tv The Five FOX News April 4, 2015 1:00am-2:01am PDT
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wose peop. this is why i t nk pres ent obama missed isis completely. he was too busy looking for republicans under his bed and completely missed a whole new evil. >> let's move on to something very quickly. arguably the country with most to lose if iran cheats on the deal is israel. here is prime minister benjamin netanyahu with his take on the deal. >> this deal would pose a grave danger to the region and to the world and would threaten the very survival of the state of israel. the deal would legitimate iran's illegal nuclear program. it would leave iran with a vast nuclear infrastructure. such a deal does not block iran's path to the bomb. such a deal paves iran's path to the bomb. >> this afternoon state department was asked about concerns and admitted israel
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existence of israel was not a factor in the negotiations. >> this is an agreement that is only about the nuclear issue. we purposefully kept that separate from every other issue. that issue is complicated enough to deal with on its own. this agreement doesn't deal with other issues nor should it. >> all of the critics are jumping in including folks at this table. you know what? israel really is better off with this deal but benjamin netanyahu, what kind of negotiator is he? how well has he done with his country's negotiations with the palestinians. >> israel variably had the real only answer to iran in the history of the conflict and nuclear program. >> bomb them. >> you admitted it. all you want is war. i'm glad you said it. >> this deal should make zariff
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uncomfortable. of course we have to think about them and how it will effect them. this deal thinks about them when you have netanyahu coming out and saying that this is absolutely a threat to us? we haven't considered that? >> we haven't wanted any deal. >> he doesn't want a deal that enables his problems to continue to get worse. >> you must know something i don't know. what is his alternative? he put another deal on the table? >> i know republicans have had many. >> netanyahu doesn't want a deal. >> how can you trust them? >> they are not connected. israel is saying their existence is on the line based on this deal, based on if iran can create nukes. how can she say they are separate? they go hand in hand. israel's existence is on the line is what netanyahu is saying. >> what is helped by making sure the people who have pledged to do away with israel do not have
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a nuclear weapon? >> it doesn't prevent them from having -- >> think about what they want to do. >> when one of your allies is attacked or threatened isn't it time for action? >> i guess but this -- everything is in some kind of weird funhouse mirror where the people that were supposedly friends with are people we don't talk to and people who are our adversaries we hang out with and there are these false choices being raised either a deal or it's war when actually it is a deal or a better deal. it's not like if we don't do this there is this massive nuclear war. a real negotiator would actually negotiate instead of bend over. >> and not take war off the table. >> nobody is taking anything off the table. >> absolutely. >> we don't want war. >> he says we are going to get a deal. >> so what. it's not -- let me say something. so here i said before my
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real worry is that republicans won't listen. so i today what do i hear? i hear from jeb bush. i hear from rubio, perry this is a terrible deal. these guys aren't even open to hearing. >> because we have heard the details. it's incumbent upon them to see that this is not going to be success and speak out against it. that is what we elect them for. the best case scenario is if iran agrees to this. worst case is if they come back and make more demands cht this president is the type of president to give in. >> we do care what they think of us and how they work with us and they are eyes and ears in the middle east. they are adjacent to some countries who hate us. how do you think they feel when they see the iranian people kissing pictures of president obama and john kerry? >> we talked about it. they want a deal that relieves them from the sanctions. >> there is i think you can make
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this argument when the wall came down that they look to reagan as the person who did this. that is how you are seeing it. >> i'm saying they say great to the united states. finally we are back in the world community. >> we are going to leave it right there. >> i hope you are right. >> i said me too. false call on jihaddests. can a radical islamist be reformed.
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♪ on this holy week muslim terrorists stepped up their attacks on christians killing nearly 150 people at a college in kenya. they were specifically targeting christians. today pope francis condemned the massacre as an act of senseless brutality and called for those responsible to change their violent ways. one of the islam's most outspoken critics.
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she thinks there is hope for re-formation within that religion. >> it's not a religion of peace now because as a religion you are responsible for 70% of all of blood shed in the world today then you possibly cannot be a religion of peace but could become a religion of peace if we make some changes. >> but christian pastor does not think so. listen. >> what all of these things have in common is they are based on the religious beliefs of radical islam. that is why you are never going to reform radical islam. the only way to defeat it is to eradicate it. i said i want you to call the white house. i want you to call your senator's office and tell them demand that we do something to defeat radical islam. >> do you think that there is hope? can we reform radical islamists or do you have to do what he says and eradicate them? >> what is kind of tiring to
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hear is people continuing to say islam is a religion of peace and then you hear talk about the 70% of the blood shed around the world is somehow muslim related. there are 12,000 terror attacks in 2013. 12,000 attacks that killed people in 2013 and 70% came from at least one of the combatants being muslim. in the writings they call for if you don't believe in allah you should be killed in the most extreme faction of islam says kill people who don't believe in christianity and judaism may have had that in the past but they reform. they say we can co exist with other religions. the muslim faith hasn't evolved to that. says they need to step up and do that and make it more mainstream rather than fringe. that is the point is that the reformists in islam are the
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french. >> so, greg, christians all over the world after this attack i know in my church i was in church last night praying for these individuals. christianity is a religion of hope and piece. we teach love. why is it these extremists why do they hate christians so much? >> interesting perspective is gained from this. an attack like this creates -- while christians are being slaughtered by the dozens in indiana we are discussing hypotheticals about gay couples and pie makers. you cannot hold a persecution complex in the united states while there are massacres occurring all over the world. it's not about gay couples and bakeries or florists. it's about murdering hundreds of christians. miley cyrus is so brave going
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after that flat footed governor on hypotheticals that didn't happen. where was her outrage over real matter of fact murderous persecution. i would call her an ass but donkys don't deserve that comparison. we have people going after hypotheticals. this is not a hypothetical. this is happening. enough with the tedious b.s. this is baby games compared to the hell that exists in this world. >> i think there is a fear among even moderate muslims the reform has to come from within. you need people within the muslim community to say we don't stand for this and overtime if enough people do that you will reform and you will change the way the religion operates. those radical elements won't be able to survive if they are no longer in the majority. people don't like to talk about
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this issue. they are scared and it is not their priorities. that's easy. you look really cool and everybody loves you and praises you. this is hard work. >> if it is a religion that is deep within your soul if you were raised like if this were happening in the christian faith i would say this is not what christ was about. i'm ready for some of the moderates to stand up and be brave. juan, if you look at the numbers, muslim christian population could be equal in 35 years by 2050. islam fastest growing in the planet, largest religion according to pugh in 2070. why is this religion so popular? >> i think obviously there are lots of muslims having babies. muslims having babies grow their religion. i might add here in terms of this discussion they intend to provoke us as christians. isis does this quite
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intentionally. they are willing to kill muslims. most people they kill are muslims. you see the fighting in the middle east. that is between shi'a and sunni and fighting over who is the legitimate heir. they are killing each other. what happens here is bh you think about what happened in libya where they killed the christians that is isis. you think about what happened now in kenya, they kill those folks because they want to start a war between the christians and the muslims. kenya is a mostly christian country. they want to start a religious war right there. what you have is i think islamic extremist trying to get us as christians to react in that violent way. >> it's not just -- the point is it's not just the small fringe faction within islam. it's more mainstream.
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>> i don't know if it's mainstream but i would say there is a large group of violent extremist muslims coming to kill me and you. >> going back to the growth of the religion world wide in areas of the world where people are having big families. it is the opposite of the west. the west are having smaller families. they are christians or they are not religious but are getting smaller. it's not about conversion at all. it's about growth. and it raises a really freaky point. if you were born in pakistan or any arab country you would most likely be muslim. geography is destiny. and that reflects what religion is. >> one last quick point here. something that concerns me was in a 60 minutes piece where isis has driven more than 125,000 christians out of iraq. and this is -- first century
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christians worshipping jesus christ so many original papers language tradition wiped out by isis. they do that to anger people like me and to get you to think there is a religious war. >> most outspoken person is an atheist. do not forget that. >> i'm hearing your message is procreate. procreate this weekend. >> not right now. i have plans. >> i do want to say these scriptures that come to mind. trust in the lord with all your heart and in this world you may have trouble but take heart. i have overcome the world. that gives me hope. more people are carrying guns in detroit and that is a good thing according to the city's police chief. that is coming up next.
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it went from motors to magnum from the old 88 to the 38 detroit is now gun friendly for law abiding citizens. as detroit's police chief notes michigan's liberalized gun laws have made it easier to get concealed carry permits and he doesn't mind because he is a realist. >> here in detroit people didn't have a lot of confidence that when they dialled 911 that the police are going to show up. >> so you can't blame people for wanting to protect themselves as they see the reality of law enforcement that law is enforced only after the law shows up which could be a problem if you are already dead. it is no surprise good people start packing. detroit is the wild west in need of order and people are figuring out what brings it. only piece brings the peace. 54% of blacks find gun ownership
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is a good thing reflected in a rise of concealed weapons permits. perhaps the media misses the big point. they do their fear rising from the fish bowl ofl well protected studio and travel to and from work at reasonable hours in secure vehicles. the fine people of detroit don't have that luxury and realize any argument against arming yourself is full of holes which is not the way they would like to end up being. >> who agrees with me that this guy is right? >> i do. >> we're done. that's how we do our gun segments here. >> can you blame people for not wanting to arm themselves? >> even if the police do arrive it will take some time. what can happen in that period of time? this is such a common sense argument i don't understand how anyone can refuse the right of people law abiding citizens to
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protect them selves and their families when you know that the bad guys will get access to guns no matter what and you will be victimized. i have yet to hear a sensible argument from the opposing side on this issue. >> she said sensible. >> common sense. i can't do that. >> i can try. >> my worry is that more guns especially in bad neighborhoods just accelerates the violence and in homes i think the most likely person to get shot is me by my wife. >> i don't blame her. >> but let me just say that i have lots of friends who now are with this new majority. i don't know if they are a majority that support the idea that everybody should have a gun. what is interesting my friend is a supreme court justice. he wrote in a case he said you
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go back and you will see that in days of -- guess what. white people didn't want black people to have guns because black rebels would shoot back at the kkk. now you are in a situation that involves a 76-year-old black man from chicago. mr. mcdonald says to the court there are too many bad guys in my chicago neighborhood. justice thomas says in response the problem is not the guns. we don't have too many guns. we have too many criminals. his position is with justice gutfield. >> the second amendment was for blacks to protect themselves. >> that was the point. white people are the ones who love guns the most. whites and republicans. i don't think they will be so happy if all the black people end up with guns.
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>> because we are racist. >> responsible citizens. >> we are all racist. >> juan -- white republicans are not in favor of black people having guns -- >> black people upset with the police being a little bit aggressive. that is fireworks. >> i'm for every law abiding citizen to have a piece. >> i grew up in the south. my dad and brother hunts. >> your gun has a gun. >> all of his guns have guns. we knew growing up i always felt safe because dad was going to blow someone's head off if they tried to come in the house. >> you must have had a great dating life. >> he did clean his guns several times. he would come in and have them all in the living room. >> if you are responsible and have a license to carry why not? >> a little anecdotal experience. law enforcement also is in favor of the good guys having the guns, very much in favor. i go to a range half law
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enforcement, half regular citizens walking around. they work together. much in favor of people owning guns and knowing how to use their gun. that is the most important thing. if it is legal and open and you are allowed to have it you can go and understand how to use a gun. that's the biggest thing. >> i hear you guys. i worry about new town, col columbine. >> no place where a gun ban reduced murder rates. these things are rare and we have to deal with how the people get guns. >> what if someone at school had a gun or if someone in the theater had a gun? >> they had an attack at fort hood and a lot of people had guns. >> no they didn't. they didn't have guns in the unit. >> and they weren't able to stop them until an armed security got
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there. the duration of a mass shootout is dictated by the arrival of a second gun. that is a fact. >> my feeling let's do whatanesly's christian dad would say let's talk and stop shooting each other. >> dad wouldn't be so graceful if a burglar comes in. hillary clinton has found a cool home for her presidential campaign. we'll tell you when "the five" returns. [ male announcer ] meet jill. she thought she'd feel better after seeing her doctor. and she might have if not for kari, the identity thief who stole jill's social security number to open credit cards ruining jill's credit and her dream of retirement. every year, millions of people just like you experience how a little personal information in the wrong hands could wreak havoc on your life. this is identity theft and once every 2 seconds someone becomes a victim. lifelock offers comprehensive identity theft protection.
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neighborhood. on the website the building markets itself as modern offices brooklyn cool. brooklyn heights is my favorite neighborhood. i am in mourning. hillary clinton is nothing if not cool. >> he picked brooklyn, a lot of shops selling artisanal pant suits. two piece fabricated from organic wool. completely earth friendly and cost $40,000 but are good for the planet. >> that is amazing. juan is shaking his head. he is on board. what do you think of this? some sort of strategic mindset went with it? convenience? why did she go with this? >> i think it's in new york and when this is really key i think it's easy access to all that you were talking about not only planes, trains and airplanes. hillary looks like she is about
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to announce in april. >> it gets her away from wall street. that's the one thing she will have to distance herself from. she will get a ton of money from wall street but the last thing she needs is to be the wall street candidate. if she gets outside the city that's a little -- >> brooklyn is in the city. >> brooklyn is young and hip. brooklyn is not as expensive even though brooklyn heights is a nice neighborhood, not quite as expensive of renting two floors in a building in manhattan. it is one subway stop outside the city. she is required to announce after she spent $5000. she has 15 days to make that announcement. i feel like she is going to announce soon. >> it is the only area where bill clinton hasn't slept with everybody. >> i don't know if there are areas left. >> i think this is a chance for
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her. she is viewed as sort of dull and out of touch. i think choosing a hip location the hope was young people will like this and see me a little bit differently. might be something beyond strategy of location here. she is looking to reshape her image. >> i think she has to because otherwise it is a rerun back to the 90s. and the second thing is the coronation and that is not good. i think she needs energy. brooklyn is seen as artistic and hip. >> better for hip location than hip dislocation. >> you are so clever. >> how much time before she announces given she did this? >> possibly in the next week. >> if she jumps in end of next week do you think republicans start piling in right away? >> pressure is on. >> all of a sudden marco rubio's eyes open. >> some to iowa and new
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hampshire. her top political aides. >> stop hillary. stop hillary. the whole work shop the whole negative shop. >> we got to be ready for you, hillary. coming up next grandpa juan has a story to tell us about this picture of his adorable grand kids. >> they are so cute. >> we are going to hear about that coming up next.
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as many of you know i'm a very proud grandfather, three beautiful grandchildren and aey ever agitating me? when i was a dad -- i'm still a dad but when i was a dad with young kids and take them to dinner i would hand them a book or transformer to keep them quiet. these days here is what is happening. that's right. there is pepper and wesley at dinner watching i don't know if it's a movie or whatever but they are watching an iphone. this is the i-generation.
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i appreciate eli is watching on his own ipad. this is at dinner. they are not talking to the old guys. i must say i appreciate it in the sense that i get to eat my dinner. it would be nice if they talk to the old guy once in a while. what did i do? i looked up the numbers. 72% of people who are 2 years old, 72% of 2 year olds in america know how to use these mobile devices. i'm thinking this is so different. this is radcally different. this is a different generation. their brains are going to work differently and also why can't they talk to me? >> the reason is this technology is more interesting than people. separate this from nearby people in favor of people far away but we have also said the same thing about television 50 60 years ago. i have five children. i only let them play with a
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toaster in a wig. they are not children but drifters that i picked up. i have them tied up in a storage container. i like to keep them fit. >> steve jobs when he was asked he said he didn't let his kids mess around with the technology a whole lot. it's kind of curious how much do you let your kids have this stuff? my daughter doesn't let them watch tv during the week but at dinner or in the back of the car or on vacation or on the airplane they get an ipad or iphone. >> maybe there are exceptions. what did you do? >> we let him use technology. he would watch movies on an ipad. now when it is dinner time he puts the phone away. you're right. they are growing up with differently wired brains. my concern is if you look at your grand kids you see how
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close their faces were to the screen? look how close they are. >> mesmerized. >> i talked to my mom and sister about this. my mom is a retired school teacher and sister teaches early childhood development. they agree everything in moderation. mom said you need to tell kids to go outside and play and playing with other things with puzzles that teaches fine motor skills but said they had a computer in their classroom. i think she said they had five so the kids had to rotate and learned how to share and only playing computer games. so it was basically a glorified work sheet. >> a media diet is important. i don't think it is good to become obsessed with these devices. sometimes especially now they have to know how to use them and play with them, how to think on them.
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i understand but it hurts an old man's feelings when you don't talk. >> don't forget the social skills because these kids like the younger kids i notice they are so reliant on devices that they forget communication skills. we had to talk to people. they don't have to talk to people. they have other options. let's not forget kids are really stupid. you ever talk to kids? they don't know anything. they can barely talk. they are so dumb. keep them away from me. don't talk to me. >> ignore that man. ignore that man. "one more thing" coming up next. stay with us. .
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>> i am so excited about this because it is easter weekend so i brought a gift for each of you. look behind you, everyone. >> wow. >> you have one, too. >> i made each of you an easter basket. >> that's sweet. >> open the green egg. yours is falling off. my mom used to do this. your green egg is your money egg. you each got a dollar! >> i do a lot of peeping. >> you are my new favorite person. >> wow. >> you're welcome. >> happy easter to all of you. >> thank you so much. >> greg you are up. >> i can't top this. >> you never gave us cash.
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>> jellybeans. >> i can't speak. i am going to be on howie's show sunday talking about stuff. this is interesting and happened on the price is right. >> which one is it? $19,849. >> go ahead. >> no. >> i won it! [ laughter ] >> congratulations we just gave you a car! >> so the good news is the contestant won the car. the bad news is the model was arrested and then deported. price is right is an evil place. she is fine. i'm kidding. or am i? >> you like how she tried to put
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it back. >> and kid like no one knew where she went. >> did you see her? friday we usually do fool of the week but it is holy weekend so let's not do fool of the week. the first lady michelle obama with jimmy fallon revisiting their evolution of mom dancing part two. ♪ ♪ >> great sport? >> pretty good dancer. >> you are up. >> deonsanders jr. and the son
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of deonsanders saying he has to have his hood donuts in a white box every morning like he is a street dude. his dad fired back and said tweeting you are a huxtable with a million dollar trust front stop the hood stuff. >> great one. >> it's easter. happy easter. i have the most amazing video for you. this is a boston terrier who will help you do your spring cleaning. you know you can't have a good easter egg hunt without spring cleaning. look at that baby. >> he's not scared. >> he is a helper. he loves it. >> look at the baby. >> he doesn't like the ears on
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his head. >> humiliating. >> you bully dogs. >> that is it for us. have a great weekend everybody. happy easter. >> set your never miss an episode of "the five." president obama's deal before the deal with iran becalm becomes fodder for the campaign. this is "special report." good evening, welcome to washington. bipartisan howls from congress and strong opposition from israel are greeting president obama's attempt at a legacy building nuclear arms agreement with iran however iran's president says he will keep up his end of the deal if the u.s. does. we have fox team coverage. carlcome rn
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