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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  April 24, 2015 12:00am-1:01am PDT

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gretawire. follow me on twitter ampersand greta. o'reilly factor is next. good night from washington. live from america's news headquarters i'm patricia stark. >> iranian ships recoursing share ships. the defense secretary ash reel carter said they may be carrying weapons for rebels. a saudi-lead coalition is intensifying airstrikes in 6 cities. so far the conflict has killed more than 1,000 people. well the governor of maryland is end ising in state troopers and demonstrations grow in baltimore. protesters taking to the streets a fifth day demanding justice for 25-year-old freddie gray who died from injuries suffered in police custody. police arresting at least two people following a brief scuffle with police. the justice department is
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investigating gray's death and six officers are suspended. a horrific ending to a performance at an indiana high school. the stage collapses injurying students one in critical condition. it was traumatic for students and their parents. >> i then saw the pieces of wood begun to collapse and a falling of faces. i just saw this look of shock and moment of silence after it collapsed. there was a moment of confusion and began screaming from parents and faculty and staff and a rush to the stage. the stage collapse happened at westfield high school north of indianapolis. jenni's splendid ice cream pulling the plug after listeria was found in the product. the company recalling all frozen treats in what their website calls an abundance of caution. blue bell creamery recalled
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its products because of listeria. they say the two incidents are unrelated. i'm paw -- patricia stark stay tuned for "red eye." >> previously on "red eye." >> welcome to "red eye." i'm kennedi. >> this childish reactionary garbage. >> we will come to your house in the middle of the night and drag you out of bed. >> all of those things happened. >> and now the thrilling conclusion. >> welcome to "red eye." i'm joe devito. let's welcome our guests. she is brainier than my hands after a recreational law bought me. and she abandoned her home state to become miss new york. it is the beauty queen sellout traitor from new jersey, joanne know nosuchunsky.
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for exercise he stares. it is tv's andy levey. and he will be recording on june 2nd. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. >> thanks for the hookup, comrade. did hillary clinton give russia a sweetheart deal as secretary of state because of donations to the clinton foundation? records show she approved a deal allowing rsh sheens to take over a canadian uranium company. at the same time a chairman of a uranium company donated $2 million to the clinton foundation as a heap of money that was not publicly disclosed. the story was first reported on "red eye" by the "new york times." but there's more. a bank promoting stock in your uranium 1 paid clinton $500,000 for a speech in moscow. katherine, people are awful suspicious about this. don't you think with hillary's
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track record we should give her the benefit of the doubt. >> why else would russia be giving her this money because they thought she was a nice grandma lady? that's not how it works. that's how all governments work. the way she is dealing with it is ridiculous. she is saying yeah well those guys don't like me. they are bias against me. yeah when people break stories about you they generally don't like you. >> if there is one thing you know about the "new york times" is there is one right wing rag. >> it was about a book funded by coke money and all of that. it is still all true. you are still shady. she's shady. is it sexist to call her shady? >> are you throwing shade at the shady? >> i am throwing shade at the shady. why does she run -- i was secretary of state and she was basically like look what a corrupt leader i can be and i
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can be if i win prez. >> where would you rank this on the clinton scandal-ometer. >> above monica lewinski and below murdering foster. what do they have? names and dollars and donations that they didn't disclose even though hillary promised to discross all of the foreign nations when she was secretary of state. failure to report millions of dollars in donations to the irs for five straight years. i am sick of the right wing media going after clinton. these are distractions, joe. that's all they are. it needs to stop. >> they are certainly distracting us from the great things she accomplished. >> thank you. it is pure sexism. >> do you think hillary should be preemptively released?
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>> she would say i can be the ripest juicest peach in the world, but there will be the rights and they are not peachy. the issue is hillary agreed to disclose foreign donations with the obama administration and she didn't. and $2 million? i understand they get a lot of donations, but that's not chump change. i think the public wants to know why that is. of course suspicion is going to be raised because you didn't follow protocol. you are trying to conceal something. >> she max the rules -- she makes the rules knowing the rules don't apply to her. >> luckily we have all of the e-mails. >> we can get to the bottom of this. that's what she wants. she wants the american people to know the truth. >> i believe it is in the usb
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drive she purchased at staples for anyone that wants to barrow. you are more of a plutonium guy. any feelings on the uranium here? >> that's why people are pissed off is because of the uranium. i want hillary as high agent. i get not even half that. >> what have you done for the russians lately? >> this is from 2010 this story. i have no idea why it is coming out now. >> because there is a buck. the conservatives hate her because she is a woman. >> it could also be because she was running for president. >> hasn't she been running forever? >> when you factor in the -- like sam mentioned the speaking fees for bill clinton and the donations to the foundation, how much worse does it have to look for her to admit this looks bad? >> she'll never admit it looks
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bad because it will eventually go away. this sexism thing is awesome for her. that's the way it is going. that's not an exaggeration. do you think she is not getting busted for this stuff because oh she didn't do it or people have found it in their best interest to not say anything? >> is that for fear they will get on the gravy train? >> haven't you seen house of cards? >> also it is sexist. >> in addition you say it is sexist. >> sam, can you back her up on that? >> you know what, i am a racist and a sexist so i have a lot to say about this. i have a theory that conservatives should layoff of the story. as long as places like the "new york times" and reauters are covering them, if
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conservatives layoff it is easy to pull their vast right wing conspiracy. that's why i say all of this is sexist and shame on the media for covering this stuff on this delightful, delightful woman. >> i love peaches. >> thank all of you for not bringing up the sexist nature of the story. president obama revealed a january drone strike killed two hostages. the president addressed the nation on thursday morning promising a full review. >> we believed this was an al-qaeda compound, that no civilians were present and that capturing these terrorists was not possible. we do believe the operation did take out dangerous members of al-qaeda. what we did not know tragically was that al-qaeda was hiding the presence of warren and giovanni in this
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compound. >> and he apologized to the families of the hostages. >> as president and commander-in-chief i take full response belt for all of our counterterrorism operations. inadvertently those that took the lives of warren and giovanni. i regret what happened. on behalf of the united states government i offer our deepest apology tots family. >> the strike killed two members of al-qaeda and a separate operation took out another american working were -- work wght terrorist group. they were not part of the investigation. why are we hearing about it now? >> who had the story and was about ready to report it. >> that is not necessarily what happened. it could be they figured this all out. i think there is a decent chance somebody was about to break the story and the
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administration wanted to get out in front of it. >> do you agree? >> of course. this can't be the first time this happened. sometimes the strike is based on pictures thousands of miles in the sky. it doesn't matter if you have -- it is not going to be totally accurate. i take full responsibility by saying stuff like see how transparent we are by telling you that. you try to make it a good branding thing which is a weird thing to do in this situation. he said i take responsibility and then he bragged about that. >> he says he takes full responsibility but then he said the strikes weren't authorized by the president. >> i take full responsibility. doesn't that sound good? it is a tough speech to give. i don't want to give that speech. i would rather eat my bagels and do that. come on, it is so easy to see that he, you know, he knew for a longtime.
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he wanted to keep the brand or save the brand of being a transparent president. weinstein's family puts the blame on al-qaeda. that's fair, right? >> if he was a hostage, then yeah. if you are being held of course you will blame the enemy. >> there are some people that will use this as an opportunity to say there should never be drone strikes. >> you are taking a calculated risk. like katherine said, you can't be that precise. there is always a possibility the enemy won't be the only one harmed. it they said they will do investigations to see if everything is done in the correct way. that's good if we can improve on what we are doing. that's awesome. i like the fact that obama owned it. i don't know his reasons behind being proud to
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be commander-in-chief of these sorts of operations. i don't know. i think it is a prideful thing to do. >> mandarin chief but i didn't organize this one. >> you watched the press conference. >> it was an eight-minute speech. terrorist died too. we have to remember the terrorist. comedian and terrorists get bumped out when not enough people showed up to the gig. i can't remember three people on a bros, i guess i'll do it. somebody important better be here. >> the bombing too. >> i think it is weird that -- i don't know if we didn't have this tragic thing with the hostages we could habe be celebrating? i don't know if that's the word. they killed two big dwies and i'm glad they were able to take them out.
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they can't say they were targeting those guys. >> they are claiming both the americans were killed accidentally and not the targets. maybe that's true. i believe that's not true. we just went through the american we killed in a drone strike. there was a lot of turn that we used extra judicial means. he is still an american sit accept who is protected by the constitution regardless of the problem bleep [-- regardless of the] bleep [stuff he is doing. i think that may be an attempt to run around. >> it could be a new policy of i don't though nothing about it. >> very mofia. >> and then he went to hang out with the patriots. they said tom brady is not going to be there so i'll hang out. it was the worst interview
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not staring james fran co. robert downey, junior showed the latest super power haulin-ass. he left after being talked politics and his past. he was talking about avenger's movie and he talked about how it is hard to enter prison and be a liberal. >> does that mean you are not a liberal? liberal? >> are we promoting a movie? >> bad start. maybe he can save it. >> let me just ask you a few more questions and you can answer if you want and not if you don't want to. i think we've got three more minutes on our agreement. >> your foot is starting to jump. you better get to your next question. >> nope. >> one question left. let's make it a good one. >> you've talked about your
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relationship with your father and the role of all of that and the dark period you went to taking drugs and drinking and all of that, and i just wondered whether you think you're free of all of that or whether that is still -- >> i'm sorry i really don't -- what are we doing? >> i'm just asking questions is all. >> bye. >> i'm sorry. >> it's okay. >> thank you. >> you seem okay, but are you getting a little diane sue yes, sawyer-y. >> is this how you act when lou daabs asks about your pet? >> yes but there is more punching involved. >> as i settle -- settle down you are not woodward and bernstein.
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ask questions about the hulk buster armor. don't ask questions about stuff that happened years ago. and by the way who cares what robert downey, junior's political beliefs are? is it a gotcha question to say are you not a liberal? are you trapping him into saying he is not a liberal? >> it is not even a well set trap. i know that is his thing is he tries to antagonize quinten tarantino, but he doesn't even do a particularly good job. it is not just that these are supposed to be commercials. do you think we should demand celebrities to go back and revisit the bad times in their life. >> in this instance i don't think he had any choice. the beginning of the interview was so boring. did you watch it? he literally said i like all of the folks i am working on
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working on the movie with. >> nobody in the world wants to hear about the folks. come on. he wants to do something to get him to storm out. >> i wanted to hear about him and mark ruffalo to hang out. >> me to. i. >> i watched this morning. >> what -- why are we obsessed with the details of people's lives? >> that's plerk. that's america. i follow them on the twitter and the social media. >> the bigger the train rec the better. >> everyone has an uh general disco. an agenda. i understand what the interviewer was doing but just do a better job. >> i genuinely like all of the folks. >> again you are covering -- you are at a film junk cet.
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it is spes up to promote the movie. i am not staying you need to be a political reporter, but this was not a van that -- "vanity fair" interview. >> the whole p point can go back to the guardian and said robert robert downey robert downey junior is writing about about -- that's the point. >> last word to you. did you come out of prison a liberal? >> i went in very conservative. i came out pretty wide. you know what is uh nowing about this? the progress of another great robert downey, junior performance. >> you kids and your dure ran -- duran-duran concert.
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holy shirt! it was too controversial for picture day. an ohio middle school student had the word "feminist" erased from a class photo. they said they did it to avoid unintended controversies. well then, mission accomplished. she didn't realize the pic was edited until it was distributed to the students. we will show it, but a warning. it is extremely controversial. there it is. collect yourself.
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here is sochi describing the moment she found out. >> i just checked it to make sure i didn't look dumb or anything but i saw they had removed the word from my shirt and i was insanely upset. >> the principal said the decision was hers. >> it is mine and this photographer's decision to photoshop your shirt because some people may find it offensive. >> many of the time i have sign you battling incoherently. >> i am against equality and places of higher learning. you know what is annoying is there is an ego now. she thengs she is a feminist icon. you have 13 wear a t-shirt take it down. >> higher graining -- higher
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training -- >> it depends on where you end. >> the ceiling is lower. you are con constantly fighting for hero equality. >> she was horrified. the school was wrong though. they were wrong. first of all and i will say of a feminist internet they had to know this would be a big thing. and if a 13-year-old girl is a girl that will wear a feminist shirt she definitely has to be loudly upset. come on. it will make her grow up worse than she was already. andy, this is the first time you have had a weird thing with the breast cod and it is after the fact. no logos or pictures for picture day. >> what is controversial about the word feminist? you candice agree and you can think it is awful. it is not a controversial
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word. it is like a shirt that says liberalism. >> you never know where a person's -- >> principal is just -- it is probably on the top 20 dumbest people on the planet. >> i say top five. >> there are no nouns. >> no nouns, no verbs. certain music and attitude. you know, you have to be careful. or else you should be publicly shamed. >> i got in trouble when i wore my harikrishna shirt. you can get in trouble for anything. >> you can. joanne you ever wear anything to school that got you busted? >> no, but every time the flash would go off and i would blink -- this is before my mod
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ligs days obviously. i would open my eyes really big and then just look like a deer in headlights. that shirt is a lot less scary than my face was -- i wore butterfly clips and i wish he would have -- that's to me. a lot of glittery took i'm too -- you took time to put those in. >> i remember the photos from my modelling days. the first one straight on and a profile. >> you have a great profile. >> it doesn't show your height. that's weird. >> i was sensitive about that. >> in other controversial shirt news here is the photo of an uh trail general girl holding a shine. this is my dad which will keep those boys away.
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they were supposed to have read it in facebook and hold on to your hanes some people were outraged. said one person, sexualizing a pre teen. one said good job. joanne it was a picture of a guy in good shape. do you think that is in shape shaming? >> no. this is a dad who cares about his drawer. she has to changing in the bathroom. there is no way she is wearing that. i don't think how people would be offended by this and a parent is being the dad. he is a not funny but thinks he is fiewn knee dad. that's the worst kind of dad. >> i guess if he did put his own body. >> that's what i thought. you would want him to recognize. >> or maybe he tried to manipulate the friends to say
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she has bad dad. that is dad number one. >> would this stop you from dating his daughter? i didn't -- >> i didn't know it was bash day. >> venice beach will now allow in a related story. first, a word from our sponsor. >> tonight's sponsor treats your husband like the beard.
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live from america's news headquarters i'm patricia stark. the white house revealing thursday that a drone attack earlier this year killed two al-qaeda hostages include be one american. the other captive was an italian national. both men were being held in pakistan. president obama says he takes full blame for the tragedy and has ordered a full review of what went wrong. >> i profoundly regret what happened. on behalf of the united states government i offer our deepest apology tots families. >> the january airstrike also killed two other americans reported to be high ranking members of the terror group. a judge sentencing david petraeus to two years probation of the petraeus pled gel tee to sharing secrets with a woman.
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turns out that woman was also his mistress. >> today marks the end of a two and a half year ordeal that resulted from mistakes i made. as i did in the past i apologize to those closest to me and many others including those with whom i was privileged to serve in government and in the military over the years. >> petraeus will also have to pay a hefty fine of $100,000. the senate confirming lore rete you -- loretta lynch. lawmakers laid the vote for months while vees lig -- wrestling with controversial issues. lower gas prices are being blamed for a sudden dip in the ford focus and other hybrids: they are laying off 700 workers. i'm patricia stark.
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you are watching the most powerful name in news. fox newschannel. finally a feminist cause we can all support or at least stair at. venice california muscle beach is showing more than pecks and abs. it is about to go topless. they said it, quote supports women being afforded the same rights to some. they bathe topless. code prevents thewed tee in public but they hope the mayor and city council will exempt venice beach. do you think this will affect the man boobs at the beach? will there be a gender crossover? >> there are all sorts of crassovers at the venice beach? i used to live in l.a.
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somebody tried to sell me pcp out of no where and you are worried about a boob? that's the biggest problem. you need to relax if you don't want to see anything controversial. i think it is fine. >> the problem seems to be more rollerskating older people. >> you can't -- how do you stop those people because they only have so much time left. why not be help happy and rollerskate whatever clothes they want. >> if we allow tots to come off -- the top -- >> bought m to. >> i was just going to say that. let's let the market decide. if people want to go to the beach where women are topless the peaches will be crowded and the tourists will go there and it is good for the economy. and they don't want to do that
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then they will have to not be topless. i do wonder if the l.a. city council will go through with this. a lot of tourists go to venice beach. >> i wonder. >> there is a chance the city council may shoot this down. >> you lose the families but you bring in the market cs. >> what would the feminist t-shirt girl say 1234*. >> how do you feel about this issue. >> you don't have to be a real feminist will take off the shirt and show off the [bleep]. all right? i said [bleep]. >> see you on tomorrow. i have been reading "the meme nighs -- feminist mystique." this is venice beach. if you want to pass the law in buffalo. this is great. put this in california, yes. anchorage alaska, status quo.
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we don't want to see a lot of topless in the great lakes area. >> hey. i'm from there. people eat sandwiches on the peach. they bring the mayo and a cooler. >> i do that at the jersey shore. is that wrong. it sounds the same. >> i was surprised this wasn't legal already. do you think with the technology people have with the perm drones and the phones that this will cause some sort of uproar 1234. >> it was settled and then there is a new nudity rule. they didn't have the technology back then. there will be so many photos. i get it. you want it to be like europe. this is thought europe. this is america. ii support capitalism. in the 70s i hope to bring human and ipods.
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then you have to get them developed and you are in a darkroom forever. i think good for them now that the technology has come up. so bring it back. >> when the flash powder went off people were getting burned. >> it seems like a quality argument -- >> a quality is weird to you? >> some of the stories you theng like maybe you have won. maybe your site has won. used to be we need to vote. enough people like chelsea handler and it is not for attention and her show is over. that i don't buy. everyone has a different for president raying to show their boobs. venice beach a police where they can go wherever they want.
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say i say after the show you and me selfies. >> we will review your google search mystery. and don't forget my date with joe devito. back in a moment.
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do your history. you can now see your entire
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google search history in case you need to be reminded on how you are wasting your life. it is every person you stalked and searched over the years. it is all there in one depressing archive. before you download this window google has a message that says plead read this carrifully. do not download your archive to public computers and ensure it is always under your control and do not printout and leave by the copy machine. i delete my search engine history for my own sake. it reads like a depressing poem. street address ex-girlfriend porno log and repeat over and over. andy is this problematic scary or both? >> it is do whatever the hell you want, but i don't understand why anyone saves their search history. if you use google you can clear your search history when ever you want.
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i do it when i shutdown my browser. there is duck duck go that doesn't keep a history and doesn't use cookies and collect any personal data. so if you are smart use duck, duck go and stop using google. >> what if you are also very lazy? >> it is easy to say duck, duck buy. >> the illuminati tells me what to by. what to buy. >> it doesn't matter. i am single. these are people who have relationship -- occasionally it is upsetting when you type in age and it hez hot horny sluts. reminding you you are a wad person which -- a bad person when you are a good person. >> i think huffington post is bad. >> where do you thepg this
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information goes? it sounds leak we are supposed to be afraid? >> they don't delete it if you click the delete option. it proves you have something to hide. the people who delete it forward it immediately to the nsa. if i don't delete it they think i have nothing weird i have been doing and they don't care about me. people that are worried about it like andy, they have all of the files. >> there are no files. that's my point. >> i think we can put that under that's what you think. >> how do you know? >> joanne, what does your search history look like? >> besides ex-boyfriend and googling myself you know what i do in the search engine i will type in the beginning of words to see how to spell them for tweets and things. i am an awful speller so that is usually what it is. it is a lot of weird words. also my computer here for "red eye" stories when i search
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things into google it is the most absurd words and phrases and people. i guess i should delete it. i feel like the only people who would benefit from not deleting it is those doing research. and they may want to look at the list of terms they looked for. >> i am going to print mine out and sell it as a memoir. >> when i look at mine m i am amazed how many times i have to look up for your my -- my own search. >> that's like a weirdhicou. >> speaking of language, listen up. ever wonder what happened to hooch, hoover and peluca. why did groove ego to popular to ged and back to life in 1965. there is no predicting if a new word will stick notal
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all. the soft spoken folks put together lange words of old. this list is the cat's pajamas. it will includes words that refers to a small unfess fight objects. bazoo which was 19tort -- 1940 slang for mouth and high experts. when elliott spitser was in here he was spizzering. thank you very much. >> all words they are like pads these slang words. it is upsetting but it is upsetting that that one showed up to my macarena party. >> i didn't get the invite. >> check your browser his -- history. >> any current slang words you want deleted? >> it doesn't matter
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thousand. this is a study i want to see. they have a shelf life of a week or a month. it feels like they stuck around for a couple years before changing. now it is just like whatever people are saying two months later if they use that word they say what is wrong with you? unless it is eye ironic and then it is okay to use it ironically. >> i make up my own slang words. >> what do you got? >> mostly abbreviate a lot. instead of saying dude i say pop-a-hat. and some -- sometimes voso? >> it is very confusing. >> and then i try not to -- >> well, vodka soda sounds like this is the last word for you then. >> how about we just say vodka soda?
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that's the only slang i need. >> we will close things out with communal crying. and to see recent clips of the show go to fox eye.
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you can see joanne on your world with neil cavudo friday
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at 4:00 p.m. eastern. coming up, return visits from remi spencer. >> e block. last story. that's the last story. >> well, maybe your girlfriend is a robot who left you for the toaster or maybe you have been wren -- rendered helpless with a moth attack. it is the latest trend public sob sessions. uh covering to the atlanta magazine communal crime events is reducing stress. it is known as tear seeking. a group of people get together to watch depressing videos or listen so sad songs and then ball their eyes out. said one leader whether you had a tough time at work or a diet crime can help you reset. it is not like crying alone in my room. i don't feel depressed after being here.
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i don't understand it, but i don't like the sound of it. what happened in japan? >> i don't know. samurais used to do it because they -- >> have you ever had checken katsu? it sounds much more fun than ruling katsu. if you have to cry you should be crying in private. you shouldn't be crying in public. go home and put on "armageddon" and get to the end and cry. that's acceptable. >> sometimes you cry in public and sometimes it is sad. sometimes you are on the train and it is sad. sometimes you are walking like to forever 21 and it is too big and you have a panic attack and it is sad. >> you don't need that many clothes. i may cry right now but because i was in public i would be embarrassed. >> that's the attitude you should have.
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we don't want anybody weeping in the streets. that's bad enough. >> i don't want to sound sexist for the third or fourth time joanne would you be attracted to a man who cries in public? >> not in public. not in front of me. you know you are a thorker and you are jaded when someone crying on the street is like whatever to you. you kipe walking of the and/or you will openly just sob. i have done that on the subway. >> it is in private and in public. >> how do you feel? >> it is pathetic. i am not going to your cry meetings. you cry and are bad and you bottle it up. >> if crying is your idea of a social event you cry uh loin. >> they say it makes you sad.
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i saw a gear on the subway. >> tears of a clown. that's our time, tv's andy levey and joanne nosuchunsky. i will see you next time. [ male announcer ] meet jill. she thought she'd feel better after seeing her doctor.
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this is a fox news alert i'm bret baier in washington two breaking stories tonight, hillary clinton's presidential campaign is scrambling reacting to the release of new information tying her family to a russian effort to gain control of a vital american strategic asset. it is just one story of many involving international contributions to the clinton foundation and lucrative speaking deals for former president clinton. we'll explain. we begin with what president obama calls deadly mistakes. two hostages one from the u.s. the o other from italy were killed in an american counter terror operation gone terribly wrong. kevin corke has the tragic story from the


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