tv The Kelly File FOX News April 15, 2015 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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not going to -- you can see the media running behind me here to chase the scooby van. >> wow. >> we'll see her soon. >> guy in the orange pants is quick. wow. he's outnumbed now by all people racing around the back. >> oh my goodness. how embarrassing is that? i'm humiliated from my kind. let's go to ed henry who just filed this report from the campaign trail. he was not one of the people chasing that car. >> the media is correctively allowing the campaign to kick off differently than what we've seen on the republican side. that is allowing her to accomplish her short-term political goals out i saw today here at this produce
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facility. she was nodding, smiling, asking questions we're penned off behind those boxes and near the boxes back there. when reporters started shouting questions about same-sex marriage, she ignored it then walked out. that is different than marco rubio but npr and abc. rand paul announcing and doing interviews ta got testy, pushing him on various issues. and said welcome to nfl. i press clinton's communication director why hasn't she put a helmet on yet? >> we'll be doing a lot of interviews. you know from the beginning she didn't want focus on the national stage or interviews
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with herself. she wants to be out talking with people. >> let me give you an idea of what happened yesterday. what happened is that she walked towards the media and they started shouting questions. she didn't answer them she just recapped what happened at her staged event, gave her talking points about the middle class, then walked out. >> that is not a news conference. >> thanks >> she walked towards the media? check. joining me now, howie kurtz. sorry. i see the reporters chasing the subject, remaining so elusive they cannot seem to pin down, reporters there reminded me of reporters here. do you remember this? the police look like the police. look at the police. they're doing their best to try
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to capture an elusive subject. reporters did the same. we'll see reporters, how embarrassing. >> i am so grateful i didn't have to chase the scooby-doo van the hyper ventilation over every hillary hiccup is just cringe worthy well, she ordered a chicken burrito is that a play for latino vote? she didn't leave a tip at a fast food joint and how humiliating. >> right. and yet, the reason we're embarrassing ourselves like this is because where is hillary? it's like i get these famous
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right? she's running for president. now, we have to have access to her. everything is again going to be news. why is she so silent? how long can it continue? >> why is she hiding in that van? well, i've been on lots of campaign trails. and went days and days and the press was just having her role. i think it's a giant diss at the press. and it's a way she tries to project this every day american image of insulating herself from difficult questions. >> she's been totally insul vated. rand paul goes on with, you know venues that may not be that friendly with his message but took his licks the only lick she was having was
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over at chipotle and wound up with coverage like this from jon stewart. >> news media went all in. >> the only clinton sighting came at a chipotle. security video captures her ordering a burrito bowl. >> i believe she got an iced tea. >> also, she ordered guac. >> how many napkins did she take? jon stewart, associated press. >> she looked like she's having fun and we've never seen her get a burrito bowl before. >> we're learning so much about her. >> look, she could do these events. she wants to go small and be humble. she doesn't want to fly around in a 747. had she just walked over to the
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press and actually answered a couple questions then, it won't be sitting here she's walled herself off. i guess she'll do some interviews but just seems to me she's reenforcing questions about does she really have a message? >> it's tough to feel connected to her. you feel like she's keeping you at arm's length. howie, great to see you. joining me with more is bill burton. bill, good to see you. now, that counts as media veilibility? just walking towards the press saying a few things and walking away? >> only thing missing is that rand paul marco rubio are begging for attention. hillary clinton doesn't need attention. those guys are out there trying to get something she can't get. >> what do you mean? you tell me. maybe she's too smart by half because she's making the media, i guess you know like in the
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alpaca video, she's making fools out of them. >> that is their problem not hers. it's -- just keep in mind the announcements are on the front page of newspapers everywhere. she's leading the conversation on your show. i will say. >> we're not talking about her message. >> right. but every campaign runs into this. right? at a certain point there is a balance you have to keep between how much the candidate talks to the press and how much they talk to the american people and trying to keep the balance is a difficult thing. we have problems with it on the obama campaign. sometimes we went too long without media availability people would rise up against us. and that will happen. you know, you hire smartest communicators. she'll hit moments maybe she should do a availability.
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>> you tell me whether this is wrong smart communications people are saying it is not to our advantage to put our candidate out there. i interviewed you many times barack obama was just a senator and i don't remember that message. why don't they want to put her out there? >> well two things on this. one, the president took a lot of heat in the white house and campaign trail he didn't do as many media availabilities as his predecessors. he did some. >> you have to talk to people you want to elect you. >> we're at day two of the campaign. 572 days until election day. >> sunday, monday, tuesday. wednesday. day four. let me ask you this. >> there is no math in the center of this. >> i know, i can do it on one hand, that is it. i did see one interaction with
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voters i heard a familiar line. watch. >> every day americans need a champion. i want to be that champion. >> and i'm running for president because i think that americans and their families need a champion. and i want to be that champion. >> is that what we're going to get? she's just going to keep repeating stuff in the commercials. >> we're just barely in the commercials. you'll get a lot of hillary clinton and a lot of rand paul. do you think he's happy he did those interviews? he got hahn handled by savannah ruthrie. >> isn't it better to get beat up early? get your sea legs? she did her book tour. >> when you run for president you get up all the time. there are so many indignities
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about running for office and covering people running for president but there is going to be a lot of them2x'etween here and there. michelle obama said when you run for president, it doesn't change who you are, it reveals who you are. that is through this process all of the folks will be revealed as who they are. we're just at the beginning of it. we're going to find out a lot, soon. >> that candidate suffers indignities do i have to cue up the video? do i have to? the press should find it's own dignity. bill, great to see you. >> good to see you, megyn. >> it's like a dog chasing a bumper. let's see it one more time. yes. yes. press? see yourselves? you wish you had a do over. don't you? look at the end. can you keep it rolling? wait until you see what happens on the end. it's like swarm. look how many there are. dignity at the door. okay. moving on.
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a big-city mayor trying to blame governor scott walker for a recent surge in gun violence including a weekend shooting of a man and teenager. david clark is here with what he thinks is going on. plus, dr. ben carson joins us tonight to explain why he and al sharpton now share a common goal. plus, last night i spoke with debbie wasserman-shultz about her fight with rand paul and how that produced what rush limbaugh called a victory for republicans unlike any he has ever seen. next, rand rush our intk2&% and what this means for theçó road ahead. >> rand paul has done something no other republican has done. he has turned the abortion issue around on the democrats.
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>> he keeps saying ask debbie wasserman-shultz when does she begin live begins? >> the question he was asked and that he's trying to deflect from by pushing it on me is does he support exception to his opposition? . >> i get that. >> he hasn't been that -- >> i'm wondering about you, because i have you tonight. >> from my perspective we do not support rolling back protection the constitutional right to make your own reproductive choices
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that roe versus wade has given to women. >> dana perino is here, great to see you. so you know rush was saying and i heard you saying earlier that that was a significant moment. why? >> it's a change. so rand paul what he did is say i'm going to take a question and flip it back on you because i know where i stand on it. he has a principled position. he knows where he stands on it. he's saying why doesn't anyone ask democrats where they stand on slate term abortion in particular? on that question, i think debbie wasserman-shultz answered to you. >> let's tell the viewers i asked her what about 80% are
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against third trimester abortions. and what about a third trimester abortion? she said well, not on a whim. she kept going back to its between a doctor and a woman. >> that is their safe language. they're very rigid science has a lot of morals that change hearts. what the republican party has said is we're for speaking for the innocent. when it comes to contraception, republicans are smart, also, in 2014 saying we would be for over the counter contraception. fine. now, they want to talk about late term abortions i think the issue is bigger.
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this is about who is going to speak up for the innocent. we're entering into an interesting time when genetic modification is going to move faster than our policy has been able to allow us to keep up with. and protection of life i would much rather be on that side of the line in my own spoeshl viewpoint and 84% of american as agree meaning liberals, democrats are the extremists on late term abortion. >> i don't understand. i was confused as to why she won't just late third trimester? >> they receive no grounds. >> why not? if you're pro-choice 80 plus percent of american people say not in the third trimester. we know that is a baby.
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that is a baby. >> science informed people. they might know someone that had a baby born premature is now living a good, healthy life. she said it's between a woman and doctor that is the rigid language of the left. they're going to try to send it home because it sends a signal we're not going to budge on roe v. wade. >> it doesn't acknowledge the supreme court recognized at some point, the state has the right to regulate that relationship because there is a third life involved. that baby has protection under law at some point, which democrats don't have to concede on. the supreme court said so. >> accepting the case in the life of the mother. they're so rigid in communication on this. they have to be or else they'll lose the support and funding from the far left, from the
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feminists. hillary clinton will have a hard time with this issue. if reporters ever catch up with the van and ask her. by the way, how do you feel about late term abortion? it's smart of rand paul, that you made this an issue it's not just about that one point that she was trying to make about making it narrow. this is a character issue. about who is on the sited of protecting innocent life. if all lives matter i think republicans are on the winning side. >> we'll see if that turns out to be rand is what many are saying is a winner. >> coming up, dr. ben carson found common ground with
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reverend al sharpton. and a teacher asked third graders to send cards to a convicted cop killer her bosses took action. and we'll speak to the widow of the officer about what she wants. imb a hill. every truck can haul a trailer. but not everyone can say they're the fastest-growing truck brand in america. guts. glory. ram.
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for killing daniel faulkner in 1981. after the school board suspended the teacher saying they didn't know she was doing that she and her supporters pushed back. first offending the assignment then saying it was actually the student's idea. >> i mentioned to my students that she was very ill and they said they would like to write get-well letters to her. i shared this on social media. i do apologize to parents, students, and community members for having done that. >> we're proud of you. >> maureen faulkner is the widow of officer daniel faulkner. good to see you again tonight. what are your thoughts on this teacher and the attempt to pawn it off on the eight-year-olds as it was all their idea? >> well that has me very concerned because i think this marilyn, she actually was indoctrinating these young children back in february. she had them write about a quote
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that the woman wrote, which was, when a just man is silent where is the justice? so she's the one who introduced these children and told them told them about this murderer. >> this is a man, mumia who shot your husband in the face, took his young life and left you a widow, and she wants them to learn about his message on justice. >> yeah. you know, megyn, i was just about her age when i walked into jefferson hospital in the middle of the night and saw my husband's face blown off. i mean, she needs to realize that what she is doing is so wrong. she needs to get, first of all the children are the ones who are being hurt right now, and the parents. the children probably have no
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idea what's going on. their teacher is not there. and if she wants to apologize and she really feels that way, then she needs to stand up in front of the classroom, say she was wrong, say that mumia murdered a police officer and that she should have never had these children write get well letters. >> you know this man has become amazing for some of the left who maintain he is a an innocent man railroaded by a justice system. >> that is what has gone on. joseph said many years ago, tell a lie tell it big enough, often enough, and it becomes truth. and that's what happens in this case. people have turned this man, who was a cold-blooded murderer into a martyr. a journalist. and to free him and these children were actually, you know, had pictures of mumia with
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free mumia. it's disgraceful and wrong. there should be consequences for it. >> the school district is trying to decide what to do with this teacher. her supporters don't want to see any further discipline imposed. we will continue to follow it. maureen, always good to see youb, thank you for coming on and dredging up a painful memory. >> thank you. up next, a mayor of milwaukee now trying to blame governor scott walker for a recent surge in gun violence. milwaukee county sheriff david clark is here next on what's really happening. in his own backyard. plus we have the real story tonight behind the epic meltdown by an a-list actor that was seen by millions. >> what the [ bleep ], keep going. i am acting here, and this [ bleep ] wanders on to
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from the world headquarters of fox news, it's the kelly file with megyn kelly. tonight new developments in a growing political fight over guns. yesterday, we reported on how milwaukee mayor tom barrett was trying to blame governor scott walker for the dramatic increase in gun deaths in his city. well david clark is the sheriff of milwaukee county and we reached out to him to learn more about this. sheriff, the mayor says the problems in his city are all the governors fault and the fault, he adds, for good measure of the nra. and you say what? >> well, you know, when you're a liberal politician, the tendency is that when you have no solutions to what's going on in the city state, country, you blame political adversaries. this was a cheap shot by mayor tom barrett but it's important to add that tom barrett lost twice in race for governor against scott walker, and there's probably some residual
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bitterness. mayor barrett is a disciple and on the board for the mayors of second amendment, and mayor barrett was just regurgitating from his anti-gun talking points memo. mayor barrett has been the mayor for ten years. its been going on for a long time it's his failed policies. >> the uptick in crime in milwaukee has been significant according to those who are in the know in the area. they say that, let's see, this is another politician there who says, the homicide rate in milwaukee is six times that of new york city. milwaukee's auto theft rate is 12 times of that new york city, burglary rate is five times of that new york city. why do they compare it to new york city. this is making me feel uncomfortable. the rape rate is three times of new york city. milwaukee is a dangerous place to live, they lay the blame at the feet of the mayor you as the sheriff in milwaukee county, what do you say? >> well, first of all while all
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this is going on, mayor barrett has not properly filled the staffing level of the milwaukee police department. there are about two to 300 officers short. he furloughed every city of milwaukee police officer for three days each. it's the soft on crime judiciary milwaukee county that won't properly sentence career criminals. it's a district attorney's office engaging in some of these same social engineering projects that are soft on crime. deferred prosecutions for career criminals, putting them right back into the street the revolving door of justice. they're drinking the kool aid of that soft on crime of the sweep of the united states and we're paying the price for it now. if you don't properly fund law enforcement agencies, they're not going to be able to keep up, megyn. >> the mayor is hitting him on concealed carry law that the governor who has an eight plus rating a the castle doctrine law he supported when allows you to defend somebody who comes into your own home with, you know, with a gun, deadly force.
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>> there's no data to support mayor barrett's claim that castle doctrine or people being able to defend themselves play a role in their own defense through the carry and conceal weapons has anything to do with the crime and violence. the perpetrators of the crime and violence in milwaukee, in the city of milwaukee, milwaukee county are career criminals. they do not possess carry and conceal license. these are not castle doctrine, that's why i said he's regurgitating michael bloomberg's talking points memo. when scott walker was a county executive, and i'm the sheriff we worked together. public safety was always at the top of then county executive walker's priority list. the same when he became the governor of the state. he always made sure that my office was properly funded. when there was an issue of public safety scott walker had the wherewithal to rely on the people who know a little bit about public safety he would
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come to me and say sheriff, i have a decision to make. how is this going to affect public safety. i would think the as president of the united states he is going to have that same wherewithal to listen to the commanders, military commanders on the ground, listen to border patrol agents then rely on them to make his decision. and when he makes a decision, he won't do like tom barrett and stand up there and blame others scott walker will take responsibility for his decision. >> okay. we've got to run. >> that's an important trait that i like about scott walker. >> sheriff, great to see you. >> thank you megyn. >> joining me now president and ceo of whitman insight strategies bernard whitman. is this the mayor politicizing a tragedy? >> no, not at all. look at the statistics, it's shocking. every single day in this country nearly 300 americans are shot with a gun. nearly 100 of them die. we in the united states represent 80% of all gun deaths in the entire developed world. >> if this is the crime committed by some murderer and
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of all the conceal carry permits issued in milwaukee only one crime involved somebody who was -- >> let's talk about why there's so many guns on the streets. particularly in streets like milwaukee. the reason that people are dying of gun violence is because there are too many guns on the streets. >> because of the criminals. is it not? >> no. milwaukee has some of the laxes gun violence laws in the entire country. you don't need a permit to guy you don't need a permit to own it, you don't need a permit to carry it. in california for example the last 20 years, they have strengthened laws against gun violence to protect kids, to protect family members, gun violence gone down by half. >> how do you explain chicago then? >> i'm not exactly familiar with the law -- >> chicago has tight gun laws, and gun violence there is running rampant. >> combination of proper policing and gun laws. you talk about mayor bloomberg, he led the effort and mayors against illegal guns. the gun violence scourge in this country is at an epidemic
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listen. >> listen, you're taking it nationally. and i'm focussed on milwaukee. what i see here is a sheriff who had a murder happen in his county, in his city, it was a man hit a two-year-old boy. he got out to check on the boy, the boy died, and some unidentified person who has yet to be apprehended shot and killed that driver. and wound up shooting and killing another the little two-year-old's boy 15-year-old brother who came over to check on him. so the question is, who did that and how do you jump to tighter gun laws? we need to police the streets better. >> if people didn't have access to guns, two of the three people would be alive. >> how do you explain chicago? >> if you have a gun in your home, you're four times as likely to be shot with it and be able to use it to defend yourself. you're twice as likely to be a victim of homicide, three times as likely to be a victim of suicide -- >> and yet and yet -- >> if you are a young adult you
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are 17 times more likely to die from a gun than a kid in another developed country. that is just wrong. and the reason is -- >> that statistic includes suicides. >> guns are too easy to get in this country. we have got to control. >> all right, bernard. >> control gun violence. >> and yet, guns are a lot like lawyers, you don't want one around until you need one. when you hear the door open -- >> you're probably going to get killed if you pull it out. >> not if you know thousand use it. >> the vast minority of people in this country do that. >> i'm not making any further comment. >> i'm not breaking into your house. >> you're welcome any time. not in the middle of the night, that would be uncomfortable. it's great to see you. >> i'll buzz. >> thank you. we have new details tonight on a story involving dr. ben carson, reverend al sharpton, and the event that brought these two men together. dr. carson is here next to explain why he would be partnering with up with al sharpton during campaign season. >> no justice --
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drivers, to your marks. go! it's chaos out there. but the m-class sees in your blind spot... pulls you back into your lane... even brakes all by itself. it's almost like it couldn't crash... even if it tried. the 2015 m-class. see your authorized dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. new details tonight of a surprising admission from a possible republican presidential contender. dr. ben carson says in an op ed that he and al sharpton actually have the same goal. what's that? dr. ben carson is a retired neurosurgeon and potential 2016
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republican presidential contender. he joins me now. dr. carson, you sent a shiver down the spine of republican voters out there who are not particularly fans of al sharpton. can you explain? >> well, i was invited to speak at his national action network. and a lot of people say no no, no you shouldn't go, no way be associated with that man. and even mr. sharpton himself when he introduced me, he said, dr. carson and i probably don't agree on anything. i don't think we could agree that today is wednesday, but it was worth listening to. and you know, the problem, one of the big problems in our country right now is that we get off in our respective corners, and we throw hand grenades. we need to be solving problems. now you know, the sharpton group says that they want to elevate people. well, i wanted to give an alternative to the massive spending of trillions of dollars since the '60s to so-called help
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people because it hasn't helped people it's actually made people worse off. we have more crime, more poverty more broken homes, none of the things that were supposed to have gotten better have gotten better. and there's a much better alternative in terms of teaching people how to turn dollars over in their own community in order to create wealth in terms of breaching back and pulling back other people who are coming along. some people have accused me of being hypocritical. you grew up very poor. and you must have had some type of government assistance and now you want to remove it from everybody. lie. i've never said that i wanted to remove all government assistance. what i have said is that, i want to concentrate on ways that we allow people to move out of the state system. >> you're about empowerment. i've heard that message and the story from the mother and the poem which is moving. i think what was surprising about the sharpton i don't know, partnership, whatever you
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want to call it this is a man who has stoked the racial fires in recent months. who has gone out there making preconceived arguments and judgments about cases that he knows very little of and for example, ferguson missouri, saying that that officer was not in fear for his life, michael brown posed no bodily threat to him, not true, still waiting for his apology. why would you tarnish your own brand by partnering up with somebody like that? >> well, you won't get me to defend him, but i will tell you that the audience a little cool when i first started -- >> there were some boos which was mean. >> they ended warm. which means we can reach people. we don't want to categoryize people based on an individual. we to want give them all an opportunity to listen and evaluate. because it's the only way we're going to heal the very deep divisions that exist in our country. you're getting ready for a big
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announcement may 4th it being tax day and you being a small government tax kind of guy, from what i've heard. i want to ask you about a story in the washington post, art laffer talked about tax plans. and he said, after i great new plan, i thought of for separating brain neurorons. he said you got the joke which is why don't you let the economist come up with the tax plan and you do the brain plan, and did that happen and what is the plan? >> well, we have had an opportunity to talk a couple of times. and you know, what i want to really lay out are the principles. i have no problem with allowing the, the experts on the economy to come up with all the details but the fact of the matter is, you know we have way too much in the way of taxes. our tax code is 82,000 pages long. no one can comply with all of that. the government can get anybody on tax issues, which is the
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precursor to a totalitarian government. we don't want that. we want a system that is truly fair, for everybody. not having any favorites, and you know i want something that is flatter, and fairer. and i want everybody to participate because, if half the people don't participate, it's real easy for a politician to come along and say i want to raise taxes on the 1% or the 2% or the 5% it's hard to say i want to raise taxes on 100%. >> uh-huh. it is because it's politically risky. all right. one of the many things i want to continue a discussion on another day since we're out of time tonight. dr. carson, it's great speaking with you. thanks for being here tonight sir. >> it's a pleasure, thank you megyn. coming up, the supreme court justice who nearly found himself on the other side of the bench after being called for jury duty. wait until you hear this story. plus, the story behind the viral video of a very well-known actor going on an epic tirade on
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the set. >> i am doing my job here! i am a pro! this is the most unprofessional wow. sweet new subaru, huh mitch? yep. you're selling the mitchmobile!? man, we had a lot of good times in this baby. what's your dad want for it? a hundred and fifty grand, two hundred if they want that tape deck. you're not going to tell your dad about the time my hamster had babies in the backseat, are you?! that's just normal wear and tear, dude. (vo) subaru has the highest resale value of any brand... ...according to kelley blue book ...and mitch. love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru. . . . . . (dog) mmm. this beneful is so good
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so u.s. supreme court justice gets called in for jury duty. seriously. chief justice john roberts showed up for his civic duty today just like any good american. and even answered two questions allowed in open court about his relatives while staying mum about his particular line of employment. that would have been listed on the questionnaire, but there he was. justice roberts eventually spoke with attorneys and the judge privately at the bench. shockingly, he was not selected for the two-day trial in maryland. can you imagine the scene if he had been? objection your honor, overruled not you juror number two, pipe down.
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it wouldn't have worked out. and now to a viral video of actor dennis quaid having a major meltdown that has everyone talking. trace gallagher is live in the west coast newsroom, was it real or fake? >> you've got to wait. dennis quaid is a good actor which is why when his blowout went viral everyone wondered if he threw a christian bale type temper tantrum. most is not safe for work as they say, but watch the first part released online. listen. >> so don't you [ bleep ] dennis me! i am doing my job here! i am a pro! this is the most unprofessional set i have ever been on! this is horse [ bleep ]! i've got [ bleep ] over here that i have to look at! this is garbage! >> so even those who thought it was a hoax certainly wouldn't have bet the farm on it, and media outlets appeared to be convinced that he was angry, watch.
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>> dennis quaid, melting down on a set. it's leaked and it is epic. >> the video is now spreading around the world and generating headlines. >> well, today the comedy website funny or die cleared up the is it real or is it a hoax question by showing what was happening behind the scenes as dennis quaid was on his tirade, it's funny and clever, watch. >> dennis -- >> don't you [ bleep ] dennis me! i am doing my job here! i am a pro! this is the most unprofessional set i've ever been on! this is horse [ bleep ]! i've got these zombies over here that i have to look at! this is garbage! >> yeah. funny or die. jimmy kimmel was the one everyone thought it was. it was not to be the case, megyn. >> so well done. trace, thank you. we'll be right back. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night,
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every truck can haul a trailer. but not everyone can say they're the fastest-growing truck brand in america. guts. glory. ram. tomorrow night we'll have tonight night we have a segment quickly becoming a viewer favorite. thanks for watching. i'm megyn kelly. i'm jackie. a florida postal worker remains in custody after flying a tiny helicopter onto the west lawn of the u.s. capitol. douglas hughes said he meant to
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do no harm. he just wanted to deliver letters to draw attention to what he describes as campaign finance corruption. the house of the homeland security committee said he was close to being shot down. he could face penalties for violating restricted air space. house leaders passed a package of bills designed to protect taxpayers from potential abuse by the irs. republicans say the eight measures are part of their effort to as they put it rein in the agency. this comes in the wake of recent scandals at the tax collection service. one of the bills would enact a bill of rights the proposed laws are now headed to the senate. han it starts right now. tonight -- >> this is disgusting. >> after an alleged gang rape on the beach, numerous shootings, dozens of arrests, an out of control behavior -- >> we
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