tv The Kelly File FOX News April 13, 2015 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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it's a very big story and we hope you join us tomorrow night. again thanks for watching us tonight. miss megyn warming up in the bullpen. i'm bill o riley'reilly. please, remember, the spin stops here. because we are definitely looking out for you. breaking tonight, the 2016 presidential field has officially doubled with dualing announcements over the past 36 hours. and oh, what the campaigns rollouts say about the candidates behind them. welcome to the "kelly file," everyone, i'm megyn kelly. a short time ago inside the cavernous lobby of an iconic building in miami, florida senator marco rubio making his declaration before a roaring hometown crowd with an impassioned speech calling for profound generational change in our nation's leadership. yesterday, former secretary of state hillary clinton opting for something else. releasing an online video. and the contrast could not have been more drastic.
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>> i'm running for president. >> after months of deliberation and prayer about the future of our country, i have come here tonight to make an announcement on how i believe i can best serve. >> everyday americans need a champion, and i want to be that champion. >> just yesterday a leader from yesterday began a campaign for president by promising to take us back to yesterday. yesterday is over. [ cheers ] >> so i'm hitting the road to earn your vote. >> we must change the decisions we are making by changing the people who are making them. >> i hope you'll join any on this journey. >> that is why tonight grounded by the lessons of our history
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but inspired of our future i announce my candidacy for president of the united states. [ cheers ] >> ann coulter is a conservative commentator and bestselling author. lanny davis, a longtime friend to hillary clinton served as special counsel to president bill clinton. andrew no paulpalitano. we begin tonight with chris. so, how did they do? >> well, marco rubio certainly had the jp5. he had the jet fuel going tonight. you could tell he was feeling it. he was all pumped up. he launched just right. you know, it's funny, we expected hillary clinton to overshadow him expected hillary clinton to stoneep on his line, cutely put out a video, go on a magic victory tour and tell everybody she ate chipotle like real people and all that stuff and people would be oohing and
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ahhing. marco rubio to his credit stepped into the batters box and took a full big league swing and it turns out that was the right choice for him and offered him the opportunity to call, as he said for as he called for, generational change. time to turn the age and look forward and that looks pretty powerful after clinton's message. >> the whole speech, i mean if you watched it tonight, was about old versus new. you know, yesterday versus tomorrow. in retrospect, was it a mistake for hillary clinton to choose the day before rubio announced to offer her announcement? >> well, there was never going to be a perfect day for hillary clinton to make her launch because it was, in the words of her campaign -- >> could have been more perfect than it was? >> could have been. if you look out how sleekly produced the video was, in the end, i didn't know if she was going to tell us to talk to our doctor about getting a new drug, ask your doctor if clintonian is right for you. it was so carefully made that
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basically this was like the rollout of a corporate product from a corporation you know well. >> what about rubio? he's got the crowd, he's got the energy. it's obviously, it's a speech. we heard a lot of the lines before, frankly. >> sure. for rubio, it's grip it and rip it. he's got to get after it. it's a long shot. he's a freshman senator. he wasn't married to the president of the united states. his brother and father were got president of the united states. he is an insurgent and he's got to hope that he is as good as he thinks he is and that fortune faves the bold. >> chris i am not going touch what you said. great to see you chris. joining me with more, ann coulter, new book "adios america: the plan to turn our country into a third world hell hole" comes out june 1st. i'm going to guess marco rubio's position on immigration is an issue for you, his old position on immigration. >> yeah, and, i mean, that's the only thing he's done. this is why i'm always telling conservatives stop talking about
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carly fiorina and ben caring and donald trump whose positions i really like. it has to be a governor. there's a reason senators don't make good candidates and, yes obama was only a senator, and all he had going for him was he made a good speech. look at how well that worked out. i wouldn't count on all of that media-generated love for obama, and the charisma carrying one of our guys through. i was asked by jeanine pirro saturday night. i was embarrassed by it, i couldn't come up with an answer. there was a long silence. name an accomplishment of hillary clinton. one, two, three. i spent two days thinking about it. i still can't come up with one. senators, at most, have joined a majority of other senators to vote for a bill. governors have done things. i mean, scott walker has done a lot for people. i'm not necessarily saying i'm for him for president but senators do not make good presidential candidates for the same reason someone like carly fiorina or ben carson doesn't. they aren't politicians. they haven't gotten the votes.
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they haven't done anything. >> whose position -- i know that immigration is obviously a huge issue for you. whose position could you get behind? which of these republican candidates so far do you like? >> i guess walker and cruz. cruz, again is only a senator but as a senator he didn't spend his full three years pushing chuck schumer's amnesty bill and now people who say that rubio gives a good speech will say, well, yes but he's against it now. well, okay, but that's the only thing he's ever done. >> but do you not -- if he can win, do you prefer him to hillary clinton? because he's now reversed himself on immigration reform he's now more in line with the you know other republicans who say, got to secure the border first even though that wasn't his position before. so, i mean, i have to imagine somebody like you would prefer marco rubio to hillary clinton. could you ever get behind him? >> well i think the only person i would not prefer to hillary clinton is barack obama. so that's out of the way. yeah, i suppose so.
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i don't think aislei'm going to be knocking myself out. >> there you go marco rubio, good news for you tonight from ann coulter. >> i think he's running for a vice presidential slot. this can't be serious. >> carly fiorina, too? >> good question. you ought to be having a vice president who performs the job the vice president does step in and be president. ted cruz didn't spend three years pushing amnesty. he went to harvard. clerked for justice rehnquist. >> barack obama went to harvard, too. hillary went to yale. >> yes, but he got in on affirmative zblax okayaffirm affirmative action. >> okay. i'll leave it with that. joining me, lanny davis. hillary is getting panned by some of the left like ruth marcus who came out with, oh, man, she did not like the rollout. what did i do with my papers? ruth, she said, it was a vapid video, relentlessly insultingly vapid. talks about it had no substance, about how she came across as entitled and overconfident.
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this is a democrat. a liberal democrat. what say you? >> i say it can't win. she's going to have a formal announcement where she'll talk about issues and her vision for america. >> that wasn't it? >> this is the introduction where she let americans talk about what they cared about and what hillary clinton has been about since i've known her back in yale law school is about other people. one of the first questions she asked me when we were online to register for classes and i was a senior and asked her if she needed advice, the question she asked is where do i find the nearest legal services clinic? this is a brand new yale law school student who doesn't seem to be worried about getting through the first semester but was already thinking about helping others. that's what you saw in rollout. it is who hillary clinton is. and you'll get a lot more substance, i promise you, but she's going to have to fight and earn every vote, megyn. that's the kind of campaign that she'll run. >> i've heard your stories about hillary clinton. i've heard other supporters of
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hers come out with story like that that really humanize her and make her seem kind and caring and concerned about others. how do we get from that, you know, this image that her friends paint of her, to what we saw, for example, on "saturday night live" in a parody that always has some foot hold in reality, although sometimes more so than others. watch. >> now hold up your phone and you can just look natural. >> okay. okay. >> and maybe you want to soften a little. okay. a little more. okay. maybe a lot more. great. great. okay. and, action. >> citizens, you will elect me. i will be your leader. >> don't worry, we'll just delete that one off your phone. >> okay. >> know a thing or two about that, right? oh christina, meet my hand in the air. thank you so much. good, good. i am running because i want to
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be a voice for women everywhere. >> did someone say women everywhere? >> he's laughing out here, too. i saw you laughing. what's the answer? >> look, the best answer is the person who would laugh at that skit more than anyone with a belly laugh that used to be so infectious that we'd all be laughing and we wouldn't know why we were laughing until we knew it was hillary who was laughing, hillary clinton has the best sense of humor about herself. >> does she like kate mckinnon, does she like the parody do you know? >> i know that she likes satire about herself and it's highly flattering. megyn, it should only happen to you and me and the good judge that "saturday night live" satirizes us. hillary clinton, you ask about what human being there -- her friends are as loyal as i am after four decades because she thinks about others -- >> i get that. i understand that is your point.
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but what do you make of marco rubio with the she's yesterday and yesterday's over? >> you know, i find him very compelling and impressive young man. inexperienced. what was yesterday was his position on immigration reform before he changed it. but i actually like marco rubio wish him the best. and i think he and jeb bush competing in florida is interesting, but i like him. it's too bad he took that kind of a cheap shot because there was nothing yesterday about that rollout. it was all about tomorrow and about the people, the everyday people of this country. i'm sorry that marco rubio, he was compelled to take a cheap shot because he's better than that. he really is. >> just to clarify though lanny, you think there's going to be another announcement where she does something for, like a speech where she outlines policy? what is step two? >> i think step two will be a more serious speech about her vision for the country, about especially the disparity in income and the great middle class of this country and
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everyday american who are not getting a fair deal. >> will she hit down for interviews? sit down and be interviewed by the press? >> you're going to see -- the answer is yes. hillary clinton will be far more accessible and hopefully more hillary and comfortable with the media than in the past. i know this is a good start despite ann coulter and your earlier guests' very objective comments. whatever ruth marcus had for dinner, she'll feel better in the morning i promise you. >> lanny, great to see you. >> thank you. >> joining me now judge andrew napolitano. good to see you. >> it's impossible to dislike lanny. >> or kate mckinnon who is hysterical. the parody gets to something which is, you know, she's not relatable, that's what they're trying to say and here comes bill clinton again and as brit said earlier, their weird marriage. that's the point he raised. weirdness in the history of the clintons that is coming back. >> and that's all going to be back on the front page and she's
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going to have to deal with it but from my perspective, she has far more serious problems to deal with. secrecy, scandal, and failure. she has a passion for secrecy, inconsistent with the presidency inconsistent with even the ideals of the democratic party. the destruction of the server, the destruction of the e-mails. scandal seems to touch her wherever she goes and she always gets away with it. the public already has a perception that she believes that there's a set of laws for her an her husband and a set of laws for the rest of us. >> her defenders would say it's, quote, scandal to some but it's not really scandal that people gin up scandals about hillary clinton because they don't like her politically. >> we don't know what was going on at benghazi, we don't know if the american government was distributing arms to rebels. we don't know what she thought she was accomplishing there but we do know is that she and the president have used every kind of legal artifice. they've used artifice. they've destroyed documents. she has, anyway. to keep the truth from us. what is her success as secretary of state?
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it's one failure after another. >> she's going to flip that back on her -- certainly as ann points out if she gets up against a u.s. senator she's going to flip back on them these governors can point to something they've done as chief executives. she's going to go in there now, i mean, ironically as the experienced one and try to rip on these one-term senators even though the democratic party elected a one-term senator to be president. >> mrs. clinton did you know that your husband was raising money from the head of -- from the rulers of saudi arabia while you were negotiating with them for favorable oil deals? did you know that? do you know that they were putting money in your husband's town diagnosis whichization foundation which now bears your name? >> will she sit with the media for interviews? some are asking whether that rollout was so heavily pre-produced and packaged that will the real hillary clinton please stand up? i mean, you can almost hear her controlling her voice. you can almost hear the voice coach saying take it down a notch, get it right just like this, little too high at the end.
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she needs to sit -- >> if she sits down with bill o'reilly then again with you, i will publicly hug and kiss her. >> bill o'reilly? what? she should sit with me and i'll tell you why with all due respect to bill because bill, and i love him does macro as he always says, and i'll go micro. >> she needs both. >> she needs to be asked specific questions. but you need to be able to go ten layers deep with her because that's the only way you get answers. if you stay macro, she can handle that. >> well, you have the legal knowledge that bill doesn't have that education. you have the ability to dig deep. but bill has the ability to terrify. and i would like to see her go one-on-one with -- >> are you familiar with bill ayers? i don't know what you're talking about. >> i saw bill ayers -- >> i don't want to terrify hillary. you get into an interesting point. i don't want to terrify hillary. i want to sit down, have a fair interview with her. i think the problem with her is if she comes over to fox news, is she likely to sit down with somebody like me who will really press her?
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i will give her the chance to be heard fully, but will she sit with somebody like me who would press her? i'd press her deep. >> she has never been confronted in public as far as i know with somebody like you. smarter than she is has knowledge -- >> i'm not smarter than hillary clinton. >> oh, yes, you are. >> oh, no, i'm not. i went to albany. she went to yale. >> it doesn't matter where you went to law school. it matters today. >> pretty impressive. she did okay too. >> she answers truthfully. here's wa you have that nobody else has. >> this desk. >> the ability -- the ability to cross examine. the ability to test whether or not she's telling the truth. >> but i would listen to her. she would have the chance to explain. she could have the floor. there would be follow-up questions, but i would be respectful of her. and it is to her benefit to sit with somebody like me. this isn't about getting me an interview. doesn't have to be me. could be o'reilly could be anybody. who will actually extract meaningful meaningful information from her as opposed to letting her go into the talking points.
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>> she's wedded to secrecy and you and o'reilly can burst that. >> i don't know why you keep mentioning o'reilly. >> who is this guy, o'reilly? >> good to see you, judge. >> pleasure. >> just kidding bill. in the weeks since the shshooting of walter scott by a police officer in south carolina pundits and activists are using the case to justify everything they got wrong about ferguson and michael brown. sheriff david clark is here with some thoughts on that. plus, another screening of "american sniper" comes under fire on a u.s. college campus. we'll show you who's behind the nearest attempt to cut off the message of this powerful film. they call it planning for retirement because getting there requires exactly that. a plan for what you want your future to look like. for more than 145 years, pacific life has been providing solutions to help individuals like you achieve long-term financial security.
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yet another screening of the oscar nominated film "american sniper" has been canceled at one u.s. college. and while the folks at rpi say the plan is to postpone the screening, and to accompany it with an educational forum, there are serious concerns this is another case of censorship for a film that continues to come under attack. trace gallagher live at our breaking news desk. >> megyn the institute is primarily a science and engineering college with 7,000 students. "american sniper" was supposed to have shown last friday night but the muslim student association requested it be canceled so the school postponed
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the film saying rpi has long upheld values of respect and co-existence and didn't want to create tension or hatred among students but apparently the student had no problem generating anger because many students were irate. calling it censorship and a slap at free speech. we contacted the college and a spokesperson told us that rpi does intend to show "american sniper" but says quote, the showing will be coupled with an optional educational forum for all members of the campus community to participate in an intellectual discourse about the film and current world events. other recent films like "jango unchained" replete with violence and has the "n" word 102 times. the muslim student association won't comment until after finals. the university of michigan also recently canceled a campus screening of "american sniper" but after getting heat on a national scale, the university
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reversed its decision calling it a mistake saying the cancelation was, quote, not consistent with the high value the university of michigan places on freedom of expression and the rights of students to make their own choice, choices, and by the way, michigan's new football coach jim harbaugh said he'd show the movies to his players and doesn't care if anyone is offend offended. >> trace, thank you. a florida sheriff calls it one of the most disgusting and disturbing things he's ever seen. tonight the "kelly file" has breaking news on the apparent gang rape of a young woman in broad daylight and the hundreds of spring break partyers who did nothing to help her. plus some pundits and activists are using this fatal south carolina shooting to justify everything they got wrong about ferguson and michael brown. sheriff david clark is live on that next. and we'll get his reaction to one young man's video message that has gone viral, and how. >> just because you're a cop doesn't mean you're a bad person. this world really needs to stop
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"kelly file" follow-up tonight on the police shooting of walter scott in south carolina and how it's being played by the media. last week a 22-year-old african-american by the name of will stack was pulled over by a police officer after trying to make a left-hand turn and winding up in the median. the officer who happened to be white told stack he had misused the median, let him off with a warning. after the incident, stack took to social media with a candid message about race that has now gone hugely viral. watch. >> i feel like people need to understand that not all officers are crooked, not all officers are racist bad people.just because
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you're black doesn't mean you're a victim. just because you're white doesn't mean you're a racist. this world really needs to stop putting labels on people and things and see them as who they are. people doing jobs, doing things. ignorance has no color. god doesn't see color. why should we? >> wow. sheriff david clark of milwaukee, wisconsin joins me now. how about that for a voice of reason in the midst of so much hyperbole? >> powerful. good for that gentleman. that stuff plays itself out in cities all across america every day of the year where law enforcement officers conduct themselves the way they should, in a professional standard. i just wonder how long it will take the liberal mainstream media and the race provocateurs to start combing through that gentleman's pass -- >> oh boy. >> -- to try to find something to discredit him much like they did joe the plumber. >> don't even suggest -- poor will who makes a two-minute video and could be the focus of something like that.
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however, it would behoove al sharpton to spend some time with him and hear his views one would think because as will was offering that message, al sharpton was giving a speech from the pulpit on sunday talking about how the fact that that cop got charged in south carolina for what obviously appears to be a bad shooting of an african-american man that's great, the mayor did the right thing and that guy got charged, yet it underscores how wrong the decision was in ferguson, in the midwest, among other places. listen. >> a mayor and police chief did what we couldn't get mayors in the north and the midwest to do. >> a mayor and police chief did what we couldn't get mayors and police chiefs in the midwest and the north to do. >> well, you know every time al sharpton opens his mouth, he takes his ignorance to new
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heights and so i wouldn't expect anything different here. look, they got it right in ferguson regardless of what al sharpton thinks. they got it right in new york they got it right in milwaukee, wisconsin, with some similar circumstances. but i want to point out that all of these cases are different and just because the outcome so far -- i'm not rushing to judgement of what happened in south carolina. i know it was ugly and painful to watch that video. that's only part of the investigation. but the only reason he agrees with it because it's in mind with his warped sense of justice. >> you know that when they see, you know folks like sharpton, you know, and some in the mainstream media, when they see something like what we saw in south carolina, where a white cop shoots a black unarmed man, and then appears to plant evidence, that's what the videotape appears to show to make it look like there was more of a threat than there was. they take that, they say, you see? maybe we got the specific facts in ferguson wrong maybe that particular officer didn't do it, but what we are saying, which is white cops, unjustifiably shoot
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and kill unarmed black men all too often in this country is true. why do you reject that? >> well i reject it because i'm not going to let anybody use what is an outlier, anomaly in this so far. i'm not standing in judgment because i don't know the facts in south carolina. i'm going it let the officials because i trust the process i'm going to let them finish their investigation. i'm not going to let anybody use that as a macrocosm of american policing. 99% of law enforcement officers go out and put their best foot forward to protect their communities. they serve with honor, distinction, integrity, and character. and every once in a while that .1%, you're going to get an officer that steps outside the lines of the constitution steps outside the lines of the policies we set forth for our officers and do something that is abhorrent and that we don't agree with. not only as a law enforcement
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profession, but as a society. so i wouldn't judge the fact that two new york police officers were shot and killed by a black suspect and also the officer in boston who was shot pointblank range by a black suspect. i wouldn't indict an entire population just because the suspects happened to be black. i deal with these things on an individual basis. >> uh-huh. >> and i hold them individually responsible, not an entire race of people. i don't expect anybody to do that with the american policing profession. >> i'll give you a quick last word. walter scott's family, the african-american man who was killed in south carolina did not want al sharpton to come to north charleston. your thoughts on it? >> good for them. good for them. they caught on to his shtick so to speak. nothing good happens when al sharpton shows up on the scene. i'm glad that they recognize that and told him to stay away. >> sheriff clarke, thanks for being here. >> god bless them as well. >> thanks. there's also a dramatic twist tonight in the story of two parents in trouble for the crime of letting their
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6-year-old and 10-year-olds walk down the sidewalk without supervision. this case is heating up. plus the "kelly file" has breaking news tonight on a disturbing crime. taped by college students during spring break. an alleged gang rape in broad daylight and no one does anything to help. we've unearthed new details, and dana lash joins us next.
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from the world headquarters of fox news, it's the "kelly file" with megyn kelly. >> disturbing new details tonight about an apparent spring break gang rape recorded on a cell phone. it happened at a panama city beach in broad daylight in front of hundreds who do nothing to stop it. now, hold on. we're going to show you what the police have provided.
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the video at the beginning of this video there is a screen shot of the alleged assault. it has been blurred. it has been blurred. then you will see the partyers thereafter. you can roll it. it's just a viewer warning. the girl, the victim is on the screen right -- she appears to be wearing a blue bikini. she appears unresponsive in the tape the police tell us. they say her legs are being held down and she appears unconscious. they say you can hear people saying, quote that's nasty and, quote, she didn't going to know end quote. and at least three possibly four men assault her right here. this close to the partygoers on the beach who act like nothing is happening right next to them. two men are under arrest and they are in search of two more. dana lash is the host of "dana" on the blaze tv. which is weekdays. and also host of the "dana show" weekdays on radio america and
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also the new cover girl for "gun and ammo" magazine. dana, good to see you. >> thanks, megyn. >> you can't help but ask ourself, where's the humanity? we'll get to the partygoers in a moment. four men, at least, according to the cops, sexually assaulting an unconscious young woman as she lays helpless on the beach. >> it is disgusting and they should be -- they should be locked up. where's sabrina erdley from "rolling stone" when you need someone to write about rape culture? can we stop acting like spring break is this great thing where awesome fun happens? it's not. there are so many cases like this, megyn. i know the bay city police there were saying, in panama city, were saying that these rapes are increasing which has caused them to really crack down but how low of a human being must you be when you take advantage of someone who is absolutely unresponsive and appears, at least to law enforcement, to be completely unconscious? and then guy after guy just goes and takes advantage of her?
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nobody helps her. it's disgusting. it is disturbing and hard to watch. >> these are the two men who have been arrested one, 22, and ryan calhoun who's 23. students have been temporarily suspended. neither as a criminal record, according to our green room, and yet they have been arrested. one has posted bond, $50,000. the other has not. and now there may be more perpetrators and on looklookers. onlookers, dane fa. >> right. these guys' lives are over. they may not have had criminal records before but if they go through with the investigation find these guys are guilty as it appears to be on the tape their lives are over and the onlookers, you know, i'm not familiar with what the law would allow in something like this, but how can you not realize that something -- and you showed on the tape, megyn, they're just steps away. >> right. >> they're all partying and worried about spilling their flat overpriced beer.
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there's a woman being assaulted steps away from them. this is such an indictment of american society. we have a problem as a nation with this. and we need to stop, like, promoting this stuff in culture on mtv, vh1 acting like this is a great thing, spring break, partying, drinking until your brain cells are gone. it's disgusting. >> i pulled the law. it's a crime punishable by up to one year in jail. if you failed to report a sexual battery or seek assistance for the victim so long as it is safe to do so. the law requires you to seek assistance. forget not reporting it after the fact. it was happening right then. forget, you know intervening to try to save her in the moment, but no one even went to the cops to try to get them to do it. i got to move on to the next case because the second story we want to talk to you about is these parents who are now in trouble again with the law for letting their 6-year-old and
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10-year-old walk in public a little bit away from their home without them. the neighbors saw them walk along, called the 911. the kids were picked up taken to child protective services. the parents are outraged saying they're forced to parent in a way they disagreed with. >> what's so weird megyn, about these two stories you go from one extreme where nobody says anything, a crime is absolutely occurring, to this extreme where you have people freaking out because children are just two blocks away from their house on a sunday afternoon in a park. this is police state parenting. these children's parents were put in the squad car for two hours. the police did not let them know they took the children. they took them to the cps crisis detention center, dropped them off there. it was another 2 1/2 hours before the parents were finally reunited with their children. this is a battle over parenting styles. i mean obviously these kids are not being abandoned or neglected or abused and i just have to
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think, who are these people that see kids out playing in a park, they're not in danger and freak out and call in big government to come down? you can't have a lemonade stand now you can't go to the park to play. >> the law says children under 8 must be left with a reliable person who's at least 13. as a matter of law, it was a violation. the parents say they believe in free range parenting which is a movement that's the opposite of helicopter parenting. they were placed on notice once before. they thumbed their nose as law enforcement. you know, therein lies the problem. like it or not, the law is the law. >> and the sad thing is is that that law was designed and created because there are bad parents out there. there are exception to the rule. unfortunately now it entraps good parents who simply think it's a great day our kids should be able to play outside. >> you know, you shudder to think about how we lived when we were growing up back in the day. >> oh, yeah. >> my parents are like, be home by dark. that was it. the rule. be home by dark. >> exactly. we ran around the neighborhood all day long.
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megyn, our parents would have toldly had cps called on them because they let us go and play. >> not to mention both parents smoking in the vw bug with the windows up on a trip down to disney. was where cps when i needed them? sorry, mom, just kidding. "kelly file" investigation, that banks are cutting off money for certain gun stores at the request of president obama's doj. et about it. tylenol was ok, but it was 6 pills a day. but aleve is just 2 pills all day. and now, i'm back! aleve. introducing the new can-am spyder f3. with a cruising riding position and the most advanced vehicle stability system in the industry...'ll ride with a feeling of complete freedom and confidence. visit your can-am dealer and test drive the spyder f3 today.
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quelly ly kelly file" allegations, a bank forcing a gun shop out of business. even after the feds admitted their involvement in the controversial program and agreed to cut it out. trace gallagher reports. trace? >> megyn, operation choke point was created by the obama administration to choke out businesses it finds objectionable, like gun shops, casinos and tobacco sellers. the way it reportedly worked is banks and other financial institutions were pressured by the department of justice and the federal insurance deposit corporation, or fdic to cut off accounts for certain businesses. after congress challenged the feds on operation choke point the chairman of the fdic acknowledged the program might have been misunderstood and misapplied and then agreed to reverse course. by this wednesday, congress wants the feds to provide documents to prove that certain businesses are no longer being bullied. and, yet, a few weeks ago the owner of american gun and pawn in central florida got a letter
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from suntrust bank saying all of his accounts would be closed. there was no explanation except that, quoting here there are circumstances where we will identify a specific account relationship that no longer meets these criteria. the owner, steve champion had no idea what the criteria was but when he called suntrust he said he quickly found out. listen. >> when i called, one of the people who answer the phone, first thing in the moernrning, could have been a clerk. said oh you got a gun letter, going out to gun shops across country. i can't say for sure that's the reason but it sure sounds suspicious for me. >> so we called suntrust and a spokesperson told us the reason mr. champion's accounts were closed is part of his business is a pawnshop, saying, quoting again, any question this is firearms issue is inaccurate. suntrust continues to do business with licensed firearms
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dealers. and that, megyn is what congress is trying to verify. >> trace thanks. when hillary clinton announced her run for the white house republican carly fiorina quickly weighed in. wait until you see how one left leaning media outlet handled that. next. no chest-beating monologues about engine size, horsepower, or performance. no anthemic soundtracks to stir the soul. just a ram heavy duty that can carry more weight than any other heavy-duty truck. get more facts at if you have play dates at your house. be ready to clean up the mess. the kids have fun, but it's pretty gross. (doorbell) what's that? it's a swiffer wetjet. i can just grab this and just go right to the mess. that comes from my floor? now that's disgusting. i want friends over! you want friends over?
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since hillary clinton offered what lanny davis just told us was just an introduction on sunday, some folks have come out swinging including former hewlett-packard ceo carly fiorina who hit hillary clinton on her record. this earned fiorina this response from folks at a left-leaning cable network today. >> you have an amazing round of accomplishments in your life, but someone could say it like this. you ran for senate and lost. you worked for john mccain. you were moved off that campaign and he lost. you had a tenure at
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hewlett-packard that a lot of people describe as extremely rocky destroying jobs and destroying the company's reputation. are you really the right person to be criticizeing hillary clinton's accomplishments or lack thereof? >> well, you've clearly been reading the democratic talking points. >> she said she'd been reading "fortune" and "the new york times." earlier i spoke with carly fiorina fiorina, potential 2016 republican presidential contender. thank you for being here. so, was it your first -- >> thanks for having me. >> -- dose of exposure to the left-leaning media, but who do you think you are to criticize hillary clinton? do you want to answer that here? >> well first as i pointed out, to mika we doubled hp to $90 billion, tripled the rate of innovation to 11 patents a day, quadrupled cash flow. i went through a series of accomplishments. the thing about business unlike politics, there are facts, there are numbers, there are results that you can't spin. they're just there.
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i think people are always shocked that someone would bring forward results and accomplishments because in politics, for too many, it's all about position and title. certainly i think that's been true of hillary clinton. >> what struck me about that exchange was, if you're going to run for president you're going to get pressed on your record and your time at hp. you know all that. >> of course. it's fair. >> but it was the tag, you know, who are you to criticize hillary clinton? and that, to me, exposes a bias that you and any other republican presidential contender is going to have to deal with if you decide to run, which is the media for the most part, will not be rooting for you, and they will be actively rooting for hillary clinton. >> well i think that's true and i also think that the media doesn't ask hillary clinton basic questions like what have you actually accomplished? i mean, she's been on the stage for so long. she's been a fixture of washington for so long. she's been a fixture of politics
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for so long that people sort of think, well, we don't need to ask what she's accomplished. of course she's accomplished something. that's why i think it's so important that we be able to fight on the ground of her accomplishments, of her track record, of her transparency, of her candor, of her leadership capabilities and not allow her to play the gender card or talk about the war on women or all the other things she want to talk about. >> let's talk about her track record. let's talk about the gender card because the latest poll came out today showing actually according to the polls, anyway, 83% of the polls say they don't believe gender should be a factor, that it doesn't much matter to them in making them, you know, inclined or not to vote for hillary clinton. how big a factor do you think it will be especially if the gop nominates a man? >> i think the american people have it right. it's not about your gender. it is about what you believe, what your accomplishments are, what your track record is, what your lipeadership is. i think it's crystal clear
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however mrs. clinton will play the gender card. she will say this is about her becoming the first woman president. she will continue to say that republicans are waging a war on women. and so we can't ignore that. we have to answer it. >> and then, you know, last week the big dustup was rand paul, was he getting testy in the interviews? some said he had a sexism, because there were interviews with female reporters. i said openly on the air i thought that was nonsense, i didn't think there was evidence of sexism, but he was testy in interviews. he's been testing in interviews with the guys, too. but some on the left in particular fanned that flame and you tell me whether you believe that's the way it's going to go, because they're laying the groundwork for these gopers they don't like women, whereas the democrats, they nominated one. >> first of all, you're exactly right. they will fan the flames because the democratic playbook is all about identity politics. and it has been for a long time. what we need to do, what i intend to do if i run is to talk to the american people
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about the issues they care about that we have a government that is so powerful, so costly, so corrupt, that literally unless you're wealthy, powerful and well connected you can't deal with it, and by the way, hillary clinton represents that political class to a "t." >> great to see you, as always, carly fiorina. and we'll be right back. (dog) mmmm. we've been together since 2012. dinner is absolutely our favorite time together. i do notice that sometimes i eat better than her. i get my healthy bowl of beneful, and she eats a cheese stick and a cracker. that's what she ate last night. cheese stick and a cracker. can you believe what some people put in their bodies? (vo) beneful original is a healthy blend... ...your dog will love. with whole grains real beef and accents of vegetables. beneful. healthy with a side of happy.
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i'll speak to dnc chair debbie wasserman-schultz. what does she think of the left's criticism of mrs. clinton's announcement? why is she focused on senator rand paul? let me know what you want me to ask her on twitter @megynkelly. thank rue for watching everybody. see you tomorrow. welcome to "hannity." tonight we're broadcasting from miami, florida, because just two hours ago florida senator marco rubio announced he's officially running for president. he'll be with us for the entire hour, but first, here's how things went down earlier today. ♪
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