tv Media Buzz FOX News May 11, 2015 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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orea and kvitovavietnam vietnam. that's it for today. for all you moms especially mine have a wonderful mother's day. we'll see you next fox news sunday. ahead on the fox foxnewschannel. on the "buzz meter," hillary clinton stays silent as her aides denounce accusations involving her family foundation, while bill clinton plays defense with a carefully choreographed nbc interview in africa. >> a very deliberate attempt to take the foundation down. and there is almost no new fact that's known now that wasn't known when she ran for president the first time. >> there are plenty of facts and allegations only just emerging about favor seeking with his wife's department, and speaking fees to the former president. how long can hillary clinton duck the media? republican presidential field doubles as two former fox news contributors mike huckabee
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and ben carson and carly fiorina jump into the race. >> all three are once very serious men and women who are selling themselves out for speaking fees and cable contracts. that's what happens -- that's what's happening. >> are the media dismissing them as hopeless long shots? two terrorists killed as they attack at an anti-muhammad art contest in texas. some pundits blame the group itself. >> i wonder whether the group that held the event to disparage and make fun of the prophet muhammad doesn't in some way cause these events. >> did they get exactly what they want by drawing out people that would incite violence? >> but aren't offensive groups especially offensive groups entitled to free speech? deflategate is back. tom brady awkwardly ducking questions after the nfl says he and the new england patriots weren't telling the truth about tampering with footballs for the afc championship. should the media now brand brady
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as a cheater? i'm howard kurtz and this is "media buzz." nbc's cynthia mcfadden accompanied bill clinton to nairobi where the backdrop for their "today" show was groups of poor, black children being helped by the clinton foirkz. the former president deflecting questions about donations from foreign governments and" the organization only accepts cash from six western countries. >> absolutely not. it's an acknowledgment that we're going to come as close as we can during her presidential campaign to following the rules we followed when she became secretary of state. >> what about the money going directly into clinton's pocket? >> working americans look and say, $500,000 for a speech --
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>> wait a minute, wait a minute. why shouldn't -- it's the most independent i can get. i have turned down a lot of them. if i think there's something wrong, i don't take it. i do disclose who gave them to me so people can make up their own mind. >> she's running for president. will you continue to give speeches? >> yeah. i got to pay our bills. >> joining us to analyze the coverage matt lewis, senior contributor at "the daily caller." christina bellantoni of roll call and columnist for "the daily beast." matt lewis, bill clinton answers "about the foundation? why are the media beating him up? >> the guy's got to pay his bills, let's be honest. no clearly, this was a public relations effort to talk about the good work that i'm sure that the foundation does do. he went on this trip. that's not really the point, though right? nobody is -- holds a gun to your head and tells you to run for president. when you do it scrutiny follows. and there's a lot of things happening with the clintons that looks fishy. and i think it would be entirely
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appropriate to say, look, if my wife's going to run for president, i'm going to step down from the foundation. we're not going to take any more foreign -- >> didn't say what you wanted -- >> i think what the media would probably expect as being appropriate for him to do. >> what do you make of the way the interview was carefully staged in africa with the backdrop? how did cynthia mcfadden do in her questions to the former president? >> you're going to accept an interview when you get incredible access. in the media business, pictures tell 1,000 words. it is important for the clintons to frame the way that this is shaped. he's also on the cover some magazine i saw at the airport a couple of days ago, "giving" magazine or "fill an not tlop-- " "philanthropy." don't forget the footage of -- when they talk about children getting hearing aids for the first time, you'll see that in campaigns. they'll talk about the good things the foundation has done to deflect any criticism. >> cynthia mcfadden and her questions? >> you know, i thought she did all right in the circumstances.
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and they're standing in the middle of this backdrop. it's a hard interview. you're not in a controlled studio environment. the way they set it up it was also clear that she couldn't ask everything that she could possibly ask. >> i think they were undoubtedly timed -- i don't know for a fact. i was also struck michael, by the i got to pay our bills question. we're talking about speeches $500,000 a pop, as much as. did that strike a discordant note in the interview? >> most definitely. i don't think we'll be hearing him use that sentence again. i have written -- i think they need to be more transparent and need to be more dramatic it announcing new sets of rules that they're going to follow during her candidacy and during her presidency if she is president. i think all that fair. dylan byars had a piece in politico this week. and dylan byars is i think, a reliable barometer of the thinking of the media here in
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washington. his sentence said the media is primed to take the clintons down not primed to investigate nor primed to rake over the coals. primed to take down. >> do you agree? >> i sort of do, yes. >> all right. we'll come back to that. but bill clinton also answered questions about the foundation in an interview with cnn's christiane amanpour. >> did any of those donations ever affect secretary clinton's policy? >> no. she didn't know about a lot of them. there's just no evidence -- even the guy who wrote the book apparently had to admit under questioning that he didn't have a shred of evidence for this. he just sort of thought he'd throw it out and see if they'd fly. it will fly. >> what do you make of bill clinton saying that the author of "clinton cash," peter schweitzer admitted he had no evidence. what do you make of that shot? >> look, i think this is right out of the clinton playbook 101.
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what did james carville say -- you drag a $100 bill through a trailer park you never know what you'll come e up with. >> going back to the good old days. >> that's how they handle the bimbo eruptions and scandals is to attack the attacker, the messenger in this case, the author. look i think that peter schweitzer has been clear that there are a lot of things in this book that lead you to believe something unseemly, untoward is happening. there is no smoking gun and the clintons are great at not leaving smoking guns behind. >> i had peter height or last week. he acknowledged as he has before that he doesn't have a smoking gun. he lays out a circumstantial case about big money and donors and speaking fees. and then you have to connect the dots. it's not the same as saying he has no fact. >> no. it's not. this is going to be a systematic bit of evidence that you're going to see used against hillary clinton from the beginning of this campaign to when it ends, if she end up in the white house. you'll continue to see people lay out the fact talk about the different relationship that the clinton foundation has. it's not just about giving
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money. it's about the types of interactions that there are and the clintons are going to combat that with look at all the great things we did, and look at what she did as secretary of state. these thing are separate. but the point is we all know it's about perceptions. and if you tell a government you know, amman, saudi arabia whatever we're not taking your donation until eight years after she's in the white house that doesn't mean you might not have influence there. >> politico had an interesting piece about the hillary war room. and the way it conducted this plan. as any campaign would, to combat the book "clinton cash." according to politico, the campaign acquired an early copy and leaked chapters to selected journalists so they wouldn't have the whole picture. is that fair play was that effective? effective? >> it was somewhat effective. the pushback was reasonably effective. it's not showing up in the polls. i saw in polls that 10% of people think there is a kwid pro question on problem. that leaves out a lot of
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conservatives. >> even more interesting poll figure that i saw -- maybe we live in a media bubble to some degree because we're talking about this all the time. 52% of democrats, okay democrats, sympathetic to hillary, know very little or nothing about the clinton foundation. but what do you make of michael, raising whether or not not just the media playing an aggressive role asking questions, i think we all would agree are legitimate questions about the big-money sloshing through the clinton foundation and what people expect in return. but trying to take the clintons down? >> i think there's something to that. look barack obama got a pass from the media for most of his presidency. and i think part of it was the sort of there's no there there. they never got riled up. the clintons do something opposite. they go on the attack they actually entice the media because it's a good story to have clinton scandals. i've written this before, i don't think it's going to be a big scandal that takes down the clintons. i think it's the mock -- the clintons. i think it's the mockery, the "saturday night live" spoofs. i think it's the thing like when she launched her campaign and
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didn't leave a tip at chipotle. i think it's that the press is going to essentially go after her with these little things making fun of her. >> there's a difference between going after, pushing back, between needling somebody and taking them down. taking them down says to me that, you know she won't be table continue -- >> compare the press obama got to the press hillary got -- >> by the way, the clinton people made that argument about obama getting this glowing coverage. don't forget, this is the same you know if anybody views the media as trying to take a candidate down they say the same about the media trying to take republican candidates down. >> yeah. >> one you have a general election -- >> welcome to the party hillary -- >> trying to take them both down? doesn't make sense. >> they'll turn on republicans -- >> individual journalist are looking to teach the american people and american voters about all of the candidates. with the clintons, so much has been known about them, they've been in the public eye for now decades. they're trying to get new information. you know what this question about donors and the question about what emails, you know did and did not make it through, you
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know, what she was supposed to save those are legitimate questions that should be raised regard will of what party she's with. >> absolutely legitimate questions. it's been nearly a month since hillary clinton officially declared candidacy. she's been running for a long time in my view and she's done zero interviews. what happened to the media chatter early on that they learned the lesson oftuate, and the candidate was -- officer 2008, and the candidate was going to be more open? >> i don't know. this is the 2000 playbook that i saw firsthand. i covered a lot of that for the senate race. her early trips to upstate new york actually in 1999. and you know very limited press access. she would come out and maybe answer four questions and go back in to her van. she's not been doing that so far. >> right. >> you know, and -- in new york the rhythm was she started doing interviews it wasn't really until the spring of the campaign year the election year. i think she's going to have to speed that up this time. >> what happens is on a campaign is when you are -- have people day after day after day are trailing the candidate and get no access, no questions
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answered there's resentment that builds up. by the time you speak, just briefly, then you have this backlog of questions. >> one thing to point out, though the democratic national committee did say they would allow for debate if she does have you know strong primary challengers. that's something that will give the american people a much better window than any question -- >> i hope it -- we don't have to wait until the debates start. let me get a break. remember we launch our media comments and questions on twitter,@ howardkurtz. we'll head some later. ahead, pundits blame an anti-islam group for staging a texas event that's attacked by armed terrorists blaming the group. when we come back jeb bush gives his first interview in two months to megan kelly and talks about immigration. ...heartbu
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jeb bush had been running hard for president, but he jeb bush had been running hard for president, but he hadn't given a sit down sgluf two months until yesterday. the former florida governor sat down with fox's megan kelly. bush said we have to show respect for people by making it easier for legal dwroimt attain -- easier for illegal immigrants attain citizenship. >> he said how can you get through the primary with this position? you know there's a core wing of the party for whom this will be a deal breaker. >> i don't know that. i've been traveling over the last three months and get a sense that a lot of people can be persuaded to be honest with you. but here's -- here's the deal megan. if i go beyond the consideration of running to be an actual candidate, do you want people to just bend with the wind? to mirror people's sentiment, whoever's in front of you? yes, i used to be for that. now i'm for this. is that the way we want to elect
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presidents? >> that was an interesting back and forth. if jeb bush is first sitting down for an interview after two months why isn't the press on them about that? >> yeah. that would have been a question i would have asked. you know why aren't you sitting down to talk about it. it's a smart strategy on his part. this is something he's going to have to continue to answer. it will be the question of debate. it will be something that he is targeted on and polled on and advertising against him. this is -- he called it an act of love right. this is something you're going to continue to see. coming to an audience as large as fox with someone so popular like megan kelly, it's a great way to address it. then you get the reasonable like independent voters who, you know don't care about immigration either way. listen to him, he's not just trying to win a primary, that could help in a general. if he makes it through. >> the difference michael, is that jeb does stop and take a few reporters' questions after many of these events. you don't have that pressure cooker building the way you do with the hillary clinton campaign. >> yeah. i guess that's true. but you know it's a strategy howie, that i think we'll see out of a lot of front ds running
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candidates. they don't have to do that much media anymore, don't have to answer that many questions. they tweet, have supporters tweet things out. >> and if we complain about it who cares, basically the president isn't popular? >> right. people don't care because the president isn't popular. as long as they're going out and talking to voters and taking voters' questions, i think the people are basically satisfied with that. >> do you agree? >> i do. and by the way, the voters' questions to jeb are tough. i've seen them take questions about immigration where a lot of the base doesn't agree with them about thing like common core. and he doesn't back away from it. and he will aggressively answer those questions and bring them up himself. >> another question that came up with megan kelly has to do with the iraq war. and jeb bush said, well clearly, some version of mistakes were made. >> yeah. >> then he said you know, we'll make the mistakes -- george w. bush. do you think the press will continue when they have access to the former florida governor to press him about his brother because he does have that last
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name? >> i think they will and i think jeb bush has to be clear. we're going to potentially elect a commander in chief. would he bring us into another war like iraq or would he govern differently like his father did? i think he started the process with megan kelly here essentially implying that he knows there were problems. that the intelligence was bad, and a lot of other issues. he has to be more clear because that's going to hang over his head. i think rightly so. >> not just iraq the press question is basically are you another george w. bush, or are you going to govern differently. >> hillary clinton will face the same questions if she makes it. are you going govern the same as your husband. the only difference is that george w. bush left office fairly unpopular nationally. blip is considered pretty popular now even though he was unpoint of view lar when he left office as well. people are not their family members. >> that's fair, but it's -- assumption that the press doesn't always make. and maybe some voters don't, as well. christine amichael matt thank you very much. >> thank you. >> you can see the entire
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exclusive interview on "the kelly file" monday 9:00 eastern. i'll look forward to that as well. ahead, three new republican candidates jumping into the 2016 race. much of the media yawns s. -- yawns. is that fair? deflategate is back. piling on tom brady and the patriots. has everyone else moved on? do you suffer from constipation or irregularity? trust dulcolax® for dependable relief. try free at dulcolax® tablets are comfort coated for gentle, overnight relief. hurry! try free at dulcolax®. designed for dependable relief™. @?
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the media frenzy over ed media frenzy over delegategate dominated coverage over the super bowl as tom brady and the patriot said they knew nothing about balls being potentially underinflated in the trouncing. now it's said it's more probable than not that two patriots' staffers deliberately tampered
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with the footballs, and it's more probable than ever that tom brady was at least aware of the activities. jim gray asked brady about the report at a previously scheduled event. >> i don't have really any reaction to my -- our owner comment on it yesterday. it's only been 30 hours. i haven't had much time to digest it fully. when i do i'll let you know how i feel about it. >> only 30 hours. i spoke earlier with "new york" magazine's will leach from atlanta. welcome. >> of course thanks for having me as always. >> how did jim gray and tom brady handle the questions when he clearly didn't want to answer questions? >> gray, he seem to get big interviews. he had the decision interview for lebron james. this is kind of his bailiwick to be the friendly but interrogate if you have to but friendly reporter in a lot of ways. clearly this was not the intention. brady didn't realize this was all going to happen then. i think he was surprised. the thing with this what can
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brady say? in a lot of ways like you know i think gray -- he has a reputation sometimes -- >> he could answer the questions. here he is -- media don't like the guy. he's got the glamorous wife rich star quarterback super bowl champion. he said he didn't know anything about. it report says he did. he seed he needed to digest the report? come on. >> well of course of course. and i generally agree with that. you know, it's funny because brady's general vibe -- i have to say the one thing i kind of agree with him about, this is -- reaction that we are all collectively having to this is as if the patriots and tom brady secretly found a way to make touchdowns worth ten points and no one else's -- everyone else's worth four. we were talking about air pressure and footballs. i think brady thinking this is a little advantage i think has never taken this that seriously. the patriots, belichick who didn't seem to know about this he definitely never took it seriously. i think brady saw it as a minor thing. >> from what you're seeing i'm
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getting the impression you think perhaps, just perhaps, those of us in the media who went crows over this before the super bowl are pumping up the story to perhaps extraordinary degree? >> you know, you know, a story like this any time there's brady involved, it's like a one-lugged duck. -- one-legged duck. everybody gets excited and moves to the corner. yeah. i think -- i think people want -- i said this before we talked about this before when this happened. people -- it's brady. this is the brady and the patriots. ever since the spygate situation, people have been -- this gets people fired up in a lot of ways. the nfl loved the story during the super bowl because it distracted from the more serious issues going on with the nfl. for this, you know i think now that it's become a brady thing, kind of could see this coming when braidy had his press conference had the super bowl. he was just like, hey what are you talking about? i'm just here to play football. i'm tom brady. >> in this report, there are actual texts involving a couple of equipment guys for the new england patriots. one guy called himself the deflator.
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another talked about talking to tom and he's going to take care of it. must be a lot of stress. i'm looking at the "new york "daily news"" cover, "great balls of liar." no secret the press doesn't like tom brady. is he going to forever be branded by the marlboronational media as a cheater? >> i think so. if think unfairly i would say maybe a little over the top. even the text messages we're all after -- they weren't hiding this until all of a sudden this story exploded. this was not something they felt of really -- they were terrified, if anyone could find out until the story exploded and they realize wow, the media is freaking out about this. are we cool? >> in 20 seconds, why over the top? why do you think the media are going too far making this into a huge sflanl. >> because it's -- as i said before touchdowns are still worth seven points. the amount of advantage it gave them if it did is so miniscule
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you would think they were putting -- put helium in one team's balls and air in another. it seem much. certainly not decise you. >> the patriots did win by a large lead. thank you very much. >> of course. jim gray says he gleaned what information he could from a reluctant tom brady in a situation that wasn't supposed to be a news interview. media reports that brady might be suspended in the coming week but nothing definitive. ahead on "media buzz," ben carson carly fiorina, mike huckabee are they being marginalized by the media? first, two terrorists dead after an armed assault on a muhammad cartoon contest. and some commentators are blaming the group under attack?
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a con deficit for the best drawing of the prophet muhammad which obviously would be offensive and blasphemous to many muslim. two apparent jihadis were killed in a shoot-out with a police officer patrolling the event. with rising criticism of her tactics, geller has been all over the airwaves fighting back. >> what people are saying is there's always this fine line between freedom of speech and being intentionally india sendiary and provocative. -- intentionally incendiary and provocative. >> intensionally incendiary and provocative? >> they're saying rosa parks should have never gone to the front of the bus. she's taunting people. >> no. how do you make the comparison? >> joining us in palm spring, rick renell, fox news contributor and foreign policy administrator for the administration. and richard fowler. i've likened the media attacks on pam geller's group for
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inviting attacks as blaming a rape victim for dressing provocatively. your thoughts? >> yeah. i think so. by the same liberal narrative that told us that a unewborn video was to blame -- a youtube video was to blame for our ambassador and three others' killing. if you take the same philosophy the mormons should be burning down broadway, and christians should be burning down hollywood. i think we've got a real problem with the liberal media and the left now. they really are telling us they've lost their senses. they're telling us that somehow a word a cartoon, a youtube video is justification for killing and violence. it's really gotten way off base from the left. >> is that what the "liberal media" is saying? >> that's not what the liberal media is saying at all. i not the liberal media is saying these attacks should not have hand number one. >> we can agree on that. two, you said it's fair to focus
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on pam geller and provocative actions and you think she acted irresponsibly s. that your message? >> i agree i think she's acted completely irresponsibly. she's not fighting for a more right -- she's clearly had her freedom of speech. martha mccollum said friday you've been on -- she's been on every station talking it it. she's had her fair share of freedom of speech. there comes a point when common sense has to in come in and say this isn't a good idea. if we're promoting freedom and standing up for what america is a place where you have the freedom of religion making fun of one religious group is -- especially in that particular manner is just inappropriate. just like it's inappropriate to have jesus a jar of piss. people were upsbet that as well. >> yes. but -- >> can i jump in for a second? >> yes. jump in. >> you know, if you look at what richard just said -- and i can appreciate the fact that we're supposed to be civil, but if you really go back and look at what richard said he said this isn't helpful. this whole cartoon thing. i think that it was helpful.
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it draws the line to show that we have islamic radicalism that is really -- they need to put on their big boy pants. this is the real world. you get criticized everyone gets criticized. you don't go to violence because somebody criticizes your religion. again, i go back to the fact that if that was the standard then we would see a whole bunch of violence from a whole bunch of different groups. but we have an administration that keeps protecting this idea. >> here's the thing -- >> the video is to blame -- >> i think you're convoluting two things. let's leave the administration out of this. this has nothing to do with the administration. this is a debate around free speech and common sense. and i think while i agree that she has the freedom of speech to have this type of event, if we true lie as a nation want -- truly as a nation want to end terrorism, we've got to invoke moderate mulz limbsslims to sit down. >> you got into there with megan
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kelly saying there have to be limits on free speech. there are no legal limit beyond shouting "fire" in a crowded theater. is that what you meant to say, or were you calling for resflant. >> i got flack on twitter, i'm calling for common sense. i'm not the only person calling for common sense. greta van susteren did it martha mccollum, bill o'reilly donald trump, a lot of people claiming this is stupid -- >> i don't think that's in this crowd. common sense means that you can draw a cartoon, you can produce a youtube video, and that no one with common sense is going to jump to violence. you have to say free speech full stop. >> there's a big -- >> full stop. >> no rick, there's a distinction here. it's not like -- she's trying -- what geller has tried i think unsuccessfully is compared herself to "charlie hebdo." and "charlie hebdo," they were making a satirical argument. she was clearly making fun of a religion. that's completely two different thing. >> it's her right. full stop free speech. >> it is her right. but it doesn't make it right.
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>> i'm not hearing -- >> that's the question -- >> i'm hearing -- >> this is a show on media, howie. we had cnn really making fun of -- of freedom of speech. chris cuomo said that there are no protections for hate speech. then you have the associated press who runs a headline on -- >> he made a mistake. >> cuomoey said he had been -- inaccurate in the way -- >> his reaction was, his family is a leading liberal family. his gut reaction shows what the left is thinking these days. >> i'm almost out of time. i'm more worried about a "washington post" headline that says "event organizer offers no apology after thwarted attack in texas." think about what that means in terms of free speech. no apology -- >> that was the associated press. >> where you were attacked. >> here the thing howie. i think -- here's the thing. it was -- this was a bad event to begin with. the garland police was like, this event is so bad you need to hire your own private security. this is a bad event wasn't thought through.
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common sense should have outweighed freedom of speech in this instance. >> to me nothing outweighs freedom of speech. good devil raysbate. thank you very much. ahead are the main street media writing off ben huckabee matt carson, and carly fiorina? the reporter who covered the killing in the freddie gray case while in a personal relationship with the prosecutor.
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for carly fiorina, for carly fiorina, it was "good morning america" and megan kelly. for mike huckabee, it was hope arkansas and megan kelly. for ben carson it was a detroit station and megan kelly, cnn, cnbc chris wallace. all three republicans with back-to-back announcements competing for media attention. >> how do you think you can distinguish, deafifferentiate yourself from those competing for conservative christians? >> first of all, i think that among evangelical christians, i'm not somebody who just started talking about the message. this is who i am. >> how do you convince voters you have the relevant experience to be president? >> our nation was intended to be a citizen government. somehow we've come to this place in our nation's history where we think we need a personal and political class. i don't believe that. >> why should the country in this day and age entrust foreign policy to a self-admitted novice on the issue? >> i've learned an enormous amount about foreign policy in
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the last few months. >> joining us now susan ferrechio, chief political correspondent for "the washington examiner." in new york, betsy woodruff political reporter for "the daily beast." susan, these three announcements got a few sentences at most on the network evening news. none made the front page of the "new york times." other media basically dismissing them as marginal candidates. >> the media tends to call the presidential candidates. we talked to the pollsters, the pollsters teter candidates, first tier, second tier, third tier. some of the candidates announce read considered second or third tier. it doesn't always make sense. if you look at carly fiorina, second paragraph in "the new york times" story about her announcement calls her a long-shot candidate with a sliver of support. what about martin o'malley? i'll be curious to say how they portray him. he's got about 1% in the polls. he's polling same as carly fiorina. it doesn't always make sense the way the media decides to dismiss the non-conventional candidates. >> the danger of relying on
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polls, there's somebody that breaks out, whether huckabee in 2008 or rick santorum in 2012, who was hardly getting coverage. suddenly they get hot even though they were down in the polls and don't have much money. betsy, you want to know how the liberal media view these three candidates and others on the gop side. "new york times" columnist timothy egan this morning calling this a fringe festival and saying the republican clown car has turned into a clown bus. >> well carly fiorina certainly isn't a frank candidate. most of the stances she's staked out are very much in the middle of how republicans feel about national policy issues. huckabee is a little further to the right. i can maybe understand using that particular adjective. i think referring to a clown bus, i mean come on. that's certainly not fair. and as a reporter i would much rather prefer covering a bus full of characters than just having to sprint after hillary clinton's scooby doo van. >> there is a point where the bus becomes so crowded it's hard for those of us in the media, you have an hour for a newscast so many inches in a newspaper story.
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susan, ben carson surgeon world-renowned surgeon non-politician, who's established himself as a force in places like iowa. much of the coverage focuses his gaffes. chris wallace today asked him about, you know likening obamacare to slavery and thing like that. is that fair? i mean if a novice candidate makes those kinds of inflammatory remarks? >> yes. it's fair it's fair. i think the questions should be more directed at the mainstream candidates too, who have their share of mistakes. how much attention is going to be paid to hillary clinton's tenure as secretary of state? i say less than you might expect. it needs to be balanced out, too. look at huckabee he's got more executive experience than jeb bush. he polls far better than bush in iowa. he's not getting a quarter of the attention. that's interesting. what it does, it shuts out people who aren't in the top tier and voters aren't getting a better look. that's not great coverage. >> that's a great point. mike huckabee you know was
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governor of arkansas for ten years. and of course he became more nationally known when he hosted a show here at fox news. but the media wrap on him is even though he won the iowa caucuses eight -- seven years ago, hard to break out of narrow appeal to evangelical voters and can't raise enough money. how do we know how it's going to play snout. >> that's a totally fair point. he certainly did do well at his previous presidential bid. i think part of the reason that reporters are looking at him this way is because of what he's done since he was governor of arkansas. one thing jake tapper pressed him on was the fact he rented out his e-mail list to very questionable actors. there were people sending out e-mail about biblical cancer cures under the banner of mike huckabee. that's very questionable. i think that makes national reporters take him less seriously. even though that might set off warning lights for people at "new york times" or beltway media, they don't seem to register with republican primary voters in places like iowa and south carolina. what perhaps gets us in a tizzy
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here in the acela corridor new york and d.c. might not be such a problem in the heartland. >> right. it's certainly a fair question. okay so quickly, susan, betty mentioned fiorina. she ran a major company, and was dismissed. the media consider her a long shot because she's never held elected office. >> her experience, she touts mitt romney. not his tenure as governor he uses executive experience more to out to his candidacy for president. and so i think the fact that she can bring that to the table, she shouldn't be dismissed. the media really i think has been not -- i think it's more in defense of hillary clinton. she's a real threat i think to hillary clinton. and i think that's part of the reason you see the mainstream media going after her as hard as you are. >> the real question for the media with many candidates, i will close by saying this how many of them nine ten can't do more than that on a debate stage, how many will get the media oxygen. is it fair for us the unelected journalists, to make those decisions so early in the
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process? betsy, susan, thank you very much for stopping boy that sunday. >> sure thing. thanks. after the break, the media keep on making mistakes in baltimore. and later, the debate over a couple of frozen embryos. is that an excuse for television that keep running pictures of so fare -- sophia vergara?
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. it was a bad mistake. no question about it. mike tobin reported he and his crew had seen baltimore police shoot a black man in the back. the network retraktsed it minutes later with an apology. >> it sounds like what happened is -- what's happened is we screwed up is what it sounds like. i can tell you one thing, mike
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tobin would have never been through this. mike tobin thought he saw somebody get shot and there was a gun and a patient on a stretcher and there was a woman who said she saw the cops gun him down and there's going to be violence and the rest of that an what we have is nothing. nobody has been shot no police officer has pulled the trigger. on behalf of mike tobin and the rest of our crew there and the rest of us at fox news i'm very sorry for the error and glad we were able to correct it quickly. >> that's a way to correct a mistake. tobin said the situation was confused with the gun going off and the man going down and it would be hard to duplicate a situation that looked more like a man being shot. i don't think the report should have been aired unless a reporter saw the shot fired or had it con confirmed. "washington post" made a mistake, prisoner in van trying to injure himself and driened the prisoner as 38 years old.
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then later corrected the age to 22 22. a veteran report fer baltimore's wbal tv is stepping back from her coverage of the freddie gray case. she was analyzing the case for msnbc as well. not telling viewers she's in a relationship with the lead prosecutor on the case. >> i'm actually going to be covering less of the court case because i have a personal connection to one of the prosecutors. now it is in that arena, i'm going to back away from coverage of that. >> she should have disclosed that earlier. she wouldn't say what she means by stepping back. the best course is not to cover the story at all. your top tweets. espn parting company with simmons and should the media be obsessing on sofia vergara's frozen embryos?
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espn has dumped bill simmons. a sports writeter with a huge personal following. you can see the dysfunctional relationship when simmons called nfl commissioner roger goodell a liar dared espn to say he was in trouble and network retaliated with a three-week suspension. the espn skipper isn't hiding the fact it was more than about money. we are launching the digital download segment on-line. we look at how younger people are getting news on their phones and how that shapes what they see. >> my first thing when i wake up is check my e-mail go on to instagram, go on to facebook your average things and that's pretty much how i see media. >> i think because we create our news more than we ever have
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before, we are only seeing things we like. >> you can check it out soon on our home page fox buzz or our facebook page which we hope you'll like. the top tweets on the media, justified in kicking the media over the deflate-gate report. is it the media's job to kick around other report. a sports star maybe cheating gets this much attention, yeah america. the golden boy's true character is showing great quarterback but willing to cheat and liar. can't hate hillary and ignore brady lies. the kind of showdown tv loves. sofia vergara pleading for privacy while her ex fiance was on "the today show" at the same time having dragged their private life to the spotlight with a "new york times" op-ed demanding access to two frozen embryos they had created together. >> it has something to do
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whether or baby or a baby lives were already created. a lot of the question is why don't you move on and meet somebody else. no doubt i'd love to do that. doesn't matter two lives have already been created. i wouldn't toss them aside. >> why is the press allowing somebody to invent things and create press for himself? he's not an actor. he's not a celebrity. it's like why? >> why, i'll tell you why. the media doesn't care about the embryo. the couple signed an agreement requiring mutual consent to bring them to terms they involve a juicy spat about the star of "modern family." they are trampling her privacy and should ignore the acts but i'm not holding my breath. glad you could join us. write to us at media buzz@fox to become part of your buzz on-line where we respond to your questions, no political rants. ask a question and i'll try to
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answer it. don't forget to dvr our program if you are busy on sunday. we will see you on facebook and twitter we begin with a fox urgent a huge weather system is spawning tornados already today, we've seen twisters touching down in north texas and south dakota. and we can tell you people were hurt. and a lot of property damage well look at your screen. shelters are open at this hour to take people who had to evacuate. millions are now facing the risk of severe weather. here's why. look at the map. where you see the red, especially critical but the system as you can see is wide beyond that. more news as we get it on this breaking weather situation. i'm harris faulkner this is the fox report. let's get started with 2016
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