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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  May 4, 2015 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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summer. >> carson after being known from the prayer breakfast. we have to roll. >> we will turn it over to "happening now" because they are getting started now. have a great day, everybody. and we begin with a fox news alert. police about to hold a news conference any moment on the dramatic shootout in texas. good monday morning to you. i am jon scott. >> and i am jenna lee. we will go back to detroit as news started there. two men opening fire at a conference center outside of dallas. >> we will have more on that coming up. stand
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and his wife are here. ben, jr. and he is an entrepreneur and owns a company that does placements and they do a lot of things and own a lot of stuff. very cool. and then my youngest son, royce is right here and his wife is home with the baby
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dreams for my mother. my mother came from a large rural family in tennessee. and was shuffled from home to home. she always had a desire for education. she never got beyond third grade and married to escape a situation. she and my father moved here to detroit and he worked in a factory. i remember one christmas
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called them water bugs. but we knew what they were. my mother was out working hard. two sometimes, three jobs at a time as a domestic. trying to stay off of welfare. and the reason for that was she noticed that most of the people she saw going on welfare never came off it. she didn't want to be dependent. she wanted us to be independent and decided she would work as long and hard as necessary leaving at 5 a.m. and getting back after midnight day after day. doing what others didn't want to do to try to maintain independence. and she was very thrifty. she would drive a car until it
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would not make a second. they would say how does that woman afford a new car but she could manage money. my mother was treasure of secretary and we would not be in a desperate situation i knew. [applause] >> and you know there are many people who are critical of me because they say carson wants to get rid of all of the safety nets and welfare programs even though he must have benefited from them. this is a blatant lie. i have no desire to get rid of safety nets for people that need them but i have a strong desire
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to get rid of programs that create dependency on able-bodied people. we are not doing people a favor when we pat them on the head and say there, there, you poor little thing. we will take care of all of your needs, you don't have to worry about anything. you know who else says stuff like that? socialist. and their programs always end up looking the same. they want to take care of people from cradle to grave. but they want to be involved in every aspect of their lives and they want most of their earnings. but they say it will be a utopia and no one has to worry. the problem is all of those societies end up looking the same with a small group of elite at the top controlling
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everything, a decreasing middle class, and an increasing dependent class. that was not the intention for this country. this country was envisioned by individual whose wanted everything to be surrounding the people of for and by the people. not of for and by the government. and the government was to respond to the will of the people. not the people to the will of the government. we have allowed the whole thing to be turned upside down. and i am not an anti-government person by any stretch of the imagination. i think the government as described in the constitution is wonderful. but we have gone far beyond what the constitution describe and we have begun to allow it to expand based on what the polittle class wants because they would -- political -- like to increase
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their power and it is time for the people to rise up and take the government back i think. [applause] >> now the political class won't like me saying stuff like that. i tell you a secret political class comes from both parties. and it comes from all over the place. okay? and it includes unfortunately even the media now. you know the media, the press is the only business in america, that is protected by our constitution. you have to ask yourself the question why were they the only ones protected. it is because our founders envisioned a press that was on
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the side of the people, not a press that was on the side of the democrats or the republicans or the federalist or anti-federalist. [applause] >> and this is a direct appeal to media. you guys have an almost sacred position in a true democracy. please don't abuse it. [applause] >> you know my mother's dream was for us to be able to move back to detroit and we were eventually able to do that. but i was a terrible student. and my brother was a terrible student and she didn't know what
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to do so she prayed and asked god for wisdom. and you know you don't need a degree to talk to god. you just have to have faith and god gave her the wisdom. at least in her opinion my brother and i didn't think it was wise. turning off the television and making us submit book reports that she could not read. but it didn't matter because it worked. as i started reading the books, which i really didn't want to and i started reading about people of accomplishment i began to recognize that the person who has the most to do with what happens to you in life is you. you don't have to be dependent on the good grace of someone else. you can do it on your own if you have a normal brain and are willing to work and have that can-do attitude. you have to remember it was the
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can-do attitude that allowed this nation to rise so quickly because we had people who didn't stop when there was an obstacle. that is how the early settlers were able to move from one seat to another seat across a rugged and hostile terrain. they knew how to do things. there were many communities that were separated by hundreds of miles and they thrived. why did they thrive? because people were willing to work together to work with each other, if a farmer got injured everybody else harvested his crops. if someone was killed everyone else pitched in to take care of their family. that is who we are. we americans, we take care of each other.
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that is why we are called the united states of america. we have allowed the prepares of the community to run society and create friction and fear in society. people are afraid to standup for what they believe in because they don't want to be called a name they don't want an irs audit they don't want their jobs or families messed with. but isn't it time for us to think about the people that came before us and what they were willing to do so that we could be free. nathan hale caught to be executed and he said my only regret is i have but one life to give to my country.
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a couple nights ago i was in mobile, alabama and there were several world war ii veterans there in uniform. i took pictures with all of them and they were thanking me for being courageous enough to do what i am doing now. but i said it is you we must thank. [applause] >> we think about all of the brave men and women who sacrificed sacrificed over the years so we could be free. and we dare not soil their
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efforts by being timid now and not standing up to what we believe. we have to recognize that there one of the rules for radicals is you make the majority believe what they believe is no longer relevant. and no intelligent person thinks that way. and that way, they don't care if you believe what they believe as long as you keep your mouth shut. and that is what we have to start doing. we have to open our mouth for the values and principles of america. [applause]
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>> i have to tell you something, i am not politically correct. [applause] >> i am probably never going to be politically correct because i am not a politician. i don't want to be a politician. because politicians do what is politically expedient and i want to do what is right. we have to think about that again in our country. you know, this past couple weeks has been a great -- there has been a great deal of turmoil in baltimore where i spent 36 years of my life. and we see the turmoil in our
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cities all over our nation. we need to start thinking about how do we get to the bottom of this issue. you see i believe that the real issue here is that people are loosing hope. they don't feel life is going to be good to them no matter what happens. so when an opportunity comes to loot riot, to get mine they take it not believing there is a much better way to get the things they desire. interesting enough, maybe people buy hook line and sinker that the economy is getting better. the unemployment rate is down to
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5.5 percent. if that were the truth our economy would be humming. but obviously it is not. it is one of the reasons our founders said our freedom and way of live is dependent upon a well informed and educated pop populus because you need to know you can make the unemployment rate anything you want based on what you include. so you have to look at the participation rate and that has been going down since 2009 and now at a 37-year low. unless you understand those kind of things it is imminently possible for slick politicians and bias media to convince you that everything is wonderful when your eyes tell you something different.
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and i am saying to people around this nation right now stop being loyal to a party or to a man and use your brain to think for yourself. [applause] >> that is really the key to us as a nation becoming successful again. not in allowing ourselves to be manipulated by people when i think they are the king makers who think they are the rulers of thought. they are not the rulers of thought. we the people are the rulers of that in this nation. we get to determine what kind of nation we have. other people can't dictate that for us.
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we should never allow anyone to take that right away from us. we do that when we submit to sillyness. for instance the majority -- silliness -- of americans were opposed to the so-called affordable care act and they rammed it down our throats saying this is the way it is going to be. if you don't like it too bad. that was never supposed to be the way this country was designed. and if we accept it it will continue that way, and it will get worse. and we have to get the right people in place. we need not only to take the executive branch in 2016 and when i say we i am not talking republicans i am talking about anybody who has common sense. [applause]
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>> we have to have another wave of elections and bring in people with common sense who love our nation and are willing to work for our nation and are more concerned about the next generation than the next election. that is what is going to help us. [applause] >> we also are going to have the concentrate on fixing the broken any. $18 plus trillion dollars in national debt and with we have representatives applaud themselves if the deficit doesn't go up as much this quarter as it did last quarter. they are out to lunch. we have to drive that thing back down. [applause] >> but it is our responsibility. you need to know who your representatives are.
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and you need to know how they voted. not how they said they voted. if they voted to keep raising that debt ceiling, keep compromising to risk the benefits of our grandchildren you need to throw them out of office. $18 trillion. if you tried to pay that back at a rate of $10 million it would take 5,000 years. we are putting that on the backs of the people coming behind us. this is the first year the national debt exceeds the gdp. economist tell you when the debt to gdp ratio reaches 90% at that point economic slowdown is
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inevitable. and we have been doing this for a while now. from 1850-2000 our economy grew at a rate of 3.3% even during wars. from 2001-2014 it grew at a rate of 1.8%. that seems to be the new norm. you probably saw the headlines in the last quarter it grew at .2%. this is not good. i don't care how anybody tries to spin it. this is what happens when you have a gdp-debt ratio of 103 which is what we have now. this is what we have got to fix. we have to fix that immediately because we cannot continue along that pathway. it will have dire consequences in the long run and i will be giving an indepth economic speech in the weeks and months
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to come with a lot of details on what needs to be done buchlt we need to fix it not just talk about. how do we fix it? recognize that we have the most dynamic economic engine the world has ever known right here in america. we need to use it again. we cannot work it when we wrap it in change and regulations that come out all of the time. it doesn't work. it doesn't work when you have high taxation rates which are absurd. we have the highest corporate tax rates in the world. yet we sit there, some of our officials, and they wonder why people do work overseas where they obviously don't understand business. people don't go into business to support the government.
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they go into business to make money. we have to create an environment that is conducive to them making money. and you know that means lowering that corporate tax rate and making it competitive. if we were really smart, we would do another big stimaulus. remember that stimulus we were supposed to have at the beginning of the obama administration? what happened to that? there is $2 trillion in offshore money they will not bring back because we tax them 35%. what if we give them a tax holiday?
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will not cost someone a dime. they will tell you there is a -- they will ask you what do you own and what did you owe. just in terms of land and minimum rights for it we are probably at least $50 trillion. we own dams, we own levies, we own railroads, the government owns 900,000 buildings 77,000 of which are not being utilized or
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underutilized. think about that. at the same time the government is leasing over 500 million square feet using your taxpayer money. when you look under the hood you want to shut it down. but i will tell you what we will do if god ordains that we end up in the white house i will tell you what we will do. we are going to change the government into something that looks like a well-run business. when i say we i am talking about our team. when i started this endeavor i am familiar with man who has started over 30 companies is ex
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extraordinary successful and i asked him to put together the rest of to them to do this. his name is terry giles. where are you? back there. now that we are transitioning from you know, an exploring committee, i asked terry if he would take the lead in helping to select the people who have experience with business and making things work so we can transition our government from this inefficient thing we have into something that really works and works the way it is supposed to according to our constitution. [applause]
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>> we also have a great team. we have our great team and who do we have? we have our chairman which is berry bennett who never wears a tie but you will get used to seeing him and he does a terrific job. [applause] we have the director of communication. and we have our treasurer and finance director logan delaney. [applause] >> and we have our national
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spokes spokesperson dana bass. [applause] >> we will be doing different things than you saw before because it is not political. and there are people who say you cannot do this. you don't have any experience. let me tell you something. i don't have a lot of experience busting budgets and doing the things to get us into trouble now. but i have experience serving complex surgical problems never done by anyone before. [applause] >> i do have corporate board experience with 18 years and 16 years with costco and a bio tech
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company. candy and i do have experience starting a national non-profit scholar fund. 9-10 fail but ours is thriving in all 50 states and won several national awards. [applause] >> so the point being that you can dpangain experience in other ways. it doesn't have to be in just politics. i have been there all of my life. we need to be smart enough to think for ourselves to listen to ourselves. in terms of pedigree people are saying are you ready for this? they will come after everything, say you were a horrible doctor, look at all of your records, everything you can possibly imagine. i know that. that is the way they are.
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i expect that. it is okay. don't worry, just listen to what is being said. i am not asking avenue everyone to vote for me. just what i am saying or politicians are saying and make a decision based on your intellect and the pedigree we need to help revise this country is someone who believes in the constitution and is willing to put it on the top shelf. [applause] >> someone who believes in their fellow man and loves this nation and is compassionate somebody who believes in what we are learned since we were in kindergarten and that is that we
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are one nation under god indivisible with liberty and justice for all. god bless you and god bless the united states of america. [applause] >> dr. ben carson, man who rose from humbled roots growing up in detroit and boston to become a pediatric neuro surgeon, one of the most respected in america, launching what some call the longest of long shot campaigns for the united states. but he is in it and the gop race consist of more than three cyst cyst -- sitting u.s. senators. let's bring in bret baier. what does ben carson bring to
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the race? >> he brings a different style. he is not a politician and has a soft spoken delivery that was want on a tell prompter. he talked about his humble begins in detroit as he mentioned but talks about the constitution a bit and going back to the first principles of the country. he made i noted, a number of statements where he said it is not party. people shouldn't be loyal to just one party because there is a political class that feels like it is in control of this country in both parties and that that needs to be broken. you saw some of the applause lines there about turning things around. the big criticism of ben carson is he is a political novist and
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can get tripped up in the spotlight going each step along the way on these questions. but clearly he is making a run that a lot of people are looking at closely and bring as different face to the republican field. >> it was an eloquent speech and it will be interesting to watch him going along without the prompter. about 1100 miles south of detroit we go outside of the dallas, texas. police gave an update on the art shooting in texas. that was just ending when the terror began but they are not using the word terror. two men opening fire at a security guard at a conference center outside of dallas. >> the car pulled up stopped and the officers exited their vehicle and two men exited the
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dark colored van, both had assault rifles coming around the back of the car and started shooting at the police officers. the police officer in that car returned fire and struck both men taking them down. >> that was happening while ben carson was speaking. tracy is live in garland texas with more on the breaking details of this story. >> reporter: we have been monitoring all of this. the fbi is now telling us the two suspects were from arizona. fox news channel has confirmed the name of one of the gentlemen is elton simpson. a guy who had been investigated for potential linked to terrorism in the past. no stranger to law enforcement. we have seen images coming from central phoenix of police activity at an apartment or condo complex said to be where these two men lived perhaps room mates. investigators say about 200 people were attending last night's event here in a dallas
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suburb. they were all inside when the police say those two suspects rolled up to the center and opened fire. officer bruce joiner was shot in the ankle but was treated and released from the hospital. other police on the scene returning fire and killed the two gunman. listen: >> we could actually hear the gunfire around the parking lot. we had a s.w.a.t. team in the back that quickly responded within second and helped secure the scene. both of those men died there on the street next to their car. >> reporter: right after the shooting bomb squad moved in for fear there was explosives either on the suspects or in their vehicle. police confirmed they found no bombs at the scene. last night's event spont sponsored by a group called the american defense leadership and
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a leader of that organization said war was declared on free speech with these attacks last night. >> we mention the word terror in the introduction as far as local law enforcement they are not calling this a terror event, right? >> reporter: they said the men came with the intention of killing people but are not using the word terrorist attack. >> we are exploring the possible connection to terror groups throughout the day. the clinton family foundation has been in the news a great deal especially with the entry of hilary clinton into the race. her husband, former president bill clinton is defending the family foundation amid the question on donors particularly the foreign donors. take a listen: >> i give 10% of my revenue off
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the top every year to the foundation. and hillary gave 17. over the last 15 years i take almost no capital gains. -- to pay my bills and because -- >> americans say $500000 for a speech? >> it is the most independence i can get. if i had a business relationship with somebody they would have a target on their back from the day they did business with me until the end. any kind of disclosure is a target. but it looks bad. there is no facts of course but it looks bad. i work hard and spend a couple days doing speeches. i have turned down a lot of speeches. if i think something is wrong i don't take it.
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>> she is now running for president, will you continue to give speeches? >> oh yeah i have to pay our bills. >> $500000 a pop you can pay a lot of bills. back to the discussion with bret baier. let's take apart what the former president had to say. i guess that is an attempt, not show how well it exceeded, but an attempt at defending the foundation on which his name and his wife's name appear. >> there are two issues. one is the foreign donation to the foundation. the other is the mega speeches from foreign entities and governments who at some point had some dealing with the secretary of state or the state department overall. there you heard the former president saying he is going to continue to take speeches like that because he has to pay his bills. and you know obviously it is a
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perception thing at best at worst it is more than that. but they continue to say there is not a shred of evidence it affected anything the secretary of state did. i will say on the foundation part he said that the clinton foundation did not do anything knowingly inappropriate. and that is how it is phrased. it is you know we will see how this investigation goes forward and if there is an investigation. so far hilary clinton hasn't answered the specific questions about each individual incident. >> i thought it was interesting when he said any kind of disclosure is a target as if to say disclosing information is a bad thing. >> well he was saying if he tied directly to one company that company would then be a target for looking into. and yes his wife is running for president, and obviously transparency is the issue of the
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day. it is tough to make a case they are being as transparent as possible when you have all of these donations that have not been listed at least 1100 of them. and you have an e-mail server wiped clean and we don't know what was or wasn't there. >> it will be interesting to hear what bill clinton continues to say as his wife continues the quest for the office he used to hold. a lot more politics throughout the day. up next a new poll out on what is to blame for the baltimore riots showing our country deeply divided along racial lines. we go in depth on the media side of this all next.
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>> a new poll out finding that the united states is split
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beyond the reasons behind the violence. the african-americans blame it on long standing mistreatment and a majority of the white people voting say rioters were looking for a reason to root. freddie gray's exposed to led paint and the violence seg reigates people. alan combs is here and tammy bruce also with us. tammy, you have written on the baltimore riots what do you think about watt "the new york
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times" had to say? >> there is serious problems in gray's neighborhood and we know there have been problems for 50 years in baltimore and we know who has been running the city and making the economic and financial decisions. i agree in part this is about dealing with police brutality but that is the end result of a community that has been living with over 50% unemployment led rates along children is higher than the rest of the country -- lead -- but they are trying to deflect from the larger issue of what kind of philosophy works. liberalism has failed. we have to deal with the foundation. we cannot deal with the end results which are unemployment depression, violence and things that generate hopelessness in a community. they are partly right but it is an attempt to deflect from the
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politics. >> she said liberalism failed the inner city. >> having a bunch of white people talking about blacks needing to make more responsibility and liberalism failed and we have african-american leaders in baltimore and look how much they failed as white people continue to say when we are not looking into generation problems the lead paints, and the generational problems raised in poverty, you stay in poverty and there is not enough done in the inner cities to help build up the structures and infrastructure and put people to work and have better educational systems. >> let me ask you if you listen to ben carson's campaign talking about generations of poem remaining in poverty. >> good for him to point that out. it is not simply a matter of
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democrats in power or democrats failing. >> he didn't say that. >> but tammy said it and that is the wrong way to go about it. >> we have dealt with all of the other issue $50 trillion some estimate a $100 trillion with the war on poverty. we have to talk about the bulk that serves one political end and the republicans have a ban in certain parts of the country because they are told they are not wanted. >> we have to a break but want to hear from you. get your thoughts into the the conversation on our live chat.
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we are back with alan combs most of the alan combs radio show and tammy bruce with talk show host and fox news contributor. 96% of adults surveyed said it is likely there will be additional racial disturbances this summer. >> whites and blacks look at it differently in the survey. and the numbers are converse based on who you ask. we are seeing this happen in ferguson and young black men shot by police, eric gardner in new york, we see what could lead to additional flare-ups without proper police response and that is the concern. >> we elected a black man president in this country but
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there is no you talk about a lack of hope in the inner city does that not say you can do anything you want in america? >> well i think to hear and see somebody who is from the 1% who went to harvard and to princeton you are still looking at a different in class. class transcends complexion. americans are realizing and within what alan said is we have political maninipulation who take over the cities and then burn them down harming the people in the community. all of us have to stand up against that and not see this as
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organic. we have seen so many people in baltimore reject and condemn this. but we have to feel this. we have academics who think they know everything. nothing has changed in the inner city or it is getting worse. >> it was pointed out that corporations get tax breaks and african-american inner cities getting charged for fees. there is a level of difference in the way corporations and people are being treated. >> i hope this begins the conversation. the crew of a fishing boat find themselves in the worse position and are told to get into survival seats. and the untold story of women who served along special ops in afghanistan including one who
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>> just for the record, jenna thinks she won the royal babely contest. >> i did. i bet for friday which saturday in england. fbi agents are searching for the apartment of a home of a man who stormed an event. there was a contest going on for artist to depict had prophet mohammed. one of them been on the government's radar for a while. sandra smitha is here andrea and one lucky guy is back


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