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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  April 8, 2015 12:00am-1:01am PDT

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tahmooressi really deserves it. anyway, did president obama's jab at governor scott walker help or hurt him? sean has the big interview previously on "red eye." >> with -- welcome to "red eye." this is tv's andy levey. >> i think i would smuggle the baby. >> how do you feel about that? >> when you say it out of context it sounds bad. >> you don't have to kill it. >> something we wouldn't do on this show. or would that be good? >> every time i do i feel not only does a piece of me die, but a spirit of a spartan warrior dies. >> and now the thrilling conclusion. >> hello. i am walter kern. let's welcome our guests. she nicknamed her liver the black dalia. i am here with joanne nosuchunsky. fogy jew -- foxy jews alert foxy news jews.
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i hope she keeps fighting after the robotic uprising and she is the director of the law fare project. and his eyes are deeper than the ocean and filled with just as much saltwater. it is andy levey. and he is so in love with himself he married another comedian. sitting next to me and a little too close is comedian tom kodder. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. >> rand paul is running for president and he has campaign sandals to prove it. the kentucky senator declared himself a candidate and started selling merchandise at his website. for 20 bucks you can get an eye chart that says dr. rand paul for president. a reminder that he is an op that you monthly gist. and there is the spy cam blocker that is a sticker you can put on your laptop's camera. they are selling flip-flops and sandals.
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there is andy's favorite the don't drone me bro shirt. big spending freedom lovers can buy a copy of the cation signed by paul. rand needs to prove he can keep america safe. >> he has to prove -- in my opinion rand paul has to prove that he will nuke a muslim country if he has to. i am not saying we should but i am saying we will do that if it takes saving america and there is no doubt he will do what it takes to protect america. >> how do you prove you would nuke a muslim country? by nuking a buddhist country first? >> the only way to prove it is to nuke a muslim country. i am going -- i am calling on all presidential candidates, republican, democrat, libertarian to nuke a country. everyone pick one and let them fly. >> but then we would have no
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need for a president because our enemies would be dead by the time they were elected. >> problem solved. >> brooke will you be buying one of everything or two of everything? >> well $20 flip-flops? unless they are habana's, havana's i wouldn't buy them. i always wondered when it comes to swag or merchandise how do you tell what makes the cut? was that for real? >> beanbag throws. >> there are a plethora of things to choose from. pogo sticks water guns how do you choose what makes the cut? >> what can be manufactured the most cheaply in china. >> tom, would you spend a thousand dollars to have a copy of something that is autographed by someone who didn't actually write it? >> yeah, that's plagiarism or sampling and it is wrong. why doesn't he sign the bible
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and sell those too? >> that's o'reilly's job. >> i think the whole merchandising thing is cheapening the job of the presidency. when we loaned out the bedroom -- >> that was expensive. i reached an all-time low then. flip-flops when i was a kid were called thongs and this gosh is called corn hole. you don't want your -- >> and where you came from is not that far from where rand came from. >> he is from kentucky and i'm from rhode island. >> are they not next to each other? >> they are not next to each other. >> they are new york. >> they are new york. >> they are the same thing. >> they are the same thing. >> i will call you jo. a hillary clinton pack is showing her checking e-mails on her blackberry.
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maybe she is checking e-mails what do you think she is doing as she stairs into the device? >> i don't know but it is not a flattering photo. i am questioning how much her team likes her. i think what happened is they put the bill in for the merchandise and they are like, can't can sell it now. let's add a few more so blackberry covers. the merchandise is off the charts for me. rand paul that's pricey. i can't afford that. he has to think of the millenials on the budget jie. $twenty to get a rand paul flip-flop is cheap. you have to give more than that to the clinton foundation to get hillary to change other position. >> that is the coolest cover ever. >> do do you buy this stuff to be ironic or obtuse or any of those other words?
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>> there are people who wear this stuff. i don't get it. >> i like the drone shirt. >> why? >> i think it is funny. i would never buy one because then i would be giving money to a presidential candidate. >> and you would bewaring a graphic tee. >> if hillary was shining anything she should sign document shredders or the white water rafting trips or kankle brace -- bracelets. >> do you like that picture? she looks like a cross between ray charles and hill do. >> i am just glad it is not scratch and sniff. >> what would it smell like? >> eyes. >> you all seeing eyes. >> it would smell like dishonesty. >> anyway, i think that is one of the most ominous pictures i have seen of a politician and i think it will be flying over
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the white house if a few years if we are not careful. vanity thy name is williams. ""vanity fair"'s" investigation revealed a number of incidents that paint a portrait of him as a man that varnished his story. he received a six-month suspension after it was diswooferred he lied about being hit by an rpg on a chopper in iraq. the most sin tau lating details is he has trouble explaining the lies. a source told the magazine, quote he said he maybe -- hour maybe something happened to my head. maybe i had a brain tumor or something in my head. hmm. andy do you theng that maybe brian williams' head caught a piece of imaginary sharapnnel? >> i pretty much 100% believe
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he has no idea how these stories turned out to be false. i don't think he thought he had a brain tumor but i can picture him sitting there going how could these stories turn out not to be true? he could have passed a lie detector test. walter you know, you wrote a book about -- >> a psychopathic liar. >> yes. do you see similarities between him and williams? >> i do see similarities. they lie until someone stops them. someone stopped home and it became a problem. i think you are right. >> you do thepg there is a chance brian williams killed a man? >> i think he -- i think he wakes up leak in "apocalypse 2". >> do you think joanne could have a career going forward? you don't always tell the truth. >> if he doesn't get his job
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back he can talk about how he didn't get his job back. the media will feed off of it. and you can get a book deal. there are also reports that suggested williams was feeling insecure living up to brokaw's legacy. to me that means he is human. i don't want a human telling me the news. i don't want someone who has flaws. >> he is the closest to max hedron. tom, are you sproised there are -- surprised there are more allegations? apparently he saved a puppy from burning building? >> who president hasn't? who hasn't? it is play-doh's paradise. i told the producers of of this show i don't have a criminal past. we lie to get ahead. right now taxes are due next week and tell me there is not millions of americans sitting
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down lying about what is deductible and what is not. the schek -- the check is in the plail. he is not armstrong and nixon and not a bad guy. let him come back in six months. >> in the movie "phenomena" they gave john travolta special powers. do you think john travolta had special powers? if he did what do you think they would be? guy it was be really, really pretty. >> i have that one. >> you do look pretty, let's be honest. i think there is a seem pell solution to -- simple solution. stop trying to make anchors reporters. if you are an anchor you are in studio and reading the news and then tossing to actual
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reporters who are in iraq or afghanistan. are you not going to afghanistan for two weeks so your network can earn ratings points because you are sitting there wearing deared swrert -- desert come mow. they will let the anchors sit in the studio and be pretty and be personable. williams is all three of those things. >> do you think he had a brain tumor or do you think that thing in his head was a transmitter from his masters? >> i don't know what any of that means. he spent way too much time on web md. i have had cancer and tumors multiple times. keep off it. >> i love how he put it in the past tense. he digested it, finally. brooke, which is worse lying about the news or crow 80ing a fyke -- fake tumor? >> when you say you might have had a tumor you put brian
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williams fans in an awkward position. they are hoping he did have a tumor or he is a pathological liar and he is one of the journalists that lie all the time what is going on in the middle east. i hope this sparks an investigation into journalistic inding -- integrity. if you look at how the "new york times" is reporting on iran. quote, iran agreed to a nuclear outline. 24r* is -- there is no agreement. the headline is more of a dangerous and misleading headline than brian williams i mean faking it it going down. >> you have the "new york times" to be a watchdog on brian will els why. who will be a watchdog on
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them? >> you have accuracy of middle eastern reporting. >> i don't know. >> assume it is association. >> there has to be some sort of a body regulating it. i mean i was on new york public television last year and the host threatened to edit me out because i called out a fellow panelist as providing material support for a terrorist group. they with putting the panelist on the show pretending there is a legitimate talking head. i didn't sign the religious agreement. >> do you think paw -- paw knock yow's system is watched enough? >> it is a good step. i think there are more media report reporters than actual
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reporters. one of them alone is not tough. you don't know what their biases are. hopefully they can do their job and be am buds men or whatever. i i don't want to see a bar association type thing. >> there is no standards. there is no objectivity in media. i would argue with the anymore part. >> children screamed while our president laughed. on monday at the white house easter egg roll president obama was airing "where the wild things are" when a be started busing nearby. -- buzzing nearby. >> it's a bee. it's okay, guys. bees are good. they won't land on you. they won't see you. you'll be okay.
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wait wait, wait. now can we see the rest of the tape? >> bees are good. they won't land on you. >> they won't sting you. >> he died like he lived, hunting eggs. brooke obama said bees are good. >> bees don't sting you. >> is that the right message to send to the american you plan and you won't get hiewks. i mean, lying to children now how low can you go? if you can't calm down a group of children at an easter egg reading how can you be trusted to calm down the middle east? >> not only did he not calm them down, but he took a
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positive delight in their screams of terror. should maybe obama be impeached? >> clearly yesterday. those weren't bees, those were tiny israeli drones that netanyahu sent. you can't creep the stupid people from coming on the white house lawn. the secret service can't. when i was a kid, a 6-year-old birthday party my uncle blindfolded me and put me in front of a bee hive telling me it was a pinata. i hate bees except for the halloween ones. we tell the children there is a fat guy with a red suit that brings the toys and the easter bunny. >> children watching, don't listen to that man. >> 3:00 in the morning really? >> if my wife is stunning by a
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bee i will have to stab an ep pea -- epi pen into the arm. >> you never know if one of these thirn are in -- these children are in shock and he wouldn't be laughing anymore. th is just like obama only thinking about the environment. bees are good. they help to poll nate the other plants. they produce honey. of course he says this stuff and he is not thinking of the american people. >> have you ever been stunning by a bee, joanne? >> i have been. >> where were you stunning? stung. >> i believe on my elbow. >> i was not asking where on your body, but where in the united states. >> should those kids have acted a little cooler in the presence of a single bee? >> they should have, but it is the kind of children we are raising these days. i hope you know what i am talking about.
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this to me -- this is like -- this should have been the president -- i think his name was greg in the dead zone. in a tv show or movie where a politician is exposed as a coward and it wrecks his career. that's what this should have been. doing nothing while children are being attacked and ravaged by bees. shame on you, mr. president. i am surprised he called them bees. >> president obama said -- >> as you said if he can't stand up to the bees, how will he stand up to isis and north korea? >> what is it that children read from the books. >> if it was bill clinton we would talk about the birds and the pleas.
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>> those were real screams. this is minor. coming up month's long coverage of mildly famous guy's trial. first dove asks you to choose between beautiful or average? who came up with that easy choice. new hampshire?
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and now a subject i am passionate about. it is women's body issues. as part of dove's new choose beautiful campaign, the company put up signs above doors in a bunch of different cities around the world. one sign said beautiful. the other average. women had to choose which entrance to use. let's watch. we had an option of two
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pathways to walk. they lead to two ways. it was a bit confronting to be honest to see these signs and feeling like you had to choose. >> am i choosing because of what is constantly bombarded at me and what i am being told? that i should accept or am i choosing because that's what i really believe? >> that is depressing. let's see how viewers responded to the ad. >> beautiful is a great word. why not see what's on the other side of that? >> brooke which door would you choose? >> i am so insulted by this ad campaign. i just want to say first of all it takes women for fools.
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you are going to do a study that indicates this worldwide. they did it based on a door that they choose? first of all who even reads what is posted on a door? i think they were doing subway ads. what if i didn't want to voluntarily participate in a doug psychological stud -- doff psychological study and i walk through the door i wanted. why target the women? why not the men? >> is that why you end up in the men's room? you have to read the signs. >> yow -- joanne would you go through either door or would you wait for the distinguished older gentleman to open it for you. >> i would get a strapping young man to carry me through threshold. >> i hate these ads. doug is magnifying the consumer's insecurities in an attempt to empty their
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pockets. the message may be great, but how is the shampoo? how is the lotion? they are selling a product. self-love doesn't soften rough elbows. >> you are asking me how dove products work. >> that's a hypothetical question. >> let's ask tom about that. when you use dove products do you feel more feminine and more beautiful? >> no. >> it was the symbol of peace though right? >> it was. it would have been fun if the door who lock when women tried to get in it. i thought that was funny. this made me upset because when i come to fox i enter through the loading dock and past geraldo's dressing room.
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>> the bowels of the building. >> there is a lot of trickery in these things. i think they superimposed that in the editing. snake pit shark tank. as the only woman on the panel do you believe the campaigns are effective? >> i think they are really really stupid. most of the women walk through the average door as if that's a problem. that's the definition of average. the problem is not enough people #r okay with not being beautiful. >> those people are beautiful. that's why athletes get a large amount of money to entertain us. you should still feel good about yourself even though you are not beautiful. you should stop thinking you are beautiful if you are not beautiful. the same way you should stop thinking you could be a professional linebacker if you
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can't be a professional linebacker if you don't have the skill set. >> the truth hurts. >> it hospital hurt. it shouldn't hurt. that's my point. unless you want to get yourself in better shape great. other than that you should have a positive self-image of yourself. it shouldn't be tied to thinking you are beautiful. >> dove is perpetuating the cycle and they need it to continue to turn out ads. if they were effect -- effective . >> some people are beautiful on the inside, right? >> what i want to know is were other women watching the women go through the doors. as an expert on female psychology if other women are watching they are not going to walk through the beautiful door. they will crowd together and dwo through the same door they go in the bathroom in and it is built into the gender.
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>> and the woman who sat there said should i go into the theater? who am i. >> i have no idea a camera is looking at me and i will be in a national ad. >> does it strike anyone as separate, but equal? >> i think there beautiful water fountains. >> i don't think segregation of this kind should be promoted by dove. >> i disagree. beautiful people are better the way celebrities are better. we are better better people. i don't make these rules, walter. it is the world i am forced to live in and i live in it. if you went through the beautiful door there should have been free food and a full bar and everything. if you go through the average door you should basically fall off a cliff. that's the way the world works. >> you have a beautiful door to your apartment.
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>> i do. >> what is the ratio of women coming through the doors? >> the women mostly -- >> don't come. coming up a story involving a cardboard castle that doesn't include a tin foil hat. first a word from our sponsor. >> tonight is sponsored by colonel concerns corn colonel.
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the government is threatening to fine a utah family for building a kid's cardboard fort. it is the subject of tonight's -- jeremy and his wife, dee, built the fort on their front lawn for their 3-year-old son and 2-year-old daughter. one of the kids named it. >> the great fort of awesomeness. >> see there you go. it is the great fort of awesomeness. >> i have seen forts more awesome than that. sadly the city of ogden deemed the fort junk and ordered the family to take it down in 15 days or face a >> they can also file criminal charges against us and levy the fines as a lien against
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the house. they are not playing. >> we probably honestly would have taken it down tomorrow but we got the notification. >> they will enjoy it for as long as they can or until next time it rains or the wind blows more than three miles per hour. >> they gave us 15 days in the notification and it will stay up for 14 days. >> meanwhile, a campaign has been started to build cardboard forts across the city to show support for this family. should the government tell parents whether or not they can build a cardboard fort on their own property? i think they should definitely be able to do that. >> really? >> i don't think so. only in utah can you live in a doublewide with 12 sister wives and not have a shack on your front lawn. andy and i lived in cardboard boxes for a longtime. >> by choice. >> i had a hobo living in my
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cardboard fort for years in the backyard. i just think after 15 days of april showers it will be mush inhabited by worms. who gives a crap? stay out of their business and it is wonderful they did this. ii think it is great. >> i didn't think it could support the slide that kid was going on. >> i didn't say it was safe. i said it was awesome. >> the code prevents junk on the line, but not in the trunk, because it is a big concern. >> it must be real. this is a pile of grar beg on someone's lawn -- garbage on someone's lawn. i am not okay with the police state except in one circumstance or two circumstances. one is garbage on the front lawn that has to be removed immediately because it is a safety hazard and the second is encouraging your kids to play in your lawn when you have neighbors and they come
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out early in the morning and make noise and wake everybody up like my neighbors do sometimes. i am all for the police state but i am also really inspired by the neighborly come rod -- comradery and now everybody is supporting them. >> you contridicted yourself. you hate it on-line,. >> this was challenging for me. >> buzz kill. she will have a fort on her lawn. >> little does she know her definition of junk will about to change. >> should the family consider that their neighbors may not enjoy seeing this pile of boxes? >> if it is brooke, probably. i would like to begin by saying i am pro fort. it is cheap and it fosters creativity in kids. i support children, brooke, and their creativity, brooke.
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>> i hate children. >> i understand it can be an eyesore, but i think there are worse things people put on their lawns that isn't trash that is an eyesore like children. you can move on. >> where i grew up people would bury a huge tractor tire and paint it white and that would be an obstacle ground. they were set in the ground. you can do anything about them. >> they need to define what trash really is. that's the thing. they need to clearly spell it out, otherwise we will have more instans like this. >> andy, last word, and i hope that wasn't it. >> no surprise the government wants to take away another means to defend themselves. it used to be a man's home was his castle and now you can't build one on your front lawn. i do agree with brooke on one
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thing and one thing only. i like the other residents are doing this in protest. i think this could be the american spring. this is the beginning of the revolt. >> this wedding is brought to you by burger king. the food food chain is paying for the nuptials of a couple whose names are burger and king. joel burger and ashley king have been known as the burger king couple. the burger monarchy had overwelminging urge to help them out and will give them matching crowns and gift bags. they will play for the wedding to jamie foxx to the backing band of huey luis. >> i know a man named red and married his sponsor. >> it if i had cheddar bay
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biscuits i could get married. >> that dare can be taken. red lobster i'm sure you are listening. you look like a red lobster. andy is this the most benevolent monarch key? >> it is not bad. you know who should have sponsored this in mcdonalds. mcdonalds sponsoring the burger king wedding. why am i not running the pr department for these places? in the spirit of time burger king should have been forced to pay for the this wedding and mcdonalds should pay for every wedding between mac before done willed that. and don't even get me started what five guys should be paying for. according to the story these two have been dating since -- 5th grade. >> this relationship is
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doomed. my friends just got divorced and they were married at mcdonalds, but registered to ponderosa. it was a sad america. here they are deep pockets and helping a young couple. not only that they are getting good pr and karma. it is a wedding that was sponsored by herpasin. when i think of marriage i think of the burger and that's just me. >> would you want a burger king wedding? >> with the colors blue yellow and red? absolutely not. >> burger king paid for the wedding and they said all we ask in return is they live happily ever after which is ironic because they are not going to livelong if you eat a
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lot of burger king. what i do love about the story is it is not only a story of grade school and sweethearts getting married, but it is women's rights and empower meant. she is keeping her last fame and they are hyphen. ing it and they are putting the female's name first. it would be king burger instead of burger king. >> how do you know -- how do you feel that to one will pick it up. >> it is not there and i will boy cat marriage. >> time to take a break. where to take a first date? first, here is what is coming up on tomorrow's kennedy. >> on the next "kennedy" it is" red eye" friend and "america's got talent"
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is it love at first late? according to data collected by the new mobile dating app clover most first dates are happening at starbucks. 51% of women said they preferred to meet at the coffee shop while a majority of men would rather go to a restaurant. surprisingly neither sex had much interest in meeting at a bar. other popular places for a first date included chipotle,
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panera bread and the cheesecake factory and the texas road house. joanne, why do you think women are opting for a starbucks first date? >> nothing makes you less nervous and jittery like a hot cup of caffeine. a starbucks drink order can tell you a lot about a person? are you a black coffee guy? do you like the herbal tea? anybody who has a lot of mod pho cations they would be out. >> a many? a man? all women do that. >> i say can i get a tall blonde roast. i would like a tall blonde. i think bars are ideal. i am shocked people don't want to meet at a bar. there is dim lighting and alcohol to loosen you up and tv's. if there is nothing to talk about you can look at the tv and be like, huh look at that game. do you like sports? >> and usually andy levey is
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in the corner sleeping it off. why do you think people are choosing not to have first dates at bars? >> i don't think these are dates. i don't think these are first dates. this is a meet up to see if you want to go on a date. these are people who never met in real life so what they from doing is saying hey have a cup of coffee. back in my day you would put on a tuxy -- tuxedo and take a lady to the opera. and then we would take a trip on the orient express. if they are compatible they go to dinner and if not it is a quick cup of coffee. >> do you think the reason the bathrooms are always occupied and the sound behind the door is people are using them for first aide? >> there is nothing like romance when you are
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exchanging odd glances while waiting for the bathroom always occupied. i want to know where was this survey taken? in a sur burr ban mall in middle america? cheesecake factory, this chain, that chain. nobody i know would go there. and i am canadians and we don't have these. >> i am just glad i am not dating anymore. >> >> tim hortons for the first date this. >> where was your first date and did it happen when you were in fifth grade? >> i did not happen but my first experience was a gay bar because i like to drink. it makes sense. when you think romance you think highly.
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my wife made perfect sense to her too because she told me early on when we were dating that she likes her coffee like she likes herman. hot and black. wait a minute. >> you see, i think the reason is if you get roofied at a starbucks there is enough caffeine in the beverage to counter act the sedative. it is a lot safer. >> absolutely. i am just hoping my first date is someplace nicer than a starbucks. >> it is gonna be tonight, baby. i am not telling you who it is with. but anyway coming up the improper way to eat a hot dog. and do you have videos of animals? send them to us at fox eye.
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s on fox business network. wow. and a plug for my latest book. it is now available in
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paperback. a new "red eye" returns tomorrow. >> e block. last story. that's the last story. and now for a segment on foreign affairs. the british prime minister david cameron eats hot dogs with a fork and knife. he was seen using cutlery during the campaign stop. many mocked him with one writing, quote david cameron eats hot dog with ketchup to show %e is in touch with ordinary folk, but blows it using a knife and fork. most brits eat hot dogs with a spoon. didn't know that. andy, has cameron disgraced his country? >> is he one of the biggest monsters? >> yes. >> on the other hand he puts ketchup on his hot dog.
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it is sort of 50/50 here. i am not sure. >> do you foresee a time when our western leaders will be pressed to eat hot dogs with chop sticks? everybody should be forced to eat food with some sort of utensil. those who don't use forks and knives are disgusting. there are germs on your hands and you know, everybody knows the food lasts longer when you don't shove it in your face and you eat it dantily. >> have you ever had a sandwich? >> with a fork and knife, yes. >> when you eat a hot dog do you leave the bun off to save the carbs? >> i don't eat them, except the mini ones. he is on a campaign trail. he knows there are cameras. would you use a fork and knife or put the hot dog in your
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mouth? >> i would put my hands behind my back and that's how i do it. but no one is watching so i won't. do you eat your hot dogs with a fork and knife? >> i do not eat hot dogs. i read "the jungle" and i have not eaten anything of the hot dog nature since then. what guy doesn't leak a pig in a blanket, but i will not eat hot dogs especially if there is a vein in them. put it downright away. >> and you have to peel off the shell i hear. >> joanne, how do you like your weenies? >> let's not go there. >> i like the the ones. >> we would get along well. >> how does a real leader -- >> with a shovel. a special thanks to joanne nosuchunsky
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and andy levey, goldstein, brooke goldstein the foxy jew. and tom kodder. see you next time.
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00 p.m. tonight senator rand paul. o'reilly factor is on, tonight? >> look see. >> very interesting. >> put it to a poll. >> d-day for charles krauthammer. he supported the trade for bowe bergdahl. i said releasing five taliban commanders was a mistake. what do you say? tonight we will have the results of our poll and charles and i will analyze. >> we borrow a million dollars a minute. this vast accumulation of debt threatens not just our economy but our security. >> rand paul wants to be president of the united states. but many in his own party say he is too extreme. john stossel will weigh in. also ahead two sensational trials wrap up.


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