tv Hannity FOX News April 14, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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tomorrow night, ben carson is here, along with dana perino. set your dvrs now. let me know what you think of tonight's show thanks for watching everybody, i'm megyn kelly. this is the kelly file. tonight -- >> i'm running for president, because i think that americans and their families need a champion. and i want to be that champion. >> hillary clinton kicks off her campaign in iowa but ignores ordinary 34er7bs when she grabs lunch at chipotle. does the learjet limousine loving hillary have anything in common with average americans. >> you ran for senate and lost. >> some in the main street media are furious carly fiorina would criticize the democrats chosen won. >> are you the one to criticize
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hillary clinton's accomplishments. >> a person from yesterday, promised to take us back to yesterday. >> what should the strategy be to defeat hillary. >> yesterday is over. >> rnc chairman and the architect karl rove provide political analysis. >> and you were warned. >> we have got to get control of our beaches. >> a shocking video allegedly shows a young woman being gang raped during spring break in florida. the sheriff tonight will join us and respond. >> hannity starts right here right now. welcome to hannity, a few days after formally launching a run for the white house. hillary clinton stepped out of her campaign van to hold her very first official event. a roundtable discussion at a community college in iowa, here now with all the details from the campaign stock is ed henry. it was nice to see the learjet
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loving, i haven't driven in 20 years sitting in front of a snap on or craftsman toolbox. >> i think what i was trying to do was go through and figure out exactly how she's going to sell that message that you're stalking about. to voters here in iowa. let's not forget last time she came in third in the iowa caucuses, she came in as the inevitable democratic nominee she may be coming in again this time but perhaps she's learned a lesson from that last experience that she can't take these votes for granted. at least that's what her advisers are claiming on the way in. she sort of repeated today what she said in that announcement video, she wants to step up on the economy and show that she'll stand up for the middle class. listen. >> we've got to figure out in our country how to get back on the right track. i'm running for president because i think that americans and their families need a
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champion. and i want to be thatchampion. >> and interesting of course because last year when she sort of road tested this message during her book tour it fell flat, because she had to back pedal after saying she was dead broke leaving the white house as first lady this is perhaps another opportunity to retool that message. i think the other challenge of course, is going to be -- if you listen closely to what she was saying, we need -- she's running for president, because she wants to get the country back on the right track that implies that right now under president obama she is saying the economy is getting better, but still far from being good that's going to be a very tricky political balancing act for her to stay close to the president, she she has been in a lot of her recent comments. now suggesting we're not on the right track. >> you got a nice backdrop that was a pretty luxurious van she drove out there in heated
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seats, 29 inch tv and a bed. not the van of the people. >> i call it scooby because it's like a mystery machine, i guess. from that cartoon. and her advisers say she wanted to get out and meet some real people on the trip. we didn't see her meeting that many. at chipotle it was her behind sunglasses ordering a burrito bowl. >> thank you. as hillary clinton's second run for the white house kicks into full gear her biggest cheerleader is the mainstream media. they're already obsessing about her stop at a local chipotle in ohio, where a very disinterested clinton was noticed, limiting her interactions with a staff. listen to how the mainstream media portrayed her chipotle outing. >> the manager of a chipotle in ohio who had to look at the security video to prove it was
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hillary clinton that stopped in at chipotle today. she got lunch apparently. >> on her way to iowa from chappequa chappequa new york she ordered a chicken burrito bowl. >> the only sighting came in ohio today. security video captured her ordering a burrito bowl. >> part of why yesterday was so successful, she looks like she's having fun, and she's doing for her, new stuff. we've never seen her get a burrito before. >> oh, my god, hillary went to chipotle. her apathetic chipotle run. many are applauding her for her unassuming, down to earth style. perhaps she's trying to downplay her immense wealth. lessen to what clinton said earlier today about the well th gap in the united states. >> i think it's fair to say as you look across the country the deck is still stacked in fank of those at the top. there's something wrong with that, there's something wrong
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when ceo's make 300 times more than the typical worker. >> let's play the gap between rich and poor, and let's talk about the gap between old and young, and divide america. it's interesting coming from one of the wealthiest individuals to run for the white house. hillary's net worth was pegged at $15 million, which has likely grown tremendously over the past few years, especially after receiving an estimated $14 million advance to arthur the memoir hard choices which didn't do that well, and just 15 months, spanning 2013 and 14, she earned close to $5 million in speaking fees. all this wealth has enabled clinton to own two multimillion dollar homes, including one in washington, d.c., one in new york state and even co found her own charity, which has accumulated over $283 million in assets as of 20134.
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is hillary going to be able to pull off i'm a regular joe despite her jet setting limousine lifestyle? here with us roger stone and pat cadel. roger, if i go to chipotle and i'm running for president, i'm going to say, hi, i'm sean hannity i'm running for president, i want your vote. what's with the big glasses, the hiding and then the media trying to portray this as a woman of the people. >> i think clintons handlers understand the more people see her, the more they dislike her. you can't run for candidate and mix it up with real people. they are trying to make her an empathetic person she's not a warm person she's a cold calculating elitist she's very repatience when it comes to money. these two images of hillary are
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never going to match. >> we're talking about image making here, while you're answering this question about -- we have all of these reports, all these books, all these instances, including d.b. meyers and people like gail sheehy and george stephanopolous all writing about her vicious people er er. we're going to put up the real hillary when you don't see her, unguarded moments. these are things she's quoted as saying. >> lanny davis does a wonderful job talking about a wonderful person she is. she's not warm and fuzzy to the people, what's interesting. one was the saturday night live exit, which was devastatingly
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accurate about her and it's parody, and then you have marco rubio's announcement monday who was supposed to be buried by her. the reason she has to go to -- the imelda marcos moment with the dark glasses, going in to prove she can order something i can't get over hal pert and these other people fawning. it's ridiculous. could you look stupid? could you imagine bill clinton, he would have gone in there, eaten some of everybody else's food, said hello, warmed them up and then, what's the best thing to order. he would have made a scene there. she went in and she's wearing sunglasses, my god, and that thing she did with the students. these are people who a few months ago to appear on campus, she was charging 200 and $300,000 to speak to students. and she's worried about them by
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the way she's not answered a question yet from the press, and soon despite the lap dogs in the media, it's going to be the issue. she showed up in a van that had a 29 inch tv, heated seats and a bed. >> tough life. >> yeah, tough life. thank you both for being with us. one of hillary's biggest attractors carly fiorina went on msnbc yesterday to talk about clinton's announcements, it was not exactly received well. watch this. >> you ran for senate and lost. you worked for john mccain, you were moved off that campaign and he lost. you had a tenure at hewlett-packard that a lot of people describe as rocky and destroying jobs. are you really the right person to be criticizing hillary clinton's accomplishments or lack there of? >> here now to respond to that attack, the woman herself, carly fiorina potential 2016
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presidential candidate. i found that line of questioning or attack interesting. because hillary doesn't do interviews. she doesn't answer questions of reporters, you do. what's your reaction? >> well, first, as i told mika and steve. both of whom seemed mortgagesly offended that i would dare to question hillary clinton's track record, the world i come from track record is everything, and numbers don't lie. businesses have results and you can't spin them they are what they are and we accomplished a lot while i was at hp, we achieved a lot. i will run on my track record i think it's important that we force hillary clinton to run on her track record, it's a track record of lack of accomplishment, it's a track record of lack of transparency, it's a track record of hypocrisy, i do not resent mrs. clinton's wealth in the slightest, what i resent is every policy she has ever
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favored, every policy that's been in place in the obama administration has made it tougher for the middle class. the middle class doesn't need a champion, they need the political class personified by hillary clinton to get out of their way so they can go on and build a life for themselves. >> i mean, this is a cute little photo op we can put that back up on the screen, behind her is a snap on toolbox, maybe it has an alternator on top of it, she travels around in private jets gets $200,000 a speech, is a multi, multimillionaire has multimillion dollar homes in a number of cities. she lives the lap of luxury and is attacking the rich. when you look at her actual accomplishments her state department wouldn't designate boko haram a terrorist organization p.m. she was a part of an administration that literally allowed iraq to fall into the hands of isis, and she
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wasn't there in benghazi either and didn't give the requested security that ambassador stevens was asking for. so those are real issues that i think we need real answers to, and all the media cares about is chipotle, what did she order? a burrito bowl i don't care about a burrito bowl. >> you're right, we need real answers, and the answers are that her tenure was not a success as secretary of state the world is a far more dangerous place, you forgot to mention, of course that our relationship with israel has deteriorated dangerously under her watch, you, of course, we also know that she wasn't just asleep at the switch of benghazi, she purposely misled the american people for a month after that terrorist attack she pedaled it being an l.a. videographer and a demonstration gone bad. i think again the policies that mrs. clinton supports are all about crony capitalism, crony capitalism is created by big
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government. when you have a big powerful costly complicated, corrupt government, which is what we have a lot more of under barack obama and we would have even more under hillary clinton, only the big the powerful, the wealthy and the well connected can survive, it's called crony capitalism, that's why the middle class, honestly they don't need a champion, they need a break from big powerful overreaching governments. and they need a break from hillary clinton. >> maybe she could take off those anna wintour glasses and maybe give the money back from countries that have atrocious human right ss violations with women. coming up, o ryan previs, karl rove. and president obama moving forward with a bill that would give congress the final say on any deal with iran. and later, we have to warn you the video we're about to show you, extremely graphic hard to
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watch. police releasing this cell phone video. allegedly showing a gang rape happening right there at the beach at spring break at panama city beach, where we've been covering, the local sheriff is here tonight with reaction and much more. who does this kinda thing online? i-i-i clicked on some links, ugh the kids weren't even home. wait, wait, wait, this changes everything. it's service & repair feature. so we'll never pay more than we should. well done. research, price, find. get the right service without all the drama.
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last night, senator rubio announced he's running for president in 2016, making him the third republican to officially declare he took a swipe at the only democratic candidate currently in the ring that's hillary clinton, watch this. >> just yesterday a leader from yesterday began a campaign for president by promising to take us back to yesterday yesterday
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is over. >> he spoke with me last night about why he's required to be president. >> i served nine years in the florida legislature, two as speaker of the house. i wasn't -- i will have served a full term in the senate before i'm president. i take seriously my role in the foreign relations committee. >> interesting you look at the chipotle issue with hillary she didn't say hi to anybody. senator rubio gave a speech, there was an overflow crowd outside. he ran out there talked to them in the miami heat, came in was sweating a little bit in the first segment of our show last night meeting the people what a difference when you compare and contrast, right? >> he loves people and you think about the hillary clinton
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scooby doo van fiasco. what does she do? she puts on sunglasses. they're walking into chipotle with sunglasses on, trying to hide from the public. i mean so look, if you look at this whole episode this week it goes back to what is plaguing hillary clinton right now, which is the fact that, it's not my opinion, the polling is showing in key battleground states that most people when they're polled say hillary clinton is not trustworthy. the other important thing here to think about is that hillary clinton's name i.d. right now is at 100%. it's pure saturation yet she's losing head to head in battleground states against our candidates that have like 30%, if that. >> i'm going to get into that in a second. people aren't buying this stuff. >> what about the anna wintour glasses many she goes in there.
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if i'm running for president, i go in there and say, hi i'm sean hannity i'm running for president, this is where i stand on the issues i need your vote i want to be your public serve an the. whatever happened to that? >> well, not just that, i mean, all of that, if you want to be successful, especially in iowa, and new hampshire and south carolina, you got to take the sunglasses off and actually go and talk to people, and actually care about what people think the fact is she doesn't want the publicity. this is the big thing that a lot of the mainstream media is missing. this is the only strategy they could employ. the strategy is, make sure the field knows she's running, and then not answer any questions in the media, and not talk to anybody. >> unbelievable. >> she doesn't want to meet with a press gaggle. >> thank you. thanks for being with us. >> here with more reaction. fox news contributor, karl rove. you looked at the 15 battleground states.
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clinton versus a generic republican. it's not pretty for her. >> no it's not. this is a poll from american crossroads gps a group i'm associated with, 43% clinton, 44 for a generic she's as chairman previs said, 95% of the people say they know her well, it's hard to get a second interest douks of your first introduction or a third introduction as the case may be 49% favorable, 44% unfavorable. the more they learn about her, however, the less nice they're going to feel about her, read a list of positive and negative accomplishments, it turns to 44 44-51. she goes upside down. you and the chairman were right, 60% in the polls said she'll say or do anything to get elected. 49% say she doesn't share their values, that's a very low number for a democrat, 48% said she won't make america stronger. that's the interesting one
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people want change. and 71% of americans in these battle grounds states believe she's going to continue president obama's policies. these are states that lead obama. 50 50. 71% say she's going to continue obama's policies. >> i don't think you can overcome the perception of being untrustworthy. this luxury van, the private jets, the high speaking fees the million dollar homes. how does she make class warfare. >> she was going broke. look, this is just weird to me, this is completely bizarre, first of all she's done this van tour before in 1999 this is how she went across new york. in a van.
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first of all, the idea of dark glasses, they're a way we hide from people, you know when -- she should have taken them off, she should have introduced herself, you're right. that photograph, it looked like they were on the lamb. it looked like she and uma are fugitives some kind of failed foreign policy. be on the lookout former secretary of state and senior adviser. >> hiding from the people. >> exactly. and then today, did you notice at that thing, she's reading her heartfelt emotional talking points off cards in front of her. she keeps looking down at them. it was the weirdest thing. >> a leader from yesterday campaigning to bring us back to yesterday. what did you think of rubio's line? i thought it was powerful. >> i thought it was a passionate speech. he is off to a strong start. people who turned in -- tuned in yesterday, were probably impressed. i'm even more impressed at the way he's prepared himself over the last several years he's a very serious legislature, i know
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from friends in washington, and friends in the policy world how much he's done to go out and talk to people who know things about important issues, and he's picked them clean, he's asking for their input, not pressured him to support him, said i want to figure out the right thing to do about this big issue. >> it's been a remarkable performance. >> i agree. president obama claims his authority to negotiate this nuclear deal with iran himself, guess what, a key senate committee voted today to move ahead with the plan to force him to get congressional approval first. that's coming up next. plus, we have a viewer warning, a video we're about to show is extremely graphic very hard to watch, new video from panama city beach florida. allegedly showing a young woman being gang raped on the beach while spring breakers do nothing, and stand by. the local sheriff joins us as we continue that coverage.
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welcome back to hannity, earlier today, the senate foreign relations committee pushed back hard to broker a deal with iran without seeking congressional approval first. just last week president obama said -- >> there is long precedent for a whole host of international agreements in which there's not a formal treaty ratified by congress and by the senate, the majority of those we enter into around the world are of that nature. >> not so fast, congress does in fact have a right to get involved in the negotiation of a foreign treaty because the constitution clearly states, he meaning the president shall have power by and with the advice and consent of the senate to make treaties provided two thirds of senators concur. this is why the speaker of the
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house john boehner and the head of the senate foreign relations committee who held the vote today issued this warning to the president. >> congress absolutely should have the opportunity to review this deal, we shouldn't count on the administration who appears to want to deal at any cost. >> the president cannot lift the congressionally mandated sanctions, which is what they've been trying to do and push for over the last couple weeks. >> here now with reaction, lieutenant colonel michael walter is with us. and the author of invisible armies, senior fellow max boot is with us. max? what's your reaction, simm mg right? >> that's a good move, i'm glad that senator corker was skillful enough negotiator he got enough democrats on board, that president obama had to back down, i mean, just this morning, he was trying to suggest that those who wanted a congressional vote on the iran deal must be in favor of war with iran.
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but after corker made some concessions and after he got enough democrats on board, president obama had to say forget that veto threat, i have to sign this he has no choice. >> what about the russian red line that the president said. we had a syrian red line, the russian red line, the russians are going to sell a defense system to the iranians that if israel ever needs to go in and take out these sites it's going to make the job twice as hard. >> there's no question that putin gave a big assist to this vote. he's alarming people in washington and rightly so, she's showing what happens if we lift sanctions on iran, iran is already a predator, it's already seeking regional hajemini, if we lift these sanctions it's going to be a super empowered predator. >> brand new weapons system that might make it impossible for even the israelis to take out those sites. >> exactly. what you're going to wind up
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with is a nuclear program that can be weaponized with the turn of a switch and it's going to be all but invulnerable to american or israeli air strikes. that's the consequence of this deal as it's being presented. >> i listen to the supreme leader, and what i hear is that they don't agree with the white house's assessment of this deal or the specific points that we supposedly agree on you would think if they had a deal we would all be on the same page, there would be no ambiguity whatsoever. in the middle of the negotiations, they're talking about the destruction of israel is nonnegotiable and they're also saying that -- chanting death to america, why if i were president would i rip any negotiator i had away from the table and say, this is over? >> what has me a bit concerned. overall, this is a good thing that congress is exerting its oversight over this deal, what i'm concerned about are the concessions that were made today namely that the president
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no longer has to certify that iran is using terrorism to achieve those goals that's exactly what iran is doing right now, they're using proxies and terrorism to achieve its goal of being a regional powerhouse without a nuclear weapon, they're doing it now with the threat of a nuke. it's almost like a football coach who is killing us with the passing game. over the next ten years, they're going to achieve their goals anyway. >> we hear that iran is preparing for a ground assault, and that they're arming hezbollah and hamas for a future engagement against the israelis and we still negotiate with them? >> absolutely we're not focusing on enough of the consequences of reaching this deal, which may or may not stop the iranian nuclear program for a decade, but is definitely going to empower iran in the meantime, they already are dominating iraq, syria, lebanon. >> they want to dominate the
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entire region. >> between the straights of hormuz and the land they're trying to acquire in yemen, if they get that, doesn't that end the ability of the world to ship oil out of the middle east? >> well approximately 40% of the world's oil flows through that narrow straight. and you mentioned a second ago, sean our allies our allies are extremely concerned. brett bere just had his interview with king abdullah in jordan. they're very directly saying, we look like we're on our own, we're going to take matters into our own hands and i think at some point that will involve a nuclear weapon, that's going to involve a nuclear weapon in the region. >> you have to interview with brett bear, there's an egyptian tv host one of two begging netanyahu to take out the nuclear sites it's interesting they are far more hawkish than we are and we should be the greater ally of israel. thank you for being with us,
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appreciate it. coming up next, we warned you about spring break we warned you it was getting out of control, and now you've got an allegation of a gang rape that happened right there at that beach while partiers nearby did nothing to intervene. this is after the shooting of seven people. later the mainstream media is out in full force against rand paul, claiming he has a problem with female reporters, his wife is here to respond to that and much more.
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welcome back to hannity we have been warning you for years about how out of control spring break has become. police say new video offers more proof of just how dangerous things real i are. now, police have arrested two men after discovering this video of an alleged gang rape that took place last month in broad daylight in panama city beach, florida. that's where we did our coverage.
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the part of the video that shows the assault is so graphic most of it is blurred, but the footage goes on to show spring breakers partying, having a good owl time. the sheriff says he's discussed it, and none of the hundreds of people in the vicinity of the alleged assault did anything to stop this the victim is a 19-year-old female who was assaulted by several men and police say that she was incapacitated did not report the incident she didn't remember what had happened. two suspects have been arrested and charged with sexual battery. 22-year-old delonte martis is with us. they're both students out of alabama, police are searching for a third suspect. joining me now, frank mckeaton is with us. welcome back, sir. >> we're back again. >> last time you were on we had a shooting of 7 people. >> that's correct. >> you have seen the unedited video, how graphic is it?
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>> it's disgusting it's sickening, it's -- the worst part about it is that people are standing there within feet about it, more concerned about spilling their beer than someone being raped. >> this girl is totally incapacitated, totally passed out and three guys consecutively have sex with her in front of all these people. >> they were all three participating, yes. >> unbelievable. you still looking for the third suspect? >> we are. today we are in alabama, we have officers up there looking for him. we hope to have him in custody pretty soon. >> you've been warning, we've been warning, our warnings, our admonitions have gone unanswered. what do you say to the mayor who bragged about not coming on our tv show? what do you say to the mayor and the city council that they have
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not acted in spite of your many warnings and admonitions. >> well sean it does appear that actually we are getting some temporary ordinances passed. the city followed them i just wish we had done it earlier. i don't know to what extent it's going to stop something, it will give us some tools to work with. >> you were right from the beginning sadly i hope there's justice here appreciate your time. >> joining us now, author of death of cool, former nypd detective, everyone i know that saw the unedited unblurred version says this is just awful. predictable. >> you predicted it? you predicted it? you got in trouble for saying it's more dangerous than girls? >> that's sexist. >> i predicted it. >> this thing that gets real sickening is the people that will watch it, i really believe that's the crazy part about it, watching a girl who is knocked
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out. the only reason we're talking about it tonight is again there's a videotape, i will guarantee you on this show, dozens of girls were raped during those spring breaks now we have a video with that cop in carolina, the video and now everyone's coming -- the attention's coming to be my problem here again sean the people who let it happen. and didn't try to stop that poor girl from getting attacked. >> these news shows have turned information into a celebrity roast, where everything is funny, you have that smug creten, jon stewart literally touching his eyebrows going, what's the worst that's going to happen hall monitor sean hannity. everyone laughs, we're going, we were there, this is a different spring break, women are getting raped. they keep laughing. and we're screaming stop, this is news. >> seven people were shot the day we finished our coverage.
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this gang rape happens this is just the location we went to. >> they call it partying sean, what's the problem? they weren't there when theyey make these jokes, they make them in a cubicle, and they laugh with each other, hannity's crew was there, saw rapes, say heroin, saw guns and exactly what we said would happen happened. >> and i tell you the truth this is just -- crimes do not get reported so there's dozens if not hundreds of crimes, violations. >> without the video, this girl didn't even remember it. >> she wouldn't remember who raped her, three guys raped her. >> they're funneling all this beer into their gut, they're wasted. doing molly, they're doing heroin. >> this poor girl is being violated and these adults they look like some very calm looking adults there, and they just didn't care. that happened in new york -- what was his name kinney. she was being stabbed she was
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yelling for help, nobody called the police. it was back in the 1960s. >> that's jon stewart, jon stewart and all these other smug people that were laughing. are exactly the same as the by standers that walked by. they made jokes about rape and they're not funny. >> he's too busy with his head up obama's butt. you're right they attacked our coverage, i wish we were wrong. >> it doesn't feel good to be vindicated. >> as a father of two daughterses, i'm disgusted with this. and i'm disgusted with jon stewart talking like that. what if it was his daughter he wouldn't be talking so smug. >> is he going to send his daughter down there? i doubt it. >> main street media are trying to paint rand paul as anti- anti-woman, his wife is here to set the record straight. ha, you better have a jet pack under there turtle. tortoise, actually. on your marks, get set...go!
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welcome backing to hannity, in the days since announcing his candidacy for president, rand paul has been grilled by the left wing mainstream media for how he handled himself during these two interviews. >> you once offered to drastically cut -- >> well -- >> wait wait wait. you once drasticallien watted to
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cut spending. i wonder if you mellowed out. >> why don't you let me explain instead of talking over me. >> is iran still not a threat. >> no no, no, no, no, no. >> let me finish that. >> it concerns me. >> let me finish that. >> i'm sorry, go ahead. >> calm down a bit here kelly. let me answer the question. you've taken something and you've twisted it and you -- >> no, i only -- >> you did, you took -- >> now, many on the left are saying that senator paul is being mean to women and i probably has a problem attacking female reporters and that he is or could be a sexist. really? joining us to respond, author of constant friends just out in book stores today senator rand paul's
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>> you stayed friends? >> yes. friends. >> yes. >> so it's a great book. he wrote the introduction for it. >> he did. >> you see interviews and media reaction to them. >> right. >> what is your reaction? >> if you want to say he is abrupt or comes off in a responsing way, fine. but it's not because someone is a woman. you can look at interviews with men and women and make that argument. the reality is that his professional life working with female surgeons has been one of working with woman. his long-time surgical partner in bowling green he still has a great relationship with. >> i think the main stream media out of touch with that red part of america, which is a significant portion of the geography, i don't think they
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understand and have a clue as to what motivates them or whether they're coming from. do you get that impression? >> you know sometimes, it does feel that way. he's trying to get his point across and make a different point. you just want people to be open to it. >> what about hillary clinton? i did ask rand about this. she's taking money from saudi arabia and uae. they have atrocious records and i can't think of a time when any reporters ever. >> we conservatives seem to think there is a double standard. >> so you became friends, the seven of you in college. >> yes. >> this is a story about how they've been influenced by mothers and grandmothers and an irish blessing is your grandmother. >> yes. yes. she was the inspiration for the book. i was invited to do some
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speeches. i wanted to write a speech about the american dream. my grandmother came to this country in 1929 from ireland at only 19 years old, alone came here so she can work and send money home to her family. her father was an invalid having been gassed in world war i. she had a hard life. her first job was for a live in made for founders of the sacks fifth avenue stores she developed a love of fashion and my life when she'd come to visit us, i just remember how optimistic she was, how positive and what an amazing spirit she had. she inspired me. i wanted to honor her and our mothers and grandmothers. >> that and my poor grandparents
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came from ireland at the turn of the last century dead broke and wanted a better life for us they had to work hard to get there. it's got great art work kelly, good to see you. >> thank you. >> don't read the internet. that is my advice. coming up, we need your help. you're going to want to answer the question of the day, next. bring us your aching and sleep deprived. bring us those who want to feel well rested. aleve pm. the only one to combine a safe sleep aid... plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. be a morning person again with aleve pm.
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go to sean hannity on twitter and let us know what you think. we'll see you back here tomorrow night. the five tomorrow. good night. the o'reilly factor is on. tonight: >> if congress kills this deal, then it's the united states that will be blamed for the failure of diplomacy. >> will congress revolt against president obama's iran nuke negotiations? tonight, we will hear from the senator leading the charge. >> i think that anyone who is thinking about maybe being an atheist, if you read the bible, i believe you will emerge from that as an atheist. >> the insults on religion continue unchecked in america. but john stossel says that's not a problem. he will be here to explain. >> we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal. >> uh-oh. all men are created equal? the federal government saying that part of
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