tv The Five FOX News April 11, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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it's texas. >> that taco is now $266. >> you have to ride a horse in texas. it's texas. >> got to go. we are back with more news in an hourment thanks for joining us. >> a deadly shark attack off the coast of maui. >> the sharks are copping. >> are your kids vaccinated? >> there are 70 cases of measles tied to an outbreak at disneyland. >> what do we do about ebola. >> this is a medical crisis and a national security crisis. >> it sounds so scary. what should we do? >> some things need the involvement of big brother. >> life or death? that's the show tonight. >> and now, john stossel. >> i don't want to die. but i'm not sure what to worry about. when i watch the news i see so
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much toer worry are about. is isis here and ready to strike? >> a deadly shark attack off the coast of maui has people afraid to go in the water. >> ebola here in america . >> from planes to cruise ships to buses and stores. >> people are throwing out plastic bottles because they are worried about bpa. >> i don't want to do. first i should stop getting freaked out by the media and make rational judgments about risk. what's likely to kill sne isis? no. scary and horrible as they are. a thousand other things are more likely to hurt or kill you. one of the big risks is shg we do all the time and don't think about it -- driving. what if you had never seen cars before and i told you i want to replace horses and buggies with a new form of transport that would pollute less -- well more air pollution, but less solid waste. that would be a big improvement. the trouble with the new form of
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transport is it weighs two tons and goes 60 miles per hour. we are going to let 16-year-olds drive. you would say, you're are crazy. it's too dangerous. and you would have a point. cars kill hr than 30,000 americans every year. that means during this tv program, odds are five americans will die in cars. but we don't think twice about jumping in the car and driving somewhere. even at night or in the rain which is more dangerous. i sometimes ride my bike to work through new york city traffic. this is really dangerous. the greenies say i'm doing something wonderful by doing this which probably isn't true. i do it though bike riding kills hundreds of people every year. most people are killed by ordinary things. almost 5,000 americans die crossing the street. my grandfatherer died that way. 4,000 people drown. 300 drown in bathtubs. more than 4,000 americans choke
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to death every year. 2,000 die in house fires. stairs kill 1,000 americans. every year 50 children are killed by buckets. ordinary 5 gallon buckets. kids fall into them and drown. all the risks get less intense news coverage than mysterious new threats like ebola. >> it's here and can kill you. the odds are against you if you get ebola. >> you can bleed from your eyes, mouth reck up the nose. >> why not shut down the flights and secure the borders? >> why not? et's a scary disease. kills people in a horrible way. had there been an epidemic here it would have been a terrible thing. but only two people caught ebola in america. neither died. even in west africa where there was an epidemic, more peopler were killed by other diseases like the flu. when the scare was at its peak i tried to provoke women on the
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fox show outnumbered by saying this. this is an over hyped risk being pumped by news media like us and especially you women who are more scared of ebola than -- >> really? >> i'm being sexist. >> why is it better to be safe, not sorry? i don't think we are prepared. i would like extra screenings. >> at every airport? every border post? what would that cost? again, without putting up walls, no american caught ebola here and died from it. by contrast a hundred americans were killed by deer this year. aren't they cute? deer kill lots of people because we drive into them in our cars. nobody proposes killing the deer. we worry about ebola. sharks. tiny amounts of chemicals in food. but nobody gets in the car and says, gee, what if i hit a deer today? >> deer collisions can be a real krp. >> it happens more than a million times a year. so why do we worry about the
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wrong things? this book, how risky is it tries to explain why our fears don't match the facts. >> the author and former director of harvard center for risk analysis david r are opeik. why do we get it wrong? >> it's not the likelihood but how we die. what's scarier dying in your sleep of heart disease or in flames, you would say flames though it's less likely. it's the nature of the experience and the likelihood. >> even the likelihood we get wrong. >> yes we do. >> why? >> partly we are innumerate. which risk is bigger one in ten one in a hundred or one in a million. >> one in ten. >> yeah. 20% of college graduates couldn't get it. mostly it's because risk has psych lodgele call emotional characteristics and the nature of the experience.
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do we control it, is it natural or man made. >> frommer years of evolution that trained us. >> we learned instincts when things were simple. bpa and things arer more complicated but we use the emotional side more to gauge what feel s scary. >> we need to be fearful from days when our ancestors may have been eaten by the tigerer you have to fear the tiger. >> and mostly it works. here we are talking tonight. >> so far. >> it is prone to error. the important part of the program is thor errors can be dangerous by themselves. it's a risk, what i call the risk perception gap, wor ary too much or too little. it's dangerous.s. >> we worry about the wrong things. we don't pay attention to the right ones. >> we do dangerous things because we don't take them seriously. >> you write don't get your information from dr. googlele. >> but go to sources that you can trust. some are on google. some are on google and you can't
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trust them. be skeptical of everybody trying to sell you information. >> if you put in the word ohs can you die the first ones that come in are a broken heart weed, a hangover, the flu, but these aren't the biggest killers. >> whoever did the search will get awful spam now. >> i was sexist to say that to the women. i just noticed our show graphic with a woman screaming. i didn't do it. my perception is that women are more alert to threats. >> amongst academics who study are we more afraid or not, there is something called the white male effect. i emphasize white. they asked a bunch of people of variety of demographics to rank ten risks. they ranked them the same. smoking highest and classical music at the bottom. they said how scary is each one? white men between 18 and 59 were
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about 10% less afraid than white women or people of oh color of either gender. the supposition is those people feel they have less control over the world. the risk comes along that you can't control that's a psych long call characteristic. there is evidence to your sexism. >> good. >> you're off the hook a little. >> as long as there is something behind it. lots of things people are scared of are push bid the anti-chemical left. >> there is no research tonight about a chemical called bpa. >> it can pop up in your kid's teeth. is there nothing you have to worry about? >> nothing if you watch tv not to worry about. bpa is the scare du jour. chemical and plastics the companies cringed, took it out. is there real evidence that it hurts people? >> there is evidence this wild life that bpa might be bad in trace amounts we are exposed to the fetus that's developing in terms of what happens to them when they are born and grow.
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that's being thvt gated by the government. broadly, the bpa case is a case that environmental folks and i'm one, have brought against a lot of chemicals over the years. they represent modern world fouling the natural world. if it's not fluoride, satellites and bpa, it will be something else. there is that as wellment. >> the things people worry about like ebola or the trace amounts of chemicals are much less dangerous than ordinary things. bee stings killed 50 americans one year. horse kicks, a hundred americans. food poisoning, 3,000. you should worry about the chicken. >> right. it makes millions sick. >> 55 die because they are scalded by hot water with. protect the babies. three americans drown in toilets. it is a big country. weird things happen to people. the big killer ifs you look up the mortality stats are heart disease, number one.
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just short of 600,000. cancer number two, about 70,000 less. diseases. when you get to five it's accidents all of those things. the babies and the buckets. that's the biggest cause of death for people under 39. the biggest killers catch up to us when we live long enough because of medicine and our wonderful healthy lives for these diseases to catch up with cancer. three quarters of the cases are in people over 55 years old. >> it does mean what they say about being obese or drinking too much or spoking too much, you ought to worry. >> that's a really important point. if you're obese you are you are in a different risk category than if you aren't. if you are older you are in a different category than if you are younger. risk is are relative to the subgroup. i don't go on a lot of farms. >> i am annoyed at the way the
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media coverage is. >> look at the chart on this. i spent a lot of time finding out how many people are killed by this or that. bee stings kill 50 a millionmerican as year. something that kills kids is more tragic than something that kills someone my age. how many die dais does each take off an average life? if you look at what the media covers, plane crashes, ebola, kid that happenings. school shootings. this news scares people. chemicals in food. all together maybe one day off the average life. we also cover terrorism as we should. even if september 11 happened err three years and it's been more than ten, less than two days off the average life despite 3,000 deaths. compare it to murder. 55 days off an arch life.
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add on just driving. 88 days. the person who drives farther to get to the organ food store is nutsment finally smoking. 1800 five years off the average life. a smoker worried about getting brain cancer from the cell phone is nuts. people worry that way. >> and the media responds to what we are likely -- we out there in nonmedia land are going to pay attention to. that's what scares us. if a risk comes along that's ebola, kills you in a bad way. it's new, as you pointed out. we don't understand it. that leaves us not knowing what we need to controlit. that's powerlessness. scarier to us out here fodder for what's going to get people to watch. mea cull pa. i was a journalist in boston for 25 years. i did thisment i did this too.
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i will talk about it later in the show. i apologized. thank you david ropeik. to oh continue the discussion follow me on twit. use the hashtag life or death or like my facebook page so you can post on my wall. we want to know what you think. coming up our game show. can you guess which is more likely to kill you -- smoking a pack of signatures scigarettes a day or drinking seven glasses of alcohol per day?
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♪ stossel: if you're confused about what'sos if you are confused about what's most likely to dill you, take heart. fortunately two british researchers looked at risks and compared them. they published results in "the norm chronicles" not because they are both named norm but the book says here is what's normal. lots of the findings are surprising. let's test it by playing our thu uh game show, life or death. can fox tv host harris faulkner david asman and judge jean anne piero figure out what's riskier than what?
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i urge you to play along at home. first smoking a pack of cigarettes a day or drinking seven glasses of alcohol a day. aer or b. >> wow. >> so is this the first one? >> a is smoking, b is drinking. >> i think a. >> you're correct. smoking takes off seven years. >> i got it. >> drinking three years. >> you can improve more readily from smoking when you give up but your liver is damaged more severely. >> i didn't know that. >> uh-uh huh. >> next. what's riskier, we are keeping score. walking through an airport scanner or eating a handful of brazil nuts. the radiation question. >> i will say brazil nuts. >> walking through the scanner. my wife would say scanner. >> we think alike. >> you got it harris. more radiation in brazil nuts than in airport scanners. >> they would rather clean it that way than use a preservative. >> it's the way they grow. they suck radiation out of the ground, the roots of the trees.
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>> different ways of getting to the same answer. >> next what's riskier, being obese be or living in the year 1910. a hundred years ago. >> 1910. >> you are correct. >> good. >> people lived 13 years less. an obese person five years. >> but they were happier back then. >> they were drinking. >> evidence for that. >> and eating brazil nuts and not smoking. >> they were eating a lot of brazil nuts. >> what's riskier being a manner or b watching two hours of tv a day. >> tv. >> being a man. >> i like being a man. >> the correct answer, a, being a man takes three and a half years off your life. watching tv, eight months off your life. >> i few it was risky. >> i got it right. >> you're going to outlive us. what's riskier, riding a motorcycle for four miles or skiing for a day.
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>> i would say b. >> motorcycle. >> the motorcycle is twice as dangerous. >> i think i have them right. >> the winner i will give you one of my emmys. >> one of oh your -- >> i took michigan name off. >> harris has one and i have one. >> what's riskier, being a commercial fisherman for a year or using hurricanee heroin for a week? a commercial fisherman for a year or heroin for a week. >> fisherman. >> twice as dangerous being a commercial fisherman. >> anything you do for a year. >> well, not anything. but commercial fishing. >> librarians are safe, harris. >> here's the thing. you can over dose one time. you don't have to even do it a week. >> commercial fishing is more dangerous. what's riskier, driving from new york to los angeles, going sky
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diving? >> b. >> driving from new york to los angeles. >> or sky diving. >> i got it backer wards. i wanted to say -- >> a is driving. b is sky diving is. >> driving isser more dangerous. >> you girls are great. >> i'm squeezed between you two. >> last two. what's riskier running a marathon or smoking marijuanaer for for a year. >> b. i think there are things you haven't heard about. >> running a marathon is 16% more dangerous. >> it's how you describe the danger. >> the norm people proved this. >> okay. what's riskier -- giving birth or serving in afghanistan for six months? >> it sounds like a trick question. i'll guess a.
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giving birth. >> the judge gets it right. serving in afghanistan is 20 types more dangerous. >> wow. >> who won? >> i'm told in my ear you won. >> jeanine! >> wait a minute. you're stuck here. >> i will give you an emmy. >> my mother and my father. >> play the music! ♪ >> thank you all. coming up next how reresearching the subject changed my life. also the safety obsess ed versus the motorcyclists. >> is that you? [laughter]
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19 states do. we libertarians say that's wrong. it's my head. once with i'm an adult i ought to take my own chances. even if i'm a fool. as milton freedman said, part of freedom is the freedom to be a fool. orthopedic surgeon dr. alton baron who repairs bones said yes, helmets should be mandatory. why? it's my head. leave me alone. >> that's a valid argument. in full disclosure i'm a texan. my family settled in the 1800s there. i believe in civil liberties. i owned a motorcycle until i was 2 #. at 23 i lost a close friend riding a harley home on a christmas break. he hit a pothole, flew off and head a head injury and died. >> i'm sorry that happened to him. >> sure. >> i should be able to risk my life in i want. >> what about the cost to society as a whole? we have a limited health care dollar budget.
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44% of all the costs of these head trauma patients which are more costly to our health care budgets are borne by society because weirdly or naturally the insurance companies don't like to cover motorcycle injuries because of the added health care burden. >> this is the argument i hear all the time. other people are paying for this. so this gives the state a reason to intervene. by that logic the state has the right to intervene everywhere. why not ban cigarettes is this cheeseburgers is this junk food? swimming pools. let's ban swimming pools. there is a social cost to that. >> that's true. the way i think of it is well, we have traffic laws don't we? i don't think it would be mayhem and chaos if we didn't have traffic laws. seat belts. >> traffic laws is often about a car hitting somebody else. we probably have too many traffic laws, a number of cities
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are pulling out street lights and finding they get fewer accidentses with just stop signs. >> well, true. if you think about a motorcycle, they are small, quick low. they can't often see them. they are taking a risk. >> same with seat belts. my choice, my body. if you're bringing a passenger on your motorcycle, i guess they have a choice. >> they have a choice. >> on or off. >> they have a choice, too. >> yeah. >> these laws exist and the government required it in 19 # 6. mandated for the whole country. riders pushed back and they passed a law that gave the states more leeway. within three years 27 repealed their he will met laws. shouldn't states experiment like that? >> clearly they have. the data has shown that a hugely greater increase in head injuries occurred when you are not wearing a helmet. i treated so many devastated
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families. a single head injury patient whether they survive or die the had exacted a great toll on families. i would bet money that a family is going to say i wish there had been a law. so my loved one was there and my family was intact. >> what about laws requiring people to wear helmets riding a bicycle? >> right. >> i ride my bike. sometimes i wear a helmet. sometimes i don't. >> i think it's different. certainly states have strict helmet laws. >> you support that? kids should be forced? >> i think kids should. kids aren't rational hooup human beings. they don't make decisions -- >> 21 states require teenagers, kids. >> i ride the city bike across town on wednesdays to go to my surgery center. it is a near death experience. i'm a thrill seeker, but i wear a helmet, period by choice. >> you can choose to. >> if the eddated it, i would say that's a bad idea.
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>> maybe you wouldn't ride. it's a pain to wear a helmet. >> it's not. >> parts of australia, canada, new zealand made bike he will mets a requirement. head injuries dropped be uh the number of cyclists dropped at the same rate. >> really? i haven't seen that data. people stopped riding because they had to wear a helmet? >> some people didment adult cyclists went down by 29%. child cyclists 42%. >> i find that hard to believe. >> i like to shock you. >> another concept would be well, if you are required to wear a helmet, choose not to. in texas you are stopped and you have to pay a fine. pay a fine. >> i don't want to be fined by my government. i want to protect my own head. last similar question. the bans on texting while driving. it should be banned? there should be a law snm there should be a law, yes. uh i'm an orthopedic surgeon. my job is to take care of oh people. >> the institute for highway safety. insurance institute. >> mm-hmm.
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>> the laws aren't reducing crashes. even though the law has reduced hand held phone use. maybe it's because it's illegal. you can't do this. i will do it down here. there is though evidence that the laws is have saved lives. >> i haven't seen enough data. i'm data driven. the american academy of surgeons. >> you doctors always saban this, ban that. >> not always. we are thrill seekers. orthopedic surgeons are downhill skiers, cyclists is. >> you want to force me wear a helmet? >> i do. it's in your best interest. >> thank you, representative of the nanny state. next vaccines but the nannies have a stronger case. others may die if you don't vaccinate your case. does that mean parents should forcibly vaccinate kids? take them from their parent sths
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what does it mean when people say vaccinations should be mandatory? >> some things require involvement of big brother. . i told myself for so long that i needed to quit smoking. i would quit then i'd go right back to it. chantix absolutely helped me quit smoking. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix helped reduce my urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some people had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix or history of seizures. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these stop chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems or develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. i'm not worried about
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♪ >> there are now 70 there are now 70 cases of oh measles tied to an outbreak at disneyland in california. >> that was in january are. now there are more than a hundred cases nationwide. >> i think parents who don't vaccinate their kids are anti-scientific morons. vaccines save lives. they are unlikely to hurt a child. even if former playboy center folds claim they cause autism and say there are too many vaccines. >> too pmany? >> too many too soon. >> that's jenny mccarthy. she now says children should be vaccinated. the the damage was with done thanks to her and crack pot
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doctordock department of corrections tors. now 1% of kids don't get vac seeps. should parents be forced to vaccinate? senator rand paul was asked. >> did you say to laura ingram are uh you think most vaccines should be quote, voluntary? >> i guess being for freedom would be unusual. i don't understand the point why that would be controversial. i think parents should have im iminput. the state doesn't own your children. >> okay. >> good point. i don't want want the state to own my chirp, but contagious diseases are a special case. one ignorant parent may harm other people's kids. that's why dr. manny alvarez wants vaccines mandated by the government. what does it mean? >> basically if we get to the point where we have communities with vaccination rates less than, say, 80% you're going to have to vaccinate, mandate that if you want to send your kids to school you have vaccines that must be give en, otherwise the
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kid can't go to school. >> you don't mean hold the kid or parents down and forcibly do it. just keep them out of school. government schools. >> right. how do you do it? are we going to have hundreds of kids now being home schooled? i know they are, but is that where we are going? the science is factual. vaccines were generated in a world of science because we wanted to prevent death. if you look at the death rates in the 1960s and '70s for measles you had 2 million people dying of measles around the planet. the world is becoming so confused with nonmedical nonscientist people having voices in the internet people that are prettier than me like that actress that can go on tv and be real intelligent-looking while looking good at the same time and people listen to that garbage then yes, people are going to get confused. >> all right. they are confused.
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you just want to say school. no other mandate. >> look, i think there are certain vaccines like the polio vaccine. how could you not vaccinate -- >> do you want to force them? >> yesment it will come to that point. you get a fine. >> a fine. so you don't mean forcibly take the kids. >> you can't do that. it's ridiculous. it's like everything else. do you want me to give my kid a cigarette at 5? are you okay with that? >> no. >> a lot of people would jump up and down if they saw me give my 3-year-old daughter a cigarette. why? because it's bad for you. you will get cancer kill the kid. the same thing happens with vaccinations. >> so pay a fine. >> right. >> because this is a crisis. it's too dangerous. >> p absolutely. you are talking about the lives of peep. >> before with me you called it a crisis. how many have died of measles in america? >> you have no one. >> listen to me. you have a small pocket. here's the problem. >> 69 people died after getting
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the measles sot. >> here's the problem you have with your argument. i will tell you are where you are wrong. you think meezles is a baby disease. you know, for little kids. >> yes, that's true. if i'm an organ transplant recipient and i'm 65 years old and i have to take a bunch of medication to make sure my liver is kept because i'm taking anti-rejection medicine which makes my immune system weaken i cannot afford to be around a kid with measles. i would be very sick. it's not just about the children. we live in a time when adult medicine has become hard and fast. we have people survivinging cancer with chemotherapy. we have things we are doing for the adult population. that needs to be part of the community. therefore, that's why everybody needs to be safe. >> no question this can hurt kids or adults. >> absolutely. >> if your kid is vaccinated or oh you are you are vaccinated, you're protected.
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doesn't matter if others aren't vaccinated. >> the more people vaccinated is protected. you are need vaccination rates above 90%. >> so far haven't we over hyped this? no one died. some people died from are the vaccines from side effects. a hundred die from being kicked by horses. >> right. >> no one's banning horses. >> you're right. let me tell you something. we don't have time in the pam to talk about the whole thing. do i think there are a lot of vaccines that may not be necessary? the answer is yes. i'm not a fool. listen, i have an autistic child. i know what the fear of toxicity and inflammation is about. there are basic vaccines, 14 or so. you know, those things are important and should be really forced on people. >> and you ought to take them even if not forced. thank you. next stuff we are told we must now worry about after we are dead. what?
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me this commercial. >> have you ever considered what will happen to uh your digital possessions when you die? >> no. when i die? i won't care about my digital possessions. i'll be dead. but eric averbalm who runs an internet consulting company said i should care. why? >> you should care just like you care about your bank account. there was a story about a woman who died, no friends had quit her job, no family. they didn't find her for five years. they did auto deducts out of oh her bank for five year ares to pay bills system for five year ares her internet bill paying kept going and nobody found her. >> right. >> until her bank account ran out. here is the interesting thing. if you have friends who passed away, you will see this on the facebooks of the world. they still li onve on facebook. do you want them to or not? there is no rules or laws. facebook came up with something in security settings under
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legacy. it lets you assign -- if you want -- your legacy. your facebook account can be shut down. >> why would you want to? >> it's your own pictures. say your kids want two decades of pictures that are not in the attic anymore. they are only on facebook. your kids want them. that's the place -- >> they can't get them because i'm dead. i can't give permission. >> well, you can if you go to the privacy settings now of facebook. otherwise your page is just up there. nobody can get into it. anybody can post on it. is that what you want your legacy to be? >> now facebook says you can have a legacy contact who may share a final message on your behalf, respond to new friend requests, update your profile picture. but you're dead. >> yeah. you're dead. that's right. nothing will bring you back. although you can live forever on facebook. grieving and bereavement is different for everybody.
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everybody grieves differently. some people actually, because of the phenomenon of facebook can keep somebody in their heart in their life longer. no disrespect to somebody who wants to do that. it's everybody's individual choice how they grieve. facebook is now making it possible for you to proactively make a choice before you are not here anymore. >> google has a free service called inactive account manager. it's nicknamed google death. >> right. for me when i'm dead, shut down my stuff. if there is somewhere i can check just shut it down because i'm gone. i'm cool with it. >> other people want something different. if there is money, paypal, you want a mechanism to stop it. they demand a copy of the death certificate, the will photo i.d. of the executor. >> yeah. all that is the digital world catching up to the brick and
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mortar world which is not, you know, of no consequence. you know if you have ever been through the process that death certificate unfortunately, it shuts down a lot of things. it nothing gets shut down. so now they're coming up with the same exact parallel in the digital world. >> thank you, eric. more ways the wonderful internet complicates our lives. next, how fighting my abc colleagues about life and death changed my life.
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with psoriatic arthritis, i had intense joint pain that got worse and worse. then my rheumatologist prescribed enbrel. i'm phil mickelson, pro golfer. enbrel helps relieve pain and stop joint damage. i've been on the course and on the road. enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. you should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have symptoms such as persistent fever bruising, bleeding, or paleness. enbrel helped relieve my joint pain. but the best part of every journey... dad!!! coming home. ask if enbrel, the number one biologic medicine prescribed by rheumatologists,
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can help you stop joint damage. the real question that needs to be asked is "what is it that we can do that is impactful?" what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that's what i'd like to do.
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>> there's a lot we could worry about. i have reported on lots of threats. >> tonight, do you have a coffee maker in your house? it could burst into flames and set your house on fire. john stossel with the facts you should know, brewing disaster. >> that was one of my many alarmist stories. hey, it does happen, a coffee pot can set a house on fire. to be safe you better unplug it when you're not making coffee. except to be safe according to the media and government experts, there's so much you could do. over my career i've reported on or been asked to report on flesh-eating bacteria, shark attacks, dploeblglobal warning texting while driving, eating while driving. mad cow disease, west nile virus mercury in fish, radon in
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homes and exploding bic pens. all were serious threats pushed by safety advocates and also because of the cancer epidemic i've been asked to report on breast implants, bottled water, tap water, coffee, red food coloring, ddt, power lines teflon pans, cell phones, x-rays, microwave ovens, lawn chemicals, peflt side residues, hair dye, leakage from landfills and asbestos from hair driers. and by the way, there was no cancer epidemic. cancer rates are flat or down. it just seems like there's more cancer today because there's more reporting on it and more people today will talk about cancer and we live long enough to get cancer. it's actually good news. still, none of those scares was completely specious. there was always some science behind it. often lawyers looking for money. but i eventually came to see that consumer reporters don't
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help people by hyping every media risk of the day. and the regulation that comes out of the hype hurts everybody. it makes everything cost more and often deprives us of good things. some clueless environmental zealots got meryl streep to suggest a pesticide on apples might call cancer. >> in a growing number of school districts they are banning apples and apple products. >> there are so many hazardous chemicals and pesticides in the environment now. >> and so scare after scare, so-called consumer activists worried about everything. >> can spoil in your own refrigerator. >> watch out for poultry. >> chicken contaminated with pesticides herbicides fung sides, sometimes contaminated with rat feces. >> do you eat hot dogs? >> no of course flying is dangerous. >> inadequate maintenance. >> and carpets are dangerous. we should all have bare floors. >> rugs are dirt collectors and
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dirt collectors means internal indoor air pollution. >> you make life sound terrifying. >> life is preparedness. >> sheesh. i don't want to be that prepared. i don't want to obsess about safety all the time. so after i did that interview i spent a few years compiling lists of what kills people and ranking the risks. that's how i got that chart i showed you earlier. i took it to my abc bosses and said let me do a show that puts danger in perspective. they agreed to give me an hour of primetime. but getting that hour produced wasn't easy. two producers said my suggesting that some regulation might go too far was just ridiculous that's not journalism. they sneered that's conservative propaganda. they even quit rather than work on my program. but abc to its credit did go through with the show. there's a lot to worry about. we've been told by politicianings
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and the media that there's danger everywhere and it's all getting worse. i wanted to title the show "we're scaring you to death." they made me change that to "are we scaring ourselves to death." they also said it's so controversial we'd have to add an extra half hour to let critics and lawyers and so-called safety experts ask questions. they gave up ted koppel's show for that. but finally i was able to show the bar graph i showed you. here's the controversial part. after showing how much driving and smoking shortened lives i added one more bar. >> look at the last item in the chart. poverty. being poor shortens lives much more than most things we worry about. by increasing regulation, we make it harder for people to climb out of poverty. >> when we try to completely eliminate these smaller risks, when we try to take all the asbestos out of the schools and all the lead out of aspen in the
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name of prolonging lives there's a good chance we're shortening lives by making more people poor. oh that annoyed the people on the left. how could abc let stossel say that. at least it was ridiculous and abstract. no one would watch. but then the ratings came in and they were good. lots of scientists wrote in and said finally a network is being sensible about risk. abc agreed to give me more primetime specials and that changed my life. it provided a little bit of intellectual diversity at abc. a little. that's all they would tolerate and that lack of tolerance is why i moved to this channel. but that's another story. this show's bottom line when it comes to life and death, we should worry about things like driving and driving drunk, eating too much, drinking too much, abusing drugs, living recklessly. but then chill out in america. thanks to free enterprise, life is pretty good. and every year we live longer.
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that's our show, see you next week for a new episode again in our new timeline, fridays on fbn. see you then. we start with the fox alert. we are right now awaiting a new conference from president obama. he is in panama city. he will step up to the podium, as you can see, momentarily. the president expected to speak there just minutes from now following his historic meeting earlier today with cuban president raul castro. that event marking the first time in generations that a united states president has met with the president of cuba. an both vow of a new era in relations between the two countries. hello, everyone, this is "america's news headquarters." president obama telling cuban leader raul castro the u.s. is ready to turn the page with
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