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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 5, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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e saying no way? >> absolutely not. it's not between them. the document was not for their benefit. they didn't even know that it existed. how could it be a fraud? >> don't get punchy with me. >> we'll see what happens. >> hello, everyone. i'm eric bolling along with kimberly foil and juan williams and dana perino and this is "the five." will americans elect a president they can't trust? the new book "clinton cash" was released today full of dirty dealings which clinton while she was secretary of state. hillary has been silent but her husband has come out to declare that she's one of the most honest people in america. >> not a single solitary fact has been introduced that she has done anything wrong. people should live to be as honest as she is. >> well here is bill o'reilly. >> shouldn't the clinton
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foundation be investigated? of course it should. and i'm not on a witch hunt here but there's big money involved in foreign countries as secretary of state and a former president. the fbi can start that investigation tomorrow. it doesn't need president obama's approval and it doesn't need attorney lynch's approval. my question tonight is for fbi director james comey. will you start an investigation? >> so joining us now is the man himself, host of "the o'reilly factor." bill why are you calling for an investigation? >> because, with all due respect to president clinton -- what he is going to say? yeah my wife is a crook. i really tried over the years to convince her to go but she hasn't? and come on the book is there to make a point that the author thinks she is a crook. so all of these things are unsophisticated charges. so they have plenty of currency
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to try to harm or protect hillary clinton. the spokesperson doesn't even -- shouldn't we all buy the guy a tie, the spokesperson for hillary clinton? i thought that was an outtake from "weekend at bernie's" with this guy, an open collar. i mean come on. what has to happen is the fbi has to look into this to preserve the sanctity of the electoral process. >> true. >> nobody is going to find the truth. the investigative reports will find a little bit but we don't have subpoena power. we can't subpoena. nobody will get the whole picture. the fbi could. and because this is a presidential election issue now, the fbi has to go in. now, we call the fbi, we'll tell you what they told us tonight. all right? but i'm saying they ha choice. they have to investigate this. >> can i throw one more idea out there? there are a lot of people that have reported right directly from the 1099s and various tax
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filings by the clinton foundation. the number comes back with about $1.7 billion they've raised since 2008 and somewhere around 10 to 12% of the money has found its way at the end of the road to their contributions in grants. now, they are saying a lot of other money may have been spent in-house but can you tell the irs we're spending money in-house trust us? >> the irs is not an investigative agency at this level. there are so many inter-locking things foreign governments boeing general electric i can interest big corporations. it has to be done by a criminal investigative agency and the fbi is the best in the world. the irs has been corrupted. we know that. it's politicized. people who run it take orders from whoever is in power but the fbi is supposed to be uncorruptible. in fact they can start the investigation. they don't need president obama's approval or attorney
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lynch's approval. you have to tell me with all of this on the line why wouldn't you not do it? i don't think anybody can say that's not a good thing. if i were bill and hillary clinton, i would be calling for this investigation. that's what i would be saying. i wanted the investigation. >> but here's what i said to you and here's what i still say to you. we have no evidence that they have done anything wrong, anything illegal and you're saying it's a political season. how is this equal to the electoral college? >> federal bureau of investigation. >> you don't investigate a murder because there's no evidence pointing in a certain direction. >> where is the wrongdoing? >> the allegations. >> oh allegation. >> every crime starts with an allegation. every crime starts with -- >> if you have a murder you need to have a body.
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i'm just saying the author of the book was interviewed on chris wallace's show. he said where's the smoking gun? where's the evidence that there was some quid pro quo? >> the fbi can find out because they can subpoena records that the author of the book cannot and you cannot and i cannot. you had your little chart here okay? a very impressive little chart. okay? but the fbi can get the actual receipts the actual checks. they can see the donations coming in. you can't, i can't, the press can't. that's why. and, juan hillary is saying there's not a shred of evidence. that's because she allegedly destroyed a lot of the evidence herself. >> right. >> we don't know where the documents or e-mails are and he's kind of between a rock and a hard place. >> if combey goes after the
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machine, goes against bill clinton -- >> it's not against. >> he's going to have the world coming down on him and he's a political animal. he has to know that. he's scared. >> not supposed to be. >> not corrupt but he's probably scared. >> it's not supposed to be political in any way, shape or form. and you're reframing it the wrong way. i say bill and hillary clinton should call for the investigation to make sure that all the facts get on the table so we can elect hillary clinton in good conscience. >> i don't think they are going to invite the fbi to come in and look at their matters. >> we want as american voters the facts. did you do anything wrong? is the foundation dirty? the only way you get those facts, juan is for the fbi to go in and look and subpoena. >> did you hear what your mentee just said though? >> he's not my mente.
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>> he made it totally political. >> he's a republican. he voted for and donated to mccain and romney and now he's being paid by obama. so he knows what is going on. >> you're a loon. he's the head of the fbi, all right? his job is to investigate possible wrongdoing and to protect the american people from terrorists. >> sure. >> correct. >> see, juan if you hear there may be a terrorist cell in toledo but you don't have a smoking gun, you go find out juan. >> i agree with that. i'm not saying i think he shouldn't. i think he should. >> but you're politicizing it and it shouldn't. >> purple walks on wall street left and right. they want to see them handcuffed and behind bars. some of these allegations, these thoughts ideas, some of the things we're talking about are at least as egregious as to what
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the wall street people did. >> absolutely. and that's why there should be an investigation. the clintons should not be afraid of transparency to show the american people we want to make sure you know we haven't done anything wrong. because that's the statement they made. if that's the case then let's go and find -- >> if hillary clinton is indeed the most honest woman in america, that's what her husband said and the fbi says that's true then she'll be elected president. so shouldn't the clinton campaign say we want to prove that she's the most honest woman in america? so please fbi, come in and show us and all of the american people that this is true and -- >> if she wanted to prove that she was so honest why did she destroy all of her e-mails? >> i don't think she wanted people to know about her yoga mat. >> now we're arguing the same side. dana 24 days. she hasn't shown her face or answered questions yet. she hasn't shown her face on
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major media. yeah? >> she doesn't need to. because right now she's the only runner in the democratic so she doesn't have to. why would you take the risk? i think that the reason they had her spokesperson do the video, they know that her trustworthy numbers are going down and quickly. i just worry about the timing of this. the investigation of the justice department take a long time and it take as couple of people to slow walk something. if you take the case to senator menendez indicted a month ago, that was years worth in the making. that is one accusation against one thing. i actually do think that they are the body juan. when you look at the minds approved after the initial contact to the clinton foundation while she's secretary of state, that doesn't get approved by the white house even though they said it would. if you look at menendez i think the fbi would typically look at the clinton foundation and they would slow walk it.
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>> you guys are saying that the fbi is corrupt and i'm sticking up for them. >> let's fast track this and get it out in six months. put me in charge of it. dep deputize it and i'll get it done. >> do you think the irs should get involved? >> no i don't trust the irs. >> how fast would you take the deal? >> i'm just telling you, bol bolling, if you really want to know the truth you go to the best agency in the world and that's the fbi. they are there to investigate us. >> do both. >> no. let the fbi handle this. >> what was interesting in the past week i've had a chance to be in a couple of news organizations and listening in the green room. democrats who believed that chris christie's career is dead because there were indictments of people that worked for him
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about bridgegate even though the prosecutor says there's no evidence to link christie to it democrats want to satisfy that his political career is dead even though there is nothing yet they say hillary clinton should be free and clear and they don't care. >> well they don't care. >> it's pretty hypocritical. >> it's a fact by the way. i think dr. o'reilly will confirm, if you look at the polls, democrats have not moved. >> they are standing by their gal. >> people look at her resume her credentials, there's no republican that stacks up to her credentials so they see this as a pollitical attack. >> if she's going to run for president, she should be vetted and the only agency that can vet hillary at this point in history is the fbi. >> the irs can take it up after. the if. bi has to head up the investigation and if they have conclusions into irs issues and
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matters, then it can be handed over. >> i thought you were one of these who said when the irs is looking at the conservative groups you said that's political. stop stop, stop. >> it's like apples to oranges. >> way bigger than any dopey woman in cincinnati going down and harassing the tea party in texas. this is big, billion dollar transfers. uranium. this is huge. >> foreign governments that had business in front of the united states. >> if a u.s. president can be bought then this country is doomed. that's how bad this is. we need to know if hillary clinton violated any laws and the if. b fbi is the only agency that can do that. >> the fbi is listening to bill o'reilly's request for an investigation, wa investigation, what are the odds that they are listening and you'll have your investigation?
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>> i think they are listening. on "the factor" tonight, there under now because of all of this campaign pressure to say or do something. all right? so if they say we're not going to investigate, then tell us we the people. if they say we are going to investigate and i'm not asking immediately because they do have to do a little fact finding and structuring but we the people by the summer have to know what they are going to do. >> absolutely. it's imperative. they can do this very quickly. they don't need to slow walk it dana like you said some agencies do. the american people deserve the answer to this. do you really want to take a chance of this and put somebody like this in the white house? >> some people don't care. ideology trumps the country in many many people's minds and that's too bad but that's just the way it is. but i want to take all of the politics out of this. that means we have to get in off the set. >> is that how you get those
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assignments? >> yes. and they are going to get further and further and further. >> when is he going to siberia? >> ask me in the winter. not in the summer. >> once the fbi does if they do opens an investigation, now that they have more tools that they have ready to go into the people who may be doing business with hillary, not just the foundation? >> absolutely. because they have quite a tremendous reach and they have incredible investigatory capability in terms of forensic analysis of documents, servers, recovering any kind of e-mail. >> they can go right into her server and grab it. >> they can get all of that. >> that's why this is really a special time right now in history that they can do something that would be meaningful. >> i'm going to added that i think there's utility from a pr standpoint to be able to say the fbi is investigating. then she can come back out and do media interviews. we've made our public comments. we're cooperating with the fbi.
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they are looking into us. we don't think there's anything there but we're glad there's an investigation and now we want to talk about education. >> i think the fbi investigating me is not the greatest pr strategy for her. >> it would me if she just called for it. >> or accepted it. >> no not accepted it. she should get out there on "the factor" and say i want the fbi to investigate it because, like my husband said i'm the most honest woman in the country. and then there would be a landslide. >> you can say, see how good this is for you? >> you are the sheriff, though. >> thank you. >> i'm here to look out for everybody and that's the truth. we need to know what happened here. >> i agree. >> we don't need it from partisan people trying to make
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money off of it or haters trying to destroy. we need to know from the best investigative agency in the world and we need to know it now. >> they are wrapping us. bill thank you very much. >> i would love to talk about this for five more minutes. don't miss "the factor" tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern. wait until you hear what president obama blames on the baltimore demonstrations. that's next.
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arrangements are being made for fallen nypd officer brian moore after being shot in the face by a suspect he was trying to question. why isn't this story getting more attention in the mainstream media? here's milwaukee county sheriff. >> cop's lives don't matter. brian moore struck down in the prime of his life by a black suspect. brian is a white officer and had no doubt brian moore shot and
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killed the suspect who shot him, it would have led to news led to every news outlet in america would have said white officer shoots black suspect. i think that's sick. but that's what we've come to in the united states. >> i couldn't agree more. when have you ever heard somebody say cop's lives don't matter? that's the outcome of a situation like this where there is all of this outrage before proper investigation, any time a suspect is shot by the police in the course of the line of duty. here we have an officer that was murdered, an officer that was well respected by all of his peers serving these communities so challenged by the socioeconomic strife the crime in the area why isn't anybody talking about it? dana welcome back. >> thank you. glad to be here of course. i think what sheriff clark is saying -- he's brave enough to say it out loud. i think we all know that would have been the case. the media, having just covered the terrible situation in baltimore and having just covered the situation in
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charleston having just covered the situation in ferguson if the roles had been reversed in this case there's no doubt that it would have led the media for days on end and brian moore deserves more attention. i don't think anyone's happy about it. i don't like the one-ups manship but the sheriff has a good point and he's willing to stick up for the police officer. >> he's a courageous voice in the face of so much adversity and he's an african-american voice speaking proudly on behalf of officers. >> who deserve his voice and everyone else's voices deserves all of our voices. brian moore deserves to be heard. wenjian liu and the other officer shot in their police cars. we forget that these people risk
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their lives to keep us safe. dana points out that the fact that the races were reversed we would be talking about it, it's pretty sick. it's pretty sick if it was in the opposite direction. we for some reason have this whole discussion about race when it goes that way but when it's a black perp that blows away brian moore in the squad car, it gets no coverage and i'm glad we are. >> i think you guys are introducing race into this in a way and i really disagree with sheriff clark. to me the sadness over officer moore's death is palpable. i'm in a hotel in this town and people in the lobby talk about it. people feel it. >> rioting didn't come from it. >> how did that come into this? >> there's no marching or protesting. >> look i think american communities, they are overwhelmingly supportive of our police and understand as eric
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said police protect us. and i will make that argument in the poorest black community in this country. but if you're asking why it would get more attention why the officer shot the black suspect, let's be honest there's been a pattern of this and of course if it happened it would get more attention. but not to say that there's any lack or heartfelt sympathy for him losing his life. >> president obama, saying lack of education and opportunity is to blame. take a listen. >> what you have are pockets of poverty, lack of opportunity, lack of education. all across this country. and too often we ignore those pockets until something happens and then we act surprised. how can we send a message to young people of color and
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minorities particularly young men, saying your lives do matter. we do care about you but we're going to invest in you before you have problems with the police before there's the kind of crisis that we see in baltimore. >> jesse, your thoughts? >> statistics show that cops shoot more whites than blacks and the martin luther king speech we're supposed to judge people by the content not the color of their skin. now, what obama said about poverty, you know they invested $1.6 billion into baltimore. where did the money go? no one knows. the schools there are disgraceful yet they spend more money there than anywhere else: the problem keeps persisting and maybe it's government that is the problem itself and when we have all of these successes in
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this country, he says we didn't build that and wants the government to take credit for it and when you have a failure he says we need more government. either way, the government is the most important institution when in fact the family is the most important institution, not the government. >> well i say amen on the last point. i couldn't disagree more on the rest of it. the fact is when you look at those communities, there's no sense of crisis about the loss of those young people. they have really little prospects. they go to bad schools, fail schools that i think shouldn't be concentrated by the way, in terms of government hands. there should be more school choice in this country but most of those people don't have great prospects. >> $17,000 per student juan. >> i agree. that's why i'm for school choice. i'm just saying if you're stuck in that position jesse, you're a young guy. you know you would be frustrated too. >> i wouldn't go burn someone --
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>> no i wouldn't go burn my own neighborhood. >> educate yourself get a job, show respect for people's lives and grow up. next up, new details on the situation in texas when "the five returns. happy. in love. and saving so much money on their car insurance by switching to geico... well, just look at this setting. do you have the ring? oh, helzberg diamonds. another beautiful setting. i'm not crying. i've just got a bit of sand in my eyes, that's all. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. life begins with a howl, we scream shout, shriek with joy. until, inhibition creeps in our world gets smaller quieter, but life should be loud. sing loud, play loud, love loud.
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. isis has claimed responsibility for sunday's terror attack in texas and claims there is more to come. mike mccaul says at least the shooting was inspired by isis. two american-borne gunmen were killed by the police after the attack. congressman peter king thinks it's time to step up surveillance of the muslim community to prevent future attacks here at home. >> that's where the threat comes
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from. i think they should be authorized to go more than that. i think we need to come to the realization that this is the war we are in. >> jesse, isn't that -- doesn't that sound logical, if you think you have a problem and need to find out the information, you would do some sort of more surveillance and intelligence? >> sure. if we were at war with mormon fanatics i'm sure we'd be looking at mormon churches. it's natural. the irs was harassing the tea party. but you know what let's not look at these mosques, there could be terrorists in there. we were looking at one of these terrorists but we didn't catch him. he was flying to somalia, lying to the feds he got probation, radicalized all over twitter. we just missed him. it's really unfortunate. >> kimberly, this is situation
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where the terrorists have to be right once and we have to be right all of the time. >> these investigations are very time consuming and you need cars on it with listening devices, a team of surveillance teams to swap in and remaceplace that team. imagine, it's a full-time job and a daunting task. that's why we have to have the right resources and you've got to be looking in the right place. >> right. >> if you're too crippled by being politically correct and totally afraid of the liberals attacking you, we are losing already. >> let me -- look also the law -- >> the law allows for it. if you have probable cause, somebody is engaging in jihad or radicalization get after it. >> that's what people want. evan coleman is the nbc terrorism analyst and had this to say about the shooting on sunday. >> i don't think it's any great
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revelation if you shot fire in a crowded theater and incite people and say things about people's ancestors and religious symbols, they are a couple of crazy nut cases that come out of the woodwork and will take action. that has nothing to do with islam. there are plenty of people with other faiths that have done the exact same thing. >> okay. perhaps in an historical sense, eric you could say that. the threat that we're dealing with we know where it is coming from. >> we know. here are the numbers. the fbi has a budget of around $60 billion. i could be wrong. let me know if i'm wrong. we spend over $100 billion on this green initiative that has failed horribly. solyndra a million and a half electric cars on the road about -- i don't know. they are about 800,000 short or so. the point is give the fbi as much money and resources that they need and the access as kimberly points out.
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we have credible threats. go for it. go find. listen. find out. go to the mosques if you have to. go after them and stop this stuff before it happens. >> by the way, yelling "fire" in a crowded movie theater is vastly different than what is called i don't know inciteful speech. these are completely different things. when you yell "fire" in a crowded movie theater, you're risking people's lives. you're saying there is a fire. >> juan i want to show you a poll today from the nbc news and republicans are saying that their priority their first choice is terrorism and extremism and concern about that and 53% said that it was their first or second choice. does that surprise you that it's not the economy, that it's security first? >> a little bit because if you look overall among the american people and notably among democrats, it's very clear. they want job creation the economy to be the number one priority going into 2016. but you get among republicans
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and, again, the national security the fair issue, i think, becomes much larger. the older community and all of that. >> so maybe they are intertwined because you have to have national security in order to -- >> let me speak to this. >> are you saying that republicans have more of a fear quotient? >> i do. >> juan where are you getting that? just take it back. >> it's a fact. >> that's ridiculous. >> it's the truth. >> that republicans have more fear because they are older? >> i am just saying that they are fear -- let me tell you something. i'm sitting here at a table with strong conservative thinkers and you guys don't realize if the fbi came in right now and said the only people that want to cut us in washington is republicans with sequestration. >> oh my gosh. where are you getting this juan? >> you guys keep saying more
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more more. kimberly said right here on this show the laws are in place right now if they have reason to go after any of these people and you, jesse, said they in fact had this guy in their sights but you know what it slipped through. >> bolling just made a good point. we're spending millions of dollars on green junk and we don't have enough to fight terrorism? >> you should check out the conservatives cutting the budget for the fbi. >> who cut the budget? you mean slowed their growth? >> there we go. and then you say they should give them more money. >> i've been away for one day and i totally lost my touch of controlling a segment but i'm going to get it back on track now. up next republican mike huckabee has officially entered
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the 2016 race. we'll have highlights from his fiery announcement and what we think his odds are when "the five" returns.
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republican presidential candidate ben carson announced his white house bid yesterday and instead of taking issues with his politics this pundit went after carson's wonderful career as a pediatric neurosurgeon. >> conservatives said we love you and he thought, they love me and now i can say everything bad about barack obama. wonderful. >> the person who went to yale and university of michigan for medical school because of affirmative action and social problems and didn't end up like many of the black men that we see in prison today in baltimore.
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>> carson has said before he believes affirmative action did help him get into yale but not into medical school or his residency that followed. kimberly? >> i'm so offended by this and by her stupidity and i think her statement was racist. i don't think she should have said that. what difference does it make if he had affirmative action or not? he's the one who studied and figured out a solution to a very complex medical problem and was able to separate conjoined ladies. really lady what have you done besides run your mouth? >> i think you're right. i think that she plays into the assumption somehow that black people aren't as smart. >> terrible. >> he's obviously a very smart, very talented man. >> as a minority woman who would be entitled to affirmative action i'm offended. >> eric?
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>> the gop now has a black surgeon running for president, a female ceo running for president, has 2 1/2 latino -- >> 2 1/2? >> jeb bush we'll give him half. all right. so we have -- >> right on. >> what about the mailman? >> the gop is a party of diversity. latinos. >> nice try. >> let me give you some diversity here. this is mike huckabee announcing his bid for the presidency. >> folks, it is a long way from a little house on second street in hope arkansas to the white house. but here in this small town called hope i was raised to believe that where a person started didn't mean that's where he had to stop. i always believed that a kid could go from hope to higher
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ground. >> dana what chance does he have? >> well they all have a little bit of a chance and i think what is interesting now, because of the way that they are able to raise money now, they all will have enough money to get through the summer. so in some ways the benefit of all of this money in politics is that the debate will really matter. for the first time in a long time the debates will be what are really -- >> yes. there's a lot of money but i'm not sure you just didn't give him a left-handed compliment. >> i said everybody. >> yeah everybody. >> i don't think he has a chance at all. i like huckabee person i like how he speaks about kitchen table stuff. he was doing that long before president obama was when he was talking about wages and health care and tuition and i like that. i just don't know -- and he's been on fox for how many years? he's got the radio show.
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he's given the enemy so much to work with there. time has passed. >> i think he could win in iowa. >> he's done it before. >> he's about sixth or seventh in the polls right now. >> iowa, new hampshire, you know what, we know you, love you, go for it. a secret that could help you get that promotion that you've been hoping for at work. stay tuned. ♪
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i'm a big believer in this one. if you want to get ahead at work you should suit up. there is success between those who dress up and don nice clothes. so advice for how to dress appropriately at work i guarantee a promotion at work. blue blazer button-down shirt, tie is not necessary, slacks no pleats. the socks have to match the
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pants. shoes and you need to have them polished regularly because women judge men by their shoes. bolling, you're a big no tie guy but when you came on "the factor" as guest host that first time you got smacked down. >> very quick story, it was three or four years ago, it's "the factor," big question tie or no tie? boss says no tie. it's your look. the phone rings at that moment executive producer of "the factor," mr. o'reilly wants the tie and so you're wearing the tie. >> that was quick. >> jesse, aren't you famous for pole low polo shirts? >> when i'm out in the field. not in the office. >> you do look nice. >> you know with a pink popped collar i was told that i look like gay dracula.
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kimberly don't you agree, in the office you want to see guys and girls looking nice and put together? >> of course. i mean look at dana and i. look at this table. feast your eyes on this. i don't know. you said wear a blue suit. you don't have one on. >> not in exact detail. dana when you were in the white house, very strict dress code right? >> men had to wear a jacket in the oval office and i didn't have to wear a jacket in the oval office but i would try to look nice obviously, of course. and i am a big believer in this and we look nice because we have to be on television but you have younger people that go to the office maybe you're just filing stuff, maybe you just have to check the internet for somebody. you think you can get away with wearing your shorts or flip-flops to the office or like i say in my book don't wear ugg boots in the office all day long. you can wear them to the office but then you have to change into
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appropriate footwear otherwise it looks like you're shuffling back and forth to the copy machine or kitchen. it can be expensive. i understand young people starting out, but another tip is ladies if you stand up and feel like you have to pull your skirt down a little bit, it's too short for the office okay? >> maybe not always. >> jesse? >> dress for the job you want not for the job you have. >> exactly. >> all right. "one more thing" is up next.
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all right. remember the famed chicago baseball announcer, here's a quick picture of him, he's awesome. last night will ferrell did his best impression. watch. >> isn't it true you're ed? >> yes. yes, half of that is right. >> that's a good call. >> uh-huh. >> yeah. >> i can tell you you're losing a little mustard off the hair. >> all right. awesome. we miss him. k.g., you go. >> the museum of arts gala was last night. it's a mere $25,000 per ticket
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but it's a big fashion night. let's look at the standouts. we have beyonce there looking fabulous. always great. dress a little see-through, though. you had rihanna there. >> why are you looking at him? >> i don't know. bolling was talking about it earlier. and sarah jessica-parker had the most interesting look. you see that headdress there that is flame-like red and white. everybody was checking it out. >> okay. i've been on the book tour and the good news is it's been really great. i want to show you some people i've met along the way. former white house interns i hadn't seen in a long time former colleagues from jobs i forgot that i had. that was yesterday in california. military that served during the bush administration and were at events that i write about in the book. one of my late grandfather's friend who helped on the ranch
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and a person i never thought i would see at my event at the richard nixon library last night was this guy. >> i have a question for miss perino. any authors that inspired you perhaps a good-looking right-leaning libertarian author presiding in new york city somebody like that that made you want to write this book? >> so that was greg gutfeld joining me by video. amazing volunteers and i had a good event and i'll be in philly on thursday and colorado on saturday and sunday. >> so proud of her. by the way today is cinco cinco de mayo. guess what they don't have their favorite tequila. kimberly said don julio and for me i like 1742.
3:00 pm
i think that's the name of it. >> quick one, jess. >> riot action here. everyone going nuts down there at a soccer game. >> wow. >> obviously very upset. there's a lot of poverty down there. >> bye-bye. is perception reality for hillary clinton and the scandal over her family foundation? the public weighs in. this is "special report." good evening. welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. the newest candidate has plenty of experience going up against the clintons. former arkansas governor mike huckabee officially threw his hat into the ring. but toint,night, former secretary hillary clinton has much more to worry about huckabee or any wannabes. there is growing reaction or concern about c


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