tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News April 23, 2015 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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" and also on gretawire. follow me on twitter ampersand greta. o'reilly factor is next. good night from washington. >> o'reilly factor is on. tonight: >> we will be even more transparent. more charges that millions of dollars flowed into the clinton foundation in return for favors. tonight. we'll take a hard look at what is fact and what is speculation. >> because of the obama/clinton foreign policy. four allies no longer trust us and our enemies no longer fear us. >> senator marco rubio surging in some polls. is he the g.o.p. answer in 2016? ♪ chanting] >> no more hate. >> >> also ahead killing jews
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is worship be allowed on new york city buses? we'll debate it caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone, the factor begins right now. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. buying access to the clintons. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. accusations mounting that while secretary of state hillary clinton used her position to enrich the clinton foundation by doing favors for foreign governments and corporations. if true, that would likely eliminate mrs. clinton from the presidential race. if true. right now the evidence is circumstantial. not vetted, and the subject of wild speculation by anti-clinton forces. but as we reported last night, when a corporation like general electric says it will not make public
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emails sent to it by the state department during a period of time when ge secured a big contract from the algerian government, while donating generously to the clinton foundation there is something very wrong. ge ceo jeffrey immelt must know there is an appearance of impropriety here. he has obligation to the shareholders of g.e. to avoid any taint of scandal. thus immelt should release those emails immediately. if he does not the justice department should begin an investigation. a welcomed greeting to the new attorney general loretta lynch who we believe is a person of integrity. in addition, there are charges that the state department under mrs. clinton signed off on a deal that allowed the russian atomic energy agency rosatom to acquire a huge
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ukrainian uranium company called uranium 1. chairman a man named iantelfer donated a million and a half dollars to the clinton foundation much of it before the negotiations were taking place. shortly before the deal was done bill clinton received $500,000 for a single speech he gave in moscow. again, the appearance of impropriety is staggering and the defense is paltry to say the least. >> the way it's talked about is as if the clintons took this money for themselves. it didn't. this money all went to charitable causes. >> this was unearthed in this cash book by a guy called the general accountability institute which is funded by opponents. >> this is a clinton tactic, you are not talking about the facts but you attack the man. >> this guy is the president
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of an operation well funded by people who support ted cruz. >> talking points believes there is enough evidence of major money flowing to the clinton foundation and to the clintons themselves through lecture fees that an official investigation has to be launched. i want to make it very clear that the clintons are to be given the presumption of innocence as one who has been dishonestly smeared i loathe political hit jobs. but there are major questions here. and they must, must be answered. no government official should benefit financially while serving the people. once again the investigation should start with general electric, which admits it has emails from the state department. but it's keeping them secret. all ge stockholders should demand honest accounting. now, and that's the memo. now for the top story tonight, reaction. joining us from washington. the anchor of "special report," bret baier who has a special one hour investigation tomorrow evening on this whole affair. the program is called fox
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news reporting the tangled web, it will be shown at 10:00 p.m. did i make any mistakes in my t points, bret? >> one the uranium deal specifically uranium one your dollar figures are pretty low because in all more than $145 million of commitments and donations to the foundation came from investors of that uranium one deal. so it wasn't just the two and a half million. it was 145 million plus. >> let me stop threw because we want to be very precise. i said that the head of the canadian company which sold to the russian concern he himself donated two and a half million. that's true. but you're saying that stockholders in uranium one who would benefit obviously from this big sale, they collectively donated another 141.5 million to the foundation? that's what you are saying? >> roughly 145 million. and the key part here is that those donations were
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not disclosed. the clinton team, when secretary clinton took over as secretary of state made a deal with the obama administration that they would disclose all of this. this was not disclosed. the only reason that a lot of this came out was because of canadian tax receipts because it was canadian company and they had to file that there. >> let me stop you again. what is the clinton foundation's explanation for not reporting the 145 million donation from the canadians? >> they say it was an error. >> an an error? >> they are refiling tax returns for at least the past five years maybe the past decade. that news coming out just today. let me just point to your other point which is jeff immelt, the emails and calling for an investigation. you're right. this is is the guy who was the head of, at one point the president's jobs task
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force and he has emails. he says he is not going to turn them over. then you have secretary clinton who obviously has emails but she has destroyed them. >> yeah. she erased them. >> so this, the investigation, the calls for investigation, i think will increase. but when you point to foreign governments and foreign companies that have donated tens of millions of dollars, not just to the foundation but also to president clinton's speeches, 11 of the 13 speeches that are $500,000 or more came from the time when she is secretary of state. for president clinton. is he is a great speaker by people who go to speaking events. but those dollar figures up $750,000. a lot of them come coincidently when the secretary of state. >> anybody investigating is going to have a ladder time laying a legal rap on bill clinton for accepting
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speaking fees. it's a dead end. a clinton foundation state department emails. secretary of state at the time erasing her emails. that the fbi has got to go up to connecticut and say we need those emails. if there is no investigation of this, bret, that becomes a bigger story than the clinton foundation. because the government has a duty to we, the people, to make sure that all public officials, all of them, are not profiting from their office. i mean, it's very clear that this has to now be investigated. go. >> yeah, i think the new attorney general loretta lynch. >> has to. >> will have her hands full with this right away. and there will be calls from capitol hill to do just that listen on this uranium situation, you are talking about eventually getting to the point where russia owns up to a half of the uranium in america now. russia. a company that is controlled by vladimir putin. that uranium as we know, russia puts uranium in the
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hands of its client state iran. now, is it possible that american jiewrm traveling through russia to iran. >> sure it is, a nation that we are negotiating with to try to get a nuclear weapon? i think that's something that needs to be investigated. >> all right. and we just want want to clarify this a little bit. this russian corporation which brought the uranium one, uranium one owned uranium mines in the u.s.a. all right. so they took them over by proxy. so they own them now. so it goes right back to moscow as you said. this is fascinating. 10:00 tomorrow night? >> a global web. and you will want to see it all laid out. it doesn't fit on a bumper sticker but it's worth watching the hour. >> friday night 10:00 p.m. bret baier. next on the run down hillary clinton confronting. >> once advised johnny carson on serious matters. is upcoming.
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od. helping the world keep promises. ed henry now assigned to the hillary clinton campaign, which is quite the beat. here he is in new york city today. >> i like how you enunciate assigned. >> i don't know if a lot of people know that but you are now the point man and you just fall right into it because this is a huge story. >> it's burgeoning and the fact of the matter is when you are talking about the general electric story. okay, there should be transparency on those emails. what about the fact as you are talking in the talking points about this contribution that came in from the algerian government? that completely violates the ethical agreement that hillary clinton and her aids signed with president obama during the transization of 2008 and 2009. >> how does it violate?
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>> no money from foreign governments. used in haitian relief. that's what happened there. but the obama administration said what to hillary clinton when they gave her the secretary of state job? >> you cannot -- the foundation cannot accept money. >> any money? >> from foreign governments. >> any money? >> now. the algeria and others went through the cracks. we have to figure out why. >> we don't have to figure ot. out. that's the fbi's job to figure it out. >> there is a bigger loophole which you were just talking to bret baier about. what they banned was foreign governments but they didn't ban foreign business people who may have ties to government. colombia china, you go down the list. >> sure. but the appearance of impropriety that you have high ranking official in the u.s. government, all right who sets up a foundation and now bret baier is reporting that in one deal,
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$145 million comes in. that's not even declared. and now we go we made a mistake. >> and now they are going back and redoing tax returns. >> that doesn't matter. you can't do that all right? so, my question is, do you believe loretta lynch the new attorney general will launch an fbi investigation if she does not as i said, that becomes a bigger scandal than the foundation. >> as a reporter i have got to stick to the facts. i cannot envision a scenario where loretta lynch opens a criminal investigation. >> really? why not? >> look at the pattern over the last six years. >> isn't there enough evidence. >> there might be. >> isn't there enough evidence now out? >> you could say that there is at least enough to have a preliminary. i'm not saying a full blown criminal investigation. >> preliminary whatever it is. >> where the fbi or another law enforcement entity but the fbi in this case would look at it and just say we want want to ask some
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questions here. and then it can either be knocked down, emails produced and as you said very carefully in your talking points none of of this has proven to be illegal but there are questions. >> there is just, there has to be an investigation. if the justice department refuses to do it. then congress, somehow can get involved. can they not? >> they can get involved. look at what has happened with the benghazi committee. >> this is bigger? >> it is bigger, but the fact of the matter is i'm just staying again i'm sticking to the facts as i know you are. trey gowdy keeps talking about how he is going to get the emails on benghazi. >> this makes benghazi. >> he can't enforce it without getting a court order. they haven't brought it to a court yet. >> this makes benghazi look like a horseshoe game. >> it could. >> it does. loss of life in libya. but, being involved in uranium deal with russia to the tune of $145 million, that is a staggering. >> right. >> it's got to be defined by the federal government.
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see, look, here is who goes down if this isn't investigated. obama goes down, okay? because he is the president. and she violated protocol with him. all right? hillary clinton goes down. she can't run if this isn't defined. she can't. she will get slaughtered all right? and the whole justice system in the united states falls apart. they have to investigate. last word. >> they would have to. okay look, bottom line here is the clinton campaign, they said today there is no evidence that she took any action as secretary of state. we'll see. there is going to be a lot of questions. i think also, they are insisting we are not going to be pulled off track. this is a distraction. today politico is reporting that john poo destoe the campaign chairman was mere in new york trying to raise money. he got questions from donors. own supporters. >> why didn't podesta go to it algeria if he wanted to raise money. >> he could have gotten more money over there does this name ring a bell? richard nixon. >> it does. >> just read, go back and read. all the statements from his
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team, nothing here. nothing here. we're going to go business as usual. you can't -- this has to be vetted. it has to be. ed henry glz good to see you. directly ahead senator marco rubio makes nice showing and latest political poll karl rove has some thoughts on that. federal judge rules a sign killing jews is worship is okay to be posted on new york city buses. right back. i am totally blind. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit
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however, when the pollsters ask whether hillary clinton is honest and trustworthy just 38 percent said yes 54 percent said no. with us now karl rove. before i get to the poll, do you think that there has to be investigation into this? >> yeah, absolutely. you were talking about the justice department. i'm standing with ed henry on this last six years even attorney general shouldn't count on them looking into it one who can look into it state general at the state department. also announced he is looking into did she violate rules on the emails and what was the story behind uma abidine getting special emilyee status which is sprord. >> that is small ball compared. >> if you have an inspector general come out with adverse finding on all of this this will prompt, it will require the justice department for the u.s. attorney. >> how long will that take? >> it depends, i don't know. >> that's a situation.
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but i think it's a huge scandal if the fbi doesn't launch criminal investigation. >> i still do not understand how the secretary of state -- she clearly did not ask the state department can i have a private server and conduct all my private business after that and destroy it at will? she violated the rules didn't get legal guidance and did this deliberately. i just can't understand why the state department and the justice department have not moved before now. >> i think the folks are going to catch up with this story. do i believe this and i'm not saying this with eye hyperbole and any ideology at all this is enormous story. >> they have already caught up on it. >> the folks? >> no the folks have not. nope. >> i'm convince dollars of it. first of all take a look at her favs, unfavs when she left 64 favorable, 34 unfavorable. march of this year was 50, 39 by april 4th it was 48, 42? all emails. that's all the emails.
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>> it's going to get worse. i will tell you this american crossroads have been doing focus groups in battleground states and guess what? this all brings up all kinds of bad feelings about her and it. >> those cascading poll numbers are due to the email thing. once the people start to hear that $145 million flowed in foreign donors flowed into the clinton because of a uranium deal, once that gets out. >> on behalf of a russian company attempting to buy a canadian company. >> that's going to take a month. that's my point. >> it's going to get out. >> it's going to get worse. if she slid this far this fast. it's only going to continue with the current set of scandals. >> all right. on the republican side the quinnipiac poll it doesn't mean much because people don't know who the candidates are yet but marco rubio has got to be encouraged here. >> look, everybody gets a bump. >> when they announce. >> when this it announce or when they do something
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exceptional like scott walker giving a good speech in january. and the question is going to be how durable is it going to be? and we won't know until this fall when things start to gel. >> you are giving focus groups on hillary. focus groups on the republicans as well? >> no. >> why not? >> waiting for that process to settle out. >> what does that mean waiting for that process to settle out? this is why i don't go to meetings with you pinheads? >> hey hey hey. you are assuming that you would be invited to the meeting with the pinheads. >> even if i were, i wouldn't go. why don't you do focus groups on republican candidate. >> we are not going to get them into the republican primary. >> so all you guys rah tack dogs on hillary. >> no. we are not attack dogs. trying to figure out othe landscape and understand the environment that's coming. >> does anybody know what he is talking about? anyone at all? >> i did. i knew what i was talking about. i'm trying to avoid your question. >> i know you are. come on, you are the big republican gun, you know. >> i'm sure there are going to be some super pacing
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don't you want to know who the folks like at this point? >> i see it in the polls and i have been through this twice, bill. these polls don't mean much. >> they don't mean anything until when? >> each race has its you own momentum. my gut tells me these things are not going to matter until october november and december. >> this year? >> of this year. they will matter a little bit earlier in some of -- the four states contest. iowa, new hampshire, south carolina, and nevada. but right now, what it shows is what really matters is the amount of bump they h that's what's interesting to me. is rubio. if you take a look at the quinnipiac polls. one in november, one in march and one now. gwen bush moved up four points, cruz moved up four points to. marco rubio moved up 9. >> 9? >> went from 6 to 15. >> mr. rove as always, thank you. plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. bernie goldberg not happy about how president obama is treating christians.
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advertisement on new york city buses. the ad is by a pro israel group that wants to raise awareness of how dangerous muslim terrorism is. that might be lost in the headline which is provocative in the extreme. joining us is judicial analysis judge andrew napolitano. before we get to, this you have been listening to the program. do you agree with me that the fbi has to get involved now with this clinton foundation? >> yeah i do. you know the justice department has standards that determine when it begins investigations. if the half the stuff in this book is credible, they have already met those standards. if the fbi does not investigate for political reasons, you're going to have a far greater scandal than the one probably caused by bill and hillary. >> okay. but forget the book. throw the book out. you've got the canadian tax returns that bret baier, you know has uncovered showing 145 million flowing in from foreign people because of a deal made with russia. and you have the ceo of ge
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saying we have emails from the state department. blank you, we are not putting them out there. that's more than enough for the fbi to get. in forget the book. >> absolutely. i agree with you. the essence of the crime they are looking for is did this enormous enrichment to her husband and the family foundation influence her decision to it approve this, which we know as a matter of fact she did approve. >> she did right. >> okay. let's get back to the matter at hand. so this sign, i mean, is very provocative and then if you read the small print you know it's about people who don't like muslim terrorists and the jihad. but, the headline killing jews is worship is what everybody is going to see because the buses go by real fast. it's not like you have time to read the whole damn sign and you have got a jihadist there and all of that. and, you know, some people say, look, you know, people are going to say this is a
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threat and you say? >> i agree with the judge. listen, this is not an easy case. the speech is hateful. and repellant and certainly provocative. but, under the law, it does not qualify as hate speech. hate speech, which sun protected, is speech which provokes a particular individual to engage in immediate violence. look, if these signs start provoking people to engage in immediate violence the court is going to have to relook at it the sign standing alone hateful as that language is does not meet the hate speech standard. >> okay. so it's only if there is immediate danger caused by an action of expression that the government can come in and stop it? >> yes. >> okay. >> and the reason for that is the first amendment presumes that all speech. even speech we hate and don't want to hear is protected. so the government has the burden of showing that it's
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unprotected and it hasn't met that burden here. >> let me give you a hypothetical because i want everybody to understand. say some loan runs out on the street of new york or washington, d.c. in five minutes and starts screaming "i want to kill all jews, all jews should die." can the police stop that man? >> no. the police could stop him if the mobs began to respond to him. >> well, they might beat him up. he might get attacked. >> well, now you are talking about the mob silencing him because they don't like what he said. >> right. the police obligation, believe it or not, in that hypothetical, would be to protect him from the mob. >> yes. >> but not to silence him. >> so you can go out and you can call for the death of anybody you want, but unless there is some action surrounding it, no one can stop you? >> that's the current state of first amendment jurisprudence with respect
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to provocative speech. yes, bill. >> all right judge. thanks very much. when we come right back, did you know that a fox news correspondent once advised johnny carson? we will tell you who it is moments from now. so i'm one of many nurses at cigna with answers anytime, day or night. i'm lauren, and i've got your back. the new s6 hits the stores and i'm like... whoa. open the box and... (sniffing) new phone smell. jump on a video chat with my friend. he's a real fan boy, so i can't wait to show this off. picture is perfect. i got mine at verizon. i... didn't. it's buffering right out of the box
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thanks for staying with us, i'm bill o'reilly in the did you know that segment tonight, the fox business network has a hit show called strange inheritance anchored by jamie colby. she has an amazing story that features the legendary comedian johnny carson. roll the tape. >> you were raised in forest hills, queens, one of the boroughs of new york city, middle class homes. working class home. >> working class. >> and then you moved to miami, florida why? >> when i was 12 my parents got divorced and my mom relocated with us closer to my grandparents. my brother and i moved down there and life went on. >> and you were a good student, right? >> i think so. >> all right. but you also worked. you were a burger king employee that you were so successful that i understand you were in a commercial with a rock group. >> casey and the sunshine band ♪ that's the way i like it. >> one of my favorites. anyway, you are in high school for a minute, this is true. and all of a sudden you are in college. how did you skip high
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school? >> the university of miami offered me the opportunity to see if somebody my age could socially not so much and academically achieve a college degree without a high school dim employee that and they let me in at 14. >> how did they know about you? >> i was an excellent student. >> so they were looking for kids. go ahead. >> i was extremely curious. i had worked really hard. i had finished all my credits and i was ready to go to college they thought. >> at 14 you were that far ahead of your classmates in high school? >> definitely. >> you were in the university of miami. and then you graduate. right? >> i did graduate. i do have that diploma. >> from college but you don't have high school degree. >> i still don't have a high school degree. >> still don't have one. >> i made it. >> i'm a very lenient guy there and then you go to law school at the university of miami. >> i will tell you why i went to law school. i wanted to be an accountant. makes no sense but i wasn't old enough to take the cpa exam when i graduated from college. i was only 19 years old and
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i got myself talked into law school. i was persuasive. >> and so you graduated from law school at age 22? >> yes sir. >> and then you get a job with johnny carson. >> i did. ♪ >> i was sitting in somebody's office that i had been introduced to. i sent 500 resumes. henry bush came walking in what are you doing. >> carson's manager. >> i was so impressed he said what are you doing here i said looking for work. what do you want to do here. >> work for you. >> come see me tomorrow i think he was being polite. i showed up at 11:00 and i got the job. >> what did the job entail. >> i had to go to the tenth show. david letterman getting start. joan rivers was filling. in probably the most exciting time to be around johnny carson and i had that privilege. >> let's turn this dump over, all right? >> his businesses outside of of "the tonight show" you were involved with that? >> i think he saw in me,
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bill someone very curious very anxious and very committed and loyal which i am i'm a loyal person. >> you also worked with joan rivers advising her? >> i loved joan rivers. >> yeah? >> there was only one joan rivers. >> how do you go from advising the stars to becoming a fox news correspondent? how does that happen. >> an agent i had worked with as an attorney called can you fill in for somebody on maternity leave on nbc? can you read a teleprompter? i was like piece of cake. i had no idea how to read a teleprompter. i mean bad bill, deer in the headlines. two days in i realized i could help people more than i ever had as an attorney. i loved it. >> i remember in 9/11 you were actually inside the twin towers covering a local story. >> um. >>um when it hit. >> as i reached our truck i watched everyone around me scrambling for cover. uncertain after the second blast what could happen next. >> i knew like my life would never be the same. >> so you were reporting on what happened in realtime.
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when did you get out of there? >> not soon enough. i basically ran after a police officer whose name i wish i had seen. he said you need to leave i said officer, i'm doing my job like you are and then i creek creek. he said the building is coming down and i ran. someone grabbed me from the back of my jacket and pulled me into another news van and like three hours later i ended up at saint vincent hospital with a lung injury. >> that's unbelievably dramatic story. now you are a big star because you are on the fox business channel with strange inheritance where people are given things by those who pass away. >> you name it. >> that's a lot of fun right? >> it really is i love to meet these families. >> what's the strangest thing that you've uncovered so far? >> i think a bug collection worth $5 million. >> that's creepy cash. >> somebody tells you are sitting on how much in terms of value? >> the collection was assessed between 5 $6 million. >> for bugs?
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>> did you know he that? you didn't know that. thanks jamie for coming in. >> you're welcome. thank you. >> one footnote strange inheritance starring jamie colby seen weekday evenings on the fox business channel. >> bernie on deck. does have a problem with christians? bernie is next. test. test. wow. sweet new subaru, huh mitch? yep. you're selling the mitchmobile!? man, we had a lot of good times in this baby. what's your dad want for it?
5:45 pm a hundred and fifty grand, two hundred if they want that tape deck. you're not going to tell your dad about the time my hamster had babies in the backseat, are you?! that's just normal wear and tear, dude. (vo) subaru has the highest resale value of any brand... ...according to kelley blue book ...and mitch. love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru.
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say hats off to kirsten powers especially because she is a liberal who had the guts to take it on president obama. what i write about is liberals in general who have never been shy about showing their outrage on all sorts of things. they were outraged over ferguson, despite the facts. they were outraged over phony wars on women. they were outraged a few years ago when critics didn't want a mosque built at ground zero. so liberals are always showing their outrage because it's a way to show their compassion and how good they are. okay. fain. where is their outrage now? where are the demonstrations now? isn't the killing of christians by muslim fanatics worthy of outrage? don't christian lives matter? i guarantee you this, bill. if a fringe of christians were merely discriminating, not killing discriminating
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against muslims, there would be plenty of liberal outrage. you know what? outrage is dead. and when outrage dies, i don't want to be poetic here or put too fine a point on it it, but when outrage dies, some of our humanity also dies. >> and our protections also. our protections of the weak die if there is nobody angry about child molestation or anything like this. but might it be because the christians who are being killed are being killed in places like libya, in the mediterranean sea in pakistan far far away from, you know, because all the outrage as you mentioned took place here in the u.s.a. but the killings of christians overseas. >> i think there is a helplessness that is happening over there what can i do about it even if i want to do something? outrage isn't going to stop the killings. without outrage there can never be action that will stop the killings. and when the most powerful man in the free world as
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kirsten powers pointed out doesn't show an ounce of outrage at his news conference a week christians who were thrown overboard on the boat going to italy, when he doesn't show outrage, then his allies in this country and his allies overseas are not going to show outrage. >> yeah and the italian prime minister -- go ahead. >> there is a sense of helplessness, you're right. >> the italian prime minister wouldn't even attribute it to muslims killing and obama just sat and didn't say anything. but he never says anything. and i don't know why. and if i ever interview him again, which is like a million to 1 shot that would be one of my questions. >> well he won't mention -- he has never uttered the words ""! ic "islamic terrorism".
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>> that was a huge mistake he made. let me give my theory on why the left does not show any concern or outrage for murdered christians. and i've said this before on this program. and it's absolutely true. generally speaking far left americans -- not liberals. far left americans believe that christians are the oppressors in the world. okay? against gay marriage. they're against abortion. women's reproductive rights. right? they're against legalization of narcotics. and many christians are judgmental on private behavior. therefore, 80% of americans are christian. they are the oppressive force. they're the ones that have made america a bad country. that's the far left mind-set. am i wrong? >> no i think you're absolutely right. and add just one small element to that. on the one hand everything you said i happen to agree with. on the other hand who are the people doing it?
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a group of muslims. to that same far left mentality, a group that's been oppressed themselves so we're not going to go -- we're in the going to bash muslims. we're not even going to bash muslim killers who are killing in the name of their religion. we won't even show outrage over that. because of what you rightly said about how we feel about christians. >> yeah i think there is -- >> i'm not christian, bill and i'm outraged. >> everybody knows it. look that's what that war on christmas was all about that the far left denied was even going on. everybody knows, all right, that there is this strain on the far left that the christians -- they're the problem. if we could only get rid of these people we could have progressive paradise. last word. >> just so everybody knows and we don't turn religion against religion here. most of the people on the far left who you're describing they're christians too.
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>> no. atheist/agnostic. >> well there are a lot of christian liberals out there. >> liberals but not far left. those precincts do not accept religious orthodoxy ever. just go on their websites and look. look at the vicious garbage. i know because that movie "killing jesus." you should have seen what they were saying about it. outrageous. >> when outrage dies a piece of civilization and humanity also die. and that's what's happening right now. >> all right. bernie goldberg everybody. tip of the day, a movie that encourages religion ripped by secular press. going to make my point for me. the tip, moments away. working on my feet all day gave me pain here. in my lower back but now, i step on this machine and get my number which matches my dr. scholl's custom fit orthotic inserts. now i get immediate relief from my foot pain. my lower back pain. find a machine at
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ge and boeing so hillary clinton did nothing wrong. your analysis is faulty steve. federal officials represent we the people. not commercial enterprises. surely you understand that the exchange of money regarding elected officials is closely monitored on all levels. there's a reason for that. jim dwyer, phoenix, arizona. i would have to have a frontal lobotomy lobotomy. president obama has been compared to neville chamberlain. brenda davis, miami, florida. mr. o'reilly you are not fair and balanced on the marijuana issue. why don't you do the story on the millions of children that are growing up without fathers because they're locked up for marijuana. it's a myth, brenda. total myth. dope dealers are locked up not dope smokers. with only a few exceptions. and for my money, kids are
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better off without a drug-pusher father. they're better off. gloria caruso buffalo, new york. i have been trying to find out what happened to bob beckel. he had back surgery gloria. o'reilly o'reilly will "killing patton" be out in paper back. go to bill o' and register. i could even do it. and then you get a free book. killing patton and other killing books. not going to be out in paper back because they continue to sell in hard back. patton has been on the best-seller list for 30 consecutive weeks. amazing. dan buckner of california. i missed the last about wild bill hickock. will i get another chance to see it? this sunday kit carson featured on legends and lies at 8:00 p.m. dan. but right after that they run again at 9:00. ratings on the fox news channel are up big week to week. glad you guys like the show. fun to watch, you learn
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something. page the your honorins. my sister and brother-in-law marjorie and warren williams married for 70 years today. whoa. congrats. wild situation in montana tonight. here's the letter of the day, courtesy of karen. horseshoe run, west virginia. i do not believe teachers having sex with students is a mental illness. it is lack of impulse control. they see something they want and take it. it is all around us and growing worse every year. well enjoy your signed copy of "legends and lies," the book karen. and final tonight, some interesting buzz about a new movie called "little boy" that opens tomorrow. it's a story of an 8-year-old boy whose mission is to end world war ii so his father can come home. >> faith is powerful. >> if i have faith, nothing is impossible right? even bringing my dad home? what if i can can bring dad
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back! >> how? how are you going to bring dad back? >> i can move a mountain! >> you want to move a mountain? there's one. go ahead, move it! >> is that an earthquake? >> it's a miracle. >> now, i haven't seen the movie, but in faith-based circles, it's getting great reviews. in the secular press, however, not so much. the critics from variety calling "little boy" relentless manipulative. the woman goes on to mock folks who might like the movie. here's the tip of the day. you might want to check out "little boy." and that is it for us tonight. please check out the fox news factor website, different from bill o' also spout off anywhere in the world about the factor. o' word of the day. do not be fullsome.
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bill o'reilly. please remember the spin stops here. definitely looking out for you. breaking tonight, hillary clinton under serious fire from the so-called right wing conspiracy including news week reuters and that bgs bastion of conservatism the new york times. all on clinton cash. welcome, it's a busy night. i'm megan kelly. she's accused of doing favors in exchange for contributions to her family's charitable foundation or for lucrative speaking engagements for her husband. in some cases, mrs. clinton's accused of covering up her behavior by failing to disclose the moneys received. and today we learn the clinton charities are now ref
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