tv Media Buzz FOX News May 4, 2015 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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memento of a day at west point i'll never forget. thanks for joining us. we'll see you next time on "fox news a whole bunch of gunshots and just lay down don't get up in case something is happening. then we see the cops everywhere and they evacuated just that quick, evacuated the whole parking lot and made us come over here. >> this is a fox news alert from america's news headquarters. i'm kelly wright. police killing two suspected gunmen on sunday in the dallas suburb of garland. a security guard was shot in the leg but has been released from the hospital.
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at one point overnight, our fox news reporter at the scene heard two muffled detonations. however, police have not said yet if they found any explosives. earlier, the spokesperson for the police department explained how it all went down. >> garland officers that were close by saw what was going on shot and killed both men there at the scene by their car. so as far as identifications or anything on them we have not touched their bodies because they're close by the car. once that is cleared, we'll find out who they are and exactly what was going on. >> as you can imagine, it was a tense scene around 6:00 p.m. local time sunday with police swarming the building after the shooting. however, no one inside the building we are happy to report, atending that event was injured. we still do not know the identity of the suspects. police are not aware of any ongoing threat and said they
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have not received any credible threats before the event. the texas governor released a statement saying -- >> it happened during a contest hosted by the new york based american freedom defense initiative awarding $10,000 to the best cartoon depicting the prophet muhammad. stay with fox news channel as events unfold. now back to regular programming. danger was obvious, with criminals setting fires and looting stores. >> one person has turned this entire quiet area -- we are
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being sprayed with mace, we are being sprayed with pepper spray. >> i don't know exactly what it is that's been thrown in the air. i don't know exactly what it is but it is a bit acrid. somebody telling me that it is tear gas. >> joining us now to analyze the coverage of the riots and the tragedy that triggered the violence, david zur wic, television and media critic for the baltimore as you know. amy holmes who anchors the hot list for the blaze. david zurick has the media invasion since the riots broke out helped your city or inflamed the situation? >> even when we say media invasion or media, there's parts of it. some parts of this coverage have been very good others haven't. i will say this about the coverage. first of all, from the president to the mayor, all these people the politicians, who have talked about the media only showing up after there is violence let me just give you a fact. cnn was there five days before
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the first violence on saturday the 25th of april and they were doing showing from there. brook baldwin was hosting shows out of there. so we don't just chase the violence. was there more after the violence? absolutely. but here's the thing. out of this week howie, if nothing else we've had a much better look at the causes of civil unrest in this country. the statistics that have come out about west baltimore and the lack of jobs and all of that and we've seen some of the protesters. you know some people can't understand it when people say, these are our children in baltimore. well after some of the stories, even the mother who hit her son and tore off his mask we see them as our children. and that makes this situation redeemable. we don't have to say, we're under assault, this can't be saved, it's all hell. we have actually seen a smarter discussion. and we had a very important discussion an the use of the word "thugs" from a council member. >> you answered my question.
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there's an important substantiative debate some of what's going on in the media, but we got into this ridiculous in my view linguistic view because president obama used the word "thugs" to describe the looters and the people setting fires, and mayor stephanie rawlings used the word "thugs" and then came back under pressure from her community and said i should not have used the word "thugs." >> these are semantics and a distraction from exactly the issue david is talking about. but i think in this case the media created more heat than light. and part of that was because we didn't have a lot of facts. we saw the video of freddie gray being arrested and dragged to the van, but we don't know what happened inside the van and we still don't have an autopsy report. so instead, what we got was the media going out into the streets, cereal of course the media is going to cover a riot and cars on fire and the media captured that image of that young man punturing the fire hose to keep the fires burning. these are all made-for-tv images but we didn't get a lot
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of information about the underlying case. >> more heat than light, do you agree? >> i have to say, i watched the coverage of the riot monday on cnn and on wusa channel 9 here. i can't talk for all the media, but what i saw, it was embarrassing and borderline incendiary. miguel marquez, i thought, was totally out of control, cnn reporter running around with a chicken with his head cut off, handing the microphone to anybody who stopped by and letting them spew all their nonsense on the air. and on wusa 9 they kept saying well it's been two hours, why hasn't the mayor held a news conference i suspect she has more important things to do. or why aren't the police chasing all these rioters around the street. i don't know about crowd control, but they don't either. they were not putting it in context and they were not just reporting the facts. >> so wusa the washington -- >> not to disagree -- >> please. >> when you say the media made it worse and the media, "the
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baltimore sun" had 60 reporters on that story two months before they came we had a huge investigative theory done on excessive force and violence by the police and the fines the city's paying for them. so don't say the media -- the "sun" was in those streets and we weren't alone. but amy did say the media. >> well we're talking -- >> i identified the ones i was talking about. >> take the part of the media you want to be critical of. >> we're talking about visual media. >> okay. >> i played the clip of your mayor, stephanie rawlings blake, saying we node to give space to people who wish to destroy, and claiming she didn't mischaracterize. was she mischaracterized? are playing her own words? >> a week before this thing blew up i wrote a thing saying our mayor has a problem when she speaks to the press of not being clear, speaking kind of mushy language and then her spokesman has to come out and try to clean it up. we predicted exactly what was going to happen and she did it. she did it there. so this wasn't just reactive.
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she said that. i know -- i think i know what she want to say, and she meant to say exactly what she said she meant to say, but she didn't say it. >> the mayor didn't come out and say, what i meant to say was -- i misspoke poor choice of words. >> used the media as a scapegoat. but fox news also has a report that she had some sort of stand down order, so while she may have misspoken, the media didn't misconstrue her words, and maybe there is actually something substantiative there when you look at her subsequent action or inaction. >> she has denied that. mayor rawlings blake -- >> it's a fact. >> anybody who watched the coverage on monday could see that in many instances, police were standing by as the liquor store was looted and burned. i want to talk about "the washington post," citing a police document saying another prisoner in the van believed freddie gray was banging his head against the wall sort of injured himself. the document was drat, was the paper and others who reported this line used by the police? >> i don't know if they were used by the police.
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i think it's fair of course to report that but, again, you have these drips and drabs that inflame the situation, that don't tell the whole picture. and this is where the media gets ahead of the investigation, gets ahead of the facts, and so yes, people globed on to this saying that one side wanted to be critical of the mayor, who said that freddie gray may have injured himself, while another side was saying, wait a minute we don't know what's going on. >> listen i'm much more critical -- i think the worst of all the coverage and i want to identify again, was "the washington post," with that article. the headline was that this prisoner heard him, saw him, was in the van with him. the headline should have been a police report says that somebody told them this was obviously spin on the part of the police department. it was a first attempt to try to cover this up and defend these guys and i think "the post" got it wrong and the rest of the national media ran with it. >> i want to play one sound bite. i was really struck by this. this was a baltimore woman, done
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even have her last name interviewed on msnbc, and she posed this question. take a look. >> when we were out here protesting all last week for six days straight peacefully there were no news cameras, there were no helicopters, there was no riot gear, and nobody heard us. so now that we burned down buildings and set businesses on fire and looted buildings, now all of a sudden everybody wants to hear us. why does it take a catastrophe like this in order for america to hear our cry? >> you made the point at cnn had been covering this earlier, some other news organizations have done some stories. but last saturday night, white house correspondencets' dinner and almost no one broke away. >> i was outraged. you read the column. i went crazy. i couldn't believe that cnn couldn't do a cut-in and then this exercise in black tie narcissism while a city is on the edge. people couldn't leave camden yards after the baseball game. the streets were so out of
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control. and cnn, 50 miles down the road can't send a -- can't get some kind of cut-in because it's so important telling these people to telling jokes and celebrating themselves. i am so outraged over it. i'm still waiting for a cnn executive to tell me who made that decision. >> baltimore is 40 minutes. >> the initial coverage of freddie gray's death faded because there seemed to be a rough media consensus, this was awful, taken into custody, ends up dying from a spinal cord injury so there was nothing for cable to argue about at that time. >> there was nothing to argue about, except for context, except for ferguson and eric garner. except for all of these different cases that could be connected. but the contrast between the washington press corps, slapping one another's backs, gluging down wine while baltimore was on fire was disgusting. and young lady i'm sorry to
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tell you, but the press will be gone when your city is trying to recover. >> and the president talked about one burning building would be played on an endless loop on television. does the media, by and large, ignore these problems in the inner city and parachute in when the violence breaks out and then leave a week later? >> not just the media, i think the nation does. the president made that point. look i lived through the rodney king riots and got caught up as a reporter in the middle of that. but back to the '60s, back to watts in '65, detroit in '67. these fundamental problems have not changed. poverty and lack of education and lack of opportunity and police/community tension, and nothing has been done. >> maybe the spotty media coverage reflects that. let me get a break. send me tweets @howardkurtz. when we come back the media have a new heroine, the
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marilyn mosby is the baltimore state's attorney who quickly brought the charges, including second-degree murder against the six officers involved in freddie gray's arrest. now being hailed by the media, the banner headline "the huffington post," "baltimore badass." i've never heard a prosecutor hail protesters seem like a political thing to say.
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but "the new york times" and politico praying those comments as a great positive declaration, either putting it in headlines or the kicker. what do you make of it? >> once again, it's the media trying to write a narrative instead of reporting the pacts. it should be troubling to all americans wherever you land on this issue. i don't think it's an issue, i think it's a story that ought to be reported. that a prosecutor making political statements is troubling. this is supposed to be a critical justice matter where the facts will be weighed and these people will be charged fairly. at this point, we don't have enough information to even know if that's case. >> i'm not questioning her motives or the charges, because i haven't seen the evidence and she has, butting it thought it was an inappropriate thing to say. >> and all this talk about this as a racial matter. can we fully embrace that term when the mayor, the belief after the police force, the city council president, and three of the six officers charged in freddie gray's death are black? >> this is a demographic city
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with democratic leadership. so i still think that race does have something to do with it. in the case of again, back to the root causes of particularly young african-american youth in that community, who are disenfranchised and don't see a future and are angry at this continuing tension between police and the community in baltimore, that's been going on for a long time. but i must say, i think that liberals and conservatives in this country should applaud marilyn mosby, because, finally, we have a public official who stepped up to the plate. nobody had confidence in the mayor or the governor. she's on the job and i thought she did a great job. and people needed that -- >> imagine if marilyn mosby had said i reviewed the evidence and i think there was insufficient evidence to charge anyone in this case. would she be hailed at the bright new star on the prosecutorial -- >> clearly not. but getting back to your question about being a matter of race national review actually had a very interesting column that we think of civil liberties and civil rights in this race
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frame, but we should think about it in terms of your civil liberties as a citizen and how you were treated by stat authority. and in this case it doesn't matter if the cops and freddie gray were of the same race his civil liberties may have been violated. >> you can read my blog post. i thought she was brilliant. i thought she was righteous. and the you were in baltimore, i don't care what our leaders are, if black citizens of baltimore believe that they are being treated unfairly by police that you can be innocent and wind up dead after you're arrested for something, if those folks believe that the leaders better speak to them. and i don't care if she is state's attorney. she spoke to an incredible tension. you walk the streets of baltimore with five helicopters over you and you're in a war zone. and she spoke to the reality of the situation she was in. >> a politician is supposed to be righteous. >> she's not a politician. >> a prosecutor is supposed to be just.
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>> that's where i disagree with you. >> she said no justice, no peace, i'm delivering justice today. you give us some peace now. >> she's saying i'm doing my job, now you do your job. >> she's brilliant. >> that debate will go on. i want to turn to you to the coverage which seems to be increasingly moving toward the same old polarization. national review why play baltimore as a catastrophe that the democratics are making. but the salon, baltimore's protesters are right. smashing police cars is a genuine strategy. there was another political headline that said we're lynching blacks again. and mark lamont on cnn, let me play a quick sound bite. >> the structure of jobs itself. it's an occupying force, they're an occupying force. that's my issue. >> howie, i am so dismayed. i'm furious, after 30 years in the business i could cry that people can't get above their politics and ideology on something as big as this. one, a young man who we have no reason to believe committed a
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crime died. number two, i think baltimore could be ground zero for us dealing with all these cases, dating back to ferguson. this summer could prove that. if you can't rise above your politics if you can't rise above conflict of interest if we of the press can't behave with our best angels we should get out of the business. i'm serious. the public should hate us. if we can't convince them that we're going to be as righteous as marilyn mosby said she's going to be. and by the way, her office has to make sure there's no problems in there as well. >> last word david zurich. >> amy hall and bill price, thanks very much for joining us this sunday. ahead, author peter swooitser. and the media make a heroine out of a take-charge baltimore mom.
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i'm getting whiplash from all the nbc leaks about brian williams. first, "the new york times" and "the washington post" quoted sources as saying, an expanded network probe of the suspended anchor found new instances of exaggerations in talking about his reporting. then "new york daily news" said the new nbc chief is looking for a way to put him back at "nightly news." then "the hollywood reporter's" melisa guthrie reported a person with lack's feelings said it would be a lack. what you're seeing is a messy civil war playing itself out with dueling leaks. nbc should just make a decision rather than leaving its longtime star twisting in the wind. well the baltimore story needed a hero and the media have found one. toyya graham the single mother of six who tracked down her 16-year-old son michael and smacked him around as he was trying to join the protesters on the day of the riots. several networks rushed to
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interview toyya graham and her embarrassed sons. they even wound up on "the view." >> it says forget the national guard, send in the moms. they're calling you hero mom. do you feel like a hero mom this morning? >> i don't. i don't. >> because what was your intention? >> my intention was just to get my son and have him be safe. >> so you see here and you're like uh-oh. >> i'm like, oh, man. what's my mother doing down here? >> was i just instinctual or was it premeditated like i'm going to whoop that [ bleep ]. >> i was like oh, my god, and to turn around and see my son right there with a rock i was like in a rage. >> i know there's a debate about whether toyya graham should have hit the kid or whether the media should glorify her. but this thing went viral, because it's african-american parents who have to keep their
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all i know is we heard like four five six shots and nobody took it serious. >> this is a fox news alert from america's news headquarters. here's what's happening right now. a tense situation in the dallas suburb of garland sunday evening. police killing two suspected gunmen after they opened fire on a security officer. that security guard was shot in the leg but is back home after being treated and released from the hospital. the bomb squad is still on the scene. they're using a robotic device
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to inspect the two men who were shot as well as their vehicle. at one point overnight, our fox news reporter at the scene heard two muffled detonations. however, police have not said if they found any explosives. earlier, the spokesman for the police department explained the effectiveness of the security that was on hand during the event. >> for any event, they high off duty garland police officers with some security officers that were here tonight. there were additional police officers that were hired for this event, because going back to the event that was here in january, what has surrounded these types of events in other parts of the world, additional security was added to this event tonight. luckily it was, because as it ends up we had a threat and they executed that threat. >> so police were on guard all along. it was a tense scene around 6:00 p.m. local time sunday.
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however, no one inside the building attending the event was injured. if it happened moments later, it could have been a very different story. since the event was wrapping up and people could have been on the way out. police officer say they are not aware of any ongoing threat and say they did not receive credible threats before the event. the texas governor released this statement -- >> it happened during a contest hosted by the new york based american freedom defense initiative that would award $10,000 for the best cartoon depicting muhammad. such drawings are deemed
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instulting to many followers of islam and has sparked violence. stay with fox news channel for updates. now back to regular programming. examples so we're not just talking in general. you relied on a td bank press release about the bank selling its stake in the keystone pipeline. that release was exposed as a fake two years ago. true? >> that's true but not really central to the story. the story says hillary clinton was looking at the keystone pipeline and gave it environmental approval. during that time bill clinton was contacted to give ten speeches to the largest shareholder, which was td bank. the press release that resulted later on was about them allegedly selling their shares which they did not. it does not touch the central fact of that story. >> you say senator hillary clinton changed her position on a nuclear agreement with india after the clinton foundation raked in lots of cash with indian businesses. you said that she supported a
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killer amendment to limit nuclear production. but politico says she actually voted against that. >> unfortunately politico is wrong. they never contacted me. there was an amendment offered by senator feingold. hillary clinton was one of 25 senators to vote in favor of it. >> was there more than one amendment? >> there were three amendments but even more importantly, the central player in the indian story, which is a trustee of the clinton foundation who was pushing aggressively to get this deal done said point-blank in an interview in 2010 that in 2006 hillary clinton did not support the legislation that the indian government wants. that comes can later. >> then there's the uranium deal big donations. 500,000 speech for bill clinton. but as you know this has come up hillary clinton's state department one of nine agencies needed to approve anything involving that russian-controlled company, and not even evidence that she was directly involved in decisions. so i think like a lot of things you raised in this book appearance does not look good but you don't necessarily have it nailed.
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>> i think it's hard for any author to nail it. and i think one of the strategies that the clinton camp has deployed is to set this bar for me as an author which is impossible for any author to meet. look it's about follow the money. one of the oldest stories in politics. and when you're talking about this story, you're talking about a unique situation flows of lots of money, and timing. >> the really troubling things about bill's speeches the apparent correlation between his fees and hillary's decisions went she was secretary of state. let me ask you this in your last two books, you went after both political parties and got a lot of favorable press. this book about the author doesn't mention that you have worked with george w. bush's white house that you have worked with sarah palin, does says you worked for the conservative think tank the hoover institution, you have also written for so the question emerges, what are you? are you a journalist? >> i'm a conservative and i think i'm as jurnlgs ss journalist.
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and when i say conservative i don't think i am a republican. in my books, i have gone after republicans. i have become increasingly skeptical over the years of politicians who become wealthy while in public office. the clintons i think represent a unique example of that. the fact they've taken in some $130 million in bill's post-presidential years. this arrangement you had with her as secretary of state and him taking in large sums of money from foreign interest. we've never been there before. my fear with this is that this could become a model for other politicians. >> and i think you raise important questions, but you do describe yourself as a conservative journalist who has worked for conservative politicians, so can you how there would be skepticism among liberals and those in the media that you are pursuing an agenda? >> no. i think what people should do is look at the facts. my skepticism and conservatism springs from a skepticism about centralized political power. i'm a libertarian in that sense. and i think that's a legitimate position to have. i think the question comes down
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to the reporting and to the information contained in the book. and that's ultimately how i think it should rise or fall. >> you don't think when you work with republican politicians that that in any way, undercuts your claim to independence as a journalist? >> well i work with republican politicians in the past as a speechwriter primarily. but, no i don't think it undermines it. i think i've been transparent about that and in book i explain my sense about what's going on here. >> to be fair you've been digging into jeb bush's finances. that's not going to result in a book i understand but what motivated you to do that? you did work with his brother when he was president. >> the motivation here again, is looking at wealth accumulation by elected officials. in the case of jeb bush you don't have the global reach that you have with the clintons don't have the same timeline. it does not appear that it's going to constitute a book. but we're looking at land deals and an airport deal and looking at other issues. the bottom line again is to follow the money, which is what we did with the clintons and that's happening here as well.
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what impacted the book "clinton cash" and a new democratic candidate. joining us now, ron fournier columnist for the national journal. what did you think of the interview with peter schweitzer and is the press making his book at least for now, the issue in the hillary campaign? >> i thought he did a good job defending himself. i'm not familiar with the position he's in the clintons like a lot of politicians, when they're under attack like to attack the messenger. i think he's holding up pretty well. >> not just him. >> that's the thing. the clinton campaign wants us to make this about him, not the fact that there's all reporting out there that there's really questions that she has to answer. the media tends to want to make this like you said what's the impact on the campaign? i think, and this is where actually he had a point, this should be about, what is this -- how does this reflect on what kind of leader can she be? is she going to be transparent and follow the rules, is she going to be ethical and put the country ahead of her personal
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interests? this story, not his book the story, her actions in both the maile thing e-mail thing and the way they handled the foundation raise serious questions about what kind of candidate she's going to be. >> her spokesman, brian fallon he found some remarks that peter schweitzer made at a koch brothers event last year. he said this is the clearest evidence yet that this widely discredited book is part of a coordinated republican attack strategy. >> they want to make this about the republicans. they want to make it about that book. they don't want to make it about the facts. they don't want to explain why she took her e-mails rogue. they want to make it about why she promised the white house, her president, our president, that she would not take foreign donations. . and yet they did. they didn't want to make it about why they couldn't release the fact that there was over 1,000 secret donations when in
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fact, they could. they don't want to make it about her actions. they want to make it about us in the media and about whether or not this affects her campaign. as soon as her polls start going up they'll say, people don't care about this this is old news. but this can never be old news the way somebody -- the way their record and actions reflect on how they'll be as a leader. >> the old news thing was a classic nik by thetechnique by the clinton white house. >> and they're not the only ones. she has the capability of being a transformational leader in our country, but not if she keeps behaving like this. >> now she's got a nominal opponent bernie sanders jumping into the race getting some attention. is the press going to build him up because we desperately want some kind of contest on the democratic side? >> our biggest bias is her con it's. we want a contest. democrats in iowa want a contest. democrats in new hampshire want a contest for their reason. so any glimmer of a fight, with especially from the left which
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is where she's vulnerable, we'll seize on. >> he's never going to be president, but there will come a time in this primary season where hillary clinton will look like she's not invulnerable. there will be a time when she's a lot more scared when she realizes that she's going to be. someone's going to give her a scare. >> so will the media be giving bernie sanders the appropriate amount of attention, or are we going to kind of build him up because he's the only other person in the race? >> i guess what it means by the appropriate time of contention. if the only issue is whether or not he can become president, we should ignore him. he's making the point, can someone who's not a billionaire become president? that's a very serious and important question. i don't think we can give him too much credit on that regard. if this is all about polls and we're going to be poll driven in the media, we'll ignore him.
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>> i'm also focusing on the issues he's raising. >> let's focus on him. ron fournier appreciate morefor stopping by. at least nine journalists were injured covering the baltimore riots. leland vitter with his experience on the front lines. thanks for calling angie's list. how may i help you? i heard i could call angie's list if i needed work done around my house at a fair price. you heard right, just tell us what you need done and we'll find a top rated provider to take care of it. so i could get a faulty light switch fixed? yup! or have a guy refinish my floors? absolutely! or send someone out to groom my pookie? pookie's what you call your? my dog. yes, we can do that. real help from real people. come see what the new angie's list can do for you.
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on baltimore to cover the riots. one man found himself in a tense situation. >> a police officer pulled me aside, a very senior captain, and he looked at me and said i can't protect you out there. he said you are on your own. he said if things start to go down and he said i try to come out and try to arrest anyone
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being physical meaning me he said i am going to insight this whole place. i cannot incite a riot in order to save you. he joins me now from baltimore. you're surrounded by angry protesters. the cop says he can't protect you. for you nervous? >> yeah. i think you'd be stupid not to be nervous. the part of that that was so interesting to me is that the police were terrify ofd doing their jobs and as we reported over the past week, it seems like the reason they were terrified is because the mayor held them back. you know the idea that the police were outnumbered and outflanked and outgunned is lunacy. we saw their weapons. we saw how much nonlethal force they 245d. it seems has though they had been told time and time again to just stand down to let it happen that unless they absolutely had to respond, to not respond. i think it's one of the reasons you saw this go on for so long
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and finally once the police came in and showed that they meant business things quieted down very quickly. >> not only were they not protected you. they initially weren't protecting the property and the stores and the cars. you expressed on the air one of the early nights that there was a lot of anti-media sentiment in the crowd. talk about that for a moment. >> it's something i never really thought i would see in america, when you watched what happened on the streets of baltimore. they were lawless. it was like times i'd spent in the middle east and the anti-media sentiment to me came from when you'd stick a camera in the face of somebody who was looting a store. they got angry, and any time you stick a camera in the face of someone doing something illegal. what i thought was interesting is the people who were watching and sometimes participating, if you gave them a forum and treated them with respect and went up and introduced yourself even if it was live nine times out of ten, people talked to
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you. i thought that was an interesting and telling part of what this community had. >> right, and their voices were instructive for us viewers at home to hear. one moment of yours that went viral was when you tried to ask a couple of questions of the mayor. let's play it for the viewers. >> what do you have to say to the businesses that were looted because of your order to stand down. we can't ask questions? a public official but can't ask questions? i can ask questions. will you answer them? you'll answer them then? then you'll answer the questions? >> at the press conference we will answer all questions. >> excuse us. excuse us. >> and, of course the mayor answered no questions at the news krchgs. devil's advocate. some viewers say you look pushy. you're pushing a microphone and trying to get an answer. how did you feel about how it played out? >> think about it this way.
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number one, the mayor has received a number of interview asks. she turned them down. she used her security team to duck out beforehand. if we hadn't asked those questions at that moment it wouldn't have happened. number two, when you think about this situation, and the way it went down here, as she walked down the hallway, she had every opportunity to stop and answer the question. there was a number of things she could have said that would have been fine and acceptable answers including i'm sorry, i was wrong that i embarrassed my city and the police department and tied everybody's hands but now i'm doing the right thing. she just stood silently by and let al sharpton act as her body guard. it was something i was stunned by truthly. >> that was odd, and of course, reverend not only aligning
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america says he lost his job after saying his boss was disrespecting woman. the boz also said whoever disrespects israel should die in held. al jazeera is stressing its commitment to diversity. two executive vice presidents have now resigned following the $15 million suit. your top tweets. that has media been fair in covering baltimore? one, coverage caused a mez. you gave them a stage. media go home. eliminate speculation to ensure fairness. very unfair. look for any bad act. kept repeating mostly peaceful demonstrations while the city burned and went on lock down. from i've seen may have not been
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fair. rather than having deep discussions, tears over a cvs. david letterman is booking guests like the president's wife. >> i'm retiring in a few weeks. >> no kidding. >> he won't be retiring. do you ever look that far down the road? >> like when i'm going to be running for president or anything? i heard you. i was watching you. >> that's something to consider. >> calm down. michelle obama is not rupnning for anything unless she takes presiden from dave. he's had a good friendly relationship shall i say with the first couple. that's it for this edition of media buzz. we hope you'll like our facebook page. we post a lot of original content there. e-mail me. no political speeches.
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ask a media question and i will respond. we're back here next sunday morning with the latest buzz. hope to see you then. all of a sudden we see the cops everywhere and they evacuated the whole parking lot. >> this is a fox news alert. i'm kelly wright in washington. police killing two suspected gunmen sunday who opened fire on a security officer at a contest depicting pictures of the prophet muhammad. a security guard was shot in the leg by is now
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