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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  March 27, 2015 12:00am-1:01am PDT

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at 7:00 p.m. eastern. can't watch live, follow me on twitter at the handle @greta. good night from washington, d.c. see you tonight 7:00 p.m. right here.
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the incoming white house communicator defended that decision. >> was it worth it? absolutely. we have a the men and women defending our national security. we will do everything we can to bring them home and that's what we did in this case. >> nothing like getting paid to lie for a living. >> joe, you look like you are in the taliban because of your glasses. i said last night i think there is a chance bergdahl could get a fairly light sentence given he was a taliban prisoner for five years. please agree with me so i don't have to edit your answer. >> i don't think i agree with you. >> that's close enough. >> first, i wish they would stop using the term "went
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missing." he didn't vanish. he september -- sent his stuff home early and walked over to the enemy. he reminds me of the european isis brides who go there and in case it wasn't as fun as we thought it would be. this deal is terrible. it reminds me of something my parents used to say. if you hang around with people who want to star of you and keep new a cage they are not your real friends. >> that's good advice. i wish my parents have -- >> my parents told me the opposite. >> here you are today. >> the whole point is to sway public opinion to think he suffered enough and then through that hopefully sway a court marshall, right? >> of course. and we all cried sad tears. they burn. they burn. what gets me about this is
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that wonderful absolutely was this worth it? i feel like the rest of us don't have obama's laser-like sharpness. you trade a deserter for five guys who go back to kill americans in the field. it gives obama a chance to close down guantanamo. the next time we catch them we can release them and skip the intervening steps. >> it is way above. >> there is no way we can hope to understand that. a u.s. official says three of the five we traded for bergdahl have tried to get back into their old terror networks. >> shocker. >> you seem surprised. >> very surprised. the obvious reason this swap occurred was to close guantanamo bay. this was also a pr move with the embarrassing display at the rose garden and then susan rice praising bowe bergdahl and saying he was such a great
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soldier. and now we have to live with the consequences consequences and have five members of the taliban back in the middle east and three have tried to join the taliban again because of president obama's ego. >> you think that's bad? i am getting the sense that you don't think that is a good idea. >> you think they would repent. >> i think i see the problem. >> we won't. >> how long do you think you would last as a taliban prisoner? >> taliban bride. >> which comfort do you think you would miss the most? >> they don't drink. obviously -- >> that's a dumb question on my part. >> dumb question. >> there is no way we can trust a man who deserted. why would we suddenly take his word for what it is. of course he will say things like that so his sentence
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won't be as harsh. and of course the white house is going to defend their actions -- i get it. they don't want to look weak in the eyes of the others. when we made the deal is when we looked weak. everyone knew it was a bad one and there is no walking that back. at this point what are you going to do? >> the worst implication is we set a precedent that now we do -- >> trade. >> that's what she said sealed her fate. >> right. >> and now we said if we keep her we can get x y z and all of these things. it made it that much harder to come home and ultimately she died. >> tradsies. i know the state department uses that word a lot and they don't know what it means, but it means you swab -- you swap
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someone of theirs for yours. >> month swapsies backsies. >> the taliban regarded him with more suspicion than the taliban did. this is bad though that this was a secret deal. they had the biggy vent -- >> that's exactly the same. >> when the taliban found him they are like, come on, what are you doing over here? the president was like sure. >> i thought there was something we must not have known. >> they caught the obama administration completely off guard that we would -- that americans would discover -- >> i actually -- that he was -- how could people not discover that? everybody, even the people outlooks for him the soldiers that died knew he deserted. >> the people in the platoon this was not a secret.
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but to be fair why would you talk about people who knew about the situation? >> at this point every country in the middle east is at war with each other. and the obama administration says -- yemen is a wonderful success. the government is running out of the country. >> it is nice we keep getting out what people don't have indoor plumbing. >> maybe this will change your opinion and make you realize what a great negotiator he is, i got uh hold of the deal we made with the taliban. if bergdahl is convicted of diversion we get the five guys back. i think a lot of people owe the president an apology. >> what about the draft pick? >> we don't get the back pick. >> they bristle at dog whistles. they have warned a "new york times" reporter not to use coded 6ism.
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the group super volunteers informed amy that they would be monitoring her stories. she relayed their demands in a series of tweets. the sexist words include polarizing calculating, disingeneral wise sincere ?eftable -- inevitable over confident and every other word in the english language. phrases like we'll do anything to win represents the pass out of touch and why did vince foster have to die? do you think the volunteers came up with this list or did it come with the calculating, polarizing person itself? >> i take that as a sexist remark. >> i do not apologize. >> do you think this is real? i went on their twitter account and they have nine tweets and it started a couple days ago. i am suspicious about this.
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>> i wasn't suspicious. >> usually it is suspicious of everything. >> do you think they sit around the campfire talking about their hillary clinton story? >> can we still call her a corrupt witch face crone? >> my guess is though they will expand the list. >> once they watch "red eye." >> is this an attempt to silence critics who will do anything to win? >> yes it is, andy. it may be the first time in history that someone ever hid behind her own skirt. what i like about it is feminists have a way of becoming parodies of what men think women are like. you know how men are getting caught up in the things their wives think they shouldn't say. so every 28 days your wife chases you around with a butcher knife and you say
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honey, are you having your period? don't say that. these people actually act like that. >> absolutely. >> joe, what words should we use to describe the disingeneral -- disingeneral you us with -- >> notice successful honest and charismatic are not on there. >> i don't know if this was a legitimate story. i was suspicious and then it was incredulous and then i got hungry. >> that is usually a sign that you are reading a parody. >> it is a sign of clinton fatigue. >> maybe this isn't bogus. these are the people who brought you depends on what the meaning of is is. it doesn't surprise me because if you think about it there is a twisted logic that what is the reason to vote for hillary clinton? she is a woman. she has no other successful accomplishments. if you think the only reason
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to vote for -- >> she is a grandmother. >> you would think someone who dent want to vote for her would be sexist. rep pew -- reputation as a feminist, she couldn't wait to get attacked and is cashing checks from saudis. >> allegedly. >> allegedly. i mean come on. >> joanne so bottom line are reporters being unfair to this secretive over confident woman who represents the past? >> you used a lot of words there. none of those i studied. >> i'm sorry. >> this is essentially rewarding bad behavior. shouldn't you want to be treated the exact same way? you are doing a disservice to the woman by giving her a handicap essentially. equality means equality even with the words and i learned that in a very unfortunate way
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when i was talking to my mother. i mean presidential hopefuls go through the ringer, they do. everyone has to go through it. it is not because of your sex. we are looking for reasons to i don't know expose you or to show why you would or wouldn't be a good president. >> listen. we have to focus on this. these words aren't sexist. they are called super volunteers. you know what i think? the word is super sexist. >> this might not be real, but it could be real and that's the scary thing. >> i mean we should be clear. hillary clinton is a calculating and polarizing and secretive and over confident person. >> that was impressive. you just rattled them off. >> i can read. >> oh you have them written down. not impressed anymore. >> every one of those words
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have been used to describe male politicians. there is not a single gender specific word. >> i think it is a polarizing thing. >> just don't use negative words. >> exactly. that's essentially what this so-called group wants. >> enough of the new york times. >> we don't want them to do that as much. i suspect we will find out this whole thing is a parody, but it is hard to tell sometimes. >> a pennsylvania middle school must sign a permission ship before they eat oreos. it is the subject of tonight's. >> students were learning about the movement of the earth's tectonic plates and the permission slip that was posted on twitter by a mom
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states they will be using a double stuffed oreo to simulate the three plate boundaries and the geographical features created at the boundary. the students may eat the oreo if this is okay with you. the students do not have to eat the oreo if they do not wish to do so. a section at the bottom says my child, blank odd name, has permission to eat the oreo after the science investigation on 3-27-2015. that's in the future. >> these oreos haven't even been eaten yet. >> bizarre. joanne, should we not be teaching our kids that oreos are dangerous? particularly the double stuffs? >> they are. science have griffin and there were studies -- science has proven and there were studies. you can get addicted to them. that's why i don't have oreos in the house. they are so good. amazing. i guess kids have all of these allergies and god forbid somebody doesn't have an epi-pen and they have an awful, allergic reaction.
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a plus to the teachers. i love when they incorporate food. i remember in eighth grade we roasted marshmellows over a burner in biology class. i learned math with skittles. you have three and i have two and put them together, how many do we have? 7, right? >> this is why the generation is doomed. will they do the berlin wall lesson using the twix? >> that's a great idea. >> what is the lesson? was it when god wants to open his cookie he takes the -- >> you lost him at god. >> i applaud this teacher. you want to know why? you have to draw the line somewhere. if are you a fat kid, use the one tilling or yell.
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>> i like that she said they don't have to eat the oreo. s. >> that divides the class between the kids who ate the oreo and those who didn't. >> i would say none of the kids should be allowed to eat the oreo because you don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. >> they should be graded on how they eat the oreo. >> why are we using food? >> don't you think that is subjective? some people don't like the crack. some people like to bite. guy nobody likes to bite the oreo. >> name names. >> if i have milk you don't need to twist. >> really? what about the lactose intolerant student? >> it can be soy milk. >> andrew, we haven't hit this yet. should obama be impeached over this? >> of course. he should be impeached over
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something. >> i do think it is odd that you thought there was a racial come pone -- racial component. i don't know what she meant and we have to go. coming up, did diligence stock take a tumble after mike baker's appearance on the show. a fair and balanced report. and they attended sex parties and all they are missing is the rock and roll. you are watching fnc so stick around.
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is reporting problems problematic? ithaca college plans to create a campus wide on-line system that will allow students to report microaggressions. it is part of a bill to make the school quote, safer, more inclusive and diverse
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communities for all students. the system will include demographics about both parties involved allowing instances of microaggression to be tracked by age race gender and major. it is supposed to remain anonymous, but if legal action is pursued, the accuser would have to come forward. macro aggressions are also a problem on campus. >> was that a turkey? >> a hen? >> whatever. gee this is a good way to prepare college students for the real world. >> definitely. the great thing about microaggressions is they are so tiny they can't be spotted with the naked eye. you can accuse a person of a microaggression and you can't lose. if a person says something negative they are shaming but if they say something positive
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to you, they are being con do sending. if they don't say anything at all they are being inclusive. it is great. i am looking forward to what this generation of college students who have their egos bubble wrapped when they go to the real world they will be like vampires in the sun -- sunlight like -- >> carly to that point even talking about this right now could be some form of a microaggression. >> i am offended you said that to me and i will take it up with the principal. >> i am offended you are offended. i think it is a nano aggression. >> i don't agree. i think this is an isolated student or student group that doesn't have vy many friends and they have created this and if the students get an e-mail they will completely ignore it. the fact that it does exist and that the ithaca administration gave the okay
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is disturbing. >> nick gillespie compared it to the salem witch hunt. does he have a point? does he just not get it? >> he is a tired -- >> are they a bunch of spoiled coddled loud mouths? >> there are little girls trying to go to school in afghanistan who are having acid thrown in their faces. these kids have no problems. they do it -- harvard made a documentary so help me called "we too are harvard." it is a way of saying if are you a black student at harvard or female, you too belong to harvard. these are the most -- these are cry babies. >> that's harvard. come on. >> they have no problems. >> which is a problem.
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>> harvard. >> are you okay joanne? i was going to ask her another question. >> i just created a micro aggression against the people in boston. harvard. >> if fox had this system you can report my -- microaggressions how many times a day would i be reporting? >> you do microaggressions in an interesting way. you commit more than are committed against you. i think the microaggressions are not what you say but it is the looks you give. it is a roll of the eyes. guy i never do that. >> and when you ask me for my remote that's one too. >> someone stole my remote. it is not my fault. >> that's an aggression right there. >> i think there is an easy solution. no one talks to each other or looks at each other and you can't commit any and you can't catch it. >> north korea does have
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something on us. >> it is not microaggressions. >> how long before the inphantilization of college students and they are wearing diapers to class? >> we are there pretty soon. on these college campuses you are nobody if are you not a victim. if they had a hero the movie would not be -- the movie would be called "breakable." look how much he can endure. and it is not enough to not even say anything. even to not say anything -- the only way you can overcome a tendency to microagrees is to constantly be apologizing and be on your hands and knees with your butt up in the air waiting for a spanking. >> whoa. >> that's the only way to be satisfied. >> hey that's a microaggression. >> that is a microaggression because not all people are flexible enough to do that.
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>> i thought you were going to say not all people have butts. >> i think we will see a trend in on-line colleges getting their degree on-line because people won't want to put on up that. >> that's not a bad point. >> if you are ever feeling good about the state of our society, go to the ithaca college papers, the newspapers. go to the website ithaca read the interview with the student behind this and any good feeling you have about our society's future will go away quickly. coming up catholic school requires all prom dresses to be pre approved. i nominate myself to the committee. first a word from our sponsor. >> tonight's sponsor sarcasm helpers from the sarcastic mind of andy levey for the sarcasm impaired. watch and learn that things can have more than one meaning. or don't. we really don't care.
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for once it is not the secret service screwing up. a report claims dea agents had sex parties with prostitutes paid for by columbian cartels. they also provided protection for the dea weapons and property during the properties. 10 agents fessed up and some received a short suspension. the house oversight wants them all fired.
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you can't ignore this. it is fundamentally not right. anytime you bring a foreign national in your room you are asking for trouble. these incidents occurred between 2005 and 2008. obviously this is obama's fault. >> no doubt about that. >> we have to make it clear. >> i like the idea of bringing a national into your room. >> it is sad but you know what the good news is they will have a zero tolerance policy which is an improvement over the smoke em if you've got em. the take away is it was paid for by the cartel and not tax dollars. >> that's a good point. most of these agents got a two to 10-day suspension.
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>> that's what gets me. >> you don't think -- >> i feel like if their mothers knew about this they would get a stronger suspension and that's how you know the punishment does not fit the crime. >> it was probably two days midweek. >> it was thursday-friday. >> are you surprised at this report or at this point, do we get used to it? >> i was surprised the department of justice and this is true. they put out a statement saying we are going to take seriously training officers against sexual harassment. when you are selling out your country to drug dealers it is important to be polite. what stuns me is they were paid for by the cartels. they should be arrested. they sold out the country. >> is it possible this is a misunderstanding? >> i think so. of course it will look like
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they are partying and putting their trust in these drug cartels. that's what we want them to think. you need to gain someone's trust before you give them the information. like all the secret agencies there is stuff we don't know and there is a reason we don't foe it. we need to be okay with the facts. in all seriousness these parties are happening on government quarters where there are laptops and blackberries 1k3 all of this information that is a threat to our national security. it is a big issue. >> it only takes one rogue hooker dropping off an eight ball and then they have a direct server and then where are we? >> one thing you never do, you
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don't take the hooker's word for anything. >> i feel so left out. >> i was trying to help you maintain your cover. >> there was other stuff in the report. the dea withheld information and there was another thing about a federal martial having an improper relationship with a fugitive's wife. what the hell is going on? they told him to stop and over a year they didn't. >> i don't want to over play the hand because you were making jokes about blaming it on obama. something is wrong with all federal law enforcement in this administration. >> except this was under bush. >> oh it was under bush? we just knew obama was coming. >> great cover. >> i say you have your sex party when's you can.
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>> who says sex party? >> sexy parties. >> eleven leventhal is the only one. they want a glance before the dance. a catholic school is requiring all dresses be approved by faculty for prom night. any formal wear which is too revealing or plunging backs or fronts will be turned away at the door. students call it unfair and inconvenient. the principal says they have the responsibility to holdup the catholic value and moral integrity. i don't have a problem with this except for the timing. a bunch of students say they bought their dresses by the time the school issued a policy. that seems unfair. >> that is a real problem.
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why does it have to be complicated? you force them to wear the uniform every day. one fight let their inner ke$ha fly out and let them wear the backless spandex dresses. they will pay for it later on in the pictures? >> you thought the school is not going far enough. >> i think it is illegal to make jokes about 17-year-old girls. >> are you older than me? i was about to make one. >> plaib i am too dignified. i don't disagree with this. the timing is off. really it is a catholic school, behave like ladies. >> we remember the good old days when you had to make sure you have falling apart and leave room for the holy
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ghost. this is the same thing. >> i don't have a problem with the more conservative prom dress as long as during the week they are rocking the little plaid skirts. the most popular perverted costumes aside from the nurse. thur the timing is off but it is better they do this now because you hear about it after that. mon shows up at the dance and she is not allowed in because she is showing too much cleave cleave -- cleavage. if they want to wear a revealing outfit instagram. i don't even have to hide in the bushes. >> joe ab, you have been making faces. >> before i leave the highways i say what would jesus wear? >> i don't think that's true.
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>> and he was often topless. >> is that why you wear sandals every day? >> i wear sanders in the winter too. >> ladies don't fight. it i promise you the other dresses will be more comfortable and you don't have to worry about anything popping out and worry around. if you want to see skin enter a beauty pageant. truthfully the store owner said she will allow exchanges. she will allow exchanges and will make alterations to cleep. she says cheap. i don't know how much. this woman is making it convenient for them. >> a lot of us in high school would buy our dress in january. this is what you are looking forward to all year. >> you must have had a great time in catholic school.
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>> why would the school wait until mid-march if they know they buy them earlier? >> probably they were receiving from the arch diocese and getting complaints. oh prom is coming. >> oh program. >> yow, they also have a dress code for the guy. you throw on a tux and you're done. >> no more of the short sleeved tuxes. >> that's what i always laugh -- you can look at a wedding and what women go through they have been planning for their whole lives. there is no modern groom magazine. they do all of this and the man across has rented shoes.
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on the other hand the schools -- i am glad they are doing it beforehand. maybe somebody dropped a dime -- look at this outfit i picked out. >> don't you need to live and learn and make the bad mistakes and say i have come a long way. >> you don't want to show up to the prom and be turned away. >> that's the lesson. >> these students need to learn the hard way. >> people can e-mail me for the on you hit i wore to the problem. >> on that note, time to take a break. performance from tonight's musical guests.
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is parascope the new whatever? the users streamed live versions of themselves and whatever they were looking at to their followers. it is similar to the popular apps cameo and mier cat. they even host miera-thons. live streaming videos raises privacy concerns that not everybody wants to be created without their permission. i said i know i am old because
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i get angry when someone posts a mier cat link. i am looking at it like what the [bleep] is this? iinstagram is almost to much for me. >> i didn't even know what it was until today. >> i am not even on board with this snap chat. i am instagram, twitter, facebook for the mom that's it. >> that's all it should be. >> truthfully let's break it down. how will you going to experience life if you are just always on your phone? i know i am an old soul, whatever. oh look at this sunrise or sunset. that was the campbel. look at the sunset and people can chat while you do the live stream. you are looking at the sunrise at the stream at the chat. what else can you do? juggle? >> i am not for. it. >> joe what can go wrong to
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putting up a link to live video? >> i don't know what the pitch was on this. maybe not embarrassing yourself enough on instagram. they should make april blah locations that slow down the process. could i possibly be embarrassing myself? you should just have a fishing rod that comes out in a go pro and transmit whatever you are doing live. who cares 1234*. i yell and say be here now. this is the thing they -- or maybe they will watch him. >> most people are really, really uninteresting. and now they are posting their stupid live streams. shouldn't they just get off my lawn instead? >> democrats and politicians
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scan send movies to the underaged girls. is there going to be some point is shameful? politician will do this and we won't care anymore. >> unless you use a word to describe hillary clinton. >> you brought up my point on why it won't be successful. it was supposed to be a big thing in the 2016 presidential race. no teen will want to touch it. people like beyonce and everybody for it to be cool. it will not be successful. >> here is what will p that. i am completely serious. someone is going to live streak on parascope or mier
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cat. they will do their suicide or them killing somebody. instantly you will see everyone jump in and we have to do something about this. >> don't we do that now though? guy you -- >> you can, but you are making it easier. >> if you are part of the live stream are you an accessory to a murder? >> unless you don't report it. >> also this is the biggest look at me app too. i know all social media is like that but this is look what i am doing right now watch. it is getting to be too much. i totally agree. >> speaking of which the entourage boys are back. oh yeah. do you have videos of animals? fox eye. no mier cat videos.
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now with the xfinity tv go app, you can watch live tv anytime. it's never been easier with so many networks all in one place. get live tv whenever you want. the xfinity tv go app. now with live tv on the go. enjoy over wifi or on verizon wireless 4g lte. plus enjoy special savings when you purchase any new verizon wireless smartphone or tablet from comcast. visit to learn more. coming up tomorrow, return appearances from mcdowell and anthony cumea. >> last story that's the last story. >> vince-a-turtle, throma, donees.
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yes another trailer just came in. i had to watch it and now you do too. >> this could get ug. >> trust me it is this. >> she is going to pop any second. >> whaps wrong? >> we got a sex tape. >> we need more money. >> oh god. >> i have to see more. snot ♪ thought i was joking. thought i was joking. would this movie be terrible or terrible? >> i know the people who are played in there and they are better in their fictional form. >> carly i am afraid to ask this, but you are a fan of "on entourage." >> and the movie coming out.
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i feel like when there is is a celebrity cost for those who don't know the movie. >> one is russell wilson. i am still going to see it though. who is going to come. >> i president what to see it because i thought the trailer was great. they used great music. and anything that has a clap keeps me going. >> joe, dowry late to the" on trough raj" guys. >> i don't have an entourage. i have people away from he. >> there is 90 minutes of you going -- i would watch that. it would be the cat's slow motion walking into an airport. >> or they turn to the qam raw and waive at the screen. >> i want my father back.
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give me my glass. >> i can't talk about this. wear wolf cop? >> it is a novel -- it is about a coffle who is a war wolf. >> which is it? >> it is both. it is subtle and really good. >> it is available now. >> it is available now. >> how does the cop become a wear wolf? don't give anything that room. >> how does the wear hovel become a cop. which comes first the wear wolf or the cop? >> what gave you the idea? >> i wanted to write a book about a really, really good guy who wakes up in the morning and realizes he has done terrible, terrible thrings. >> andy, my book
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mail man will be out it is. thanks to corly joe joanne and that does it for me. we will see you on a little thing called tomorrow night. (cough!) it works on his cough too. mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs for 12 hours. let's end this. [ male announcer ] meet jill. she thought she'd feel better after seeing her doctor. and she might have if not for kari,
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breaking tonight investigators seen leaving the former home of a germanwings co-pilot with bags of evidence after he is accused of doing the unthinkable, deliberately flying a jet filled with passengers into the side of a mountain killing 149 innocent men, women and children. welcome to "the kelly file" everyone, i'm megyn kelly. it was just 24 hours ago we firs brought you reports that one of the pilots aboard germanwings flight 9525 had been locked out of the cockpit before the plane went down. in the hours since the news has only gotten more heartbreaking and more disturbing. prosecutors today revealing that chilling evidence taken from the


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