tv Hannity FOX News May 19, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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tomorrow on the show dana perino donald trump and michelle malkin who wouldn't want to watch that? in the meantime follow me on twitter, and let me know what you think of governor kasich. thanks for watch inging. tonight the ultimate betrayal of our fallen soldiers. >> mark gave the very best on the battlefield. >> a mother whose son died fighting for ramadi is sickened that the city is controlled by isis. >> reaction from colonel oliver north. hillary clinton did use a second secret e-mail account while at the state department. mark stein is here with reaction. >> i should have played additional disclosures on air as we covers the foundation. >> is george stephanopolous'
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contract preventing him from being punished by abc news. >> in some communities, that sense of unfairness and powerlessness has contributed to dysfunction. >> and obama and jay z bash the country that has given them everything. jeff foxworthy stops by our studios. hannity starts right now. >> the obama administration continues to betray our fallen troops who died fighting in iraq they do nothing while isis continues to capture key cities that they won here's how josh ernest described the situation earlier today. listen to this. >> as with any military effort there will be days of progress, and periodses of set back. again, that's something the president said in october. i think over the course of the last four or five days we've seen all of this. >> would you say overall, the strategy has been a success?
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>> yeah i think overall, yes. are we going to light our hair on fire every time there is a set back? >> light our hair on fire every time there's a setback. this is not the first time the administration has dismissed ramadi's importance. you may remember this. >> the city itself is not symbolic in anyway it's not been declared part of the califate on one hand or central to the future of iraq, but we want to get it back. the issue is not brick and mortar it's about defeating isil. i would much rather that ramadi won't fall but it won't be the end of a campaign should it fall. >> he later took back those comments only after the mother of the first navy seal demanded an apology. joining me now are the mother of that fallen s.e.a.l. the president of america's mighty warriors debbie lee is with us.
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whose son mark made the ultimate sacrifice in ramadi. and a former navy s.e.a.l. is also with us who fought alongside of mark thank you both for being with us. first of all, i'm sorry about the loss of your son. you see that you know first it was tikrit that later got back in the right hands, fallujah mosul, ramadi where your son died. you watch these cities go and then we hear a press secretary, we can't light our hair on fire every time we have a set back. what is your reaction to that? >> you know it -- first they were saying there was no symbolic if it did fall then they watched as the comments from general dempsey, and now that it's falling, they are making up executions. we have blood on that soil my son's blood is on that soil. so many others have sacrificed greatly for that area, and there is it shows that there's things we could be doing differently there. there's tactics that could be employed that we could make a difference over there. and now they're only emblazened to go further and go into baghdad and take that area as
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well. >> miss lee, we played this last night, the president when he pulled out said everything is great, everything's going to be fine. and obviously his strategy is not working. george bush warned everyone about this what happened if we pulled out too early, here was his prediction. >> begin withdrawing before our kbhanders tell us we're ready would be dangerous, for iraq, for the region and for the united states. the means of rendering the future of iraq to al qaeda. it would mean we would be risking mass killings on a horrific scale. it would mean we allow the terrorists to establish a safe haven in iraq to replace the one they lost in afghanistan. it would mean increasing the probability that american troops would have to return at some later date to confront an enemy that is even more dangerous.
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>> all of that has now come true your son lost his life there, what do you want to say to the president that made this decision? do they regret pulling out too early? apparently not, based on what josh ernest said. >> that's one of the things i talked about, and was very vocal about, when they pulled everything out, we needed to leave troops there to stabilize that area they weren't ready yet to take that over by themselves and just like president bush that's what we're going to see, that's what's going to be happening, mark wrote an amazing last letter home. he said it will take longer than most think, but we will get iraq to stand on its own feet. i saw that i went over in 2007 and went back in 2010. i saw the difference our troops had made i saw the successes. and because we didn't leave troops there to stabilize, now it's in the hands of isis and it's gut-wrenching to me to know the sacrifices that have been made there.
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we need to see our commander in chief allow our men and women who are the best military in the world to go in there and do what they do well and stabilize that country and it's unconscionable to me. we heard from president bush who was a real commander in treef, who loved his troops. the man that is serving today, it's unbelievable that he doesn't allow our troops to do and give them policies and rules of engagement that let them be successful over there. >> you were there, you knew debbie lee's son, my question is do -- all these questions about iraq to a republican candidate would be knowing what you know now about the war in iraq would you pull the troops out? i would like hillary and obama to answer that question. what's your reaction to the fall of the city you fought to liberate? >> i was proud to serve mark. he's a great seal teammate and friend he sacrificed his life. we had two other lives.
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so many soldiers and marines that fought bravely in those cities. we won, we won that war, the level of violence was radically lowered. and unfortunately, i think my big issue here is not about numbers of troops that would have been left behind it's about a failure of leadership we have a clear case here of leaders. >> we won the war, but we didn't secure the victory, is that true? >> that's true. >> if we were to have left intelligence and training forces on the ground would that be secured today? >> i don't think so. i think that we have a present and senior commander like general dempsey who are not allowing our troops to go out and fight an evil enemy. as evil an enemy as the u.s. military's pefr faced. we could have prevented ramadi from falling with a couple thousand troops on the ground and support from tanks and now we have all our military equipment. >> we handed them a victory.
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>> thank you for your service, thank you for being with us. debbie lee, i'm sorry about the loss of your son. it's unbelievable the way these events have unfolded. thank you so much. >> thank you. just remember memorial day, and the sacrifices that have been made for our country. >> yes, ma'am. >> while isis continues to seize iraqi cities president obama could not have been more wrong when he said this back in 2011. >> we're leaving behind a sovereign, self-reliant and stable iraq with a government that was elected by its people. we're builds a new partnership between our nations. and we are ending a war not with the final battle but the final march towards home. >> here with reaction is the host of war stories, you just heard from debbie lee, and you heard from leif and his comments they secured ramadi and mosul and fallujah one by
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one they keep falling into the hands of isis. >> the fall of ramadi is a particularly bad disaster it's going to result in a horrific blood bath that's happening right now, at this moment in the middle of the night, isis death squads are killing all the family members of any iraqi soldier or policeman. nearly all of them are sunnis. there are not 25,000 refugees i'm told today it's nearly 40,000 refugees from ramadi and fallujah stacked up on the western approaches to baghdad without food water or protection it's a again side that's going to rival bill clinton's rwanda again side of 1994. the government in baghdad is planning to retake ramadi with iranian equipped shiite militias my source says that isis is planning an attack on a shiite holy city to distract the
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iranian controlled militias from going to ramadi if isis takes karballah, which is southwest of baghdad, they're going to open up a new route direct to baghdad. the obama statement that they're going to help the iraqi government retake ramadi in the days ahead, is an empty promise. they turned and ran from ramadi this week just like they abandoned moos you will and tikrit this summer. >> why are we sending our brave men and women -- >> let me finish this. they're bragging about 36 air strikes in the last three weeks, and 8 in the 12 hours during which ramadi was falling. get this during operation iraqi freedom, when i was on the air from ramadi we were running 800 to 1,000 air strikes a day, what's got to be done? they need to arm the kurds and the christian militia, which is being formed up north, number two, put more u.s. intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance
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over ahead and more strike aircraft in the region. put u.s. advisers and j-tack's on the ground with iraqi forces. support the deployment of egyptian saudi and united emrats troops to ramadi. you have to target and kill the isis leadership you can't just capture an accountant and grab his wife. >> you think they're going to do that? you laid out a plan for victory, i don't see it happening. >> this administration god knows what's going on, the fact is you don't want -- >> would you want your son serving under this president right now, with what has happened? >> careful, you know better. >> colonel, thank you. appreciate it. >> bless you, brother. >> joining us now, author of the new york times best selling book things that matter now out in paper brac charles krauthammer, your take on the fall of ramadi? >> well you know people talk about the immediate circumstances, of course ramadi
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was lost when obama -- it was lost on january 1, 2012 when obama decided to pull out entirely and you showed that clip where he said iraq is stable self-reliant and i think he was right, it was. when you listen to general petraeus who won the war, at the end, he said himself in an interview about a month ago with the washington post we had secured iraq it was a fragile nation it was in tact and it had a future and we had assets on the ground. we didn't have to maintain 100,000 troops 200,000 troops. we needed a residual force, by leaving, we gave up not just the residual force, we gave up our influence over the government we were the dominant influence in iraq we gave up our assets on the ground and we gave up an unchallenged and unparalleled
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intelligence network we had in an bar, and precisely what we had and what we threw away. i wrote a column that's in the book it's called who lost iraq which i wrote in december of 2011 it ends by saying the future generations will ask, not just -- they're not going to ask who lost iraq they're going to ask why. >> charles. every republican is being asked the question what you would have done and now knowing what we know now, in 2003 how would you have voted? isn't it a question for the democrats, knowing what you know now about ramadi and moos you will and fallujah and earlier tikrit would you have pulled out? when is that question going to be asked? >> i wouldn't ask it as a hypothetical this is not -- you know this is not obscure knowledge that we couldn't have known. i and many others are arguing in december of 2011 it was very clear if we pulled out, they would be the bad guys in the
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region would come in you create a vacuum and what's happened iraq is being disputed between shiite extremists jihadists, meaning iran on the one hand and on the other hand sunni extremists and jihadi. >> unbelievable. >> the defense minister of iran of iran flew into baghdad. because they are now in charge. >> charles, thank you. very sad. >> my pleasure. >> a damning new report reveals hillary clinton used a second secret e-mail address during her time at the state department. >> i have said repeatedly i want those e-mails out, nobody has a bigger interest in getting them released than i do. >> after weeks of hiding hillary clinton takes a couple questions from the press, although that's not true. mark stein is here to explain. the latest clinton scandal, plus it's a busy night on hannity. straight ahead.
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now according to the liberal new york times, during her tenure as secretary of state, hillary used a second private e-mail address, and clinton circulated multiple e-mails from this man, long time clinton political hack sydney blumen nall to senior state department officials. with all these scandals popping up around presidential candidates. ed henry asked miss clinton, she would finally take a question from the press, watch this. >> wait wait. yes, maybe, when i finish talking to the people here how is that?
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>> i might, i'll have to ponder it. >> but i will put it on my list. for due consideration. >> a little testy. something might have clicked there, a few minutes later, hillary did address the new report about a correspondence with sid vicious, for a short time of course. watch this. >> i have many many old friends, and i always think that it's important when you get into politics to have friends you had before you were in politics and to understand what's on their minds, and he's been a friend of mine for a long time he sent me unsolicited e-mails which i passed on in some instances, and i see that that's part of the give and take. >> here now with reaction is the co author of the brand new book climate change the facts. mark stein is with us. just a month ago, let's see, clinton's office issued a statement claiming she only used one e-mail address when she served as secretary of state.
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and by the way, it wasn't the one she corresponded with sid vicious with. and her lawyer denied the same thing too. apparently she used more than one e-mail address? >> yeah the lawyer apparently gave an incorrect term to the united states congress on this matter. look you got jeff foxworthy on the show tonight, sean. hillary is playing a brand new game show are you dumber than a bunch of rocks. that's basically what the position she's taking with the american electorate. she's engaging in essentially a sort of a miamiing of an election campaign. she turned down ed henry because she wants to take the people's questions. they're carefully vetted stooges, she has her colleague from the clinton foundation george stuff his pants with cash, conduct an utterly
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fraudulent interview with the author of the book about it, she's equivalent to beyonce lip syncing at the inaugural a few years ago. they have to get serious in treating her like they do others. >> she doesn't allow them access, mark that's how's able to navigate through these waters. she so far is -- the strategy they've adopted is don't talk to the press, don't talk to anybody, we'll march in those people that are in our camp and say they're regular people. so far, she's gotten away with it why would they change? >> yeah and it's working for her. when she sits down and does the big interview, it will be with some favorable --
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>> george stephanopolous. >> he'll ask her tough questions like do you think republican men have a problem dealing with you as a strong woman? you know this is a joke and it is unbecoming. i'm happy to see -- i would love elizabeth warren to run, not because she's a socialist lunatic, but she comes by her socialism honestly just as they've had female prime ministers across the world now from canada to new zealand and they've come by their socialism honestly and what is at issue here is the corruption and entitlement. and at some point we have a ridiculous situation, where the clinton foundation has no other purpose. if you give $1 million to the clinton foundation because you're worried like chelsea clinton says about diarrhea in africa $60,000 of it goes to
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diarrhea in africa and $940,000 of it gets put toward keeping the clinton machine running. she's not a sparkling performer like you, it's like putting your wave machine on stage. no one is paying for the quality of her speeches. they're buying access and they're buying influence. >> let's go the tense exchange over releasing the e-mails, and this is what she said today. >> i have said repeatedly i want those e-mails out. nobody has a bigger interest in getting them released than i do. i respect the state department they have their process that they do for everybody, not just for me. but anything they may do to expedite that process, i heart illy support. you know i want the american people to learn as much as we
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can about our diplomats and experts. i said i'm repeating it here in front of you today. i want them out as soon as they can get out. >> will you demand it? >> well they're not mine. they belong to the state department. >> she doesn't want the e-mails out. that's why she purposely erased them. the ones she wanted to that's why she wiped her server clean. we earned today from documents from the department of defense and state department that she knew the day after exactly who was responsible for benghazi it was not spontaneous, it was planned ten days in advance, and it had nothing to do with the youtube video. this is a lie, but she's getting away with so it seems. >> and we talked about this actually a couple months ago, sean this exact issue. i said to you, it's like you telling the irs, no sorry, i don't keep any financial records. you can ask fox news and my radio guys and you can ask these other fellows if they sent
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me any checks in the last year that's what they have to do here she doesn't have any e-mail records. they have to piece them together from all the other people. >> we might have hope. >> it's ridiculous. hugh hewitt asked mike morrell whether or not he thinks that her system was hacked. maybe we'll be able to get it from vladimir putin or the chinese hp here's how the exchange went. >> as a professional matter do you believe that one or many foreign intelligent servers have everything that went to and from that server? >> i think that foreign intelligence services the good ones have everything on any unclassified network that the government uses whether it's a private server or a public one. >> what does this mean? putin may have it all backed up does that mean if she becomes president, she is potentially
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subject to blackmail because of the erased e-mails they have in their position that fact be damning to her and cause a lot of legal problems for her? >> no i would absolutely bet that the russians have them the chinese have them if we're lucky, a couple reasonably friendly intelligence services might have them as well. like the french and the british. it might even be that isis who actually are quite sophisticated when it comes to the internet have them. there's no doubt that if you wanted to get them from the chinese, the chinese could cough up a full set of hillary clinton e-mails. they're insulting the people's representatives in congress sean. >> well said. great to see you. coming up the new york post is reporting george stephanopolous stephanopolous's contract with abc news is for over $100
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million. maybe that's why they're standing by their chief anchor. later, on this busy news night, michelle malkin and jeff foxworthy will be here in studio as hannity continues. thanks for the ride around norfolk! and i just wanted to say geico is proud to have served the military for over 75 years! roger that. captain's waiting to give you a tour of the wisconsin now. could've parked a little bit closer... it's gonna be dark by the time i get there. geico. proudly serving the military for over 75 years. introducing the first ever gummy multivitamin from centrum. a complete, and tasty new way to support... your energy... immunity... and metabolism like never before. centrum multigummies. see gummies in a whole new light.
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if you compare it to the brian williams case i think this is worse. in the brian williams case he elaborated and exaggerated. >> i agree with you, this is connected to politics brian was trying to build himself up a little bit. this goes to the heart and essence of journalism. you look at what happened to brian williams this is far more severe. >> why isn't abc news punished stepan ap house after he admitted to donating tens of thousands of dollars to the clinton foundation maybe it has something to do with the report from the new york post that
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shows he signed a 7-year $500 million contract with the network. here with reaction author two weeks from now, this book is coming out, you're seeing it for the first time adios america. the left's plan to turn our country into a third world hell hole it will be out june 1st. i have the first copy. did you autograph it for me? >> yes, i did. >> i did a little bit, that's true. >> let's go to stephanopolous. you see all of this what's your -- it's obvious that he always was a liberal clinton hack and remains one. >> i was looking through that birth control question he sprang on mitt romney. >> all the republicans, it was unbelievable. i started laughing, i posted it on my web page it goes on and on and on. it's a ridiculous issue. thank heaven romney was the first to get it he laughed at stephanopolous and said george
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is anyone trying to ban contraception? the media is like this they come in and out of democratic politics and george stephanopolous in particular was passing out affidavits denying that bill clinton had an affair with gennifer flowers. can we get answers? the main point here is as i learn from all of my book tours, you can't control what other people do but can you control what you do and it's time for the rnc to say none of these people get to interview our candidates. it doesn't have to be you and me. how about, you know lincoln and douglas didn't have a moderator. have somebody keeping time let the republicans ask the questions, the soul purpose of these debates is for the media working for the democratic party to dirty up republicans, by implanting the idea that someone wants to ban contraception.
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in you and i could moderate we would -- i would spend 15 minutes asking democrats to describe exactly what procedures they think is okay, to be gun on a baby right before it's born. in addition to jamming scissors up the baby's neck what else would you allow, and where would you draw the line? could we have a half hour on that? what do republicans ask about? they're never asked about energy policy public sector union pensions bankrupting all these states never asked about immigration, no we get 18 questions on global warming, contraception, gay marriage that's not what voters want to know about, it's what the media does to dirty up republicans. i'm sick -- >> stephanopolous claims he recused himself. he was never going to do a debate and he said exactly what you're saying no more, if these people -- look what candy crowley did in the last
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presidential cycle. >> i say no mainstream media debates, none. let the candidates ask their own questions, they can submit some and the rnc are flipping through, they see 17 questions on global warming, voters don't want to know about it you watch the msnbc coverage for this msnbc will get testy that the republican primary voters are always laughing and booing the moderator. even newt gingrich who was often using his attacks on the media in a self-serving way, it shows you how much the republican primary audience for voters are dying for this people hate the media, use that to your advantage, republicans. >> i agree with you, two weeks from tonight you're going to be here. >> yes, i am. >> your brand new book. >> it's a blockbuster, when you say, i want one little question answered. >> yes, but i'm not talking about it yet. >> adios america, do you think
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america is in jeopardy of falling? >> yes. >> failing. >> yes. >> once a great republic. but for teddy kennedy's act in 1965 barack obama could have never been elected president in this country. i'll start with that and let you mull it over for the next two weeks. >> do you know what pages are going to be picked apart? >> i don't know. i will say three books back even though i say liberals can never learn. let's just pretend she doesn't exist. it's got to be driving them crazy, especially with this book. >> ann coulter, two weeks from tonight, adios america. the left's plan to turn our country into a third world hell hole. america has been great to people like president obama, jay z, they both seem to love to criticize this country. when we come back michelle
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malkin is in studio with us and the always funny jeff foxworthy talks about his brand new season "are you smarter than a 5th grader." i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. because it gives me... zero heartburn! prilosec otc. the number 1 doctor-recommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. so, how do you feel about cash back? i would not say i'm into it. but let's see where this goes. [ buzzer ] do you like to travel? i'm all about "free" travel, babe. that's what i do. [ buzzer ] balance transfers -- you up for that? well -- unh. too soon? [ female announcer ] fortunately, there's an easier way, with compare hundreds of cards from every major bank and find the one that's
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common side effects include nausea trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. i'm a non-smoker. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. welcome back to hannity. the president is at it again. criticizing america, even though this country has given him incredible and a multitude of opportunities. here's the latest example. >> we know that some communities have the odds stacked against them. and have had the odds stacked against them for a long time, in some cases for decades. and some communities that sense of unfairness and powerlessness has contributed to dysfunction in those communities. >> his friend jay z went on a ran the about the police at a concert on saturday he said i can't tell how they killed freddie gray shot down mike brown, how they did trey, right?
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let them continue choking it turnstile, i and the your token [ bleep ]. he's the president of the united states. you heard michelle obama's speech. we have facts in these cases. why do they feel this way? >> they're masters of social agitation. they profit from suing division. they profit from sewing the seeds of resentment. and it is a dangerous idea that people can lift themselves up and they do not need to depend on government what are they all doing, jay z and michelle obama making up their tall tales of zrimg nation? >> her brand new book it is an incredible book who built that the awe inspiring stories of
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american tinker preneurs. i'm reading this, if you build a better mouse trap america will open its door to you. the guy carrier, the air conditioner guy you talk about in the book. you dedicate the book to obama? >> i did and i hope he will read this book. i have been told by reporters, that he does read my work we're sending him a copy to the white house, because he inspired this book. this was my rejoinder against the kind of wealth shaming, the wealth shaming agenda of not only obama, but the progressives and biden and elizabeth warren. that phrase you didn't build that is something that has festered over the last several years. we've seen it erupt over the last couple weeks. he called our achievers, our top achievers, society's lottery winners. as if it's some sort of random
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powerful that people work themselves to death. >> i have my air conditioner, i remember life without it and you talk about carrier, some of those who created our most famous bridges. toilet paper, think about life kwout toilet paper. these are all great inventions but this book was inspired by obama saying this. >> if you have a business you didn't build that somebody else made that happen. >> that's just not true. >> of course not. >> it's against the grain of our founding father's principles that people own, people own and should profit from the fruits of their labor and the fruits of their minds. immediately following that quote is something even worse where he was saying the people who made it in our country were not as smart as everybody else didn't work as hard as everyone else. they were a lot smarter than you, barack obama, that's why
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they've made so much money and fulfilled people's wants and needs. >> they're like royalty in america. i look at all these stories that you have and each story is an incredible -- i have a friend of mine won inventor of the year he'sght intuitive tinkerer as you say, that make our lives easier. and you're right, why are they being demonized? whycy diminishing, there's got to be a psychology here so diminishing their accomplishments. >> it's that beltway mentality, that these politicians are the ones that create jobs and create willth and invest things. these government bureaucrats and political hacks, they take people's money, they do not make money, they do not create wealth. and so i started out very angry, and i talked about, i joked about in the introduction about how i'm known as that angry brown lady that's always
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yelling at liberals. ultimately this is a joyful book this is what conservatives and free market capitalists and people who need to stand up and defend themselves from this kind of politics of contempt. i'm sick of it and that's why i wrote the book. i want kids especially to know about it. >> it's a great rebuttal to that statement and it's called who built that. awe inspiring stories of american tinkerpreneurs. we haven't seen you in a while. >> glad to be back. coming up, jeff foxworthy in studio straight ahead.
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here's where we stand. if you've got a big enough pocket, you can fold up $175,000 put it in it and head out the door. that's a good day. >> a very good day. >> you could answer the question and i'll give you $300,000 if you're right. what do you want to do? >> wow! >> do you have an idea? >> first thought kind of led me to the taj mahal. feeling 50% confident. >> technically speaking that's the opposite of confident.
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>> i think it might be worth the risk. let's lock in taj mahal. >> it's back the hit game show "are you smarter than a >> joining me now is comedian jeff foxworthy. >> i would never go on the show. >> because who wants to be embarrassed by a fifth grader that knows more than you? >> on jeopardy at least it's adults. the premise, is when mark burnett first called me he says adults have a shot for $1 million. everybody is going to think they can do it. and they can. >> we've given the million away twice. >> that is it? >> yes. >> the fifth graders always win? >> yes.
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>> the human brain is a weird thing the file with all words to the "gilligan's island" theme song never got deleted but everything you learned about triangles is gone. >> i'm like i don't remember this. >> yes. the way they do this. >> you know you're on your own. >> what is pi? >> well are we taking the larry the cable guy definition? >> do you know what it is? >> 3.14, or 22 over seven. >> just stop there. >> i get the impression we've dumbed down all national tests and that you know i would think kids are not as as a matter of fact as in years gone by but your show is the opposite. >> if they've had it recently it's something they've studied like you know on the show now we
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do bring kids together and listen to them say remember we're studying about marco polo? so it's current to them. we learned it for a test 40 years ago and it's gone. >> what are you? 30? >> yes. yes. a little plus. >> any surprises this year? >> it's kind of the same thing. >> are there winners this year? >> i can't tell you that. >> there are people that do really well. and some people that are really dumb. >> that go out on the first question. >> do think think they're going to win? do they believe they're going to win? >> i think they do. >> you know they're not? >> have you ever done a game show? >> at home i'm answering every question. >> one time i played celebrity jeopardy. i got this thing in my hand. you're thinking you hesitate because you think if i'm wrong,
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i just cost the charity $500. halfway through the show i'm in last place. all i can picture is the kids going why did we get him? we're never going to get well. but i ended up winning. but that is what happens to people. they'll go this lady is smart. she might take us for the $1 million. >> how about a political question. >> only one? >> are you doing jokes about obama or hillary these days? >> not in public. >> why not in public? >> you don't have to write anything. look at them. >> i know. >> it's astounding isn't it? you know to me one of the things i like about fifth grader you show how education can change people. the thing to me that is frustrating is the american public doesn't seem to upset the national debt more than doubled under obama. >> seven years. >> more than any president before him. >> everyone before that. nobody seems to be worried about that. >> i talk about it.
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and 46 million americans 40 months on food stamps. >> the number of people having gone on food stamps almost doubled in the last 4 or 5 years. and yet, i get frustrated. nobody pays attention to this stuff. >> you don't want to miss it. >> you don't want to miss it. >> it is funny. i laugh very hard watching this show. you're great at it. jeff good to see you my friend. >> thank you. >> coming up we need your help. even if you are a fifth grader. our question of the day is next. fact: when pharmacists are in pain the medicine in advil is their #1 choice for pain relief. more than the medicines in tylenol or aleve. use the medicine that pharmacists use most for themselves. relief doesn't get any better than this. advil. you can call me shallow... but, i have a wandering eye. i mean, come on. national gives me the control to choose any car in the aisle i want.
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left this evening. we hope you'll set your dvr so you never miss an episode because we will miss you. we'll see you back here, tomorrow night. 00 p.m. >> the o'reilly factor is on. tonight. >> looking back, it would have been better for me to use two separate phones and two email accounts. >> but apparently mrs. clinton did have a second email account. and now there is yet another controversy surrounding the woman who would be president. are you tired of this? we'll put it into perspective. >> the banditos were given the second highest threat level by the department of public safety. >> galvanized by shootout rival gangness texas. tonight we will talk to a former bandido about what's happening there. >> fat. fat. you fatty. >> also ahead, can you can
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