tv Hannity FOX News May 12, 2015 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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we'll let you get back to doing what you do best to working. we appreciate you being here with us. >> thank you. >> for anyone who is just joining us we want to do a quick recap for you. train 188, northeast regional amtrak train left washington earlier tuesday. it crashed around 9:40 in philadelphia. there were 243 individuals said to be on that train. five of them were amtrak employees, five people unfortunately dead at this hour. they are searching through the wreckage to find if there was anyone else who has been injured. six critical in the hospital and 53 transported to the hospital. let's go to hannity who is happening right now. tonight, black panther leader says baltimore police had it coming. >> the police officers that are killing us are the real thugs. >> the war on cops is real new fbi statistics show a huge spike
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in officer killings. >> it's a revolution. >> and deflategate drama. tom brady plans to appeal his four-game suspension. does the quarterback have a case against the nfl. plus hollywood hypocrisy, a-listers continue to go green. while the rest of california cuts their water use due to the historic drought. >> i feel that you know it should apply to everybody. >> everybody needs to do their part. >> we'll expose the biggest hollywood liberal offenders. han i itnity"hannity" starts right here right now. a war on police in america according to a shocking report from the fbi. police officers feloniously killed in the line of duty spiked in 2014. this preliminary report shows 51 officers across the country were killed last year including 46 gunned down by a firearm. the sad new data amounts to an
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alarming 89% increase over the 2013 statistics. many in the many stream media and on the left devote their time as policing as structurally racists. balaz likened police officers to thugs. watch this. >> the real thugs that are found with our forefathers -- >> oh here we go. i'll pull out the violin sir. >> the police officers are killing us. the police officers that are killing us are the real thugs. >> here now with reaction former nypd detective, and as well we have fox news contributor murdock. let me go to if i can, let's look at the black victims, black offenders statistics. we don't hear about the names. the president doesn't talk about the kids the names of people --
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90% of deaths is black-on-black crime. we don't hear their names, we don't hear the circumstances. why? isn't that a far bigger number? >> you don't hear their names, you don't hear the protests you don't see demonstrations. it's enormous numbers, in the thousands. somewhere probably in the range of 3,000, 4,000 a year. 90% of black murder victims are killed by black murder victims. obviously we heard about the blacks killed by white cops. but black person killed by another black person is virtually silent. >> this to me means, this doesn't fit the narrative, the agenda the president, the left those who want to rush to judgment on the cops like the president. why doesn't he talk about his home city of chicago? >> the president can defend himself. my comment is that also whites kill whites. >> true. they don't talk about that either. >> let's put that in context, number one. number two, any police officer death is a tragedy and ought to
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be condemned. black-on-black crime is being dealt with at least there are those in the black community who have spoken out. >> hang on a second. >> it's never been mentioned on this show. >> excuse me actually it has been mentioned a lot on this show. as a matter of fact we scrolled the names of people that you never heard before. here's the problem. when the president talks, it's always about trayvon, ferguson and the case with freddie gray. why doesn't he talk about his home city of chicago? >> again, over one weekend, i believe there were 17 shot in one weekend in chicago. ten dead. 6,000 of the african-american youth that is being killed by other plaques. i'm not defending anybody. when you take a broad brush and you paint every cop as being a racist a thug or whatever you want to do this is not what's happening. cops killed 400 white men last year.
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150, i believe, black men were killed by cops justifiably with guns. >> 123. but there's an 89% increase in cop slayings from the year before. do you think the rhetoric that has now -- it gets louder and louder high-profile cases -- >> if i may. >> you may. >> it happened in new york city when they had the demonstration. what do we want? dead cops. this is a message to kids in the community, first of all, they have nothing. so if they think they whack a cop, they're going to be highlighted. and that creep that came from baltimore that executed the two new york city cops and this young man moore, that we buried on friday this punk here shot him in the face twice. was it the atmosphere that's being put around this country? and we just lost two officers one black, one white, down in the south, where they got killed. it seems as though when you have this atmosphere that's kind of okay to kill the pig, put some wings on that flying pig, the
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atmosphere becomes very bad. what i would like to have happen is in these communities to start to realize, hey, let's fix black-on-black crime. >> you don't want to talk for the president, i understand that. but we have to address this. he picks and chooses with the bully pulpit of the presidency what he talks about. he never talks about black-on-black crime. hang on. he talks about ferguson where michael brown was responsible for his own death, according to the eyewitnesses and the evidence forensics, et cetera in that case. he talked about trayvon martin, he was wrong there. he rushes to jum. why doesn't he address the issue of how cops are being killed on the streets. >> the administration is on record about talking about the injustice of policemen being killed. >> when? >> at every one of those funerals a message was sent from the white house. >> excuse me white house representatives were sent to
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michael brown's funeral. they weren't sent to brian funerals. >> the condolences were sent. you said the president didn't speak about flaeg. he has spoken out like a brother's keeper. when he tries to go to the source the same black-on-black crime -- >> his own brother needs financial help and he doesn't even help his own brother. >> the issue you raised -- >> no my brother's keeper -- >> the issue was black-on-black crime. he west to the people who you said are the source of -- >> where are the activists -- >> they're all in the street. >> not when a cop's shot. >> cops are getting the message basically, nobody cares. you're the enemy, you're racist you're evil and you're getting shot and killed. cops can say, we'll back off and -- >> hang on, hang on. >> what's going to happen is people who will be saved by the cops -- >> they say why bother. >> and people are going to be hurt and killed by criminals.
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>> here's the scenario. the new stop and frisk, if the cops found a gun on him, it would be -- >> shootings in new york are up 60%. >> he would walk out of court before the cops. if they kill him, there would be demonstrations. you can't win. the problem is we need the police to work and do their jobs. i talk to cops all the time they say, we don't want to get in trouble. >> can you blame them? >> no. >> apparently -- >> our attorney general, with all due respect, we have this young lady loretta -- >> i feel like i'm in a movie with you when you say with all respect. >> we have to talk like the facts. where were they for that cop, moore, she's the top cop in this country. not there when the two cops got
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assassinated. >> and you don't know who killed freddie gray. you don't even know if he was killed. >> he died in police custody. >> you don't know what happened. >> he died in police custody. >> do you know what happened? >> no. it's being investigated. >> don't rush to judgment. >> i have a reasonable response that he was well when he left his home. >> you don't know that. >> i want an investigation. >> i want an investigation, too. >> but bo while the people in baltimore were acting in the streets, you were on fox news and you called them animals. they're american citizens. >> but they were looting and -- >> why are they angry? are they just angry -- >> you're justifying the looting and burning? >> i'm asking you to look beyond the instant -- >> are they not thugs? are you afraid to use that word? >> they were acting in a criminal fashion. but they're american citizens. >> they're thugs. >> when i call someone an
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animal somebody is breaking into a store and robbing people of their property and setting it on fire. if they were white punk kids i would call them animals, i would call them thugs also. there's no black and white. you know what this is? it's good and bad. >> by the way, those were minority owned businesses -- >> a lot of these are minority owned businesses. the city is a black mayor, black city council, black police chief. this is a fox news alert. i'm jackie ibanez in new york. we're about to get a briefing there in pennsylvania. there is the mayor. we're also hearing -- we may hear from the governor as well. we'll let our fox affiliate there in pennsylvania take it from there. let's listen in. >> let's recap. amtrak train number 188 from washington, d.c., bound for new york city.
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approximately 9:28 first alarm went out, ultimately went to four fire alarms. fire department is in command on the scene. 33 apparatus, 120 fire fighting personnel, and ems. at a time probably 200 police officers. the department of homeland security on the scene as well as other first responders. state police on the scene, and amtrak personnel on the scene. our best estimate at the moment again, continues to be preliminary information. everything we tell you will be preliminary information. we believe approximately 243 personnel on the train. five of whom are amtrak employees. 65 is one new piece of information, 65transports still 6 considered critical and
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unfortunately a confirmed 5 individuals deceased as a result. all those individuals went to a variety of hospitals, primarily kempl, and a variety of others. we received support from other agencies and departments. now i'll introduce governor tom wolf who is with us. we talked on the phone, i talked to him. and his chief of staff. he's expressed tremendous support for us and more importantly, we received that support on the ground. governor? >> thank you. i really am here in support of the city of philadelphia and the mayor. and really just to let him know and let everyone here that anything the state can do to help we stand ready to do that. the state police are here to help. but if there's anything i think
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you know that you can count on the commonwealth. >> absolutely. some final information, and i'll come back and i'll talk about where we are this evening. obviously, you know we're continuing our operations here and then we'll talk about tomorrow. sam? where are you? >> good evening. the most important thing right now is that the incident has been placed under control. so we're starting the family reunification process. we're working with amtrak we're working with our hospitals, we're working with all of our human services agencies. so again, if the public is looking for someone, a loved one, start that process by calling amtrak's number 1-800-523-9101. again, 1-800-523-9101. we're working out of the city's emergency operation center to match all of that information against what we have with hospital records, amtrak and manifest information.
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again, call that number. and we'll start the process. >> as for the personnel, at our emergency operations center which is why that's a central coordinating place, we're able to match to a great extent the manifest information with hospital personnel, and our eoc, and then when people call the number that sam phillips gave you, they'll be able to give you more information about their loved ones. we would expect since the train had already passed philadelphia's 30 street station, washington-to-new york bound train, many of those passengers are either probably washington, d.c. residents, new jersey residents, or new york residents. obviously some people may have gotten on the train in philadelphia at the station. but given the time of the evening, and the usual type of service for this particular train, most were potentially new york-bound. i've reached out to both mayor
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de blasio in new york city we've been in communication, and i also talked to mayor muriel bouzer in washington, d.c. both folks that i've worked with obviously mayor bouzer much newer than mayor de blasio. the governor expects to do the same with his counterparts at the governor level. in terms of where we are right now, we will continue for some time out here with any continued search. but obviously, at 1:00 in the morning, in darkness that is a more difficult operation. in the meantime ntsb as i mentioned earlier, has already deployed a team. they are on their way to philadelphia with a full team with equipment, and we've also worked with amtrak to order some equipment. again, obviously trying to operate cranes and other heavy equipment in the middle of the night, not the safest thing in the world to do. so much of that operation will take place in the morning. in terms of any further updates,
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we would anticipate for the moment that we will probably provide an update somewhere in the 11:00 a.m. time frame. there will be no other updates tonight. we have no other information. and you all will do what you do. there's nothing else for us to report or to give you, nothing else really to see. we're anticipating probably 11:00 a.m. update based on any other information that we accumulate overnight. i'll try to answer any questions that you have. again, you know this is preliminary. and some things i may not be able to answer. >> is everyone accounted for, mayor? >> i cannot say everyone is accounted for at this time. we're still matching up manifest information with transports and all of that. that is a time-sensitive and tedious process that we have to go through. and i'm not in a position to make that kind of declaration at the moment. >> mr. mayor, the wreckage is particularly devastating. i think you said that earlier. >> i did. >> it looks like tin cans.
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is it on a bend? and have you been talking about the possibility that it was clearly going too fast? you wouldn't have cars that damaged, the front car that far away from the other cars -- >> out of everything you said the only thing i can tell you is the one obvious thing and the one known fact. there is a curve. we have no idea what kind of speed we're talking about, what else happened out there. and i'm not going to speculate on it. so there is in fact somewhat of a curve. at a particular location. that's the only thing i can confirm at this point. >> is the curve right here? >> i believe -- yes. it's somewhat behind us yes. somewhat of a long curve. >> it will take a lot of patience from the commuters over the next few days. it sounds like it will be shut down for possibly the rest of the week. from what we're hearing. what do you know about -- >> i mean i'm not going to -- i mean amtrak personnel are here. there's no circumstance under which there would be any service through philadelphia on this
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amtrak line for the rest of this week. i mean i'm not an engineer but common sense says i mean you've got cars you've got track, you've got -- i mean, it's completely wiped out. last question? >> can you describe the devastation you saw, governor? >> i just got here. i've not seen the devastation. i'm just relying on the mayor's description and it sounds horrible. >> based on what you heard, can you describe it in human terms? >> it just sounds horrible. the human tragedy, the devastation. i can't imagine. >> governor the response in helping philadelphia your comments on that? >> as i said we stand ready to help in any way we can. we're in support in what the city and amtrak is doing. >> the state has already been tremendous. that's all we have. we'll see you tomorrow. >> thank you. >> governor, thank you. >> all right. so you were just listening to a press conference there. we have the mayor of philadelphia. we also had the governor of
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pennsylvania now touring what is a devastating train wreck. five people confirmed dead. six critical condition right now. 65 people transported to area hospitals as of right now. four hospitals were involved. very overwhelmed at this point. 243 personnel on the train. those people on the train, it was believed five amtrak employees included in that 243 number. this all happened around 9:28 they said. that would be tuesday night. it is now wednesday morning at 1:19 here on the east coast time. you're looking at live video in philadelphia. i believe this is live, if i'm correct. they now have a number of lights up. but they also are using their flashlights. super dark for them to try to figure out if they have everyone out. you heard the mayor say that at
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this point they cannot confirm that everyone has been accounted for. they only can confirm the amount of people that have been sent to the hospital which like i said 65 people transported. six of those in critical condition. and five people dead. you're looking at the front train car there. it appears that the subsequent train cars the second and third possibly being that mangled mess of metal that you can see. if they pan up a little bit, you can see right there behind, just a bunch of metal. really really sad. trying to figure out what happened. there are witnesses on the train that say -- there are several different accounts actually of what people say they heard, saw, smelled. one heard a loud boom. another one said that they also -- it was right when they were trying to go through a curve, and that's when the train decelerated. once this car passes by here you can see a group of people walking. that is the governor that we just heard from. he's there just to lend a hand. and tour the area.
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and see exactly what they need to do to decide what happened. six overturned trains at this point that they are talking about. there are about 200 officers on the scene. as well as several personnel, emergency personnel, firefighters as well. this is a story that fox news has covered from the very beginning. we'll continue to follow it throughout the night, as we try to figure out exactly what caused this amtrak train to derail. if you believe that you had a family member on the amtrak train 188, out of northeast regional there is a number please write this down. it's 1-800-523-9101. once again, that number 1-800-523-9101. you can get information if you believe you had a loved one on that train and their possible condition right now. the mayor saying that they don't have everyone accounted for.
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were just as simple? thanks to angie's list now it is. start shopping online... ...from a list of top rated providers. visit today. welcome back to "hannity." the hypocrisy in hollywood tonight. a historic drought is forcing california to drastically cut residents' water use, but a-listers who champion environmental causes they don't seem to care. new photos taken for the "new york post," barbra streisand and others are literally going green, using a lot of water to keep their lawns and gardens pristine while the state is running out of war. streisand is now allegedly saying she's going to cut way back on her water use. that's only after she got busted. here with reaction senior fellow chris warner and eco
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entrepreneur whatever that is howard gould is with us. good to see you guys. let's go through the "new york post" and the "daily mail." let's start with barbra streisand. yes, the big liberal herself, the palatial estate with all the green and the lawns and everything else every neighbor nearby by the way, happens to have browned-out lawns. then we've got the home of oh jennifer lopez. j. lo. look at that. you can see how dark some of the lawns adjacent to her property is. of course lush, green, beautiful lawns there. and we've got, let's see, photos of hugh hefner. the "playboy" mansion, that's where he lives, in his bathrobe. we've got the home of jessica simpson. and you can see there again, to the left you see, oh beautiful browned-out lawns of her neighbors. and then of course we have the home of julia roberts. and then we've got jennifer
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aniston. same picture, same scenario. will you just admit this is hypocritical? >> sure. you think it's hypocritical i wouldn't say those were a-listers that were leading the charge on climate change or going green by any stretch. i don't think that you know i'm sorry, i don't think j. lo is the forefront voice for this. but i 100% agree. >> if they had a louder voice, they would be a bigger hypocrite. >> i don't know -- >> two of the most prominent names. let's go to al gore. al gore he's the poster child of the environment. you see that video that? we caught him getting off his gulf stream jet, him and his wife by the way, into a waiting car, limousine, gas guzzler. and al gore and his wife took that from tennessee to san francisco. a private jet. does that make him an environmental hypocrite?
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>> i don't think so. he's a former vice president of the united states. >> he can't get on a commercial airline like the rest of us little people? >> well us little people are not the former vice president of the united states. >> he's complaining about people who drive around in caravans et cetera. let's put up on the screen jake tapper wrote an article in 2011 about the electrical uses at al gore's house. charged monday that the gas, electric bill for the 20-room home devoured 221,000 kilowatt hours in 2006. more than 20 times the national average. is that hypocritical? >> potentially. >> potentially? >> because of his actions, does that mean what he's saying he should hold no -- it should hold no water? >> i don't believe in global warming. i think it's a hoax. that's why you have all of these scientists fixixing the data because of that.
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i want to bring in chris warner. >> we've already been through this. >> it's so obviously hypocritical. but go ahead. >> they find themselves on the wrong side of the so-called moral issue. yes, there are vocal scolds about it. barbra streisand has an air conditioned barn for her memorabilia, she spent so much time scolding the rest of us of how the power needs to impose her values on us that apparently she doesn't really hold. they are leading folks scolds. julia roberts on the vanity fair green eco -- whatever edition, because she's such a scold on this edition. yes, it matters. they say we need the state to impose their values and they don't believe them. howard once said it is different for them. because al gore is spreading an important message, so he can completely contradict what he says because it's so
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important -- >> no no -- >> you're insinuating it's a hundred times more affordable. >> wait a minute. is all this talk how it's hurting the environment, and then al gore didn't he have an offset company? let's say you're married, you have a girlfriend and you cheat on your girlfriend and you give her a diamond ring isn't that the same as saying i can fly around in my private jet and hang out and water my lawn? >> it was a republican idea which was designed for not -- >> cap and trade. >> for nitrous oxide and sulfur oxide. >> the question is do you support the idea of -- >> hypocrisy comes in that we solve the ozone issue with that -- now all of a sudden republicans say, we can't do the same thing that -- >> you can't just be -- here's what's missing in your argument. these people are all obviously hypocrites hypocrites. you defend them.
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>> i don't think -- >> al gore is hypocritical. >> i think that al gore -- >> is a hypocrite. >> i'm not going to say he's a hypocrite ornot. he was a vice president of the united states. >> leonardo dicaprio, let's listen to him warning about the environment at the u.n. >> the time to answer humankinds greatest challenge is now. we beg of you to face it with courage, and honesty. this body perhaps more than any other gathering in human history, now faces this difficult but achievable task. you can make history, or you will be vilified by it. to be clear, this is not about just telling people to change their light bulbs, or to buy a hybrid car. this disaster has grown beyond the choices that individuals make. this is now about our industries and our governments around the world taking divisive
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large-scale action. >> all right. we can go to the 2014 climate change march, he holds a sign up that says 100% for the planet. now, is he a hypocrite? because he rented a huge big private jet that has long-distance capability and he wanted to celebrate new year's not once but twice. so he went from australia, to vegas, in his private jet with all of his friends and all his model girlfriends, does that make him a hypocrite? >> i don't know whether what you would qualify as being a hypocrite there. >> whoa whoa he's not the vice president. is he a hypocrite lecturing everybody about -- >> maybe he's offsetting who knows. >> offsetting? >> the facts are -- >> you cheat on your wife buy her a diamond ring problem solved. >> when you start talking about it isn't it hypocritical that a republican idea for creating --
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>> but you're changing the subject again. >> you shouldn't be given this platform to espouse the demands that they clearly don't believe. jennifer aniston said she saved water by brushing her teeth in the shower. why not save water by taking a shower in the sprinkler. indulgence is another thing. >> these people are living a life that they would impose a life on us that they would never accept for themselves. that makes them hypocrites. >> exactly. thank you both. tom brady slapped with a four-game suspension by the nfl. but the patriots star quarterback is going to appeal this punishment. coming up next former nfl players, and much more. free speech they won't back down. a dutch politician joins me in the studio to talk about his plan. he is staging a new muhammad
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tom brady is fighting back against the nfl tonight after the league suspended him for four games for deflategate. his agent announced the quarterback will appeal the nfl's decision. it reads in part quote, the discipline is ridiculous and has no legitimate basis, no evidence that tom directed footballs be set at pressures below the allowable limits. we will appeal. and i'm very confident the wells report will be exposed as an incredibly frail exercise in fact-finding and logic. here now with reaction former nfl player with the giants tiki barber author of scoring in the red zone, and spencer tillman. i've got the super bowl right, spencer. and you were right here.
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when they said more than probable more than probable it's unlikely i read that wells report saying no we don't have enough to get there. but i was wrong. you were right. >> well listen, ultimately at the end of the day, coming off the year the nfl had, you had to do something significant. that had nothing to do with the transgression here on the part of tom brady. let's put a little political pa tina on the discussion here. remember when harry reid accused mitt romney of not paying taxes for nearly ten years? he actually boasted about that. he boasted about it and he got away with it. well if tom brady were passing legislation instead of passing footballs, he would have got away scott clean as well. but he didn't. he was guilty then and he will be guilty after the appeals. people will try to compare it to ray rice and adrian peterson.
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both those guys ultimately wind up suspended, and playing on the bench for the most part. >> is it maybe an overreaction because of rice and peterson? >> not at all. >> it is. >> kiki? >> spencer, i think it is an overreaction. i think there's a rule that a lot of people didn't even know about, and the procedures that went into measuring the football. you have to question all those things. i think the biggest take that i get out of this is that there are more questions than there are answers. and i understand that tom brady may be influenced the deflation of the football a little bit. this is harsh. it's not only harsh for tom brady, but it's harsh for the patriots for a rule they don't really know how they enforced it. >> i think the -- he said a lot of great things there. i have a lot of great respect for tiki. he protected quarterbacks back there as a blocker as well. >> he's protecting them now as well is that what you're suggesting spencer?
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>> no i'm basically saying this tom brady knew exactly what he did. one of the things tiki just alluded to he is the curator of the biggest mystery right now. and that is the fact that he is the one that's not responsible enough to give the records away so they can make a legitimate assessment as to what took place. if he did that the biggest question that tiki alluded to would be answered right now. let's see the phone records and then dispel all of this. >> tiki i read the report and they used a lot of legal terms, it's unlikely they would act -- >> i read this as maybe. 108 days for maybe. yes, he didn't cooperate. essentially tom brady is not cooperating. >> but if you read the wells report, i have little doubt he did this. they just couldn't prove it to 100%. i do think the penalty is a little harsh. >> there's so many questions. see, i understand what roger goodell had to do.
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more specifically i understand what troy vincent had to do in this case. the nfl is trying to uphold the integrity. there are also things in the wells report that indicate that the colts in the nfl were kind of setting up the new eng lant patriots. so to protect the integrity, you'll undermine the integrity -- >> but if they weren't flaunting the rules a little bit, you can't set them up. >> listen i look at it this way. tom brady's in the business of earning coverages every single sunday and very few out there do it better than he does over the 15 years he's been a new eng lant patriot. but ultimately he misread this situation. he should have known what he was doing was wrong. the fact that he didn't spend enough time with any of the two assistant trainers or assistant managers prior to this that speaks volumes. 72-hour period you've got, what eight phone contacts. then 15 texts in a period of time when there was no contact in the previous six games.
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>> i think the penalty gets reduced. probably two games. you don't think so, spencer? >> no. >> again, i was wrong to you on this. >> but you got me on the super bowl. you got me on that one. you nailed me. governor jeb bush earlier today on my radio show clarified comments about the iraq war. but first, defenders of free speech refusing to back down after refusing to provoke islamists over a cartoon in texas. a dutch politician will be here next and explain how he's now planning to actually have another cartoon contest to show he's not backing down. that's straight ahead.
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welcome back to "hannity." champions of free speech here in america and around the world are refusing to back down after being accused of provoking radical islamists for attacking the cartoon contest held in texas two weeks ago. a speaker is now doubling down on his efforts and plans to stage a muhammad cartoon expo in the dutch parliament. joining me is the man trying to
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organize that dutch politician geert wilders is here with us. good to see you again. >> good to see you, sean. >> i read anti-islam politician. are you anti-islam? >> i'm not certainly not anti-muslim. i believe islam is a threat to our civil lagsizationcivilization. islam really is a threat to our freedom. >> this all started with a danish cartoon event. >> right. >> why is it that people get so offended over a cartoon? why is this happening? >> you know because for more than 1 billion muslims, 1.5 billion muslims in the world, muhammad is a kind of role model. he's an example. and that's why -- and every time somebody depicts or mocks muhammad muslims get angry. this is part of the problem, you
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know? >> the koran is a part of the problem, the life of muhammad extremely controversial, and the age of his wife and he's a controversial figure. >> he's certainly not a role model to many muslims. he was in fact a terrorist, a warmonger, he beheaded jewish tribes. he was one of the guys who participated in it. i believe if muhammad would be alive today, he would be tried, and he would be found guilty of terrorism. he was not a guy besides being a pedophile, that should be an example for so many muslims in the world. >> why do you think so few people are willing to say what you just said and what has happened because you say these things? >> well because if you talk the truth about islam, if you talk the truth about the life of muhammad you will get suit you will be taken to court, you will get death threats, people will call you a bigot.
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>> you've been sued over this? >> i've been sued over this yes. i've been taken to a criminal court. in my own country. just for speaking the truth. >> do you have speech laws or hate speech laws? >> you know in my -- in the city where i live the hague, where the parliament is suited in the hague, there were isis waving black flags and swastikas shouting death to the jews. and they were left alone by the mayor, and left alone by the police. it's an ideology of hate. our own identity our culture based on christianity and judaism is different than the islamic culture. >> you keep reading about the rise of anti-semitism. how bad is it? >> it's very bad.
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we saw an enormous growth of the anti-semitism as well. let me tell you, sean -- >> it's not happening simultaneously. >> it's happening almost simultaneously. >> bill maher, you know he has called out those, that -- in this country, after the contest two weekends ago, there was all the criticism against the person having a cartoon contest, not the people that would kill over a cartoon. this is what he said. >> this is america. do we not have the right to draw whatever we want? this assumes we just have to accept that muslims are unable to control themselves the way we would ask everyone else in the world. to me that's bigotry. that's the soft bigotry of low expectation. >> i think that's well said that we have to accept that muslims can't control themselves over cartoon. that's absurd.
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>> and that's why i believe we should not be intimidated. if our reactions to this terrorist attack in garland, texas, i was there, i was present there, i spoke there, if our reaction is that we should not make more cartoons that terrorists will win. we have to give them a signal that terrorism does not win. we will not be intimidated. that's why i presented this contest in the dutch parliament. i want the dutch parliament to expose exactly the same exhibit, not to provoke but to show the terrorists if you make an attack we will give you ten times more cartoons of muhammad. >> you're willing to die for this? >> i would rather not, but if i have to i will. >> that's a fair answer. thank you for being with us. >> thank you. >> coming up next tonight, here on "hannity" -- >> i was talking about given what people knew then would you have done it rather than knowing what we know now, and knowing what we know now, you know clearly there were mistakes as it related to faulty intelligence. >> former governor jeb bush was
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back in 2003 earlier today he was a guest on my radio program. he clarified those remarks. take a listen. >> i was talking about given what people knew then would you have done it. rather than knowing what we know now. and knowing what we know now, you know clearly there were mistakes as it related to faulty intelligence. the leadup to the war and lack of focus on security. my brother's admitted this. and we had to learn from that. but the simple fact is that in the last few years of my brother's presidency the surge was quite effective to bring stability and security to iraq which was in the early days of the united states engagement there. and that security has been totally obliterated by the president's pulling out too early. now these voids are filled by this barbaric asymmetric threat.
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>> election coverage for 2016 right here. that's all the time we have left this evening. we want to make sure you set your dvr, never miss an episode, 10:00 eastern here on fox. we hope you have a great night. tonight tom brady fighting back the super bowl winning quarterback vowing to appeal four game suspension. he has allies. calling the deflate-gate punishment ridiculous with no legitimate basis. and late yesterday the nfl announcing the punishment for the patriots who improperly deflated. penalizing the patriots $1 million and docking the team two draft picks. you are about to it hear from brett favre brits writer at the "boston globe." ben, what's your thoughts on the punishment and how is boston receiving it? >> boston is not receiving this well today. the entire region has gone ballistic over these
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