tv Justice With Judge Jeanine FOX News April 18, 2015 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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>> we can have more dead men today. >> something tells me that my time is up. >> sunday starting at 8:00 p.m. eastern james "wild bill" hickok. >> hello. thankings for being here with us tonight. you know the most transparent woman in history is now on lock down in her scooby van. and while senior citizens and those in wheelchairs wait to get a glimpse of who may be the first woman president, the woman is on the run forcing the press to chase her like a hollywood slebl rity. what is she running from? maybe she's traumatized from all that sniper fire in bosnia. you remember when she said this? >> i remember landing under sniper fire. there was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at
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the air port, but, instead, we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base. >> wow, that sounds terrible. if only we had video of those heroics. we do? we do have video? all right. let's see what happened that day. man, those two wielding children, they can be really dangerous. and this week, hillary continues on the truth tour saying that her four grandparents were all immigrants. turns out, only one was an immigrant, three were not. but the best is when her spokesperson comes down and says her grand parents always spoke about the immigrant experience. and, as a result, she always thought of them as immigrants. you know, my dad always spoke about the yankees.
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but it never made me think he was a yankee. so why would a smart woman who knows her own lineage lie about it? could it be that immigrants would be the biggest new voting block in the next election. and now that obama amnesty gave more than 500,000 illegals social security numbers who knows, they may even be voting. this is the same woman, folks, who said she was dead broke when she left the white house. >> we came out of the white house not only dead broke, but in debt. we had no money when we got there. and we struggled to, you know, piece together the resources for mortgages for houses, for chelsea's education. you know, it was not easy. >> for your information, folks the year after she made that comment she and bill's income was 16$16 million. okay. so she doesn't know about her
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family she doesn't know about her finances and she doesn't know the difference between sniper rifle and a potted plant. but, listen, these petty pesky details do not speak to her ability to deal with the big issues that she will confront as the president of the united states of america. and, to her credit she has been very specific about her past accomplishments. listen. >> the most important thing i did was to help restore america's leadership around the world. i think that was a very important accomplishment. >> wow. you are good. the world's a better place because of all that you've done. take a look. the middle east blowing up. iran working on a nuclear bomb with our blessing. chris yanlstians slaughtered all over the world. christians coming over the border in waves. but, hey, you say you had to get out there and become trustworthy
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and bring back america's moral rules and values. >> we were viewed as being untrustworthy, as violating our moral rules and values. >> clearly what you did fixed all of that. like that video story in benghazi and not supporting our friends like israel and propping up such outstanding leaders as putin. and we were viewed as being untrustworthy? weren't you the one that said we don't spy on americans. until we did. but why wor ri about us. the women who make their living in the oldest profession known to man, believe in you. the bunny ranch hookers. they endorse you. hookers for hillary. now, there's a way to restore america's moral core. but keep them away from the husband. and that's my open.
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tell me what you think on my face book page or twitter. with me now fox news contributor, my friend joe trippey, all right, joe am i wrong? >> good to be with you, judge. always great to come on right after one of your opens. >> listen, why can't she be told the truth? >> well, she's going to be asked about all of these things if she is the nominee. and she's going to have, you know, daryl isa and gouwdy will have hearings and ask her questions about the e-mails and the server. look republicans are going to attack her with every single thing that you threw out there. >> but they don't have to. she said it to the everyday americans. nobody even asked her the question. >> well, right now, look.
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she's doing -- still doing quiet well on the polls. i don't see, at least yet, within the democratic primary, anybody emerging to take her on and challenge her. we need to see who emerges out of the repub le eely can party. >> you know, joe, i'm sure that you saw what we all saw. and that was her scooby scooting by these senior citizens, people in wheelchairs waiting to see her at the entrance. you know to this everyday american na e that she wants to talk to. she blows by them. and later that day, actually her van, scooby van, parks in a handyicapped spot. >> certainly the handicapped spot was ridiculous. but the point is, look all of
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these announcement tours are -- you know, you look at ted cruz. goes to liberty university where he's forced to attend the convocation. but he gets to go out there and look presidential with a massive crowd. >> joe you know you opened the door on that one. she suppose to speak to a smaller crowd that they interviewed, they were hers and they drove to the event while they blew by the senior citizens in the wheelchair. >> yes, and i'm sure -- no no, and i'm sure ted cruz practiced over and over in front of a mirror. it's what a president -- >> but did he lie about who he was? >> i'm sorry, but if people think there is not a facade to all of these presidential campaigns and their events and
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that she's the only one, that's doing this, that's just not reality. joe, two issues. number one, she just comes out with things that aren't true. do you think that it's almost like americans don't expect honesty from politics? >> absolutely. you know, i keep hearing people talk about oh, they don't think hillary clinton's honest or trustworthy. name a politician in either party that people think -- that's running for president, in particular, that people think is honest and trustworthy. they don't trust washington. that's why half of the senators that are running are running way way -- senator rand paul doesn't use the term senator anymore. he's dr. rand paul.
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he knows there's an inherent distrust of anything. >> given the fact, and we're coming up against the break now but given the fact that she's wanting to talk to everyday americans and keeping the press out of it -- by the way, do you know why it's called a scooby? >> the press was ridiculous. >> she's ridiculous. she didn't go to the entrance. why are they calling it a scooby van? >> no idea. coyou know? >> no, i have no idea. >> maybe she ought to stand in front of crowds and take questions: i absolutely think that you're going to see her doing town halls, a lot of group, you know, with real people, going throughout iowa. she has to do that. she has to show that she wants this and that she's ready to fight for it. >> that's right. and she's not going to be coral nated.
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joe trippey, good to see you. >> and the race for the presidential nomination is heating up. the first major event held since hillary clinton announced her candidacy at the republican hopeful taking turns taking shots of the deadly weapon cattic nominee. take a look at some of the highlights. >> people asked me what's the worst thing going on in washington. is it obamacare? is it what the president's done to immigration or war powers? and i say, frankly, it's all of the above. but the category i would lump it all under is that the separation of powers is collapsing. this is one of the most disapointing things about partisan politics. dem dems e democrats just side with him. you can't have a president who just creates the law on his own.
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>> look around the world today. it is in chaos. in every region of this planet from asia, where china today literally, is building islands. with the spread of radical jihadist groups and iran moving full speed ahead. america can't solve all of these problems on it own. but none of these problems can be solved without merk. and we have a president that's e vis eviscerated. >> american people are anxious. they're filled with anxiety. not anger. they're worried about their country and they should be. and the reason for that is absolutely feckless leadership.
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>> he has shown for six years that being scared does not make us secure. the best way to avoid war is to prepare for it. stronger america is good for america, but it is also good for the world. >> hillary clinton must not be president of the united states. i was asked this morning on fox news whether a woman's hormones prevented her from serving in the oval office. not that we've seen examples of man's judgment being clouted by hormones. hillary clinton must not be president of the united states because she does not have a track record of accomplishments. because she lacks the candor and transparency that are so necessary to leadership and because she will pursue a set of
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policies that crush possibilities and the potential of this great nation. >> i'm starting to worry when hillary clinton travels, there's going to be two plaeps. i'm concerned that the plane with the baggage is really getting heavy. >> this is the first president in the post world war ii era that does not believe that america's presence in the world as a leader and america's power in the world is a force for good. we need a president that does not disrespect our friends like israel and caterers to our enemies like iran. >> whether it is the u.k. or frans, and we all remember seeing over 40 world leaders walking arm-in-arm in solidarity with france against islamic terrorism. where, oh where oh where was the united states of america.
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developing tonight a motorcycle riding suicide bomber attacked afghanistan killing over 30 people and wounding 100. the country's president said isis claimed responsibility for the attack. the terror group now holds a third of iraq and syria in its self declared fate. and it continues to expand. fox's military analyst colonel david hunt joins me now. now, they're in afghanistan. >> it means to me the war we've
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declared on isis isn't working. we're not really bombing as much as we can. >> how are we spending $9 million a day and doing four or five sordies. >> because that's the price tag. the point is, it isn't working. it's not stopping isis. they're getting more territory in iraq, more in syria and now they're moving into afghanistan. >> but let's talk about iraq. okay. we keep hearing about ramadi. we're gets it. isis is getting it. what is the significance? >> it's the center of western iraq, which is important. but, more important, it shows that isis is gaining territory while we're bombing them. which means the bombing we're doing isn't working. >> so they start out isis as a j.v. team. and then the big united states comes in and they're getting biggerment they're getting bigger than before.
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what i found amazing was that martin dempsey said that ramadi doesn't make a difference. and john mccain comes out and says something that was stunning. he says that martin dempsey, one of the reasons that we're in the situation we are today about the situation and he's done great deal damage. >> this is the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. saying ramadi is not important, just killing isis. it's embarrassing that a uniformed officer would say that. t chairman is a political animal anyways, but this is beyond the pail. we're in trouble with this with the way we're running this campaign. and the joint chiefs of staff can't be in this kind of denial. and a senator with the record of john mckaib e cain can't be saying this kind of thing.
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>> he would be in favor of someone who was in the chairman of the joint chiefs. >> is he more a politician? or more a, you know, a military guy? >> the majority of chairmans are more politicians than soldiers. and you're referring to benghazi which got him in still a lot of hot water. >> so let's move. we've got iraq. syria. afghanistan. let's move to yemen. you know, obama's success story, that counter terrorism success story. and what we've got now is al-qaida is making advancements in yemen while iran supports the hoopties in saudi arabia.
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>> he almost had all of north africa going or gone. but yemen is important because there's nothing there. there's no infrastructure. >> there is a new report by fox's own james rosen. and it's stunning. he says that iran has been receiving roughly $700 million a month, almost $10 billion in the last year in assets unfrozen by the u.s. and its parter ins. so $10 billion in a year that iran is getting? and that's before we lifted all of the sanctions before they signed. >> we have to remember how bad this is. iran supports hesbollah and hamas. they're in the middle of supporting syria. and they're in the middle of supporting iraq. will e we can't follow that money.
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it's unbelievable that we would supply this kind of money to a country like iran that is a terrorist state. no question. >> comeing up, drug enforcement agents, prostitutes, oh my. my second open in congressman tray dowdy next. ou're looking for a car that drives you... ...and takes the wheel right from your very hands... ...this isn't that car. the first and only car with direct adaptive steering. ♪ the 328 horsepower q50 from infiniti. real cheese poeple don't eat pasteurized, processed cheese food. it's only required to contain 51 percent real cheese. with sargento natural cheese
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live from america's news head squaurters, i'm patricia stark. isis claiming responsibility for a bombing in eastern after dwan stan. a government spokesperson says someone on a motorcycle set off the device in a crowd of soldiers and civilians waiting to get their monthly salaries. at least 125 people were injured. afghan's president says this marks a major mark of violence
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in his country. >> a gas explosion yesterday in central california. the explosion caused a massive fire with claims reaching 100 feet in the air and shutting down a nearby highway for hours. a front loader was at the scene, but it's not clear if it was at the explosion. i'm patricia stark. and now back to "justice with judge jeannine. >> and now for my second opening statement. it sounds like it's ripped from the pages of a bad spy novel. judge enforcement administrations engaging in sex parties paid for by the very drug cartels that they were investigating. and not only were they not fired, some of them got bonuses and promotions. now, d.e.a. chief michelle leon
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hart testifying for that committee says that she simply doesn't have the power to fire those ajebts. >> i don't recommend the sanction. i can't fire. i can't recommend a penalty. >> you have to work with agents over whom you can't. that was congressman tray gowdy firing back at leon hart over her uselessness. back to the issue. now the inspector general's report found that sex parties with prost tuts were funded by the local drug cartels. and they took place over a period of years and that the d.e.a. agents' weapons computers and smart phones were protected by those cartels during the sex parties. protected by the cartels. what? were they watching over them to make sure that they worked
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properly when the agents needed them in the next drug bust? or more likely were they using that time to copy files from computers, clone the cell phones and make sure the wells maybe were not in top working order. you would think that after the 2012 secret service hooker hoedown that this woman along the lines of a lois learner would have done something about which about the issue, which, by the way, she had long known about. congressman jason chase said look the other way tried to sweep it under the rug. and the inspector general found noteworthy the fact that the dea did not fully investigate the solicitation of prostitutes and that those investigations were closed prematurely. no sur friez given that leon hart says she couldn't do anything. and couldn't explain under the civil service rules what she could and couldn't do.
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why someone this incompetent would be running the drug enforcement administration is lost on me. this scandal not only speaks to her lack of a moral come pus, but her lack of a backbone. most of the women i know in law enforcement, especially the ones in charge, are some of the toughest out there. but this wimp says she can't fire, she can't discipline. she can't take away their security cleernszs. but what she can do is build on and improve. build on and improve what? get better quality hookers sn a real leader would know those agents are in jeopardy. that any cartel paying a prost tut to sleep with a cop is not doing it for public relations. they're doing it to get information. and the leader in charge of an agency who's known about this
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for years and allows the premature closing of these investigations who really wanted to make a difference would go to congress and get the law changed. but, then again, the law didn't need to be changed. don't you think that being with hookers would fall under conduct unbecoming a dea agent? or unprofessional off-duty conduct? really? so we had lois learner at the irs. julia pearson at the secret service and now michelle lionhardt at the d.e.a. how do these people get into these power positions. look, i was a d.a. i ran an office. i had an assistant d.a. take a
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county car, get in an accident, leave the scene of the accident with somebody he shouldn't have been with in the first place. i didn't hesitate. it reflected poorly on me and my office. so i fired him. if you violate the standard, there must be consequences. and if cowardly lionhardt doesn't have the guts to do it the ability to recognize the dangers of this behavior, then not only should she be fired without a pension but we ought to get our money back. and that's my second open. tell me what you think on my facebook and twitter page. earlier, i spoke with benghazi chair about this and more. take a look. >> this week, the house oversighted committee held a hearing on the gross incompetence of the dea. i have to tell you i was somewhat shocked. but even more shocked by
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michelle lionhardt who is the top woman in charge at the d.e.a. >> i do give credit to ranking members cummings. they are of one voice. and judge, you used to work with law enforcement. i used to work with law enforcement. i take no great joy in having a conversation with any law enforcement agent like the one we had this week. with that comes a corresponding responsibility. by the way, you are supposed to be investigating to provide prostitutes to you. and suffer the meager consequences that these agents suffered is really impossible to explain. >> well, you know congressman what's even worse is that apparently the cartel took control of their possessions.
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what do you think they were doing with that stuff? protecting it? >> no, ma'am i think they were accessing information or certainly they had an opportunity to do so. but how's the prosecution going to go? that's why you investigate, folks, right? how's that prosecution going to go? the other issue, judge, are the prostitutes under age? were they the victims of human trafficking? it runs so counter to everything that we want out of our law enforcement. and then, to not be able to lose your security clearance aened you may remember that point in the hearing where she said she can't fire them. and she can't revoke their security clearances and she's supposed to be the head of the d.e.a. >> what's even worse, when you say you can't prosecute them or how do you prosecute them, here's the bottom line. they're not going to be
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prosecuted because they're going to be extorted. it's very simple. there will be no prosecution. my concern is lionhardt. she has known about this for years. this is the one area according to the inspector general where they kind of short tripped it, shofed it under the carpet and then she says i can't fire i can't transfer, i can't suspend. i mean, the woman is stupid. okay. congressman, i'll say it. the woman is stupid. i reason a d.a.'s office. you ran a d.a.'s office. you were a united states attorney. since when does the person in charge not able to fire someone or put the mechanism in place. >> you are right. that's why there was a letter
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published saying they had no comforts in her. >> let's talk about the fact that this woman knew about it for years and did nothing about it. now he says she can't do anything about it. why does this woman have a job? if you're going to be in law enforcement, you eve got to be a tough broad, okay. i have fired people publicly for getting into an accident, using a county car and then cavorting around with women. that kind of thing. i just fired them. i don't care what the law is. law enforcement, there is a certain standard that we expect of them. why does this woman still have a job? >> well the last hearing that we had that went similar to this one was the head of the secret service. she was replaced almost immediately. if anyone in the administration watched this hearing, i think that they will make the conclusion that they probably would benefit from a change in leadership.
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i would not take a job where i had to keep employees that engaged there this kind of kuk. i think what you do is fire them and let them carry the burden of persuasion to say that they were unjustly term nated. but simplifyily give people paid vacation and then having to have the inspector general be the one to expose it because you didn't do it yourself, we all deserve better. >> let's talk about hillary clinton. she's supposed to give you an answer about whether or not she's going to appear before you on may 1st. why don't we have to serve her? >> well, judge, our committee is not a standing committee. it's a select committee. the house as a whole may get to
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a point where it does subpoena the server. the power to subpoena is only as good as the power to compel. let's assume the subpoena is out tomorrow and she doesn't come ply -- >> you're not going to hold her in contempt. >> but what happens in the past? it's referred to the u.s. attorney and the district of columbia. he won't even prosecute lois lois lerner. what i want is access to the information and the documents. i don't want the legal drama. i know fast and furious and the irs and all of these other investigations we wind up in court and it's three years before the judge decides to give us an answer. and people have lost interest. and their attention has moved onto something else. i want the information. i do not want the thee ach riks and the drama.
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>> let me just say that there are a couple of people that i think are very important there. you've got uma on the same private server. you've got cheryl mills on that server. cheryl mills, the one who told everyone not to talk to chavitz when he went over there in ben ghazi. you can put together all the lines here and my fear is that scooby do and the scooby van are going to take observe. >> i'll tell you judge if we can carry the burden of persuasion, which is a pretty easy burden to carry, that the public and the media in congress should have access to the entire public record of anyone who has been secretary of state: those
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documents belong to us. they expect her to come and answer some pretty legitimate questions. >> from your lips to god's ears. and hopefully the public does understand how important this is. but i want to thank you, congressman, for being with us. >> yes, ma'am, thank you. >> coming up an amazing story of survival. how one veteran's fight to adopt his military dog and best friend changed both of their lives. ♪ ♪ ♪ you're only young once. unless you have a subaru. (announcer) the subaru xv crosstrek. symmetrical all-wheel drive plus 34 mpg. love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru.
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behind in war zones. earlier, i spoke with a retired marine and an organization working to reunite these vets with their war dogs. take a look. >> i am here with cena and dr. robin ganter. as well as jeff d. youk. cena, we're going to talk about you for a minute. let's focus. >> tell us about the history of the ama and how you got connected to these military dogs? >> american humane asoegsuation was founded way back in 1877. now, a hundred years later, we're the advocate for war dogs. >> i'm sitting here with a war dog. and i understand that you have just recently been to congress because the dogs that our military men and women serve with end up staying in a war zone.
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so you went to capitol hill to make sure that they come with their war dogs? >> we want to make sure that they're transferred back to u.s. soil. >> jeff, you were a marine, you come home without your dog. you say you suffer with p.t.s.d. why was she important to you? >> we spent our waking days together. we slept together in fighting holes. as a veter ran, we were very strumtal in the warfare together. everything i witnessed, he witnessed. so when i came home, everything i had to do at that point in time i had to do on my own. i no longer had my support system which was cena. >>. >> cena suffers from ptsd. >> he relies heavily on my out put of the situation. just as i trust his outlook and
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his opinion in most areas and expertise. >> you're frustrated, you come home. cena is still in a war zone and you want your dog back. what happens? >> i actually spent four years away from him. he's a contractor dog. during that time period i had gotten a whole lot of separation anxiety from it. and i used to go to the pet store to pet black labs because i missed him so much. >> this is where you come in and you realized that the law, the way it reads now, it says the dogs may be returned. you want to change that to it must be returned. >> we were on capitol hill all week. we have two more weeks to make sure it gets in this year's version of the national defense authorization act. >> what would you say to people in terms of how important it is? >> she put your life on the line
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for us and so did cena. but what would you try to say that this is very little to ask for in exchange for what you've given. >> it is one word that we were trying to change. that one word being changed will provide numerous veter rans with peace e peace of mind. for four years, i couldn't sleep. i couldn't handle my own children because of crying due to issues overseas that happened. >> and how did you get ce flrks a back? >> i tried it one last time. i had contacted the company and they finally responded. after dozens of e-mails, i received a phone call and i asked if i wanted to adopt him. of course, i said yes. the problem was getting him home. i wasn't financially capable.
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>> american humane association, that is wonderful. but, you know it's got to be frustrating for so many men and women like you. there is no reason for this to happen. no reason at all. a dog and his handler, jeff and cena. jeff, you know what, this is a blessing what you eve done for us. you've done for us. and i think the american humane association. what you're doing in flying the dog home, fighting for the legislation. very important stuff. you want to make changes? this is an easy change. just make your voices heard. thanks for being with us. you're a hero. >> thank you. >> and you too, cena. and coming up. it's your last chance to vote. what do you think should happen to the drug administration chief after the sex party scandal? tweet me at judge janine.
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some thing. the answer isn't as simple as some might think. she can't run her agency, can't protect her agents, and all she can do is sweep it under the rug. how about she come work for you, because i'm sick of paying her. and casey says more like disgrace enforcement agency, fire her already. and lois says there always is corruption and always will be. it happens under all presidents. hey lois, so what do we do? just say never mind? and jack says take a breather. she is working to correct the issue with additional guidance and training. jack, are you stupid? if she were working to correct the issue she wouldn't have made believe it wasn't happening, and she would have done something to protect her eights who were in danger because of the drug cartels and her denial. and julie says maybe, just maybe
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some of the problems are the laws themselves. hey, julie, i can tell you're not a lawyer. don't comment on things you know nothing about. and tonya says like mr. trump says you're fired. jenna -- jake says september her to mexico. maybe the cartel will hire her. check out all my news all throughout the week. and here are my two dogs sir lance-a-lot and mikimoto. there's the picture. mikimoto and lance.
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...and the wolf was huffing and puffing... kind of like you sometimes, grandpa. well, when you have copd it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said.. doctor: symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections osteoporosis, and some eye problems. you should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. grandfather: symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. watch out, piggies!
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see how new york can give your business the opportunity to grow at and i love saying it. have a great weekend. >> the day-old tradition is judeo christian tradition in this country is under attack. >> is there a war on religion? this woman sells flowers to rob. >> i love rob. he's very special to me. >> but when rob married a man -- >> i couldn't do his flowers. >> government says she must. >> it's not about the money. it's about freedom. >> the government says these indians must give up their feathers. government said she must pay for contra essential. >> the government demanding that we choose between our care for the elderly poor and our f
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