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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  April 29, 2015 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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not give a reason. jon: that video is going viral now, showing a heroic guy in "the punisher" t-shirt trying to calm the crowd as they stare down a line of officers. jenna: don't give them a reason. see you back here in an hour. jon: "outnumbered" starts right now. ♪ >> this is "outnumbered." i'm sandra smith and here today is harris faulkner, andrea tantaros actress stacy dash today's #oneluckyguy we welcome back to the couch fox senior correspondent adam housley and he is "outnumbered." >> nice to see you guys. >> about to be a dad second time. >> now i'm freaking out. i have no time now but will have less time. >> harris and i both separately told him didn't hear each other. >> 30 seconds apart. >> once you have the second you don't know what you did all the time with the first. >> will you make time for us on
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"outnumbered." >> how could i not. >> your beautiful watch is watching as well. >> she texted me. >> no pressure. >> no pressure. i'm not sweating it from now or in a month having no time when my second child is born. >> relative calm in baltimore as residents pick up pieces and begin a road to healing. after a day of night and massive rioting looting and arrests. around 10:00 last night we did have this police in riot gear using pepper spray on a group of protesters who refused to obey the citywide curfew. nothing like we saw on monday. despite a turn for the better, city officials are unfire for their response. with senior law enforcement source saying baltimore's democratic mayor stephanie rawlings blake told her police chief to stand down monday. that order for all intents and purposes tying the officers hands as they were pelted with rocks and bottles. our own bill hemmer asked the
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mayor about those allegations and here was her response. >> there was no order to hold back? >> no. >> or was there. >> no. but you have to understand it is not heading back. it responding appropriately. if you don't have all of your equipment in play, because things are changing in real time. well you can't respond, you can't react f you arrest someone and wagons are not there, what will you do with them? you have to think all of those things through. that is officers are doing on the street. >> you know on outside you're taking a lot of heat. you are aware of that to shows that suggested you screwed up. what would you say? >> people have a right to their opinion. >> people do have right to their opinion. she is being heavily criticized. did she do enough, adam? >> the question becomes, she said she didn't have them stand-down, there is the word again. she situation wagons were not in place. my question to her isn't that the police's call? aren't they the one -- that is what you have a police chief for.
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you put your trust in him or her for. that is it what they're trained to do. that their call whether they have enough people in place to wonder? i mean, mayor i while the mayor knows her city. at the same time, does a mayor know how to respond to a riot? i think i would trust a police presence whether you think the police are the fault at not. i think i trust the police presence more than i would a mayor. >> harris, as we saw things got out of the control. people are playing the blame game. people want answers. >> you know what? on heels what adam said i would ask her mayor what is the relationship between the police department and what kind of conversation about that very thing. what assets did you have in place? i would say why didn't you enforce curfew the first night? there was already so much violence? why didn't you move in with the cure few and get young people off the streets the first night? then i would compare, because she has been, given a lot of, i guess credit for all that she is doing so far because she is in the neighborhood. she has been mayor since 2010. the governor has been governor,
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larry hogan for 9days. when he moved in, look at difference in leadership. i just ask you to compare. >> right. >> he moved in. he held back. he stood down from criticizing when he could have criticized her. he focused in getting calm on the streets. contrast and compare for yourself. >> that cure few is proving to be effective. it will be in place for a week. last night we saw a relative calm. >> yes. >> i want to also credit the baltimore police department, because they handled things very well last night. they deserve some credit. these riots could have gone on for weeks as we've seen in other cities. they shut it down. they deserve praise for being a disciplined police force that restored order. to build on what harris said as well i think a criticism how did not just the police force but the mayor miss the warning signs online? >> exactly. >> this was supposed to be the largest flashmob appearing on street corners everywhere in the history of baltimore. and they missed these warnings.
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if you're going to criticize them that is probably a place to go. but i do take the commissioner at his word, on the first night they were outnumbered and they were outflanked and they did what they needed to do. >> why not a curfew the first night? >> based on that, stacy do you think somebody didn't get it right on the first night? do you think anybody should be held accountable? >> she should be held accountable. she did say allow them to destroy. she made the statement. she told the police to stand back hold down. didn't call in national guard. this is liberals again with their touchy feely, fear of offending anybody. that they didn't, call in the national guard soon enough. all of this, could have been avoided. it is her fault. >> tough situation. >> exactly. well, that is the question today. so who's fault is it? president obama condemning the baltimore riots and calling on the nation to do some soul-searching of its own.
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in yesterday's news conference mr. obama also appeared to blame the police, saying their actions raise very troubling questions. even pointed a finger at congress at stalling of his economic agenda and his proposed legal changes for non-violent drug offenses basically saying that republicans are the ones fueling these problems in the urban areas. here is reaction from karl rove, former advisor to president bush. >> the president has not asked for massive investments in urban communities. he has been there for six years. the first two years he had cart blanche. he had 60 in the senate, 248 or 249 in the house. if he want ad massive invest in the central cities he could have done it. but, look at his budget since then? no big massive investment. yesterday in his moment of national tragedy he reaches out for an unnecessary cheap little partisan slap at republicans in congress. >> i want to go to you on this, harris. yesterday i mentioned there was some blame pointing in president's remarks. to me what jumped at the most
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broad brush blaming police at the root of these problems. does karl rove have a point? >> what is interesting also, we played that out, we have president's comments live on "outnumbered" yesterday. it wasn't just the police. he was also pointing finger at media. he was saying how peaceful up until a certain point when others fell down on their responsibilities. he did use the word thug, one time. he did talk about the criminality. what i hear karl rove and others saying you know what? where is the indignation in all this? where is the point you say this is not about black or white or brown? this is about, this being america. that is not protesting. he said the words but i think like we have been for six 1/2 years, now waiting for this president to come with his heart, passion behind the words. the words are there. after the bp oil spill. the words were there. where is the pounding of fist? you have to get upset at some point. not to mention he is the first black president. he has something to say.
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>> hashtag, adam, all lives should matter. >> right. >> you see president get upset at republicans. he gives fervent speeches about republicans. he has the passion. blaming cops at root of things. look at city of baltimore, to me liberal policies of last 50 years where progressives like the president has been in place that caused destruction of cities like baltimore. not the police force. >> first couple things. semantics is annoying. if you go back and forth people are worried about what is thug. we're worried about veriage not actions. the section problem we have false sense in this country what we have. right now if you're at poverty level, have television flat screen you have a videogame system car and cell phone. i want that. you don't think about keeping your necessities. think about you will at things you want. look at poverty level in almost every other country in the world. a lot of countries we cover, poverty level is indoor plumbing if you're lucky. in this country a lot of people
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think they deserve more. taking color away from this. a lot is socioeconomic as well. that goes back to that and verbage. biggest complaint with a lot he have people have with the president like politics or not. >> whether on international stage or local stage as you pointed to, harris, he doesn't stand out there saying enough is enough. >> didn't do it with isis. >> didn't do it with isis? >> the woman who wants to be the next president, breaking today giving a speech at columbia. she didn't take questions, hillary clinton talking about the ending era of incarceration on heels of these baltimore riots of the listen to this. >> it is time to change our approach. time to end the era of mass incarceration. we need a true national debate about how to reduce our prison population while keeping our communities safe. >> this is on the heels of baltimore, stays system i want to go to you on this. her husband, bill clinton's
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crime bill, brought thousands of police officers to new york city. rudy giuliani was able to clean up the streets using bill's crime bill. is anyone going to ask her on heels of baltimore would she reject her husband's own legislation. >> i doubt it. this is why i'm glad i am a republican. liberal policies that have caused this generational poverty in this town. and until people wake up, and like i did and realize and understand that the free market, school choice, and conservative principles are the only way to change and grow this city. any city. any city impoverished. it is only way. >> sandra, very quickly what about that? liberal policies in baltimore. the president doesn't seem to want to talk about that. it was really rudy giuliani's policies cleaned up new york to make it as safe as it is today? >> the root of the situation is the economic situation in this country but yet the president, when he spoke yesterday he blamed congress for not acting on his economic policies for
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the, unemployment situation that we still face in this country. so there was in my opinion, lack of condemnation of the violent acts in baltimore from the president yesterday. i think that is one thing to point out. there was no acknowledgement of economic situation we're in in this country for driving a lot of this violence. a lot went unacknowledged in the president's words there. meantime more to report here. major league baseball taking a hit thanks to all of this rioting. mlb officials have now had to make some major changes deciding to bar the public from tonight's orioles white sox game. the commissioner said unprecedented move because of fans. starting time of the game has been moved up as well this afternoon, instead of 7:00 tonight out of respect for the 10 p.m. cure few in place. they will play at 2:00 p.m. orioles moved the three-game series with the tampa bay raise to florida. nobody sitting attendance at
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baseball game. that is amazing adam. >> that doesn't make any sense. i played minor league baseball. i had a chance to interview commissioner for fox earlier this year. i'm impressed by the man. seems like % very forward thinking guy. i think baseball is i can making a mistake. it doesn't make sense to play the game. they will face white sox later this season. they are shying away from doubleheaders playing two games. it will be weird for the players. all of sudden having a studio audience for a show that doesn't have a studio audience, or all of sudden the studio audience goes away. it will change the dynamic. interesting to see how the players handle it with no fans in the stands. it is a mistake. >> you talk about the making a joke dodgers games were not packed to the gills. >> we make that, northern california boy most fans come dressed as seats.
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in this case they really are. >> ouch. >> you say avoid it because what happened during this whole incident? >> why do this? >> doesn't make any sense. >> i'm not an official clearly at the baseball stadium. maybe they have information and don't want to be responsible because the minute these people walk into the stadium, they are, arguably responsible for the safety of these attendees. >> right. >> so they're saying, you know what better safe than sorry. >> why play the game at all? it could be a doubleheader later this season. i don't understand. i get idea you don't want to play today. follow the curfew. we covered the brian stowe situation where the dodger fans beat giants fan. they have all had once in a while. the problem, why even play the game? >> i remember after 9/11, new yorkers filled that baseball stadium to watch that game. >> right. >> and to watch our president of the united states throw the first pitch. our president should be there
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throwing the first pitch. that this is un-american. >> that would take the president standing forward and actually -- >> take president being a leader. >> driving about 38 miles to get there. you know, to put this out too they have closed the schools in baltimore. they have been a rolling situation where businesses can't operate obviously. we saw this in ferguson missouri. i just question how much of life has -- when will they get back to normal now? people are suffering over something they can't tell you why they're rioting. >> third straight game postponed. they need to get the series in. >> they could play later. >> they're not selling any hotdogs at that game. brand new information on the clinton cash scandal we've been following here on this show. a charity affiliated with the clinton foundation reportedly failed to reveal identities of 1100 donors. what that could mean for hillary's white house run. plus the words in god we trust, sparking controversy across the country, including at one middle school. why all the fuss over our
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nation's official motto? right after the show, catch more from the couch on the web. join us for "outnumbered overtime" by logging on to click on the "overtime" tab. we saw a lot of you yesterday. come back. click on the topics you want to hear more about. ♪
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♪ >> okay. you're watching "outnumbered." we are glad that you are. as our nation's firm motto printed on money. stacy has a dollar bill to hold up in a moment. sparking big controversy, the news the words god we trust are back in place on a louisiana middle school's official mark key. the phrase was removed when somebody complained about the principal using faith in another school at same district. that prompted aclu wrote a letter to the superintendent referencing constitution and requirements of separation of church and state. that letter said in part no question the principal violated mandates repeatedly invoking god, prayer, christianity throughout official school pub
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cakes. that removed god and religion from every school and website in the entire district. students rallied to have the words restored. they won. one parent who is also a pastor, said proud of kids taking a stand watch. >> we live in the community and there is a big part of our day seeing that on our sign. if it is good for our money, it has got to be good for the sign. >> well, this isn't the first time for this sort of thing. just yesterday city council members in venice, florida voted down a proposal to add a plaque to the wall of the council chamber which would have read in god we trust. they called it, divisive. all right. show me your money. in god we trust. >> that is a 10 by the way. not a one. >> the pastor in that sound bite said that was funny said that if it is good enough for the money it is good enough for the schools. your thoughts. >> i say let's give the school, but they have changed it, they changed it back let's call this a win for the aclu.
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if they are so offended by in god we trust which is on every piece of legal tender in this country i say we stop giving them money. as not to offend them. there. problem solved. >> andrea, your thoughts. >> give them monopoly money. maybe they use that. >> i like that idea. very good. >> what does monopoly money say on it? >> i don't know. never ending game. you know i don't have that kind of time, harris. >> really i don't. >> so ridiculous so ridiculous. progressive will not stop hen pecking and harassings until they have completely stripped religion out of our societies. people are in their basements scared to practice it. it is a huge waste of their time taxpayer dollars. i'm glad that they actually stood up and fought this. >> said it was stoked by one person, to begin with. that such major change took place as a result of that one person. i will call it major victory for students who so proudly made 500
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t-shirts. strutted them during their lunch hour. what a stand that they took. what a win for them. >> i applaud those students. >> one of the community members made those t-shirts and got them on campus. it was shortly after that, as sandra pointing out, you know what we'll put it back on the marquee. only the principle would do find somebody work late hours to put letters back up in in god we trust. >> ignorance of whole separation of church and state. >> i want to know how much time it took up outside of the classroom. >> shouldn't they be talking about, a great learning experience if you look at separation of church and state. the ruling that caused a lot of aclu arguments go back to the history of our country, about the idea church not running the state. not being a part of the state but not running state. there is a big difference there. a lot of people don't know the history. it is very simple. you don't have to be christian to respect that. about setting rules and values. >> the students to pray. >> that is different. >> very different.
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>> in fact that's what united states court of appeals for the second circuit ruled in several of these cases. this is not the first one we've seen. >> right. >> in times they have upheld the words to be used in public venues they used your argument. >> should have been a lawyer. >> look at you. >> one lucky buy. >> i got a tweet from one of my old broadcasters. we pitched a lot of times in front of nobody but that was by choice. that is all right. all good. >> new report is v. real -- is revealing hillary clinton gone longer than any other presidential candidate in modern history without conducting a sit-down interview with the national press. what do we make of this? plus latest on her comments about the situation in baltimore. majority of men today say they have it a lot worse than their fathers or their grandfathers generation. the eye-opening new survey. why many say changing gender roles has a lot to with it. ♪
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♪ >> well come back to "outnumbered." well, brand new information on the "clinton cash" controversy. "the washington post" reporting that a charity tied to the clinton foundation failed to reveal the identities of 1100 donors. this is the same canadian group at the center of that uranium sale controversy. a foundation official says that canadian law prevents charities in that country from disclosing their donors without their permission. in the meantime, it appears that all these bad headlines are having an impact on hillary clinton's presidential campaign. at least one democratic fund-raiser is reportedly so concerned that he is having second thoughts about tapping donors for her white house bid. i want to go to you on this one adam because you have followed not just the benghazi story intently but you put the pieces together on a lot of these clinton scandals.
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what do you think about them failing, oh, accidentally to leave out these for rip donations? >> the reason why you haven't seen her talk to anybody because she knows there is a lot of questions about foreign policy and about this stuff. we're hearing a lot of things coming out about the foundation about a lot of the connections they had to international corporations and international companies and people need to realize a lot of these types these things cross over with the u.s. government. there is a lot of interaction shun. we've been hearing, some reports that the foundation received money from colonel qadaffi. you have a lot of very questionable things happening to go along with the international policy questions that we already have. when she was at the state department. there is, i think there is a strong reason why she is staying out of the spotlight right now answering questions. >> sandra from a business perspective the spotlight is put on a lot of these businesses. you see the canadian company in the spotlight. >> conflict of interest. >> speak to that. >> look at canadian partnership
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these mining executives were apparently booked, yet to come out, some of it confirmed, some not confirmed but the bottom line there is a trend. it has the american people asking what else are the clintons hiding? there is this canadian partnership, when they get the donations as you just revealed, and drea, donors don't have to be identified in fact they can't be identified unless the donor agrees to that. if you have a case where uranium mining executives were donated to partnership in canada we know some of that money not specifically, that those donations some of that money from the canadian participate are going into a new york-based foundation, then major questions have to be asked here es special specially when you saw the -- especially the huge uranium deals happened under her watch. >> it appears her state department was bought and paid for. isn't that what will hurt her the most in a presidential campaign? >> when a normal person did they would be in prison.
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when someone is in power it is a mistake. i have nothing to say about hillary, and what has done. she is liar. it has not surprised me. >> we'll keep it will hillary, making news being in the same visnty with reporters. still hasn't announced an interview since her announcement of national candidacy. she spoke without with violence in baltimore that americans, need to come to terms with hard truths, of race and injustice quote. she reportedly gone longer than any other presidential candidate without appearing on a tv news network or a sit-down interview with the national press. according to research going back two decades the longest any candidate waited roughly for days. for hillary clinton it has been more than two weeks. you get her in a press conference situation adam what the first thing you ask her? >> can i pull out my -- i got a
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list. >> only one question. >> get one question. i guess my one question is, will you stand by your foreign policy? i will go back to foreign policy. that is the last position we saw her in. that is somebody we need leadership now. a lot of people feel that way whether you're republican or democrat. i know the scandal foundation and foundation there is a lot there too but i really think you have to go after her on some of these other things if you're somebody who wants true answers. honestly i think the problem with her campaign they know they have all the people looking at them even internally with the democratic party. people in l.a., strong democrat, strong supporters of hillary are getting leery. they're throwing spaghetti against the wall. comment about the racial situation in baltimore. she had a comment anyway. >> she is trying to change the subject? >> trying to find subjects to -- >> that is legitimate one. >> absolutely legitimate. she is trying to find whatever she can to get away from those questionable things like the
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foundation, like the foreign policy mistakes. benghazi still hasn't gone away. i know people think that -- >> she may come back to testify on that. andrea, i see you there, are you going to chipolte, girlfriend? what is happening. >> i'm not taking any questions. >> you're from l.a. >> i'm not answering any questions. >> used to pr and messaging for candidates. this is your thing. is this a good idea to avoid the media? >> it worked for her before. this is exactly what she did ran for senate in new york. went on listening tour. didn't want to talk. i will hear everybody else. no no. you've been in office for a very long time. it is up to you to answer questions. you can't say no comment. can't put on sunglasses. you should have policy positions on every major issue there. you don't need to listen to us anymore, running for the top slot you need to have some answers. even though probably trying to change the discussion today with her comments about ending the era on incarceration the question is now, hillary clinton, would you reject your
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husband's crime bill that he passed? is that what you're trying to say in these remark. >> interesting. >> she can not escape these tough questions. >> i don't get how she and her foundation can talk about transparency almost every day, we hear chelsea clinton putting forth we'll be more transparent, how can we expect her -- >> how would she know by the way? >> to lead a transparent white house based on the fact she won't grant a network interview? i would personally ask her, what about her track record at the state department, should be enough for her to to run on for the american people to elect her? most recently that is what we have to go off of. i think even her own press detail failed to ask about that. >> brag about you a little bit. with the curleyers in my hair getting ready for the show. way i got ready watch you on fox business. you were doing a little fill-in. >> thank you. >> talk about hillary and economy. that is another subject gets completely avoided if you don't have reporters in the room. >> because you don't answer any questions she is leaving so much
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uncertainty out there about regulations and taxes and overall economic environment it still has wall street and large corporations and small businesses on edge about what is going to come if she is elected president. >> yeah. i just put on the glasses to joke but the ridiculousness of me putting on glasses and not answering questions is ridiculous as hillary clinton run forge president and not answering questions sandra just mentioned. what are her answers? >> make her hashtag lucky somebody. can't do it. v in sunglass. let's move on. baltimore battered by riots and massive unrest. we've been following since it unfolded earlier this week. picking up the pieces and trying to heal but will the fragility of that peace hold? plus a family's trip to the boston marathon to see their dad run to pay tribute to the bombing victims is getting a big thumb's down from the school's
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principal. did the school cross the line? ♪
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♪ >> welcome back to "outnumbered." a family's trip to see their dad run in the boston marathon and pay tribute to the bombing victims got a big thumbs down from the school principal and the dad's scathing response has gone viral. mike rossi, made it clear to his children's teachers that he planned to bring the entire family with him to this once in a lifetime opportunity. but the pennsylvania dad was stunned to get a letter from the school principal calling his brief vacation into question and saying the three school days missed would not be excused. >> there has been a big big thing for our family. you know, it was really important for me to have them there and to you know, cross
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that finish line. to be standing there, when i crossed to watch me finish was priceless. >> well, it is rossi who may have the last word. and a lesson for the school. his letter posted on facebook, blasting the school's decision and it is lack of common sense has triggered an immense reaction. rossi said his kids learned so much on that trip, they could not get that common sense at school. >> well, i liken this to, when parents take their children out for religious purposes. you don't get every single holiday off. my husband's side. he is jewish. sometimes they take the kids out for yom kippur or rosh hashanah. you get in certain district as floater days. take mlk off or something else off. i liken to that. it is at discretion of the parent. i don't really see where the school plays a part. am i missing something? >> remember, some of these
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schools lose money if students don't show up. in california, it's a big deal if kids don't show up. they changed school because of holidays to make sure most parents were there. >> what is it? like 75 bucks? >> it happened to my brother. when we were in college wanted to play in the college world series and wanted to go leave class, once in a lifetime event. english teacher said if you go, you will fail. we left him home with my grandparents. >> they said it was funding issue. >> the teacher was being a jerk. >> in part, shouldn't you say should the school make exception? but the school would have to make exception for every father and mother leaves believes their family vacation more educational. >> it is almost all the time. >> that was not a vacation. >> i agree. >> you agree with what? >> this was a life lesson. they learned about patriotism. about overcoming tragedy. you know, about courage. they went to a place that had
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been bombed, where a terrorist attack happened. this is not just a normal family trip. >> so, i'm going to sound harsh every vacation that my father ever took us on was historical trip. took us to see war monuments. you know what i'm saying? >> but like i said this, sr. with terrorist attack occurred. >> even it wasn't, even if it was disneyland, we're society built on family time the we're not getting tam family time. we're taking family time away. >> that is i agree to your point. we had restaurants growing up. it wasn't always easy to schedule time away. when we could, sometimes it couldn't coincide with spring break. my parents took on vacation. i took a lot of my homework along with me. i caught up. i didn't miss a lot of lectures. crap they're teaching kids in school today. the fact that my father passed on i valued memories so much more being with them then sitting in a classroom trading smelly markers with barney
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and -- >> andrea, your father takes you on a trip, that is great. these folks go on trip they're saying based on rules you get unexcused absence. >> okay. unexcused absence. so what? that is what i'm saying. i don't get it. who cares. >> that is the point. >> if you get enough of those you might not pass that grade. >> even if it was a trip to disneyland, the fact as long as student takes work and completes work my parent got out of school once in a while for educational trips. you better have all the assignments in. don't miss any tests. we go to the teacher to make sure extra work what we did where we went. we did more work by coming back with a report from where we went. >> not in school anymore. go on vacation. >> once in a while not a big deal. >> look at you, sandra smith outnumbered. >> i don't want to take a day off on "outnumbered." sandra might end up on doorstep. >> are you a snitch? >> what about creativity of the
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teacher. turn this into positive? next three days you write about this. >> do a project. >> outnumbered yet again. you're outnumbered, sandra. >> millions of dollars to be in film and graces covers of magazines and billboards. here why kristen stewart says being a celebrity is quote the worse. she doesn't understand why anyone would want to be famous. poor her! ♪ shopping online... as easy as it gets. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers carpenters and even piano tuners... were just as simple? thanks to angie's list now it is. start shopping online... ...from a list of top rated providers. visit today. real cheese poeple don't eat pasteurized, processed cheese food. it's only required to contain 51 percent real cheese. with sargento natural cheese slices, you always get 100 percent real. sargento. we're real cheese
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>> more "outnumbered" in just a moment. first let's let's go to jon scott what is happening in the second hour of "happening now." jon: harris, when we see you at the top of the hour, we are awaiting a news conference from the brand new other than general loretta lynch. that is expected in a few minutes. she is supposed to discuss the situation in baltimore. we'll take that live. california governor issuing an executive order further cutting greenhouse gases in the golden state. under his plan emissions would have to be reduced by 40% over 1990 levels by the year 2030. a selloff on wall street today. the dow down more than 140 points. we got word this morning the
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economy performed even worse than expected in the first three months of the year. we're keeping an eye on all of that, and much more ahead "happening now." harris? >> we look forward to it jon thank you. jon: thank >> best known for her role in the "twilight" saga, actress kristen stewart is speaking out about hollywood sexism and asking why anyone would want to be famous. in a an interview with "harper's bazarr," said hollywood is disgusting i sexist, so offensive, fame is the worst thing in the world especially pointless when people say i want to be famous. why you don't do anything. >> i left my filter in the dirty laundry bin. i will say it. kristen, look, dude, what about all those people who have no place to eat and no place to eat, come on? that is the worst thing ever, fame. come on, stacy. >> i just want to slap her. >> oh. >> i literally do. you're an actress -- >> figurativelily. >> if you don't want to be
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famous don't be an actress. start digging ditch. >> part of the deal. you get a lot of access -- >> well she is not known for being the brightest bulb on the tree. >> is she known for ruining a marriage? >> thank you. >> sleeping with her -- >> we agree on this one. she slept with her director who was married. made the press. cheated on robert pate tis son. got a lot of negative press. got caught and broke up a marriage. >> she doesn't like the fact she does wrong becomes news. >> exactly. >> but again, if it is like i equate to athletes. you know first-hand, i know a little bit from my wife and second family, that, you sign up for this. we sign up for criticism sitting on couch. being "outnumbered," you sign up for people saying your opinion is wrong. that is what you do. that is what you do. >> you want me to bring money angle to this. >> yes. >> for many years she has been highest, one of the highest paid actresses in hollywood. the amount of money she has
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brought in has been no joke. so she is certainly sitting pretty in a position where she can look down at all those folks who -- >> part of the deal. you get paid, get that access, get amazing things. part of the deal you're in the public's eye. if you don't want to be in the public's eye, it is your choice. >> a million woman would trade places with her. >> so dumb. >> when she complains about the fact that people are watching her and she is public figure, she needs to get over it. as adam said, this is part of the business. you have to have a thick skin. >> can't she do something else for a living? is somebody making her be a high-paid actress? is she held hostage in hollywood? >> isn't hollywood the kristen stewart story. >> i'll write it. sexist comment was interesting. >> stacy i haven't seen her dodging the red carpet. >> no. >> if you don't want to be famous to see value, don't walk the red carpet. >> i love the book title. that's great. >> another interesting topic apparently a lot harder to be a
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man these days. be an actress and a man compared to generations aing. this is according to a new study changing role of women we'll blame you guys, have anything to do with this? we'll debate. ♪ thank you for being a sailor, and my daddy. thank you mom, for protecting my future. thank you for being my hero and my dad. military families are thankful for many things. the legacy of usaa auto insurance could be one of them. our world-class service earned usaa the top spot in a study of the most recommended large companies in america. if you're current or former military or their family, see if you're eligible to get an auto insurance quote. .. ...heartburn. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and are proven to taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit.
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> it's just so hard being a man these days a recent survey shoes. out of the hundreds of men polled. 45 percent say compared to their father's generation, it is harder to be a guy today. and one man who was polled said in my dad's day the women stayed home and men work. can now both work in the same area and it is hard for us to be men and the traditional role that men play is dismissed. if you stand up for being a man, you are putting women's down. >> second of all. that guy, you can find one of those guys anywhere and fine a guy like that. and most guys would not complan
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about being a man these days. and i would say men are being portrayed being aloof. the man is always clueless in the commercials and can't figure it out. >> i am so tired of the dumb guy in the end of the commercial. >> men are frustrated. >> i have to speak up in defense of men. i do think they are confused. they try to open the door for a woman and they snap. and men wonteder if you want me to help with the housework. you don't like me when i wash dishes. and you are not sexually attracted. i will defend the guy. >> i defend the guy when women stay at home. i rarely hear that. >> tough for a man these days.
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>> this is why i am still single. there are no real men and the fact they are whining about this proves my point. >> oh, ouch harris. >> oh goodness grasuous. >> oh, wah. >> you want a man to whine? >> that's not what i have at home. if he wants to say that women have tra degreesal will roles. we have team work and partnership and share it all? is that okay? >> we do a lot together and certain things i do and certain things she does. >> i now the lawn better. >> i am indoor and you are outside. >> and certain things that are going to it happen. >> you think you have it easier or harder. >> i think it is university different. >> i think men in the old days
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took control. >> and you start doing that. >> and join us for outnumbered on the web. and click on the overtime tab. and "happening now" starts right now. >> and we start out with a fox news alert. a bombshell in the trial of and jurors are dead locked on on the trial. >> and a quiet night on the streets of baltimore. >> opener has been postponed and now the return of baseball. but no fans allowed as the oriole and white sox play to an empty camden yards. tension on i high


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