tv Red Eye FOX News April 11, 2015 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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i. find out more at voting ends in just a few hours. let's get moving. let's make it. she is influential. look what she did. she got her marine home. good night from washington. welcome to "red eye." hello, everyone. let's welcome our guests. i'm here tonight with joanne and he's a tall drink of water, containing mercury. it's actor and writer curt metzger. he also hosts "the race wars" podcast. >> thank you for mentioning the black part of the show. >> it's not an agenda. it's just the way i do it. and he's more right than my wife
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during any argument. next to me is ben dominic, publisher of "the federalist." >> a-block. that's the first story. >> get ready to swoon on sunday at noon. hillary clinton is expected to launch her 2016 presidential campaign ending the suspension of whether there would be -- to selection. the former secretary of state joins the other candidates who announced their intention. ted cruz, rand paul and clint howard. he's the dark horse in this race. clinton's strategy this time around is go slow, go small. sunday at moon, she'll make the announcement with some tweets, then head to iowa and new hampshire to meet in small groups with voters. but her campaign still has bravado. they released this video showing what she plans to do to the other candidates in 2016.
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♪ >> i just want to make something clear there, they're using a big fat ball to portray hillary clinton. by no means are we trying to say she's remotely transparent. >> i think that video was a good idea for them, because it counters the whole she's old argument. she's crushing people a lot younger than her. >> and she's fun. >> i like how in her campaign they say things like she has to exude some warmth. it sounds like they're pitching her to women and people that
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aren't going to be interested in issue issues. which brings me to my first question, women have the right to vote, but should they vote? >> i think they should vote if they feel strongly about a presidential candidate. >> so 12% of women should vote? >> yeah, no listen, i don't think they should vote for hillary just because she's a woman. we've been hearing a lot of that, we need a woman in the white house. how about having a competent, transparent person in the white house. like that ball. it might do a really good job. i don't want to ball shame by any means. >> good news for you, curt. >> she's not having any other competition on the left, which is why she can do these small talks. she can just sit on her couch and have donor money come in.
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>> so what you're saying is democrats only have one ball this >> did i say that? >> yes, you did. wakeup call. women have terrible short term memory. curt, if we only allowed land owners to vote i'm not saying that's good or bad, but just for bad the late night show people are drunk, would the country be better off? >> if you think people turning into comies would make us better off, then yes. the backlash of that, they did that in england with the cornwalls. >> they would do what they always do when they have that power, benefit themselves at the expense of everybody else. >> we're already in that now. we had a president elected because he's cool. >> you think he's cool? he's just cool compared to mitt romney. that's not the same as being
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cool. i think mitt romney calling everybody free loaders probably did him in. >> the worse thing he did was not fight it and say yeah, that's true. >> people who think they should be able to get health care didn't appreciate that. people don't vote because they love a guy they vote because they hate the other guy. >> obama got all the cool votes. >> mitt romney didn't get those? >> that's what i'm saying, presidents should be a nerd. i don't want an accountant that rolls up on a motor bike with a leather jacket. i want a nerd. >> i mean, reagan was the cool
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actor rock 'n' roll guy. but that's then. tonight is now. out of all of hillary's accomplishments, what is your favorite one? >> i think it's living really the american dream for a powerful woman which is to marry a powerful man and ride all of his success to the heights of power. >> i can be president, too. >> he will be cheating on you quite a bit. >> the thing that i think is going on here, she's trying to balance her fear of interacting with regular people with the demands of doing so to become president. she's being living the 1% life for so long and you're surrounded by people who just look up to you and are always kissing up to you and things like that. now she's going to have to touch people who have been in iowa. this is just a very frightening thought. she would really like to be able
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to run this campaign being on the spruce goose and not having to interact with the american people. >> i see her as this aristocratic nut bar. >> so a hillary staffer said we just wanted to get this thing over with and get on with it. that was a quote she gave about this campaign. >> it's like a fast food place has a new organic healthy option. it's just inevitable. >> she's not going to win, don't worry. in her new book, she updated the epilogue and included a very amazing anecdote about a present she got. it was a memory quilt and she got it because she had a grand daughter. the first thing she did was make it about hillary and talk about
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it made me think -- you just had a granddaughter come out of your child. a human came out of the human you made, and the first thing is, i wonder what my memory quilt will be? how is she making her grand daughter's birth about her and her memory quilt? >> you want a checker board of four inch squares. find an interesting part of your baby's cast-off clothing, use that as a patch, embroidery maybe a section with ribbons vintage fabrics, hand towels, sheets, pillow cases. and gavin, i can't stress this enough, avoid knits, stretchy material and thick textiles that will wear differently from other people. >> i think hillary's granddaughter's first words are going to be, can you believe
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this [ bleep ]! >> the actual quote i wonder for a moment what a quilt of my own life would be. there was so many more panels waited to be filled in. i folded up the quilt and got back to work. >> her actual memory quilt would have sponsorship from goldman sachs. >> she doesn't fold her own laundry, come on! >> anything with a quilt you know a memory quilt, aids quilt -- >> stop talking about aids. >> should the bomber be a goner? now that dzhokhar tsarnaev -- that's the probably with immigration these names. can't they all just become mike smith they get here? dzhokhar tsarnaev has been found guilty of the boston marathon bombing. the question becomes, how do we punish him? dzhokhar is eligible for the
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death penalty, but the massachusetts senator elizabeth warren says -- [ speaking foreign language ] which translates to she for one doesn't want to see the poor guy fired. >> my heart goes out to the families here, but i don't support the death penalty. i think he should spend his life in jail, no possibility of parole. he should die in prison. >> the native americans and the way they see the world is infuriating sometimes! and a professor at northeastern university goes a step further saying that executing the little [ bleep ] would be a rallying cry for terrorists around the world. edyth flynn says if we have a sentence of death with all the appeals following, we are playing into the hands of the terrorists. i think dzhokhar, given his youth and that "rolling stone"
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photograph, he's quite a handsome lad, is going to draw quite a bit of sympathy, particularly from people who might be on the edge. it's true we see way too much of dzhokhar and not enough of the victims. three people killed and 260 injured. i like just coming back to these faces because i want to influence your answers by having these on the screen. i'm serious. these guys will never be on the cover of "rolling stone" and it's crucial part of the debate. a child was killed at that thing. based on some radicalization that happened in this country. curt, you grew up jehovah's witness. should we commit murder on this man? is this murder? how does your religious feel? >> jehovah's witnesses don't get involved in any political thing. that's for the government to deal with.
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that was their position. as far as executing someone for murder, they're bible people, i'm sure they -- >> you don't know? >> i felt like -- i'm against the death penalty, not for any hippie reason, just because if they get the wrong guy, you can't fix it. that's my whole reason. >> they got the wrong guy when they blew up that child? >> he obviously did it and if he did get the death penalty, it's not a big loss. as far as him being killed i don't know if making a martyr out of him is good. you can put him in guantanamo maybe. >> where they get fat from overeating humus and workout machines? that place is paradise. it's better than most of the third world. >> i ain't going to argue with that.
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>> you're anglican, does it go against your religion to kill this guy sh >> there was a king who wanted to divorce his wife opposed to killing her every time she didn't produce a male heir. so the thing that -- the thing that i think is interesting about this debate is it always brings up all sorts of serious, moral objections and that sort of thing. you know, the church of england is generally opposed to it. but i'm very much in favor of the death penalty. i think we should have it for proof of repetitive child molestation. >> oh, pedophiles should be killed. >> the thing that i think --
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thought. >> were you like me when you read the names of these two bombers, you were like oh my god, dinosaurs did this to us? tambourine triceratops. >> if we do have the death penalty, can't elizabeth warren come up with some fancy native american way of killing him? [ speaking foren language ] >> we're hearing from sort of ben but sort of a taking the high road stuff. ben was against it, but it is an
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part of western culture. do you support this? >> i don't want to see an innocent person get executed. >> it's sort of like this hate crime. oh you're in a hate and you said a homophobic slur. why do we have to be noble? >> it's not a question of being noble. you can't unkill somebody. if they're rotting in jail and they're innocent, you can let them go and say, sorry. >> these are hypotheticals. >> they really happen. how many people have we let out of jail because they were innocent? >> like seven. >> do you think government is incompetent? how would you put them in charge of that if you do? >> that's fair but i think capital punishment is reserved for some crystal clear cases.
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>> but it's not. i'm not taking the high road on this, i just don't want the government doing it. >> that's crazy talk. >> thank you. >> charles bronson is cool, but an entire judicial system is not. >> remember when the taliban got urinated on after they blew themselves up? those guys went through a lot. did they deserve the global backlash they got for those pee-pees. >> i took social ethics in school and i thought it would prepare me for this moment. killing the enemy is justifiable. i don't think that any other action can be considered morally wrong, no? wouldn't that be the ultimate? >> i agree with you. i think capital punishment is
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self-defense. >> but also why do we have to be the respectful country? because i'm sure these terrorists would do even worse to dead americans, no? we've seen worse. we've seen on videos. but that said, urinating on the enemy takes only a few ounces literally of energy, and i don't think they even deserve that. it's the same thing as putting dzhokhar on the cover of "rolling stone." why do we do that? we end up glorifying the situation. >> he deserves to be beheaded, and i would love to do it myself and i would love all of islam to see us do it. [ all talking at once ] >> we put the guy that kidnapped those americans in jail. he became part of the hostage negotiations for air india. we got him out and ended up engineering 9/11. he's not going to be in jail if he's dead.
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>> there's two points to this. what the professor is probably true killing dzhokhar could turn him into a martyr. i don't think that should be taken into account but that doesn't make what the professor is saying incorrect. >> political prisoners to them are more dangerous, as we saw on 9/11, than a dead body. kill them all, as metallica said. coming up, at what age are we happiest? hint it's between 18 and banana. [ male announcer ] meet jill. she thought she'd feel better after seeing her doctor. and she might have if not for kari, the identity thief who stole jill's social security number to open credit cards ruining jill's credit and her dream of retirement. every year, millions of people just like you experience how a little personal
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begins his trial for the crime of telling the truth. it's the subject of tonight's -- ♪ after 35 years of calling the polygraph an insidious orwellian machine big brother has had enough and is threatening him with prison. they've done this before two years ago. they claim people such as williams are helping criminals hide their crimes. but if this machine is so reliable why is it so easy to trick? you can't teach a course on tricking a radar gun cops use to catch you speeding but polygraphs have contributed to thousands going to prison and
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cost the jobs of thousands. it's not a tool to detect lies but terrorize people into submission. i have personally done this test several times and the machine is a joke. they try to intimidate you by wrapping chords around your chest and waist until you feel like you're in an electric change. every time i asked what the finger sensor tests, i got a different answer. when 6300 minutes did a story on it, they had three different examines fail their own test. so why are they prosecuting doug williams? because they can. this has been -- ♪
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>> ben it takes me a little while to wind down after those rants. i'm buddies with this guy. he could go to prison for saying that these machines are ohm meters. >> they don't work. so i might be the father? keisha, i'm sorry. >> you can tell on those talk shows, they're going, what the hell? >> ben, bertrand rustle once said one should respect public opinion as far as necessary to avoid starvation or keep out of prison. anything beyond this is voluntary submission to tyranny. would you publish something that was going to end you up in prison? >> so one of the descriptions of our site that's been used by our fans and ourselves is we're
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standing up shouting boys and girls are different. >> what about trans people? >> boys and girls are different. >> chelsea manning has in his twitter name -- >> her. >> it's the sort of indication that you think your chromosomes themselves have been achieving some kind of hate crime against you and you just need to change them by changing in your twitter name. that's the kind of direction we're going. >> do you swear on a stack of bibles right now if your lawyer told use publishing this article could get you in jail for eight months, you would say let's do snit >> come and take it. >> promise in >> promise. >> andy ever get in trouble -- >> you're going to go to jail.
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>> ever get in trouble with a cop? >> the closest i ever came was in college. a friend and i decided to walk home from the bar to campus down to middle of broadway. and we were about a couple blocks away but in the traffic. >> i like that idea. >> we were a couple blocks away when we heard over a loud speaker from a cop car, okay, rocket scientists, get out of the road. they were totally cool to us. >> that's the worst it got? >> that's the worst it ever got. i don't think doug williams warrants jail. there are some anti-polygraph people who say the problem is there is a good chance that he broke the law in what he did when he got caught in the sting saying he would help people who had told him we're going lie. >> but isn't it worth -- if something can come out of your mouth -- >> the people who ran the sting
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on him should be on trial. >> undercover feds. >> but the law is apparently maybe not on his side on this. >> there should be no laws in america that involve this making sound. ♪ that should be fined. >> curt, political correctness has almost completely destroyed your world standup comedy. >> it's getting there, yes. >> it's on thin ice. the strait now is throwing people in jail for -- are we less free than we were 15 years ago? >> it's like there's never an overall free. some things get ridiculously more free and some things get slammed down on. i can get weed a lot easier now. i can still get guns.
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>> maybe the tabus just change over time. >> are you talking about tabus or laws? i think a lot of the lack of freedom is tabus more than even laws. there's like the patriot act and stuff, but people really self-police that more than even the government. >> the government, the supreme court is pretty good with the first amendment. it's these people who are terrorize your employers. is this guy hampering law enforcement and letting criminalscriminal s beat the system? >> i don't think so. he exposing a government tool that not only doesn't work but ruining people's lives if they're found guilty of something they're not guilty of. but the government has trusted this device so long they will take the facts that they're wasting money on it they won't look for a better way, because
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coming out and admitting it doesn't work will be more catastrophic in the end. >> you can fire brian williams for some lies, but you can't take down nbc. >> congress made it illegal for private companies to use lie detectors, but they made it exempt for federal employioeemployees. >> doug williams was part of that. >> if you can find a better way -- coming up when does nascar think we'll find alien life? if i told you, i would not be very good at teasing stories, would i?
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he was teasing or just teething? vice president joe biden was photographed borrowing a toddler's pass fire. jasper, the grandson of michael bloomberg. the encounter happened in d.c. honoring the former new york city mayor. the kid's mom posted the pic with the caption, what is a boy to do when the vice president steals your passefier. ♪
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♪ >> i've noticed that behavior before with naked mole rats. they can't see, so they have to touch their nose to you to know who you are. i think he's blind. andy i almost confused you will two. here's a theory. is this guy just a drunk? >> i don't think he's a drunk, he's kind of like high on biden. >> obama is high on obama. but he doesn't nose people. >> if you were joe biden, you would be like this all the time, too. >> an annoying lunatic?
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>> he's 72 years old, vice president for a couple more years. he's got nothing to lose. he's bullet proof. stick a damn passefier in your mouth if you want to, joe. >> he called barack obama in the first presidential campaign, barack america. >> this could all be an act like the classic "saturday night live" sketch where reagan seemed to be fumbling and when the cameras weren't on him, he was a master mind. that would be joe biden. >> this behavior is bizarre. so bizarre it regularly becomes a meme. remember when his chin was photographed on the crying flutist? there we go.
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is it sexist or funny or both? >> the internet picture a lot of people look at. >> i don't care. remember when bush -- >> why do you still have a yahoo account, do you check your e-mail? >> not a lot. >> is that a jehovah's witness thing? >> whoever i'm dating is younger than me and can set up my accounts. >> yahoo is for dads. like grand dads. >> i always like weird [ bleep ]. remember when bush rubbed angela merkel's shoulders? i didn't care. >> so we should not have done this segment? >> jono, biden once said hillary is just as qualified as he is to
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be vice president. then he added, the might have been a better pick. >> no, biden is perfect in the white house. we need this kind of soft news complete with the creepy memes. this is a man who can find the funnely without even trying. that is a real talent. we need that in the white house, because the news is depressing. >> that's a good point. we need a clown in the white house. >> a guy gets to close or a guy that can't spell potato. >> if obama -- anything happened to him, god forbid biden would be our president. what would the country be like, ben? >> i think it would be a scary country in lots of ways. whatever sort of whim takes the president at any moment's notice. this was a classic biden move in
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the sense that it looks ridiculous, but it's meant to send a message of dominance. you take the baby's passfire and you put it in your mouth. you may not understand it but the wolves do. i think this was a sort of sneakily aggressive and dominance showing. he knows how to treat the next generation of americans. >> i keep forgetting how alpha babies are and how hard it is to dominate them. next story, i'm canadian and i would say nassau. aeh. nasa is confident extra
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terrestrial life will be discovered by 2025. >> i think we're going to have strong indications of life beyond earth within a decade and have definitive evidence within 20 to 30 years. we know where to look. we know how to look. in most cases we have the technology. and we're on a path to implementing it. so i think we're definitely on the road. what is more exciting is we can bring you along with us. >> was she definitely the most qualified person for that job? >> she's way too together. >> remember the first nasa guy, he wouldn't fix his hair? >> that is a genius. geniuses have to be weird.
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>> andy, all right, this freaks me out. my dad is a total skeptic. he's a mathematician and physicist. he believes in alien life forms, because he goes mathematically it has to be because the universe is infinitely large so there has to be an infinite amount of things. i know it makes sense as an argument but i don't understand how there can be this planet earth but then andy andy, andy. is that going on somewhere 8 trillion miles away? >> yeah, and it's killing in the ratings. it's the greatest show they've ever seen. >> that means there another another planet with 7 billion andies and one rita hayworth.
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>> yeah. >> ben, so there's an infinite number of possibilities. so does that mean there's a 1927 earth? there could be dinosaur earth. >> there's another earth where you took over in mongolia at some point. there's another earth where cats run the world. one of my favorite cartoon shows had the ability to look at tv channels from all the different realities. but the thing i like most about this comment, i'm just looking forward to the day when the aliens, just like what you saw in the woody allen movie. >> you know what they're going
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to do? they're going to kill us. what do we do to cows? they are so delicious so we kill them and eat them. they're going to annihilate us. we shouldn't be reaching out to them. >> steven hawkins agrees with you. >> so this theory is flawless. yet i know there isn't an andy planet. isn't this impossibility of mathematics a little peak at the magic of god? >> i don't know. this is like, please giving money to nasa. we almost got aliens. just make shower the funding keeps going. >> sounds like we shouldn't be
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pending out those pings. >> time to take a break. coming up, i made a video about graffiti in my neighborhood. "ride away" (by roy orbison begins to play) ♪ i ride the highway... ♪ ♪ i'm going my way... ♪ ♪i leave a story untold... ♪ he just keeps sending more pictures... if you're a free-range chicken you roam free. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance you switch to geico. it's what you do. ♪ two wheels a turnin'... ♪
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lawmakers are considering a bill to make three offenses a felony, carrying a sentence up to five years. i made a documentary recently about the delightful scribblings in my neighborhood, williamsburg, brooklyn. you want to make sure it lasts. you want to get up. and it's great to just spray paint your nickname across someone's building, across their window. this guy's nickname is bow. and don't sleep on ufo 907. these guys wrote their nickname on a truck. that's pete 194. are you a bunch of guys that came up with a bunch of nicknames for yourself? by the way, we had nicknames in high school. they were always insulting. >> you can't have neck face?
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>> no. that's a little bit insulting. but you're not allowed to come up with your own nickname. >> we called one guy sock because he was always wearing socks. >> tacky 187? ben, who the hell are these kids? >> they're irritants. they're milennials. describe ufo 908. >> i don't know. graffiti from my perspective doesn't tell a story about the person, other than they wasted their time doing -- >> it's a rich white middle class kid mimicking black and hispanic kids from 20 years ago. jono, anyone foal the need -- why does anyone feel the need to wroit their nicknames on other people's property? >> it's about significance. i would rather have them do this
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that be violent crimes. i would imagine it costs less to paint over graffiti than to incarcerate them. so i'm against this bill. >> i want them to go to jail, bull it is illogical. >> i support the arts and artistic expression. >> the one guy who did a good job. >> so you're saying it's a jobs program? >> that's what jono is saying. >> it's free art. >> they're trying to get fame. coming up, are head transplants possible?
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>> e-block. last story. that's the last story. okay, a 30-year-old russian man has volunteered to become the first human to undergo head transplant surgery. he's a rare spinal disease that's left him unable to walk and could eventually kill him. so he's agreed to be the first patient, even though other new row surgeons claims that he can attach a head to another body are insane. he says he's afraid but he doesn't have any other choices and that it's not just very scary, but also very interesting. there's been only one successful head transplant ever. i believe we have tape. [ phone ringing ]
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as you can see, even when they do it dogs don't understand english. total waste. you can tell he wasn't typing anything valid. >> i loved this story before i read it. i thought, what a creative way to kill yourself. but then i see this man in a wheelchair dying of a horrible disease and the rumor is gone. >> he needs a name transplant, because his name is valerie. >> curt, he's obviously not going to make it. isn't this just the fanciest suicide to ever come up with? >> yeah probably. i thought like i could have a better head. so yeah, you know we've got to start somewhere. >> if this becomes possible,
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aren't rich people just going to trash their cars just get a big diabetic fat body, turf it, get a new one. >> somebody lost their head over this. >> literally. >> we've got to stop calling it a head transplant. it's a body transplant. he's not getting a new head here, it's a new body. >> i don't understand where it's so hard. that's three things you have to attach. jono, if you got a new body what would be different about your new one? >> i've said it before, i'll say it again. i would like the pod of a man. >> so everything would be different. >> i have no upper body strength and i would like to know what that's like for once. >> jono hulk hogan. >> ben if you woke up from an accident, you had a woman's body, what is the first thing
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>> the o'reilly factor is on. tonight. >> secretary can we expect you back brooklyn your headquarters possibly? >> all in good time. >> hillary clinton picks sunday to announce her run for the white house. can she overcome the mountains of controversy already surrounding her? we will debate that. >> only an insane person would compare the united states of america with a country that is governed by the ayatollahs. >> president obama's nuke deal with iran getting slammed by all sides. lt. colonel ralph peters will analyze. >> i'm in my closet. i hope -- are we close? >> prosecutors releasing a chilling 911 tape of a terrified sandra bullock hiding from
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