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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 9, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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you, one and all. >> steep bar gain. >> i did. tune in tomorrow for more varney and company, all kicks off at 11 a.m. eastern on the fox business network. we start precisely at 11 a.m. eastern time. the name of the show again is "varney and company" and i'm on. "the five" is next. i'm eric bolling, kimberly guilfoyle, dana perino, greg gutfield. the by stander who recorded the shooting of an unarmed black man pie a white cop in south carolina has come forward, he is talking to the media about the dramatic scene he captured on tape. he says he initially had thoughts about getting rid of the footage pause he feared what might happen to him if he shared it. >> i didn't know the magnitude of this and i tried to -- i even thought about erasion the media and --
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>> why? >> i don't know. i felt that my life with this information might be like i said, in danger. and i tried to -- i thought about erasion the media and just getting out of the community of charles top and living some place else. >> leaving town? >> yes. >> because you were that scared? >> yeah. i knew, like i said, i knew that i saw the video, i knew that a cop didn't do -- didn't do the right way, the right thing. >> officer michael slager was charged with murder immediately after that video surfaced, but that's not stopping the race spinners from taking another opportunity to vent their grievances against conservatives. south carolina congressman is actually blaming the right-leaning group, alec, for the shooting. >> they have been drawing up these legislations -- pieces of legislation like stand your ground. that legislation gives a license for people to be vigilantes and that's why you have these rogue
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police officers feeling they have license to do what they want to do and there will be no consequences paid for it. >> kg is there any indication what happened in south carolina at this point had anything to do with race? >> no, because i'm also not a mind reader. i don't know what that man's thoughts, private thoughts and heart is. what i saw was in my opinion, as a prosecutor a bad shooting, based on the circumstance. i haven't evaluated all the evidence but certainly seems there was excessive force used and the map lost his life and it's very unfortunate. they are going to take any opportunity to turn this into a raisch a.m. issue but i think we need to be very careful in light of what happened in ferguson as well. >> different though. completely different than what happened in ferguson. >> yeah, but this must be seen by racial activists purely through the racial prism as part of a way to indict an entire system. which is a sport these days. you have to find one thing and dial the system. but if you simply and factually state what happened, that a man shot another unarmed man in the back and killed him, a man
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running from him and you don't mention race the left explodes. they go crazy 'cause they -- they have to see it through that prism. these are the same activists, however, who want to leave out race when discussing any other kinds of crime, any other kinds isn't descriptions in newspapers. you can't have it both ways. if you want to be color blind there, you got to be color blind here, especially when you have tape that shows this heinous crime. you don't need to create this decision. this is the poison of politics and sport. immediately, cnn and sharpton and salon and dpauker dpauker called the police, said the police are now our terrorists. now scream their talking points which then cause the reaction on the other side and it becomes another team sport, where we can all agree this is horrible. >> right. >> immediately, the north ferguson -- the north charleston police department fired the cop, cuffed him, put him in jail after the video was -- >> charged him. >> and charged him with murder. why would clyburn and the rest of the left the spinners come
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out and say something was wrong here? they seem to have handled it well? >> seems that way to us okay? so but if you're clyburn and you look at it from a different point of view, and that is his home state, i think actually also his district it is something that is more personal to him and a way he looks -- he looks at this as if he is representing his community well. others might not agree with that, but i think that that's where his position is coming from. i don't understand, and i think it was ten white house, link he was trying to make between stand your ground and what is being charged with a murder, stand your ground is -- need to get into it because it has nothing to do with this. >> is clyburn being opportune opportunistic here? >> i don't think stand your ground had anything to do with this. i don't think it is opportunistic. he is representing his community. >> he jumps on board with this. >> the community feels, believe people within jim clyburn's community who feel that because the man who was killed was african-american, that he was
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singled out and probably targeted for a stop or tail light. i'm not debating -- >> there was fighting. >> i'm not debating -- i'm not debating it with you, all i'm saying, to dana's point, people within this community who felt that way, stand your ground i oppose the laws, stand your ground had nothing to do with this. >> listen to reverend al sharpton? listen. listen. >> there must be national policy and national law on policing. we can't go from state to state. we have got to have national law to protect people against these continued questions. >> dana? >> i just -- so he is calling for the federalization of police. and just to me, i would think that the left wouldn't want that. that's my instincts but julie, maybe i'm wrong. >> i think he probably wants the federalization of what he believes to be proper police laws. listen, i am not a fan of al sharpton, never been a fan of his. i think he is divisive and a
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race monger among other things n this care i think he is not wrong, because do you have certain places where the laws are more lax than other places. look, i'm a big believer -- >> just got charged with murder. >> not saying about this, plus but places where i think body cameras, body cameras should be required everywhere i think something police should have everywhere all over the country, it avoids any misperception. >> he is not calling for body cameras on police. he is calling for -- yofrnl know what he is calling for -- i don't know what he is calling for. i suspect that's actually one of those things. >> good point. >> there are two points of view here. there are people who genuinely see this as part of a greater pattern. they are legitimately agrieved and see this is bad this keeps happening. then those who purely see it as paced on statistics and the way communities are built and that somehow, this is a bad outcome from a -- from just a statistical likelihood that in these communities you have these officers and you have these folks. once in a while, something bad
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happens. i think it is the latter that causes the former that you don't have enough community interaction with the police and the actual community. the solution is honesty, that you need more black cops in communities where there are black folks. the problem is you need the young women and the young men to step up and apply for these jobs and be able to pass those tests. until you do that, you're never gonna have it. >> unless, unless you have body cameras where if african-american men and women don't want to be cops you get the body cam, eliminates all the questions after the initial arrest. >> i guess, but what? why do we operate from a premise that everybody's racist that puts on a uniform? what do you mean? like it should be -- the camera's there to record whatever, regardless of color, perhaps if that assists in community policing and getting crime rates down, okay make the argument for that. you where all of a sudden did this narrative get established as true that this is just racist police departments?
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>> people who will say if an african-american was shot pie a white cop, something pad happened, the narrative you pointed out that al sharpton was pointing out. instead, you can make it say good cops or all cops the hassle of going through, you know, legal stuff when off video. >> to kimberly's point it seems like today that it is a punishment of police officers that they can't be trusted, therefore, you need the cameras. however, as greg was saying yesterday, his position on this has evolved and thinks the cameras are good but for both sides and it could be -- there could become a time, maybe a couple months from now, if's body ram ka captures something on tape that then incriminates somebody, they won't necessarily want the cameras that they had before. but i think -- i think that we have come to a point where the cameras make sense. >> yeah. thankfully -- >> sorry, if i could say -- thankfully, mr. santana who was
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filmed this did not trust his initial instincts to erase it he will be a part of what brings slayinger to justice. >> if you have body cameras in fercson, if we actually had videotape of what happened in ferguson this whole investigation which took moments and the riots and so on and so forth and angst and a lot of -- on pot sides that would have been resolved a lot more quickly. a lot of money -- >> saved money. >> two really interesting examples. here, in this case, it exonerated a cop pause you found that there was a scuffle and that the hands up don't shoot thing didn't happen however in this case you got a pad cop. so it's -- the great thing about cameras, it's unbiased. it has no preconceived notions about race or whatever. >> put it this way i would guess and make a guess here that law inenforcement would be, at this rate, the way things are going, the way they get accused of bias all over the place, probably welcome body cameras. >> yeah look, most cops are good people. most cops are, the vast majority
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of cops are not racist not out to get anybody, you for the few bad apples who are, this guy obviously is a bad apple that we saw in south carolina, the reason we are all horrified is pause we saw the video. if you had told it we wouldn't be horrified a picture tells a thousand words and we just saw the picture. >> south carolina, specifically north charleston handled the shooting very differently from the ferguson missouri, police department. judge knapp is correct in pointing out this difference as well. >> this is not ferguson. i mean in ferguson there was a pon nah fide fate over the officer's gun and the officer won the fight. this is two disspratt cases here. this is a victim running away from the police, shot in the back. this is what some people said ferguson was, you turned out it wasn't. >> yeah. >> the fact is it was a heinous act and the crime towers over any kind of narrative that you're trying to -- you're trying to create a mosaic of injustice and a mosaic requires a consistent variety of crimes, but they don't fit.
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and every time you force them to fit you're dishonest. these are different acts. >> kg? >> yeah, look, i just hope that we can kind of move forward. these are two very separate and distinct incidents right? we can't just lump them all together, then we are just furthering ignorance and paranoia hysteria over a situation. take each situation and evaluate it on its own facts, on its own merits and then make an intelligent informed decision paced on the facts. that's what we owe everybody, the people in the communities the people that put on the own fors every day and the victim, people pulled over. get pulled over, comply with the law. let's start with that >> a very good point, dana. in fact all of the ones we have talked about the last year, year and a half or so have had one thing in common, a resisting arrest that led up to whatever happened next. >> actually something that -- something greg was talking with eric garner, the law might have been stupid which was that it was illegal to sell -- what could they call them? >> loose sis. >> loose sis on the street.
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i was going to say selfies. might have been a bad law, but resisting the arrest -- >> predicates all of this stuff, right? >> yes. >> having said that, nobody deserves to die -- >> that's not what we are saying. >> i get it. >> don't even take chances. i get pulled over, i don't go in my white ford explorer and go crazy on the 495 and do felony evading and get out of my car and hit the cop with it and try to take his gun. i think that would be bad idea. >> i do have to say a controversial statement, but if you get pulled over or i get pulled over or dana gets pulled over, the odds of anything bad happening to us is much smaller that the odds of something happening -- >> exactly what we talked about very, very beginning of the show, that you have a predisposed idea that pause he was black or she's black, they will be treated differently. >> is statistics, black men get arrested at a higher rate than white women. >> commit crimes at a higher rate. >> no you think -- >> listen. >> no. no. >> the facts are there statistics. >> there's a really interesting parallel going on right now like i mentioned dead spin
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before were they said that the police are america's terrorists. the police are, for a lot of the left, their radical terrorists. they are. they are like -- so when a case happens, they indict all officers. the same way they would condemn the right for using one act of terror to dial all muslims. which you would never -- you cannot do that. that would be wrong. get one act by police officers, you can indict all of them. >> got to leave it right there. coming up, some gop presidential candidates are already facing an uphill battle with the mainstream media thision cycle, particularly mr. rand paul, next. real cheese people, don't eat pasteurized processed cheese food. it's only required to contain 51% real cheese. with sargento 100% real natural cheese slices a patty melt becomes more than just patty. ham unites with its better half. and a club sandwich becomes part of a club you definitely want to be in. real cheese people would never eat a slice wrapped in plastic
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rand paul just launched his presidential campaign on tuesday and he is already taking heat for his media rollout. it features interviews like this one, which the "washington post" describes as prickly. >> you once said iran was not a select. now it is. you once proposed ending foreign aid to israel, you now support it at least for the time being and you once offered to drastically -- wait, wait, wait -- once drastically -- >> before we go through -- before we go through a litany -- >> increase 16%. i just wondered if you -- >> litany of -- why don't we let me explain instead of talking
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over me, to snk. >> sure. >> before we go through a litany of things you say i've changed on, why don't you ask me a question, have i changed my opinion, that would be sort of a better way to approach an interview. >> no, no. >> okay, is iran still not a threat? >> no, no, no no, no, listen. you have editorialized let me answer a question. >> just felt uncomfortable, right? megyn kelly asked him that exchange last night. >> i do lose my cool and i do lose my temper sometimes and i should be better at that. >> savannah guthrie is not exactly known for her, you know, aggressive unfairness. >> right. i think the question is unfair. can i do better? yes. am i sometimes thin skinned? yes. am i equal opportunity? i had a tiff with a male reporter today nothing to do with sexuality. when i think of doing an interview with you i don't think whether you're a man or woman, i think of an intelligent person that's going to ask me questions. >> i know that. >> i don't think the person that is asking the questions. >> i know that. >> to his credit, he went on
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megyn kelly and you got to be prepared to take some heat when you go on there. he answered the questions, i think he has realized from the fallout that, you know, it didn't come off too well especially in the beginning days of the rollout. now, mr. bolling, you have been gone. i've been done. >> now you are back. >> i'm back. >> what would you like to opine? >> i remember when kelly evans and wrapped had that run-in back and forth a few months ago. he pushed back, probably shouldn't have shushed her. savannah gut rick, i guess he should have known he was dog get the same kind of questioning. i don't think that he has a problem being questioned aggressively by women. i think he has a problem answering this one question and it behoove him going forward when this question comes up by a man or a woman to have a better way of answering it and i think he will. i think megyn kelly leaned on
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him probably harder than savannah guthrie or kelly evans did last night anticipated didn't have a problem. so call it sexist i think which i have been hearing all day, i think is unfair. >> julia is looking at me imploringly for me to call on her. >> imploringly, pause i'm going to take off my partisan hat and put on my political consultant hat. dana you can agree with me on this, i think. the day you have a rollout and all the stories about process and all the store are about your demeanor and fighting with reporters and not the message you want to put out there, you're losing. he has to change this immediately. he can complain it is unfair. complain the press is out to get him. >> what about going on megyn kelly? a tough interview to go on. she was very strong with him. >> yes, but look whatting me.kelly was talking to him about, not about his -- the part we are playing not about his agenda, not his rollout not about his plans for the country about whether savannah guthrie savannah guthrie the "today" show, this is the exactly woodward and bernstein talking about process.
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if you are talking about process, you are losing. you need to talk about message not process. >> he thinks that savannah guthrie's i irview was unfair? wait until he gets on same with other republican candidates who want to win as much as he does. because then he has not seen anything yet. that one issue on iran had to have been on the top of his -- their mindses as to what he was going to be asked about and if it wasn't he should probably consider getting some new people around him. he is being mismanaged or he is not managing himself well. my opinion, a lot of this always comes from the top. here's the thing. when you are telling someone, a candidate, you're going to go on interviews, a chance to be on the "today" show you're going to have a big presidential announcement, visualize for me, sir what headline do you want in the morning and then that's what you drive toward, with every single interview. he got off track at 7 a.m. and wasn't able to get back on track. not that he can't. he has -- he is very charming in person. he should have done these interviews in new york city rather than by remote. >> so you're saying he has got to fire his staff?
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pretty early for that. >> a little early. but here's the thing, the reporters and his staff already have a huge fight going on. that's something you kind of want in october of 2016, not necessarily when -- the day after you announce your candidacy. >> this is a reminder of how easy president obama has had -- >> no kidding. >> his life for six or seven years he avoids folksily contentious debates like this pie going on box or going on pulse feed with reporters who are basically just out of high school no reason for conflict, pause he is being interviewed by one of his groupies, to rand's credit, it never, ever hurts to bash the media. that's how i got this job. so i would be a hypocrite to say -- to criticize him for that. however, and this is really important, a lesson that's got to be learned, nobody likes listening to somebody who seemsing an grill or upset. and anger and irritation, mad people are never appealing. it's short for madness. and to the credit of people like
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jon stewart and stephen colbert, the reason they win is they stab you with a smile they never raise your voice, they trick you into coming on their show. they do your book and then they kill you! and you have to understand that the media is a savanna and the conservatives all have targets. >> disagree with you about something? disagree about you about something? >> sure. yes, you saying that you got this job because you were bashing the media. but you wanted this job. you didn't want to be the president of the united states. that's true. >> there is a difference. temperament matters. >> can we also point out the difference between a savanna guthrie -- savannah guthrie interview with the president at the white house where they are talking about the white house beer and then her -- the way she -- >> that was for the super bowl. >> the problem is the optics look pad, him being contentious with somebody, greg gut feld interviewing him, being contentious. >> i would never. >> difficult then when you have that two -- put sandwiched together, two female
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interviewers and he has that kind of reaction. it establishes a narrative people might accept it for the truth of the matter asserted whether or not it's really true he is having a problem, it looks bad is the problem. >> by the way, the day you become president is the day you decide whether you are going to answer questions or not. until that day you want to be president you got to answer every single question out there you got to don't like it, don't anticipate it >> do whatever stinking politician does, asked that question, anticipate with the question you want to anticipate. everyone else does. >> this campaign this ad running, by a third party group called republican -- foundation for a secure and prosperous america and it is tough against wrapped paul on specific statements that have come out of his mouth on recordings about iran and changes about position now. wrapped paul says;- and, in fact he has -- his campaign has sent a crease and desist letter to radio station and tv stations running this ad. up in of the stations have taken it off yet because, again it is not factually incorrect, he actually said that. so again these are the headlines in the morning.
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the headlines are not going to be about why should wrapped paul be president of the united states of america? it will be about wrapped paul's campaign's so thin skinned it is sending out a crease and desist letter on its second day. >> by the way they know or their lawyers know it is virtually impossible to get an ad taken off air. they don't want that. >> this he want the headline. they want that headline which is stupid, you're right. the staff should be fired. >> not calling for anyone to be fired. >> the staff -- greg just did. but what they -- the headline they should want is not some stupid process headline should been how rand paul wants to change -- >> the problem is he does want to talk about the issues. he does want to have intelligent conversations, so, yeah he has got some frustration there because he doesn't want words to be put in his mouth. he wants you to ask him the questions and wants the opportunity to anticipate them like any candidate would. you have to handle frustration about what the mainstream media properly or you're going to do yourself and your candidacy a disservice. spent nine minutes talking about the way he -- rand paul is anticipating questions instead of the fact that quinnipiac poll came out today and has him ahead
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of hillary clinton in two states, including iowa. >> you know how easy it is? savannah guthrie asked him that question, going to be plenty of time for me to talk about my position on iran. polled today, i was up against hillary clinton in iowa and pennsylvania. how about that, savannah? it's not hard. could write a dissertation about that. >> this is how we roll. more insults to america from iran's supreme leader ayatollah khomeini. he doesn't trust us to keep our end of a nuclear deal. details ahead. from professional investment strategists to help set your mind at ease. know that planning for retirement can be the least of your worries. with the guidance of a pnc investments financial advisor, know you can get help staying on track for the future you've always wanted.
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is the middle east on the brink of war? iran is warning saudi arabia to stopless air campaign in yemen and deployed two with aerships to waters near that country. this as the u.s. speeds up a weapons supply to the saudi-led coalition, striking rebel there is. iran's ayatollah khomeini
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accusing saudi arabia of genocide and unleashed a cascade of tweets about a nuke deal made with the west. one reads, hours after the talks, americans released a fact sheet contrary to what was agreed. they always deceive and breach promise that sounds like something we would say about them. >>r hill lairity of this whole thing. yemen, this was a success makes me question president obama's metrics of success. this is a guy who told scott walker to bone up on foreign policy. this is a guy whose foreign policy is a mcnugget no spine. called isis jv like calling ebola a head cold. and marie harf the best part, dismissing expert criticism was it by kissinger. >> and schultz. >> oh that's a lot of big words. so, we got these people -- they are from the -- like a high school model u.n.
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this is not the state department. it is the cast of "saved by the bell." it is disgusting. sorry. >> you brought up president obama going after scott walker and scott walker actually had a chance to reply and we have that. >> oh, wow. hmm. >> it would be a foolish approach to take and perhaps mr. walker taken time to bone up on foreign policy, would rethink that. >> this is a president who should work with members of congress instead of attacking it. think about that statement. a guy in the last year called isis the jc squad, yemen, last fall, his administration continues to call them a success story, who had a secretary of state under that gave russia a reset button. and then they ultimately went into the ukraine. this is a guy i think the audacity to talk about schooling anyone when it comes to foreign policy. >> think scott walker has a point president obama has
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enough on his plate bought needing to fall into a trap of attacking possible republican presidential contenders. what do you think? >> sure. if he would concentrate and focus on doing a good deal with iran instead of giving them everything and making us look foolish, taking a victory lap when there's nothing to celebrate to begin with, now he is picking a fight with scott walker. why? >> i think pause, julie i think he thinks that this helps him keeps him in the news. >> think he was asked the question and stupidly took the pay the. scott wake, if you are barack obama should diminish scott walker by not addressing him. >> correct. he just elevated it. >> elevated scott walker, no the sure the strategy of that was. i'm sure his people don't either. >> i don't think it was planned. should they be fired? >> yes. i thought some miscommunications, people could have done a better job -- >> this turned into a trump show. >> by the way, you're fired.
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by the way stop trashing ""saved by the bell."" i don't want to hear it. >> i was saying it was like it, so awesome. >> do you think congress will scuttle or repudiate president obama on this deal or is he gonna get it? >> i can't imagine that president obama is going to try to -- congress nine democratic senators who are on board to say we want a 60-daytimeout, we want to look at this deal. is obama going to say, no nine democrats and all republicans, i know better that you and i'm going to override whatever bill you guys, say no to your bill get three or four more democrats to a presidential veto? >>thyic what he is going to do. >> that is asinine. >> can you say that on tv? >> yes, you can. what's with you? >> supreme leader says death to america while they are negotiating, the minute they break up the negotiation the supreme leader says, you know -- we know a different deal that the americans know it is time congress looks at this deal. oofrm i'll going to get the final word, i have maintained
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that iranians are going to do something that will save us from our own pad ideas. >> what, something stupid? >> going to continue to say things like this and make it impossible. >> they have already done t said no sanctions. >> you have an interesting point? >> this is all about becoming a superpower in a region. america is the west, russian, eastern europe, china is in asia, iran sees a vacancy and they want the vacancy, unfortunately, president obama is now the real estate agent. he is helping them with the application. >> he just sold the middle east for $1. he didn't even collect the dollar. >> do you think he puts his photo on -- >> yes, he works for halstead. president obama. >> take my card. call me. next on "the five" is it sexist to call hillary clinton by only her first name? some people think so but do we? coming up. and later, a very special guest is going to drop by. >> oh. >> usually only goes by first name. >> kill me. kill me. brian killny. ♪ ah, push it. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ push it. ♪ ♪ p...push it real good! ♪ ♪ ♪
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in a political piece on published this week, a concerned writer states that "some americans mostly women, don't think the former secretary of state u.s. senator from new york and first lady should be called by just her first name." because, some wonder that it might reinforce gender stereotypes. yes. some wonder. that some was me and only me last week on o'reilly. roll it, sven. >> if you call her hillary that's sexist because that's girl's name. they should no longer refer to her by her first name. gender end pep dent thing like maybe professor pantsuit something that has no gender whatsoever. i just tossed to myself. all right. as a loud mouth pointing out flaws and leftist logic, my tactic has always been to extend liberal believes to the absurd until the argument can only tip in my favor.
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those comes were about hill's supporters who label any criticism of her as sexist. if you call her secretive that's sexist. call her entitled, that's sexist. i took it a step further and apparently, this d.c. reporter listened and found one person one person to agree with me a 23-year-old named monica. she says, i think it's pretty unjust. i think it shows the level of inequate, inequality that still exists in the work forces. and just in general in society. now, i agree, calling her hillary is degrading and demeaning and hasn't she had enough of that? she is married to this guy. >> they always saying hillary wore the pants. now i'm wearing the dress. pill for first lady put hillary in the white house. i am homesick. >> run hillary, run. >> i'm traveling coast to coast. >> run, hillary run. >> whoo! >> so, what's the solution? what do we call her?
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how about her maiden name, ms. rodham? that's great. you wait, rod, rod ham, it is both sexist and anti-muslim. it is. kg i was thinking maybe calling her madam secretary but then you have madam and secretary, that's demeaning. a double negative. >> madam an illegal job and secretary is beneath her. >> this is getting awkward, have to refer to her by just a symbol sign like prince used to do back in the day. >> the woman formerly nope as bill clinton's wife. >> symbol to out. i don't know what to say, i get called kg we go hrc she gets called? hc. i don't know. what's the good answer here? she should be psyched she didn't go by one name, like oprah. mad donna. >> never happen to me. julie first name is sexist. agree, disagree? >> this is the stupid controversy of all stupid controversies. monica, 23-year-old monica
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yikes. mop nick ka. >> i prefer that but former secretary of state for the next six years. >> that's good. that's good one. >> dreaming. she refers to herself as hillary. in '08, you had hillary! bumper stickers everywhere, she doesn't think it is racist or sexist, whatever people accuse it of being. >> genderist. yfrnl does 23-year-old monica care? this is -- >> just found her. she was a tourist in d.c. >> hanging out is this sexist yes it is i'm 23 years old, everything is sexist. >> did more than "rolling stone." >> that's true. she was anticipating that, wait, i got to go jesse waters is over here, doing a water's world. i will talk to you. >> in college look in her early 20s, you always look for things to be offended about? everything is sexist, everything is racist. >> see how well it looked out for sandra fluke? >> sandra fluke? >> it was it flock? >> you have an anecdote? >> i do say a couple of things? >> sure. all right.
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>> whatever. >> side by side. >> when hillarycare, she named that -- she wanted that name, it wasn't considered bad, ready for hillary was done by her supporters, the other thing is because of clinton -- the whole clinton/bush problem, if you are a reporter ease whier to say jeb or hillary so you don't have to be confused the a neck dote i had was about harriet meyers, that brief period as a supreme court nominee, she had not been a judge, hospital been madam secretary, hadn't been a senator, everybody referred to her as harriet or ms. meyers and then that sounded bad. i think when it comes to hillary they can call her hillary, but you can't. >> weren't there bumper stickers? hillary '08? >> fire this reporter too? >> you weren'l[kutk listening to a word i said. >> we are gonna take break. the most popular places for first dates in america, coming up next. all these networks keep making different claims. it gets confusing.
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for all the -- what is this music? for all the singles out there wondering where you should go on your next first date, you might want to try where everyone else seems to be going. according to the mobile dating app clover, the number one dating spot in america is actually starbucks. followed pie chipotle, panera
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the cheesecake factory and texas roadhouse. the survey says 51% of men prefer to meet at restaurants for first date, 52% of women coffee shops. clearly none prefer new york city, we prefer to go to bars the only way you get through good first date. >> not understanding this at all. someone would take you on a date to starbucks? >> yes. actually. >> not me. i go to -- no, i need a couple -- >> or chipotle. no no >> the one i don't get -- >> burrito bowl on me. >> you know what i don't understand, you will appreciate this -- >> no no number six, buffalo wild wings. can you imagine scarfing down buffalo wings -- >> that one i would go to. >> that would be good for kim perry. >> amazing. i love buffalo wings but not in the privacy of my own house, not tear nothing it and all gross and disgusting much i guess that's true love. >> panera is that a sandwich place? >> you kidding me? >> the island of manhattan? >> had of course, but i don't go to the local -- >> panera is a place of -- a
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mythical place in america you can get very good sandwiches and -- >> well i don't understand. are these tinder dates? >> something called clover? >> something like swipe, we are by starbucks. >> i don't think tinder is, greg, you are a married man. what was the first place you took your lovely wife? >> paris. >> really? >> yes. >> first date? >> top that, guys. >> exactly! parvis my buddy's house. paris stevens, he has got a great basement. no. the great thing about first dates, it's the best you will ever be with that person. fever be treated each other as if they were on a first day the world would be a much better place. >> i think it is horrible it is like a job interview, tough constantly -- >> both sides are nervous. and they are putting their best foot forward. the weird thing about starbucks is, you know, it's just a line and a bathroom. and then what do you do after? >> free wifi. >> chipotle. you go to starbucks and have coffee and then chipotle with
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mexican food, not gonna invite the girl back to your place, especially if it's a stud grow apartment. >> a long -- >> dessert. >> dana's who are need you're inviting somebody back on a first date. dana, you, i have read your book, so i know exactly how you met your husband. >> early reader. >> i was a lucky early reader. and panera was not in your life. where did peter take you on your first date? >> we met on an airplane. >> i know that >> mile high club. >> you will have to buy the book. how about that? a little t. >> i think dana hits on something. if you have been to cheesecake factory, the menu is like 40 pages long. >> mm-hmm. >> you can really learn something about the person you're with. >> i get there, if it takes them forever to order. that but also do they like mexican -- italian food mexican food, every type -- >> rude to the waiter, you never have a second date. >> i agree. but cheesecake factory has a very nice bar, which starbucks does not. >> big really 22-ounce beers. >> true. >> not really a factory. i was let down. i was hoping ben i went to cheesecake factory there would
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be a whole line of teenagers working. >> there is and cheese cakes working in cheese cakes. >> abusing labor laws? >> yes. yes. i have strange dreams. >> i love cheesecake. >> all right. well, on that note, kimberly i will explain panera to you in the break. one more thing is up next. >> no panera? hier. it begins from the second we're born. after all, healthier doesn't happen all by itself. it needs to be earned... every day... using wellness to keep away illness... and believing that a single life can be made better by millions of others. healthier takes somebody who can power modern health care... by connecting every single part of it. for as the world keeps on searching for healthier... we're here to make healthier happen. optum. healthier is here.
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time for one more thing. dana is up first, a special
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guest. >> only happens once a year, america's dog is joining us, so much greg's disappointment i think he kind of likes him, jasper. say hello to your fans. everybody has been waiting for him. he is going to join us for one more thing. >> jasper a very good boy. >> 3 years old today. >> happy birthday, jasper. >> looks a lot like brit hume. >> you see -- >> tucker. look right in the camera. >> now on to other news. >> all right, tonight, make sure you check this out very special o'reilly factor tonight with a very special guest. ms. dana perino. >> i'm here everywhere. >> we don't condone this on the five, when a fan jumps on the field it is interesting to watch. watch this guy outrun the secure i >> way to go. way to go. way to go.
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[ crowd cheering ] >> crime doesn't pay he was busted. greg you're up. all right. here's why i love capitalism. 7-11, the store, and also the age range of my fans doing byo slurpee on saturday. bring any container and fill it up with the slurpee for $1.49 a woman here i think we have a picture, she brought a kiddie pool to fill with a slurpee. i'm going saturday. show you what i'm bringing i'm bringing this. >> just your size. just my size. >> nyquil? >> this is going to last me all day. what else do you do in a cup like that? >> apparently, you saw my german video. >> that's great pr stunt on your part. biggest expense isn't the slur pick, the cup. >> kd you are up. >> great i wauchd honor someone i had the opportunity to hear speak at the last navy s.e.a.l.
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warrior foundation, greg, you were there as well, retired navy s.e.a.l. chief mike day shot 27 times in iraq and he has been half ironman triathlon. april 12th raising money for wounded veterans living with severe brain injuries and actually able to change his life and rehabilitate at the carrick brain treatment center in dallas with where a lot of our special operators and warriors have been able to get help they need and transform their lives. hats off to him. check out webpage there. >> very good. okay julie you are up. >> so if you plan on retiring with your girlfriends to miami, like i am, leg go is building a set for you. "the golden girls" are potentially a new leg go set. >> awesome. >> if you go to lego and vote, enough votes are cast they maybe building a golden girls set, awesome, dana, you and i would be in miami eating panera. >> what about me? >> you don't go to panera. >> you will be the rue
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mcclanahan. the planch. >> everybody used that thing with sex in the city it is who -- what kind of golden girl are you? >> sophia, the most awesome. yeah. >> what am i? >> you're the betty white. you're betty white. >> that's good. she is popular. >> and she is the only one alive. >> you want to be stan? you could be stan. okay. >> see it all works out. >> this is fabulous. >> still a minute left. >> talk about jasper. >> one more thing. you can't see t >> you want to see it? >> i can thank somebody sammy snacks is a company that sent a gift to jasper last year. >> like a minicake? >> a minicake you for dogs. >> gonna eat the plastic on it. >> he really want it is. he is much better behaved this year that last year. >> getting older. getting older. >> 2es 1 now right? >> tucker carlson. >> on special report. >> jumping on the girls, he loves the ladies, that's for sure. >> only on fox and friends and the five can you get animals. on the show. >> yeah. >> look how well behaved, his little bowtie.
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tucker carlson. >> he wants his cake. >> thanks. >> peter for jasper. >> can you just -- bret baier is thinking, pick it up people. >> set your dvrs, ever missed an episode of "the five," for us and bret bare is on deck. i apologize. >> o'reilly. this is a fox news alert. i'm bret bare in washington. we have new video tonight of the encounter between a white police officer and an unarmed african-american man in the moments leading up to a fatal shooting captured on camera. plus how national politicians are now weighing in on this developing story. senior national correspondent john roberts is in north charleston, south carolina, again tonight. hi john. >> reporter: congressman steven lynch openly -- [ inaudible ]. >> released by the south carolina law enforcement division. what this shows is the very first moments of the encounter between officer michael slager and


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