tv Red Eye FOX News April 16, 2015 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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open court. he was then dismissed without ever discussing his job. thank you for bei'g with us. we will see you tomorrow night right here at 7:00 p.m. eastern. good night from washington d.c. welcome to "red eye." i'm tom shillue. >> my fellow americans our long national nightmare is over. our constitution works. our great republic is a government of laws and not of men. here the people rule. >> yes, they do. i think there was more. >> let us restore the golden rule to our political process. and let brotherly love purge our hearts of suspicion and of hate. >> and now let's welcome our guests. she is here every night which is good.
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imagine the trouble she would get into on her own. it is joanne nosuchunsky. i may not like what he says but i defend his right to think it and keep it to himself. it is tv's andy levey. i would like to welcome a first time guest, mark norman. he co-hosts the weekly pod cast tuesday with stories. and sitting next to me, he didn't pick on me on indoor track but he looks like the guys who did. it is the executive producer,. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. >> hillary clinton's quest for the presidency has raised a lot of questions like how old is hillary clinton? and is hillary clinton a democrat? yep, those are the key questions. according to google they were the top two searches for clinton's name as you can see in the hour following her announcement on sunday. people were also curious about
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marco rubio's age on the day he entered the white house race and also how tall he is. if you are wondering she eight feet eleven and a half inches. you can learn a lot of what people think from these top searches. actually i wonder what the top soips are for tom shillue. i bet a lot of people search for your name. >> weird stuff probably. >> there is a theme there. >> no answers. >> i am going to have to use my dvr for that one. bernie, what do you think? welcome to to the show. >> if you think i will sit here and engage in a sexist hillary bashing i will walk off the set right now. i just want you to know that right now. >> this was the search of the
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sexes. is age a problem for hillary? >> google exposes how stupid people are and how the masses are and how utterly ridiculous. look is hillary clinton a democrat is number two. i am spreeses -- i am surprised there are questions like her sexuality. americans will be wondering if she is hanging out with -- well whatever, she has the problems with bill clinton. >> wait, who is she hanging out with? >> in the van with mrs. wiener. she is supposed to be for the common man. you don't order mexican and then get back in the van for a long ride. >> is that what happened? >> well mark, welcome to the show here. >> thanks. >> how did you get by security here at fox? >> i gave him a weed brownie.
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>> what do you think this means for hillary? is this harsh these judgments? >> no, it is the internet. i think she got off easy. i mean good lord, have you seen the things i have googled on her? and you? >> you are a new guy here. you have to prepare and get some back dwrownd. background. >> i call it linked in. everything is out there. i googled hillary clinton sex tape. and rubio, those shocked me more. >> is it shocking that people don't know about marco rubio? if there is one thing they should know about her, it is -- >> i didn't know that. where have these people been? >> they didn't ask if you killed vince foster which surprised me. >> because everyone knows she did. >> remember that? >> that was in the pre
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internet days. how did that sustain? was that done by snail mail? >> what the story about it? >> yeah. >> i think the truth has a way of getting out there. >> it certainly did. >> blood running up the hill is a dead give uh way. no pun intended. >> what do you think people wonder about you? >> i didn't know you would ask me that, tom, but i did check out the top -- coincidentally i checked out the top google searches and you can see them there. >> you can take that down. we don't need it. >> andy levey destroys tom shillue. andy levey speaks the truth about chem trails. i understand why people are googling how old is hillary clinton. you don't want a 92-year-old woman running the country i don't think. i think it is important -- >> is she 92? >> look, all i know is she uses a walker. and she is very very, very old. i think 92 is a nice round
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number. >> and she is very secretive about her health history is she not? she was fainting and she had all of the issues and it was all secrets. >> and she is also an obvious panderer and she is a dishonest -- she is a thief. she appropriates stuff like yesterday her language was such that she -- i don't know if you heard this but talking about the top 1 percent. i half expected her to come out and say she was native american or half native american. it was obvious what she was doing. >> we know the clintons. they were try an giew laters. this is what bill clinton was so good at. will she have to go all the way to the left, joanne this is that just to get the nomination and then she will go back sph. >> she will get the nomination. who else is there? she needs some competition. otherwise people are just going to google search her and
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see things they like. >> i'm sure she is paying to control her google searches. but look at this. piste 7% -- 57% think hillary clinton will win. is there one thing most people don't agree on is they don't like hillary clinton? >> you either like her or don't like her. you might not like the fact that a lot of people like her, but that's why they are saying 57% think she has a shot. >> they think it is inevitable. >> and remember people are stupid. that's the tiers lesson. >> what is it about hillary? she has been unlikeable for years. mark let's go to you. >> it is the fact that she has been cheated on and she is trying to back to where she got cheated on. that's what we like. it is interesting. it is shakespear. >> won't that bring up bad memories?
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why does she want to go back there? >> that's a horrible room for her. >> do you want to go back to a piece of real estate where -- >> this time she will be in charge so it is flipped. >> what's the game of -- the game of cards there? >> game -- dwaim of thrones. >> no. what's her name in game of cards. >> she can appoint an ambassador to orgy island. >> is that a real thing? >> damn right it is. that guy went to jail. >> they posted a facebook a female shouldn't be president and you said you agreed with her. >> did i sthai? >> you said that before the show. >> no, i don't care. are you talking about the hormones thing? >> she thinks hormones mean -- women can't decide whether or not we should go to war because of the hormones. >> the only thing that worries me is the decision making. it would be weird if they say
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should we go to war? >> that's right. >> we like when the guy makes a decision because it shows they can commit. we want you to be put in that position. >> i also think what you do is you box the guy into the corner. and you make him think he is making the decision, but you basically left him no other choices. >> she better choose a mail vice president then right? >> you are saying women are manipulative? >> i am not saying that. you are saying that. >> i don't like the way this is going. marco rubio was a former member of menudo. i don't know if anyone knew that. that was the 6th top google search. >> we have a young viewer ship. i don't think they know what menudo is. >> well wake up. >> they are like a hispanic one direction. see they know one direction. >> did you see that hillary
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visited an iowa college and they closed down the classrooms. they didn't have classes. is this how she will dwet elected and how she will get the ma -- the millennials? >> this is it. this is the most exciting thing that happened in iowa since the scare crow caught fire. >> i would like to disassociate myself. >> next topic on wednesday, thousands of workers across the country rallied to demand a federal $15 minimum wage. it included fast-food workers and professors and wal-mart employees. groups of people who obviously hang out all the time. it is all united in their fight for higher pay and the right to unionize. they marched and shouted demands and there were even demonstrations in new zealand and japan. i wonder if this professor
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thinks the system is broken. >> the system is broken and this is our best hope. >> the protestor it is not exactly like wages. it is a sneaky way for big union to expand their reach and their power. andy, are you with me on this issue? >> i think the system is broken. >> how is he affecting our stories? >> i don't know. the guy looks like him. >> i don't think the government should besetting a minimum wage and if companies can afford to pay more than $10 an hour they should. minimum wage jobs used to be like for a lot of people, it was a job you got when you were young. >> yes. >> i don't think that's the case now. you have parents working minimum wage jobs and parents working two minimum wage jobs. i think companies that measure their profits in billions can afford to pay a living wage for employees and i think they should.
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obviously different situation for a small company or a company struggling to make a profit and that's why i don't want the government involved. you will get a stupid one size fits all solution when it doesn't. mcdonald -- mcdonalds yeah, pay your people more. >> you say it should be up to them. i saw this on twitter. from pay -- from pat sajac's twitter. my goal was to better myself and not to better the minimum wage. >> he quoted con few shoes. that was a con few shoes quote. >> i think he ripped van gnaw white off. it has been a longtime since i graduated from the wharton school of economics, but there are differing opinions on this stuff. some people say that just like andy said it actually hurts
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other people who want to get jobs a higher minimum wage. it depends on who you believe. i want people to make as much money as possible and move up the ladder as quickly as possible. >> obviously it is a bad idea. didn't you listen to andy and me? >> he was like hillary. he started out with a common sense point and came back to say mcdonalds should -- well it depends on what they -- the pseudo sciences. who is right and does it stop other people from getting jobs? if so it is not a good idea. >> joanne, you have the answer on this. what is your favorite phrase? go. >> i took this quote from con few shoes. >> you say it every night on this show. it is so appropriate right now. >> we should let the market decide. >> of course. >> we should. >> i find it interesting these
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protests. people are demanding the government give them a higher wage to to the depend on government programs. you are literally depending on the government -- you are running in a circle. >> hip crits. >> that is the smartest thing so far on the show. >> and there -- >> write it down. >> i did. there is a chance to move up the corporate chain. i saw that. managers moving up to corporate. there was an actual ladder. >> they do advance. mcdonalds is great too. >> i worked at an auntie m's pretzel. i used to be the sample girl but i used to eat them all. >> you showed that quote and i guess i got it wrong. i guessed minimum rage. >> look at that picture here.
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why does he look 58 years old for the past 50 years? >> he has been dead for awhile. >> it is the mark harmon haircut. you don't look like you age. >> i think he looks good. >> back when he was 35 he looked 58. >> are you a comedian and you probably have worked with some dead end jobs or what we call support jobs. >> back when i graduated from iowa community college i worked as an arby's for awhile. >> arby's? good job and room for advancement. >> oh yeah. i worked up the ladder and i became a "red eye" consultant. >> and now you are here. >> that's the idea. you don't work a minimum wage job to stay there forever. unless you do want to advance with the company. so isn't this the answer bernie, that you are looking
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for is the reason we have minimum wage jobs is to build in the idea that people have to move on with their lives? >> of course. for college kids and for high school kids and it is to the something for you to support your family with. it is something to move up the ladder as joanne so astutely pointed out. that's what it is for. the government -- there needs to be some sort of oversight. >> don't move the phrase moving up the ladder. moving up the ramp. has anyone here known anyone with represent controlled apartment? >> sure. >> are they still in the apartment. >> yes. >> they will never improve their life right? >> uh-huh. >> you sub let it. >> i don't do that. >> you sub let it and then move into a better apartment? >> you travel the world. >> you supplement your income
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by stealing from your employer. >> in any event people find a way around it and maybe that's what people need is if the job is not great you have to find a new job. >> i do worry about people with a record. if you were charged with something maybe it is not that bad. maybe you have a criminal record and you can't get another job. >> that's a good point. >> you act like it is super easy. you say i will find a different job. and then by the end of the day you have a different job. it doesn't work that way in obama's america. >> we are over regulated. wow. we solved it. it is bad news for the pimps and ho's and classy news for the classy man and. >> lady. stick around losers.
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things have gotten completely out of control and it has to stop. that's the subject of tonight's tonight's -- one of the most popular topics is police misconduct. some of it is real and much of it is imagined. people love posting cell tone video of officers while declaring they have gotten out of control. i agree they have. the police? no. they remain one of the most controlled institutions in the world. it is the people. people who whether drunk on alcohol or civil liberties or a mix of the two take to the cell phone and assert their rights. when in enact all they are doing is making someone's difficult job more difficult like this wizard.
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>> can you take your glasses off for me, please? i don't feel safe and i would like to see your eyes. >> you would sph. >> yep. >> where are you coming from? >> you have no right to ask me that. where are you coming from? >> i am just checking on you. >> can you please take your glasses off so i feel safer? why does it matter what i am doing, officer? >> well, do you see that sign right there? >> the sign that says state fish and game refuge? >> the no the one that says no parking fire lane. >> is there a fire going on here? >> to these dash cam civil libertarians i would like to suggest the next time a cop asks you where you are going and what you are doing keep the go pro running and just try politely answering the question and then up load the video of the results. it may not get as many hits but it may make the world a better place.
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first of all can you take off your glasses? they are frightening me. >> i'm sorry. i am very sorry. >> balance them on your head. it is intimidating. >> i love that little speech you gave there. it happens to be on the money. i agree with it. >> on the money, of course. it is one of my monologues. >> this whole -- there is an upside to all of these cameras obviously. you can get the real story and the tragic story recently where the guy was shot in the back disgusting, dishonorable and despicable act, but it is an opportunity for a lot of these people to f with the cops if i may to say things to goad the cops into trying to get them to do something so you can post-it on youtube and get him in trouble. it will test the police officer's patience so there is maybe a downside to the availability of these cameras. >> cameras are everywhere so you can catch cops in wrongdoings. how about my suggestion. go ahead and tape police officers but just be polite
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at the same time and maybe things will work out well. >> people are naturally blank holes. you know that. a lot of people hate cops you can see them marching and screaming death to the cops. they will screw with them until they can get the gotcha poament and get it on youtube. >> i purposely made the monologue short and to the point so you cannot find fault in it. >> before you read it you titled it. >> why? >> i know you. and i don't understand your drunk on civil liberties. you know who is drunk on civil liberties? framers of the constitution. i believe cops should be on camera 24/7. not only does this help getting rid of bad cops but it can highlight the good ones which i think it did there.
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i like that video is up there because it exposes the girl as a dumbass and the cop did a commendable job. >> i would like to apologize for my video. i had a rough day. >> you don't foe what fish and game rules are. >> she is not talking about that video. >> do you though how many watch that in anger going i wish i could do that? >> they are saying what you are saying that they have legitment complaints and she is making it harder. >> she is getting away with that attitude and everything. that is a taser situation. >> cops are racist is what you are saying? >> yeah, hey, yeah. let's look at this video. it is a great example of the kind of things people are complaining about. >> subject shooting or did you shoot? >> negative. did not shoot. unit right there standoff, standoff. the gun is loaded. stay off.
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>> see, mark, you said oh jeez. i assume becausey directed in an e-mail you watch the entire video and did you? >> oh yeah. >> now you see that cop was a quick thinker. he used his skills and took him out. he was not an innocent bystander. he had a shotgun in his happened and was threatening to use it. >> i would say grand theft auto player. >> but police have to think on their feet. you saw it in the video and he has the shotgun and he points it to his own chin and is threatening to kill himself and other people. he committed a robbery with the firearm. i think it was great the cop took him out and he is not dead. >> i am great too, but did he have to dwo 78? he wasn't going after k ri stie alley here. give him a tap, man. >> if you go slow the guy can
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turn around and shoot you. he is protecting himself. >> you don't want the man to see it coming. none of us saw it coming so it made for a great tape. you don't want to say that. that's what it has turned into now. all of these videos, it is entertain meant and it is shock value and all of these things. hahn festally the media are the people who are capitalizing on this and promoting this and think about it. we didn't have videos of this stuff, but the big thing are the priests. the priests are bad and we have to question all priests that they are doing awful things to young boys and then teachers. all teachers are sleeping with their students. we know that is not the case. the media keeps trucking this along. >> yes and 20 years ago it was the daycare centers. remember when every daycare center had a sex ring. >> oh yeah good time. >> and the devil worshipers. all of the towns with the devil worshipers. >> i rarely run into devil worshipers, but this is it.
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you said it people hate cops, why? when i was a kid people didn't hate the cops. they waived to them. we had a soda at the soda fountain next to the friendly cop. >> it is obviously -- well, a lot of it is per fetch waiting fault. cops are there to protect people. there are bad cops and stuff happens in the inner city where there are crimes and guilty white liberal people who also perpetuate these falsehoods, the guys marching. they are not -- these are kids and college people. they are not people from harlem. these are lead by college professors. and they perpetuate falsehoods. there are bad cops, but the majority are good cops. the cops in new york city have saved more lives than these idiots marching on the brooklyn bridge ever have. >> beautifully said. coming up, the fda says a health bar is not healthy
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enough to be labeled healthy. this is coming from a group of people that is neither food nor drug. first a word from our sponsor. >> tonight's sponsor is moments with tom. sure a moment with tom is good but why settle for one? don't wait a moment longer. order moment with tom and watch any moment at a moment's notice.
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party. fraternities at the university of texas have introduced culturally sensitive party theme rules. after one of the frats held a controversial border patrol fiesta. yes fraternities will be policing themselves and i trust them. the popular party themes that are forbidden are pimps and ho's. golf pros and tennis ho's. it says say anything no to anything involving the world ho. aristocrats and trophy wives. and cowboys and indians. that's a classic. among the acceptable themes, pajama jam. simply no lingerie. and outerspace/aliens. you can offend extraterrestrials all you want. let's see them complain.
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is pimps and ho's offensive? >> it is cultural appropriation because none of the people involved are pimps are ho's. >> they could be. did you see risky business? >> what they wear are uniforms and not outfits. they are not costumes. here is what i think. the fraternities have two choices. except the fact that things that were historically fine are not considered fine anymore. or they go out of business. more and more schools are going to start banning them. they are looking for an excuse to ban them. they are under a huge microscope right now. if they have to give up pimp and ho parties and millionaire and mistresses parties to stay around, that's what they will have to do whether you agree with it or not. >> that's the best part of a frat. >> sounds like you want to party. >> that and the date rape. that's all they have left. >> why don't they just leave -- if you have a frat party everyone has to leave their phones at home.
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the problem is it is getting posted on the internet. >> are we -- women should get paid the same party. how about that? and a gay marriage party. that's no fun. you need a ho or a pimp or a grounds keeper or whatever the hell it was. >> trophy party. >> if they had a pimp and ho's party where they invited real pimps and ho's i would be all for it. >> pimps are dangerous. >> this is not play time. >> it is. it is a party. >> it is not. >> it is a frat party. >> this is serious business. >> i like realism. >> if you can't be culturally insensitive in college when can you be? >> right? >> past that though why does it need a seem. why do you they'd a seem -- why do you need a seem? most people just care about the booze and the fratnerzation.
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>> guys want to get phone numbers from the girls, right? when i went to a party -- >> the costumes come off anyway. >> isn't joanne correct? every theme is the same. a keg and some girls, right? >> the bottom line. they are taking the fun out of everything. >> it is terrible and disgusting. nobody wants anything racist out there but they use pimps and ho's in all of these hip hop -- fm, hot 97, power 105. >> my favorite station. >> it is all over the place. these kids go out to have a little fun. nothing about studs -- i want to point this out. did you see everybody with the green? they are talking like this and drinking and nobody says bo? why?
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we don't care. it is all in good fun. relax. >> pimps and ho's it is not racist. >> you know you made a good point with this. cultural appropriation, everyone is against it except when they want us to buy cd's. they want us to appropriate that. who buys cd's anymore? >> listen the compact disk format, it is a great way to share the music. >> you get in there with a pencil and rewind it. kind bars are not as good for you as they claim. the food and drug administration says the self-proclaimed healthy snack is in violation of healthy labeling requirements. several varieties contain up to 5 grams of saturated fat, more than what the fda considers a healthy poohed item. the fda could have the bars pulled from the store shelves if the company doesn't fix the problem. kind, the name of the bar, argues the fats are healthy as they come from nuts. but they are willing to
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comply. mark what is happening with the nut? it is getting maligned. everywhere you go people are against almonds. >> did you hear that? somewhere this brooklyn they fainted when they heard the news about the kind bar. throw an a on there and call it k nie da healthy. >> it is kinda healthy. >> are you dating yourself. how about an abazabba. >> >> let me say i like nuts. leave my nuts alone, would you? speaking of all of the saturated fat and the protein bars that look like the snickers snickers snickers and milky ways. they are full of sugar and fat and nonsense. if it tastes too good to be true it is too good to be true. >> i am not sure this kind bar is unhealthy.
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i eat them all the time. >> they are 20 seconds from death. >> they are full of nuts. >> you have to admit the government regulations. when is the last time you learned anything from a label. >> are you going to hit me? >> from a label -- look, i am not for the bloomburgization of america with all of these rules. it is a legal term i learned -- -- let the buyer beware. that's all there is to it. if it tastes too good to be true, it is bad for you. >> that's a good point. are you more likely to have something healthy on the label and report you looking for healthy choices ? >> i am more likely to buy whatever is on sale first and then i will look at the nutritional label on the back.
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>> i buy in bulk. why buy one bar? you can get a package? can i say something else. the company should be able to advertise however they want. my opinion healthy is an opinion more than a fact. you need to look at the nutrition label in order to get your facts facts and in order to get the ingredients and the percentage of the value in your daily diet. if you want to call something healthy, i think you can. so long as we let the market decide. >> i think joanne is giving goofy talk here. >> she is right though. she is absolutely right. >> who basestheir diet on those dumb requirements? >> nobody, but if you are going to buy a bar and if you are dumb enough to go it says health it must be good for you without looking at the label you kind of deserve it. if you are purposely looking
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for a healthy snack you should be looking at the label. >> do you remember the guinness ads? guinness, they are healthy. >> makes you feel great on a long afternoon. it is time to take a break. next, the best and whores jobs >> the best and worst jobs coming up jie. we have the "red eye" legend sherrod small. he will be here on the fox business network.
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well logging is lag. one of the least desirable jobs is a lumber jack. they released their best and worst careers based on income outlook and environmental factors and stress and physical demands. and at the bottom it is broadcaster, cook, enlisted military personnel and newspaper reporter. biomedical engineer status tigs, mathematician, awed yule gist and actuary. what is that? it seems reversed. >> i have had three of the worst jobs broadcaster enlisted military personnel and lumber jack. i can say they have their
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pluses minuses. the best jobs have good employment trends. they are all i.t. jobs or math and data related jobs. the other are low risk fields. the only problem is if the company you work for if you figure out they are falsifying their books or covering up the deaths of hundreds of people because of a drug you will probably be dead by tuesday unless you can get the influence of someone with jobs. >> why is that so bad? reporter or broadcasting? >> is this your first day here? you are getting a good taste of the broadcasting life. people put powder on your face and that's it. it is easy. >> it is a good gig. i hope to be invited back. >> doesn't it seem upside
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down? mathematician is boring. >> lumber jack that's what i order at denny's. >> where do you think your trees come from? >> i thought it was a machine. have you seen paul bunyon? you get to see people make out. you are on a calendar and you are on a truck, dalmatian, pole mail carrier. except for the dogs you are all right. out in the sun and you have a satchel. >> things like lumber jack you are outside. it seems like a good job. lumber -- lumber jacks you are with man -- manly men -- >> you don't get splinters until later. >> you don't -- you go back to the shack and who knows what happens. i am a broadcaster and i don't see why that is on the top 10.
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i also drove a taxi for a longtime at night. >> and that doesn't surprise me. >> i had high's and low's. >> we took the strippers home. let me tell you something. >> i had a job as a towel boy in a bathhouse and that's how i met my current boss. there are a lot of snapping of towels on the rear end. >> what were the down sides? >> not knowing who is behind you. >> have you ever taken one of those tests? did you ever do those? >> i went to a performing arts school and they knew i was destined for failure. the worst job you have is the one you have trying to get the
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one you want. actors will say waiting tables the worst job. but for someone who enjoys the hospitality industry they may enjoy it. for me it was soul sucking. people asking for things and me having to get it for them, that's really awful. >> when you were there and when you get in the weeds and behind and are serving food -- >> it depends on who you work for as well and the people you work with. having an awful manager and awful co-workers can affect how you feel. >> when did you have awful co-workers co-workers ? i loved waiting tables. >> the ones that slack off and you have to pick up their slack. >> and you are an attractive woman. these girls are sexually huh is rayed all -- harassed all day long. >> all day long. >> i was a general manager. i did it. >> we will close out things with a trip to the grockery store. to see clips of recent shows go to fox eye.
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that's the last story. >> according to the commerce department last month was the first time ever that americans spent more money dining out than on groceries. the experts believed the data hints at a generational shift with mill 11 y'alls fiferring going out to eat. the website states mill 11 y'alls view dining out as a social event. they favor fast-food deli food and pizza restaurants over coffee shops and high end dining and casual dining. the data also shows that the older americans are less willing to spend their money at restaurants and prefer to put more of their earnings toward groceries or grockery. my family still preferred to eat at home of the -- prefers to eat at home. >> i didn't know i said it
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twice. you are a mill -- millenial? do you spend more time eating out? >> yes. cooking for one is not only depressing but it is expensive and the produce spoils before you can use it. when i go out to eat the portion sizes are so large i have another meal for tomorrow. it makes more sense. and this trend is happening because millennials are not getting married. >> so they don't have someone to cook for them. >> everyone is going out and embracing their single life. do it, kids. >> you probably looked into the data on this study and found something. >> i am curious if it includes like using grub hub to order in? it didn't make it clear. i know few people who cook regularly. hannibal lecter is the only person i can think of. this is a nice coincidence but oxford english dictionary
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is an adult who has retained the interest behavior and lifestyle of adolescents. we are seeing grown-ups who refuse to grow up. they sit at home and they play video games and watch netflix and order from restaurants instead of raising a family and cooking for them. i don't see why that is relevant. it is something i have noticed in society and i am outraged by it. >> when was the last time you walked into a grocery store? >> oh boy the 80s. it has been awhile. >> you don't go there. >> why do i need to? get delivery. >> that's the whole -- grub hub, that's all i do. we want everything quicker. netflix and uber and tinder. who meeds to go to a bar? tinder. >> i was offended what andy said in the green room that these women are too damth lazy to -- dam lazy to cook these days. >> people like you send them
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out into the workplace. the point is people are too lazy to cook. when they get too old they are too tired to go out and will be eating dog food. >> thank you. i'm tom shillue, good night. go get help. go get help! right now! if you're a cat, you ignore people. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance you switch to geico. it's what you do. go on kitty, kitty...
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