tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News April 14, 2015 1:00am-2:01am PDT
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the o'reilly factor is on. tonight: >> give me one accomplishment that hillary clinton succeeded n her tenure. >> we're talking myanmar. >> myanmar? that's what she is going to do? >> hillary clinton announcing she will run for president. now she has to defend her record. we will analyze it with charles krauthammer. >> hillary is the videos now? i mean if they could have done that in the 90's, i would be in jail. [ laughter ] >> "saturday night live" spoofing hillary's quest. is that a good or a bad thing? >> what do you think president obama's biggest accomplishment has been. >> becoming the first african-american president. >> after becoming president he didn't accomplish anything else? >> well --
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>> also tonight, watters asking the folks no spin questions. >> do you like any of the republican presidential candidates? >> absolutely. >> who do you like? >> i love them all. >> caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm bill o'reilly: hillary clinton for president. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo: yesterday told the world what the worldz already knew. she is running for president. >> americans have fought their way back from tough economic times. but the deck is still he stacked in favor of those at the top. every day americans need a champion and i want to be that champion. so you can do more than just get by. you can get ahead and stay ahead. >> now it will be interesting to see if mrs. clinton embraces the economic policies of
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president obama. after more than six years income for working americans is down about $1,700 per capita. from when mr. obama took office. obviously the president's vision for working americans hasn't worked all that well. so, how will hillary clinton be different? explaining that is just one of the problems mrs. clinton will have. the other problem is her legacy. >> we must do better than the obama/clinton foreign policy that has damaged relationships with our allies and emboldened our enemies. >> i think the thing is about the clintons is that there is a certain sense that they think they are above the law. >> we're ready for hillary. we know exactly what to expect. hillary clinton represents the failed policies of the past. >> now let's take a hard look at hillary clinton's record. she served in the senate for 8 years representing new york city. in that time she worked pretty well with republicans on a number of issues. she succeeded in getting more money for vets and did some good things in education. but, on the whole, hillary
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clinton was not outfront on any game-changing legislation. she did, however, vote for the iraq war and defended that vote. she also criticized president bush the younger for being too soft, too soft on border security. isn't that interesting? then, hillary clinton became secretary of state, and here her resume becomes more intense. the truth is, mrs. clinton and president obama engineer very few foreign policy successes. >> the question is, give me one accomplishment that hillary clinton succeeded n her tenure and you're giving me carbon footprint, women's rights. some kind of unnameddation unnameddation -- asian country that likes us more. >> talking to myanmar. >> myanmar. that's what she is going to do? >> you may not think that what's happening in libya is great right now. >> no, it's not. >> no it's not. exactly. you may remember that
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hillary clinton led the movement to remove qaddafi in libya and dodged and weaved about the chris stevens in benghazi. poor security in libya and secretary clinton did little about that then there is the war on terror which has become a debacle under president obama. then there is putin which has become another debacle. so, i'm not sure progress in myanmar overrides those things. however to be fair and we want to be fair, hillary clinton should be asked questions about foreign policy so the folks can evaluate whether the mess abroad is her fault or the fault of the president. remember, the secretary of state takes orders from the chief executive. but i don't expect very many people are are gonna be fair to hillary clinton on both sides. supporters will vote for her no matter. what her record really doesn't matter to them. of course that's not a fair vote. opposing her are some americans are who despise
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the clintons. no matter what she accomplished it will be derided in those precincts. in the middle are the voters who will decide the 2016 presidential election. all of them know who hillary clinton is. that's why a program like "saturday night live" does something like this: >> since we are announcing your candidacy, via social media, we thought it would be fun if you actually filmed the video yourself on your own phone. that way it seems more personal and intimate. >> personal and intimate, yeah i better take off this jacket then. [ laughter ] great, mrs. clinton. hold up your phone and just look natural. >> okay. >> you maybe want to soften a little. okay, a little more. okay, maybe a lot more. great. okay. and action. >> citizens, you will elect
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me, i will be your leader. >> let's stop there. >> okay. >> ma'am i think you may be coming off as just a little hard. >> oh shoot, what part? what part? >> sort of all of it. >> let's keep going and this time maybe focus on all that you have done for women's rights. >> okay okay. i am running because i want to be a voice for women everywhere. >> did someone say women everywhere? [cheers and applause] >> hello, bill. >> hillary would make a great president. and i would make an even greater first dude. [ laughter ] >> thank you, bill. that's nice. >> hillary isn't it crazy that phones can take video now. if they could have done that in the 90's, i would be in jail. [ laughter ] >> brilliant. brilliant.
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kate mcken none, one of the best comedic performers have i ever seen. politics in america is no joke. this country is in trouble economically and overseas while the left will never admit that it's true and whoever the next president is going to inherit one big mess. the jihadists are threatening millions of people. iran is close to having a nuclear weapon. working americans are still struggling to make money in the marketplace and our traditional american values are under siege nearly everywhere. if you are a christian or a white man in the u.s.a. it's open season on you. they're, hillary clinton has an advantage. she can run a general campaign, first woman in the white house and i'm going to help you by increasing the entitlement society. it will take a very articulate and tough minded republican to defeat her. one final thing, we at the factor as i said we're gonna be fair to hillary clinton. but we're going to be tough it. as we are on all political i don't think gender matters one bit. and if this war on women business is resurrected we will have something to say
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about it also mrs. clinton would be well-advised well advised to distance herself from media matters and the other gutter snipe organizations who use despicable, dishonest tactics to attack those with whom they disagree. if you embrace the smear merchants, mrs. clinton, we will have something to say about it. that's the memo. next on the rundown, reaction. republican mary katharine ham and democrat richard fowler will be here. later, charles krauthammer will evaluate hillary clinton's chances to win the presidency. factor is coming right back.
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>> i think you are right about a lot of things. look, hillary feels a bit like a check the boxes kind of candidacy. she is the next one in line. she served the time in the various positions that make her qualified. not a lot of fireworks while in those positions or a lot to point to as you pointed out even myanmar has back slid somewhat which that meeting that she had with them which i did think mattered. i'm not sure how this is going to roll out. the video itself in kate mckinnon's impression of her point to an actua weakness as a candidate. she is just not a natural. can you see that in the parody that kate mckinnon does of her and see it in the video where the people she was introducing, the americans she was talking to at the beginning of the video adorable and sweet she comes on as a sad trombone in her own ad. i'm not sure she is going to connect in quite the way. >> she is not a good campaigner. we saw that in the obama/hillary race. >> campaigner does not matter. >> you are right. if all the women of the country say we don't really care we want a woman in the
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white house she will win. >> all of them won't but many will that will appeal -- >> -- some will vote on gender, absolutely. >> mr. fowler, did i make any mistakes in that memo who. >> she does have accomplishments $121 billion for the world trade center rebuilding. leader in implements the s chip program the student on the child's health care program so that kids all across the country can finally go to the doctor. those are things that she should be very proud of and american people should also be very proud of. beyond that point this is where i do agree with mary katharine. she is not your typical barn burner campaigner as her husband or barack obama. but she does understand where the american people are, which is why you are going to see her in coffee shops, in smaller settings where she can really hear from the american people. that's going to be critical for her campaign. >> nobody is going to buy that mrs. clinton doesn't go to coffee shops. i mean, and, look, it's interesting, mr. fowl, she is standing in front of that house that white house i think i painted that house
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one time when i was in college. it looks exactly like a house i painted. how is mrs. clinton going to handle the economy that she came out and said, look, the fat cats are getting all the money and i'm going to work for you. well president obama has been trying to do that for six years, plus. has failed. how is she going to do it? she has to separate herself from him and that could be really dicey, could it not? >> no question she will have to create night and day between this white house. things she is can tote from the white house. low unemployment rate. when the president took office almost 10%. >> that's misleading. you know that's misleading with all people not looking for work and low wage jobs that are -- >> -- not to mention we have seen g.d.p. growth over the past congress seq.ive months. it's not going to work. >> 58 consecutive months of job growth. >> all you have to do, mr. fowler now you are just spinning and spouting. >> i'm not spinning. >> you absolutely are. i can destroy that argument in 30 seconds.
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>> that's the facts. >> if all the people out of work looking for work. >> wages are down and that's a fact. okay? and g.d.p. only matters to the fat cats as hillary clinton was saying. she will have to separate herself swhanchts i agree. >> all the americans think the comply is not so great. >> which is why you saw her intro video. she pivoted towards how do we create a new beginning. >> but she doesn't say how. >> and she is going to clearly outline that. >> i have got to get that. >> couple of tricky things, one, yes separating from this white house to some degree and talking about the economy in such a way so you don't sound like so much happy talk. because that's not what americans are feeling. >> country is going the wrong direction. we don't like the economy. we can't make any money. she is going to say hey president obama, greatest job, i'm going to do what he did. then the republican also definitely win. one last question for you. >> hold on. one more tricky thing. she is going to go meet the people in coffee shops.
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she might accidently meet the press and they will ask her things about introductory email scandals to the american people a couple months ago. >> can you make it about the email scandal and benghazi. people at home care about kitchen table issues. >> that's right. they care about the economy. >> they also care about honesty. >> here is the thing, mary katharine. >> rand paul can't do it neither can jeb bush. >> we don't have a telethon time here. i have got to government the people who don't like hillary clinton and will never vote for her already know in their mind. it's the persuadables in the middle. and if at this point they haven't decided that the email scandal means something, they probably won't. unless more revelations. >> little stock. >> as we saw in "saturday night live," she erased everything including the tape of "saturday night live." fowler, mary katharine, thank you. president obama vs. us is on the nuclear. later, krauthammer will weigh in on whether he thinks hillary clinton will win.
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hume zone segment tonight. tomorrow the senate is expecting to introduce legislation that congress would have to approve. any nuclear treaty made with iraq. president obama does not want congress to have that power. so a brawl is likely ensue. as you may know mr. obama says the nuke deal as he sees it now is good for the u.s.a. and the world. the way the president sees it may not be the way iran supreme leader sees it. ayatollah khamenei demanding that all sanctions oon iran be lifted at the same time any agreement is signed the same day. he also says there is no way he will allow any inspections of iran's sites that's a deal killer. iran continues to hold an american citizen incarcerated for nine months
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now accused of espionage. it's all bull. reaction of a country that wants favorable reactions from america come on. with us is brit hume. what do you think is going to happen tomorrow? >> well, it's hard to tell whether their votes will be there to override a veto. i think this measure will have a majority, not much question about that but whether it would be veto-proof is the question. and, of course, if you are looking at this from the point of view of members of the senate, looks to them, i think, a lot of them like they are based on what the ayatollah is saying that they don't really have a deal. >> no. it is so contradictory is saying. what is it t. suggests bill is that this is all yet to be determined. but if what the president has himself is saying about the deal is true, it seems reason to me no real reason to doubt. the president says if iran
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cheats, the sanctions, which would by then be lifted and congress of all kinds all kinds of countries resumed would be snapped back into place i don't think anybody would judge that as realistic. i mean once you lift those sanctions, it took a long time to put those sanctions regime in place. it was hard work. it's sanctions are regimes are hard to hold together. once this is off, there will be no snapping anything back. so the enforcement mechanism is on the face of it, i think, extremely weak and implausible, not to mention the fact that there seems to be this wide disagreement over the inspections regime, which would need to be very tough indeed. iran is famous for its cheating. one has to assume they will will try to do that unless there are inspections process that, like none we have ever seen before. very intrusive anywhere, any time which the iranians say they won't agree to, then it's hard to think that the violations, which i
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think are likely to come, will be discovered in time. >> it doesn't even matter if they are discovered in time because the central point, as you just made, is sanctions aren't going to be -- look putin is selling oil to them now or buying oil from them. i don't know why putin needs oil. he has got enough. is he tweaking president obama. you know what i learned from this whole thing, when this dopey ayatollah went up there, khamenei, he is insulting obama. that was an insult. we have been negotiating with these people, i guess in good faith for about a year now. he gets up and says, you know what? hey you're lifting those sanctions, we are not letting you look at any military insulations, if you don't like it then you can, you know what. this is another humiliation to the united states. >> bill there is one more thing, the president, when defending this and others around him to defend it will say well, what's your alternative, war? >> war. >> the president has effectively made it clear military uses forces unacceptable to him.
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then he will turn around and say as in recent days once this deal is in place all our capabilities meaning our military capabilities remain in place as if he would be prepared to use them in the event of cheating by iran. >> you oppose a deal you are a war amonger. >> there you go. on the other hand, it seems to me is taking war off othe table on one hand while trying with the other to put it back on the table as one of the possible recourses if iran, as expected, cheats. >> you don't have to comment on, this but i heard a rumor that john kerry is going to remake the song war what is it good for? absolutely nothing. he is going to put it out. and that's probably not true. so, what we have is a situation where congress most people in congress, they know this just as you said this isn't going our way. it's not going tour way. he we -- going our way. we are going to be insulted, most likely cheated on. they want oversight and say yes or no to whatever final thing comes.
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in that seems logical to me. does it seem logical to you? >> the argument that's made against that proposition is if we don't make this deal we can't go forward with the status quo because as he said the sanctions aren't working and military forces aren't an option. why on earth did iran notorious adversary of the united states, why would they come to the table? so it's clear that the sanctions brought iran to the table it is unclear to me that keeping them in place or indeed adding to them would not make at least the possibility of a better deal. the president rejects that and says it effective not working and war is the only other alternative which he then turns around. >> we have senator corker on the factor tomorrow. he is the lead on the oversight on this in the senate. brit we appreciate it. plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. watters, once again asking
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really done for them. ♪ ♪ what do you think the president's biggest accomplishment has been? >> um that's a great question. can i get back to you? >> having in shape wife i guess. that's about it. >> probably becoming the first african-american president. >> after he became president he didn't accomplish anything else? >> well -- >> i guess one of us got confused. >> has obama made change? >> i don't know. i guess we haven't really heard too much about terrorism. >> what about isis? >> um, what's isis? >> what do you think obama's biggest accomplishment was? >> blonde hair. >> the president won the nobel peace prize. do you think his greatest accomplishment is killing someone? >> no. bringing our troops home. >> i think the terrorists are pretty happy about that? >> yes. >> i'm personal lay fan of healthcare. i think we should have universal healthcare.
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>> how's come he said the costs were going to come down and they went up? >> i'm not sure. >> i don't think he is either. >> we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it. ♪ >> do you like any of the republican presidential candidates? >> absolutely. >> who do you like? >> i love them all. >> who is running? >> who isn't running? >> i'm a democrat. >> i can tell. [ laughter ] >> ted? >> jeffrey? >> ted mosey. >> >> i'm not a ted cruz guy. >> is he a first term senator running for president. we all know how that turned out last time. are you a tea party person? >> he reminds me too much of ross perot. i can't deal with that squeaky voice and pointed nose. >> i'm very shallow. >> you are a superficial guy. >> what do you think of jeb bush? >> i don't think about him at all. >> i do like jeb. i'm an old bush fan i'm a reagan kid. >> i can't deal with another bush clinton matchup. i don't know if the country is ready for that. >> he is george bush's
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brother i probably don't like him. i didn't like bush he was an idiot. >> you seem to know what's going on. what do you guys think about marco? >> polo. marco rubio. never heard of him. >> is he a republican senator out of florida. >> i don't like him. >> you never even heard anything. >>y like him. >> what of scott walker? >> i'm not sure i can trust him college education. >> is that elitist of me. >> you are elitist snob. >> i figured that. >> what state are you from. >> texas. >> are you gliewn. >> no. >> so you might like him. >> chris christie. >> sometimes he needs to be told to shut up. >> sit down and shut up. >> rand? >> owens? >> not owens. rand paul. >> rand paul. okay. i like rand paul. kind of get away from the status quo and the establishment. >> he is kind of quite in his scrubs, yeah i like that. >> kind of like his stance on drugs kind of libertarian view on that? are you baked right now? >> not yet. >> i'm so wasted.
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♪ ♪ >> ever watch boyle. >> i like him. he is a funny guy. >> funny looking. >> is he an awkward looking geauga. >> that's not nice. >> i like what bill says is on his mind and not afraid to say it. >> have you ever watched bill o'reilly on fox news channel. >> i watch a lot of car cartoons. >> ever watch watters world. >> that's my favorite part of the show. >> you have tastes. >> thanks. >> i'm watts you are in my world right now. >> i don't know that what that means. >> you better check her ms and get them right. here is watters. what i took away from that opus, is that the republican candidates, the people don't know them. >> they have a big problem with name recognition. >> i would say under 40 years old the younger americans, that's advantage for hillary clinton. >> it is. rand paul surprisingly had a lot of support down there. i think it's a little bit because of the weed policy. >> did you actually asked that guy if he was baked? >> that's what the kids say
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these days. >> are you baked? >> i don't know what you said back then but they say baked. >> far out grove and are you stoned back then. >> marco rubio announced today. >> yes. >> he is appealing to younger americans but they just don't know him yet. >> the name marco is elaborate. i don't know if it sunk in yet. they like the latino thing and is he hans some. weave will see. >> senator rubio has -- is he a dark horse candidate this time. but, you know, you keep your eye on him. >> i will. >> do people know you now when you insult them and you know, do they know? >> sometimes. i mean, you know i can't ride the train anymore. i think you might need to book me cars in the city. it's really hard bill. >> you can get into a smart car? that's what you are going to get. jesse watters everybody. there he is when we come right back, a brutal spring break rape in florida and young people just standing around watching. megyn kelly is next.
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♪ or go to to try 60 days of lifelock identity theft protection risk free. and get a document shredder free. ♪ and help protect your identity your money, and your credit. ♪ the o'reilly factor, the number one cable news show for 15 years and counting. >> thanks for staying with us, i'm bill o'reilly, in the kelly file segment tonight, convicted murderer jodi arias sentenced in arizona today. brutal rape in florida during spring break. >> this cell phone video is so graphic blurring out the
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disturbing images makes it hard to tell exactly what's going on. bay county sheriff frank saw the entire video unedited. >> probably one of the most disgusting, repulsive, sickening thing that i have seen this year on panama city beach and i have seen a lot of it within 10 feet of where this happening there is hundreds hundreds of people standing there watching, looking seeing, hearing what's going on. and, yet, our culture and our society and our young people have got to the point that where obviously this is acceptable here to report further is megyn kelly you see her immediately after the factor. two young men are charged with what? >> two men from alabama who attended troy university in alabama are are charged with sexually assaulting by multiple perpetrators, in
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other words, gang rape sexual battery by multiple perpetrators. they have two of the guys. they are still looking for a third. they say there may even be a fourth who they are looking for. apparently this is done in an open and notorious fashion right there. you see this video. there is a flash of sort of blue chairs that you will see. it was right there. apparently. see those blue chairs behind. and the people are carrying around while this gang rape is going on by a woman who is described by the police as complete i incapacitated. passed out either drunk or drugged. she apparently says she believes she was drugged. she didn't go to the police right after. >> what happens in a lot of these cases is they slip this they call them ruthys or something. they slip it into alcohol. i know women that this has happened to it. you are just totally gone. >> right, you have no memory of it. so it makes it hard to make a criminal case but not here because you do have the
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video. >> not only that and we're going to get into this because we actually have been in touch with the police and have some details that we are going to be breaking shortly on the show. i will tell you that apparently they can see because my big question was how do they know it wasn't consensual? not that, you know, obviously the police say it wasn't but how do they know? what is the evidence? we don't see the sexual assault. and apparently one of the things that is shown on the video is multiple men holding this lady's legs down. incapacitated from alcohol or drugs and they are physically hold are her down. >> anyone that touched her should be charged. the police chief had an interesting point that we have come to a point in america where some americans. i don't know if it's most. but a good minority are so desensitized right, to all of this stuff. >> that's right. >> because they live in a different world than the world that you and i were brought up in. not much younger than you or
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me. under 40 crew you are what 6 now? under 40 crew that were raised on the tech. the tech really got into them. not everybody, please with the letters, not everybody besent advertise envishment we live in allows for this some of stuff. >> group think. our boss roger ailes talks about how he was taught to run toward the danger. he was taught to stand up for people that were in trouble. family value that was engrained in him in a young age. >> good samaritan. different mind set in today's day and age they think i don't want to get involved. it's knob of my business and this group think that you see. >> more than that anybody can call 91 1. all right? you don't get involved. you say there is an assault sexual assault taking place on the beach. >> more and more this kind of thing. >> standing around with cups of beer watching. >> remember the poor man in connecticut out on the road and carbs were swerving
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around him and vape of being shot in the front of a convenience store. stepping over the body. >> it's desensitized. i think we are seeing it in america big time and all over the world. >> make a mental note to yourself before you encounter a situation like that that you will be the person who stands up. you have to challenge yourself. >> that's not taught. that's not taught. >> you can teach yourself. we are teaching it right now. >> nobility and good samaritan philosophy isn't taught. it's all about me. me. all right. and now we're going to transition because the same thing is in place with this jodi arias who murders the boyfriend and then tries to make it into a woman's rights batter ited. >> tried to claim he was abusing her. right. now she is sentenced today to life without parole. >> it's a great sentence. >> she dodges the death penalty? >> that's fine there are two juries that tried to gte give her the death penalty. the last one was 111 to 1 in favor of death. they thought the one holdout had an agenda. just really didn't believe in the death penalty. so this decision today was the most severe penalty she
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could have gotten. >> do you think she should have gotten the death penalty. >> i like you have reservations about the death penalty. i haven't made up my mind on it frankly. can i see both sides. when you listen to the grew some details of any keim. >> this was a particularly gruesome crime premeditated, not spontaneous but planned out. >> andught him at his most vulnerable moment when he thought he was with a lover and was in the shower. in any event, but she had no prior criminal history whatsoever. but, as of today, this is the most severe thing she could have gotten because the judge bass deciding life without the possibility of parole and life with. this judge was not empathetic toward jodi arias nor should she have been. >> she will not see the light of day again and lose the appeal. >> right. >> charles krauthammer on deck, his thoughts about hillary clinton running for president. moments away. [ male announcer ] approaching medicare eligibility? don't put off checking out your medicare options until 65. now is a good
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back of the book segment tonight, as we told you in the talking points memo hillary clinton has some problems she must deal with in her campaign for the presidency '. joining us now from washington charles krauthammer. who follows these things very closely. do you expect mrs. clinton to win? >> i expect her to win the nomination hands down. it won't be a coronation, it will be a worship at the democratic convention. but i don't expect her to win the general election. >> really? >> i think it's close. i would give her somewhere under a 50% chance. but i think if the republicans can put up a dynamic candidate, they can -- i think she is easily beaten. >> okay. she is easily beaten, why? what is it about hillary
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clinton known by every voter, doesn't have to establish herself as far as who she is, why do you feel that she will be defeated? >> that's a problem. doesn't have to establish herself as to who she is. people know who she is. bloomberg did a poll just a few days ago. 39% of the electorate said they will definitely not vote for her about 17% say definitely yes. 18% probably yes. so you do the math. 39 no, 35 yes. probably. that means. >> it's a bit deceiving. 39% that won't vote for her they might not vote for anybody. you can't do math based on somebody who is a phantom. have you watched this woman as have i since she entered politics. what is her number one deficit? what is it about her that voters the 39% don't like?
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>> i think it's two things actually. the first is the glaring authenticity. when people hear her speak, they go all the way '90s. they hear all the parsing of words, they hear the whole clinton litany. and they get instantly fatigued. that's for 39%. the other thing is she's old. i don't mean chronologically. i mean politically. she's been around longer than anybody in the field. and there's a sense that the country wants renewal. particularly after eight years of one party in power. historically if you go back to eisenhower only once has a party held the white house for two terms, and then won it again in the third. >> yeah, that was reagan and bush the elder. >> that was a reward -- that was a reward for the most success frl presidency of the half century. i would not categorize the obama presidency as the most success
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frl successful. >> how does hillary clinton handle barack obama on the campaign trail? "a" she need him, has to get out there, but "b" can't run on his record overseas. she has to repudiate his record, which will tee him offer and he'll stay home, or embrace his record which is chaotic overseas. what does she do? >> she will hug the middle. >> hug the middle? >> she will do neither. she will -- she's a very clever politician. she knows how to use words. she will say that we're in the right direction. things -- some things are not gone well. they need to be improved upon. she started her campaign yesterday talking about helping ordinary americans, middle class medium wages. it's been catostropcic under
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obama. hubert humphrey, 196r8. al gore, 2000. the only one who's successfully navigated that was george bush jr. >> it's going to be fascinating. >> it was a success frl presidency. >> i don't expect her to do mump media. i don't. i don't expect to put herself into the tough answer the question, madam. i expect her to run on she's a grandma, touchy feely first woman in the white house, it's a legacy, come on, gals, let's get out there. for the old gender, give me a ge give me an e, give me an n, give me a d, give me an e, give me an r. i expect all that. when it comes down to brass tax, policy, she can't answer the questions because it will run right up against as you rightfully point out the failed policies of barack obama.
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you know, hugging the middle is not easy, charles. ever try to hug the middle? it's hard to get your arms around the middle particularly when the middle is expanding here so much. because we have such chaos. >> i don't hug the middle because i don't leekike the middle. but i'm not running for the presidency after a president who hasn't been successful. look, i think this election, the general is going to hinge far more on the conduct of the republican than on hillary. hillary is predictable. she will not make egregious errors. she'll make the occasional error. the press will cover for her as it does always. >> yes. >> it will be a huge attack on americans but depend not on her. >> the republican has got to take it to her. that's for sure. charles krauthammer, everybody. fact or trip of the day? my trip to new mexico. interesting things happened. the tip moments away.
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there's a book. if you want to know about the wild west. the way it really was. not the fictional stuff they sell you in school and western deal. books especially good for younger americans who not taught this in school at all. sold on billo' or bookstores everywhere. hope you check it out. pel city, alabama, been a police officer for more than 25 years and disgusted by the south carolina police shooting. hard enough to maintain a rapport with the african-american community that we serve. this kind of thing breaks down solid relationships. i hope the officer is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. greg ballard draper, utah i believe the officer should be punished but the shooting would not have happened if the victim would have cooperated in the first place. that is true but american police officers have to be held to a high standard greg. they have guns power and authority. with that power comes great responsibility. the trial will demonstrate my point. michael mark, as a professor teaching politics at willamette
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university, i've noticed that the suspects of your "killing" books, bill, are all men. this opens you up to charges of sexism. san antonio, texas. i'm 14. really enjoyed the first two episodes of "legends and lies." i learned a lot. thank you for watching. gary, "legends and lies" is a fantastic ride through the old west. heading to costco tomorrow to buy the book. mary, bellview florida bill, i find it difficult to believe that you put your name on that show. implying that southerners are all bigoted and hot headed in bias. sorry if it upset you. ellen, mmassachusetts i'm a flight attendant, fly to holland every week. now i can listen to the podcast. thanks for that. happy you're a bill o'reilly premium member. roger o'reilly, great time with
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you and at the don't be a pinhead show. hysterical hysterical. dennis and i traveled to new mexico over the weekend. stayed in santa fe. terrific place. there's the adobe east. if you like art and history, this town has got it all. the st. francis basilicason is on a site where the church was built, ready, in 1610 before the pilgrims came over. new mexican hospitality. took a great tour of the indian ruins which is fascinating. there's the church. "factor" tip of the day, you cannot go wrong visiting new mexico, land of enchantment. that's it for us tonight. check out the fox news "factor" website, different from billo' spout off about the "factor" from anywhere in the world. o' name and town, if you wish to
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reply. word of the day do not be de loose delusive, good word don't be delusive writing to the "factor." we'll have senator corker as our lead guest tomorrow and that should be -- should be news breaking. all right? so president's in a tight spot here. if he vetoes and doesn't allow congress to have oversight on this treaty, that's really going to be something. it's a very big story and we hope you join us tomorrow night. again thanks for watching us tonight. miss megyn warming up in the bullpen. i'm bill delusive,]] >> the grand new warning for our u.s. troops now. what they are being told to hide. rubio's official.
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he's officially in the ring. >> grounded by the lessons of our history but inspired the promise of our future, i announce my candidacy for president of the united states. >> the florida senator becomes the youngest contender in the rapidly growing race for president. what is his message and what is going to be a tense show down. >> trapped on a plane. passengers sent into a panic when they hear banging from down below. who was stuck in the cargo hold when the plane took off? "fox & friends first" starts right now. >> good morning to you. you are watching "fox & friends first" on this tuesday. >> this is heather childers. not ainsley earhardt-- and i am ainsley earhardt. a great new warning for our american heros. >> they sent a memo to our troops urging them to have a low
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profile at home. they are asked to avoid using military slang in public and limit military decorations on their homes and cars. this warning comes weeks after isis leaked the personal information of 100 military members on-line urging lone wolfs to attack. >> the deputy in tulsa who thought he was firing a taser when it was his gun is now charged with manslaughter. he faces four years in prison after shooting and killing an unarmed black man. dramatic video shows an under cover operation in which suspect eric harris is tackled to the ground. that's when bates fires what he thought was his taser. >> roll on your stomach now. i am sorry. >> an attorney for the harris family says the base was a donor who played big bucks
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