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tv   Sunday Housecall  FOX News  May 24, 2015 12:30pm-1:01pm PDT

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thanks to my panel and all of you for watching. we have to see you right here next week. ope to see you right here next week. hello, i'm eric shawn. welcome to "sunday housecall." >> and i'm arthel neville. also joining us, dr. david samadi, chief of robotic surgery joining us live via remote. >> and dr. marc siegel. also the author of the uner pulse, unlocking the secret code of sickness and health. >> great to have you. let's get right to it. lots of people barbecuing this weekend. we're told there's safety tips you should know before firing up
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that grill. dr. samadi, i personally like all the burnt pieces. am i taking in carcinogens. >> after nine months of snow, we're finally going to get a break. but people need to know that while you have all of your food and burgers and hot dogs on the table and you're swimming, if that food sticks around for over two hours, you're going to be at risk of getting salmonella and e co-ly. in hot weather, if the food is out there more than an hour or so, don't eat it anymore, or refrigerate it quickly. i think it's important to invest in a good thermometer to see if your food is cooked. don't mix the raw and meat and mix it with cooked food because i think the cross-contamination with the bacterias are very dangerous. and wash your hands all the time. i think that's the key.
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>> very good. >> the key here in addition to that is that the food handlers are the ones spreading that bacteria that david is talking about. you do not want to mix your raw meat with cooked meat. and your produce especially. keep that completely away from the barbecue. and then of course the meat thermometer and disinfect those surfaces after you cook, before you cook, clean the grill. at the beginning of the year, now, use some soap and water on the propane attachments there to see if there's any leaks. there's 8,800 home fires every year due to those barbecues. get those outside. some people are barbecuing inside. away from the house. have a designated place. and don't let your 10-year-old barbecue like some have accused me of doing. make sure it's an adult or somebody supervised doing this. fires is a huge problem here. >> i think marc has been in our house and we're barbecued
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together. >> great by the way. >> and the food was delicious. but i think the problem with marc was that he was drinking too much beer. what happens in the summertime like this, you are basically by the grill, the heat is up, you are being dehydrated. when you drink a lot of beer, that's also another diuretic. be cautious. i agree with you, also not mixing the raw food with vegetables or fruits and not use the same knife. you have to be really careful. >> arthel mentioned something, charred bits, like the charred stuff. >> i like the black part. >> recently i've been putting it in tinfoil. >> great idea. >> does that help? >> it helps a lot. and you marinate it that way. and you might want to marinate it overnight. >> it definitely lessons -- >> has it been proven that burnt stuff -- >> no question about it. by the way, i want to make one more point about the dehydration
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thing. we talked last week about people being dehydrated. there's plenty of people out there on diuretics out in the heat. be careful of all that. that's when you really get into trouble. especially if you're on a diuretic for blood pressure. >> i took the advice arthel gave me with the salt tray margarita and that worked out really well. >> very good. >> we look forward to some good time in the summer. >> definitely. i want to quickly make a point about cross-contamination. both of you doctors said to wash your hands. the cook is the one more likely to cross-contaminate. they take their hands and do this on the apron. >> you got to go back inside. >> you got to wash -- >> on the apron and then they touch something else. >> absolutely great point. by the way, the reason this is happening, there's another story david and i have covered. there's an epidemic of bacteria
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in chicken now, in beef. so you're getting the raw meat. you think it doesn't have bacteria in it? i don't want to gross anyone out while they're doing a barbecue. a lot of this chicken has the salmonella in it. you're getting it on your tomatoes. >> don't want to eat undercooked chicken. >> the temperature that you want for burgers, about 140 degrees. for chicken is about 165. i know it sounds as a urologist, i know what i'm doing by the burger and grill area. we always have someone with a thermometer looking at that temperature. >> david, i want to say that by personal experience, i can tell you you do two thinks incredibly well, prostate surgery and barbecuing. >> here's a little tip. do the vegetables first. do that first then go to the raw meat so there's no possibility
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of cross-contamination. >> the tinfoil you talked about, you can wrap your vegetables in that too. corn, vegetables -- >> wrap an onion -- >> too much information, all of you are invited this summer and we'll have an amazing time. >> i'm looking forward to it. wrap an onion in tinfoil and let that bay by sit in there, it is good. >> i agree with arthel. she knows the way she wants her food. >> she'll be the master chef. >> next time cooking with the doctors -- this is the summer i will be going to the beach. doctors coming up will tell us about sunscreens. you think they're all the same with those 50, 60, 85, 100 spf. but what does that really mean? it turns out, they say, not all sunscreens have the same protection. the doctors will fill us in when we come back.
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usaa car buying service. powered by truecar. online and on the usaa app. a new survey throwing shade on common sunscreen products saying many are not as effective as advertised. >> i think it's true. the study was done in a strange way. they took people, put sunscreen on them, then bathed them in water for the amount of time the sunscreen producer said it was going to stay on. in one-third of cases it washed right off. instead of saying one product is good and one is bad, it's a reminder that you have to reapply after you go swimming. that you have to use other methods besides just sunscreen.
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and then when you're going to look for a product, sun protection factor, here's what it means. it means that 15 times longer you're protected than if you didn't have it on. that's spf 15. it's got to at least be spf 15 or 30. and one more point. >> we're protecting against ultra vie lot a and b. that goes very deep. that's also a risk of cancer. i want to say right now, the european sunscreens, i think they're better. i think the fda is waiting too long on this. they've been sitting on it for years. i think we don't have the ideal sunscreens on the market that we need here. >> dr. samadi, what do you say to folks watching, saying, no i don't want to wear sunscreen, i want to get a tan? what do you say to them? >> i actually happen to be one of them. i enjoy the sun. but i think there's an art of getting enough sun that you're
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going to be tan but not burn yourself. when you start having too long of a period without the sunscreen, that's when you star first-degree burn. that can lead to melanoma and other things. this particular study, i don't think it's a very accurate one, it's not done well. consumer reports usually does a great job. in this particular case, they're looking at few people. and the way they did this study, i don't think it's really legit. good brands, copperstone, broad svitek trum is a great one. banana boat, i love that brand and i've been using it for a long time. i think for kids, this wet skin is a great one. but reapplication of this is very important every two hours. but you know, arthel, the best sunscreen is to be in the shade and wear your hat and still wear
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your shirt. you still get a beautiful tan and you're okay. some of the tanning lotions are fine. they're fairly safe if you want to get the color. but the idea is to be out there and enjoy and not get burned. >> you put it on sometimes in the late morning, let's say, you go out and forget about it all day. you have to reapply these. >> every couple hours. that's the point about this consumer report study, even though i agree it wasn't well done f. you go in the water, you really got to reapply it afterward. >> even that, they kind of wear off. >> absolutely. there's also a debate about vitamin d. vitamin d, you get a ton of it from the sun. if i advertise too much sunscreen, then you're going to end up needing vitamin d supplements. that's one big advantage of sunlight. i use more sunscreen than david.
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if you use it, it also blocks the vitamin d. i would add coppertone equate. i love the smell of banana boat, by the way. >> as far as vitamin d is concerned, all you need is about 15 minutes of exposure without the shirt and you will get about 10,000 unit of vitamin d. three times a week, not wearing your shirt, you will get it. i think a lot of these exposures to uva and uvb and tanning salons, accumulation of these attacks on the skin is what can cause this kind of melanoma. so being out there for the summer few times, as long as you cover yourself every couple hours with these lotions, i think you're fine and you should enjoy yourself. >> david, who are you saying shouldn't wear their shirt by the way? men only white? >> i'll take the fifth on that. >> enjoy the sun, but be careful
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is the great advice from the doctors of course. and reapply. if you're out in the sun, you may enjoy a few drinks. what do you do about the hangover? a surprising household product they say will make you feel like yourself yet again as house call continues for this holiday weekend. (vo) around age 7, the glucose metabolism in a dog's brain begins to change. (maryjo) she's always interacted with dogs and now does suddenly not want to be around dogs. (jack) she's very much a loner.
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(maryjo) you are what you eat and this is definitely the case with bright mind. (jack) i've been surprised by how much has happened. she's much more affectionate than she was. (maryjo) she just has integrated herself into the family again. (vo) purina pro plan bright mind promotes alertness and mental sharpness in dogs 7 and older. purina pro plan. nutrition that performs.
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and back now with "sunday housecall." you know the dreaded hangover? it's almost inevitable if you drink too much. now they say a surprising drink usually given to sick children is promising to make you feel like normal. what do you do? >> this is a big secret that a lot of actors and actresses have been doing for many years.
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drinking and consuming pedialite for hangover. it has a lot of electro lights and minerals. we give it to the kids to replace their electrolytes. a lot of people out there, they may have hangover as a result of dehydration are using it to replace the fluid and it's working really well. to the point that the consumption of it for adults is up by 60%. and this is a big news. and i think it works really well. i have never tried it myself. but it makes sense. the fact that you're not getting a lot of calories and sugar. and guess what, a lot of professional athletes are also using this because it's easy to replace what you need. >> go ahead. >> i was going to say, what do
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you think about drinking it. so you already know you had one too many. how about drinking it before you go to sleep. >> that's probably what marc did when he did the he did the 60-mile biking in texas. you know? >> we used a lot down there. that's right. and gatorade. the right before, two-fisted drinking. alcohol in one hand, water in another. water's the only thing you can really use for a hangover remedy. eye of the dog is ridiculous. you have more alcohol? coffee which we love on the show is a diuretic and makes the problem worse. the main symptoms of a hangover are being dehydrated. alcohol dries you out. you got to replace it with water or electrolytes. we talked before about not just drinking plain water. you get magnesium depleted. you need stuff with that. i like fruit and vegetables, as well. a very light breakfast, fruit
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and vegetables and here's the other thing. don't take aspirin. it irritates your stomach. fatty meals? a remedy? that irritates your stomach. tylenol is okay but you have a few too many and it's toxic to the liver. you have already poisoned your liver. >> i can drink up the wazoo buying pedolyte. don't mix? don't have too much? >> i think social drinking is perfectly fine but i think having fatty meal or have some sort of a meal before you go out where you coat the stomach lining and reduces the absorption of alcohol is good. drinking afterwards is too late. drink before you go out. make sure you're well hee traited so when you have the alcohol you don't have the migraine as a result of it. if you feel like you're tired and fatigued, probably the low
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potassium, low salt, low magnesium, that pedolyte can help you. >> and be prepared. have the big meal before and not after. one more thing seems like a different topic. designated driver. you can't say that enough. we are talking hangovers here. if you drove home, you put lives at risk even your own. >> and buzzed driving is drunk driving? >> absolutely. we have talked about binge drinking. have a designated driver. >> okay. thank you. heat stroke and dehydration send hundreds of people to the hospital every year. the doctors give you tips to protect yourself this summer and also have a good time.
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well, being outside in the heat all day can take a toll on your body but there are a number of things you can do to make sure you stay safe this summer. you say what? >> i say that the first thing you have to worry about is
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something called heat exhaustion. if you're out in the heat and starting to feel really sweaty, heavy sweaty, very fatigued and starting to get muscle aches and not sure what's going on, you have to get out of the heat, drink a lot of water and get cool wash cloths on you. that's heat exhaustion. here's what i'm really worried about. if that goes on and see on the right, heat stroke, this is heat exhaustion. but if you get out of the heat and get hydrated, that will be okay. then there's something called heat stroke and her's the key with that. you stop sweating. your skin is very dry and red and hot. you go to 103, 104 degrees. you get very confused. altered mental status. rapid pulse and you may blackout. that's a medical emergency. that's 911 time. that's when you have to get to the hospital right away. if i come upon somebody with that, on a trail, i might want to put cool clothes on that
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person but i have to get them to the hospital. >> is there something to this that i heard if you're outside in the hot, hot, hot weather don't come in and drink extremely cold water. >> well, there is something to that and you want to basically any major change in your temperature is not going to be good for your body so you want to do it very gradually. and i think this distinction between heat exhaustion and heat stroke is very important. because i think, you know, you could very easily and quickly go from heat exhaustion to stroke within a very short period of time and people ignore the first stage of this. if you are fatigued and muscle weakness and not moving well, that's probably the heat is getting to you. your heart is pumping and working too hard. that's what tachycardia is. but by the time you basically become neurological changes, that's a difference between the two. that in heat exhaustion, you're
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neurologically perfectly fine but with heat stroke, you're affected neurologically. the heart will fail. and have to go to the emergency room. what we do in the emergency room basically we give you iv fluid and slowly change the temperature to make sure that your other organs are not affected and very dangerous. cdc reports 675 people die every year as a result of complication of heat stroke. we don't need it. >> one of the reasons that one point to emphasize. you can go from heat exhaustion to heat stroke so quickly, a good reason not to hike alone. not to be out there alone on a hot day and underlying medical problems on the diuretics. go with a buddy. go with somebody that can watch you, a cell phone area to make an emergency call. >> great points. >> and i think a lot of times you're losing a lot of water without knowing because -- >> absolutely. >> -- while you're swetding, the fluid going out and getting low
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blood pressure. >> all right. carry a bottle of water with you. >> always. >> if you feel hot, go inside. >> have a great time. >> thank you. >> be safe, though. >> thanks for joining us, guys. >> have a great holiday weekend. thanks for spending some of your time with us. alert, extremely dangerous situation in the central and southern plains. right now, after another round of severe storms tear through the area. parts of texas and oklahoma seeing some of the worst flooding in decades. overnight storms knocking down trees, damaging homes and leaving entire communities under water. hello, everyone. i'm arthel neville. >> i'm gregg jarrett. it's a nightmare for crews trying to reach dozens of people trapped in their homes and attics by rushing water. a battalion


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