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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  April 29, 2015 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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the old days took control. >> and you start doing that. >> and join us for outnumbered on the web. and click on the overtime tab. and "happening now" starts right now. >> and we start out with a fox news alert. a bombshell in the trial of and jurors are dead locked on on the trial. >> and a quiet night on the streets of baltimore. >> opener has been postponed and now the return of baseball. but no fans allowed as the oriole and white sox play to an empty camden yards. tension on i high seas.
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what if iowa ran's target is an american vessel and what would we do? and travis who made the ultimate sacrifice in iraq. >> we make sure that travis' legacy lives on. >> inspiring the question if not me and who? >> his sister is honoring the fallen by challenging the living, it is all happening now. ♪ >> we begin today with the latest developments in baltimore. the city trying to move forward after destructive riots andraphies. i am jenna lee. >> and i am jon scott. national guards troops and police are on the streets and hoping that the worst has passed. over night there were only a handful of arrests and the protest went off without to
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which trouble. residents are focusing on rebuilding. peter doocey is live in baltimore. how has it changed in the last few hours, peter? >> reporter: protest activity in this spot where all of the hotted stuff the last two nights has slowed enough that one of the buildings that was looted and badly damaged is having their glass in the front replaced. you can so still there are a lot of the police officers on the scene here in this intersection that is basically in the center of the world for the last two nights and they are staying off to the side and no longer in the armorred gore. armored vehicles are out of sight to us and police cars are parked in legal spots. but we are getting regular visits from low- flying police
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officers. especially the bigger the crowds get. right now the crowd thinned out a bit. national guard is outside of the hospitals and camden yards and the immense presence of their vehicles is felt by everybody. and the city has felt different. and helping to maintain order. and now there is a big- time blame game between the governor and the mayor. the mayor from baltimore said she doesn't want to play a political game with him and not going to explain the timing of her decision to ask for help. but that decision will come up as property owners foil claims. and why the cops were not sent in sooner.
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>> we saw the units blocking streets and are they doing that in the area where the worst of the rioting took place? >> reporter: not right here. in the first time in 36 hours. traffic is moving regularly here in pennsylvania and north. and there is a lot of people. some of them are curious and some of them are mad who are showing up on this beautiful day. and a lot of the people this morning are stopping to complain to officers. they have been jawing at the officers and most part the people who stopped to yell at police officers are complaining about the treatment of police. we have heard that complaint a lot more than any cries for justice for freddie gray who with you remember is the one who died in police custody and inspired all of these riots. and so what we have seen from
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this point is a transformation. people are initially upset about freddie gray. and at lost people who come here to complain to police are not mentioning his name but complain about the way the police treat them. >> we'll have more on baltimore later in the hour. peter thank you. >> in the meantime in washington d.c. arguments on gay marriage and another big case arrived in the supreme court. it could impact the death penalty in this country. >> reporter: this time the nine justices tackled the three part drug prot to col. the use of the first drug which is supposed to induce a coma like state so the person scouted is not in pain when the final
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two drugs that cause deaths are admin ufter ared. there were two drugs on the market and each of them used for the first step and opponents for the first step lobbied to stop their production or liability. critics say the third drug is ineffective and leaving the prisoner in pain before they do i. justice a lito asked the inmate's attorney whether it is appropriate for the judiciary to be part of a guerilla war on the death penalty. opponents pressured the companies. and then they file the states use less. and she likened it to being burned alive from the inside and argued that if it is impossible to it know if the first drug is
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working she said the whole protocol needs to be tlourn thorn out. the chief justice john roberts needed often to play referee today. >> thank you. >> tensions on the increase with iran after that country seized a cargo ship. the u.s. navy monitoring iowa ran in and around the straits of harmos. >> reporter: good afternoon to you. the white house is continuing to monitor the situation in the gulf and said on previous occasion expressing great concern about the iranian's navy antics. this as the ongoing nuclear talks are going toward. and the iranian navy actually took shots the commercial ship
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and that was later ported safely and all on board were unharmed. and the foreign minister said the incident was overblown by the press. >> i think we shouldn't read too much into it. some people do try to read intoder to torpedoa process that is independent of the problems. >> reporter: the process is the ongoing nuclear talks. and of course again today, he reiterated the regime's position that sanctions needed to be lifted immediately. >> if we have a agreement on the 30th of june within a few days after that we'll have a resolution in the security council under article 41 of chapter seven which will be mandatory for all member states.
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>> reporter: speaking of the arkansas senator tom cotton. we'll hear more about that in the briefing today that is getting underway. back to you in new york. >> thank you, kevin. we'll return to our story in baltimore, our next guest said it was only a matter of time before city of baltimore erupted. he will give the insider's vow of the combustible mix. and first in major league history. a baseball game with no fans. we are live in camden yards. and gop candidates reveal how they plan to take on hillary clinton.
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to close the game for safety reasons. baseball reporter is live in baltimore really quoit an atmosphere. we have never seen before. jp, what was it like inside of that stadium? >> jenna, i've covered more baseball games that i can count and usually after batting practice is over there is an anticipation in the crowd that the game is here. and it just hit here no one is here. and the first time in baseball history that is the case. now, as you watch the game today you may notice a handful people behind the plate. those are major league scouts. and there may be six or sen or eight. media will be in the press box and we don't count in the attendance. and so the attendance in the record books will be na no
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attendants and 0. first time in major baseball history. >> i will be curious about the players. i heard one outfielder adam jones had powerful words what was his message. >> reporter: yeah he did. adam joan system one of the most prominant african-american players and he spoke to the young people. i understand your pain and experienced what you went through with adversity he faced. your concerns are legitimate but your actions are not. he will expend efforts going forward and he wants baseball to be something that happens the community to heal. but practical reasons he and many other oriole and white sox understand why it is not the case. and the stand point of the game actually played. and an out folder this is going
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to be tricky. you usually hear how hard it is hit and there is no crowd to help them out here. and baltimore manager buck showwalter said we'll have to be quiet in the doug out about what we say to the umpires. they can hear everything. and they willob the best behavior today. >> whisper. and unintended consequence ands interesting messages from the players and hopefully it will be a great game to watch. thank you so much. >> will they have an organist? >> and oriole fans are loyal to the teams and baltimore residents are loyal to the city including a reporter from the washington post who published an i- opening profile of what people should know. in the morthan three decades,
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baltimore is poverty crime and hopelessness and uncomfortably just a posed with history and afmriiance. >> the two baltimores have mostly gone unreconsoiled. michael fletcher was inspirational for a character in on the wire. that character is mike fletcher. so pretty easy to figure out. michael you say that this was not caused that baltimore is not ferguson and this was not about race? >> yeah there is a legacy of race that plays sgoo into. this but the approximate cause is not race. a city here the leadership is completely almost african-american. and mayor and council president.
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and representative that cover the city. and judges on the bench and top prosecutor, all african-american as is half of the police force. and you don't have the racial dynamic but you have the police community dynamic when it comes to the poorest communities in baltimore. >> the neighborhood where freddie gray grew up is not exactly neglected. there was efforts on the parts of the city to introduce things up. >> yes, back in the '90s there was an intensive effort and hailed as a national motowhere the city pulled together resources to concentrate them. a thousand now homes built and thousand others renovated and a whole weelter of social service program for the community. and it made an increditimental
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difference. murder rates and domestic violence. and incarceration is higher than the average. and so clearly it made a difference. but just incremental. >> what do you do? there is no silver bullet to solve the underlying problem that baltimore experienced. >> one of my sons goes to school there and i drive through baltimore often. it was kind of hands off and the mayor made remarks suggesting that the certain amount of lawless activity would be be tolerated and is there a feeling now, and i don't know if you upon want to make that judgment as a reporter. is that a mistake it? once we saw the police crack down things calmed down it seemed? >> reporter: it is hard for me
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to judge that. the mayor faced a difficult choice. monday it was school kids and there was a confrontation with the police and the last thing she wanted was the images of her police force hurting a high school kid regardless if they are throwing rocks and destroying property. there is also a concern about the number of the people on the treat and a question of whether more people should have been out. and people say that is heightened the situation. >> i know you write about economic issues. wont jobs go a long way to solving the friction that we so come to light in baltimore? >> reporter: it would go part of the way. but the problems in santana is not unique. it is inner city baltimore. and they extend more deeply. there are good jobs.
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but many people work and a many don't. and a lot of their lives are dysfunctional. it is a high rate of drug abuse and people's involvement in the criminal justice system and prevents them from tapping in the economy that remains. nhighest percapita heroin rate in the counsel row. michael fletcher who loves his balt built thank you for sharing your thoughts today. >> my pleasure. >> it is new concerns of the spread of isis. rome is in the crosshairs and new threat from terrorist and what kathryn harris just learned. she will share that. the republican fold may be getting more crowded in the primaries but they are focusing going after rival hillary clinton. will this strategy work?
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>> a knocks news alert out of the new york city. the defense attorney in the trial said the joris hung. and unable to make a decision. david miller has more on why the case matters, david and what we are hearing from the jury tell us about that. >> reporter: this jury sat ten weeks and listening to 50 witnesses and now the jorsaid it cannot roach a verdict. the judge told them they must continue their deliberations and the defense asked for a mistrial in this case. 54 year old pedro hernandez is charged with first-degree murder and kidnapping of six-year-old etan pate.
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etan was the first child to be featured on a milk carton. and etan convinced his mother that he is be allowed to walk to the school bus alone and had a dollar to buy a can of soda and then he was never seen alive again. a massive search took place. after numerous false leads even when they took the investigation overseas, there was finally a break in the case. pedro hernandez where etan was buying the soda was investigated by authorities after a tip that he might be involved in the crime. after speaking with the police six hours. he admitted to strangling etan in the baseball of the store. >> i grabbed him by the neck and he was struggling.
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and i was nervous. i couldn't let go. i felt like something just took over me. >> etan's remains were not found. he put the boy's body in a trash bin. the defense said the confession was coerced. the prosecution said hernandez confessed four times. the jury is hung and the deliberations will continue. >> we'll so if they come to a different result. thank you. >> and the nation's new top law enforcement officer loretta lynch spoking about the
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situation in baltimore. >> we call cops captain community relation service crs has been working to defuse tension. the head of the civil right's division and ron davis are meeting with faith and community leaders in baltimore and also visited one of the injured officers who still remains hospitalized after being injured in the conflict. i am told he is in good spirits and i convey my best wishes and prayers for his speedy recovery. these senseless acts of violence are not only a grave danger to the community and must stop and counsellor productive to the ultimate goal here developing a respectful conversation in the baltimore community and cross the nation about the way our law enforcement officers interact with the resident that we are charged to serve and protect.
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i am committed to advancing. i am heartened that the unrest so manied to ease and members of the community are trying to come together to clean up that city and hopeful that the progress will continue in the comes days. as we watched the events unfold from baltimore and through the television screen. it is easy to view baltimore as a symbol of the issues we deal with and the difficult situation highlights so many issues part of our national debate. i would ask that we remember baltimore seg -- significant that is a great city and a beautiful city. it is one of our cities. and like so many cities baltimore is struggling to balance great expectations and
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need with limited resources and dealing with balancing the challenges of public safety and community expression. but baltimore is home to more than 600,000 people and it was their homes that the peaceful protestors were trying to make better. and also their home that the injured officers were trying to protect. and so let's keep all of the people of baltimore in our thoughts and prayer ares in the coming days. and thank you for allowing me that digression. and now i turn to a priority. the safety and security of our cybernet work. it is indeed a pleasure to be with you all today. nloretta lynch making remarks about the situation in baltimore as she moves on to her other topics of the day. we'll move on to other news. >> turning to politics next
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how the 2016 race will shape up. trying to define hillary clinton in the race and are voters listening? our political panel is next. and a american hero remembered today. a man who gave his life to save comraids in iraq. his courage is inspiring others. >> don't be afraid to go up to a family and say thank you. just knowing that people remember, is one of the greatest memories that the family can have. charge of their type 2 diabetes... ...with non-insulin victoza. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza. he said victoza works differently than pills and comes in a pen. victoza is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it's taken once a day, any time. and the needle is thin. victoza is not for weight loss but it may help you lose some weight.
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>> right now a new terror threat against one of europe's largest cities. isis supporters on social media claim that the group is now in rome just months after isis vowed to conquer the city. and kathryn herrage is live in washington with more on that. snshg the images are posting to accounts and show terror group is in italy and poised to attack. ousing the hash tag islamic state in rome and show train station and mcdonald and the coliseum. and each image shoes a hand with a hand written note with an isis slogan and the terror selfi prove their location. some are in english and taunt
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the italian authorities after the isis video showed the mass execution of christians in libya and promised the next target would be rome. now we act with photos and soon our sharp knives. the future is not far away. the group's social media track has a clear objective. >> isis' whole propaganda machine wants to show you they are a menace. a lot of this is noise and doesn't mean anything operationally. they may have trained recruits that are sent back abroad to commit terrorist attacks. yesterday saudi arabia government in the new's conference confirmed a series of raids and stopping a isis suicide attack on the american
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embassy. more than 60 isis operatives were arrested. it fits a pattern ten days ago they targeted the consulate in irbil northern iraq. >> that is sobering information there. >> today marks ten years of the death of sergeant mannon. he was amburr bushed. travis drew the fire from wounded time mates and every member made it out safe but travis lost his life. in light of spirit of service they established the travis mannion foundation to honor fallen service members by serving the local community. we have travis' sister and will talk about the eighth anniversary of the passing, but why this weeks so special.
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we'll back up a little bit. tell us about your brother? >> my brother was my best friend, like you said first lieutenant in the united states marine corpse and killed on the second deployment to iraq. he cared about this country and service to this nation and proud of the work he was doing. >> after his passing, your family decided to create a foundation inspired by specific words that travis once wrote and spoke about. tell us about that and tell us how eight years later you put together this incredible organization. >> before travis left for the second tour of duty he attended a football game with my husband. and my husband jokingly said why don't you let me push you down the stairs and you don't have to go back. he said if i don't go back then who? we took those words and turned
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them in a national movement and they are the guiding force of everything we do in the foundation. >> today is the eighth year anniversary of his passing and anniversary is not the right word of the. it is the eighth year to remember him. it kicks off a week of service and what is special about this week? >> this is our national service week. and third year we are doing this. and we have service projecting happening all over the country and the idea here is to connect the one percent of those that serve with a 99 percent that don't. and teaching people that they can be of service right here at home. and they can go in their backyard and be servant leaders. >> it is interesting to talk about it. and we are talking about baltimore and the members of the community can do to help others. why service? there are so many different
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founding as that take money and do work. and why do you believe that service is so important to your mission? >> there is a resiliency of giving back something bigger than yourself and we will want to give that opportunity to everyone. an opportunity of everyone to be of service here at home or overseas. >> and so viewers that want to get involved how can they do that? >> they can get in touch with us through our website. this is our service week and this is happening all year round in the foundation. >> i know you lost your mother as well and she was a big part of starting the foundation and looking back on the past eight years what is your personal take away setting up the foundation and seeing the great work you have been able to accomplish as well? >> for me my brother and my mom who created the foundation their losses have made me want
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to become you know and set the example and live by their idea if not by me then who? and we have to wake up with with a passion and purpose and be leaders to set the example for others. >> and i am sure there are plenty other ways. >> and a secret for our viewers. it is not so schekret. i ran the marine day marathon and it was a great experience and my husband and i wear a lot of your t- shirts and gear and my little eighth month old is fascinating with your icon. and i feel like he senses the importance of this foundation and its work. and i know your now son carries on travis' name as well. and that honors him every day and not just a day like today. >> i continuing is what it is all about. you don't have to be our age to understand what giving back is
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all about. they are young and we can work with our youth to help create the next generation of leaders thank you for joining us today. and you can check it out and there is a lot of information on the website and it is a great way to connect to a veteran's family and serve our country. thank you very much. jon. >> great organization. new tension to tell you about with iran over a sewsure of a cargo ship that was in international waters. how does the white house handle iran's new aggression at sea and get a new nuclear deal at the the same time. and nick wadollared lenda and a land mark 400 feet in the air and we have your final 30.
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>> i am gretchen carlson,y wo are talking about the baltimore mayor if they asked police to stand down and if so why? sdpshgs and time for the oriole and white sox to play in baltimore. they will not have any fans. what is it going to look like? we'll attack you live to camden yards and things get heated in the supreme court or over same- sex marriage. we'll analyze the legal battle in the top of the hour. >> the latest in the 2016 election now. and critics say republican presidential hopefuls focus too much on the attacking of democratic rival. and others say the gop needs to define mrs. clinton early particularly with younger voters not familiar with the record and past controversy. >> and we'll talk about it with
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jamie and jenna. it is interesting most of the republicans seem to be coping powder dry when it comes to each other and she is the universal product. >> she doesn't have a lot of the competition but the republicans have a problem here each candidate is going after her in their own way. but they are lacking an overriding unifying narrative that said she's not qualified to be president. it is kind of narrative that took hold of mitt romney who was wealthy and out of touch of people. and narrative that took hold with john kerry. people questioned his commander in chief credentials. the republicans don't have a way to go after her, and you can see
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them if you mean bleng and trying to find a narrative against her. >> jamie, you say in going after her, they are going after the fellow republicans, can you explain that? >> some of the narratives are serving two purposes. marco rubio is narrative about yesterday. and that refers to the hillary clinton and subtle jab as one of the other rivals in the nomination, jeb bush who is of the yesterday generation of the clinton era. and that serves to purposes. scott walker middle-class is a jab at hillary clinton throw hundred thousand speeches. and the other republican challenger ares ruling class to establish himself as someone who understands middle-class worries. yes, they are going after hillary clinton, but it serves a dual purpose about going after the republican rivals.
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>> fleetwood mactheme. marco pulls up beatles classic yesterday. >> just yesterday, a leader from yesterday. (applause) began a campaign for president by promising to take us back to yesterday. yesterday is over. >> that is an effective line. and it will propel him to the nomination, nina? >> it is cleffer and makes hemlock like a fresh new face which he is and what people like about marco rubio. but is it a disqualifying theme for hillary clinton who bite way is sitting there with little competition in the democratic primpary and these guys are having to distinguish themselves
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from each other as much as hillary clinton. and the other thing about the youth thing, maybe marco rubio, it can back fire. does he look too young and inexperienced. those questions have been raised about hem. >> and speaking of all of this jamie i still remember watching the clintons on stage with the fleetwood mac. and i have grown older since bill clinton was in office. and a whole generation of people who barely remember his president so. and in the beginning of the segment is it good to define the clintons or explaining your vision for the country. and it is important to define hillary clinton. and nina mentioned it earlier. obama campaign defined romney early and that was effective.
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and it is important to define hillary clinton as well. a lot of people don't remember the clinton presidency and they are eligible to vote. and it is important on how to take the country forward. >> mitt romney came it be known as out of touch rich guy. >> that's what the republicans are lacking when it comes to hillary clinton, and probably the richest and fertile territory is the question of trust. and the question of transparency and that shoes up as a problem for hillary clinton in polls. and people value her as a leader over 60 percent, but there are issues of trust. and i think you will see a lot of republican strategist move nothing that direction. >> all right. nina and jamie, thank you. >> iran's seizure of a cargo
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ship causing concern on what is happening next as the armed guards keep the crew from sailing back to open waters. with nine grams of protein... and 26 vitamins and minerals. and now with... ...twice as much vitamin d ...which up to 90% of people don't get enough of. ohhhhhhh. the sunshine vitamin! ensure now has 2x more vitamin d to support strong bones. ensure. take life in.
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now! we are short on time here but are the crew members hostages at this point? >> i don't know how you would declare them. because under the admiral t law, the court order will allow
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a nation to seize the. 10 or 12 years ago. cargo never arrived and the company went to court and got a court order and normally seize the vessel in court and you don't fire shots over the bow and make them turn into your waters. and that's what happen this time. >> last friday a similar thing happen. four iranians boats pulled up along a marist shippulled. up behind a mersk hip. and this ship comes through on this one was flagged in the marshal island and they decided to take this down they were after a maersk.
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>> this is after the president spoke ago making sure shipping lanes remain open as the reason why he was putting an aircraft carrier off the coast of yemen. so does this elicit some sort of response from the united states? >> the united states is under no obligation, at least according to the state department under no obligation in a maritime realm, maritime environment, to do this. now, we do have a very clear spoken defense agreement with the marshal islands should they be attacked. >> more on this as we get it. captain nash thank you so much. >> you bet, jenna. >> what do a daredevil and the heir to the british throne have in common? we'll explain in the final 30 next. my sister had to come help. i don't like asking for help. i took tylenol but i had to take six pills to get through the day. so my daughter brought over some aleve. it's just two pills, all day! and now, i'm back!
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discover real possibilities at today and tomorrow take on the world. time for the final 30. daredevil nik wallenda making his way across orlando's observation center 400 feet up. and a charles and camilla
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look-alike joining the baby watch. i'm betting on friday. >> you think? >> yeah i kind of think friday might be the day. >> we know something about these things. thank you for joining us. real story starts right now. police prepare for a news conference at baltimore right now. the news conference from the police department set to start about ten minutes there right now. 2:10 p.m. eastern. we'll bring that to you live. 92in the meantime that update is coming for the historic first for the mlb. this afternoon's game between the baltimore orioles and chicago white sox being played in a stadium without fans. officials banning the general public after violence across that city. the first pitch at camden yards a few minutes from now. take a look at the fans only staff and security


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