tv Hannity FOX News May 14, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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secondly i got some helpful add visz of a man named charles, some advise do not ask for phone numbers to call for bedtime stories of kilmeade. good point. see you tomorrow night. we have a packed show. 9:00 p.m. and this is a fox news alert. a major scandal developing tonight surrounding abc news chief anchor george stephanopoulos forced to apologize today over a huge conflict of interest after it was revealed that he donated $75,000 to the clinton foundation from 2012 to 2014. the embattled anchor released a statement saying in part quote, i thought my contributions were a matter of public record. however, in hindsight, i should have taken the extra step of personally disclosing my donations to my employer and the viewers on air. i apologize. gee, george you think?
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now what makes this worse just a few weeks ago he was grilling clinton cash author peter schweitzer over findings in the book about the potential wrongdoing from the clinton foundation. watch this. >> this is a direct breach of an agreement they signed with the white house. >> that is an issue for them but it's not a criminal -- it's nothing for a criminal investigation. this deal approved by a board of the government that's chaired by the secretary of treasury. >> correct. >> not the secretary of state. >> right. >> eight other agencies on board. secretary of state, homeland security commerce defense. >> right. >> signed 5u6 on it. and even though it's one of nine agencies to sign off over it that's no evidence that hillary clinton got directly involved in this decision. the secretary of state on the committee said she never intervened on any issue at all. >> i think that deserves further scrutiny. >> based on what? >> i think based on her track record. >> do you have any evidence she intervened in this issue? >> a're confirming what i
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reported. people can look at the fact -- >> they haven't confirmed any evidence of any crime. >> did abc really investigate? did stephanopoulos coordinate with the clintons? earlier today he said he'll not host the abc republican presidential debate in new hampshire. here with reaction the reporter who broke this story, andrew styles is with us. and let's go over some of the history here with clinton and stephanopoulos and the clin tonies and him talking about hillary and schweitzer's book. >> it's pretty clear if she decides to run based on what we know for at least a while she would be the front-runner. >>. this is a tough one. he even say there is's no evidence of any direct action taken on behalf of the donors. democrats said this is indication of your partisan reaction. how do you respond to that? >> andrew the most experienced person ever to run for
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president. he's such a hack. i mean how could he possibly have not known that he should reveal this? do you believe that? >> yeah i don't know. it's certainly questionable that he seems to have forgotten about it and is just coming forward now. the thing about george stephanopoulos is that i mean most people who cover politics closely and follow it and people in d.c. everyone knows his connection to the clintons that he was an operative and aren't surprised he made a little donation or you know $75,000 donation. >> a lot of money. >> i don't know if most abc news viewers or "good morning america" viewers really know that are really following the careers of political operatives as closely as political reporters. >> andrew thank you. joining me now is the man that george stephanopoulos went after. he's the author of "clinton cash" now a "the new york times" best sellering. "new york times," "washington post," did investigations based on the foundation of your book. they had hard-hitting pieces.
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he didn't take them on. he didn't disclose this. here's my questions for you. do you believe abc news really did an investigation? or do you think that george stephanopoulos coordinated with the clinton campaign here? >> well first of all, i know that the investigative unit of abc news has done reporting on the book and they have substantiated what i found in the book. and i would encourage people to look at the reporting by brian ross and matt mosque on this. it's speeches in haiti. >> wait a minute. do you suspect then that george stephanopoulos referring, saying abc news is concluded this do you think he was basically relying on his relationship with the clintons to say that? >> i don't know what he meant when he said that. i mean that would be a great question to ask him. what did he mean when he said that abc news looked into it. i don't know what he's referring to there. i think as to the -- >> go ahead. >> well i said as far as coordination is concerned, i
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mean you have the fact that he's a donor, the fact now it's coming out that he's participated in clinton global initiative events as a panelist a speaker multiple times and raises the question of the coziness. you have the finances. you have got these meetings he's attending. how you can expect to be objective is highly question nbl that environment. >> i watched that interview and i went on tv and radio the next day and said this was a set-up interview. he was like the special pleader and advocate. i said once a liberal clinton hack always a liberal clinton hack. we went back and we found some video footage of some of the history when he was in the war room. this is from a documentary and i think this reminds people how close they have been for decades. watch this. >> governor clinton has a character problem but i take it that your line -- >> he has no character problem. bill clinton's passed character
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tests throughout his life and this campaign. >> all politics. >> convinced it won't work again? >> we'll hit them back. >> another good night for bill clinton. >> it is completely [ bleep ]. if you went on the radio and said that bill clinton is the father of ill legitimate black child you would be laughed at. people would think you're crazy. i guarantee you if you do this -- you'll never work in democratic politics again. very proud to have done this. i'm just happy as i can be and so proud. governor i mean it is looking like close to 400. we ought to be the -- i mean, happiest man in the world. i just got to tell you, i mean i just appreciate this so much. this was the best thing i ever did. >> what is your reaction and now what do you want from abc? what would you like them to do? they said they won't reprimand him. >> i think what abc could do is let's do another interview ron the sunday morning show to talk
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about the contents of the book. so we actually get a chance for viewers to hear what is in the book. that's the first thing that i would ask. you know looking at stephanopoulos' past i mean the question to me is really going into that interview, i kind of assumed that the relationship with the clintons was in the past. that he had made the transition into the media and it was a different chapter in his life. these donations, the fact that he's going to these events, i mean, it just raises all kinds of questions like that and legitimate for people to look into them. if this was any other political kand did it and a reporter doing this you can bet there's serious consequences for it. >> do you think this is worse than brian williams exaggerating on some of his stories, do you think this is a bigger ethical issue? >> i think this is an issue that kind of goads to the issue of trust in the media. you know? if you're embellishing stories, that's a trust issue. but this is a very very important one because you're talking about interviewing an author who's written a book that
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is critical and raises lots of questions about the clinton foundation. you are giving money to them and you don't expose that and plain that to the public. the argument he thought it was public and people know about it is ridiculous. >> that's absurd. >> it's public i was a speechwriter for george bush for three months and mentioned it and rightfully so and he doesn't disclose his conflict. doesn't make any sense. >> all right. peter, thank you. and my next guest for years is raising questions about george stephanopoulos. joining us now "taking a stand." 2016 presidential candidate kentucky senator rand paul. i mean you don't think it's an innocent mistake, once a clinton crony hack always one? he didn't think to disclose this. i don't buy it for one minute. you've been saying this now for sometime. >> i had first watching the 2012 presidential debates. you remember that came to romney
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with this long question about griz griswold case and it was really about the right to privacy and birth control. but this debate wept on on a somewhat technical legal point for three or four minutes and i'm like i never heard of anybody to ban birth control in the modern era. and lo and behold it became a big campaign theme later on for the democrats. and then the stories that stephanopoulos every day still communicated with rahm emanuel and carville and people at the white house. and i thought it very unusual that people thought that he could be an independent or objective moderator when he had such close ties for decades to the clintons and, you know that somehow he was going to all of a sudden become able to judge things independently without bias. but the latest revelations of giving money to the clinton foundation the question is is that a payment for access? and i don't know that it is. i think he probably would have gotten access to the clintons
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anyway but it doesn't look right and so i'm glad the fact that they're -- abc is saying he won't participate in the debates. >> it's deeper than that. i mean because he's the face of their sunday public affairs program. the idea that he says, oh, i thought this was already out there. that's not believable. there's not one person this knew he donated to the clinton foundation as he's berating peter schweitzer over the book and there's no proof here. that seems to me like a coordinated interview. and what you're suggesting about 2012 and i agree with you, i want to know if there was coordination with democrats to hurt romney. that question came out of nowhere. >> we also live if an era hearing routinely on the news that this is my opinion. but i also have given money to the clinton foundation. he could have said that. and that would have at least explained particularly see, this isn't just a random occurrence. he is interviewing the guy
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exposing the clinton foundation and then not revealing that he's a donor to the clinton foundation. there's a direct conflict of interest there and i think really a breach of journalistic etiquette. i don't know what's in stephanopoulos' heart, what he believes or try to be objective. it is impossible. you know? i have grown up a partisan. i don't think i'm going to get the sunday morning show as a nonpartisan ever because my whole life has been spent as man that believes in a certain point of view toward limited government. >> should any republican go on that program, go on any of his shows? should they bother? i kind of view him as a clinton apoll gist still one and always been one. >> for a year or so we haven't gone on particularly since it's looked like a contest where i may bah in the contest against hillary clinton. we have made the decision that he's too close to the clintons to really give an objective interview. and i don't mean that to be mean. it just is what it is. i would say the same for myself. i don't think i could separate myself and be an objective.
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i could be an opinion maker on tv but i couldn't be someone who is seen as an objective, you know nonpart shl journalist and difficult because he spent so many years inside the clinton operation and also now appears to be within the consortium that's clinton, inc. >> well said. >> candy crowly hurt in 2012. senator, good to see you. thank you. you were ahead of the curve on this. >> thank you. coming up more on the steph nop louse scandal. should republican candidates do any interviews with abc news and the top anchor? checking in with the rnc chairman here with reaction along with utah senator and then the mainstream media is baetding up jeb bush over his iraq war comments but yet hillary clinton getting a free pass as usual even thoughh she's the one that voted for the war. dan savage is apparently getting a sitcom on abc. we'll show you examples of why the network may want to
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welcome back. abc news's top anchor george stephanopoulos after fire for failing to disclose he donating $75,000 to the clinton foundation. he is a well-known clinton hack and has been for years. you may remember this "time" magazine cover from 1994, stephanopoulos over bill clinton's shoulder in the oval office. here with reaction to rnc cham reince preibus. my question to answer is he kud
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nating with the democratic party, coordinating out of the blue question he asked mitt romney in 2012 did he coordinate with the clintons before this interview? i suspect he probably did. i don't know if i'd believe his answer either way. what are your thoughts? >> well i mean this is the issue of why we have been tackling the debates and who's questioning our candidates the entire time. i want to make sure you know and the listeners know that you know this issue today is troubling and it's an issue and people will talk about it. but in my mind, and i've been very public about this. george stephanopoulos was never going to moderate a republican debate anyway. >> you told that to abc? >> i've said it to everybody. and so i didn't need today to figure out that i wasn't going to have a key employee of the clintons who's going to be the nominee -- >> wait a minute. so he made such a big deal about, oh i won't be covering the debates but he was never covering the debates anyway
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you're saying? >> i've made it very clear and made public statements about this. that the issue for me even more so than the donation was the fact that he worked for bill and hillary clinton. how can i as chairman of the national party have the former employee of the clintons who's running on the other side be the person on the stage deposing our candidate? so for me this is just -- you know it's an issue. it's something people will talk about but this was a done deal. >> all right. >> as far as i was concerned. >> as candy crowly hurt mitt romney last time. i would argue stephanopoulos did the bidding of that question that became the phony war on women. do you suspect he's coordinating with the democrats and clintons for a long time and getting away with it and abc is letting him because that's what i suspect? >> you know i don't know sean. but clearly, you know the last you know the interview he did with the author of the book on
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clinton cash and the fact that he didn't disclose the fact that he had given $75,000 to the foundation rises to those types of questions so these questions are not out of the question. >> last question. are you going to let -- these guys at nbc news or any other known liberals are you going to draw a line in the sand and say, you know what any'm not putting our candidates before people that we know have a bias? are you going to make that decision? >> i've said that already. that you know people that number one, could give a rip about our party ought not be the people moderating our debates. but, you know this is why we have to take control of these debates, sean. this is why we did it. and this is also another opportunity for us to tell everyone that we're going to be watching the coverage out there. and we're going to hold the media accountable to their coverage on hillary clinton. >> all right. what coverage? she's -- >> right. >> she is in hiding. nobody knows where she is.
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earlier, a staffer for mike lee said he won't appear on abc news until stephanopoulos recuses himself. joining us is senator mike lee. it appears that you know made the statement he's not a part of the debate coverage but that's not enough for you. >> well, it's certainly not enough for members of my staff given me this advice. look the fact is that we have the wealthy and the well connected who are controlling the dialogue. and here you have george stephanopoulos. i want to make clear. i think he's interesting to watch and enjoyed interviews with him in the past and professional in many ways but the fact is sean he got his start with didthe clintons in a prominent way. in fact also is that he has donated to the clinton foundation $25,000 an each year for three years in a row and then finally he caps it off interviewing peter schweitzer the author of "clinton cash" and going after him really quite aggressively and notwithstanding the fact he's openly a clinton
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partisan. he'some who helped the clinton foundation. he is not in a position of being a neutral arbitrator of the facts and so i do think this is a concern. and i do think that he shouldn't be presenting himself to the world as a neutral arbitor of the fact in the election cycle for 2016. >> he was acting like an advocate a special pleader for the clintons in this interview. the idea of saying it was an honest mistake. i don't believe that. i think he thought he'd get away with it. and didn't disclose it. and i think abc news is going to take a credibility hit like a lot of mainstream media. i don't know if this is worse or brian williams you know exaggerating some of the experiences he's had. this goes to the credibility of a news organization. is there an abc news investigation that found nothing in the book and "the new york times" did and "the washington post" in fact did? and other mainstream media did?
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i don't believe that ever happened. i think he knew abc news in the middle of this. your thoughts on that? >> yeah. i think it has a potential to call into question abc's ability to be objective. look the thought that kept coming to my mind watching that interview between george stephanopoulos and peter switser is cross-examination. it was an aggressive rigorous cross-examination. not by someone trying to get to the truth but by someone trying to shoot down everything he could and repeatedly referred to the political connections. turning a complete blind eye to the fact that he himself mr. stephanopoulos has political connections to the clintons that run very far and very deep. he never once referred to them nor did he acknowledge until very recently he donated $75,000 to the clinton foundation. >> this was my gut. i can't prove it unless he wants to preveal text messages phone records, i don't think that's going to happen.
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i felt this was coordinated and doing this because after the interview, it was that interview bill clinton using to defend himself from the charges here. did you feel it was coordinated? >> i think it certainly could have been. and i know people who after watching it said you know it looks like to me like he took the talking points from the clinton campaign and used those. i can't prove that's what happened but it's consistent with what could have happened and the fact that he has this background with the clintons donated to the clinton campaign and didn't disclose it all certainly adds suspicion to this. but it's all the more reason why he ought to stay out perhaps of covering the 2016 presidential election cycle. >> i think maybe covering politics. i don't think he's an innocent bystander, objective broker. all right. good to see you. thank you for being with us. >> thank you. coming up next right here -- >> saddam hussein has worked to
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rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock. his missile delivery capability and his nuclear program. >> mainstream media is obsessed of atagging jeb bush over the iraq war comments but hillary clinton is the one that voted for it. we have got the proof. will the media ever hold her accountable? we'll check in next with reaction. later tonight, hate spewing left wing activist dan savage apparently getting a sitcom on abc despite his history of attacking christians and others. tonight the double standard. that and more. .. ...heartburn. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and are proven to taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm... amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews.
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>> test >> test >> test >> test >> test >> test >> test >> test >> test >> test >> test >> test >> test up many in the mainstream media quick to bash potential candidates like jep bush for his answer to a question about the war in iraq. won't surprise you is that at the same time the mainstream media's ignoring hillary
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clinton's position or should i say positions regarding the iraq war over the years? for example, in 2002 hillary clinton strongly supported and voted to authorize american operations in iraq. you may remember this. >> intelligence reports show that saddam hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapon stock, his missile delivery capability and his nuclear program. he has also given aide comfort and sanctuary to terrorists including al qaeda members. if left unchecked, saddam hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons. >> wage biological chemical warfare and try to continue his program to get a nuclear weapon. in 2007 when the going get tough, hillary clinton, she wanted out of iraq and moreover nothing to do with the surge.
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watch this. >> i do not think that the strategy has a very high level of success at all attached to it in this . in fact i think it's a holding pattern. i support a cap on american troops and support the beginning of a fazed deployment out of the baghdad and out of iraq completely eventually. >> finger in the air. which way is the wind blowing? the surge worked. in 2011 while she was secretary of state, clinton fully supported president obama's total withdrawal from iraq leaving no residual force by the way and opened the door for isis. listen to this. >> recent success in iraq without residual force, is there not a legitimate prospect of civil war which many people fear? >> well honestly i think that they should have raised those issues when president bush agreed to the agreement to withdraw troops by the end of this year. now, are the iraqis all going to get along with each other for the foreseeable future?
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let's find out. >> here now with reaction is contributor joe trippy and pollster doug shown. so she puts a finger in the air. changes the position. sounds like george bush. she voted for way. >> she has the good judgment not to do what jeb bush did to talk about the iraq war. there are no votes in it. unopposed and joe would agree with me and you, too. the smartest thing to do is -- >> hide. >> hide. absolutely. >> hiding and that's the best strategy. >> it is. don't talk to the american people. don't -- so in other words, have phony quote spontaneous meetings in coffee shops with democratic hacks that are driven there by your people and then don't answer any questions ever. >> this is a p political campaign. you only answer what is in your interest to answer sean. it's that simple. >> don't talk to the american people. don't have real dialogue. go into hiding.
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spontaneous phony discussions with hacks and never have to answer questions. will she get away with that? >> well sean look. first of all, she was held accountable for a lot of statements. >> held accountable for what? most people -- nobody shows up but me. >> sean can i please just get a complete sentence out before you interpret me? >> i'll give you twochlt i'm terrible. >> she lost an election for president in 2008 primarily, one of the reasons she lost that primary to barack obama who opposed the war in iraq was because of her 2002 speech and her support for the war. she since has said that that vote was a mistake. and has made that very clear. the reason jeb bush is in the situation he's in is because it's a self-inflicted wound. he could have answered the question better and she could have answered better on the e-mails and some of them are
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self inflicted to be asked about. >> eight questions and the shortest press conference i have ever seen in my life. and never to ask another question again. the media's taken note and "the new york times." even "the washington post." all the other presidential candidates are answering questions. she is in hiding. what happened to ben zazi and the clinton foundation? why take money from saudi arabia when she is a women's right advocate. are those good questions, joe? >> they'll be answered over the next 16 17 18 months getting closer to the election. she doesn't need -- carlie fiorini needs the press right now. she needs every ounce of ink and every second on television and most of the other candidates. they're not well-known. they're not defined negatively or fairly. >> she has much to answer for as her. >> sean this is politics. joe and i run campaigns. we tend to try to win rather
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than lose. we're not here to try to please sean hannity or any other tv host. we're here to win. >> not tv hosts but also saying when you say that you don't give a damn about what the american people learn. >> they have every right to vote against hillary clinton or anyone they want. >> you want to play prevent defense. you want to put her in hiding. >> only ahead and you think you can win. >> you think that's what she is. >> i know it. i've worked with the clintons. i know their style. i know their approach and advisers. it is the right strategy. >> does he get the not answering a server clean? >> she will hope to not answer that question. >> i got to be honest. journalism's dead. obama asked one time because of my prodding about bill ayers and he hangs out with radicals. >> hillary clinton's argument for not answering. you are. >> the media kissing their ass. >> may well be but why she
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should she inflict in self inflicted wounds of jeb bush? >> listen. the sad thing is she starts out with 47% of the vote. that's it. >> right. >> and it's pretty darn tough to go below that or to get much past 52%. >> you're dreaming. i think she loses this election. what do you think, joe? >> oh oh sean. you're so -- i'm telling you. so wrong about that. this is going or the very tough election for the republicans to win. doesn't mean they can't. >> history proves you're wrong and i'm right. things are so bad. >> wouldn't you agree the republicans have done a great job seizing the defeat of the jaws of victory? >> i remember having a similar conversation with you, sean 2012 about barack obama's chances of winning, as well. >> listen. i thought it was easier then. i think they have a very hard time this time and the slate of
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candidates is far stronger than you think and interesting to see what happens and if i'm a democrat i'm coming up with plan "b" because i think hillary's got a lot of problems and she is a flawed candidate who doesn't have any of the upside her husband has. no political skills of her husband. >> those are the reasons, sean if you're right, not sure you are, but if you are right, why she shouldn't face the press now or until she has to. >> true. she'll say the hidden candidate. hiding. in phony made-up photo-opes. all right. thank you, guys. >> thank you. abc making a big statement and mistake giving a liberal hate monger dave savage a sitcom? and later tonight -- >> that's a tough situation. finding herself in these awkward positions where things she said don't match up with the actions. >> this is priceless. they're shocked to learn she paid female staffers less than
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welcome back. abc has ordered a new television pilot titled "the real o'neills" that started out as an account based on the life of extremely controversial anti-christian bigot far left political activist dan savage and evolved and he is still involved with the show as executive producer. the sitcom's supposed to center around a seemingly perfect catholic family that confronts truths when one of the sons comes out as gay. several high profile christian groups and leaders have called for abc to immediately pull the plug on savage's new show and hannity producers did reach out to abc for a comment. they have not heard back. joining me brent bozel leading the charge to get the new show
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canceled. start with the guy's history to give background. here's savage in two examples on realtime with bill maher. >> i am just done being lectured about children and their safety by catholic [ bleep ] bishops, priests, cardinals. >> that's it republicans. there you go fox news for the blog this is week. you are like arafat. >> no, but -- >> unfortunately, not exactly like him. i wish they were all [ bleep ] dead. >> he also said the following, in case you missed it how did hating on gay people and discriminating against us become so central to christian belief? and then he said the following, because if there was one thing js really blanking hated, you know it was tomboys good thing that the woman was well all gender normative and otherwise js would have cast the first
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stone for sure. look. this just tells me more than anything brent, that abc still out of touch. that i don't see any success for this show. they can go forward with it. if they want to hire bigots to produce tv shows i guess it's their business. i don't see how well it's going to do. what are your thoughts? >> first of all, this isn't the first anti-catholic show abc did. they did one and bombed. there was no market for it. this show this man's claim to fame is -- look how much trouble you had producing those comments of his because you have to bleep out everything he says. you know he said about rick santorum he wished he was -- he wanted eded eded to f the f out of him. and ben carson he wanted to perform oral sex on him. he said comments he wants them dead and now celebrated by the disney corporation.
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you know sean we know of 35,000 petitions that have been sent to the board of abc and of disney. we know of 20,000 postcards, 10,000 phone calls that have been made and what everyone's getting back is the middle finger from the disney corporation. they want this hate-filled bigot on television. >> so this is the new brand of disney mickey mouse? this is what they want to put out there as their top product? you see, i think they miss the boat. they don't understand why "duck dynasty" is successful and fox news. and my attitude is let them waste the millions and fail. i don't go along with boycotts. people boycotts conservatives. they want to shut us down. i bet it's going to fail because it's not the market for it an they're going to continue to waste money. >> sean i do think they know. they i think they know why fox
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succeeds and why phil robertson succeeds. they can't stand you. they can't stand the message coming from fox. they can't stand the message from phil robertson and it's a market economics. if they wanted to do better they would emulate it. notice how they're going in the opposite direction and flaming out. the numbers are cratering and this is why. >> cratering and i got to tell you the universe in television is getting bigger every day and not stuck watching the networks anymore. not for the news and you don't have to watch them for the sitcoms and usually horrible anyway. it will be interesting to watch. >> who, who's sitting in the living room saying i want to watch a show by a bigoted anti-catholic savaging the catholic church? >> i don't know. i don't think the market's very big. all right. brent, thank you. coming up next tonight here on "hannity" -- >> that makes her hypocritical and that makes me less likely to
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vote for her i mean you know what i mean? why are you trying to fight for something but you're not doing it? that makes no sense. >> amazing how some clinton supporters are so uninformed. straight ahead. ♪ ♪ the beautiful sound of customers making the most of their united flight. power, wi-fi and streaming entertainment. that's... seize the journey friendly. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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there is a part of me that says i love hillary, yes, we can. obama. it's like liberals are like zombies they repeat what they hear. why did they vote for someone and know nothing about the candidate? >> why do you believe the washington street banana peel whatever, group that did this search? >> it's true. >> no. it's not true. it's a far right group that took the data and manipulated it.
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>> this is how you get your information? washington free beacon? there is no evidence of this. it's just not true. >> it is true. >> no. it's not. washington free banana peel. >> it's washington free beacon which is a legitimate newspaper. yes. >> women do earn less in america because they choose to. they would rather go to their daughter's piano recital than stay all night at work working on a proposal. so they end up they're less ambitious this is god's way of saying women should be at home with the kids. they're happier there. >> i hope your viewers do not take you, sir, seriously. >> it's called white men earn more. it's about women choosing to put family over work. that is why they earn less. >> having a choice does not mean
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you're less ambitious. your comments are deplorable. sean boy like you to -- you're a father with a daughter. >> if you're a real feminist you would support housewives and see those as the heros and women who work wasting their time. you said women are less ambitious. you have said women are better suited in the home. >> that is a fact. >> you've said women are emotional. and women shouldn't run for public office. these things -- >> i never said women shouldn't run for office. most women are happier at home. they're pretending they like working and they're not making money because they don't stay all night at the office and don't work all weekend. you'd be happier at home with a husband and children. >> oh boy. oh boy.
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>> i'm literally -- >> you don't have a boyfriend. look you're miserable. you would be so much happier with kids around you tonight. imagine coming home. mommy's home. >> gavin you're not funny. you do not do anything for the better -- >> sean, this isn't funny. >> women were much happier when housewives were glorified. >> i have a choice to be married and i choose not to, i have a choice to have kids. >> i think your guest here is doing a disservice to all of the viewers. don't a a disservice to america saying i need to be married and would be happier. you're what? miserably married? >> no. i'm trying to share my joy. you should see my little 2-year-old. >> not everybody wants to marry someone in a bootleg seersucker
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suit. i don't want to go home to that. >> you don't have to go home to me. go home to a hunk. >> jesus. i will speak up for viewers today. >> i think women have a choice. absolutely. >> when we come back our question of the day is still ahead and i'm sure this will continue. introducing the new can-am spyder f3. with a cruising riding position and the most advanced vehicle stability system
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don't forget to set your dvrs so you don't miss an episode. we feel badly when you're not there. see you tomorrow. there. >> the o'reilly factor is on. tonight: >> in particular you mentioned a certain network i work for. >> yeah. i hope you didn't take it personally. seemed like you might have though. >> president obama once again lambasting fox news this time over poverty and i your humble correspondent am the centerpiece. tonight we will tell you the truth in an explosive talking points memo. >> obamacare is really i think the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery. >> for saying that a radical left columnist branding dr. carson a republican black mascot. i couldn't tell rage just? we have a report. >> i find it stunning that national football league is more concerned about how much air is in a football than with the
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