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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  May 26, 2015 12:00am-1:01am PDT

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maximum security prison. you heard her story. tell me what you think on my facebook live from america's news headquarters i'm kelly wright. america's -- americans returned to work this morning after the memorial day weekend. among them lawmakers on capitol hill. high on their agenda is the patriot act set to expire next sunday. the house has passed the bill to extend the act but the senate is blocking the measure. at issue is a section of the act that allows the government to justify secretly collecting information from private land line phone calls. officials in cleveland are expected to announce a settlement with the u.s. justice department to resolve what investigators describe as a pattern of excessive force and civil rights violations by the city's police force. the deal is part of a sweeping effort by city leaders to
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reveal trust between cops and the public. >> it will accomplish what we want to pass a division for police that serves. it serves with professionalism integrity and respect to the people they serve. >> the clean up continues along california's santa barbara coast. the scene of an oil spill that spoiled a memorial day weekend for many campers and sun worshipers. the owners of the ruptured say say -- ruptured pipeline say the effect is unclear. and there is no active homicide investigation into the death of bb king. despite claims by two of his daughters that king's two closest aids poisoned him. cops say any action they may take will depend on autopsy
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findings and that could take up to eight weeks. the blues legend died at the age of 89. and amazing video to show you of a volcano erupting on the largest of the gallapagos island. a look at that next. >> welcome to another edition of "red eye." it is the late night show that answers the question how long can you drag out the host. everybody was thinking it, right? enough about diligence being global intelligence firm working tirelessly around the world. let's welcome our guest. she is the shiny new spark plug. i am here with joanne nosuchunsky. steel yourselves, ladies. it is andy levey. and look, it is the former "maxim" editor and he is now
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was innocent until proof guilty -- proven guilty. flow is a standard of -- now there is a standard of thank you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear. you expect them to live in the confines of the power and they will not live in the confines of power unless you watch them like a hawk. >> the handsome visionary paul paul -- a bipartisan coalition of senators including marco rubio gave him a break from asking -- or from speaking by asking long-winded questions. marco rubio also provided lavendar soap and warm cloths while quietly whispering "eye of the tiger." would you please join me in explaining to the rest of those seated here today how rand paul is a maniacal nut?
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that's what is in the teleprompter. look, i think what he doesn't understand is that in this new era of the 8 saw met trail worker you knew who your enemy was. yoyou had big planes, big navies. you can see them coming a long way away. intelligence was important but you could see what was happening. now we have an enemy you don't see. you don't know where he is coming from. he could be the guy next door or the guy that entered the country. all of a sudden intelligence takes on a different and more crucial role. >> we have the ability to find those guys. the needle in a hey stack guy. by saying we are not going to have it, it is not going to happen, we are giving up the one advantage we have.
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i would add to that that his concern, and i have talked to him about it, but his concern is you have this much power -- >> you talked to rand paul? >> yes. >> can you tell him i didn't mean the whole maniacal thing. >> who else does -- you talked to the presidential candidate this. >> no, but tell marco -- >> i knew him when he was still in college. >> i am going to see van van halen at the hollywood bowl in october. did you know that? go ahead. i'm sorry. his concern is government gets so big and then government can use it as a political weapon. we saw the irs for example go after conservative groups. rand paul's concern is you have more of the power and then you have a president to use that power not to find bad guys and terrorists, but to find politicallen peas. there is a point.
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there has got to be -- i think there is a happy medium we can take. if you are worried get a bipartisan group and get an executive branch group to oversee and make sure we are not -- >> are you saying evaluate and if we need to have a discussion do so in a functional, efficient manner. when are you getting up to capitol hill, by the way? when are you going to run? >> you are not going together. >> i'm assuming you agree with everything that jt said. i will move on to dan. dan? i also assume you agree but i will let you speak. >> well, as andy was saying earlier i don't have a problem with the nsa knowing how many times i called dominoes this past month. i don't know what political leverage they will be able to use to black mail me into doing something. i'm assuming that's why they are collecting all of this
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stuff. their data storage plan must be astronomical. my iphone is like -- i'm paying like $30 a month. i can't imagine what their fees are like. >> it is taxpayer money. >> i don't know. what do you think? >> that's not how this works. typically what will happen is once you have made your point and i thought it was a good one, i would take the man tell -- the mantle and run with it. >> take that mantle. >> could you speak for 11 hours straight? >> no. what i could do for 11 hours -- >> pray tell. >> i can take a flight from new york to istanbul or binge watch half of "house of cards" or i could wait in line at the dmv. >> you know? you know what? on that flight to turkey you could binge watch during the
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flight. two things at the same time. >> if this program hasn't really worked so we have seen now that we haven't really collected through the surveillance things that are really worth while. so if we can use our money and engines in another way that could be more productive and beneficial to our national security. i'm all for that. if we could, i don't know, fix what we're doing. >> make adjustments? >> not completely get rid of it. as opposed to the dysfunctional manner they tend to go which is all or nothing and we are burning the house down. in all seriousness you know -- we know you have strong feelings. i want to know if you have plans for memorial day weekend. thank you so much. i don't have huge plans.
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i will be completing the cage around my apartment so none of my electronic information can be collected by the nsa. >> you think that's what they are doing? >> i never should have hired diligence. >> you and the tea party are complaining efforts. do you think the scare tactics are feeding off the fact that most people out there still don't understand what this program does? do you think that's fair? >> sure. it is as fair as the scare tactics being used by you and your dc boys. to make it seem you need this meta data to do your job when you really don't. i understand we are in an 8 symetric work. i also understand i am not the enemy. >> whoa! don't lead to assumptions there champ.
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>> the enemy always says they are not -- >> i said -- let me finish. i paid for this microphone. fox makes you pay for your own gear. the patriot act was passed in the heat of the moment. i said this before. you end up with bad laws. we have seen this recently with a lot of schools with zero tolerance rules where kids are getting expelled for having a pop tart shaped like a gun. >> brown sugar sin gnaw upon -- cinnamon pop tarts. my favorite. >> thank you. after 9/11 we were scared, understandably so. we allowed our civil liberties to be compromised. we allowed sneak and peek warrants without you knowing it. we allowed the fbi to issue
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access to bank accounts and records. we allowed our meta data to be scooped up by the government yet again without knowing it until american patriot edward snowden let us know and god bless him i hope he is well. >> i completely zoned you out until the very end part where you said god bless him? really? >> i was quoting you from earlier. >> here is where we agree. it is important to find the common gnat. commonality. where we agree is that there is a danger in to the appropriate oversight. not an inquiz tiff and curious and in an aggressive manner government with the institutions that are supposed to be watching out for this. i will say that's where they failed. i do think there is room for improvement and adjustments. the disappointing part is yet
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again we are doing the same thing we always do. they are screwing the pooch because they can't do things in an efficient manner and can't talk to each other. rand paul talking for 11 hours. everybody is screaming at each other. the thing is about to expire at a time when we actually do have more potential domestic concerns and threats. >> i think june 1st will be national send a nude pic day. it expires june 1st right? >> that's a perfect segue to the next story. >> i want to thank you all for a lovely conversation. >> one presidential hopeful and it is somebody that is close to joanne's heart is struggling to pay the bills. hint, it is not hillary clinton, although joanne isy name mored with her. -- is enamored with her. marco rubio cashed out to pay for a broken refrigerator.
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and also his kids' private education. the move carries a tax penalty as you and i know. an economist told "the pos means he is probably on some revel living above his means because he is borrowing for his future. >> did you hear what they said? i can read it again but out of it comes the idea that marco rubio was a financial disaster. i was told to get back to the topic at hand. here is the florida senator's explanation on fox news on sunday. >> my refrigerator broke down. that was $3,000. i had to replace the air conditioning unit in my home. my kids are all in school and closer to college. school can be expensive. we have retirement savings and have been blessed with a book that has done well, but i am not poor, but i am not rich either.
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>> right now most people are saying holy [bleep]. $3,000 for a refrigerator? what does it have in it? a slushee machine? >> how about a kegerator? >> that is a better idea. that sounds more rand paulish. broken refrigerators are not going to fix themselves. >> if you pay enough for one you could. it could hand you a cold beverage if you command it to do so. >> i have one in my home and i love every minute of it. >> the money laundering business is going well for you. >> you could get a wife for a lot cheaper to do the same thing. >> kt, can i ask you a question? if marco rubio if according to the story is having trouble balancing his budget, doesn't that raise concerns over his
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ability to balance the united states' budget? >> i look at it differently. marco rubio he talks about his first book and he made some money. he used the advance to payoff his college loan. i contrast marco rubio who is earning every penny and saving every penny and spending every penny who if hillary clinton had a wroaken refrigerator -- broken refrigerator would get a new house. here is a guy running for president who is living on his salary and not taking the kickbacks and not taking the pay for play and you have the clintons over here where the clinton foundation is hauling in not millions or not tens of millions, but hundreds of millions of dollars while she is secretary of state and making decisions on the very people donating to the clinton foundation. i mean, to me, who do i like in the picture? i like marco rubio. >> i thought you were leaning toward hillary clinton. i couldn't figure that out.
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>> who owns marco rubio? nobody. >> he does have a wealthy ben gnaw factor in miami. >> speaking of the clintons, should we spend more time looking at how much rubio spends on haircuts? i believe that was one of the things we were looking at. or the money in the clinton foundation where those finances are going. what will matter more in the white house? whose spending habits? the clintons are something you need to be more concerned about. rubio is the average american. we all go threw's things like this. i'm sure he wasn't thrilled to dip into his retirement save -- savings but sometimes you do what you have to do. >> it makes him relatable. >> contactually. i live beyond my means all the time jie. if you have a candidate without a college degree like scott walker and their finances are a mess is that the perfect candidate? >> it might be. i agree with everything. hillary clinton's big thing is she is looking out for everyday americans. everyday americans are not worth tens of millions of
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dollars. everyday americans dip into retirement to pay for kids to go to college. if he were a democrat, that's how it would be recorded. marco rubio -- >> man of the people. >> the only reason it is being reported this way is because he is a republican. assuming this is accurate, i think he gets a pass on this one. >> i think you are right on this one. coming up, what kind of porn did osama bin laden like to watch? we'll speculate wildly. that will be next. more "red eye" after the break. stick around.
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leader of al-qaeda most wanted terrorist smut loving
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horn dog of the desert. bin laden left behind an impressive porn stash. for reasons of national security it will apparently be kept classified. i don't know about you but i'm really grooving on this music. i want to thank todd kelly. it is his birthday today. he came up with this tune. oh yeah. newly declassified documents revealed osama bin laden read 9/11 truther books. that's a [bleep] killer isn't it? sadly we will never get to see his collection of smut. a spokesman from the director of national intelligence said, quote, we have no plans to release that at this point in time. due to the nature of the content the decision was made not to release it. uh-huh. routers broke the fuse -- the
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news of the x rated material in 2011, just weeks after we got that son of a bitch. >> keep going keep going. >> andy, are the feds keeping all of the porn? >> hell yeah they are. they are not looking at it on their computers at work. you brought up todd kelly. >> yes, i did. >> i would like to point out thursday was his birthday and he said all he wanted as a present was for you mike baker, to get the government to release bin laden's porn. and you so far have failed. >> to be fair i was only on the job for two hours. >> true. >> we had to work through that whole thing we did there. joanne? >> did you have to practice the eight voices you did? >> can we get a close up of joanne's face? i don't think she is digging
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that. is it sad that a man with three wives still collected porn? >> here is my theory. the porn is of himself. i think he likes to videotape him and his wife doing the deed. we don't know. that's my speculation. >> are you breaking this on fnc right now? are you breaking the story? >> i am speculating. >> i don't even like to talk about it. watching porn is a very human thing to do and i don't want to humanize this monster. >> you know what, i like that. isn't that interesting? there was some talk -- there was some talk mostly by people who didn't know what the hell they were talking about that perhaps the jihadists were embedding code or code words in the porn and that's probably why we are not releasing this now to the general public. >> they have to watch it several times to make sure. >> but we needed a serious
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question to ask you. >> here is why this is a serious issue. also next to the porn at the bedside table was something called the terrorism monitor from the jamestown foundation where i am on the board. it is an organization that tracks all of the major terrorists in the world. you will see pictures of it. the jamestown foundation is the who's who. it is like facebook for terrorists. he was looking at the porn and then the facebook pages and the terrorism monitor the jamestown foundation and then back at the porn. maybe he got it all confused. >> maybe the terrorism monitor was like think of the yankees kind of thing. >> is it that unrealistic to think maybe they; sc:ét used -- was it stegonography when they hide things in a picture? >> why would they need that? >> they are fun. they are fun loving guys.
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>> you just gave everyone the best excuse if they are busted watching porn. >> i was reading code! >> it is like the hidden message of the bible. >> let's be honest about this. whose stash, bin laden's or your porn stash is more interesting would you imagine? >> my porn stash? >> yeah. >> i don't want to know what he was into. what if he was also into clown porn. as you said [bleep] killer of the universe. i like the same thing this monster likes? i don't want to know. >> it could hurt the porn industry. maybe that's why. >> i think big porn is up there in washington d.c. shutting this whole thing down. >> we could turn that into a script what do you say? >> let's do it. >> can we put that music back on?
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>> hey now. coming up a man strips naked. stick around and we will ask andy why he chose to do that. and the greg gutfeld show. it premieres on sunday may 31st at 10:00 p.m. may 31st each week. greg invites people to spin a wheel and solve a phrase. it is basically hang man with an attractive mute.
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>> live from america's news headquarters, i am kelly wright. severe weather in texas claiming a fourth life this holiday weekend. the latest death coming 60 miles northeast of austin. a man was killed when a tornado destroyed his mobile home. and the body of a teen who drowned was found in a suburban dallas storm drain. at least 12 people are still missing. 37 texas counties were declared disaster areas. and just south of the u.s. border more tragedy when a tornado tore through a small mexican town. at least 13 people were killed there. hundreds more were hurt. mexico's president plans a firsthand look at the devastation. authorities are looking at a rash of phone threats against international airlines. two delta flights were targeted on monday. they were deemed not credible. at an air france flight getting a military escort into new york's jfk airport after
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someone claimed a chemical weapon was on board. nothing was found. and an afghan police chief in northern afghanistan is asking for reinforcements to fight the taliban. 19 police and seven soldiers were killed during a siege in the helmund province. a truck bomb killed and wounded others. exploding at the gate to a dwoft compound. dash cash to a government compound. the white house is making it clear it supports iraq in the fight against isis. joe biden speaking with iraq's prime minister and welcoming the decision to mobilize more troops. and a fast-moving fire kills 38 people at a rest home in central china. another six were injured and 51 people live at that home. tire officials don't know what ignited the fire, but are launching an investigation. i'm kelly wright. now back to "red eye." for all of your headlines go to fox are you watching the most powerful name in news.
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fox newschannel. they remember the private conversations i have while driving with my wife, emily. and for that i am grateful. the point being i know a thing or two about the frustrations of air travel. i do. it comes as no surprise that one man about to fly from charlotte to jamaica was so upset when he was told the flight was over booked that he completely stripped downright there at the gate.
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completely. he then stood naked proudly displaying his carry on baggage for an hour, an hour before police escorted him away. he won't be charged with any offense. in the words of the charlotte police precinct, jesus they bumped him off a flight to jamaica. what did you expect him to do? just last week -- this is a true story -- i suffered through five-hour delay and fume russ gate changes striaing to -- trying to fly through l.a.x. i angrily typed out a tweet comparing a goat, monkey and a foot tbawl. football. did it make me feel better to send out a tweet? maybe. would i have felt better tweeting without my pants? i think we should ask our guest. >> would i have felt better tweeting without my pants on? >> depends on what you were
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feeling. >> is that the first time you were ever asked that question? you seem unprepared. >> that guy was thinking three things. number one he will get through the security line mop faster than everybody else. he would get there and could get a seat. >> nobody would want that seat after. >> or he would make such a scene everybody would say i'm out of here. i don't want to fly on that plane with the crazy guy. or which is what happened, all of the mothers looked at him and saw what he was doing and grabbed their children and they just ran. everybody canceled their seat. so he had the plane to himself. i don't see what the problem was. >> you are in favor of this? >> well, i would want to see about it first. >> andy, has this ever happened to you? >> you fly to the west coast. >> i flew out of l.a.x. and i had no problems. i think sentinal 1 diligence nothing. that said, short of actual violence i understand anything
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anyone must do at an airport when their flight is overbooked because i don't understand how they over bach their flights. you have a certain number of seats and you sell a certain number of tickets. the same number. a kinder gardener can do that. >> my boy is a kindergardeners. >> he understands that. >> she a wonderful boy. >> it is apparently third parties sell you the seat. >> either way therere should be an equivalent number of tickets to the number of seats on the plane. >> some dude outside the airport before you go into the terminal? >> get your tickets here. >> one of the reasons he is not being charged is they said he has a mental issue. >> really? that was their conclusion? >> yes, that was their conclusion. >> the most frustrating flight you have ever taken? >> i don't travel much. i would like to travel.
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this is the reason there needs to be a cinnabon in every a airport. after you eat one of those you don't want to get naked for a week. you are like, i have had enough calories to last me forever. the thing is, nothing surprises me anymore at airports. the last time i traveled i went to costa costa rica and a woman was doing yoga at the gate. she had a mat and was doing all of the poses. not naked yoga or any of the hot stuff or anything. she was doing yoga and everybody ignored her. >> you have to assume that the flight to boston will be a little different. >> they ignored her because people hate people who do yoga. >> i did tweet about her. >> she was a step ahead of this guy in charlotte. she had her clothes on. >> she did. >> dan most frustrating travel? >> i was frustrated the other day. i take the metro mortar and i actually tried the same tactic to get a seat. i took my clothes off and
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people will not move for nothing on that train. they are not giving up that middle seat for nothing. you snuggle right in. >> i have gone on the subway sometimes and i will take out my metro card and go up to somebody siting and say hi, i think are you in my seat? they don't think it is funny. nobody has laughed at that joke. >> so there is vindication. going from a naked man to north korea. that's why people love "red eye." >> there is a lot of range. there is a segue on "meet the press." here we jump. >> their warheads are as tiny as their leader. on wednesday north korea boasted it has made warheads small enough to fit on the edge of my pen. is that correct kt, or am i exaggerating? okay on a missal.
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it is usually north korea is trustworthy. am i wrong? am i thinking of some other place? earlier this month officials in pyongyang the capitol claimed they launched a missal on a submarine. now they say the photo is modified smed. >> just a few wiex ago -- we saw pyongyang raving about a test of its missal capability. fortunately they have not got as far as their clever video editors might have believed. they are years away from developing the capability. >> here is footage before it was doctored. >> it looks like it worked jie. is that something to be concerned about? >> what do we do for a national security issue?
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>> are you serious? >> i am much more concerned about iran and nuclear weapons. the reason i am concerned -- i am not concerned about lil kim. they have an american calendar and every time it is an american holiday they manufacture an incident because they want to capture the news cycle. the other thing they do is if other countries in the world are getting too much attention -- i mean i have five kids. i know what it is like. mom is paying attention to number one two three -- number five is angry. number five has an explosion of some sort. that's what little kim does. we are paying too much attention to isis. putin. iran's nukes. he was ignored. what does he do? he manufactures this incident. what he manufactures is a weapons firing of one of the most sophisticated weapons submarine launch ballistic missal is as sophisticated weapon system -- he can't do that but they doctored it up. i worry they will eventually do it and they share
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everything with the iranians. north korea has nukes then iran has nukes. that does keep me up. >> do you believe what she is saying? >> that she is up all night? i just love when north korea is in the news. that chubby little face and you want to get up and give him a squeeze. he is so cute. i hope to meet his canadian girlfriend too. i love him. i am happy if you want to quote me on this. it is a toddler and a tod pot. >> i will take issue with what katie said. it is not that tough to build a submarine-based missal. >> have i done it three -- i have done it three or four times. i mind that they are so bad at it. some of the photos had white smoke coming out of the missal. others didn't. the shadows didn't lineup
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properly. i'm assuming they have old people doing it. they need to find 15-year-olds. 15-year-olds will create the photoshop stuff and no one will be able to tell. be better at lying. >> joanne, have you ever built a nuclear submarine? >> no, but i used photoshop. i think little kim may be 600 pounds. they are using their engines to photoshop. he loves the celebs. he probably looks at that and says i can look better in the photo. >> he is really only 4-2. it is time to take a break, right? heros and villains when we come back.
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haters are gonna hate. kids say that now days. in all seriousness this next story makes me want to devise a delivery mechanism and shove a history book up college student. 7,000 students across the globe that don't know [bleep] sought them out. george w. bush is one of the top villains. hitler is the most evil of all followed by bin laden. saddam hussein. george bush as i mentioned and the ubiquitous jan from toyota. yes w was deemed more of a bad guy than stalin or gang gus
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can. in this survey bush was deemed more of a bad guy than mao stalin or gang does can. does anybody read history? einstein mother theresa and gandhi came out on top. jesus, a guy named jesus didn't crack the top five. the average age of students in this survey was 23. which it is we know is the age when you know the most ever in life. right? andy let's start with the heros. who is your pick for hero. >> it is obvious edward snowden should have been on the top of the list. we don't need to discuss it. let's discuss it as a given and move on. the survey -- all the survey shows is that it is not just in america that millenials are awful. in addition to w they ranked saddam hussein as worse than
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stalin. stalin was worse than either of those two guys. you can make an argument that stalin was worse than hitler. i may not buy it. >> not to mention mao. >> the only cool thing is on the hero's list there was someone on the list named after someone else. you had martin luther and martin luther king. >> on the villain's list? >> on the hero's list. >> did they leave anybody off the list sph. >> for villain global warming. am i right this these are kids who just finished college and these are the things they are learning. sometimes people associate what is important and the things they experienced in their life and how it affects their life. a lot of people it is story. they don't see the affect of it. they are hearing about bush all the time and hear about albert einstein. they are in school and want to be smart. >> without swearing like a
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sailor what do you think about this survey? >> there are a lot of stupid people. i just don't think they thew who who -- they knew who he was. they knew who george bush was and they didn't like him. it is interesting because obama was on neither survey. >> that's interesting but i didn't think that way. i didn't think of that as a surprise. >> he was not a hero? if you asked that question six years ago. >> right six years ago but not now. dan anything surprise you? anything leap off the page? >> i think a lot of these kids never saw the second star trek movie. they probably don't understand kahn! i think that's the problem. >> andy, name the actor who played kahn. >> in which movie? >> ricardo mas -- ma swrat
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plan. we will close things out with slight safety.
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>> e block. last story. that's the last story.
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>> i have it right here. in case of a water landing here is some means from 2007. delta airlines has released the internettest safety video on the internet. key word catch animated baby, screaming, chipmunk. sadly we couldn't get the video so i will describe it to you. i am. i know right now i am supposed to say i can't but i will describe it to you. here is part of it. >> welcome aboard. thanks for flying with delta. our first priority on every flight is safety. be sure all security islands are stowed in an over head bin and place smaller items under the seat in front of you. find the exits closest to you. if necessary we will
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distribute vests for children who weigh 35 pounds or less. now would be a good time to review the safety information card in your seat pocket. >> relax and enjoy your flight. >> the whole thing is actually three freaking hours long. that's not even a third of rand paul's -- is this a great idea or is this a genius idea on delta's part? >> it is the first safety video i actually watched in my entire life. i have to give him kudos. i didn't remember some of those things. i happily didn't remember the dancing baby thing and was horrified to get back. >> you just flew back from l.a. as you pointed out earlier. did you pay attention to the safety video? >> i flew on virgin america which is a great airline but they have a new safety video and it is a cheesy r&b music
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video. that was not enough to make it annoying and it is the worst part of the flag. but it is pretty bad. >> how does this rank with north korea? >> that's where greg gutfeld was . >> i thought it was a baby who looked like greg. >> 23 internet means did they miss any of the classics? >> i don't look for them. i just watch videos of myself. i appreciate delta doing something. i would rather they spend the money on better snacks. am i right? >> you and me both, sister. >> very special thanks to
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joanne nosuchunsky. kt mcfarland. from all of of us, feed before getting into bed. sleep tight and don't forget hello! this little beauty here is top-of-the-line. see, you just pull like this to go left. and like so to go right. where are the brakes? uh, just grab ahold of both and pull straight back. and the "whoa!" is optional. you wouldn't buy a motorcycle without handlebars. no thanks. and you shouldn't ride a motorcycle without geico insurance. roadside assistance, 24 hour service, great rates. geico motorcycle. see how much you could save.
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next. memorial day 2015 the nation honors the war dead while fighting against tyranny and freedom. this is "special report." good evening. i'm shannon bream in for bret baier. the country honors the more than 1.25 million americans who have given their lives in military service. but threats to the u.s. still abound from the middle east to asia to right here in the homeland. there is a growing rank about what the nation is and should be doing about them. correspondent kevin corke begins our coverage tonight from the white house. >> reporter: it's the first memorial day in 14 years without u.s. f


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