tv Hannity FOX News April 7, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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tune in tomorrow night. we've got dana perino. and rand paul is with "hannity" for the full hour tonight. tune in. see you then. welcome back to "hannity." tonight we're in louisville kentucky, because earlier today senator rand paul became the second republican to officially announce he's running for the white house. in a moment we'll interview the gop presidential candidate for the entire hour tonight. first, here's how it all went down earlier today. [ cheers and applause ] >> i have a message! a message that is loud and clear and does not mince words.
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we've come to take our country back. [ applause ] [ applause ] i've seen america strong enough to deter aggression. yet wise enough to avoid unnecessary intervention. i've seen america with a restrained irs that cannot harass american citizens for their political or religious beliefs. i see our big cities once again shining and beckoning with creativity and ingenuity, with american companies offering american jobs. i am putting myself forward as a candidate for president of the united states of america. [ cheers and applause ] >> joining me now is republican, welcome senator rand paul. [ cheers and applause ] you said today we're here to take america back, and that you are a different kind of republican. what does that mean? >> i think so often we get
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people who are elected and they spend decade after decade up there. they lose touch with the people. and then nothing changes. we elect republicans that say, we want republicans to balance the budget and then republicans do the same thing the democrats do. i ran for office originally as part of this tea party movement, because we were upset with republicans who doubled the debt. we were upset with republicans that bailed out the banks. and i still think that now republicans are in charge of congress, we need to stand for something. we need to stand for truly reduce the spending. >> you say defeat the washington machine. you say the republican is a big part of the problem. >> it's a bipartisan problem, both sides. no matter the spending plan that comes up democrats will explode the debt at all costs. but sometimes conservatives will do the same thing. >> one of the big applause lines today is they shouldn't spend more than they take in. is $3 trillion enough.
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the next president of the united states will inherit the following 18 to $20 trillion in debt, $100 trillion in unfunded liabilities we have nearly 50 million americans in poverty, nearly 50 million americans on food stamps. it's impacting women, minorities more than anybody else. how would you specifically, how do you solve that problem of balancing a budget, paying down the debt, getting people out of poverty and off of food stamps? >> the bottom line is there are two sectors of the economy. the public sector which is the nonproductive sector, and the private sector which is the engine that creates jobs. you need to leave more money in the private sector. you have to reduce taxes. the last president we had was ronald reagan that said we're going to dramatically cut tax rates, and guess what, more revenue came in but tens of millions of jobs were created. the last couple of republicans we've put forward i couldn't tell you what we were for.
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i think we were for revenue-neutral tax reform. they say, okay, half of you are going to pay more taxes and half of you are going to pay less. but the net result to the economy is zero. so you help poverty and job creation by leaving more money with the people. >> cutting taxes are part of it. you want a 17% flat tax. is that revenue neutral? does that get people off of food stamps and out of poverty? >> my tax cuts would cut hundreds of billions of dollars. so you want to cut spending, too. if that money is left in communities. detroit has 20% unemployment. it's a disaster. appalachian, my state, eastern kentucky has a large amount of poverty. nobody's come up with a way to fix it. we're always trying to tax them and give back a little to help them. we should leave the money in their communities. the money left is for productive people. the people who owns the pizza
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hut, the woman who owns this store or that store. those people will create jobs. it doesn't work to send it to washington and then send it back. >> if you try as a senator to reduce even the rate of increase, baseline budgeting, you and i have talked at length about the penny plan, for example. you cut one penny out of every dollar every year for six years, democrats will have an image of rand paul throwing granny over the cliff. do you think the american people are ready to actually in real dollars limit spending in government? is that what you're saying you want to do? >> i don't think we've ever had a politician run for the presidency who stood up and said, i'm going to cut one penny out of every dollar. a real cut. and then maybe something you don't get from government, but that one penny out of a dollar will cause us to balance the budget within five years. >> one penny across the board but you want to also spend $190 billion more on so you have do have flexibility. >> a couple of ways to have flexibility. one, if you raise defense
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spending i would cut domestic spending, the exact same amount. that separates some conservatives in this race. there are conservatives several who are running or may run who say, oh increase defense at all costs. i will increase defense spending but only if you pay for it by cutting other stuff. >> if you cut a penny across the board, does that mean you cut medicare social security? in other words, in real 2015 dollars, next year, it's going to be a penny less across the board with any exception? >> i think what you have to do is throw that out and say, we either do it 1% across the board or maybe some programs cut 100% of. i consider most of the commerce department to be corporate welfare. i would cut every bit of it. cut 100% of the department of commerce. maybe so i don't have to cut the social security if somebody who lives on social security. there are ways of doing it not across the board but if you can't decide on it like the
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sequester, you don't put a budget forward you get the sequester. >> you talk a lot about the constitution and returning to first principles. so two powers that the congress has consent and power of the purse. symbolic votes about repealing obamacare. when it came to actually standing, shutting down the government or being accused of shutting down the government, republicans would back off in those moments. how do you characterize that? >> i think the problem is we all sort of quietly admit defeat before we get started we don't follow through very long and don't have the will power to do it. it's like the debt ceiling. to raise the debt ceiling, what i've always said is let's don't raise it until we do entitlement reforms. let's hold firm. people say we would default. i said, no, we'll take the tax money and pay the interest. we'll meet our obligations, but everything would have to stop. it would bring the picture finally to the american people, we're spending -- over $1
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million a minute. it's insane. >> how does rand paul define himself politically? i'm a conservative in new york. you ask me how i define myself politically, i'm a reagan constitutional conservative. >> in the last three or four years we need someone who stands up for the full bill of rights. we have a republican party where we're good at defending the second amendment. and i am a defender of the second amendment but we've forgotten about the fifth amendment that says you should get due process, the sixth amendment says you should get a speedy trial. there are many people in our country who aren't being treated fairly. they're not getting due process, a speedy trial. i think if we showed equal deference and love for all the amendments, there's a whole new group of people, young kids, college kids, african-americans
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that are going to come and say, what, i want to belong to that party. >> that's a big part of your plan, your outreach. we had a first-term senator elected president. this is your first term. you were a doctor for a lot of years. you still perform operations on the weekends sometimes i guess pro bono. but what do you say to the people who say, rand paul does he have the experience as a first-term senator it didn't work out the last time with barack obama? >> i think in all likelihood the nominee and/or the next president will be somebody who's been elected to something. unlikely we'll get anybody who hasn't been elected to anything. you'll find good senators, bad senators, and good governors and bad governors. you do remember jimmy carter right? people think it's automatic that a governor is better than a senator. people should be judged on their entire character. you should get to know them. know whether they have wisdom. whether they're well read. whether they're reckless. whether they're overly emotional and react in a way without
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thinking. we're talking about electing someone who would be in charge of our in you clear weapons. somebody who can launch a nuclear weapon. you don't want somebody who wants to be at war in 15 countries and think war is always the answer. we want somebody who brefs as reagan did, in peace through strength. reagan was a person who also would negotiate. he ultimately did negotiate with the russians. >> let me go through a few social issues with you, things that i think have you stand out from some of your opponents. abortion, you say you are 100% pro life. you actually proposed the life at conception act. do you make any exceptions for abortion? >> i think that there's something special about life. i think -- i believe in god. i think it's not just that we can tell -- just throw it away. there's something special a sanctity to life. i worked in the neonatal nursery, and i would see babies about a pound, i would hold them in my hand, the whole baby. i could look into their eyes to check them for a type of
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blindness. and everybody said that baby has a right to life. because they said that baby's alive. the real debate is when does life begin. when life begins -- >> you believe at conception. >> but i can also -- and i do truly believe that. i also understand that there can be a range of opinions, and to make life better, and to protect more life i'm willing to go for all kinds of in-between solutions. i think the one thing that we agree on more than others is that a 5 or 6-pound baby, even in the womb, absolutely has life. >> would you make exceptions, rape incest, mother's life? >> i've supported both legislation with and without. i want people to know i'm pro life and open to trying to get incremental change. but i'm also open to promoting there's something special about life from the very beginning. >> pro second amendment. we don't have to spend a lot of time on that. immigration is a huge issue. you said that it's impossible to get comprehensive immigration reform. so your position now is?
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>> my position has always been we should do little bits of what are doable and what people believe in. right now we have 11 million people in the country who are said to be here illegally. if you do nothing you'll get 11 million more. i think having no immigration reform is a no starter. the first problem is you have lawlessness on the border. and there's also a national security risk to people who just walk into our country. the first thing you have to do is secure the border. there's a vast consensus on that. if we had a bill to secure the border, it would pass. but the democrats the president, have won in everything or nothing. they've prevented the border from being secure. realize the laws in place actually allow for the president who is not willing to do it. there's been -- >> you talked about a registered provisional immigrant, or new visa program for the 11 million. but you say after you secure the border. >> the first thing is you have to secure the border.
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while it might be barriers it isn't a 100-foot-tall fence that's going to keep us safe. what keeps us safe from immigration, is legal immigration. many farmers in kentucky, they come up to me and say i have 30 workers. i said, are any of them american? they said no. do you advertise? i'm forced to advertise to be in this program. have you ever had an american apply for a job? they never had one american in 30 years apply for a job. >> 93 million americans out of the labor force right now. >> we've got to get people back in. >> you guys have questions later, too? i'm just checking. all right. we're just getting started with senator rand paul. he will be with us for the entire hour. [ cheers and applause ] >> later, we want to hear from you our viewers. get in on the action. send us your questions at facebook and twitter and "hannity." that, and much more as we broadcast live from louisville,
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it angers me to see mobs burning our flag, and chanting death to america in countries that receive millions of dollars in our foreign aid. [ cheers and applause ] i say it must end. i say not one penny more to these haters of america. >> that was kentucky senator rand paul from earlier today. he joins us now with much more. i want to talk about iran. i want to play for you, before you even came out today, there was an attack on you. do you know where it came from? >> i'm sure you'll tell me. >> the foundation for secure america. and this is the ad that they ran.
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>> the senate is considering tough new sanctions on iran. president obama says he'll veto them, and rand paul is standing with him. rand paul supports obama's negotiations with iran. he doesn't understand the threat. >> you know, it's ridiculous to think they're a threat to our national security. >> rand paul is wrong. and dangerous. tell him to stop siding with obama, because even one iranian bomb would be a disaster. >> i want to give you a chance to respond. the use of a quote of yours back in 2007 to think that iran is a real threat to our national security. that was 2007. >> it's been a little while ago. >> okay. eight years ago. >> things do change over time. also, i wasn't campaigning for myself, i was campaigning to help my father at the time. i would say that almost every element of the ad is a lie. i mean, they say i'm helping the
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president. i'm actually one who has said to the president that this deal, when it becomes final has to be finalized by congress. and i've done that to strengthen the president's hand. but i do want him negotiating for a position of strength. >> do you think he has been? >> no. that's what i'm trying to tell him is that you're going to have to bring a deal back to us. also, you should be coming to congress and trying to get support. but see, democracy is messy and he doesn't really want to dirty his hands with democracy. he does it all the time. whether it's immigration or anything. >> the ad is basically trying to say that your policies are similar to that of poem.obama. and it's dangerous to the united states. you're saying that's not true? >> it's completely untrue. i signed the letter to iran recently recently. i said all along that congress puts the sanctions on. i voted for the sanctions. they're basically trying to create an issue and a wedge. what it does show you is somebody who's worried about me.
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someone's spending a million dollars to -- >> do you have any idea who it is? >> i have no idea who these people are. i would say they're part of the neocon community. the neo conservatives sort of believe, the same people who wanted to give arms to gadhafi and the next year wanted to topple gadhafi. their message is, we should always be at war. >> one thing obama clarified about the deal today, that iran is not required to recognize israel, and he also talked about that right now, they'd be one year away from getting nukes, but 13 years the breakout time would be zero. he said that today. that basically means in 13 years, by the president's own words, that they would have the ability to make nuclear weapons. is that acceptable to you? >> i think what bothers me most about it, above and beyond even the details, there was an article written in the post about ahir. he said when you look at what the iranians are writing, and
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look at what the americans are writing, you have two completely opposite things going on here, with the americans saying the treaty is going to mean this the iranians saying, it doesn't mean that at all. tweets in england saying, it doesn't mean that at all. it's hard for those of us who actually do want negotiations to succeed to believe in something when they're immediately saying it doesn't mean what they're saying it means. >> i think this is important. shouldn't it be a prerequisite, while these negotiations were going on, just two weekends ago the iranian leader was shouting death to america. in the middle of these negotiations, they said, israel's destruction is not negotiable. doesn't it have to be a prerequisite before you sit down, if you really want to join the world community, you can't be saying those things or burning flags as you mentioned today? >> you wonder how you can have any sincerity if you say we're going to attack our neighbors,
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we're not going to renounce terrorism, we're not going to recognize israel and then we're supposed to be believed that we actually will get rid of our nuclear ambitions. if they truly want peace, i do think they need to be sincere. but they can't come out, who can believe their sincerity when they come out immediately and start tweeting out in english, the treaty doesn't mean what president obama says it means. >> there are a lot of people characterizing that you supported the president in negotiating, and you talked about it you don't have a problem with negotiating with enemies but there's got to be prerequisites prerequisites. you can't chant death to america the destruction of israel is not off the table you can't be funding hezbollah and the rebels in yemen. >> here's what separates me from -- one of the naivety of the neocon, they don't want to negotiate with anybody they just want war. i want negotiations from a position of strength. i'm a reagan republican. he believed in peace through strength but he did talk to the russians. you know what reagan did? many of the neocons that are
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still around today criticized reagan for talking to the russians. realize the sort of loud i think juvenile voices putting pictures of bombs -- these are people who are so reckless it would be gravely a danger to our country to have these people in charge in our country. >> i guess my question is this. should there be requisites -- there's a lot of money at stake for the iranians here. should there be some prerequisite, acknowledge israel's right to exist, stop funding terror? >> yes. >> and then negotiations can begin in earnest. >> that's what benjamin netanyahu did when he came here. not just about the nuclear weapons it's about intercontinental ballistic missiles, about the threat of the spread of terrorism. credibility and sincerity, will they adhere to what they say the agreement is. when they're immediately tweeting out it isn't what they say it is, it gives me a doubt
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they're negotiating at all. >> the president said today, they don't have to acknowledge israel's right to exist, and in the 13th year he's acknowledging zero breakout time. is that a deal you could ever think about supporting? >> i think what makes it very difficult for me is the lack of sincerity on the -- in the description of the iranians in the agreement. if they were coming out and saying i would -- i personally would have a different approach to the details if the iranians would have said, we are going to not only do this agreement we're going to work to limit intercontinental ballistic missiles in the future, and really not invade the boundaries of other countries. that might be enough for me to say, you know what he's really sincere. but he's saying the opposite of all that. >> i agree. it's been such a contrast. but any deal that would have a 13-year breakout immediate breakout period, is that a deal changer? that basically would be the u.s. seal of approval -- >> i think the detail that is the most important to me,
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whether you're negotiating with a reliable partner. if the partner is reliable, i don't want to say an absolute 13, 14 15, the b never obviously that they're giving usp their nuclear ambitions forever. >> you don't think the united states position should be that under no circumstances, at any point, can they have a nuke? here's my fear. i think radical islamists and you mentioned naming that in your speech today coupled with weapons of mass destruction that is a skriks potentially for modern-day holocaust, right? >> the middle east is very complicated. not only do you have to worry about the iranians, they're actually working with the current problems with isis. it's a complicated world. also, you look at syria. and the people who did that crazy ad against me. these are the people who also want to bomb assad. they want to bomb assad and isis simultaneously. i was one of the leading opponents against bombing assad.
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i thought isis would grow stronger. i guarantee you right now isis would be in damascus ruling the country had we bombed assad. you need to counterbalance the powers. >> you're not saying under no circumstances could we trust the iranians with nukes. >> we should not trust them with a nuclear weapon ever. >> what do you say to lindsey graham who took a shot at you and said everybody would have gotten a better deal than rand paul. >> everybody in the congress will defend the bill of rights. touche. >> i want to get to that. one other thing, back in i guess it was 2011, you were in an interview with wolf blitzer and you said to him you would end foreign aid for every country including israel. you have since changed that position. >> ultimately that is a goal. people always want me to have changed positions. my goal is ultimately there would be a time we would have very little or no foreign aid. >> for anybody. >> here's the interesting thing about this. people need to think this through.
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this is netanyahu's position. he came in '96, he said ultimately he wanted israel to be free of it. and that there would come a time when israel's defense ministry, when we give them money we require that they buy the military weapons from us. ultimately, there will be a time when israel can be free of foreign aid, too. what i said in the meantime is that the people agree with me on foreign aid but in congress there's very few people. what we should do is start with the people who burn our flag and hate us. the one thing i can tell you from visiting israel is you'll never see anybody in israel burn our flag. they are our friends. >> the iranians aren't. >> absolutely. >> not everybody's happy that senator paul is running for president. shocker. the kentucky sdmor will respond to some of the critics. you've been sending us questions on facebook and twitter that you want us to ask the senator. we'll do that coming up later tonight. please stay here with us from louisville.
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senator rand paul. a lot of young people. let's talk about the relationship with america, and israel. is obama wrong to try to pressure bibi to return the borders or not have jerusalem as a capital? >> absolutely. one of the things i think we made a mistake in our country many democrats, some republicans, too, thinking they should dictate the peace process over there, dictate the borders, dictate where people build. there are pluses and minuses to all of that but they should be decided by the sovereign nation of israel. >> vladimir putin, you said about his invasion of ukraine, a gross violation of the nation's sovereignty. how do you stop that and what
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would you say to putin? >> you know, i voted for sanctions. i would also try to increase our exports of liquid natural gas to europe, to try to make them less dependent on russia. there is no easy solution. even though the most hawkish of members of our party aren't for putting troops in ukraine and the problem is that in countries historically and geographically that have been very close to russia, there's not really a scenario that people imagine where we're going to have a land war with russia over this. they should be made to pay a price, and they should be made to know that to be in the league of civilized nations, you have to behave like one. >> you talk in your speech about nation building. you don't want any part of it. did we make a mistake by going into iraq? or after the surge, when we won all these cities was it a mistake that president obama didn't follow the admonition of president bush which was, keep intelligence, training forces on
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the ground? >> there is one truth to the middle east. there's a lot of confusion. there's a lot of misunderstanding. there's a lot of things that are difficult to understand in the middle east. but the one thing that i think i know is true when we have toppled secular dictators, we've gotten chaos and the rise of radical islam. not only hussein. iraq was a disaster. they lost their strong man and we had chaos. we did it to gadhafi. it happened in egypt as well. it threatens to happen in syria. every time we lose the secular strong man, chaos and radical islam -- >> but -- >> hillary's war in libya made us less safe. we took our eye off of what the problem was. the number one problem is we need to punish the people from ever attacking us again like 9/11. that was afghanistan, not iraq. >> you talked about not wanting your son or asking anyone's son to die in mosul. we had mosul and fallujah and
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tikrit under control. now isis is a strong hold in these areas. as president, how would you combat that? >> one is understanding how isis became strong. isis became strong because we sent 600 tons of weapons, sent our allies into the civil war and isis grabbed them up. i said at the time the mistake is in sending u.s. arms to these rebels, these islamic rebels in syria, that the irony is, we'll be back in a year. we have to do something about it. >> i know you are against drone strikes and surveillance drones against american civil liberties. what about drone strikes against radical islamists? >> i'm not against drones as a military weapon. some people misunderstood this about my 13 hours, i thought after 13 hours on the floor i would get it straight. it was mostly about the bill of rights. if you're an american, an arab american living in dearborn michigan, no one has a right to drop a drone on you.
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they can accuse you of a crime but most arab americans are just like most jewish-americans or german-mens they're innocent until found guilty. >> reagan -- >> it was before i was in politics for myself. that was a long time ago. >> you thought it was shoddy equipment maybe to help haliburton. >> that was probably over the top and mean spirited. i shouldn't have questioned his motives or patriotism. he wants what's best for the country. he's part of a group of republicans that believe war is the answer. and don't have an adequate belief in you know peace and deterrence through strength. >> we'll come back and ask the senator about what he thinks about the other republican candidates. i want to get his thoughts on hillary clinton. we'll get to that as our lightning round comes up next, as we continue from louisville. ou know what this meeting is about. yes, a raise. i'm letting you go. i knew that. you see, this is my amerivest managed...
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who is simply democrat light, what's the point? why bother? >> that was senator rand paul from earlier today. [ cheers and applause ] indiana, arkansas, religious freedom restoration act. and -- >> president paul! president paul! >> what does it takee on the religious freedom restoration act, and the 1993 bill signed by hillary clinton's husband? >> i think what's amazing to me is that it's necessary. i would have thought -- this is a debate when our founding started is our founding fathers debated over even having a bill of rights. they thought it would be so understood that you would have the right to express your religious liberty that no one would question it. they said if you listed the bill of rights people would think that would be all of your rights. i think our founders would be aghast that anyone could think they could tell you that to do a
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part of a ceremony that's against your religious beliefs. that being said though, i think the law ought to be neutral. i don't think we ought to treat people unfairly. i'm all for treating people with respect and tolerance. at the same time to tell a christian -- >> a baker that maybe doesn't want to put on a cake allah akbar. does religious liberty trump -- which takes precedence in your mind? >> why do we even have coercion in a free society. they seem to be antagonistic. i would think we ought to try freedom in most of these things. also people ought to understand that people's opinions change through persuasion. if i really want to convince you to come to my way of political or religious beliefs, like if i go to africa i don't evangelize by forcing you to join my religion, i've got to convince you to. if you want to convince people
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of marriage, they need to do it through persuasion. >> you've gone out of your more than any other candidate on the republican side to reach out to historically black colleges, and audiences that are not traditionally either conservative, libertarian or republican. and you got into a bit of a controversy in an nbc interview, shouldn't surprise me -- >> no surprise. >> you devoted almost a chapter in your book about this. it has to do with use of civil rights except for article 2. in other words it kind of -- a similar issue in as much as do people have a right to discriminate. why don't you support the article 2. and does that mean that if somebody wants to be a bigot a racist, a jerk, what does it mean? >> first of all, i do support the civil rights act. what made me mad is the liberals twisted and turned it. to have any kind of nuance or belief. the civil rights act i would have voted for
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the civil rights act, 83% of republicans voted for it, and about 40% of democrats. in fact, filibuster the longest filibuster in the history of the senate is democrats trying to block civil rights. so republicans really have been the champion of civil rights. i always have supported the civil rights act. i've been one of those who truly i think is on the cusp of saying, you know what, we need to defend minority rights. and we haven't done a good enough job. >> you have made an effort to really reach out to the black community, historically black colleges. you go into this interview and say i support 9 out of the 10. i would modify article 2. what's the modification? does that then allow an american to discriminate based on race? >> no. there's a difference between accommodation and religious ceremonies. i don't think we should. we talked about that in 19 -- i don't think we should discriminate. >> what would the modification
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be then? >> i think the question is is whether or not we apply it to other things. that was the point i tried to make. do we apply it to smoking or handguns. can you be forced if you're a restaurant owner to allow someone to enter if they have a handgun. >> these are tough legal questions. >> these are esoteric and fill oh sofic questions. if you're on a left-wing show hating on republicans, they don't care about nuance and -- >> do you think you can get a higher percentage of the black vote in america, the hispanic vote in america, the minority vote in america? do you think the outreach will pay off? 90% -- >> i don't know. i will do everything i can to try to get more minority votes. i also realize until the republican party becomes more diverse, we won't win. one evidence that shows i might be able to if you poll me and hillary clinton in blue states purple states, i'm doing better than any other republican. that's because i get independent
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vote and because i think i'm getting a percentage of the minority vote. >> i'm going to ask you about hillary. and potential candidate fellow competitors in this primary. we'll get to that. and we'll turn things over to you, our viewers. and also your questions for senator rand paul as we continue from louisville tonight. ent. which is why no one wants insurance. so we go cheap. you know, because we're never gonna need it. until one day, we do. now that cut-rate policy is costing us big. makes you wonder if there's something better out there . see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. look! this is the new asian inspired broth bowl from panera bread. that noise! panera broth bowls should be slurped with gusto! to explore further order online or visit your neighborhood panera bread.
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we continue from louisville, kentucky, with senator rand paul. quick questions. hillary clinton reaction. >> hypocrisy. you know she wants to be a champion of women's rights, yet she takes money from some of the countries that are the worst abusers of women's rights. saudi arabia gave her own $10 million. in saudi arabia, a woman was raped by seven men, and then she was arrested for being in the car with an unmarried man and given 90 lashes. that's hypocrisy. >> quid pro quo, do they give her the money because they like her or to gain something? >> anything that relates to our security, there's going to be something coming out in the next few weeks about companies she approved deals for -- >> thae they were against and then became for after money went to the foundation? >> significant amount. over $100 million being given to her foundation. coming out in the next two weeks. >> do you think she lied about
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benghazi? >> i think the question is, at 3:00 a.m., why didn't she pick up the phone, you know? >> all right. what do you think about her server being destroyed? >> sounds like destroying evidence to me. >> what do you think about -- do you think the records act was broken? that was two years after the fact that she finally handed over some e-mails. do you think laws were broken? >> i think it shows that the clintons think they're above the law. the common people have to obey the laws, but the clintons get to do whatever they want. >> you once called bill clinton a sexual predator. >> you know i still think that the left really hasn't come to grips with the fact that workplace violence and your boss taking care of a -- taking advantage of a 22-year-old girl that should be the moral -- you know the disapproval of that, the shunning for someone like that. for him to still be accepted i think is -- it shows a bad side of our culture that we would accept that as being okay.
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>> chris christie is said the king of bacon. >> a big spending republican. that's what it was about. >> jeb bush is a hypocrite. >> that was kind of about marijuana use. when he was a kid he used marijuana. i don't hold that against him. kids make mistakes. but the fact that he would still put people in jail for medical marijuana. >> it's a big issue for you. you said you want people in the republican party with tattoos, notah toos, no earrings, no pony tails. you really want to expand the base. >> we have to look more like america and attract people who are working class. we also have to go -- i think there's an amazing opportunity here. every community that i've gone into predominantly an fren american community who said i'm glad you're here, we want people to compete for our votes, and the democrats take us for granted. >> ted cruz, you almost have identical voting records but he does not have as much appeal as you. why do you believe that? >> we're friends.
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we vote very similarly. >> you helped filibuster each other. >> we were together on the filibuster. what i've tried to do is a little bit different. i spent a lot of time over the last two years trying to show that the bill of rights is not just the second amendment. i'm not saying he's not in concert with what i'm doing, i'm saying the difference is i'm really trying to expand that party to new people. i don't think that it's always just sort of, you know, dangling red meat for our people. i want our people to be brand-new people who come in the door who have never thought about being a republican and say, you know what, i've never heard a republican say that before, i'm going to listen to you. toenail fungus? don't hide it... tackle it with fda-approved jublia! jublia is a prescription medicine proven to treat toenail fungus. use jublia as instructed by your doctor. once applied jublia gets to the site of infection by going under, around and through the nail. most common side effects include ingrown toenail,
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you're your on man as far as your father goes? what do you think the differences snr >> it's important i -- the thing is that we're going to have a series of debates. ten debates. and people get to see what they are and make a judgment. >> last question is about vaccinations you're a medical doctor. and i know that you said you guys got a booster and your kids have all gotten vaccinations you said some kids, parents ought to have input. some kids wound up with disorders. it became a big controversy. if someone chooses not to vac sen yat their kids you're okay with that? >> i haven't offered up changes in public school laws. interesting thing is that i just said i heard of people.
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most everybody at least heard of someone who had a child. i didn't allege it was have vaccines i heard of people who have the thing is that people shouldn't be so afraid of freedom i'm for people getting vaccinated. if you want to risk versus benefits, benefits are a million to 1. >> you talked about drug legalization you're for medical marijuana. you think it's something the state should decide. do you stop at marijuana? what do you do with crack? heroin? cocaine? >> i've talked about is the penalties not really saying it's okay or that it should be legal. just saying for goodness sakes there is a young man who sold marijuana and got 55 years in prison? that is insane. many of us are christians and believe in redemption, i think teenagers that make a mistake
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deserve a second chance. >> senator, congratulations. that is all the time we have left from louisville. we'll be back in new york tomorrow night. tonight senator rand paul. o'reilly factor is on, tonight? >> look see. >> very interesting. >> put it to a poll. >> d-day for charles krauthammer. he supported the trade for bowe bergdahl. i said releasing five taliban commanders was a mistake. what do you say? tonight we will have the resul poll and charles and i will analyze. >> we borrow a million dollars a minute. this vast accumulation of debt threatens not just our economy but our security. >> rand paul wants to be president of the united states. but many in his own party say he is too extreme. john stossel will weigh in. also ahead two sensational trials wrap
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