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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  May 4, 2015 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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>> just for the record, jenna thinks she won the royal babely contest. >> i did. i bet for friday which saturday in england. fbi agents are searching for the apartment of a home of a man who stormed an event. there was a contest going on for artist to depict had prophet mohammed. one of them been on the government's radar for a while. sandra smitha is here andrea and one lucky guy is back john
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bolton. >> this is an important event we are seeing in texas. this is a terrorist attack on a community of people who wanted to exercise their free speech rights. some say it is outrageous and some say provocative but this is what it is all about. >> we broke the news with the story
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>> investigators are obviously looking at that . where are we in the fight on terror. they are currently under investigation. looking at twitter accounts, actually tweeted out that was about to.
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if that was gentleman currently under investigation are we dropping the ball on fight on terror? where are the investigators? >> i want to make it clear, tweets came out before the one i read was after. ambassador bolton sandra asked great question. we haven't spoken word officially with this investigation terror? >> well, there is a lot to come out about the specifics of garland. but the fact is that we should not be surprised at a rise of terrorist incidents in the united states. we heard for months now isis is magnet for terrorists . >> what happened with "charlie hebdo" and the which depicted
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prophet muhammad. this contest was a carlton contest, the prize, $10,000 fors for picture by the artists. >> at a time. there was a lot of people standing up in defense of free speech. white house was not one of them. harris, as you point out it is a very similar event. the whole point of this event they had in texas was to show that they can exercise speech. just to piggyback sandra, how much we support free speech, these isis individuals had twitter accounts. we allow isis to have twitter accounts in this country. i do want to ask ambassador bolton it is so troubling to see another incidence of terror that we had warnings. just like the boston bombers, they took to social media on facebook to post jihadi videos. how do we keep missing the signs and should there be more company pressure on companies like twitter to flag this sort
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of thing? >> we have the biggest problem we don't have leadership on issue. the president was still saying war on terror was effectively over, we are winning. this is not a problem. in the law enforcement and intelligence communities within the federal government if it is not a priority for the president it is not a priority for them. the point about twitter terrorists may be specifically isis in general have gotten very sophisticated in their use of social media. i think they're out ahead of us in many respects. >> as twitter -- as sandra pointed out twitter is out head of suspending both accounts. we might be like you, charlie. they have not made the connection. you can't deny the free speech event going on. >> this is provocative immediately, some in media calling this anti-islam event this is not true. this was a freedom of speech event. what do you say to people
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ambassador, don't provoke the people. life is provocative. art is provocative. anything can provoke someone. that didn't give you right to shoot people. we've seen provocation against christianity and don't see the backlash. what do you say with people, don't provoke? >> there is no standard what is provocative. there is no agreement on it. our faith and free speech depends on conflict and provocative speech. hopefully the truth emerges. the remedy to bad speech is not less speech, it is more speech. >> what i say real quickly they brought in 40 police officers for this event because they had anticipated maybe already seen the tweets. we haven't seen that confirmed yet. they had already anticipated from the backlash in some parts of the metro, that people were not happy with this event. those officers did a great job defending evil last night. i want to get on the record with saying that, but you know, andrea i know you have one other thought too. >> i want to ask ambassador
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bolton how he thinks white house should respond? if you recall the president stood before the u.n. where you used to be an ambassador, he said, quote the future does not belong to those that slander the prophet muhammad. how do you think the white house should respond? he wagged his finger at publications that exercised free speech even though could be seen as insensitive speech. >> the president should support the first amendment to the constitution. this is what we are built on. fear of consequences of speech should not be allowed to repress speech. justice brandeis said in famous opinion particularly applicable here fear alone is not justification. brandeis said, men feared witches and burned women. you can not allow that to restrict the freedom of speech. >> sandra, we were talking before, you brought it up, elton simpson is the first name of the two gun man we learned today. they're searching the apartment
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in phoenix and looking for clues how this fanned out. we have these people among us. we can't have 40 officers show up to every single event. we'll not stop with our own freedom here in america. >> social networking angle i think will continue to be, to emerge as a major talking point going forward. andrea suggested, did twitter have bigger responsibility to red flag such events as possible terrorist, making comments. >> do you believe that is fair. >> i don't think it is fair going after u.s. corporations to hold them responsible when we know there is open u.s. investigation on this terror suspect. it is, responsibility of those that are conducting investigation, not of a u.s. corporation or a u.s. company like twitter. but i do think that is going to be a major talking point because they're using so many different vehicles as ambassador bolton pointed out, to make it clear who is committing who is doing this. they want they want credit for
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it. >> as we talk about the reauthorization of the nsa metadata program, that is a little bit off topic here, but the fact that law enforcement and intelligence need tools to go after the terrorists to protect against the attacks. to me it is not enough to say we we could bring legal cases later. i don't want people killed. >> i saw a video after blue oyster concert i got flagged by social media companies like twitter and facebook. you think they move to rapid speed when someone is threatening to kill americans. >> interesting that is copyright issue. >> exactly. there s coordination with the government and private businesses if the new front on terror is social media. >> one of the attend east we spoke by phone on live coverage on fox news channel, as they were taking attendees away to uses about to nearby school, someone pulled out american flag and singing god bless america,
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praying for the security officer who is okay. they can't stop that. they can't stop what is in our hearts. republican field in the race for the white house getting new players. three new candidates enter iting the race. got the jump with local tv the impact it could all have on final outcome. bill clinton going on television defending his family as charitable organization. we'll look what he said and whether it will help or hurt his wife's campaign. right after the show, catch more from the couch on the web. join us for outnumbered over time ot, baby. log on to they laugh at me because i love it. sign on with your facebook or twitter account. we're coming right back. stay close. ♪ hurt, cooking all day... forget about it. tylenol was ok, but it was 6 pills a day. but aleve is just 2 pills all day. and now, i'm back!
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♪ >> welcome back to "outnumbered" the 2016 gop field expanding as three new candidates entered into this week. dr. ben carson tipped his hand sunday with formnal announcement and former hbc ceo, carly
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fiorina. they joined marco rubio who already declared. mike huckabee is expected to launch his second bid for president tomorrow. consider him the most formidable candidate of trio. many announced that they will run, including former florida governor jeb bush and dozen others are known to be considering a campaign. look who is in there? one very fame must mustache happens to be sitting right over here. ambassador john bolton, is there anything you like to share with us today? >> not today. >> not today? >> maybe a different time. i think it's a very good thing new candidates get into the republican race. competition is a good thing. it will be a good thing for the party. i want to make sure all of them recognize that the president's most important responsibility, the president's first job is protecting the country. a lot of other serious issues but to me that is where we're most at risk and what we need to see most from the perspective candidates. >> can you consider
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"outnumbered" as announcement launching pad perhaps. >> i will definitely consider it. >> i could get behind a candidate with facial hair, sandra. you know how much i love it. on the fiorina bit, you followed carly for a long time in the business community. what do you think of fiorina run for president. >> i'm listening to what every candidate has to say on economy. we heard ben carson in his announcement. he directly referenced, i believe he referred to as broken economy. he said it needs cleaning up. referenced american debt surpassing gdp within a year. made it a very very big talking point of his speech, the economy. of course carly fiorina running a company like hewlett-packard has a pretty good idea how the economy works. obviously there is many, kirsten sat on this sofa, questioned her track record running a company and many are, but she does know how it works. she knows what it takes. so people are saying, that ben carson and carly fiorina they don't have the political
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background. andrea i don't know that so much matters everyone when it comes to the pocketbook. what we know that drives a lot of voters to the polls is somebody who really, is going to promise them a better economy rand better situation for their family at home. >> jedediah, i want to go to you first first your thoughts on ben carson because we heard him announce today, and then fiorina. to sandra's point. the fact they don't have the political chops. i think it benefits them, they're seen as outsiders people are so disgusted with washington d.c. you need political apparatus to run one of these campaigns. >> you need money the people that donate to you. we talked about jeb bush a lot because he can generate a lot of funds. i like ben carson. he has every man policy i have heard him make a few mistakes. he stumbles a little bit. he needs to know what he will say before he says it. media is out there to trap politicians. this is walker rubio race
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with rand paul right behind what i'm watching. most conservatives are probably watching walker closely. they are drawn to ben carson. a lot of people don't like politicians. if you look the way politicians poll in the house senate, president, it is not typically high. i think someone like fiorina could come out of left field or right field i should say could surprise everyone i think it is interesting for average voter. >> i like to see diversity on gop stage. >> you see it. >> carly fiorina is effective merger at hillary clinton. because i'm a woman, she says i can throw effective bombs. what do you think of the two of them. >> they both made my top three things to watch for. first is access of media for rollouts we haven't seen governor huckabee, but he is scheduled to make a public appearance type rollout to his campaign. access to the media, something we screen sent on the democratic
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side and reporters. dr. carson actually announced on a local tv station. he got the jump on everybody. if i'm his publicist i might be a little upset. does that speak how eager he is to get into the race? with carly fiorina you talk about the diversity i don't think the gop gets enough credit. you have marco rubio along with it. they don't get enough credit for having wider tent opinion talked about. my question for you with dr. ben carson, why does he consistently poll top five? what is it like about him do you think. >> people love his story. they love his background. he is an ought threat tick, real person who overcame the odds and has never played victim card. it is really remarkable when you see his humble beginnings and where he came from and where he is now to be such successful surgeon and such a smart man. i do think he is deeply threatening to the left because and because he is african-american and he is republican. we've seen this happen before. you're nodding, ambassador
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bolton. >> i think that's right. i think is a real opportunity for the republican party. i think field is completely wide open, fractured nobody in the lead anything can happen. >> president bolton, well-put. >> we're waiting. >> anything can happen. >> we'll be watching. >> anything can happen. >> you can see carly fiorina tonight in a cable news exclusive with our own megyn kelly. she will talk to megyn about her campaign plans going forward this evening 9:00 p.m. eastern here on fox news channel. president bill clinton defending his foundation to the hilt. did you expect anything less from bubba? what the former president is saying about all the big dough at the center of the controversy that is rocking hillary's campaign. plus why he insists he will keep giving high-priced speeches, quote, got to pay the bills. sticking with the clintons does hillary have a trust deficit with voters? a new poll that raises serious questions about her candidacy. ♪
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female announcer ] stay strong, stay active with boost. ♪ >> welcome back to "outnumbered." a heated bill clinton not backing down. the former president defending his family charity to the hilt saying he has no regrets about taking millions from foreign donors, some of them repressive governments. and he doesn't have second thoughts about the money he gets paid for his speeches either even though the controversy over donations and speaking fees caused a political headache for hillary clinton. >> it is the most independent i can get. it is, i don't, if i had a business relationship with somebody they would have a target on their back from the day they did business with me till the end. any kind of disclosure is a target. and, but it looks bad. there is no facts of course, but looks bad. i work hard on this i spent a couple of hours a day doing
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research. people like to hear me speak. i have turned down a lot of them. if i think there is something wrong with it i don't take it. i do disclose who gave it to me so people can make up their own mind. >> she is now running for president. will you continue to give speeches. >> oh, yeah. i have got to pay our bills. >> wow. this guy is so likeable been saying it for so long, out there in two seconds what he just said. unbelievable but you still like him. why is he doing this? why is he defending the donations? why is he continuing to say i will go out there and speak because he can get away with it? >> because he can. i'm leaving workout class this morning i tying my shoes, look on the desk town and country philanthropy issue who is on the cover. bubba. wheeling and dealing, doing it for the greater good. he knows people love him and he knows they probably won't care. that is why he gets away with it. he has to pay the bills. how expensive are the pantsuits
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sandra. >> i need to make $500,000 every couple days to play the bills. this is the same couple that said they were dead broke when they left the white house to appeal to the every man. bill clinton saying i work couple hours a day. i heard harris say it while he was talking. i would pin my entire point in the conversation, i work really hard a couple hours a day to make $500,000, for a one-hour speech. is this the irony is amazing. >> the thing about the donations he can get away with it but his wife doesn't get away with it. she will not be able to get away with it. she time and time again came out to try to defend this. it is not working. he needs to be quiet. >> i think he is getting her into trouble with his comments. it is her career. they were year ahead of me in law school. i feel like i've been burdened with them 20 years longer than the rest of the country. >> that why you need therapy,
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ambassador. >> what i think we're seeing now really imperils her campaign. i think at some point levels of trust in her will decline to the point where other democrats get into this race. i think it will be more competitive than the pundits now say. >> wow. there is nail. there is hammer. i think you hit the nail on the head. i really do because -- >> go ahead. >> the former president steps up to defend his wife saying i will step down. when it gets to that point i've got to guess they're doing polling, surveying, focus groups, i don't know what the heck they do behind the scenes because the server was paid for so i -- >> all of it, harris. >> he never sends emails. there isn't anything to find out. >> you have to look whether or not this is hurting her. not just for the voter but for the donors. andrea we said she will be able to raise money anyway. this has to hurt. he didn't say stand you believe my wife. i can't do it as well as you do, andrea. believe my wife. i will go away from the foundation if that is what it
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takes. i think it hurts when you say stuff like that. >> who will leave in charge? his daughter? >> she is the one having to answer questions now. basically seems to me everyone but hillary had to answer the tough questions. because the hillary campaign knows what they put her front and center, she doesn't handle these things very well. >> i offered to put on roller blades to go after her and talk. >> that i want to see. >> there is whole other image problem happening as we run banner at 5 bottom of the screen. bill clinton on $500,000. speeches i gotta pay our bills. >> campaign is based on middle class. they all make $500,000 a speech to pay the bills too, don't they. >> speaking of the trust issue, is it hurting hillary clinton? is the controversy over? the questions and donations on
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the families charity may be taking a poll on the former secretary of state. a new poll shows many americans doubt her honesty. shocker. 37% say the word honest describes hillary very or somewhat well. 61% say it describes her only slightly or not at all well. more than six in 10 independents, remember the key voting bloc you need to win the white house, agree honest is not the best word for hillary and four in 10 democrats say the same thing. this is a drop from our own "fox news" polling just a couple weeks ago showing 45% believe she is honest and trustworthy. so it is taking a to, harris and i wonder too if they're wheeling out bill to defend her? they are a tag-team. if the internal polling shows that he helps her they will wheel bill out. if it shows he hurts her they will push him away. they will use bill and chelsea, to the ambassador's point whenever they can. >> can i point out we still
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haven't seen traditional sit-down interview, national television opportunity with media. she is leading the record in our nation for the candidate spending the longest time without having that happen since announcing her candidacy.w >> this is typical. >> this is making news and we haven't even asked her a question. imagine what happens when she opens her mouth to answer the questions what will she do to change the subject? she can't. >> when tragedy of benghazi happened in september of 2012 who went on the weekend news shows, all five of them to explain and defend the administration? it was u.n. ambassador susan rice who with all due respect to that wonderful job has absolutely nothing to do with the embassy or consulates in libya. secretary clinton as she was then, didn't appear at all. this unwillingness to face questions and not to mention being economical with the truth is a real problem. >> we've seen this before, jedediah. in 2000 when she ran for the senate in new york she did a
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listening tour, so she wouldn't have to talk. so she could sit there and listen. she has been in office a long time. she should have her own policies. she shouldn't be listening. she sit down with a very friendly reporter, probably a female. she is waiting for republican man to say a comment to play the stupid card on this one. but she will overreach. >> will she run up against some one who doesn't have hard time with the media and charismatic and not afraid to answer tough questions? i think you're 100% right. she will wait for a softball interview and maybe wait for a curveball and push it off. hope republicans will do a poor job and will be viewed as lesser of two evils. that is what she is counting on. >> andrea, based on your campaign experience, would softballs help her? should she sit down to do interviews? would the american people like to see her admit her faults and
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mistakes and stumble on a few words to show us she is real and there. >> i think that is a great point, sandra. those are two different things in campaigns. they would rather have softballs than hardballs where she could trip up like she did on the book tour. they are completely hedging. didn't do a good job selling book. she couldn't answer the questions so let's keep her out of the limelight. i think you hit on something likability. likeable and credible, they don't necessarily go together. >> add to my list of quotes. extra constitutional from andrea and you said economical with the truth. >> all righty. is baltimore just the beginning? the eye-opening new poll that shows an overwhelming number of americans are bracing for more racially fueled disturbance this is summer. very scary. how whites and blacks view what happened in baltimore in dramatically different ways. ♪
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♪ >> you're watching "outnumbered" and we're glad you are. the situation in baltimore maryland, is just beginning according to new polling that americans are bracing for summer of similar disturbances fueled by race. overwhelming 96% say there will be more unrest across the nation a signal america believes baltimore's problems are symptommic of a larger national problem. when coming to identify the problem blacks and whites view the situation quite differently. look at this. 67% of blacks surveyed said the baltimore unrest reflected longstanding mistreatment to african-americans. 27% sate it was a excuse to
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loot. ambassador bolton, you were borne and raised in baltimore. as you watch the situation predominantly the leadership in state of american, particularly baltimore, african-american. what are your thoughts. >> when i grew up there were no republicans on baltimore city council. the last republican mayor was back in the dark ages. nancy pelosi's father was mayor when i was a little boy. during this time baltimore has gone from sixth largest city in the country to being the 26th largest. the second largest port on the eastern gulf coast to being at 8th largest. the economy collapsed. the population has dropped by over 40%. so the economic situation, the business climate in baltimore, has simply not responded to changing times while the democrats have been in charge of the city and state level. >> yeah, you know, as we further out from there and look at urban cities that is kind of the trend. you see prodominantly democratic leadership, in some cases predominantly african-american, people of color not all but
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you have 50 years of it in baltimore. >> go to the police department in particular. when i was a little boy my father was firefighter. the fire department was mostly white. the police department was mostly white. today in baltimore, the police department is more than 50% african-american. i looked at the pictures of the six police officers who were charged. to use thomas zoll's characterization, three were pink and three were brown. are they saying racism that motivates the baltimore police department when a majority are african-american? do the african-american police officers simply stand by when white police officers abuse african-american citizens? the whole argument to me collapses. >> when you look at the history of the baltimore police department they have had some problems. so they're focusing in now. you know, sandra, ambassador bolton brings up a point thaw often make, we're looking at wrong color here. the color is green. >> well, but the two are not disconnected because if you look back at the riots in the '60s, the lasting economic impact
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with was devastating. mostly inadvertently affected the black population. you saw a decline in incomes amongst the black population a decline in employment, decline in home values, that mostly impacted black homeowners. so the lasting impact of those riots are being compared to now. those lasting economic impact here for that community could be devastating for quite some time. which one could argue then, will accentuate any further problems or any further, problems in the streets. >> andrea, i heard you say it before though, this is a backdrop. this narrative is a backdrop. whether it holds, racial backdrop holds it could drive more unrest this summer. we heard president obama talk about we could see more of this type of thing. how do you diffuse this? >> i don't think the administration helped diffuse these situations but what troubles me the most these police officers seem to be guilty until they're proven innocent. mosby's remarks she was acting as if she was running for
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office. it feels very political. >> she is married to a lawmaker. >> she could be running for her own position. you heard judge napolitano say earlier she should temper her rhetoric until she get as conviction. that is what is critical, harris they need to get a conviction. we heard it on friday, leland vittert said, if they don't you will see riots like with rodney king. this is troubling, if the charges are political as he believes them to be. >> economy in these communities is key. i want to also stress the importance of education and importance of family. when you talk about school choice and opportunity talk about the conversations that happen at dinner tables that are so key the way people enter this world and view things like this. >> shoring up, calling on people every time of economic community and shore them up. hopefully, cvs will open. it's a food desert. they need a grocery store. all right. we have royal baby girl, we know that how about a name?
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how princess charlotte could overshadow her big brother george who is a cutie. retailers around the world are rejoicing because it's a girl! ♪
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>> more "outnumbered" in just a moment. first to jon scott in the second hour of "happening now." jon: new developments coming fast and furious in the depicting muhammad contest in gardner texas. two suspects are dead after getting into a gunfight with police. there is growing evidence of ties to terrorism. we will have a live report on that. ben carson, formally announcing he is running for president today during a speech this morning. carson described his rags to riches life. says he does not want to be a typical politician. carly fiorina also saying today she is running for president. the former head of hewlett-packard, making that announcement on good morning america today. fiorina went on the attack, democratic frontrunner hillary clinton. we'll have more on increasingly crowded gop field. it is not all senators anymore.
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>> thanks, jon. jon: thanks andrea. >> we finally got the royal baby and i'm not talking about mine. now we have a name at last. charlotte elizabeth diana. so much history there. as great britain and folks the world over go gaga over the new princess so are the retailers. look at that very cute little smiling baby. baby boutiques, fashion designers getting a gift that will keep on giving, when the duchess of cambridge gave birth to a baby girl and all the marketing opportunities she provides. instead of another boring boy not fair, from christening gowns to wedding dresses and hairstyles in between, the every trend the newest royal sets will be fodder for girls seeking to emulate a real life princess as so many do. so many estimates have little charlotte boosting u.k. economy by a billion dollars by her fifth birthday. >> wow. >> take it from a royal correspondent across the pond.
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>> you've got a prince. now we have princess. a little bit more to talk about. of course the big element of her both now and as she grows up, will be like her mom. everybody will be talking about her fashion and what she is wearing. >> hmmm. how do you feel about the fact we're talking all about this baby girl and clothes she will be wearing and how she will boost the economy? ambassador bolton i'm not starting with you first. jedediah. >> is this a -- [inaudible] >> you're a font of information. wait until we get to you. >> i think it is fair. talk about girs, you can glam them up a lot. i'm already thinking about her wedding dress and her hair. >> really? >> i think it is exciting for people. >> oh, my god. >> think about how many people have kids and their kids dress up like a disney princess. this is real life princess. this is exciting for people. >> interesting. i will ask the question. this is not my thoughts but i'm putting it out there is this sexist andrea.
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>> no why is it sexist? >> the fact that we're talking about a baby girl, because we're talking about all the frills and the lace and the downs and expensive wedding dress. >> women are marketing machines, right? >> true. >> don't you think? we're the big ones that buy all the products and i mean i'm not going to apologize for that. i do secretly like the royals a little bit not just the new show on e! network with elizabeth hurley. >> that is good. >> i find that fascinating. i woke up to watch princess diana's funeral because i was so heartbroken about the whole thing. i'm fascinated about this and her sons. >> i believe it was a pair of stride rite walkers that prince george was wearing, they sold out of them across the globe because, they put them on their son. can you imagine what will happen when a they put a beautiful dress on baby girl? >> i have two princesses at home kindergartner and second-grader, they were hoping that it was a girl.
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i doesn't know they were aware. andrea is right this cuts across the board because there is huge fast significance. julie roginsky who joins us on the couch put out hashtag make it stop. i had to retweet that. she is watching but she wants me to stop talking. >> ambassador bolton, your thoughts? >> there is something serious here. this princess benefits from change in english law. she is the second in line of her family, after father, grandfather and older brother prince george. there is third baby boy does not get you bumped out of the succession. if prince george doesn't become king she will become queen in due course. >> he knows all that. >> can't seem to find the perfect mother's day gift? hillary clinton may have the answer. how you can get her to call your mother on her special day. whether this proves presidential fund-raising has officially jumped the shark. ♪
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get this the campaign also offering anyone who wants to the
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chance to increase their odds of winning by making a donation. and if i want my mom to stop talking. >> and i remember first time bill was six or sen. and you can get on their automated service. and first of all gira ffes don't talk. and this is where she wants to be in the auction house. and that would be it. and i would go for the date man. >> it would be a fun guy if i had to pick. and my mother would write me out of the will if this happen. and it would be right through the phone and see them duke it out. >> and they must be doing it sandra because it makes money. >> and i would be on the other
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end of a micro phone and tv camera. and i am sure she would get a lot of attention with this. >> i wish she would call a reporter. and fire you up. what if we set her up to call you, harris and had all of these questions. and happy mother's day to you. >> and you went to law school with hillary. and getting a phone call. and see how it is going. >> and we were not exactly drinking buddies and i don't think she would call me if i won the lottery. >> that seems like a riproaring time. we are staying right here from outnumbered overtime. and we will see you back here at
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four oastern. "happening now" starts right now. >> and we with start with the fox news alert. breaking details on the suspects in texas. and including the path and possible ties to terror. we are covering all of the news "happening now"ing now. >> the presidential field doubles in size. ben carson and carly fiorina tossed their hats in the ring. how will they impact the white house? and women, untold story of female warriors who served long side special ops in afghanistan including those who made the ultimate sacrifice in our country. >> and the crew finds themselves in the worst position possible. they are told to don


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