tv Hannity FOX News April 1, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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prevention month. folks observing five seconds of silence for the nearly five children that die each day from abuse and neglect. millions more suffer daily. help by calling 1-800-4-a-child. or go to thanks, i'm megyn kelly. [ gunfire ] tonight, an exclusive report from the front lines in the fight against isis. the former u.s. army vet who's fighting the terrorists gives us an update from on the ground in syria. >> this is a bill that in ordinary times would not be controversial. >> arkansas's now the latest state to step into the religious freedom bill firestorm. >> but these are not ordinary times. plus, the man replacing jon stewart, is he sexist and anti-semitic? geraldo rivera dagen and tom schulu here to weigh in.
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"hannity" starts right now. welcome to "hannity." in a moment we'll bring you the latest developments on the ongoing nuclear talks with iran. first, there appears to be new progress in the fight against isis with iraq now claiming it took back the key city of tikrit from the terror group. joining us now from the ground in syria former u.s. army vet he joined the fight against isis, jordan matson is back with us. jordan, the syrian president assad was on "60 minutes" this weekend and asserted the bombing campaign of america is not working. you're on the ground. what's your assessment? >> in syria, northern syria the bombing campaign is very sparse, mr. hannity. we get one every other week or so. nato's focus is more or less in iraq itself. we don't see much of anything in syria. >> doesn't it sound a little bit odd to you that america is now serving as the air force
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ostensibly, doesn't it seem simultaneously fighting the iranian people in yemen, the iranian rebels there? >> yeah. it does quite surprise me considering iran's involvement against us for ten years in iraq. and now we're helping the same militias that supplied men that fought us. >> assad couldn't really spell out the amount of territory that isis has taken over in syria. you're on the ground. how much territory has isis taken? >> in syria they own most of northern syria and pushing down the western -- i should say the eastern desert. so they own almost a third of the country. but they are losing pieces of it in the north slowly. >> yeah. and how are things on a daily basis for you? i mean you signed up for this. you think that america should be involved in the battle there except the intimate air strikes you talk about. so the question is how are things for you on a daily basis?
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the last time we spoke you said you were engaged in gun battles almost daily. is that still going on? >> things have picked up since telanis is finished. isis is trying to take ground to get off the back foot. so we received attacks usually every night or every other night. so it's been quite interesting. we had a lot of air support when we took tel aviv, but since the air support is cut out after that, they've increased their attacks on us. >> jordan stay safe. we appreciate the update. thank you. the other important news story we're following tonight, the u.s.-led negotiations with iran, a deal was not reached today. so secretary of state john kerry he's going to spend yet another night in switzerland. my next guest reports that the french think the united states is looking for an ally in iran. is that true? joining me now with reaction foreign policy columnist from the hudson institute benjamin hadad is with us. sir, why do you say that? >> well look, the french like
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many u.s. allies in the region, turkey, saudi arabia or israel, have the sense that the u.s. is rushing to a deal and is giving in on key demands on this nuclear deal like enrichment, uranium enrichment, the number of sentrycentrifuges and sanctions because it wants to realign with iran in the region. if you look at what the administration is doing in the region rather than what it's saying, it's subcontracting the fight against isis to iran-backed militias as your previous guest has just pointed out. and it's not doing anything -- >> i actually agree with you. because why would the president of the united states ignore the chants just two weekends ago of death to america, why would he ignore the statement by this iranian general yesterday that israel's destruction is nongauchenon nonnegotiable. why are we sitting at the table with mullahs that are the largest sponsors of state
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terrorism worldwide. >> you're absolutely right. it goes beyond that. we're giving the impression we need a deal more than they do. we're fixing artificial deadlines. we're putting pressures on ourselves where we should put more and more pressure on the iranians to give clear guarantees they will dismantle their nuclear program. >> i appreciate the update, sir. thanks for being with us. here with more reaction arkansas senator tom cotton. senator, you suggested we ought to walk away from the table. and of all people now howard dean agrees with you. but even after the statement yesterday that israel's destruction is nonnegotiable, you got obama and kerry still pushing for a deal. why? >> sean, we're negotiating from a position of weakness. it's very clear since we've announced another day past our own deadline president obama said we shouldn't extend past. russia and china all left the negotiations. this goes to show how desperate we are to get any kind of deal, even if it's a bad deal.
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i just think that we should negotiate from a position of strength. that's why we should have walked away when we hit a deadline. i don't know any arkansasan who wouldn't negotiate for a used car for a home in this fashion, yet that's what we're doing right now. >> shopt it be a prereck kwi sit that they take back their statements of death to america. to quote this general israel's destruction is nonnegotiable. shouldn't that be a prerequisite before even sitting down with the iranians? >> i think you have to question the wisdom of granting any concessions especially nuclear concessions especially to an ayatollah when he does still chant death to america. the foreign minister supposedly so charming to our negotiating team in switzer lands later -- a radical hezbollah terrorist who fortunately was killed seven years ago. that's to say nothing of the behavior of the iranian regime. whether it's trying to take over iraq or supporting the houthis in yemen.
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at least moderate their words. >> let's look at reports we've given in in the last number of days that they wouldn't have to disclose the full range of nuclear capability beforehand or at the outset of this deal. so they get fo spin their centrifuges, some 6,000 of them. they get to keep their nuclear facilities including the underground facility that they'd be able to run with these nuclear centrifuges. they get the ability to continue to sensitive research, verification, sanctions and ballistic missiles. what are we getting out of this deal? what is the one benefit the united states gets out of this deal? >> sean, it's hard to say what benefit we're getting at all. another one that they just walked back last week was their agreement to export all of their uranium stockpiles to a third country, most likely russia. they just completely reneged on that deal they made several months ago. i figure they think they can get away with it because president obama and john kerry are desperate for a deal. i think it's time to walk away from the table, reimpose the sanctions impendsed for
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congress to impose new sanctions and rescind all the concessions we've made and start negotiations over again from a position of strength telling iran exactly what we will not accept. we shouldn't accept any of the concessions you ran through. >> senator cotton, thank you. another person who definitely thinks we should be running away from the negotiating table with iran is the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. here's what he said after this iranian general said israel's destruction is nonnegotiable. here's what he said. >> yesterday the iranian general brazenly declared, and i quote, "israel's destruction is nonnegotiable." but evidently giving iran's murderous regime a clear path to the bomb is negotiable. this is unkonsable. iran must stop terrorism in the region throughout the world and stop threats to annihilate
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israel. that should be nonnegotiable. >> joining me with reaction the author of the greatest comeback, patrick j buchanan with us. pat, shouldn't it be a prereck kwi sit that iran stops being the number one state sponsor of terror, stop saying it's nonnegotiable israel's destruction and stop saying death to america before we even sit down at the table with them? >> no no, sean. look in 1956 crew chef says we will bury you americans and three years later he was in the white house with -- the former president of iran said we're going to wipe off the map. he was in office eight years. sean, and he's back teaching in college. >> you don't believe them? wasn't that a mistake we made in world war ii? that the only person that seemed to really understand the nature of hitler's ambitions was a guy by the name of winston churchill? wasn't he one guy that understood -- >> sean, ahmadinejad was in
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power for eight years. he did nothing. he was a blowhard. are we going to be frightened by words of some character in iran. >> what do you mean blowhard? the blowhard that supplied hezbollah rockets and other terror groups rockets to fight a proxy war against israel. they're fighting a proxy war now against saudi arabia in yemen. this is all iran, pat, what part are you missing? >> i'll tell you what sean. in iraq, iran is fighting isis and al qaeda. in syria they're fighting isis on behalf of assad. in yemen they're not involved there. >> you think they're friends? you think the iranians are our friends? >> sean, they're fighting our enemies. i'd rather have iranians up there fighting in tikrit and dying than american kids there. and the reason iraq is in the camp now very much -- >> so you don't have any problem with the barack hussein obama being on a nuclear weapon with a
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state sponsor of terror fighting proxy wars threatening israel to annihilate them and the united states, you have no problem with that? >> listen to the american head of intelligence. he says iran does not have a bomb program as of 2013. secondly if they start building a bomb we will know it. third, iran has made some concessions there are not enough that makes them less able to go -- >> go back to 2012 when we found out they were far more advanced in the nuclear production and program than we ever thought was possible. that's what obama's own government said. >> you're friend bibi's been talking about iran getting a bomb since 1992. in 2006 he said they'll be building 25 bombs by the end of the decade. are they? no. >> you don't have any concerns at all about sitting down -- by the way, there's a big difference between the cold war and the russians that had nuclear weapons and america paving the way for them to get nuclear weapons considering i would argue that before any negotiations take place, pat i'm not against negotiations. but first you have to change
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your behavior. stop being a state sponsor of terror. stop fighting proxy wars. stop funding groups like hezbollah and other groups. how's that? >> sean. >> pat. >> in syria in iraq okay, the iranians and their allies, hezbollah, the shiite militia who are a dreadful bunch, assad, are fighting isis. they are fighting al qaeda. the houthi rebels in yemen are fighting isis in al qaeda? >> -- >> who are they killing, sean? they are killing our enemies. they are killing our enemies. >> okay. and then we're also fighting against them in yemen with the saudis. so explain that logic to me. >> you tell what the saudis are going to do. the saudis are making a terrible mistake. if they go in there on the ground, it will be their vietnam. when i was a young editorial writer, egypt -- >> if they don't go in there, then they're going to be surrounded by the iranians which by the way wants to clearly
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build themselves a huge power for themselves in the region. and that would be more dangerous as the jordanians and egyptians believe. >> sean, the reason iran's going to have a power in the gulf because your president george w. bush invaded iraq and turned it into a lot of iran. >> excuse me, pat, if you're going to bring it up point out that the surge worked. >> the surge worked. >> hang on. and in 2007 if the admonition of keeping intelligence and training troops on the ground were met by obama, we wouldn't be in this position, would we? >> sean. >> would we? >> the reason we're in this position is because saddam hussein a thug, was overthrown, his state was destroyed, his army was broken up elections were held by bush, democracy crusades and the shia won. >> you believe we can make a deal with the iranians? you believe with peace in our time? >> i'm not scared of iran for god sakes. >> iran is a tiny country they're not a threat. do you believe that? >> bibi is sitting on 200 atom
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bombs and fretting over iran -- >> is going to create an arms race with the likes of which the world has never seen with one distinction, pat. nuclear weapons in the hands of radical islamic mullahs. >> the united states -- >> you don't see that as a danger? >> the united states could finish off iran in an afternoon. what are you fighting, sean? >> i think it's a bad idea. >> i think it's a bad idea for them to get a bomb. and i think we can stop it. >> pat i think you're dreaming. thank you, sir. >> i think you're hysterical, sean. >> i'm hysterical. i don't want the mullahs of iran -- >> i don't either and i think we could stop them. >> just like churchill took the words of hitler seriously. >> how did britain end up when it followed churchill's advice? >> they actually won the war. that's how they -- >> won the war? they wound up on american food stamps. >> well -- >> they lost the empire because -- >> not to fight the nazis? >> no, their option was to form an alliance with france and tell
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the germans if you cross you're at war and they wouldn't have had a war. >> you're dreaming. >> you should read my book. >> revision is history, mr. buchanan i like a lot of what you say, but you're dead wrong here. joining me with more, who's right? >> wow. couple reactions. one, his -- pat's comparison to the soviets. i mean, if you want to go that route, that comparison the truth is the soviets as evil as the empire was they were committed to national survival. it's not clear to us that the leadership of iran over the long-term -- i'm not willing to bet that the leaders of iran will be committed to its own national survival. >> percentage have believed in this ideology of a caliphate in the 12th imam. >> they're an irrational leadership and take huge risks. once referred to as a one-bomb country. you can wipe israel out with one bomb, even if israel responded iran was so big they could sustain the response. a. b, if you think that they're rational players as pat seems
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to think they have a strategy in the region, which is they want hedge mom status. we see that with support for hamas, support for hezbollah, we see what they're doing in syria lebanon, yemen. and now if they have a nuclear umbrella, what country israel, the west is going to take the risk of responding to iran's provocations if they have a nuclear umbrella? this is terrifying what he's saying. >> pat dismisses what israel's destruction is nonnegotiable. he dismisses that we're the great satan and that death to america. >> yeah. >> i liken that to those that dismiss dismiss dismiss -- i believe you have a potential for a modern day holocaust. >> former prime minister of israel who authorized the military strike against the plant in iraq -- one of the great contributions is what
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we've learned from jewish history is when leaders around the world threaten to anigh latd the jewish people, take them at their word. they're being serious. >> well said. thank you. coming up first it was indiana now it's arkansas being attacked for its religious freedom. but are liberals being hypocritical? plus, heads of large companies like apple, walmart, nike are saying religious freedom laws are discriminatory but they seem to have no problem doing business in countries with atrocious women and civil rights records. we'll expose that hypocrisy coming up later. if you don't think seize the trip when you think aarp then you don't know "aarp". get inspired with aarp travel. plan and book your trip online and get hot travel tips from the pros. find more real possibilities at
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welcome back to" hannity." on the heels of the controversy over indiana's religious freedom law, earlier today arkansas governor asa hutchinson asked his legislature to make changes to his state's religious freedom bill that was passed just yesterday to more closely reflect the federal regulations of the federal religious freedom act signed into law by bill clinton in 1993. as we pointed out last night liberals had no problem when clinton signed the bill in his presidency. why all the outrage now? here with reaction, fellow in religion and free society ryan anderson and executive director of the accountability project nomi key. did i get it right? >> got it. >> all right. let me start hillary clinton sent out a tweet today. she didn't mention her husband's law in '93, but this is what she put up. like the indiana law arkansas bill goes beyond protecting religion would permit unfair
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discrimination against lgbt americans. i urge the governor to veto. the governor of arkansas did. i decided i was going to tweet hillary back. i said, hillary, i said are you saying that bill did discriminate in 1993? think about it. i fweeted out again, let's see the clinton foundation took millions of dollars from countries like saudi arabia why take money from country that treat women and gays so horribly? do i have a point? >> i think you have a point. you do. >> a vald point. >> you have a valid point. >> it's called hypocrisy. >> i don't know if it's entirely hypocrisy. >> no? >> the clintons are in a tough place here. >> what does sharia law do to gays in countries under sharia? >> i'm not debating sharia law. >> what does it do? >> it violates -- >> death penalty. women can't drive. women can't be seen in public. women have to cover. women can't vote -- >> but they use religion to justify that. and that is exactly what indiana's trying to do right now. >> you can't compare sharia law to a religious freedom bill. that's not what it's about.
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>> that's what they're using to justify the law is religion. in a lot of ways you're creating a parallel. >> gay rights aren't mentioned in any of these bills. here's my question to you. >> yeah. >> should somebody be forced if you own a t-shirt shop. >> right. >> and you're pro-life, it's a deeply held religious conviction. should somebody be forced to say i am pro-choice and print t-shirts that goes against their religious views? >> actually -- >> that's a yes or no question. should they be forced to do that? >> nobody should be forced to do anything and actually they're not being forced in most states, 28 states already before the indiana law which is in a way moot people have the right to refuse service no matter what in 28 states. the problem is this law takes it to another level. they are justifying discrimination, one person's religious freedom is justifying discrimination of civil rights for a group of individuals freedoms. >> so say a store owner whatever orthodox jew or he is a muslim or a christian, should they be
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forced to put pornography in the store because it would otherwise take away the rights of the pornographer? >> nobody's forcing anybody to put anything into their stores. they are discriminating against individuals who don't agree with their -- >> so you admit there's hypocrisy here. mr. anderson, what do you say? >> this bill should not be controversial. all this bill does is says that if the government's going to burden someone's free exercise of religion, the governor has the burden of proof to show it's doing so for a compelling state reason in the least restrictive way possible. that's the standard that governors the federal that's the -- we want to be like the other 29 states. >> what's the difference between this bill and the '93 federal bill? >> there's essentially no difference. people are saying there are two differences. they're saying this allows corporations to be defined as persons. that's the same thing as the federal bill. and last year the supreme court explicitly said that when it upheld the religious liberty
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rights of the haan family and the green family in the hobby lobby case. they're also saying this will allow people to use a religious liberty defense when someone sues them citing a state law. that's also the majority of the circuit courts have said the federal rfra allows this same sort of thing. this doesn't say who wins. it just says you get a day in court to have a judge adjudicate whether or not the government action is burdening your religion unjustly. >> okay. so now let's go to the health care law. >> uh-huh. >> should the sisters of charity, should catholic hospitals and catholic charities be forced to through their health care provider provide services that go against a deeply held religious conviction? for example, some type of birth control or the morning after pill. should we be forced by government to do that? >> nobody's forcing anybody to do anything. >> excuse me. obamacare did force that. that was a real issue that just came up. >> nobody is forcing anybody under this act to do anything that violates their own personal
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beliefs. what they're saying is it's violating the other person's beliefs. you're using any religious justification which is a personal issue and by the way the court -- >> wait a minute. why should a catholic hospital or catholic charities be forced to provide birth control when they believe that's sinful? you may not agree with that, but they're being forced by the government to provide something that goes directly against their deeply held religious conviction. why would you support that? >> they actually don't. they don't have to provide. this law protects them. this is exactly why the law exists. >> this is why you need the religious freedom act, am i right? who's right here? >> let me jump in here. earlier this week i spoke on a panel with one of the little sisters of the poor. the little sisters of the poor are still in the court system suing the obama administration because the obama administration is making them pay for contraceptives and abortion-causing drugs. why is the government forcing an order of nuns to violate their beliefs? right here in the district of
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columbia. >> she just denied that's happening. >> no no that's why they're in court. the court is probably going to rule in their favor. i believe in the freedom of civil rights. civil rights -- >> excuse me. let's talk constitutionally. do you believe in the constitution? >> of course i do. >> do you believe in the free exercise clause? >> i believe in the free exercise clause -- >> you do? apparently not. >> i have the freedom to exercise what i believe and to be with who i choose to be with. >> not for the sisters, not for the nuns. that's why this law's necessary. you're making my point. >> the lawecting them. the law is protecting them. they have the right to go to court. >> the law is forcing them to do something they don't want to do. >> they're in the courts and probably going to side -- >> mr. anderson, last word. >> i mean, this highlights why we need the religious freedom restoration act. >> exactly. >> the religious freedom restoration act might protect the nuns and should protect all americans so the government doesn't coerce them with their religious beliefs.
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a way of achieving peace and harmony. we should all be in favor of religious liberty. >> appreciate you both. coming up major corporations are attacking the religious freedom bills. but these companies are being pretty hypocritical. we'll explain that next. our panel will weigh in coming up next. and later tonight, comedy central has announced this man, trevor noah, is going to replace jon stewart as the host of "the daily show." but some of his tweets about women and jews are raising a lot of eyebrows. we're going to tell you what he wrote and said straight ahead. ♪ music plays love you by the free design ♪ ♪ attendant: welcome back. man: thank you. it's not home. but with every well considered detail . . . it becomes one step closer. no wonder more people. . . choose delta than any other airline.
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before larry instantly transferred money from his bank of america savings account to his merrill edge retirement account. before he opened his first hot chocolate stand calling winter an "underserved season". and before he quit his friend's leaf-raking business for "not offering a 401k." larry knew the importance of preparing for retirement. that's why when the time came he counted on merrill edge to streamline his investing and help him plan for the road ahead. that's the power of streamlined connections. that's merrill edge and bank of america. welcome back to" hannity." prior to the arkansas governor press conference earlier today, walmart ceo doug mcmillan recently called on him to pass the religious freedom bill in that state "it all starts with our core basic belief of respect for the individual.
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today's passage of hb1228 threatens. present throughout the state of arkansas and does not reflect the values we proudly uphold." so does walmart's respect for the individual not extend outside borders? turns out one of the biggest customers to china's manufacturing sector is walmart. working at a manufacturing plant in china that's not such an easy life. multiple reports reveal some factory employees in china can be forced to endure days as long as 16 hours with very little pay, often amounting to less than a dollar an hour. why aren't the executives at walmart, why aren't they speaking out about that? to this example just corroborates hypocrisy from corporate america. to be fair we asked walmart to have a representative join us on the program to discuss this, but we got no response. here to react is the death of cool author gavin mcguinness, juan williams and melissa francis with us. is that hypocrisy? >> it is the height of hypocrisy.
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it doesn't end there. i mean, we've seen both the ceo of ge speak out and apple as well. according to "the wall street journal," those are two companies that are clambering to get into iran of all places. >> wait a minute, aren't they already -- isn't apple in iran? >> not legally. they're trying to get in there right now. apparently you can get your hands on the stuff, but they are talking to potential distributors the second the sanctions are lifted. and this is a country that hangs people for being gay. >> yeah. >> so it is the height of corporate hypocrisy. >> what about saudi arabia? >> they're in saudi arabia as well. that's another place gay rights aren't exactly respected. >> so ceos trying to push their products when women, minorities, gays and lesbians are treated abysmally in these countries. >> i can see through you today. i mean, this is so ridiculous. of course -- >> why can you see through me today? >> you just don't like the fact they are using their corporate mic to oppose this bill. >> i don't like corporate
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hypocrisy. >> there's no corporate hypocrisy because they're talking about what's going on in their house in their state. >> their products in countries that kill gays and lesbians for the fact they're gay. >> they have to have some respect for someone else's sovereignty. >> oh, really? so money trumps the death penalty for gays and lesbians for being gay? >> it's an outrageous situation. >> i think it's more severe than not selling a wedding cake to a gay and lesbian couple. >> look that's a totally different thing. that's why i say you're so transparent today. why shouldn't they argue with china? >> how about you don't sell products until they increase their civil rights for gays lesbians -- >> in other words don't do any business? >> no i'm saying if they're going to get on their high horse and quote obama and lecture everybody, live by their own standards. they're putting the mighty dollar -- >> do you want me to come to your house and tell you and your wife how to live? >> excuse me, don't lecture america when there's far worse things happening with your
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business partners. >> they're our people. >> common liberal troef when it comes to the middle east. well, i don't know what goes on there, i can't judge their culture. yeah, you can judge their culture. you're throwing gays off a building. you can't say i'm going to outlaw this state yet be cool with them because they're not in my house. that's ridiculous. either it's all or nothing. >> no it's not all or nothing. look, you're wearing a beautiful suit. you don't even know where that suit was made probably. it might have been made in thailand, china -- >> see that's the beauty of being a libertarian. i don't impose any rules. >> oh okay. >> i let the free market handle everything. >> and you know this is just fashion. you know that walmart nascar, everyone goes, oh this is what everyone's doing? me too. i want to be part of this too. >> wait a minute by the way welcome to the show. >> yes, thank you so much. there's a lot of volume on this show. i'm not even sure this law does what you think it does. >> exactly. >> that's the thing. if you look at 209 states where it's in -- let me just for the
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record i support gay rights, i also support religious freedom. i don't think this law actually allows this hypothetical baker to deny to make a cake for a gay wedding. i mean, there's been no legal scholar who's actually come out and said this would effectively do that and hasn't done it in the 19 states. >> what it does unlike most of the 20 other states by the way is allows an individual not a state sanctioned activity, but an individual to then say under the law i have the right because of my religious beliefs to discriminate against women in blue dresses. >> if that were the case and i'm not sure it is but if that were the case why wouldn't they then pass a simultaneous law making gays a protected class? >> that's my point. you don't see mike pence governor of indiana saying that. >> you can't come up with a law where gays can't be served. no such law exists. they make gay birthday cakes all the time. this whole thing is a complete lie based on a hypothetical that's never going to happen. >> i don't think so. >> we got to let it go here. hillary's a hypocrite too. her husband signed that law in '93. she takes money with the clinton
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foundation from the saudis. the saudis. >> you spoke that paoti that the law intends to help -- >> i need that after talking to you every night. >> i got to tell you this is a lot of fun. can i come back? >> yes. don't forget you can see melissa by the way her show "strange inheritance" tomorrow night 9:30. coming up next, new questions about hillary clinton's inner circle. and later tonight geraldo, dagen and tom all coming up.
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every dollar is earned with sweat, sacrifice, courage. which is why usaa is honored to help our members with everything from investing for retirement to saving for college. our commitment to current and former military members and their families is without equal. start investing with as little as fifty dollars. welcome back to" hannity." new questions are being raised tonight about hillary clinton's association with her chief of staff at the state department sheryl mills. the washington free beacon is reporting mills was listed as a clinton foundation director as the exact same time she was working for hillary at the state department. there are also reports that mills will not be involved in hillary's presumed 2016 presidential campaign. now, author and columnist roger stone has been questioning mills relationship with clinton for a while. he joins me now along with ken
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silverstein who writes for the washington baa blon column. guys, good to see you. roger, what do you mean cheryl mills the woman who knew too much? >> if you look at any scandal around hillary clinton there she is. she's up to her neck in the series of lies the american people have been told about benghazi. we know that she was working at the state department at the same time she was at the clinton foundation. this was during a time that foreign regimes were giving multimillion dollar contributions to the clinton foundation. we know that she like hillary clinton did not use a government e-mail. and she was the woman who vetted and reviewed all the e-mail deciding what should be destroyed and what should be shown to the american people. and lastly, we know that when the palm beach police seized the address book of convicted pedophile and friend of bill, jeffrey epstein, what did they
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find but cheryl mills unlisted phone number and e-mail address. so every troubling scandal that surrounds hillary clinton and her husband seems to feature cheryl mills. >> speaks of the epstein scandal, ken, you actually point out that it imperils her presidential prospects. you think this is a bigger deal than most people. i think roger agrees with you. i agree with you. but the mainstream media hasn't hit on it much. why? >> well i mean, i guess to answer the question partly is the reason that i'm on your show which is that if it were about mitt romney or jeb bush or one of the republican candidates, i'd probably be on msnbc. i think it's interesting for you to have me on because we're talking about hillary. >> you're the one who wrote the column. i'm following up on your column. why don't you tell us why you wrote the column and you think it's a big deal. you think it might imperil her campaign. why? >> i think so having read roger
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stone and other people because for the former president who might be the future husband of the first lady -- or sorry, the president, it doesn't look good if you're associating with pedophiles. >> convicted pedophiles. >> convicted pedophiles. not alleged or -- >> right. >> whatever. i mean, the guy's been convicted. >> and, roger he also donated money. you had a piece after the conviction he was giving money to the clinton foundation. is that correct? >> that is true. he gave a contribution after his conviction. and on top of that maxwell, who was given immunity in the nonprosecution agreement of epstein, basically the pimp who procured underage girls now works for a foundation that is solely funded by the clinton foundation. a non-profit. she is another woman who was present when bill clinton was in palm beach with epstein, was present when president clinton was on orgy island with epstein.
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she's another woman who presumably knows too much. >> all right guys, thank you both for being with us. by the way, just for those that want to know where the mainstream media is on all this we were talking about jeremiah wright a year before it became a big national issue. watch this issue evolve over time. they'll be forced to cover it. coming up the man tapped to replace jon stewart is already creating a lot of controversy. that's next with our panel. don't miss it straight ahead. well, a mortgage shouldn't be a problem your credit is in pretty good shape. >>pretty good? i know i have a 798 fico score thanks to the tools and help on kaboom... well, i just have a few other questions. >>chuck, the only other question you need to ask is, "what else can you do for me?" i'll just take a water... get your credit swagger on. become a member of experian credit tracker and find out your fico score powered by experian. fico scores are used in 90% of credit decisions.
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welcome back to "hannity." comedy central has announced comedian trevor noah will be jon stewart's successor. tweets posted by as far as 2009 have people crying foul n 2010, tweeted quote, south africans know how to recycle like israel knows how to be peaceful. and oh yeah, the weekend, people are going to get drunk and think i'm sexy, fat chicks everywhere.
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and fox news senior correspondent geraldo and from fox business network, let's talk about the things he said about hitler. >> yes. it was meeting right at the game show. a jewish writer at the daily show. i told him about one of my friends named hitler. it's not a nickname. >> why on earth? would a mother name a child hitler hitler? i said well, hitler's mom did. it said she didn't see him the way the western world saw
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hitler. . >> i don't care. why is everybody so sensitive? . >> i think when you go back to bill maher, saying americans are cowards because of the missles i mean at some point, this kid is brand new. he's not that funny yet. he's got a south african sensibility. he should have a south american sensibility. it's comedy. >> how about let he everybody say whatever they want and stop acting like we're offended when it's a crock 90% of the time? >> i think the hiring so transparent. they hired him because he's hot. that is it. >> really? okay. >> no. how does that explain me and geraldo? >> i'm trying to dish sexism to the men as well. >> okay. okay. >> you're trying a joke. >> he has nothing but looks
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going for him. >> he's going to be great he's a good looking guy. he hosts a tv show in south africa, since his early 20s and yes, he was only kidding. whenever there is a controversy that is your get out of jail free card. i was kidding. >> americans need to grow up and stop acting like we're always offended. and watch this cop harassing a driver. >> stop right now. and realize traffic violations are committed. do you understand me? are you going to let me finish? how long have you been in this country? >> almost two years.
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>> this isn't important enough for me. you're not important enough. >> most cops aren't like this. >> can we grow a pair? this country? a guy raises his voice a little bit? >> that is road rage, man. >> is this because cops have guns? i don't want them looking in my car. >> as with most of the videos we don't see. this driver was honking his horn and acting like a jerk. >> who said honking your horn in new york city? >> they took his gun away he's on administrative duty. he got caught on tape, everybody r everything is on tape. >> remember that your self.
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i'll be a guest on the show. at 11:05 eastern. that is the time we have left. we'll see you back here tomorrow night. alumni. good night. o'reilly next. the o'reilly factor is on. tonight: >> do you hear that indiana? you are not progressive enough for nascar. >> i would like to go back and visit inana but it's illegal. >> the state of indiana taking it on the chin over the religious rights act. this battle could become a national civil war. tonight, we will spell out what the opposing sides really want. >> they can call it whatever they want. romney didn't win, did he. >> looks like senator harry reid has been exposed for being a corrupt politician lying from the senate floor and he is unapologetic. "special report" ahead. also women may have to become prostitutes because of global warming. that's what congressman
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