tv Killing Jesus FOX News April 5, 2015 8:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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sanhedrin. >> i will, father. >> now. i will see them now. >> does your majesty truth? there is harsh truth in your dream. >> i will hear it. >> the step beyond these walls is to know king herrod is dessurprised. the zealot denounce you as a puppet throne of the roman emperor against the will of the jewish people. >> the zealots cannot enter my father's dreams. >> unless endowed by sourcery. >> sourcery? >> you did not see isaiah. you saw a specter, a figment. >> a figment? >> the creation of a sourcer is' skill.
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>> ask to hear lips purpose. >> arrange entertainment. ♪ ♪' ♪ >> majesty, an alignment of the stars has drawn us here. >> stars,. >> a child, born in your kingdom is the god of israel's chosen. the messiah. >> the messiah? >> the king of the line this restore the glory of israel as in the prophecy of isaiah. >> isaiah? of all the infants born in my kingdom, how will you find this one child? destined to be the messiah?
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what is it? >> adulation for our boy. we must leave. >> leave? why? >> herrod, no king allows arrival to his thrown. >> but our home? >> enough. i know what i feel. >> you are leaving? >> there is danger here. >> where will you go? >> wherever herrod is not. elizabeth, pack our things. we will go as well. >> our purpose was visiting your cousin and now we have done.
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>> you find comfort here where your father once ruled? >> comfort? better said lament. >> i too, i married to be queen. tell me me antipas, at the time at the at the tetarach. >> we are both fools. >> i will find you here not lamenting but ruling jews, all jews as your father ruled. all powerful, not a puppet
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of the romans. >> i will not rest until i'm on this throne as king with you by my side. >> greetings. cart broken on way home. mime from jerusalem. will you help me? >> jerusalem. >> shalom. >> from years back i heard. passed to one of his sons. >> no, no son of herrod rules now. >> rome sent governors to rule. the romans valued that. >> ha has become of herrod.
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>> at the time tell the -- >> >> i made great effort teaching son scriptures. dreaming he might become land given to us by god. perhaps it is time to return. huh? so this is the new city of the jew jews? why don't they hail they new governor. >> only respect. >> how do we dress when we are taken so see the jewish god. >> no one sees him.
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they believe he is everywhere. >> everywhere? but cannot be seen? how do they know he exists? >> maybe he doesn't. bless him had, elizabeth. i have heard so much about you. >> i had given up hope that a trader spoke of the joseph of nazareth who had returned from afar. i felt at once it was your joseph. >> he brought us six years before he died and then blessed be god. left you a life that's good. >> is john the priest in the
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temple. >> my son the baptist is not beloved in the temple nor they of him. john in the wilderness. >> like isaiah. >> talk prophets with jesus and. >> you are blessed with such a child. >> jesus, too. he has learned in scripture. >> argues with the scribes and pharisees in the synagogue. >> then you and john will find kinship. >> i must first find him. >> you should. >> this attack on me, it was beyond insult. beyond threat. hold us to thy notice. let them know what i have suffered. put your nose to the stench that is your people. who filth at me. but for the bravely
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legionnaires who surrounded my litter. protecting me. i should have died under the hail of stones. >> that, my wife is -- strengths. >> governor. >> i should level this holy city and take the ruins with blood. >> governor, though some oppose your rule. >> who are they, you who claim authority, do you know that? if not, what value are you to rome. >> governor, my temple guards have learned that the attack upon your noble wife was led by a zealot. samuel. >> and why is he not here? >> in chains, tortured, begging that death relieve his agony? why? >> he and his followers have fled to the wiles of galilee. >> your place of rule lack rewards. he will be betrayed. find him along with all his
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followers. killed. by you. >> by me? >> do i sense hesitation? remember enemies fight in your realm? >> no. >> i will find him. kill him. >> >> hacked to shreds, all of them. >> governor, we share your fully justified fury. the enemies of order is enemies of us all. >> then prove it. the bodies of those who disrespected my wife and my office here that i may see them and soon.
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>> who are those people? >> zealots. cut their throats. no one thinks they're going to be in an accident. which is why no one wants insurance. so we go cheap. you know, because we're never gonna need it. until one day, we do. now that cut-rate policy is costing us big. makes you wonder if there's something better out there . see car insurance in a whole new light.
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liberty mutual insurance. ii accept i'm not the sprinter i was back in college. i even accept that i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. but i won't accept giving it less than my best. so if i can go for something better than warfarin, ...i will. eliquis. eliquis... reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin, plus it had less major bleeding than warfarin... eliquis had both. that really mattered to me. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk
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if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. i accept that i'm not as fast, but i'm still going for my personal best... and for eliquis. reduced risk of stroke... plus less major bleeding. ask your doctor... if eliquis is right for you. new york state is reinventing by leading the way on tax cuts. we cut the rates on personal income taxes. we enacted the lowest corporate tax rate since 1968. we eliminated the income tax on manufacturers altogether. with startup-ny, qualified businesses that start, expand or relocate to new york state pay no taxes for 10 years. all to grow our economy and create jobs. see how new york can give your business the opportunity to grow at
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>> may the lord bless you and give you grace. let these waters clean away -- wash away her sins. >> hosanna. >> hosanna. >> may the lord shine light upon her. the new dawn is here. come to me. >> may our god shine bright upon your eyes. with this water cleanse your soul. are you ready, my son? >> hosanna. hosanna. >> welcome. >> >> jesus. >> listen, everyone. here is the lamb of god who will shine a light on all of
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you. who is the one who will wash away sin from the world. >> jesus. jesus. >> how could you know me? >> how could i not? my cousin, jesus. it is you. all this time i have known the prophecy and now it has come true. come. >> hosanna. hosanna. [all chanting hosanna] >> how are you certain -- in the desert i found communion with our lord and the voices, they came. >> the voices told you i was coming? >> yes. >> but i'm only to open the way.
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>> god speaking of me? >> yes. >> cousin, until this day, while i'm a man of strong beliefs, i have worked a trade, a carpenter, nothing more. >> what is prophesied cannot be denied. the cup will be raised to your lips, jesus. >> baptize that i too go in the desert and listen to the voice of god. >> yes, i will baptize you. though it is you that should baptize me. >> all right. come. >> let the lord shine his light upon you. new dawn, new life is with
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must ready my net. fishing nails is harder than fish. >> did ask you god's blessing? >> i know but jesus of nazareth. my brother andrew follows the baptist. he told how he greeted you. >> yes, you i remember it. >> preach or just pray like the rest of us? >> then take me with you. >> who refuses a hand on the net?
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the carpenter from nazareth. on this side and there will be many. follow me. look into your hearts. when eating healthy and drinking water just isn't enough to ease my constipation i trust dulcolax tablets. i take dulcolax for dependable overnight relief and in the morning, i am back to myself dulcolax, designed for dependable relief
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therapeutic options all under the same roof designed to fight his cancer, boost his energy and help him maintain his strength during treatment. mike and his clinical team developed a plan just for him. this is integrative cancer care. this is how mike fincham fights cancer. cancer treatment centers of america. for more information go to appointments available now.
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been spiking in recent years. and britain's prince harry is down under for four weeks of training with the australian army. this is the military career including two tours in afghanistan. he completed his only scheduled public appearance. the prince laid a wreath at aus uh australia's tomb of the unknown soldier are. he's fourth in line for the british throne. i'm kelly wright. now back to fox special "killing jesus ." i'm jackie abanez. back to killing jesus. >> i denounce all those that shame this land, ant -- antipas tetrarch wife while depressing the righteous.
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[shouting] >> spies from the council of savages. hypocrites one and all from the grandeur in which they live, they berate the poor. they shame you. people, come to the temple, they say. come buy a lamb, a white sacrifice. redeem your sins only with the death of an animal bought from the farms of our high priests. they have made god's house a marketplace. i say to these spies, tell your generation of vipers to beware. look heaven ward. come from the lord. the day of judgment is here. [shouting]
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>> arrest the baptist, the lunatic. >> can you allow more disorder in your domain? >> why me? he attacks you. the temple. >> along with you and your wife, majesty: the vial accusations of incest. >> i must consider the peasants coming of the prophet of elijah. your father served rome by the strength of his rule and, thus, they made him king. >> the romans trusted him to prevent invasion. >> and to keep order among the jews. >> for which jews hate. >> some hated david and solomon. >> some hated moses. >> what's your poin point, achia peaceful end of roman rule. the restoration of a jewish king who gives romans the
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order they demand. >> and will by lath -- pilate support that. >>. jewish kingdom that keeps order. that keeps pottier at bay without the cost of military occupation. pontius pilate will return to roman triumph. a strong hand with dangerous fanatics would be a step toward that goal, leaving you king of the jews. >> saloam, you know it is written if your enemy drinks your -- tell me friend, if your enemy brings you harm what is it. >> an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. >> yes an eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth. if god is love, then loving is serving god. and that means you must love your enemy. >> you preach weakness.
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>> no, no. >> the strikes a cheek you turn and let him strike the other. if he takes your cloak you give him your tune nic. -- tunic. >> you do this. >> i will die with each breath on each and every day. feeling that by our effort god what is in our hearts. knowing that god is love. and in the kingdom of god, we will love our enemies. >> he's crazy. you can't love enemies. >> forgive them that we can be forgiven. judge not so that you be judged. the kingdom of god is within you. >> enough of these. >> each of you. those who look within themselves will find it. >> they walk away. >> he is blessed with something. i have seen it. >> a bountiful cash, maybe nothing more. >> rabbi, rabbi, please help
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>> tell me, rabbi, in jerusalem, do you denounce the romans and those in league with them. >> i'm not a zealot. >> i'm honored to bring word of god's love and to say one must be born again. >> born a second time? one can't reenter the womb, rabbi or is that one of the wonders that supposedly you have wrought? >> are you a scribe or pharisee? >> are your words not for all? >> yes, for all. i'm here to speak of a light coming into the world. and those who live by the truth can enter the light knowing it can be plainly seen that whatever they do from then on is done through god.
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understood? >> rabbisíç! >> john? is it john? >> the tetrarch arrested him and they have taken him to the fortress. it's in the desert across the jordan. there is no hope for rescue. how i do not speak of love? how? i ammon who loves attack. justice. >> now i know my father's anger. now i feel i am not to bring peace but a sword.
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>> what magnificent building. who is not awed by this? look at them, burn them into your memoes for i say that not one stone will remain upon the earth. all will be. all of what you see. it is written in the book of the prophets, malachi before the great and dreadful day of the lord comes, i will send you the prophet elijah. now i say that elijah, calling us to deposition in in -- redemption in the waters of the jordan. true heart. >> he speaks of john the baptist. redeemed in the water of jordan by john the baptist. >> jesus speaks. john the baptist who been imprisoned by his enemy.
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i share your anger, rabbi. let me follow you., rabbi. >> what is your name? >> judas. >> bless you, judas. jesus challenges us, but i did not hear blasphemy. >> and when he calls for the destruction of this temple calling it a marketplace, what is that not blasphemy? >> many devout jews criticize the commerce, the money lending. >> standing there he derides this beauty, this grandeur with threats. its stone is -- a place where every day 700 of our priests
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perform rituals this is the house of god. >> to be protected with our lives, our blood. i heard you total your brand new car. nobody's hurt,but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do, drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart. with liberty mutual new car replacement, we'll replace the full value of your car. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance.
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galalea, praeeach what they says contrary. >> not contrary to the words of god. >> my life is about this, putting bread on the table. >> we don't leave that bread alone. >> it said you were in the sea -- >> she won't say the word, but i'll say it. sorcery. >> i cured it by the hand of god. >> bear in mind what you go about saying and doing impacts us as well. >> mother, james. how i love you. and i always love you. you can understand the path i've
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taken. a call of god comes before all of us. for you i'm just jesus. i'm skilled carpentry. a servant is accepted among his own. i can only hope that maybe some d day. >> are they not glory? raised with the lord of the covenant. >> my son's chosen from a house my lord. we by my house live by the word of god. >> as do we. >> among us our followers of a prophet. >> prophet?
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>> who spoke like elijah and washed away sin in the waters of the jordan. >> and offended the order of things. >> as many are offended by his imprisonment. as salome his bride price, i ask for his freedom. >> we offer our finest wine, oils to enrich your house. >> riches do not equal a prophet's life. >> his arrest was favored by the roman governor and the temple priests. >> do they in jerusalem dictate what is done here? they who attacks the air we breathe? >> what you ask for is beyond reason. the baptist cannot be released. >> isaac. isaac! come. we shall have no place in this house.
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>> i'm so ashamed. >> until now i've seen the baptist a threat to myself and to our future rule. now i must suffer my daughter's disgrace. >> there will be other suitors. >> kill him. claim he choked on a fish bone. if i ruled, i'd kill him and all of who follow him. >> i know that voice. my father. >> and how i wish you were he. >> pay up. >> thank you. come on.
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. [ laughter ] >> you are young and supple. you are what men desire. >> none come seeking my hand. go on. >> we must be careful. the baptist even here. he has a curse upon us at fault my husband's weakness. unless our weakness is failing to use his weakness. when my maid is ready for sleep, your husband lingers outside my room. >> while he once pledged to care
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for you. that's the beauty the justice for him. >> no, his lust is repulsive. >> oh. photos are great... ...for capturing your world. and now they can transform it, with the new angie's list app you can you can get projects done in a snap. take a photo of your project or just tell us what you need done... ...and angie's list will find a top-rated provider to do the job. start your project for free today. ii accept i'm not the sprinter i was back in college. i even accept that i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. but i won't accept giving it less than my best. so if i can go for something better than warfarin, ...i will. eliquis. eliquis... reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin, plus it had less
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major bleeding than warfarin... eliquis had both. that really mattered to me. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. i accept that i'm not as fast, but i'm still going for my personal best... and for eliquis. reduced risk of stroke... plus less major bleeding. ask your doctor... if eliquis is right for you. new york state is reinventing by leading the way on tax cuts. we cut the rates on personal income taxes. we enacted the lowest corporate tax rate since 1968. we eliminated the income tax on manufacturers altogether.
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what is your name? >> called mary. >> my mother's name. come, sit, please. what is your son's name? >> his name is judah. >> how old is judah? >> 12. >> you're without fear, mary. i only fear the disease of the spirit. >> something you've known. >> do you know magdalene? >> the end of suffering. >> told it is your purpose. >> don't be certain it is, mary magdalene. >> my purpose is serving you.
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>> thank you. >> blessed are the poorest spirits. for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted. blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth. blessed are those who hunger and thirst. >> is it the nazarene who speaks? >> yes. and those who should be tending my fields. i hear bewitched by him. >> blessed are those persecuted for their righteousness. for theirs is the kingdom of heaven! so this then is how you should pray. our father in heaven, hallowed
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be your name. your kingdom come, here will be done on earth as it is in heaven. give us this day our daily bread. forgive us our debts as we also forgive or debtor. and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. for yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever! amen! >> amen! >> i saw huge crowds of them and raptured as he spoke in some crude accent of a gallilean
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peasant. >> what is more we've learned he's -- >> menaced by a family of lunatics. >> there's real danger here. if he could rally them, there could be an uprising in galalea. >> what's his name, this man? >> jesus of nazareth. >> should be killed without delay. that cuts any thoughts of freeing him and also makes this jesus aware of the fate that could well await him. >> leave. finally. kill the baptist. >> killing him is a convenience for the roman, not for me. i'm already vilified. kill him and all of galilee
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turns against me. >> pontius pilate praises you. >> i see pilate praising what's for pilate. have him drag him to jerusalem and nail him to a cross. >> so you're set on doing nothing? >> uh-huh. >> salome told me you asked her tonight? >> did she also tell you she refused. >> you must offer her something. >> meaning she is her mother's daughter? >> we like our rewards. >> what would hers be for entertaining my guests? >> suppose i tell her that whatever you will not refuse. >> she must dance to my satisfaction. >> be certain she will.
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you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends. three jobs. you're like "nothing can replace brad!" then liberty mutual calls. and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement, we'll pay for a car that's a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance.
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>> live from america's news headquarters i'm kelly write. the president p an interview with the "new york times" saying it was a once in a lifetime opportunity to prevent a bomb and bring security to the middle east saying potential gains outweigh risks, insisting the u.s. will stand in defense of israel. now, the six world powers in iran face a june 30th deadline for an agreement that requires iran to reduce it's number of cetrifuges by two thirds and reduce the stockpile to levels too weak to build a nuclear bomb. but israel's prime minister believes at least too much of the program is packed and is
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urging world powers to step up pressure on iran. arcs a report calling a rolling stone article a quote a story of journalistic failure that was avoidable, saying the failure of editing and fact checking. rolling stone has apologized, saying the magazine officially retracted the story. i'm kelly wright. now back to "killing jesus". rabbi. >> thomas and andrew, welcome. >> they've murdered him. cut his head off.
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who am i? what am i? how do people call the son of m man? tell me. tell me. >> to me you are a giver of courage to act as i never imagined. reaching out for the sick, the unclean without fear. >> but judas, how am i called? >> i've heard you call the coming of elijah. >> the prophet. what else is said? >> many would believe you're the baptist risen from the dead. >> there is no greater prophet than john. what about you? you've seen me eat, sleep, wash. my gesture, my moods, who do you say i am?
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>> you're the anointed one. son of the living god. >> bless you, simon, son of jonah. -- by my heavenly father. >> this is simply what i believe. >> from now on i'll call you peter. >> peter? >> in greek peter means rock. and on this rock i build my church and give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven.
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house of god. >> we may dispute his words, but we cannot deny a devout jew entry to the temple. >> i have heard jesus speak, and he is to be welcomed. not shunned. >> so, the nazarene enters this very room where his name is spok spoken dissension follows. >> all the push to forbid him entry recall jeremiah's warning of false prophets. they fill you with false hopes. they speak visions from their
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own lives, not from the mouth of the lord. and jesus says the meek shall inherit the earth. there's nothing meek about him nor those that follow him. but it's true they seek to inherit the earth. >> we have lost. >> let the nazarene come. with luck he may condemn himself. >> bring the woman. we are now to hear and judge the case of the woman who has violated sacred covenants of marriage thus brought shame on her husband's house.
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fornication. i know you, jesus of nazareth. you have opinions on everything. what's his opinion on this? >> any among you who is without sin let them be the first to cast a stone at her. any among you who's without sin? >> god has set forth, not him. the law must be carried out. kill her. here, kill her. >> you kill her.
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mike fincham was diagnosed with colorectal cancer 2 years ago. it was a priority for mike that he continue to be there for his family throughout his treatment continuing to live the life he loves. that's why he chose er treatment centers of america. there he found a comprehensive array of therapeutic options all under the same roof designed to fight his cancer, boost his energy and help him maintain his strength during treatment. mike and his clinical team developed a plan just for him. this is integrative cancer care. this is how mike fincham fights cancer. cancer treatment centers of america.
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has thwarted the legal execution of an adultress. you have a court try him, stone him. >> yes, that of course would be my first thought. but with shame even among us, even among the sanhedrin he has -- >> he rails against roman taxes. >> if i ever crucified every jew who railed against our taxes, i would have to level the seat of lebanon -- >> his crime must be an attack against our emperor, our rules. >> he attacks those who support your rules. doesn't that inspire concern? >> concern but nothing that validates action. >> make a case with evidence. learn where he speaks and with whom. prove he is a threat to roman rule. and i will have him crucified. >> each day i hear a certain
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speaking. what is the message of this? >> oh, many things. nothing that concerns us. >> what? >> it involves the slaves. >> half of being a slave borders on what we do. >> not all we do. >> enough. what does he preach? >> that god wants the meek to inherit the earth. the poor to be rich, the weak to be strong. platitudes of popular appeal. >> none of it to be believed. >> in the face of history -- named after a conquerer. alexander also named for a conquerer. if there really is one single all powerful god as jesus and
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these jews claim, he clearly favors the strong over the weak. sins are as the gods intend. it's the meek such as this lovely creature will never inherit the earth. [ laughter ] this man, jesus, he has drawn many to cast away their wealth to follow him. >> he speaks of a time soon coming when rich men will be poor, powerful men cast down and the temple itself destroyed by god's wrath. >> priest, you're right. nazarene is a mess.
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search among your ranks and who is your most trustworthy. all information about this nazarene is of use to me. >> back to the old days like wringing water from stones. how astonished i was to hear you'd given your wealth to follow the nazarene. >> who is he? >> a tax collector who feels as he once did regretting what he must do. and you would be? >> your caution is advised. i for one admire the choice that you've made. >> change your ways and follow
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us. >> how i wish. how i wish, but the burden of hungry mouths and the burden of a fine horse. yeah, i admit weakness. isn't that one step towards redemption? it is said that the rabbi goes to jerusalem for passover. >> it's his intention. >> i know he's dwelling them. >> peace has been offered. >> it's a dwelling within the city. i may seek you out. a warning from the gate, home of a landowner. lazares. >> god speed you. i have urgent news. open the gates. i have news of the nazarene. be ready to open -- what i bring is of great value.
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jesus is staying outside the city at a landowner. >> he can't be arrested there. too many people. we must know his movements when he comes to jerusalem. we need somewhere quiet. i'll put a watch on the house. >> outside the wall dressed as pilgrims. spies are watching us. >> to report on our drunkenness. my debauchery. former sinner and now tax collector. >> we will put them on trial. those who are against us. >> when you're king, james and i wish to sit by your throne. >> see you condemn them to
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eternal flames. >> that's how you imagine the kingdom of god? me on the throne? do i wear a gold crown? >> i would think a crown of the purest gold. >> that is pretty to preside. i mean, you travel with me, you're open to every word but you hear nothing. so afraid to understand being what i am, what i must do. whoever be a master must first be a slave. whoever must be served must first serve. in the kingdom of god there are no thrones, no crowns, no rule of nations. my work for earthly service would be suffering. understand that, suffering the
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live from america's news headquarters, the pope making a plea for peace as christians celebrate the resurrection of jesus christ. tens of thousands of worshipers huddled at st. peter's square with ponchos and umbrellas, making special mention of the christians in africa and in the middle east. and in the town where islamic
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militants killed 148 people in a cle clenl -- college last week. a leading kenya newspaper reporting police waited seven hours before sending a unit to the college. a report that it took them 30 minutes to kill the terrorists and stop the siege. >> tuesday, a bombing in cairo and an attack on a church the cairo bombing on a bridge in an up scale neighborhood. the militants leaving one policeman dead, two others wounded and four civilians wounded as well, attacks in egypt have been spiking in recent weeks and years. and prince harry is down under for four weeks of training with the australian army this,
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is the final mission of the career, including two tours in afghanistan he's completed his public appearance the prince laying a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier. i'm kelly wright. back now to a fox special. if you are praying, i'll leave. >> i came here to pray. pray to control my anger, my frustration. but then i heard my father's voi voice. this is our song. >> your anger is gone. >> do you know -- >> they will. >> well, you know, my words.
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>> little more than a healing. >> he and his for passover. >> arrive at the holy city. >> why should he not? >> what more is there in the prophecy than messiah's coming? say it. we'll share however it goes. >> the messiah will be falsely accused. he'll be beaten, spat upon, he'll be killed and all those who love him will look on unable to stop the agony. >> and those who follow him? i see.
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>> told of a great rabbi who was asked -- was standing on one leg. he said do not unto others as you would not want undo to you. >> do you share his belief? >> i do. say simply love your neighbor as you love yourself. but i put one commandment even before this. the lord our god is one. love the lord your god with all your heart, your mind and your strength. saying this you are close to the kingdom of god. >> rabbi, though some oppose you, the wisdom of your words is not lost on us.
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caesar's and give that which is god to god. he -- that will be sacrificed. >> you still live by the light of a flame. i envy you your shortness of vision. >> the characters are blurred, but do i know the entire scriptures by heart, largely hold them in my hand. it is almost your time to start your duties in the temple and you have not slept. >> i've failed you. i've failed the temple. >> the nazarene? >> he'll leave. conceal himself in the hide of the land. then he will return with ever
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greater numbers in his following. all believing that he is the messiah. all willing to be part of a rebellion that brings him to the thro throne. i remember. i remember the child see iing. killed by the romans. >> the revolt of -- >> and also as the messiah. do you understand my fear? the horror that this man could bring to our people. >> have you -- >> to no avail. he seeks confrontation and turns our words against us. he mocks us in our own temple.
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>> stop. hold your place. as i came to do. >> dealing with this man will bring about the disdain of the romans. he invalidates our authority both in the temple and in jerusalem. >> a triumphant leader. pilate deal with him instead of us. judging him in this room and stone him to death. >> how? >> the mob makes it impossible. he's surrounded by hundreds. >> i've seen a weakness.
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>> tell us. >> betrayal by one of his own. >> impossible. they worship him. >> perhaps not all. >> judas. >> the tax collector. >> wasn't sure you would remember me. >> few horses like this. >> yes. you should have a fine horse. finally mount those who fit those to serve a king. >> you're at the temple. >> entry, no. i long for the rewards of heaven but i take the coin and let it go and ignore the promises of kingdom yet to come. healing -- >> in your place. >> my every breath --
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>> i haven't much time. when and where can we find him alone? >> the others are always at his side. >> the 12. >> how about 12 minus one? >> tonight we will eat the passover meal here. >> where? >> he has decided without me. >> so far i hear nothing worth 30 pieces of silver. doing this to save your life.
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>> and you? >> my pride when i hear you speak of the temple. >> i might speak there again. >> down the road many were coming to hear you. >> that's over now. >> come all this way don't deny me that. >> i mean, the decision isn't mine. i can't speak of it with you. [ inaudible ] but now it's too late. >> too late? what do you mean? >> have you lost your mind?
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[ laughter ] >> brothers, let us talk of what is written and what prophets have said. it's in the scripture he who shares my bread has lifted his -- against me. >> i tell you now before it happens, you know that i'm here. >> no one questions that. >> many will. and one will betray me. >> how can you say this? i have been loyal. we all have been loyal. >> he's testing us again. >> brothers, i'll be with you only a little longer. take what i've said that in me you have peace in the world. take courage for i have overcome
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>> oh, my darling, not another dream of the baptist. >> i can't sleep. the rest i so desperately need. and then i awaken, there, that thing is beside me. >> no, no, it is gone. these are dreams. >> one of a thousand, it wasn't buried. the head. >> no. it was eaten by jack ls in the desert. >> jesus takes revenge. >> tell her that the sorcery of the nazarene will have an end. >> you tell me he will die too.
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live from america's news headquarters, i'm kelly wright. president obama, defending that preliminary nuclear agreement reached with iran thursday, the president in a week interview with the "new york times" saying it was the once in a lifetime tun to prevent a bomb and bring security to the middle east. the president says potential gains outweigh the risks and mr. obama says the u.s. will stand in defense of israel and that preliminary agreement requires iran to reduce the number of
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centrifuges. the u.s. and its five partners along with iran face a deadline of june 30th for a permanent agreement now. in washington, republican senator bob corker drawing support from both sides of aisle in pushing a bill requiring congressional approval of the preliminary deal before moving forward. >> i want to see a negotiated agreement. i know that a lot of water has to go under the bridge over the next 90 days, it's very important that congress understands this. >> benjamin netanyahu urging the world powers to pressure iran as they finalize the agreement in the next coming of months. he believes that the deal leaves too much of iran's nuclear program intact. the ncaa basketball championship game less than 24 hours away.
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wix meeting duke for the national title. during saturday night's final four match-ups in indianapolis, the wisconsin batchers -- badgers giving the kentucky wildcats their first loss all season and breaking the arts of the kentucky fans. i'm kelly wright, back to "killing jesus." it's cold and the hour is late. >> and the matter urgent. >> the matter being? >> we've been told the temple guards have arrested jesus of nazareth. >> an issue of your faith. >> an issue of law. >> law beyond my providence. >> both our laws and yours violated. >> he's been taken to the house of caiaphas, not to the temple and chamber. his trial will be unjust.
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>> sometimes things are done for expediency. >> no, writing about your roman law claims where there is immorality there can be no expediency. this is immoral. >> send troops. free him. >> roman troops, to the home of high priest, are you insane? >> governor, i ask as a devout jew do not allow this man to be murdered. >> if he is stoned, it's beyond my purview. >> they want him crucified. >> a punishment only i can pronounce. >> it's late and i am cold. >> you are accused of acts of sorcery, spreading lies,
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corrupting others. >> i spoke openly in synagogues, a temple, places where jews came to hear of god. >> they came to hear of god. the words you gave them came from satan. >> why not ask those who have hurt me? they know what i said. >> this way you talk to the high priest? >> do you truly claim you are the son of the blessed one?
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>> i am. >> you heard blasphemy from his lips. these words and more. he's claimed he's a prophet. blindfold him. give us a prophecy, o prophet. prophet for all to see. >> stop! stop this disgrace. you dare -- we are shamed by what we see. if this is to be called a trial, then i demand that we are included.
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>> this blasphemer will be judged. >> a man who walks on waters, who feeds the multitudes. ask yourself -- >> -- by sorcery. >> you. i've seen you with him before. >> no, no, i don't know this nazarene. >> he says you were a follower. >> she's wrong. >> deny it under oath. >> i deny. now enough. >> the vote is against you.
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>> governor, open the gate before the criminal for judgment. >> take him and judge him under your law. >> free him! >> free him! >> free him! free him! free him! >> he will be judged. silence i say. >> he should be executed for sping speaking against the rule of caesar. claiming he is king of the jews. >> are you king of the jews? >> my kingdom is not of this world. >> i hear no support for your
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charges. >> his cryptic speech is but a ploy. he is a criminal. we have witnesses. >> he began his crimes in galil galilee. >> galilee, then take him to the tettarch of galilee. >> he is one of them. >> i don't know that man. you're mistaken. >> you're lying. >> what is it said? where is god's army of angels.
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>> what do you hear? >> caiaphas is bringing him here. pilate wants his blood on my hands. he wants my name to curse the lips of every jew. >> leave us. go! >> i will deal no more with holiness. i'm a stone wall. >> i'll not argue. jesus threatens priest, but other than a mob healing him king of the jews, he is no threat to you. his death not be upon our house. >> i cannot simply hide. >> face him. let the mob see who is truly fit to be king of the jews.
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>> let him be. no, i'm wrong, a bird, not jesus. he makes no wonder but hails as a king. let him be adorned as a king. [ laughter ] >> the purple robe. >> no can go forth without a staph. >> look at the king with his staph. >> bring him a crown. >> bring him a crown. >> patience, patience. nothing has been forgotten.
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>> enough. enough. >> do not tell me. >> we'll be on the road as planned. >> what brought him here? >> thea. >> the man is dead. what more could she want? >> he wants the tomb guarded by roman soldiers >> he? of all people worries a nazarene will return from the dead? he remains concerned the followers will take the body in order to make it appear he has risen. >> what do you believe? >> i believe that guarding that tomb is a waste of roman soldiers' efforts. let's begin our journey.
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he has come back to us! >> yes. >> according to early christian tradition, simon took the mission to rome. where he formalized the christian church the romans sentenced him to death. it is claimed he asked to be crucified upside down so his death would not be the equal of jesus the romans granted his wish early risings speak of james preaching of jesus in the jerusalem temple. it said he was stoned to death, supposedly for challenging the temple's high priest andrew was crucified in greece.
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thomas, speared to death in india. simon, sawed in half in persia. matthew, murdered in ethiopia. according to tradition, john was not martyred, but spent time in exile. and lived to 90. scholars debate the authorship of the gospel of john, held by some to be an eye witness account of the life of jesus. continued pressing rome to be named king until his efforts offended the new emperor. they were exiled and died in obscurity. while joseph without his roman ally, lost his position within
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>> and they say it will be bigger next year. >> happy easter and blessed passover. >> i'm chris wallace. negotiators reached the outline for a nuclear deal with iran, but did the u.s. give up too much? >> this deal is good for the security of the united states, for our allies and for the world. >> the deal would lift sanctions almost immediately and this at the very time that iran is stepping up its aggression in terror. >> we'll have a report on the pros and cons of the deal. and how will congress respond? we'll ask the chair of the senate foreign relations committee, bob corker, in his first television interview since the agreement. then, religious freedom laws under fire, but who is really being intolerant? our sunday group weighs in on the latest debate over religion
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