tv Hannity FOX News April 21, 2015 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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foundation fund raising. mitt romney will be joined by former heavyweight champion of the world holyfield to talk about their upcoming charity boxing match. >> the allegations are serious enough that the justice department is required under the law to commence an investigation. >> and could hillary clinton's latest scandal lead to legal trouble? we'll check in with judge napolitano, he'll provide expert analysis. also cop haters and the liberal media won't like this. >> come on man. they risked their life to save a motorist, hannity starts right here right now. new developments, fresh fallout from a growing scandal. new details are surfaces about a played to pace game carried out by the foundation. the author writes in his new book that while serving as secretary of state, hillary clinton granted special favors to foreign entities and donated
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money to her family's foundation and gave her husband big speaking fees. hillary and her campaign are denying these allegations while her attack dogs are rushing to defend her in the media. now the newest allegations however have the potential in the end to derail this presidential campaign. here now to discuss, the list of clinton scandals and former tt romney is with us, governor why do i think if i look at russia, iran, the middle east, and the economy, you were right, obama was wrong do you sit and watch these events unfold and say, you know, shake your head -- what do you think? >> well, you know, you look forward obviously i wish i were president, i ran for president with the hopes i could become president. i'm afraid this president has been even more disappointing than i'd expected he would be. the world of course is suffering in part because of american weakness in the hands of our president. he has neither a campus nor a
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rutter, and we're sailing along as a nation without of a strategy without a vision for where we would like to see the world move and the result is the world is in turmoil and disarray and it's sad for people around the world and of course people here at home are suffering as well. >> what do you make when hillary clinton goes out in her luxury van and 29 inch tv and bed doesn't talk to the media, students are locked in the classroom, and find out people are hand picked and they tell us it's a spontaneous discussion in a coffee shop, meanwhile the campaign drove the people to the event. can't seem to relate to real people,e, how much difficulty do you see if she can't overcome that for her? >> well i'm the one to give advice, political advice to people running for president i didn't win. she may get better advice elsewhere. my inclination would not make her the woman of the people. that's not who she is. out there with a scooby van, it
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just, it just doesn't look right. and she doesn't connect in that way that i think her people would like her to connect. and so, you know, do what she does best, and run if you will a rose garden-type of strategy i think would make more sense for secretary clinton. >> i think your experience you learn a lot out on the road and learn a lot in a presidential campaign. here we have a candidate who erased a server that she shouldn't have even been using. now i doubt, as my boss suggested in an article that she was reracing details of her yoga classes by erasing 32,000 e-mails and getting rid of a server. then the issue of a pro quo. foreign entities giving money to the clinton foundation or big speaking fees to her husband while she's secretary of state taking money from countries like saudi arabia, claiming to be a champion of women's rights, but we know that she never criticized those countries for their horrible treatment of women. if you're the candidate and you're a republican how much
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time do you spend discussing those controversies, versus your own vision? >> well, there's no question, but that these are real problems for hillary clinton. and for her campaign. and they are real problems for the country. i think it's a real issue when you have a secretary of state who has a back door way for various people and for governments to make contributions to things she's interested in. whether that's her husband's interests or whether that's her foundation. this is a real problem. and i think people are having a hard time trusting hillary clinton. the idea that she would erase the messages on her server, only suggests there are things there she didn't want people to see. we won't know what they can because she erased them. her problem is that, is this trust gap that exists between her and the american people and that's not narrowing it's getting worse and worse. and i, i think this is something you're going to find republican candidates talking about but ultimately, our folks have to
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decide who's the nominee then the nominee is going to focus exclusively on hillary clinton and her record. >> is there any one candidate in the republican primary or likely to get in that you're particularly fond of, may endorse in the primary? >> you know, i don't expect i'll be endorsing any time soon and maybe not ever. there are folks who i think republic very effective and have very sound records, and have demonstrated through the record over time that they're not just talk. that they can get things done. and jeb bush, he's at the top of the list in in terms of those, national polls, but also marco rubio, scott walker, chris christie, john kasich is being spoken more of lindsey graham, there's a long list of people who are very capable, thoughtful, and experienced people who are going to get a chance to battle with one another for the support of the republican voter. and one of the them is going to become our nominee. >> yeah, the administration revealed this week that they believed throughout the years
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that the potential breakout time for the iranians to get a nuclear weapon was only three months. the president was saying, after these negotiations, that it was 13 years, which i think is bad enough, personally. what is your reaction to the idea that the president is so december froot go into this deal with iran that he wouldn't demand that they recognize rally or stop chanting death to america or release americans held hostage? >> well, you know, i think this deal, and actually it's not a deal yet, it's a general framework, and apparently the two parties or the parties associated with it can't even agree on what the agreement is, but i think it's a real problem. i think there is a relatively short period of time that would take iran from where they are today to being a nuclear capable and potentially having a weapon of mass destruction. and that's unacceptable. i do believe that our president will sign any agreement, and i think the iranians understand that. he's not a great negotiator, he's proven that more than once.
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and this is a time in my opinion the american people ought to say wait a second, let's hold on here let's take congress take a good look because we cannot have a setting where iran and ultimately a bunch of other people have nuclear weapons. >> by the way, there's a $50 billion signing bonus that they didn't deny yesterday, that would go along with this. do you have anything to say to harry reid? he lied about you during that campaign about you not paying taxes, and he said well he lost, it was his recent comments. that's your reaction to that? >> well, i wish harry a very comfortable retirement. i'm delighted that he's going to be retiring. i'm hopeful that the new leadership on the democratic side of the aisle is actually willing to work together across the aisle, and work with the white house and get some stuff done. trade promotion authority would be one of the things i'd like to see get done. there's a lot that has to get done in washington, i think harry was more of an impediment than someone making things happen. >> you're more gracious man than me governor. i don't think i'd be as
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gracious. governor, stay with us. now governor romney may not be entering the 2016 fight to be president as a candidate but he will be taking part in a much more physical contest on friday may 15th the governor is going to step foot in a boxing ring and take on legendary the champion, holyfield for a charity vision in what should prove to be an epic showdown and along with the governor right now is his upcoming opponent five-time world heavyweight boxing champion, how are you good to see you again. >> i'm great. you know, i train in martial arts, and i wouldn't want to get in the ring with you unless i could use every dirty technique that i'm learning. are you going to hit the governor? >> no. >> no? >> no. >> you're not going to hit him? >> no i'm not going to hit him, but it's going to be something good though. not going to hit him. >> you're not going to hit him, but it's going to be good. governor, are you training for
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this match? >> in a manner of speaking, i was in a boxing ring the other day with a trainer, and he show med where i'm supposed to hold my hands, put my gloves. >> keep your hands up governor. give you that one tip. >> close to the face. >> that's right. and he also said, that he had heard from holyfield that i could throw anything i wanted to and i'd never be able to touch the guy, he's just that fast. >> so you guys are going to do this for charity governor, if he hits you, he can hurt you you know that, right? >> absolutely. hey, if he starts throwing anything, i'm going down fast. >> wow. all right. but look, boxing match is a boxing match. this has got to be full contact, i'm assuming, right? >> well, not full contact. it's going to be partial. >> you're going to hold back? >> why not? >> take it easy i'm 68 years old take it easy. >> pick on a 6-year-old. he's on social security for crying out loud.
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>> governor now look i actually trained with chuck liddell, he's obviously, for those of you -- >> wow. >> we have video of that, he taught me his big overhand and i'm doing my martial arts with him that's his particular punch, so i get in the ring for charity, i have to use my fighting techniques, i use eye poking traits i'm going to rake your jaw. i'm going to pull you in choke you out. >> see, i don't get hit anymore. and i don't plan to hit nobody anymore. i'm like this is what it's about. this is a charity thing. >> all right. governor, what's the charity? >> well the charity is called charity vision. and they are able to help provide surgeries that cure blindness about 40,000 surgeries a year in 25 of the poorest countries in the world, and they do it for about $20 a surgery. it's absolutely miraculous. and so we're raising money
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evander and i are, we'll have jokes, sparring a bit -- >> it'll be in salt lake city? >> yeah salt lake city. and you know and you know, other people like amco, we come together to win. we fight to win. >> yeah. well look, it's a great charity. you're still in fantastic shape. although, i'm looking at your ear. i mean tyson really took a chunk out of your ear. >> little piece. >> show everybody your ear. >> a little piece. delicious, you guys are all good about that though right? >> yeah everything's good. forgiving is what it's all about. >> you're a strong christian. >> yes. >> if i got in a ring with you, if i hit you you'd hit me back hard, that's the rules right? >> yeah, because we in an agreement. you hit me i'm going to hit you. >> as hard as governor romney hits you, you're going to hit him back? >> no. >> i want to know is this a fight or not? >> it's a fight but you know what, it's a fight, but yeah i'm a good guy.
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he's a good guy. >> right. >> and everybody going to win. >> governor, are you going to try to hit him? >> well, you know, i'm going to have a talk beforehand. a very private talk. and i'm going to say okay, what do you want me to do and what do you not want me to do. i don't want him to get mad and forget who he's boxing. >> i'm beginning to think the fix is in here. i'm suspicious. i'm not sure who to vote on it's a great charity, congratulations, champ, honor to see you again. i met you in atlanta, great to see you. governor, good luck in the ring, and this may be our last interview, if it is i want to thank you for all the time you've given us on the show over the years. >> thanks sean, best to you, see you soon. >> they're fighting in the ring. i could name a few people i want to get in the ring. we'll save that for another show. coming up next tonight here on hannity. >> the allegations are serious enough that the justice department is required under the threw commence an investigation. >> is hillary clinton in legal trouble?
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we'll ask judge napolitano he's coming up next in studio. then later, u.s. warships move even closer into the gulf of aden to monitor the weapons now being shipped into yemen by iranian rebels that are fighting the seauaudis. is this regime testing obama and does obama have any courage to every truck can tow a boat. every truck can climb a hill. every truck can haul a trailer. but not everyone can say they're the fastest-growing truck brand in america. guts. glory. ram. photos are great... ...for capturing your world. and now they can transform it with the new angie's list app you can you can get projects done in a snap. take a photo of your project or just tell us what you need done... ...and angie's list will find a top-rated provider to do the job. start your project for free today.
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welcome back to hannity, in the wake of the new allegations about the clinton pay to play scheme, how much legal trouble could she be in? judge andrew napolitano, sir, i would have thought wiping your server clean, violated the records act. apparently there's no penalty, as i understand it. >> well, wiping your server clean being bribed as secretary
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of state, enriching your husband and family foundation while you're in public office by the decisions you make will cause her no legal troubles if there's not a prosecutor. if there isn't somebody to come after her. and of course, president obama controls the federal prosecution apparatus for the remaining year and a half of his term. >> so they're not going to do anything? >> probably noting with unless you believe this theory that he does not want her to succeed him. because all he has to all he has to do is unleash the junior most fbi agents, and they have more evidence just from this book than the government put in the indictment of senator robert mendes for a similar crime. >> fascinating analysis. now here's the line, the razor's edge she has to walk here. she said oh the obama economy is stalled. why do i believe that that's going to anger the administration? if she wants to distance herself from obama, at some point, it's going to anger them. >> yeah. >> does that mean at some point
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they would go as far as to maybe pursue these items? >> i can see the type of pressure put it on loretta lynch which regrettably the senate will confirm her -- >> because republicans are weak. >> yes. >> do you know what the republicans should do, it's off the beaten path they should send her the book, read it, come back for your next session under oath. we want to the go through all the crimes outlined and when you're going to prosecute. back to the answer to your question this stuff is so potentially serious, this is such classic bribery, if your husband is earning money because of what you're doing in office you have to recuse yourself from that, but the decision she had to make, keystone and the free trade agreement are two of the most important decisions the secretary of state has to make. so she can't have a husband who's earning this money. >> you're saying bribery, that's a legal word. let me go through the three specific allegations that we now know as revealed in the new york
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times. one the free trade agreement in colombia the benefit of a major foundation donors natural resource investment in south american nation. >> right. >> the development projects in the aftermath of the haitian earthquake, we're going to benefit ourselves on that and then third is the million dollars, in payments to bill clinton from a canadian bank and a major shareholder in the keystone xl pipeline. you're saying that that sounds like bribery to you. >> if the argument that bob menendez, by accepting trips and gifts and financial donations, financial contributions, political contributions in his name, in e return for helping young girls get to the country and that is bribery that is kindergarten compared to this college level bribery. >> but you need a prosecutor. >> good point. >> book provides a timeline. i haven't seen the book, but it provides a timeline. it shows million dollars in the clinton foundation, this decision made.
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$500,000 for bill's speaking fee, and the decisions were, 180 degree change of mind by the secretary of state. >> here's a quiz question, how do you know the clintons are vulnerable and on defense? there's an answer. >> because they are attacking the messenger and not the message. >> and they talk about civility in politics. let's go to barack defending this. >> it's a book written by a former bush operative who's a reporter for that agust news institution or has been in the past, he's cherry information that's been disclosed, and woven a bunch of conspiracy theories about it. the perception of fairness is belied by the cherry picking of facts, the weaving of conspiracy theories. >> there's a long history journalistically and politically with this author. what we were trying to do in the report yesterday, we found ten
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cases of really seriously botched journalism that led to a trail of retractions and corrections. i think this is a political put up job and i can smell it a mile away. >> okay. this is the same clintons that hired and went on a smear campaign. all of -- >> right. prince of darkness and that crap. >> don't forget what they did to every woman that was mentioned ken star how they went after him and all the other people. >> i think it's a sign that politically they are desperate and they know there's something here. that's why they are not addressing the merits of the arguments, they are just attacking the messenger. they can't attack the message because she has basically no defense to it. now he talks about agust institutions, you have three agust institutions that are vetting this book fox news, the washington post and the new york times. i dare him, i dare them to take on all three. >> good luck. now the team clinton is ruthless, relentless and vicious at times. let's go back to the movie the
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warroom, this is about bill clinton's run in '92. >> why is it that i'm always asked what are we going to do? why don't you go ask george bush what he's going to do when he hold him for the wrong he's done to this country. and you can segue, you know right into bush. and i'm just used this yesterday. he's a stitch of yesterday. he is so yesterday if i think of an old calendar, i think of george bush's face on it it. >> reeks of yesterday hillary clinton. >> yes, exactly. she also reeks of secrecy scandal, and failure, and she does not to want talk about her four years as the secretary of state in the obama administration. >> last question, you believe in your heart of hearts there's no doubt that she broke the law in a significant way? >> i believe in my heart of hearts on the basis of the summaries of the book that there is more than enough evidence to require the justice department to begin an fbi investigation. >> fair enough. >> and if they don't, they'll
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lose all credibility in the legal community and with the american public. >> judge, good to see you. the rogue regime tests the u.s. we are here with the details. plus the reasons tonight why iran doesn't take president obama seriously and neither do i. and later tonight -- >> come on man come on, man. >> come on, come on stay with us. stay with us. >> hang on, man. >> come on. pull him back. pull him back. >> a dramatic police rescue all caught on tape, coming up next, you meet the two brave officers who saved the passenger from that burning vehicle. plus new federal guidelines are being taught to the nypd raising a lot of eyebrows is this about a national caring for someone
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and dizziness. he's always been my everything. now i am giving back. ask their doctor about adding once-daily namenda xr. you can call me shallow... but, i have a wandering eye. i mean, come on. national gives me the control to choose any car in the aisle i want. i could choose you... or i could choose her if i like her more. and i do. oh, the silent treatment. real mature. so you wanna get out of here? go national. go like a pro. fox news alert the u.s. navy is in a showdown with an iranian convoy off the coast of yemen. . fox news reporter leah gabriel is standing by tonight at the hannity big board with the latest information, leah, what
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do you got? >> sources tell fox news that uss theodore roosevelt, aircraft carrier carrier, and war cruiser are shadowing a convoy suspected of carrying rebels in the country. the pentagon is saying the u.s. ships are not only tracking the convoy, but they're also launching, quote, manned recognizance missions to try and gather more intelligence. the iranian ships which are equipped with weapons are heading to an unknown port in yemen. here's why this matters sean. the iranians are already allegedly backing the rebels who have toppled the yemeni government and taking control of key parts of the country. well if you look at a map, you'll see it seems like iran is trying to gain influence near two key waterways but over 30% of the world's sea board and trade oil travels through. iran has already caused problems and threatened to shut down the strait off its own coast in recent years. if the rebels receive weapons believed to be on the iranian ships they could potentially cause problems in the strait off
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yemen's coast and severely disrupt global oil supply. sean, as you know the navy says they have been sending their ships to the area to protect shipping lanes clearly also a show of force here. >> let's go back to this map if we can for just a minute here. we're talking about the world supply of royal, those two straits that we have up there on our screen, we're talking about what percentage of the world's oil that is going through those two areas? >> right. and sean, down here at the bob strait, this is 18 miles at its narrowest point now the shipping lanes that go through here essentially four miles wide basically two miles going in two miles out. so you can see this is a very key important point. the navy is there to protect the shipping lanes and keep them open. >> they have a footprint in iraq, in syria, now in yemen by supporting the rebels fighting against the saudis. basically they want full control in the region, correct? >> that's right, the iranians
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have been growing influence in the region. this is clearly a destabilizing force in the region. u.s. military trying to basically provide support to our allies in the region, the saudis, of course, conducting those air strikes. but trying to kind of take a back seat role here, in this case, definitely some streengic deterrence going on. >> great stuff, thank you so much. an as this presidency has shown, well, there's no way president obama's going to pull that trigger and take military action against iran. assad and the syrians remember the red line in the sand, then did nothing. >> we have been very clear to the assad regime but also to other players on the ground that a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized. that would change my calculous. that would change my equation.
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>> he did nothing. the iranians are sending u.s. ships to the area, i would argue is a bluff. don't believe that the president is going to get tough with them. here with reaction, situation bloomberg view national security columnist eli lake and former national security advisor of the clinton administration nancy is with us. eli, you pointed out because the president said there was a 13-year breakout time with this deal getting not finalized that would be able to have a zero breakout time in 13 years, but you're saying that the administration's own assessments has said for years that they have a three-month breakout time right now? >> well, what they have seasassessed is the iranians have the capability to produce it. and probably a lot of experts would say it's less time than that before the deal. but when obama was describing what he would call a breakout time which at the time he meant, how long it would take for the iranians to build an actual
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weapon, he said they were more than a year off. recently, they declassified this estimate of two to three months as a way of sort of showing the urgency and the need for the deal saying without this deal, two to three months away, if you give us this deal we support the deal, there'll be a year or more away. >> all right. nancy, i have one question for you, so we have the iranians fighting a proxy war against rally through hezbollah and supporting other groups like hamas. you have yemen and other proxy war by the iranians. i would argue they want the oil in iraq, they want land in syria. now we have yemen. why, under any circumstances, wouldn't you have the following preconditions with iran before negotiating? one, stop being a state sponsor of terror. two, recognize rally's right to exist, three, say that you've got to stop saying death to america and four you know you've got to stop these proxy wars. why not have those as preconditions before ever sitting down? >> well, all of those things are
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a real threat to the united states, and iran does have -- >> but we didn't do that. the administration said they won't do that, why? >> well of course we're pushing them hard on that -- >> no, we're not, it's not part of the deal. >> it's not part of the deal but we're pushing them. >> pushing them nothing. >> all of those deals are less problematic if iran does not have a nuclear weapon. and this recent framework agreement as it becomes final this summer will block iran having a nuclear weapon as it pushes to the region. and that's in america's interest and the world's interest. >> you are living in a fantasy world because you're believing radical islamic molars that are fighting for territory in the entire region and fighting proxy wars and the number one state sponsors of terror and said the destruction of israel is not negotiatable. wait a minute, why do you believe these evil people? why? >> i don't believe anybody. nobody's saying you should trust the iranians, we're going to not trust them and verify them
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tougher than ronald reagan said that. >> and then chamberlain trusted hitler. new mexico 1938. >> the question is can we stop them from getting a nuclear weapon. >> according to eli, the answer is no. >> that's not what his article said. it was a good article. >> that's exactly what the article said. >> the question is do we stop this for negotiations first and then bomb them, or fw if the negotiations don't work, then we bomb them. don't underestimate the use of force -- >> i have to go. $50 billion signing bonus for the radical. this is insanity. we are capitulating to evil under this president. he doesn't get it i don't think you get it either. coming up you'll meet two police officers who are heroing as seen in this video, they rescued a man from this when the moment's spontaneous, why pause to take a pill? or stop to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night.
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months we want to show you dramatic dash cam footage of two heroic cops in texas over the weekend. watch this. >> come on man! come on, man stay with us! >> hang on, man! >> pull him back. pull him back. pull him back. come on dude, stay with us! >> it's all right! >> you're all right! . >> stay with us come on you're all right, man! >> come on, bud! you're all right. >> joining me now on a hannity exclusive are the two police officers, you just saw in that video, officer brian neilson and autumn soto is with us. good to see you. how old are you guys? you look so young. you're not supposed to ask, but i'm asking you. you guys are young. autumn, i'll start with you. >> i'm 32. >> okay, thank you. i'm going to get a lot of hate mail for asking, you both look young is all i'm saying. i'm getting old. but you knew that that car could blow up at any moment right?
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>> yes, that's not what we were thinking about at the time. >> yeah i mean, you're down playing heroism ryan you knew the car could blow up right? >> we didn't know, really at the time whether it would or not. i mean our main focus was that there was somebody inside that vehicle that needed our help. and our focus was to get that person out of the vehicle as quickly as we could. >> you know, it's just amazing to me, you know, with the casualness that you both say this, you're both very young, you put your life on the line, you're down playing your heroism here. when you put together what you are doing and everybody looking at the video now saying wow those are two, brave, heroic police officers, then you think about the statements made about the police, for example, post-ferguson, missouri. what is your reaction to people's attitudes towards police these days autumn? >> well, we can't really speak to that. all we can do is, you know deal with the situation that we had here in our city.
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and i know that myself and officer neilson, when we come to work, every night, we come with the best of intentions to serve the citizens of mesquite and to do the best question. and that is all we can do. we can't control what other officers do and -- >> but does it bother you that there are people who have preconceived notions that are officers are out to get them? >> of course it does. it hurts me. i love my profession. i love everybody i work with. and you know it's hard when you love something and you try to do something so passionately and you do it right. >> ryan same question. >> you know, like she said, we come to work just trying to serve the citizens of our city and serve them with the best way that we know how. and really we can't control what the people are going to say or what the media's going to say. we can go out and do our best to serve the citizens that we're sworn to protect and serve. >> last question, what do you guys think of having the body cams, good idea, bad idea,
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autumn? >> doesn't scare me at all. >> no, not at all. body cams would be fine. in my opinion. >> you know what you guys are real great heroes, thank you, you saved that man's life. amazing heroism. police do it every day. they don't get the credit. thank you both for being here. >> thank you sir. >> thank you. joining me now with more reaction former nypd detective richard fowler is with us. i want to show you guys another video bo, you're aware of the video. this is a 26-year-old ohio police officer, you've got a guy saying shoot me, shoot me shoot me, showing incredible restraint, but again, there's a big anti-cop attitude in the country. now watch this restraint. >> shoot me! shoot me! shoot me. >> step it on down! dude,ly [ bleep ] shoot you, back up! back the [ bleep ] up!
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get down on the ground! >> bo if we look at the use of force provisions, he would have been well within his rights as he charged and kept coming, wouldn't listen to the cop, that would have been a justifiable use of force, correct? >> absolutely, sean. it just aggravates me. you know, we have a video now of a heroic cop and all of the sudden we're going to bury again almost 100 cops in this year, 2015 these are ones that were maybe hesitated and they're going to be killed by these bad people out there, but all the sudden you got this whole environment now with all these progressives including big bird in new york city, now you've got the city council with this woman, that heads up the city council, i'm so happy i'm not a cop anymore. they're coming out with this new law that they can't with the stop and frisk they wanted to say, none of these are broken window cases. they just grabbed a guy jumping
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a turnstile had a gun and arrested him with a gun. now they want to take that away. 20 shootings over the weekend in new york city. it's just rising up as the heat rises, crime's going to rise. and where in the hell is the city hall dictating policy to the police department? what do they know about being a policemen out there? i talk to cops every day all over the country, i'm in san francisco i talk to cops -- >> let me go to richard. >> it's a horrible feeling. their insides are ripped out, they're afraid to do their job. you know what's going to happen? anarchy, and the bad people will start to take over this country. >> richard, i look at these videos, you don't see this on newscasts ever. nobody chronicles the good they do. nobody talks about the hundred cops killed a year and the thousands of others that are injured every year. these guys we put them in the worst situation, look at this cop, he would have been totally justified if he shot this guy who would not listen to him as he ran at the cop. and he didn't do it. the other cops, burning car
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they race in that car they pull this guy out of the car and save this guy's life, and those on the left are so quick to rush to judgment in the case of ferguson, for example, and they turn out wrong. obama was wrong about the cambridge police, wrong about trayvon martin, wrong about what happened in ferguson. and you know what look at the atmosphere its now created. >> i wouldn't go that far, sean, thanks for having me. let's talk about the truth. the reason why they aren't covered in the media is because 99% of americans believe until 99% of police officers do the right thing. listen policing isn't the problem here, sean. the problem in respective communities is the racism and bias. and if we could work on solving racism on bias and both sides then we could come to a concrete solution. what happens is you have one or two instances, you have bad police officers, bad apples, like the walter scott case in south carolina or the eric garner -- >> there's a perception out there -- there's a perception.
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you've got people like al sharpton and others, the assumption is, oh, police officers are racists, oh what happened to michael brown was because of his race. >> white cop shoots a black unarmed teenager but he just robbed a store intimidated a clerk charged the police officer aefr fought him for his gun. you're going to get shot. >> you know, sean sean with all respect and what this gentleman said in the beginning, he's right i'm glad to hear that 99% of the people across this country believe in cops. look what they're doing in new york city. i keep going back, they put a federal monitor, some guy he's going to make the decision now of what those cops on the streets, if anyone understands, i'm going to show you something. see my hand here, i got stabbed through my hand in 19 -- >> police force, but i've got to break, guys. we're running out of time. we will pick this up again. and we're going to tell more of the good stories. they're heroes and you never hear about them. thank you both. coming up it's the time of year again, college
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commencements will begin. speeches normally dominated by liberals, we're going to examine why that's the case why that needs to i knew instantly that this! it's crest hd. it's amazing. new crest hd gives you a 6x healthier mouth and 6x whiter teeth in just one week. it gets practically every detail. that's why it's called hd. try new crest pro-health hd.
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looking at how higher education chooses their commencement speakers and as you can imagine, being a conservative doesn't increase your chances to speak. and why are conservatives not picked? >> because they're conservatives. this year so far of the 60,000 schools in the country, including u.s. news report, not all of us have announced who commencement speeches are. among those that have, 23 are either democratic or people with clear democratic or liberal or progressive orientation and there is one conservative.
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above the mason dixon line of the major schools, there are none. >> my nephew, bright kid, graduated from yale. i went to the graduation. i started to walk with my family it's like all eyes on me. apparently i said i'm going to stand to the side. people came up to me "what are you doing here?" i said i'm here to pick your school." which they didn't like. >> you don't think you'll be yale this year? >> no. >> joe biden. >> so you've collected some of the best and brightest conservative thinkers and put down their commencement speeches. >> right. >> liberalized -- conservatives are invited either to the public universities in the south or to some catholic schools fewer are -- fewer are, to do
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that. but i didn't -- >> these are some of the best speeches you'll read and great advice. and dr. rand paul. and this is a great conservative thinker. >> they are. well great thinkers. many are simply great thinkers. unfortunately, the kids that graduate from elite schools don't hear thinkers like this, and speakers like this during 40 years they're in school. they don't help in commencement.
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>> i think there are people that don't understand what it means to be a conservative. >> exactly. >> you want to know what i'm going to do? balance the agenda. simple. i want term limits and want government out of our lives as much as possible. and to be responsible. is that hard? >> i don't know. but it's -- it's some circles that are controversy. which point is controversial? >> the part you work for fox news. >> all right. good to see you. thank i am totally blind. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24.
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denver? i don't know. let us know what you think. that is all the time we have left. thank you for being with us we'll see you back here tomorrow night. fair, balanced and unafraid. here's greta. at this moment a rare interview with congressman paul ryan and he's trying to do something very fast. he's here to tell you why. but right now it is growing. christians massacred. where is the outrage? where are our leaders, our own president refusing the obvious that many of the victims are targeted just because they are christians. islamic extremists continuing to execute innocents and it's on video. ask yourself, uk spain, germany, the rest of the world.
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