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tv   Sunday Housecall  FOX News  April 12, 2015 9:30am-10:01am PDT

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we're awaiting an
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announcement from hillary clinton that she is seeking the democratic nomination in a bid for the white house in 2016. we're told clinton will post her official bid to become the first female president of the united states through social media when it post, we will bring it to you live. stay tuned. meanwhile, we have brand new polls to tell you about looking at the potential match-ups as the race for the white house takes shape. they show hillary clinton neck and neck or just slightly leading a number of possible republican nominees. tying jeb bush at 45%. this as another poll reveals democrats and independents are pushing back against the idea of apunchallenged print to the nomination for the former secretary of state. what does all it mean? author of the kennedy half century joining us. always good to see you.
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why this run? what is the rationale? because she can? >> and before we get started, i want to stress i think we're having a delay in hillary clinton sending out that announcement because the campaign is deciding which server to use. the public one, private one, bill clinton's. so that may be the reason for the delay. but look, she's running because it's the family business. just like the bushes. this is what t they do. this is her last opportunity to run and she's determined to do it. but your point is well taken. people want to see the candidates on both sides put through their paces. the press sees a tough job and you want to know people are ready at whatever stage of life they're at to do the job. >> she came in third in iowa. let's take a look at one of the
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polls. it's actually pretty surprising for all her sense and the praise that we hear. look at that, rapd pand paul isd of her. even with mike huckabee. that it's pretty surprising. would you have expected her to be further along and what does this portend for next year if anything? >> what is significant, this is an open seat race for president. traditionally, usually they are close races. they are not runaways. they're a couple of exceptions, but most in modern american history have been close. so that early hillary lead with us never going to last as we move through the campaign. and second, obviously she took a hit with the e-mail controversy. the republicans are now getting on which the mark and starting to run. they're the at least moving to the starting gate and some were actually running around the track. so people are learning about the
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alternatives. this will be a roller coaster campaign. you'll see it go up and down and up and down and the speed in the car will increase over time. and people should be ready for a great show. because it will be a great show one way or the other. >> so certainly not predicting a cake walk. what does she have to do? hillary plans to be a warm spontaneous scrappy fight foreaverage americforeer for average americans. is that who she really is? >> well, i'm not sure who she really is. but it's difficult to change images when you have been at the top for long as hillary clinton has. and she's been at the top for as long as any political figure throughout the 20th century and including franklin roosevelt and
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richard nixon and loads of other ones. so you have a fixed image after all that time. it's tough to change. and if you try, you better try toward what you really are. i heard the word humble used about in the preface to the announcement. i don't associate humility with either clinton or for that matter with top politicians if either party. that's a tough one to sell. >> that was the 35-year-old new campaign manager who has a clinton world in some matters. and the mem though tho that tal being humble, what did it predict? >> very little of that will happen because the stakes are so high in politics. the real politics are the opposite of academic politics. stakes are high in real poll pick politics and low this cad
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hick politics 7. >> always good to have your insight. thank you.>> always good to hav insight. thank you. a rish shan jet accused of enter septembering an u.s. airplane. well tell you what happened. i love making sunday dinners. but when my back hurt, cooking all day... forget about it. tylenol was ok, but it was 6 pills a day. but aleve is just 2 pills all day.
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and now, i'm back! aleve. does all greek yogurt have to be thick? does it all have to be the same? not with new light and fluffy yoplait greek 100 whips! let's whip up the rules of greek!
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we're still waiting for hillary clinton's expected announcement that she is jumping into the race for the white house. former secretary of state expected to have a bit of a different strategy than 2008. her announcement coming in the form of a video and then expected to head off to iowa and new hampshire to campaign. carbon based american life form in this planet anytime in the last generation, you already
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know all about hillary. and the united states complaining to moscow after a russian fighter jet intercepted a u.s. plane in an unsafe and unproceu unprofessional miles an hour. the russian fighter jet used x fast aggressive maneuvers while in international air space over the balance tech sea. a retired navy captain joining us. good to see you. >> nice to be with you. >> so international air space and in according dankoopd dance fright. what is russia up to? >> it could have been a young pilot who was just trying to get a little too frisky or it could be an intentional way of intimidating the united states, putting pressure on us because we're up there surveilling the area around the balkans which --
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sorry, the baltic states which the russians have been making rare rattles moves against. as so we're up there using our intelligence aircraft to determine what the russians are doing on that very critical and important border. >> i want to take a second to play a comment from general wesley clark. listen. >> you can predict the next russian offensive and they're citing it as following orthodox easter and most probable before ve day on 9 may. >> today is orthodox easter. so what would you say the offensive might entail? >> well, if the russians were to
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go in the bto the baltics, that trigger a wall. the establishment of russia from the soviet dwrun union is that t balance tetic states have all j nato. >> but we're part of nato. so that would entank gem the u.s.? >> sleuth pabsolutely and germa france. they are obligated for come to the defense. so what putin is trying to do i think is not set up an invasion of the baltic states. i don't think he's that crazy. think he's trying to put
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pressure so the focus becomes the balance techs and not the ukraine. and the other thing that he's doing -- >> so he's -- >> plus he's demonstrating the overall weakness because in all nato capitals they are as to be saying are we going to war? we're treaty bound to do it. so i think they're all very concerned and putin is playing the cards. he's probably bluffing this hand. he was not bluffing the hand in the ukraine. >> and what did you make of the two russian navy ships located off the shores of the u.s.? >> this is international water. they can go wherever they wants a long as they stay in international waters. same thing -- same principle that our airplane was exercising in international air space over the baltics. so every they have the right to be there. we're collecting intelligence on
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the russians an they are a certainly collecting intelligence on us. >> so when will this russianing a agreegression, is it real, is a bluff, and if it is real, how do you stop it? >> the thing is you can never take it so lightly that you're unprepared for that sneak attack or that pearl harbor kind of a thing. would you by the same token being i think what he's doing by putting this pressure up, he's seeing what is nato willing to do. is the united states willing to roll armor back into europe? are we going to send more troops bag to europe? he is just doing to us what we did to the soviet union which is we kept raising the stakes. and their which i couldn't stand it. he's playing a very dangerous
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game in that as pictupect becau economy is on their needs. and we're last man standing. we're probably the least dirty wrinkled shirt in the laundry bag right now. >> captain nash, i have to leave it there. i like that analogy. >> and as we a wait hillary clinton's announcement for the presidency, her campaign expected to focus on the economics of the middle class. her husband ran on that in '92. so what will she do to help the economy and jobs? ♪ just because
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it would be 12:00 that hillary clinton would announce she would run for president, doing it on social media with one of those videos everybody can download and watch. apparently it's been delayed, so we're waiting for that announcement to hear what she would say and how she would lay the rationale for running for president again. part of the core of her strategy, we are told, will focus on the economic struggles of the middle class and also help working families. what does it really mean to be
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middle class in our country and why is this such an economic insecurity among a lot of us? joining us is brenda butler, senior news correspondent and the ang or of "bulls and bears." you talk about economic inequality. isn't the answer simple? jobs? >> jobs are certainly an important part of it, and the legacy that president obama is giving to president clinton is not a great one on that score. although the unemployment rate has come down significantly, many of the jobs that have been created are low-wage jobs. and it's not just jobs, it's incomes. incomes have been stagnant. they are not moving. that makes it much harder for the middle class to have houses, to have affordable health care, college education. that's the bedrock of the middle class. it's slipping away from millions. >> i hear a lot of our viewers saying not president clinton, president elect, maybe, if she does indeed run. she's not that much of a
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shoo-in. >> that's absolutely true. >> that's a mon issis common is. people equating president clinton with hillary rodham. they've been joined at the hip so much, and i alluded to whether it was stupid. no matter what was going on, bill wrote to the white house the economy and president bush. >> it really was about the economy, and many presidential elections have been about the economy. >> how does higllary do that no when you have so many problems on main street with the economy? what could she possibly do? >> president clinton, former president clinton, did a lot of actually good things for the economy. there were tax cuts, there was welfare reform. i don't think potential president clinton -- i've heard her say it so many times -- >> just call her hillary. >> i think a lot of her politics
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will fall from president obama. minimum wage, that's not going to help jobs. certainly taxes. >> she won't cut taxes? >> i don't think so. it was a different time, too, we were in the middle of the internet bubble and the economy was much, much stronger. but i don't see a lot of difference between her economic policies and president obama's, and his have not led us to a great recovery. it's very ver, very tepid. and 10 million americans say their in connection with are not much better. >> the average incomes have been going down, almost. >> it's what you feel, and many americans feel insecure. so that's a big problem. >> speaking of president obama, listen for a second. here's what he said last night -- well, he didn't endorse mrs. clinton because he's got joe biden sitting next to him. not last night in panama, but here is what the president said about mrs. clinton.
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>> her track record with respect to domestic policy, i think, is one that cares about work and families. if she decides to run and she makes the announcement, she's going to have some strong messages to deliver. >> so he mentions working families. what will she do -- anything different? >> which is what he has mentioned during his entire presidency, and we have not seen a lot of changes, positive ones, for the middle class. i mean, you're the middle class if you feel you're the middle class, and far fewer people are feeling that now. >> it has been tough and hasn't gotten a lot better for some, unfortunately. brenda, good to see you as always. thanks for talking about the potential maybe, would be, could be mrs. clinton. of course, you can watch brenda on "bulls and bears" on the fox newschannel a the weekends as she gives us her news. >> i think we'll have to start using initials once again as we await hillary clinton to make it
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official, the announcement of her 2016 white house bid expected to come today via social media. we'll bring it to you live right here on fox newschannel as soon as it is posted. stick around. it's going to be exciting. cine. cine. that need to be kept at 41 degrees. while being shipped to a country where it's 90 degrees. in the shade. sound hard? yeah. does that mean people in laos shouldn't get their vaccine? we didn't think so. from figuring it out to getting it done, we're here to help.
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i love making sunday dinners. but when my back hurt, cooking all day... forget about it. tylenol was ok, but it was 6 pills a day. but aleve is just 2 pills all day. and now, i'm back! aleve. so will former first lady hillary clinton return to the white house as president? well, she's going to announce her bid for that race for the president in 2016 sometime any moment now.
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>> any moment. we're waiting for that. she's 67 years old, and we'll see when that announcement comes out. >> we'll have it for you live right here on the fox newschannel. meanwhile, that's going to do it for us. >> shannon bream and leland washington right now. hillary clinton is expected to make her announcement any minute from the web. we have reaction from the democrats and the republicans. president obama tainting the critics who say the u.s. is getting too close to cuba too quick. we're going to get reaction from congressman ron desantos. plus taking care of america's heroes. they risked everything so serve our country. we're going to fight getting housing for our homeless vets and we'll tell you how you can help as well.


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