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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  March 25, 2015 12:00am-1:01am PDT

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ere that you might really like. like that page. it's very easy. also go to gretawire and twitter, go to all of it the o'reilly factor is next. good night from washington. previously on "red eye." >> welcome to "red eye." hello everyone. i'm bonnie mcfarland. >> who would want to go there this. >> i don't know what the question is. >> this is all from a few seasons ago. >> one of them shandked me. >> is that why you were late today? >> that's my choice. >> that's what it is like in calgary. >> he is not hillary clinton evil, but he is evil. >> i like being on the inside. >> get the [bleep] out of my kitchen. >> whose in your kitchen? >> and now the thrilling conclusion. >> hello every. hello everyone, this just in. i'm kennedy. let's welcome our guests tonight, shall we? when i heard we are having a dob-son i expected a thinner
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version of lou, but this is better: it is jill dobson. with half as much teeth, but twice as much intelligence. and what he lacks in hope he makes up in despair. it is tv's andy levey now in color, just barely. and tonight he is auditioning for the part of the mofia bookie. he is writer comedian jesse joyce. break a leg. and he received an anti-sensorship award. they are telling me i am not supposed to say that. it is film critic and music critic and legend. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. >> and that's how you spell it. >> she should choke us on her crokus. the white house she was forced out according to the "washington post."
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she was escorted out of the building on february 13th. that's right before valentine's day for those keeping score. the white house has been clear. president obama publicly lamented the loss of his addictive pies he craved for nightly. the source told the "washington post" i am not sure what the reason is but i can think of a few. they were the boss for five years. let's look back at some of our favorite moments.
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>> yeah! i feel like i'm at a show all over again. >> that was great use of the 80s vowel terminology. >> same with the hoodie. >> slow down trayvon. dowling is missing and presumed dead. that's not necessarily true. she claims she resigned to pursue exciting opportunities, but do you buy that at all? >> if she is presumed dead who is going to bring flowers to her funeral? >> oh wow. >> we have to go to a competitor? that adds insult to injury. >> it is a big secret and no one know what's is going on. mum's the word. >> carnation nation. oh wait, that doesn't make any sense at all, does it? >> i imagine the white house bee keeper right now. >> there is no one to pull up
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the frolics. >> let's turn to you. i know that flowers are your business and business is very good. >> that's right. >> the head florist. that is at least as important as joe biden, correct? >> well, every state dinner there is only one joe biden but think how many bouquets there are. it is a very important job. there are a lot of flowers at the white house. why she was pushed out the day before valentine's day i am concerned. >> maybe he was fondling her clavical with some daisies. >> it puts the lotion on its skin. >> what do you think happened and please don't speculate? >> speculation is all that is left for me. i do want to say that joe biden is more important than she is because she has to shovel more manure but on her behalf, the pity is the fact
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that nobody ever told her you can't be a flower girl past age 10. she tried to make a career out of it. >> she did. always the bride's maid. never employed. andy is this another in a long line of white house cover ups? >> it is. but what are they covering up? >> please. >> one she has questions about why she felt unusually calm after drinking the tap water. two, maybe she was a soviet spy. three maybe she overheard something she wasn't supposed to like how daylight saving time is a plot to give them an extra hour to fly every morning. or maybe and i think this is the most likely, but she was fired after making an arc meant of blue bell narcisis habiscus and iris. can we get a close up of that?
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nice big font. >> it makes me think you have cataracts. >> i don't remember. >> i don't have -- i i have a theory. they got rid of her because she knows where the bulbs are buried. >> so this leads to the final and most important question. should the president be impeached? >> i don't see the connection. >> what the hell is wrong with you? >> i didn't -- >> follow the money. >> what money? >> we need to re-do that. >> we need to give the right answer. >> can we edit his wrong answer. has he ever taken a scantron pest? >> keep him on camera but don't say anything. yes, the president needs to be impeached. >> that was amazing. very impressed.
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>> thank goodness there is a professional on the show. >> he was drinking an entire glass of whiskey. >> they are not hot on thought. the aclu if you rearrange the letters cleverly ucla, the aclu is blasting the billion dollar behavioral program saying it is based on junk science. i like junk and i like science and thought together. this spot stands for and look out but screening passengers by observation techniques. agents are trained to find potential terrorists by looking at things like microexpressions. but in a lawsuit the aclu calls it discriminatory and pseudo scientific and wasteful of taxpayer money. and a government accounting officer determined that spoke's success rate is only the same as or vietly better
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than chance. for more let's go to "red eye" trans transportation correspondent. >> ♪ i can show you the world ♪ >> that man is just begging for a blue latex glove. andy are you as shocked as i am that the tsa would spend all of this time and money on a worthless program? >> i am reeling in shock that the tsa would spend a billion dollars not only on something that is ineffective, but intrusive. it doesn't seem like them at all. aclu is an acro anymore of ucla. the junk science here is similar to the junk science that got ucla into the ncaa tournament. >> really? the team going to the sweet 16? how you like me now? how you like me now? >> the worst part is the aclu
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is being sued to get this information public because the tsa has denied every freedom of information act request that has been put to them. >> are they colluding? >> do you believe it is junk science or is there real science going on? >> i think most things are junk science. most people are concerned about their junk. >> that's right. >> figure out why isis is after it. >> jill, have you your own theory about get together airport with your own tsa program. >> do you think we should start putting on make up when we go to the airport since they are watching us so closely? >> i found the other end of the spectrum, being a frazzelled mom at the airport, very often they are like, lady, just go through. i read these officers have been used to direct passengers into faster pre checked security lines. so i am all for the spot
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program. >> do you have tsa pre check? >> no but your toddler -- they are going to scream if you leave me in this line any longer. they are like lady, just go flew. just go through. you are not a threat to anything but the santee of everyone around you. just deprive your kids of a little food for a couple days. >> thanks foretelling the tsa how you get through the line. >> if you are there with your two toddlers are you likely not a terrorist. >> andy calls them jihadists. you fly a lot and you work in l.a. and you party in new york. have you ever been given special attention by the tsa? >> i got the pre check thing. it changed my life. i blow past the dumb old ladies. what? you can't bring a live chicken? >> you can't bring more than four ounces of water. no lady, you can't bring a
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bag of soup. you are at jfk but i have to take it to the village. i don't even take my shoes off. i zip right through. >> tsa pre check is like having a back stage pass to the van halen show in 1984. >> i make meaningful eye contact with the dummies in the line and the kids. >> it is better than playing first class. it is better than flying first class. >> could you be a bigger sheep? >> no there is a great libertarian argument. >> i absolutely will not. >> back me up on this. >> i can't wait to blow past you in the line. >> see you later bud. just sail on through. >> i am a little confused. >> the fun part is he went through the brett favre recycling program. so he is a huge jets fan.
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when brett was done with him he used him for selfies, right? >> i wear metal clothing when i go to the airport. i don't give a damn. i will holdup the line. >> a dude was kicked off for one of the cartoon like alley -- ali-baba and the 40 thieves sword. >> i thought it was a musical instrument. >> no. >> and they were like, no, you can't bring that. >> and he was blown away. >> why can't i bring this on the plane? >> the department of defense has a dumb sort of policy like -- when iwent to iraq i had to fill out this questionnaire and one of the questions fro -- no no -- have you ever participated in genocide. >> what did they do when you answered in the affirmative?
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>> who is the kind of -- what complex kind of person like is the kind of human being who would commit genocide and can't lie on the form? >> you got me bureaucracy. i am sworn to honesty. >> is there an option where you can check i tried? >> he succeeded. >> it doesn't mean you got rid of people entirely. >> it kind of does mean that. >> but he got rid of -- >> the form needs to say attempted genocide. i think that's the real problem. >> have you ever ordered or incited genocide? >> wasn't that the name of jennifer lopez's third album? >> for those who bought it, yes. >> well his flag was a drag. a college student was kicked off a southwest flight due to
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a cuss word on his t-shirt. he was flying from austin to chicago when weather forced the plane to stop down in saint louis. during the brief layover southwest officials took issue with his t-shirt. it was a freebie he picked up promoting comedy central's broad city. it reads broad [bleep] city. >> did they give you an opportunity to put your jacket back on? change the shirt and put it inside out? >> within 30 seconds the flight was gone. i would have gladly done so. >> you know how quickly the planes are boarded. but a video shows he was president exactly willing to change his shirt. >> can you turn it inside
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out? >> no. is there anything you can do to not display the shirt? we can't allow you to go. >> i have freedom of speech. >> andy, you are the first amendment expert on the panel. is this a free speech issue? >> no. i have zero sympathy for the dude. he thinks he has free speech on someone else's airplane he needs to get out more. i am shocked a white dude with black hair and white glasses is south by southwest. that's amazing. but based on his original story i thought maybe the crew should have given him a chance to cover up his shirt. and then his own video shows that he is not only stupid, but he is a liar. don't say something and then -- >> check my video. it doesn't corroborate my story at all. >> do you agree this is drunk science? it is junky for sure. >> this guy -- i think it is a comedy central publicity stunt frankly.
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he is advertising the comedy central show which in essence -- sorry. >> you own comedy central right jesse? >> i don't rep that dude. >> has anyone ever kicked you off the plane for dressing inappropriately? >> shocking no. it is surprising. a lot of people think that i am one of the baggage guys. >> excuse me. >> [bleep] this kid. it is not freedom of speech. it is spree dom of expression. freedom of speech -- congress can't pass a law that says you can't -- congress has nothing to do with this. this is like andy said a plane. it is the exact same reason you have to wear -- why you can't wear no shirts in a mcdonalds. he never complained about that. >> he is a private company. sensorship has to do with the
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government limiting your free speech. it is by coercion and force. >> the government has nothing to do with this. >> cane just say something? you sound like r2d2 because you are being beeped so much. i say that as a compliment. i love "star wars." jill is the airline at fault or is this kid kind of a tool? >> kind of a tool? this kid is a huge tool. i would blast him, but jesse has done it. we are blasting him for the swear word and jesse just used 24 different swear words. >> i wouldn't -- we couldn't conduct the show on a southwest flight. i wouldn't be shouting it. >> he is so much of a tool that he should change his name to makita. >> i did something off camera that was inappropriate. for that i apologize.
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>> so what should be done to people who make flying for other people horrifically inconvenient. we have all been on planes with the loud person, the person who complains and the person who makes life impossible for flight attendants and other passengers. do you think we should instill the death penalty again on private aircraft? >> airlines have an equivalent to the death penalty. the waiting lines that andy is so fond of. i love pre check. it puts me up front. this kid gets denied -- >> transportation exceptionalism. if -- >> if the program, woulded they would have seen him and said this guy is a -- [bleep]. >> as he was being kicked off the plane he did a poll with everyone. guys is this fair or not. he wanted the people on the plane to take his side.
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anytime anyone in public was like this is outrageous. i don't agree with anything you are upset about. don't bring me into your nonsense. >> and i wish i were given a voice i almost wish i was one of the passengers on the plane. i could have raised my hand and had a loud speaker. >> if nothing else he was exercising his freedom to assemble by getting everybody -- come on everybody. turn it into a free speech meeting. >> on a different note he soms like a wonderful provider and i'm sure he will be a great boyfriend. >> coming up, something you do every day could be killing you. that is the story three months from now. the first is the new wonder woman too skinny?
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okay. >> would voters chafe at someone without faith? like george michael. many of the likely republican candidates for president are very strong christians. it is no surprise that religion still matters in elections as "washington post" reports in numerous surveys at least half of the americans say they would not vote for an atheist. in fact a 2014 pew research pole says we are likely rather vote for someone who never held office or in their 70s than vote for a godless candidate. for more let's go live to "red eye" chief political correspondent.
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>> oh jesse, would you vote for an atheist president? >> he is going clear. >> what the hell was the -- i am not a mathematician but the poll numbers didn't add up. it was 9%. what did everybody else say? that is a relatively insignificant finding if the best number we have to go on is 7%. >> didn't know you were going to break it down like that. >> i just observed. it doesn't matter. everybody said thomas jefferson was an atheist. he wasn't, but it is not a new thing. somehow recently in the 20th century everybody thinks everybody -- it never was before. all of the founding fathers worshiped it with a giant eye
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on top. >> they built the pyramid because they were masons and the giant eye was eleven -- levitating and it is watching you. why do you think people don't want an atheist president? >> they are going pretty far. they are jumping from very serious christians to atheist presidents as if there is no in between. i thought maybe we can take a baby step or a president that believes in god or is not a christian. i will write in a jewish candidate. >> that will be fantastic. an atheist is a long way to go from evangelical christian. why don't we see a jewish candidate? a buddhist candidate? sister christian you know, andy levey. >> the question is will we ever have an atheist president? >> i actually don't think that is a slap at obama. i think he is an atheist. >> by atheist you mean
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muslim? >> i think he is openly muslim and secretly atheist. does that make sense? >> do you want to cut to a mohamed cartoon right now? i don't want to tell you how to run your show. >> all right go ahead and take it. >> look, i don't think we will see an openly atheist in our lifetime. i don't think it will happen -- i will be alive for 70 more years. it won't happen for 70 years. i am less fairly certain about that than i am about an atheist. >> i think we could see a jewish president. i would like it. >> joe lieberman could run again. >> he will not run again. i have an eye doctor who is fantastic and another eye doctor who wants to be
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president. it is open for business. >> if there is an option of never having a jewish president or chuck schumer president i will go with never having a jewish president. >> should religion play any role in politics? >> sure. that question has been answered. the horse is out of the born -- the horse is out of the barn and guess who, andy? andy made the guess. why not? probably for most people young answer to money. >> oh, we are worshiping at the great temple of america. >> the temple with the eye on top. >> that is right. i think atheists actually -- i i am not an atheist. i am a believer. there are a lot of atheists i know who are logical
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thinkers. atheists are ultra rationalists and that wouldn't be the worst thing in the world having someone in the white house who took a logical approach to everything. am i wrong about that? >> no i don't think you are wrong about it. >> that was a really good point. >> it is too good of a point. you want a logical person to be president? of course. >> is that possible? >> no. anybody who needs people's votes that they need to run for president is a sociopath. in the history of the world every world leader was a sociopath for all time. you can't need -- i need you guys to think i am the best and write it down. write it down that i am the best. i am better than you. >> andy you say you love ted cruz. >> i think it is clear that's what i am saying. i think
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most americans think atheists have no moral values. i don't agree with that, but it is not my opinion. it is america's opinion. >> we have so much more good stuff coming up. >> mum's the word. >> are leonardo dicaprio and justin bieber becoming best friends? jesse joyce goes under the covers to find out. first a word from our sponsor. >> tonight's sponsor is luck of the kennedys. it is full of good luck. now you can share in luck of the kennedy's. get yours today.
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is her body not wonderful enough? when the actress and model was cast as wonder woman the nerds complained that her figure did
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not match the fictional heroin's. or quote, they said i was too skinny and my boobs were too small. that's what they said to me at my first meeting at fox. he said he did discussions about her breast size it was empty talk they asked me if i had eating disorders why i was so skinny. they said my head was too big and my body was like a broomstick. i can take anything. i think this is adorable. is this sexist or fair to point out there are not physical similarities between the actresses and the characters they play who happen to be super heros? >> i am still trying to deal with two things. she can take anything. i am also thinking she is
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being miscast. every nerd -- call me a nerd but every nerd thinks she should be playing in "waiting for gordita." >> if she is not on time for literally anything you know how many times she will -- looks like we are waiting for another -- whatever that is. >> she does seem to be handling the criticism well. what else is there to say? the only other person who was poorly cast was ben affleck as batman. rage boils up in my body. >> look at roly polly chris pratt. >> "guardians of the galaxy" is different. chris evans could not roll on to "captain america 3" with a spare tire and a big old
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booty although i would still love him. >> i think chris pratt gave himself a make over and she can do the same thing. use a little push up bra. on the same time how many models did we hear this from? everyone said i was too skinny and it was a bummer. so i am a super month had del. are we supposed to feel sorry for her? i don't feel sorry for her. >> is she saying she needs to get a pair of bolt on sweater kittens to be an acceptable wonder woman? >> are we talking about jill? >> no jill's breasts are pert and lovely. >> let's talk about something else. >> they should go the other way and get a big, mat wonder woman. >> what you are saying is they should have cast lena-dunham. >> i am not picking on a
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specific fat lady. they need to get a extender. >> he knows the story in and out. >> and by the way he has great breast. >> andy, as the king nerd, what is your take on all of this? >> i think it is fair that somebody doesn't look like a super hero. you brought up chris evans. if chris helmsworth was 5-6 he couldn't play thor. but she is in good shape. the breast thing is ridiculous. they would get in the way if you are trying to it foo i am -- i am told. >> if you fight a woman with big breasts do they get in the way? >> yes. you are just drawn there. the problem is she is israeli and she shouldn't be playing a wonder woman.
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>> and if people would have gotten the joke that wonder woman is not american it would have worked better. let's move on. >> she is an amazon. >> why does she got an american shield? >> it is not an american shield. >> whatever, dark. whatever dork. >> well speaking of gentlemen whose faces i would like to lick have justin bieber and leo do cap -- and leo dicaprio made peace? the infamous egg thrower and the "growing pains" guest star have been partying together at a west hollywood nightclub. they were joined by a posee of gorgeous babes. it was not is -- so hunky dory. he cheered on orlando bloom as
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he tried to punch the biebs. apparently they have squashed their beef. this story was in no way an excuse to talk to jesse about the bieber roast, but i think we will have to. >> instead of growing pains guest star i would have gone with gilbert grape. call him gilbert grape. >> that's when i first fell in love with leonardo dicaprio. i fell out of love with him in "basketball diaries." back when he was howard hughes. but then destroyed f scott fitzgerald's work it was toilet. are you a fan of leo and justin or to coin a phrase are you a de-lieber? >> it is not a question of me being a fan. it is huge news. i am still mad it wasn't the lead. i said it was nothing.
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do we have that tape? can we roll it? >> maybe send a memo to the room. >> you wrote for the roast of justin bieber. you were there pen to paper. >> he is a shockingly reasonable little fella. i was writing mean stuff about him and then he came into the office and couldn't have been a sweeter guy. >> blanketed you with the charm. >> thank you for writing on this. i hid my passports in a different room because i knew he was an entitled [bleep] that i thought he would jump up on the table and throw it out the window. i was police -- was pleasantly surprised he was a nice kid. i have mean jokes if you want to hear them. >> please. i don't think anne frank would be a fan of yours. i met your friends. they are incapable of shutting up for five minutes.
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>> did you write the paul walker joke? >> i wrote a paul walker joke and it got cut. >> it is because they are family. if you watch the fast and furious movie you know they are family. >> i think it is silly. it is unfortunate. >> say some funny jokes again. >> ludicrous, i think he was mostly upset all of the press was about the late paul walker. ludicrous was probably late too. justin you are the trouble-making son of an alcohol electric father. you are like huckleberry finish finish -- huckleberry fin. >> flavor-flav. where does he land? >> it is one of the meaner ones.
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>> he is not a sympathetic character. everybody is cool with making fun of him. he needed a trial by fire to come out and be liked again. >> now he is hard as steel. >> he has a tattoo of jesus on his calf. >> he has a baby cow? >> he is not an atheist? >> do you want to finish the joke? >> we have to go. >> he will die in a tree in his 30s. come on, everybody. he will die in a car wreck. >> it is not dark humor. >> it is a rose. >> coming up. is my house being haunted by a ghost? i have indisputable evidence. first, let's see what is coming up tomorrow on a great show called "kennedy." take it away, me. >> hey, it is me again. on the next "kennedy."
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snooki is in the house. we will see it at 10:00 p.m. eastern and 7:00 p.m. pacific for day drinking and nighttime fun on the fox business network.
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ted cruz made news this week when he revealed how he became a country music fan. the presidential candidate told cbs this morning that he
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used to mostly listen to classic rock. after 9/11 his music taste evolved. >> my music taste changed on 9/11. i interest elect actually find it curious, but on 9/11 i didn't like how rock music responded. country music collectively the way it responded it resonated me and it -- i had a gut reaction saying this these are my people. i have listened to country music since 20031. >> -- since 2001. >> meanwhile i wonder will we ever surrender to the terrorists? >> we shall never surrender! >> that was his winston churchill impression. andy, why didn't you start listening to country music
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after 9/11? >> this has to be a reason -- this has to be a record for envoking rock music. what does he mean? >> don't you remember when eddie van van halen threw out the american flag? >> it is what an american tribute to -- this is the worst pan doring. >> i don't know if it is pan doring. i am quite front of it. what do you think of ted cruz's musical awakening? >> i respect anybody who tries to turn a profit from 9/11. toby keith, nicholas cage all of them. you know my grandpa after pearl harbor got into the ukelele music. >> god rest his soul. shouldn't ted cruz have been
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patriotic before 9/11? i want to know what he thinks of the ducky chicks. the dixie chicks right? >> they sold their souls to el diablo and things are not going well. natalie manes is working at the krispy kreme. are you unamerican if you don't listen to country? >> yes. >> taylor swift is she still country or has she crossed over. if you don't like taylor swift you are unamerican. country music stars are good for interviewing a lot of people. i like country music stars the best. my ipod does not reflect that. just because you don't like what they said. >> and grad pacely is the greatest living guitarist. >> i like his hat. >> and that is essentially saying the same thing. >> coming up, we go hunting
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for ghosts
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>> hi there and welcome back. i will be on outnumbered thursday at noon eastern here on fox news. and andy as well as joanne noah chin ski will be -- and
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joanne nosuchunsky will be on at 4:00 pacific on the fox business network. coming up tomorrow on the next "red eye" return appearances from patti ann browne and bernard mcgirk. >> e block. last story. that's the last story. if you can't work it, mcgirk it. last topic of the night. are ghosts real? i have very compelling evidence they exist. a few days ago i posted this picture on instagram and i wrote, does this look like a ghost to you? his figure does not appear on video taken during a party at my house. look at that it shadowy creepy figure and we cannot figure it out. there were five people shooting video and it appeared on none of the videos. what say you, andy levey? when you sent this out i had last week watched "paranormal
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activity 3" that was the perfect ending to my horror filled weekend. i sent it to my friend rob who wrote it up at he said what if that was at your house? i said i would be out of there. i would not set up cameras everywhere and stick around to see what would happen. if an evil spirit wants me gone, i'm gone. >> i don't know if it is an evil spirit. >> look at that thing. >> my daughter came in my room and she said can i have some water and i actually wanted -- i have half of a burned candle and i wanted to fill it up with water and have her drink the wax and the black bits because i didn't want to go in the kitchen because i was terrified of that thing. >> that is super creepy, i have to say. i have kind of studied up on it because i saw it on your show. you showed the video. and there really is nothing in the background and i saw it on your instagram and i saw it on your twitter. and then i might have swam
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through a swamp and showed up at a recent party at your thousands and inadvertently caused the awkward situation. >> is that you? >> i'm sorry for creeping into your house out of the swamp with my mass cara. that was just me. >> i like you. i think you are talented. >> i feel so much better now. the next time you visit please come in and snuggle in the middle of the night. jesse are you a ghost believer? >> i would never, never go to that party. not because of the ghost [bleep] but because there is somebody playing guitar in the kitchen. do i want to come to my party? >> an 11-year-old. >> no you had me at base guitar in the kitchen. absolutely not. i will not go to that matter. >> armond, 10 seconds. >> a film critic on-line i have to check andy's weekend view expig have better recommendations. >> and speaking of horror films that thing look likes "the ring." >> oh no, don't say that.
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i know that is not good. a special thanks to jesse joyce and tv's andy levey. that does it for me and i will see you next time when your eyes are crimson. good night.
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breaking tonight. presidential campaign is less than 48 hours old, but already texas senator ted cruz finds himself at the heart of a media firestorm. critics determined to dismiss his chances and his candidacy and tonight right here, he responds. welcome to "the kelly file," everyone, i'm megyn kelly. it was early monday morning senator cruz first announced online and then told a jam-packed crowd at the liberty university that he is running for president. the first-term senator laid out a vision consistent with his conservative beliefs, and the media pounced. questioning him and his viability as a candidate, from the "washington post," ted cruz principled or


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