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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  May 23, 2015 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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ke it with you.
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ibanez. now here is "red eye." >> welcome to red e-i-e-i-o. i'm kennedy. she is more [bleep] face than a peasant in the middle ages. i am here with joanne nosuchunsky. and he is a her met but not a crab and his favorite nation is hibernation. it is tv's andy levey. it is his first time. don't worry. i booked a hotel room with champagne and pose petals. it is sean davis co-founder of the federal list. and he is such a supporter of hillary clinton his nickname is or -- orthotic shoes. it is john devore. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story.
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>> bin laden been reading. on wednesday the obama administration released english language text found at the al-qaeda leader's compound in pakistan when raided in 2011. apparently the mastermind enjoyed reading about how he wasn't the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks. according to buzz feed he was an avid conspiracy buff who not only liked to read about the alu madi, and the free masons but the truther books like the new pearl harbor, disturbing questions about the bush administration and 9/11 and oddly this book was high on bin laden's reading list. >> wow. >> among the other documents found at the compound was an al-qaeda recruitment application in addition to asking for your name and address and hobbies it had questions like do you wish to execute a suicide operation?
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and who should we contact in case you became a martyr. >> mercy. >> john, let us discuss. >> hi. >> hi, john. >> it is nice to see you jie. it is nice to see you too. glasses forever. the three of us on the panel. >> we are super smart. >> why do you think he was reading 9/11 truther stuff? >> it was his one big hit. it was a historic terrorist attack so why wouldn't he spend his days reading and rereading. it must be weird to pull that off and then read about a country that produces -- like the whole idea that there are americans that don't think it was real. >> like the moon landing? >> right. but it makes america great but it must be osama bin laden and be awe struck that americans are so stupid. >> what if it filled him with self-doubt? that's quite possible. >> i didn't do it? >> maybe i didn't do it? wow i suck.
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sean, were you surprised al-qaeda actually asked their applicants if they wanted to be suicide bombers? >> i actually thought it was fantastic. the whole al-qaeda hr operation, i just can't even imagine what that was like on linked in. rock throwing and being a coward by targeting civilians. i wonder if some volunteered for suicide missions to stop getting the linked in fan. >> this guy is legit. he's for real. >> they didn't have great internet access. you know how spotty it is. i say it like the president says it. he is couped up inside. don't you think he would want to eat something enjoyable like "eat, pray, love" or" 50 shades." >> i am surprised harry potter wasn't there. there are a lot of books in that series and j.k. rowling said the main theme of all of those books is death. so really that would be an
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appropriate novel for bin laden to read. but as for the 9/11 truther books, you know what i think it is? it is a criticism to his work. don't we all read the bad reviews? >> that's a good point. if i raided tom cruise ease -- tom cruise's compound. i am certain that wouldn't happen. andy speaking of the books he also had some surprises and thig that surprised you about the list? >> did you think normal chomski was a surprise? i was not that shocked by that. i was not totally surprised he had a copy of why "not cool." >> i am not cool. >> he had an autographed copy which means he bought it at g you keep talking about the internet access being spotty,
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but he took the time to g to greg's website to get an autographed copy which is great. i think it is only polite if they ask if you are willing to be a suicide bomber. that's something you ask ahead of time. >> it is one of those things they would spring on you at the last minute. you are getting your vest on and dynamite and john, good news-bad news. good news is we are killing a bunch of infidels. >> i totally get why he read the 9/11 truther stuff. i think he got a good laugh. on rare occasions i will go to the postings at "red eye" sites and i will see a lot of things asserted that are literally the opposite of the truth. but the people who assert them act like they know stuff and it is hilarious. he was doing the exact same thing. >> i am matrixy and i am trying to wrap my head around it. >> was he laughing or shaking
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his fist like i did that. >> i think he acts like he is shaking his first but inside he is giggling like a schoolgirl. >> do you think it is a coincidence the national director -- the director of national intelligence declassifies this stuff a couple weeks after the article about the operation in uh bod do bad? >> i think that was back handed slap that look at all of this available intel we've got. look, bin laden was reading "cosmo" nine ways to drive your man wild right before he was shot in the face by a navy seal. >> he was really a naughty jihady. >> and they found a book about preventing suicide. >> yes. >> at the same place they found the al-qaeda job application that asks you if you want to be a suicide bomber. >> you had to commit suicide. it is the difference between making love and boning.
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you know what i'm saying, andy? >> not at all. >> wow, i do. >> thank you john. >> that was brilliant. >> that is going too far but i laugh up the praise. >> did you know a new candidate enters the race? it will be very difficult to fit everyone on a debate stage. you have two guys on the back. perhaps not impossible, but maybe there is a better solution. john gabriel suggests a series of one on one debates organized like a march madness bracket. i love this idea. it starts with a sweet 16 with every candidate seeded according to polling average i am not one to criticize mr. gabriel. he says round one would feature eight half hour
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debates and round two tour four debates. blamo indeed. it created an avalanche of support. >> i like the idea of having a march madness style set up. set up a bracket and have ed debate and have the guys debate each other and advance in the -- toward the nome nations. >> there was support for it. >> the people were psychic. >> this is pretty good. >> so good idea or great idea? >> at first i thought it was a terrible idea. they should go out and get better candidates. >> can you do that at this point? >> it is a clown show. it could be entertaining. i like the idea of two people debating. that may be a better opportunity to get off script and talk. >> debates are the worst way to pick a president.
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are there too many candidates or not enough? >> the thing that makes me laugh is -- >> democracy is fraternity. >> i don't like the sausage fest. i will say that. sausage fest or clam bake, 2016 coming to a theater there you. >> i like the idea of donald trump finding out he has to do the play in game. >> is he in this? >> he might be. >> i can't believe i did that. i have lip gloss all over my dentures. >> i'm sorry. >> hi, joanne. who should judge the debate? obviously the cast of "the voice." >> wouldn't that be great if we could press a button and turn around and there is a dunking tank. i don't know. all of that stuff would be great. >> you could combine "america's got talent" with" the voice."
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i don't know about a bracket but it would be interesting if you know going in, even if you declare your candidacy there is only eight people. there is only eight and maybe it is due to polling because that will make people who are very serious or maybe know they have a shot going in. while i think that variety is the spice of life, and it is a good thing it can almost be as bad as not having any variety. too many choices can be as bad as not enough. >> that's heavy. that is something else to wrap my feeble head around. should we make politics more like 130r9s? 130r9s-- like sports? >> john gabriel is terrible. >> he pointed out the downside of that which is like one awesome night and you are gone. he had a series of one on one debates and he suggested good
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examples. you can have rubio versus paul on foreign policy. jeb bush versus jeb bush on iraq. >> i like it because it is not as arbitrary. that's how you have to pick someone. you have to pick people against each other with equal strength and weaknesses. >> ace of spades had a terrible idea. he said hold them over two nights. >> are you talking about motor head? >> no, i am talking about whatever. did you ever see "the running man"? out of respect to -- >> what dance is it? >> it was a dance, but arnold schwarzenegger. >> you would have all of the candidates who have to avoid death by trained killers. who ever survived is the nominee. the tag is they are running for office and their lives. that's how you pick a candidate. >> as long as there is a mauling for someone is stuck in a shower and covered in
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honey with bees. >> are they wearing shirts? >> this is basically hunger games 2016. >> they don't have to wear shirts. edted cruz, grr. he is tired of reporters asking him about his opposition to gay marriage. >> is there something about the left and i will put the media in this category that is obsessed with sex? why is it the only question you want to ask involves homosexual. you can is ask them over and over and over. i recognize you are asking about questions from msmbs. msnbc. >> why are you talking about sex. >> they said the media should ask him about isis and not sex. does he have a point? >> he is the worst.
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i will vote for him instead of hilly. he is the worst person on your high school debate club. >> meaning he is so good he is benefiting. >> it doesn't matter. it is a all about him. >> he is good the a turning things around. i don't think he can be taken seriously because he is reactionary. >> he keeps using the term mandatory same-sex marriage. that's weird. >> how do you like that? >> we have to get gay heard. gay married. >> democrats never get the same treatment on social issues and are never asked hard questions about abortion. the questions questions questions questions are aimed
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solely at republicans in this case ted cruz is not wrong. >> hillary clinton complained in the 2008 campaign she was targeted unfairly and barack obama was getting easy questions and she was given the difficult questions. >> poor hillary. >> right? >> she can't get a fair shake. >> now she is not answering any questions. barack obama ruined it for women forever. >> the left is obsessed with sex. it used to be you weird owe get out of our bedroom and now they won't let us out. let me take my wallet. >> i have heard when you get married the sex ends. >> not if you marry the right person baby. you have to pick correctly. it is like picking a president. do you think ted cruz will be the nominee? >> i like him. it is a little early. >> who sends that shiver up
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your leg? >> i like rick perry. >> are you saying that without irony? >> i love irony. >> i understand. >> scott walker. >> do you really like scott walker or are you just saying that. >> i think he should be the candidate. >> i think there is a lot of people -- >> there is a huge problem that he won't fit on the stage. he is not bad on criminal justice reform. there are things he is coming around. >> he is like a perfect texan. >> are you saying he is all hat and no cat cattle. shame on you devore. go and vote for your unethical lying democrat? joanne i will give you the last word. who shouldy new emerge?
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>> rubio? i like them young. >> and cuban. >> coming up, the boy scouts ban water guns. what is next? "red eye is after the break. stick around.
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yeah. the squirts can't keep their squirt guns. the boy scouts of america have banned all scouts from having water gun fights. that includes you scout willis. sorry, baby. i'm watching you. it is the subject of tonight's tonight's --
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>> according to the official guide to safe scouting, quote pointing any type of firearm at any individual is is unauthorized. scout units may participate in paintball and laser tag where they shoot at targets and are not living, human or other represent -- representations. crossbows, grenades. they are so boring. cannons, spear guns. really? no spear guns. torpedoes, ninja weapons and shuffle throwing. the do i scouts are sounding more like the girl scouts. no drinking and driving. >> i just got back from los angeles here and there is a we are crisis there which means there are celebrities and
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their entourages who are not getting enough water. i like what the boy scouts are doing here by not wasting the precious resource. i respect them for that, but their whole thing quite pointing a gun at somebody is not kind. pointing a gun at somebody if that person is the good guy is one of the kindest things you can do. >> pouche. we to flip it. >> guns are cool. they are not evil. on the other aped i think it is out of a fear of lawsuits. >> i know there have been kim kardashian's green lawn. i will have you though that i lived in los angeles for a longtime. that lawn is watered with her generous tears. back up.
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>> anne does this mean have to to be a girl? >> for sure. and the boy scouts have badges they may want to reconsider. the leather baking band is not kind to animals. >> it was asking for it. >> they have the indian lore. yes, that's a pro creating. >> they want you to i can make it on a campfire. >> in this day and age they hospital be doing that skill. >> didn't you ever playboy scouts and indians by the camp fire? >> if you out lou the squirt guns only the outlaw will have it. >> the scouts were founded in the first place to trade a
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future army. >> i was a boy scout and it was pre marine training. all we did was play a game called british bulldog. it was me and then eight boy counts and i had to get the ball through. that's why i'm san animal. >> that explains so much. >> it really does. >> i wish there were eight boys and a ball. or two balls? 15 balls? >> ask if i ever got to paul through the eight guys? >> andy, go ahead. >> do you want to mayor make fun? >> no i feel sorry. >> sean should kids still join the scouts? >> why not? they get the nice uniforms. >> what i don't understand is if you are going to ban squirt vans why not high capacity
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squirt gun . and then there is the rubber hose with the mournen 10. the mountain. i have a hard time thinking about that. if you are in a different situation i can strus on my boys to had my back. i am just saying that it is a full service organization. in fact, they have historically been committed to bringing it out if young people. salute you for that. >> you look like an nhl goalie on that side of the stage. >> masterful. who was never a boi scout. a new act makes drunk shopping so much easier.
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and the show premieres 7:00 eastern and 10:00 pacific. watch as two strangers play the most exciting game of particular tack toe to leave. >> don't be a square, be there!
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a new flag might not fly. new zealand is holding a contest to a new national flag. they were criticized for accepting submissions that are more whimsical than serious. now i heard it all. they have an eye laser which is fantastic. and another winner is cheap ice cream. yay! and gay dolly and his iluminadi dream. is it ever a good idea to hold a flag redesigning contest? >> we should do it every time there is an election. i came up with a design for new swree land and it gets at the heart of what it means to be new zealand. doesn't that say it all? >> it does. if you saw that flag you would
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say new zealand. >> if you know someone from new swree lantd -- new zealand ask where they are from in australia. >> i know you are awfully fun by somebody's measures. there is one and it was just blue. someone submitted a blue entry. maybe that is art. but it is not inventive and it dumbs down new new zealand. >> so much smarter than that. >> this is where the shier is. >> the flag should be of their founder bobobagins. >> i love hobitry. >> what is your favorite thing? >> that is part of english
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speaking plan we have in the u.s. and australia. >> they can still donate to the clinton foundation. >> i was going to say fly to the concords. i was going to whip up a picture and that is one of the flags it beat me to it. after all, they are the consulate. should the u.s. have a flog designing congress? >> what could go wrong where random people meet their crazy ideas? >> and we vote on them. >> what about eagle rainbows. >> what a cheese burger? >> what about qhok let and -- chocolate and bacon. >> they did say after all of this they may stick with same flag. that's definitely going to happen. >> do you want to hear the worst ever? >> we are gonna stick on the
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flag. gone. that's right. unlike these flag designers i love new zealand and i will tell you why in a strawberry key we edition of -- >> kennedy's time. kennedy. >> tonight's top tennedy measure tours lands that are australia's goofy cousin. number 10 is the lovable kids game show that puts the zeal in new england. it is full up your pants. ♪ >> those people exist.
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they are real. and you are quite welcome. >> number 9 on the list is to the the key we fruit. that was a chinese goose berry. it is different but not by much. the key we bird makes it. it is like a chicken sized uh stey yen eggs. it is the equivalent of a woman giving birth to n an 11-year-old. and the next was a crafty and i'm pathetic dolphin who shored ship through rocky worers in the early noon00s. can your dolphin do that? >> and the number one thing about new zealand it was going to be the bad mitton team but they had to change their names due to complaint. the new number one are not only the boys i dated in
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hoopt. >> they r there are your top 10. >> if you are sloppy it is time to shopy. there is a new services that imposed crap on-line which is really the best time to do it. users get a text message every sunday at 2:00 in the morning with suggestions from intriguing products. you may want it after limaritas. a novelty came out. >> that is the lockness monster. >> how can you see that far? a t-shirt covered nicholas cage's waive if you want to text eeeer. that's heeey.
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551. 773, 7865. now sean is it a great idea or a really good idea. >> buying garbage when you are drunk, it starts with the airplane and ends with a garden gnome. >> like the the grans big foot coming out of your player. it is also a garden. i bought one of the staircases to bed and i don't have a dog. >> it would be funny if you didn't think it was. >> some people are high. i don't have a platform. do either of you have to enjoy this? and what about insomniacs? that question wouldn't be more in my wheel house. i would absolutely buy that.
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he is a genius. i also like the nessy lay bell. ladle. i may sign up for this. >> some people see a goof. >> joanne, you have clearly buying things at 2:00 in the morning sometimes. what is the weirdest thing you bought drunk shopping? >> a child. >> he is a sweetheart. i didn't know you got him on-line. >> they are good and i buy them meals and that fun stuff. >> i good enjoy a good drunk purchase. typically i say i want everything. they should expand this and even do it for food at 2:00 a.m. drunk mumpies. >> they do. it is called taco bell. >> it is for dislifer --
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delivery. i'm surprised they don't have duck dating. >> wonderful. should we applaud them or condemn them? >> i make moore my chases. cruz 2016. it is time for us to take a break. 50 shades of high school when we come back. first let's see what they have planned for tomorrow on "kennedy." >> who is that terrible guest host you have sph. next time i have you andy levey. it will be on my screen. you lack to you loser.
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hi there and welcome back, sleepy head. i am so, so glad you are here. a west virginia high school teacher has been suspended without pay for showing 50 shades of gray to her class. christie long's students asked sph they -- if they could watch 9 bondage film as a reward for their good work. the health occupations instructor said sure why not?
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the screening ended quickly because of prudish adults and an assistant principal. the teefner insists -- the teacher insisted she didn't know what the movie was about. >> i have read three books. she likes healthy -- doesn't this qualify as a area they need. >> she has been living under a rock? >> you believe her? >> this is a hoax. she is lying. she knows who it is about. she should have researched what the film was obviously. i want to say shame on these kids because i want to say i have been there and trying to get them to do something they don't want to do. good job. >> i did the same thing. it was a business class and i
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told her we were surveying the forest reindustry. one of the jobs was to go ahead and look at the species of trees. we loaded up the car and went to burger king. >> how would you turn this into an educational. these looks are educational. they tout an entire generation of stuff. >> i believe that is a technical term. >> it is any rock it teaches people. ted cruz -- >> the book teaches you to be open. there is front stuff and back stuff that we don't need to get into. what is the probability of mr. jersey pants.
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>> we don't need to talk about your bottoms. that's all you talked about in the green room. you want to see it? if i can take 32 free from particular skeet and give them to you second. >> i am not ashamed. >> what is the probability this teacher didn't know anything? >> something out of zero. the concern i have is not the screening of the film. but we have somebody who can't come up with a decent excuse moulding young minds. if you don't lorn how to life you have never going -- going to be senate secretary of state. >> and a $30 million lottery winner. >> two thoughts she should be suspended. at least show $99. it is an old classic. the only person who should be ashamed is the mark. mrs. assistant principals she is showing movies.
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stop it. the wides were watching a move move -- in harmony. i don't see any broad. >> g for girl. gag. >> apparently so. sorry. those were andy's final shots and i had to clean mine in a pure heart. we will close things out with some ghost huntsers and you can see rips what kept his close. go to fox red eye. thanks for calling angie's list. how may i help you? i heard i could call angie's list if i needed work done around my house at
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a fair price. you heard right, just tell us what you need done and we'll find a top rated provider to take care of it. so i could get a faulty light switch fixed? yup! or have a guy refinish my floors? absolutely! or send someone out to groom my pookie? pookie's what you call your? my dog. yes, we can do that. real help from real people. come see what the new angie's list can do for you.
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>> e block. last story. that's the last story. >> well, i guess it is against the law to hunt ghosts. thanks president obama. on sunday four people in minnesota were arrested after breaking into a church to investigate reports of undead spirits. they are seeking suspects and smashed part of a monument marking where some of the vic simms were carried. victims were carried. >> the church in litchfield -- it is long a destination for goes hunters who posted videos of confirmed sightings. not suspected it citings but confirmed. there are definitely no ghosts. stop it, guys. >> do you believe in ghosts, spirits or the pier --
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paranormal. >> we saw some weird stuff. i loved it. the thing i shat about this story is the search was lobbed up. why are you pressing charges? >> why are they pressing charges. >> it is part of the group that does ghost hunting dead expetitions. expeditions. >> andy, there is nothing wrong with investigating the paranormal as long as it is done correctly correct? >> 100%. the problem is you have ghost hunters break into a church because of a hunting. they will go to hell which means they will haunt the church which causes future ghost hunters to investigate and then get arrested and then go to hell. it is a cycle of death and we have to break it. >> these #r spiritual death panels. he is not even lying about that.
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how seriously do you take the ghost hunters and are they giving the community a bad wrap? >> there is no god first of all. >> take it back. reel it in. >> wow. >> we place ghost hunters with alcoholics. >> alcoholic hunter. >> have you experienced a ghost or taken part in a ghost hunt? >> i have taken part in reality shows. >> and what do you think? >> i love them. >> me too. >> i love ghost adventurers. the exciting part is when the perp are apprehended they were there and people were dying to get in. >> that's how we will end the show sean, really? >> that's go going to hawbt this. >> what can you tell us about the war? >> it took place in 1862 and happened in the dakotas. >> andy, sean, beautiful
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show. thank you for having me here. andy levey and january devore was with me. i am kennedy and see you next time
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12:00 am
>> a sailor who was with jfk aboard pt-109. >> the young man's mother begins a correspondents with the future president. >> i was shocked. >> the letters are tucked away for years. >> they could be of historical value, and worth a lot of month. >> this is a pressure that surfaces that no one knew existed. >> if they could prove they are real. >> the signatures look authentic. >> this is eye real signature? >> this is a real jfk sig signature. >> will bidders open their wallet?


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