tv Shepard Smith Reporting FOX News April 2, 2015 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT
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hour in brooklyn. they wanted to make weapons of mass destruction like the boston barometerring, -- bombing and blow them up on u.s. soil. here's shep. >> viewsly an incredibly busy day, starting with the stunning news of an historic framework for the evegetable deal on iran's nuclear program. >> it is a good deal. a deal that meets our core objectives. >> ahead, the facts of the so-called plan of action, when it comes to iran's centrifuges, uranium, and nuclear reactors. what the iranians get in return, and how the white house says we'll make sure they're actually keeping up their end of the bargain. >> new revelations about the copilot who crashed his jet in the alps. he studied cook pit doors, did doctor shopping and researched ways to killing himself before settling on mass murder.
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what prosecutors saying they found on his computer. terrorists target christian students. the latest reports indicate more than 140 people have been slaughtered. let's get to it. >> good thursday afternoon from the deck. we start with breaking news. an historic game-changing agreement between iran, the united states, and other western nations. over that rogue nation's nuclear program. president obama a short time ago called the arrangement the most effective way to keep iran from billing nuclear bombs but already the critics are chiming in. all this as iran is caught up in almost every major conflict the the middle east right now. first, the details from today's announcement the u.s. secretary of state john kerry, the iranian foreign minister and officials with the european union made a joint statement saying they've taken a decisive step toward a final deal over iran's nuclear program. the ultimate goal here end
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iran's work towards producing a nuclear weapon in exchange the west would ease economic punishments against iran. the punishments wail city in place until inspectors are able to verify that iran has in fact followed through with its end of the deal. iran would have to stick to a commitment to limit its nuclear production for the next decade. verification will continue for 25 years. president obama says the alternative to negotiations would be military intervention, something he warns could pull the united states into a big war. >> today, after many months of tough principled diplomacy, we have achieved the framework for that deal. and it is a good deal. a deal that meets our core objectives. this framework would cut off every pathway that iran could take to develop a nuclear weapon. >> it represents a historic shift in u.s. foreign policy, after decade of refusing even to
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deal directly with that country. i it also comes as robb involve itself in several middle east conflicts, complicate racings with the u.s. and the west. iran backing rebels led to saudi arabia launching a bombing campaign against the rebels. then there's isis, the united states and iran find themselves fighting on the same side in iraq and syria against isis. but that definitely does not mean we're friends. the white house says this nuclear deal has nothing to do with the other hot-button issues boiling over in the region. since any negotiations of a deal or any notion of a deal with iran that infuriated critics in congress as well as the israeli prime minister it benjamin netanyahu. president obama noted his difference with the prime minister in his address and said he would call him sometime this afternoon. then there were the 47 republicans who wrote directly to iran's leaders before they saw the framework for the deal,
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warning them to back out of the negotiations. they argued that the only way to keep iran in line is more economic punish; not fewer like under today's agreement. the republicans' share of the senate foreign relations committee, bob corker, announces he expects a strong vote from the committee, demanying congress get to approve any deal. the republican senator john mccain of arizona just said moments ago that he does not trust secretary kerry to come up with any iran4éx deal that would protect both israel and the united states. we're waiting for other reaction from other dissenters, pub pubs ---rubs in congress. first to the top story of the day. >> reporter: the negotiators have to get down to the hard part of hammering another otechnical details of the framework they announced today and hope to get that done by a deadline of june 30th. it looks like there are three major moves that are -- that
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this all hinges on. first, iran would have to scale back its nuclear infrastructure, including cutting the number of centrifuges it has operating from 19,000 to 6000, mainly older models. number two, policing what is left of the infrastructure harder than ever before through the u.n. inspection, weapons inspection program and three, knew neutralizing iran's stockpile of enriched uranium, and shipping the spent fuel from its heavy water nuclear reactor out of the country. the goal here is to limit iran's program to peaceful civilian purposes, like energy -- electricity production through nuclear power plans it wants to build and for medical treatment and such, but also to make sure that it would take a year for iran to produce any nuclear material that could be used in a bomb.
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back to you. >> all right. peter barnes at the white house, thank you. let's bring in john bussey. and carol lee from the north lawn. john, it's more than we were led to believe that there would be here. if everything the president and the secretary of state has laid out you would think this would be seep as a good deal. nuclear scientist signed if but the devils is in the details. >> the detail haven't yet to be completely hammered out. we'll have another couple months of that. the issues out there for the united states is whether or not there was an alternative to this. could the united states have gone some other route? the president was very clear on that. he said, no. the other thing he was clear on he said every single pathway to iran getting a nuclear weapon will be closed off if the deal is confirmed. that is a very large statement. and i think that is what he is
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going to be held to as we get deeper into the details and have a chance to digest this and understand it better. >> carol lee at the white house can you give us a better idea of exactly what iran is having to give up? i should say, what iran is getting in exchange for this? >> they're going to get some pretty significant -- although over time, sanctions relief which is one thing that held up negotiators and caused them to miss their deadline of tuesday. i think that when you step back and look at what happened today, the president said a very important thing, and that is that success is not guaranteed and so while everybody is talking about this historic aspects of the deal and the decisions made that were announced today, it remains to be seen if this is actually something that's going to happen in the next few months and what congress is a threat to that or at least the white house sees them as a threat to that, and i think the white house has very
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little sense how iran's supreme leader, the ultimate decider on the issues, is going to go on this. >> carol station, with us. secretary kerris answering questions of the media. let's listen. >> some respects. with respect to transition, that's one of the things we'll be looking at talking about. we have other considerations with respect to the sanctions themselves, and the rate timing and so forth. but i don't think it serves in i great purpose to go through that now. in the days ahead there will be plenty of time to focus on that with congress and others and we look forward to those consultations. >> the question is when are you going to take down the sanctions? listen. >> six months to a year or so that it will take to begin to comply with all of the steps that need to be taken in order to then begin into the phasing. those steps have to happen first in the meantime the interim
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agreement, the jpoa, as it's called joint plan of action, will continue to be implemented in full, and so we believe there is a full continuity in the oversight and accountability that is necessary to proceed forward. finally, with respect to our citizens we, of course, have had a number of conversations and no meeting no, date when we come together has been without conversation about our american citizens. i'm not going to go into any details except to say that the conversation is continuing. we have a very specific process in place to try to deal with it. and we call on iran again today, now, in light of this to release these americans and let them get home with their families. we're working on that and we'll continue to be very focused on
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it. >> the next question from amir pavir of bbc persia. >> thank you very much, secretary kerry, for the opportunity. the business correspondent for my channel, the single one question every iranian from ordinary iranians to persian boardrooms have been asking if on july 1st we have joint comprehensive plan of action how fags and in what sequence and what format will economic sanctions more specifically banking sanks children's have been hurting many iranians inside and outside the country will be removed? i do understand you said that it will depend on compliance from iran, but if you could just give us a more precise idea. and also if i can, second question is you have been -- foreign secretary zarif has the
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world record of having face time with you thanks to these negotiations. you say these negotiations will help in future to improve ties between iran and the united states? >> well, on the latter question all i can do is hope like i think most citizens would hope. i assume from what we have picked up through the diaspora and others with respect to iran, many, many iranians who hope that they can rejoin the world, but i'm not going to speculate on that. i have no idea. it would depend entirely on a resolution of a lot of things as we go forward. the one thing we do know is that if we can eliminate this question of the nuclear issue, it begins to at some point -- >> a lot to do here and of course, most importantly get past the framework into a solid deal they've have until the end of june, job bussey, to get that
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done. their work is not finished, the president was clear. >> not at all. carol here has a good point. we're not back in iran yet. this is foreign ministers in switzerland, obviously calling home make sure the deal they're negotiating is approved by the regime back home. at the end of the day, the regime in iran has to make a calculation. is the relief of sanctions, which i critical to them maintaining continued power in iran as well. it's been really crimping the economy. ills the relief of sanctions good enough to endure the humiliation of these constant inspections and people coming into the country, going into their facilities asking questions, inhibiting what they want to do, which is sort of moving their nuclear program in the direction they want to go. >> carol lee, there are concerns these sanctions were crippling to the degree that the people -- there was a fear among the mullahs and the rest that the people might rise up? it has gotten dire there, has it not? >> i think if you look at what
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has happened in iran with the election of president rouhani. it showed in the white house's view -- they have very little understanding of what goes on with the supreme leader, and it's a -- the regime is extremely opaque and that's been a problem for that. with the election of president rouhani send a signal, at least to the white house that the supreme leader felt like he needed to get some sanctions relief, and that his big concern is maintaining power, and that there was pressure building and he needed to have something done, and yeah, we have had reporters go to report in iran, and the situation is really dire for a lot of folks there. the sanctions were taking a very -- really cutting into people's way of life, and that is one of the arguments that congress make when they criticize the president about cutting the deal that he has cut today, is that iran was so
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crippled he could get a better deal. and i think that is what you're going to see be the center of the argue. and the debate between the white house and congress in the next coming weeks. >> all right. thank you very much from the white house. appreciate it. karl lee and john bussey just heard from ban ki-moon congratulating all on this framework. are we in a better place? possible. the president certainly makes it sound like we are and they can get to some sort of agreement by the end of june and if iran doesn't get a nuclear weapon, the whole world is a better place you. you'll hear the critics throughout the day. been the copilot in the jet that crash into the alps did his research. prosecutor says he looked up cockpit door security in the days before they say he locked out the pie lot and steered that passenger jet into a mountain. and just a few hours ago word
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that investigators found the jet's second black box. the clues it could contain and what all of today's new develops are. this "shepard smith reporting," fox news channel. checking your credit score is for chumps. i have great credit. how do you know? duh. you know those change, right? tattoos don't change. try credit karma. it's free and you can see what your score is right now. aren't you a little bit curious? i just got my free credit score! credit karma. really free credit scores. really free. i have got to update my ink.
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prosecutors. they say the copilot researched ways to kill himself and looked into cockpit door security, just days before the disaster happened. investigators have said the copilot locked the captain out of the cockpit using a special security switch that not even the captain can override. prosecutors found internet searches son the copilot's tab let. that as investigators announced an important find at the crash site. they located the jet's second black box. the data recorder. the prosecutor says they hope it contains clues even though it was burned and buried in the ground during the violent impact. investigators at the crash site said the found dna from each of the 150 people onboard. the exact number killed. but investigators trying to match the dna to those of the victims. they're also examining damaged cell phones from the wreckage for any pictures and video. the french prosecutor said he is
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skeptical about european newspaper reports of a video that is said to capture streaming of the passengers and the flight's final moments. a spokeswoman for germanwings airline says the airline had no idea about the copilot's mental health hoyt. she did not explain to the "associated press" why the airline was not aware, especially given that the parent company lufthansa confirm it knew. the lufthansa cent ceo said the copilot was fit to fly. first to the investigation in germany and our correspond, greg palkot is live in duesseldorf. greg? >> reporter: the evidence continues to build against germanwings copilot andreas lubitz. looking more and more like a very twisted and dangerous man. authorities here in duesseldorf say that his research into the suicide and cockpit door security at the very least started on monday march 16th
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16th and end on monday, march 23rd one day before the crash. authorities have said in the past he has exhibited suicidal tendencies. the research was found on a tablet commuter seized from his home in duesseldorf, and also seized a mountain of prescription drugs-that included, according to a report, the strong sleeping pill lorazepam. that has serious side effects. doctors tell patients who take the pill don't drive, let alone fly. also another german report backed up in part by official accounts that lubitz went to a hospital here and a round of doctors in recent months after a car accident last year. he thought he damaged his eyesight and hearing. turned out to be psychosomatic but official says he feared lose his job and his fear combined with the drugs and a history of psychological problems resulted in the ugly combination of suicide and mass murder.
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shep. >> greg palkot, thank you. much more on this in a moment. what can investigators learn specifically from the second black box? that's next from fox news channel. across america, people are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes... ...with non-insulin victoza. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza. he said victoza works differently than pills and comes in a pen. victoza is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it's taken once a day, any time. and the needle is thin. victoza is not for weight loss but it may help you lose some weight. victoza is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza has not been studied with mealtime insulin. victoza is not insulin. do not take victoza if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer
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continuing coverage the investigation of the plane crash and the french prosecutor says the second black box turned up in an area that crews had searched several times before but the jet slammed into the mountain with such force it apparently drove the device into and beneath the ground. lea gabrielle has details. what can investigators learn from this black box. >> they have to figure it they can recovery the information. the french prosecutor showed a picture of the flight data recorder at a press conference.
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it's bent and completely black. it may have burned. other photos showed what looked like after they pulled it out of the ground. the flight data recorder saves readings for nearly instrument so could provide data to show for certain if the pilot hooked himself into the cockpit and put the plane in a descent. >> translator: it will give you information about the speed altitude to know if it 'twas on auto pilot or not. so the different modes of piloting the plane, and i think for us it's a further understanding of what happened in the final minutes of this flight. >> if all the information is able to be recovered, then they can rule out any other theories out there lingering, like there they have been something wrong with the plane cabin pressurization problem. >> investigators said they were looking at people's permanent stuff. >> they found 42 cell phones. although the fresh prosecutor said most of them were badly
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damaged. today he sounded doubtful one may have captured video of the crash. lisp. >> everything is possible. but i don't think a that someone would have come across the only phone that wasn't damaged. >> he said that teams are continuing to search the crash site, looking for other permanent effect -- personal effects and for bodies and investigators have hide or collected dna from 150 people but the prosecutor today stressed there will have to be further testing to tie the dna to the victims. >> stuff has to be done. thank you. former crash screen investigator joins us with more on the next steps. and additionally, we're watching not one but two terror cases ongoing in the united states. first one a man from texas caught in pakistan and accused of working for al qaeda. the developing story of two women from new york who, as the story goes, were plotting to build a bomb and do something with it. that's coming up.
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more headlines from the fox news desk. mexico's state-run oil company claims there was no spill at all following a fire and explosion on a gulf rig yesterday. according to the firm there was only a seepage, and crews are cleaning it up. four people reported dead. mexico's president promises to investigate the cause. almost five years a deadly explosion on a bp oil rig spilled millions of gallons of oil in the gulf of mexico. look at this. [screaming] >> wow. an suv head on into a school bus in tulsa happened on monday. just getting the video in now. police say 37 kids were on the bus but nobody somehow got seriously injured. cops say the suv driver may have had a seizure. a jockey took a tumble when a horse jumped the fence.
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half past the hour, and more on the investigation into the german week airline disaster. a french prosecutor said the search teams recovered the flight data record, and the copilot researched suicide method and cockpit door security in the days before the jet went down. brianed a lexer in is with us, a former army pilot who worked on crash scene investigations, currently an aviation attorney and a commercially licensed pilot. planned it. >> sounding more and more like that. a lot of the evidence points in that direction. more and more the way it went down. >> what more can we learn from the data record center. >> normally that's the piece of evidence they wait to get the hand on. the most telling thing for investigators, giving information about what systems were on and off what the set examination air speeds were.
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here, it will tell you the precise actions taken by the copilot. >> we'll know if he was flying national -- manually. >> exactly. every button he messed whether he was doing it national all -- manually and the automatic. >> will we know the last time the captain had input. >> the recording goes back conceivably the entire flight here, with each system recorded, the parameteres, the seattlings -- the settings, so they can deal it back when he left the cockpit and that in combination with the voice recorder gives you the sound and information to piece these together. >> seen a lot of black boxes, never seen one that's that messed up. they're strong boxes. >> they are. they designed to take a substantial amount of damage. this one obviously went through
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more than is typical, believe it or not, given the impact forces. >> 500 some miers into the side of 500-miles-an-hour into the side of a mountain? >> exactly. >> thank you. here at home an american citizen faces federal terrorism charges accused of working as a top operative for al qaeda. he is but 29 years old. reportedly from the state of texas. prosecutors say he joined al qaeda years ago at a time when the terror group was heavily recruiting westerners. david lee miller is outside the courthouse. what are we learning? >> reporter: this a procedural hearing. brief, very quick but he made his first appearance in u.s.a. courtroom now as a defense. he is officially charged with conspiracy to provide material support to a terrorist organization, specifically al qaeda. the question on the minds of many, how did he become recall
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cad -- radicalized. court papers say he watched video of an wall al-aulaqi and -- he wanted to take part in jihad and fight u.s. soldiers in afghanistan. during his court appearance today he had a full beard, was not wearing shoes or sox there was no bail and is expect back in court on may 2nd. >> separate case. the feds arrested two women in new york for plotting to build a bomb? what do you know there? >> reporter: these two women are accused of conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction. they are expected to appear in the very same courtroom the other defendant was in a short time ago. their hearing has not started. the women are identified as 28-year-old noel -- and -- these two women has acquired propane gas thanks that the government
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feared were going to be used to construction a bomb. they also had instructions on how to take these propane tanks and convert them into an explosive device. one of the women had been in contact with al qaeda in the arabian peninsula. both of them though, were radicalized. the other woman espoused hatred toward the united states she did not like living here and talked at helping about what happened in boston during the marathon and seemed obsessed with pressure cookers. the pressure cooker used in the bombing during the marathon. at one point talking to an undercover officer, she said that pressure cookers can be used for a number of things and she seemed to joke, among them, you can cook food. we expect both women to be in brooklyn federal court for initial court appearance anytime now. >> david lee miller, thank you. terrorists attacked a university, targeting clips
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the death toll now 147 and many more injured after terrorists stormed a college campus and shot any christians dead on the spot. that's according to government officials in kenya. the attack is said to have start before dawn at large university in northeastern kenya, the terror group, al-shabaab immediately claimed responsibility. witnesses say the gunmen burst into campus dorms many students, most likely still asleep, walking -- waking up to the sounds of gunshots. one witness said that all he heard, only gunshots and footsteps because people were
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too scared to scream. they described battle with kenyan security forces. for many it was not an easy escape. students describe running barefoot partially clothed and having to climb through barbed with get to away. government official says all four terroris who storms the university are now dead, but a spokesperson for the terror group says militants are still holding hostages. so let get the latest from jennifer griffin at the pentagon. why attacking christians at a university in >> al-shabaab is an al qaeda affiliate based in neighboring sew malia. it's been terrorizing northeast kenya for years. the army has cross somalia to respond. a key leader was killed, a master mind of the westgate kenya mall attacks in 2013. that attack killed 67 people. at a mall that was used by american expatriates in nairobi.
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a week ago al-shabaab vowed revenge of the assassination of a leader and took hostages in a hotel in mogadishu. that siege left 24 people dead. today is the day before good friday, easter is on sunday, expose islamist groups want to get as much attention for these terror attacks as possible. they know that hunting christians on a university campus will give them maximum attention. >> do we have an idea if they had any warnings about this? >> well, fox news has obtained a security memo that was posted at the university of nairobi on march 25th. suggesting the authorities had received a warning about a possible attack on a university campus. the memo asked students to be vigilant. it's not clear whether security was increased at the university campuses across the country. the university where today's attack occurred is in northeast
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kenya, near the somali border, and just three days ago the white house announced president obama is slated to visit kenya where his father was born in july. today the white house issued a statement condemning the attacks and offering the kenyan government assistance in going after al-shabaab. >> thank you. two major developments in yemen today. security officials say iran-backed rebels seized the palace where the president has been hiding, in aden. they had been trying to hold out for a long time but, nope it's lost. so today those officials say al qaeda fighters attacked a key port city, freed 300 inmates from a prison including many other militants and some al qaeda types got out of prison. the "associated press" reports the militants spread out croat major -- across roads leading to aden to prevent anyone from taking it.
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and then they took control of the second presidential palace in aden. analysts call the capture a major blow to the saudi-led coalition, which the united states is supporting which has been carrying ute airstrikes for a week. also in the region sand storm in dubai. forecaster says it left a thin layer of dust hanging over the air for much of the day. everything looked arrange, making it very hard for people see. the storm spread across nearby cities and forced officials to cancel flights. hospital workers saw more people klaining about breathing problems and one guy wrapped a cloth over his head. a deadly fishing boat disaster in the icy waters off the coast of russia. rescuers say the ship sank in 15 minutes and killed 56 crew members. happened this morning in
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northeastern russia. other fishing boats pulled 60 survivors from the water. crew members say it was stable because the fuel tank were empty and it tipped ran into a fishing net that weighted 80 tons. officials might be closing in on the cure for melanoma. the solution involves teaching the body to heal itself. researchers at the huntsman cancer institute in salt lake city injected a mutated cold and herpes virus directly into melanoma tumors. the result the injection trained the immune system to fight melanoma. 60% of patients have seen dramatic improvement. and scientist say there's no need for chemotherapy at all, which often carries huge side effects. one researchers say doctors
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haven in been this close to a cure. >> our patients are living longer and were able to maybe for the first time in melanoma be able to talk about a cure. something we have not been able to talk about before. >> halve official says melanoma kills 10,000 americans a year. changing india's controversy religious objections law. i should say indiana. hmm. you know the one. today, word of a proposal to prevent businesses from discriminating against the lgbt community. state lawmakers claim the spry -- compromise is acceptable to both sides. >> if you want to go to cuba just got easier according to a new web site. hang on.
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more headlines. one work irdead and three hurt after a collapse at a construction site at a high school in texas. no students, teachers or parents were hurt. investigators are trying to figure out what caused the collapse. >> big drop in unemployment applications. the labor department reports the number fell by 20,000 to a nine can week low. analysts say it's a sign that layoffs are slowing and companies may hire more workers. >> wrigley field getting its first jumbotron. not everybody is happy. some fans say it will ruin the atmosphere at one of the oldest ballparks. bar owners sued saying the giant screen will block the view from rooftop bars. part of a major renovation. official says weather delayed the construction so no bleacher seats will be ready for opening
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night on sunday and the whole thing won't be done not until june when the cubs will be out of the playoffs race. lawmakers in indiana are suggesting changes to the colorful new law after a massive backlash. the proposal will make it clear that religious freedom defense be used to discriminate against lgbt people. indiana's for said he wants to fix the bill but claims there's nothing wrong with the bill. we have been reporting on the so-called religious freedom measure unquote, that lawmakers at indiana and arkansas passed recently. supporters say they mirror a 1993 federal laugh -- federal law that protects religious groups but they do not mirror. opponents say both state measures go farther, protecting for-president businesses even if they're not religious institutions. meaning a business can refuse to
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provide service to a member of the lgbt can discriminate based on religion. lawmaker in arkansas went back to the drawing board after the for said he wouldn't signed the measure until it's more like as he put it, the 1993 federal law. the governor's announcement came a day after he indicated he would not sign the bill, and after walmart which is based in arkansas, criticized the measure, and that spoke volumes to the governor. lawmakers there say they hope to vote on this new version of the bill today. shannon bream is in washington, back to indiana what more do we know about the so-called fix? >> reporter: lawmaker said they worked with leader odd of the lgbt and religious commute. s and think they have a measure that both sides can live with. it can prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and a business
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cannot refuse business to anyone including lgbt individuals but could avoid taking part in an event that violates their religious convictions. >> the message is clear today, coming from republicans, democrats, corporate leaders, the community of leaders of all stripes, that indiana is open for business. we welcome everybody and discriminate against no one. >> reporter: much of the trouble came because indiana does not ha a state law on the books specifically prohibiting discrimination against the lgbt community. some states do. >> everything seems to be partly about the 2016 presidential race. >> and a number of potential 2016 g.o.p. contendes rushed to back indiana's governor. so will it be an issue? that's a question. even as peps has tried to find his footing he has gone support
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from jeb bush and marco rubio and ted cruz. i talked to some pollsters and analysts. they say how voters respond depends very much on how the issue is phrased. whether you talk about religious freedom of protections against discrimination for the lgbt community. we'll see. >> thank you. americans who plan to travel to cuba can now book rooms in the popular rental said, air b & b. chris is over here with details. i was asking the travel agent, can we whether to cuba? not really but you can book a room. >> you can book a room. so air b&b is a site for peek to rent rooms or those looking for accommodations. so i'll type in havana, cuba, and do a search. the company sent teams to cuba to sign up home owners who are looking to have guests. the average price in here is
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$43. you have some nice accommodations. $50 here $30 here. the majority of them are clustered around the havana area but as a reminder, tourism is still banned for many americans. you have to have one of 12 government approved reason to go. so if you're a journalist or have family who are there, then you can go and you can use air b & b. >> in this spot you have to sleep in the pool? >> says private room but they're trying 0 -- trying to show off the pool. >> back with a nod to this day in history and opening night for a sci-fi classic. that's next. instantly transferred money from his bank of america savings account to his merrill edge retirement account. before he opened his first hot chocolate stand calling winter an "underserved season". and before he quit his friend's leaf-raking business for "not offering a 401k." larry knew the importance of preparing for retirement. that's why when the time came he counted on merrill edge to streamline his investing and help
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should appear in the end of the week. chicken mcnuggets are staying the same whatever they are. this chicken fillet with have 12 ingredients. what if it were just chicken? i'm just saying. on this day in 1968 the movie "2001 a space odyssey" appears. the film imagined the year 2001. -- stanley kubrik directed the movie. film critics rank it as one of the best science fiction movies of all tour, but audiences first heard hall say i'm sorry, dave issue cannot do that, 47 years ago today. wonder if hall could have
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imagined a spectacular advance in chicken to just 12ça: ingredients. i mean chicken. you could really just make it just chicken. the white house says no deal with iran would be better than a bad deal. which makes that's good deal to the general who says, what deal? welcome everybody i'm neil cavuto. general, in just a minute. first, to james rosen on what to make of this deal. james? >> neil, the deal is, there is no deal. what we have right now are the parameters of a deal, and it will fall to the nuclear expert tuesday technicians representing the u.s. and iran and other world powers to hammer out the technical details of a deal by june 30th. iran will see its inventory of centre frames from
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