishment than making fun of a clinton? the clintons are the establishent in.
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there is need on the left and they have to see themselves as counter culture heros. >> that's where the puritans and the scolds are. he is a liberal and a funny guy and they are going after him for all of the problematic jokes he makes. >> and shouldn't liberals be happy we are making fun of a woman? then a female comic is getting her time to shine and we need more of that. lauren, do you think "snl" can influence voters? >> i don't really think so. it is just there to make us laugh. i hope. i hope americans are not making their voting decisions based on a comedy show. >> would you vote based off what "snl" did? >> not "snl." >> "parks and rec"? >> no "the daily show." >> he has cutting commentary. >> all right then. we solved that. customers got a lesson instead of a smith & wesson.
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a gun shop that opened briefly this new york city was actually an elaborate stunt by a gun group to preach their anti-firearm message. potential buyers were filmed by hidden cameras. >> how are you doing? >> how are you doing? >> this gun is our most popular. it is a 22 caliber, six inch revolver. it is also a gun a 5-year-old found in his parents bedroom and went down and shot his 9-month-old baby brother with it. >> shoot a 5-year-old kid this this is the gun the guy -- this is the one? this is the one that the kid used? >> collectors love this one. adam lanza's mom had this in his collection until he took this and several other guns and killed her and killed six teachers and 20 innocent
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children. 20 little kids gone like that. >> so did the shaming work? >> i was pretty blind cited by the entire history of every gun in the store. >> it made me think i am not going to buy that gun. >> you know who will be harder to convince? this guy. so much america right now. >> oh yeah. >> that's amazing. i will totally go camping if i can do that. will you said in the green room that the video was
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powerful, and you applaud it. can you elaborate? >> i said the music was powerful. it is like the quarterback is about to be paralyzed on "friday night lights." this is dumb and going back to the left being full of scolds. at the same time if you are walking around the lower eastside and you are dumb enough to think you can walk into that store and you are not part of an awareness project, i don't know maybe you are dumb enough to own a firearm. mixed feelings. >> was this a tasteless pr stunt and please include the word yes in your answer. >> obviously. it is a classic case of not knowing your audience. it is never effective to try to get someone to see your point of view by shaming them. it would be like i am a financial planner and i be rated them for being terrible with money. it won't inspire them to do better. >> does it make them want it more? you have the camera in their face and they say i can't say yes. >> done sales do increase --
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actually gun sales increase when this advertisement happens. >> gavin, what do you think of the actors who came into the store? i am convinced it was all a hoax. >> have you to be a tourist to know that new york manhattan has the strictest gun laws on earth. you can't have a paint gun here or a bb gun or a plastic replica if it doesn't have an orange tip. there is a guy who was fined something like $50,000 because it was 500 per gun without an orange tip. the owner of this store -- if they weren't actors they must have been thinking this is the worst salesman. i don't want this gun anymore. do you have mi guns that have not killed anyone? not a bad trip gun. they should have done this in the south or something. in new york where up to a
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murder a day about and we have the strictest gun laws so the big apple is a living example that strict gun laws don't work. only bad guys have guns here and murder is rampant in east new york. you screwed up, guys. >> good point. they should have done their research. >> they make the opposite of the point they are trying to make. >> and they spent all that money on the video. andy, the video says their tag line is every gun has a history. what about her story? >> excellent poi fl t. excellent point that is what ultimately makes it problematic. if i ever saw a gun shop i would think someone was striaing to entrap me. i would think it was a police sting than anything else. i wouldn't go in and buy there. the people who did this probably should be put in jail for violating the gun laws. >> will they be? >> i hope so. i think they should be.
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it made me realize -- first of all it would have been great if the guy went through the speech and the customer was just like oh so it is broken in. this makes me realize how much i miss owning a gun. i owned one in california but i live in a facist city. what do you do? >> i would have loved it if one of them had gone in and given the spiel on what it did. and they say yeah, that's why con sear carry should be in place. wouldn't that be great? that was a question, will. i want an answer. >> yeah, come back with stats. what percentage of the kids are shot with guns? what percentage of kids are shot in the hood with single moms. how does it relate to single
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moms and families with dads? how does it break down demographically? how many crimes are prevented by these guns? why continue they have a gun nerd? >> they are all actors and the whole thing is fake. >> and they didn't hire me. many had a grievance with the pledge of allegiance. a high school in upstairs new york has apologized for reciting the oath in arabic. to celebrate national foreign lapping wedge week they had them say it in different languages including french and japanese. but the decision to read it in arabic divided the school in half. complaints from residents who lost family in afghanistan and jewish families. now it will be read in english only. we asked a couple of students to comment. i am always tired in first
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period too. lauren, so the school apologized for doing this. should they have? >> clearly this is a mistake on the administration. this is the thing that concerns me. i don't want the other students to take it out on this student. what we really need is inclusion. we want everyone to feel welcome and some degree of conversation needs to happen. there is tension there. but the administration should have known and been sensitive to the fact that it could create this response. >> should the pledge be read in any other language besides english? >> we are at war with islam. it would be like saying it in german in 1942 but we want everyone to feel like they are a part of the melting pot. you have the french kid that says it and the german kid that says it and when the arabic kid comes up you say just a second. just so we are clear we are at war with islam and this is the
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same language that killed many of your relatives and even in their own country will kill gays and stone women to death and use children as human shields. >> that would be a trigger warning right? arabic is a language. can a language be threatening? >> no. i don't understand any of this. you read it in japanese and french and it is the lapping wedge of the jordanian fighter pilots attacking isis. it is the christians being masacred by islamic fundamental lists. the class president who got this read in arabic, that's cool. i like it how he upset everybody. that's subversive. >> that is subversive. >> you subverted this panel. >> there are liberals who feel offended. this time it is a group of
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conservatives who want the apology from the school. should we be treating this any different? >> when conservatives do it. i don't know how you understand the difference. i am with will. if you will read it in different languages we are not at war with islam. we are at war with fundamentalism and radicalism. call it what you want. i am not at war with islam. as will .ed out we -- as will pointed out we are allies with where they speak arabic. i don't agree with that. i think the answer is i don't care. >> usually a lot of high school kids don't care. how many recite the pledge? as soon as their patriotism is being taken away or being threatened that's when they suddenly jump in and say they are upset. >> you were right to talk
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about free speech. this was conservative and overreacting. let's just say it as nonliberals. we were -- we were -- oh this is is -- >> this is tough -- that's tricky. >> coming up the weekend. i'm spending it at bernie's. first, it is president obama -- is president obama moving into the magnum pi house? if i say maybe will you stick around? eh, you don't want that one. yea, actually i do. it's mucinex fast-max night time and it's got a nasal decongestant. is that really a thing? it sounds made up. mucinex fast max night time for multi-symptom relief. breathe easy. sleep easy. let's end this.
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or choose $300 in free gifts with stearns & foster. the triple choice sale ends soon at sleep train. now with the xfinity tv go app, you can watch live tv anytime. it's never been easier with so many networks all in one place. get live tv whenever you want. the xfinity tv go app. now with live tv on the go. enjoy over wifi or on verizon wireless 4g lte. plus enjoy special savings when you purchase any new verizon wireless smartphone or tablet from comcast. visit to learn more.
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they got a lesson in stop bothering us. last thursday they visited the cap toll to -- capitol. their proposal to make the red tail hawk the rap for was declared frivolous and shot down. it started with the kids getting a warm welcome. >> they are with us in the gallery today. >> welcome to the house. >> a standing o that's nice. >> many legislators were not hot on the red tail hawk. >> it grasps them with the talons and uses theback to rip them to shreds and to basically pair it apart limb by limb. it would serve as a better mascot for planned parenthood. >> one parent had to explain to their kid what planned
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parenthood was and the relation to the red tailed hawk. at least one lawmaker supported the bill. >> bottom line if we keep bringing more of these bills and bills and bills forward that really i feel we shouldn't have in front of us we will be picking a state hot dog next. >> i was wrong. do they get a crushing defeat? >> yes, that's the future of america. politicians that don't do anything. i want him to be a japanese guy who doesn't speak english and he goes no. no. all day, no. doesn't sign anything. that's the ideal government. the congress has tied paw rock's hands behind his back. the economy is coming back up. this is a great lesson for the kids. no, you can't change all of the bills because you don't like the hawk. no we don't want the government doing anything.
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perfect. >> were they too harsh? do you think there were tears on those kids' faces? i will take the anti-kid view . view point. >> what? >> i know. >> parenthood alert. >> it is not just this bill but another bill they would bring forward to name the state bobcat. how many state animals do you need? you need a lot. we could name them all, but ultimately it sends the right message. you can go back to morning assembly. >> isn't the better way to learn is to watch schoolhouse rock and to learn about bills and conjunctions. was that "fraggle rock"? >> no. >> shouldn't we just go to tv?
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>> this is how these kids should learn. they are learning it is unfair and legislators are insane. politics will break your heart. the downside is if this kid feels wrong and there will be a monstrous political leader and they will take control of new hampshire. >> would they then become more apathetic? >> is the biggest loser the red tail hawk? >> i don't think the red tail hawk give a damn. >> i like the veer -- vernacular. >> what were they supposed to do sph pass the dumb bill because the kids were sitting there? that's how obamacare was passed. you want to play with the big boys you need to toughen up. you know what i'm saying ?g
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the abortion thing though that's the guy -- that's the guy you know he makes everything about that issue. you are hanging out with him in a barbecue and he -- he is like one of those people like go away. >> i want to remind him that our national bird is the bald eagle who is a predator and who is a carnivour. 50% of the diet is fish and sometimes more depending on where it is of it will also eat animals and other small animals. >> either way our national bird. >> and we nearly wiped them out. we nearly won that war. >> we did. >> we lost our nerve at the end. >> like we always do. >> i wonder oir teachers have -- our teachers have it bad.
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i feel bad for planning that went into the trip and for it not to happen what must the next day at school feel like? >> i don't know if it makes me [bleep] or whatever, but what were they supposed to do is vote for it? >> you know how lazy teachers are. they $$60 per hour work. >> it is so you can get a day off. the next day they put in a vhs of "ghostbusters." >> this was a bunch of adults shamefully using little kids to get off the agenda through legislature. >> coming coming up a baby goes surfing. everybody is surfing. first a word from our sponsor. >> tonight's sponsor is the go
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>> i can't say what is in the prompter. was this a good idea or a great idea? >> i think i may be projecting a little bit, but i think if the kid could speak he would say get me back on dry land. maybe that is just me. i think the dad may be trying to develop his kid into the tiger woods of surfing. leak starting him really young and then by 10 he will be a pro surfer and make tons of money. >> it is an investment. >> it is. so gavin you said the father
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was totally reckless and his child should be taken from him? that is a surprise to me. >> i was speaking arabic. is that the question? >> yeah, it was just a statement. you do some stuff with your kids. >> i edit all of the tears. >> i am serious about this. this is a serious topic and i could not support this more. there will be two adults in 20 years and there will be the safety first guys and the safety last guys. the safety last guys will be that little kid when he gross up and they will rule the kingdom of the safety first with loser eternal babies. get rough with your kids. get dangerous with your kids and you will raise leaders. the rest of you total whipped
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babies, i am trying not to swear, with your helmets and knee pads and you are turning your child into a vulnerable victim. the meek might inherit the earth, but it is after us guys don't want it it anymore. >> that sounds like a great world. you are one of the most dangerous people i know. you have tattooed on your back safety last. >> say what you want about this one -- >> the baby liked surfing, i don't care. ii am a serious political journalist. i am the washington bureau chief of the daily beast. >> i thought you were a serious political journalist. >> i see what you did there.
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that joke was bad. >> i don't care about the surfing baby. >> it brings up a bigger issue. >> it is a major threat to our future. >> surfing is dumb. >> if you were on this beach and you saw this baby on the surfboard would you feel you would have to call a lifeguard or call authorities? >> i believe all children should be kept in a bubble with pure oxygen pumped in. >> it is called manhattan. >> the kid looked like he was having fun except that one shot. first he is nine months old and he doesn't know what he is doing is bizarre. he just thinks this is life, what -- this is what you do of. actually he was used to being in the liquid. it was like going home.
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>> it is like a water burst. >> the dad looked like he knew what he was doing. that was my only concern. the dad didn't know what he was doing and putting the kid's life in danger. >> i worry about them watching this video. >> if you have never skydived before you shouldn't skydive with your baby. i don't have kids. >> i do and i throw them around like rag dolls. >> when you have kids you won't be as selfish. if he says i will go surfing and bring my kid. >> he does president want to get a babysitter. i will just put him on the front. >> i will put my camera there. whatever. >> if the parent knows what they are doing, people who live in cities look at farms
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and say you have young kids working on a farm and how do you let them near the thresher? is that a thing? a threshe -- thresher? >> i think this is one of those cases. >> i apologize foretelling the parent how to parent. >> i i am not clear what his tattoo means. >> moving on. hawaiian beachfront house from the movie "magnum pie" has been sold to a good friend of president obama. fueling speculation it is intended to be obama's home when his presidency is over. the $8.7 million home was signed for -- was signed for -- oh, sorry. it was signed by a law official run by the chairman of the barack obama foundation. and the company that bought the house was set up by another obama donor. the white house says the
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president is not behind the purchase of the three-acre property with five bedrooms and tennis courts and a servant quarters. they would say that wouldn't they? you said you wanted us to do this story because it was so real. >> i like magnum pie. i think it is delicious. i want it to be true. it is like a show i am pitching about a former president who solves crimes. this would be a good tie in for me. i feel like the white house would have said that's not where president obama is living. he doesn't want bill ayers to have his mailing address. unless he is going baying to his home in kenya i think this mitt be his health. >> are you a certified financial planner, correct? >> yes. >> if he were your client would you advise him to buy
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this home? can he afford it? >> that's my first thought. that's a hefty price tag. you only want to buy smg three to four times away from your budget. on the first day of spring though i would like to stay at that house who ever did buy it. >> that would be nice today. will, do you think the obamas will live in hawaii or do you think they will want to be close to a city like chicago. >> of course he is not moving to hawaii. what will he talk to people in hawaii about? the weather? the baby on a surfboard. they are putting in a park. he will want to hang around with celebrities and movie stars. tas where he feels at home and that's what he thinks is a base. >> when you are in hawaii where do you vacation?
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she loves vacationing there. i guess you would go to chicago. gavin, should obama be impeached over this? >> yes. >> i agree. >> it is illegal to even look until -- you are supposed to have allegiance to the white house. that's what we signed up for. you come back and is it makes the white house look cheap and tau dree. i am saying that as a canadian. we burnt that to the ground and even i have more reference of the fortress of solitude. this guy running around -- the guy that used to live here -- he had a helicopter. >> no you will die of bore dom. get back to your job. >> i think we all agree on that. coming up -- robot romances.
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but robo-sexual love may not just be in movies. they pre -- predict that realistic ai will be able to trick humans into falling in love. he also asked that virtual reality technologies will even make it seem like a physical experience. that's gross. andy, have you ever fallen in love with a robot? >> no but i'm sure several of my exes would say they have. i don't think convincing guys on tinder you are something you are not is anything to be proud of. in f we reach the point we can create artificial intelligence i would think it is obvious people could fall in love with the robot. there are guys out there now who think they fall in love with porn stars or with women
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who are paid to pretend to love them back. i don't see how that is worse than falling in love. >> are we ever our own true selfves? self-s? with the love stuff? >> what is sadder being single or having a row would the girlfriend? >> the whole robot girlfriend thing, there are people who fall in love with celebrities. they think robert downey, junior is in love with them. that's a weird dilution. you are never going to be able to get the robot to capture the whole illogical part of it. how are you supposed to know the robot loves you back unless the robot is throwing eggs on your house or breaking in your car windows. that's how you know.
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>> who told will we were having cocktails? >> lauren, would you ever date a robot? that wasn't a yes or no. >> it is such a definitive no that i stumbled. >> it is sad to me. the whole point is that someone loves you despite all of your i'm imperfections and there is a human element to it. you find the other person who is weird like you are and it is special and unique and you grow with people. i just don't see the robot. >> it sounds to me you are bigoted against the robots. >> she is right. you are never truly yourself. i hope my father-in-law doesn't see this but he was leaving our front door recently and he sliped and he had an awkward fall. he goes don't tell emily or his wife about that. i learned a lot from that.
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the way i explain it to people who are to the married is say you are walking down the street with a chocolate cake and you fell and went -- and it was all over your face. you would not tell your wife that. that whole billy joel -- [bleep]. >> we willed dit that -- we will edit that out. >> billy joel was turfed for that. you have to be a robot. >> do you think you will see the fight for robot-human marriage equality? >> back in the 1920s we were told we would have flying cars. this is basically what we were doing a hundred years ago. the lapels have changed a quarter inch, but this is the same -- we don't have anything cool anything. no one can even fly! planes, we had those in the 50s.
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we are not going to be friends with robots and we are not going to have a dog that will turn into an owl and skate -- skateboards will not race through the skies. >> siri can you make him stop? >> i would like toe -- i would like to apologize to joanne. i am flying right now. coming up say goodbye to hang officers. and do you do you have pictures of your animals? fox eye.
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plus enjoy special savings when you purchase any new verizon wireless smartphone or tablet from comcast. visit to learn more. i will be on "fox and friends weekend" in a few hours from now, 7:00 a.m. eastern. it is in that hour but don't ask me when. a brand-new "red eye" returns on wednesday. patti ann browne and anthony kumia and on monday mike baker. >> e block. last story. that's the last story. >> you could get drunk without the next day funk. australian scientists are developing a beer that rehydrates you and puts an end to hang officers by adding
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electro lights it would be more hydrating and it would taste about the same. it does nothing for me and i prefer wine and heroin. i can't even say that with a straight face. are you a beer drinker and if not will you become one? >> no, i am not really much of a beer drinker and i can't believe this will taste good. it will be a weird thing that never catches on. i would much rather drink that as my drink of choice. >> i get the bubbly headaches. wouldn't that be nice if you didn't? >> it would be nice. i try to alternate. >> why can't someone have a beer in one hand and a water in the here? >> it sounds like the gatorade and the vodka mix. we all drank it in the 10th grade math class. it is a bad idea. >> what a subversive school you went to.
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>> everyone get your gatorade out. we are going to start. >> it was in brooklyn. >> this is how we regulate ourselves, the guilt and shame that comes the next day. guilt, shame, feeling bad the next day. it is why we are not dunk all the time. >> a scientist says i have something that may happen in the future. these idiots might have something. he put up his hands and we all come running and go you are going to invent the magic beer? it is possible. >> i found magic hats. andy? >> i agree and i believe this is the alcohol version of the flying car we were promised. >> nothing cool is getting invented. it has all been invented. vodka and gatorade in 10th grade math class?
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you went to private school, right? >> yes. >> did you have a weird straw? >> it was gader aid. it was gatorade. >> i went to public school and we drank southern comfort in a paper bag. i used to wear to school one of the barrels with the suspend eds eds -- suspenders. we were probably 20 miles away. >> you would get a de pension if you didn't have it. what is going on? are you going out for a rip there guy? all right shotgun then, you hoser and slam it down. >> that was amazing. >> you would think by 2015 they would have found a way to stop hangovers. >> we like them. >> i think they have discovered it. >> they want it for
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touches base with you folks. "strange inheritance." >> a world famed musician dies. >> his love. his heart. his voice. >> it's more than 300 years old and could be worth many millions. this strange inheritance is more than about money, it's about a father's legacy. >> it was clear to us that he did not want it to be hidden away. ♪
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