tv Hannity FOX News May 28, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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go to kelly file for more of my interview with the kilmeade to find out who my mom did vote more in the '76 election or did she? let me know what you think on today's show. see you tomorrow. tonight, widespread fear in baltimore. >> that's why there's all the shooting. they feel entitled now. >> residents are scared after a wave of violence hits the city. >> it's surreal. i can't mix it up. 35 people killed in a month. this is afghanistan. >> we have a special report. >> who would want bill clinton in office a second time doing the same stuff he was doing before slandering with women. >> paula jones has a stern warning about letting bill clinton back in the white house. the great one, mark levin is here. "hannity" starts right here right now. a city in fear.
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baltimore residents are on edge and preparing for the worst as the community struggles to deal with the horrific new wave of violent crime. now are saying they're too afraid to leave their homes. earlier today, the head of the baltimore police union issued this statement. the criminals are taking advantage of the situation in baltimore since the unrest. criminals now feel empowered. there is no respect. police are under siege in every quarter. they're more afraid for going to jail for doing their jobs properly than they are getting shot on duty. in baltimore, arrests are down 58% so far in the month of may, just compared to last year. joining us now is leyland. arrests are down 58%. yet, we've got the highest murder rate since 1996 with 38 so far for the month of may. i understand the fear the people are expressing here.
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a 7-year-old kid was killed this morning. >> absolutely sean. remember the number of homicides this month we have could still go up. we have a few more days. baltimore may not be the wild west yet, but it is getting there. i say that because in many ways the streets are lawless. i was up there at ground zero for this new crime wave. you saw all the drug dealers. saw all the gang members walking around. what you didn't see were any police officers there on the beat. there were a couple of police officers that drove by in their squad cars. i talked to one person there. it had been three days since he saw a police officer get out of his car in the most dangerous place in baltimore. if that is happening, and this criminal element is realizing they can settle all the scores they wanted to largely without fear of the police you have a lot of good common decent hard-working folks that we talk to in that part of baltimore that are quite literally scared for their lives.
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>> the kids walking around with guns. >> the cops are doing nothing. >> that's why there's all the shooting. they're walking around with guns man. that's why it's all the shooting. they feel entitled now, that they can carry the they read the paper, too. the rate is doubled. i have never seen. it's almost surreal. i can't even mix it up in my mind. 35 people killed in a month. that's afghanistan. >> it's like people know that they're lax. whoever is doing these crimes they know they're lax now. since they know that they're taking advantage of the opportunity. >> the police say they really don't feel like they're going to be backed up if they make arrests and try to do anything. there's also talk that any time police officers get out of their cars they're surrounded by this mob mentality. remember how we got here. it was about a month ago now that the mayor ordered the police to stand down. let them loot is what she said. ordered the police not to put on certain protective gear during
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the riot. the mayor has been as you might imagine, a little tough to track down. i wanted to understand if she felt as though the fact that now we had the highest murder rate in almost two decades for one month, the deadliest month, did that prove her policies of taking on the police and her campaign promises that she was going to go after the police in this division she's created with the police was to blame. she didn't answer the question. she dodged and weaved. then i asked her this directly. >> is that because the police are doing less? >> as i said before, there are a lot of reasons why. >> is that one of them? >> there's -- we're examining all the -- >> arrests are down 50%. >> would you let her finish? >> i'm not 100% sure what you're doing. this is a very orderly press conference that is normally held. we don't -- i don't -- your tactics are -- >> i'm just asking a question.
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>> you're not. you're being rude just as you were before. if you'd like to ask a question and give me the opportunity to answer it we can do this. otherwise, i'll end the conference. >> she never came up with a coherent answer for why this crime wave in baltimore had gotten so large. thankfully she did take a number of other questions from some local reporters. then i was able to touch on what i thought was one more important issue of her leadership. >> when you talk about reform we were here for the riots. we all witnessed how upset and outraged you were by the death of freddie gray. why is it it seems you were more outraged by the death of freddie gray than you are angered and leading rallies over the death of 30 plus people who died of homicides this month? >> again, you can choose to be selective about my track record if you'd like. mischaracterize. it's just not true. i've led initiatives --
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>> when was the last riot you led about the deaths of the people this month? are you planning one? >> we didn't get an answer to whether she was planning any rallies or more importantly perhaps, trying to begin to rebuild the trust with the police. sean a lot of folks i talked to in law enforcement, my sources say the bridge between the leadership in the city and the rank and file police officers hasn't been burned. it has been dynamited. you think about how it took us a month to get where we are with this crime wave in baltimore. it is now the beginning of a very hot summer. it would take a very long time to try and put the genie back in the bottle here as so many in baltimore now feel they can act with impunity. the police feel there is no one to back them up even if they do do their jobs. >> thanks so much for that report. shocking. joining me now with reaction, the spokesperson for the peoples power assembly sharon black. sharon, cops are saying, according to the police
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commissioner officers tell me when they pull up they have 30 to 50 people surround them at any one given time. they have expressed concern that they could be arrested for making mistakes. can you blame them after they were accused of harassing? now the people accusing them of harassing them are saying they're abandoned by them? >> i think the whole pairradigm you're presenting is a false paradigm. >> i'm quoting the police commissioner. sharon -- >> we have murders. i have to tell you something. >> i'm quoting the police commissioner. >> there was a police officer who was anonymous that said the police are conducting a slowdown. if that's true that's insubordination. it's why we've been promoting the idea -- >> you want to fire them all? >> i do think we should fire them all. we need community control of police. >> maybe you didn't hear my question. >> we don't need what's going on right now. >> hello. >> if they're not doing the job get rid of them. >> here's the point.
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the police chief says when the officers pull up to a scene, that 30 to 50 people no hostile fashion, are surrounding them. so the police -- we see the numbers -- arrests are down 56%. the murder rate is soaring. yesterday, or this morning, a 7-year-old boy was shot dead. a woman that was marryied one month was shot dead. so the people that were complaining that the police were harassing them now you see what's happening. people, criminals, are empowered. innocent people are dying. could it not have anything to do with the fact that maybe the rush to judgment in the freddie gray case maybe the politicizing of that case the attacks by the president and attorney general, might have the impact on the mindset of a cop? do you not understand that at all? >> sean let me slow down. >> good idea. >> first of all, you're presenting that either the people of baltimore have to put up with racism and total police abuse, degradation in their
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daily lives, or else they have to put up with murders. this is a falsely manufactured thing. >> excuse me. half the police department is minority ma'am. half the -- three of the six cops were minority ma'am. if you're going to make this blanket accusation that the police department is racism don't you have to back it up? you're saying the cops in baltimore are racist? >> it's racism. yes. the system itself is racist. >> i got to go. joining me with more reaction former washington d.c. detective, ted williams. former secret service agent, dan. ted, dan, if i'm surrounded as a cop by 30 or 50 people if people claim i'm harassing them when i do my job and i'm being vilified i don't think i'm going to be as proactive as i once one. ted? >> well sean you're absolutely correct.
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what the viewers need to understand is that law enforcement officers lock the bad guys up and prosecutors prosecute them. what is going on is law enforcement don't trust the prosecutor to prosecute the bad guys. they believe that they the law enforcement officer, is going to be prosecuted for doing his job. and that's what has happened here in the freddie gray case. that is the sad commentary. it's a mess, sean. >> you know, dan, i go back to the president. with the bully pulpit of the presidency. constantly harping on the cops, rushing to judgment. he's created a narrative that it's unsafe for cops. they're afraid they're going to be blamed indicted or arrested for doing their job. reaction? >> sean listen make no mistake. you're watching in live time not just the war on police officers you're watching a war on law and order. you're watching in live time the dismantling of a constitutional republic. so the hijacking of the
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democratic party by this radical far left can become complete. they leverage chaos to do that. the police officers in the street how this relates to them sean these are smart people. smart men and women. if they feel like they're going to be subjected to mob rule and some form of street justice and not the process that any citizen would be subjected to if they were accused of a crime, then of course they're going the use their discretion to prevent themselves from ending up in handcuffs on acts they had no malicious intent. >> i believe the politicians created this environment. thank you both for being with us. hillary clinton can run from the press but not hide from gop 2016. there was a square off with competing events at the same hotel in south carolina. plus tonight. >> i don't feel in no way tired. i've come too far from where i
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started from. nobody told me that the road would be easy. >> hillary's phony southern accent is back. we'll show you that. mark levin is here to sound off of michelle obama's commencement addresses. more to come. life begins with a howl, we scream shout, shriek with joy. until, inhibition creeps in our world gets smaller quieter, but life should be loud. sing loud, play loud, love loud. dentures shouldn't keep you quiet,
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it's also true with secretary of state. she called hassad a positive reformer. in 2011 she said iraq was a free, stable, sovereign nation. now, we have a nation falling apart. iranian influence is growing. isis is growing. >> that was republican presidential candidate carly, berating the record of hillary clinton. she has been hitting clinton hard. even held a press conference where hillary was hosting an event. could her aggressive campaign style give her an edge? we have jessica with us and andrea. i love it andrea. she's hitting hard. maybe there is a fear that oh the war on women is coming back because i don't hear the aggressive side from the men. are they intimidated after mitt romney? >> i think that republican men saw what happened in the new
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york senate race. >> he handed her a piece of paper and crossed over and handed it to her. >> that's how she got ahead. she played the victim. she's a professional victim and waiting for a republican man to overreach. it's a fact in politics. as a man, it's tough to go negative on a woman. carly fiorina is tough is and smart. she went to south carolina yesterday and inserted herself into the story. she punches back. she can do it in a way, and she's not classless. she's very policylicy oriented. she stuck to the issue that hillary clinton doesn't pay the women as much in her office as men. >> doesn't pay women that work for her the same amount and took money from countries that treat women like crap. >> there are a lot of fair points made by carly fiorina. the saudi arabia comment was not
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her call. >> her foundation took millions from saudi arabia. i've googled and can't find her criticizing saudi arabia's treatment of women. >> i can't either. there was another analysis of what she paid her senate staff, and when you did an analysis of the annual salary -- >> when you run it through the abacus that doesn't exist in the real world? >> it's interesting and smart. carly has broken into the top ten. she could be in the debates by the time it rolls around. i think that's great for her. >> we're talking about her, sean. if she was doing the typical, i was a five-point plan for growth we e wouldn't be talking about her. we're sitting herefiorina. it's smart. >> i agree. there's something about hillary. al gore did the same thing when he was running for president. she gets -- she got before predominantly black audience in the past and all of a sudden
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her cadence and tone -- >> are you talking about her drawl? >> yes. let's go back to when she did it the first time and then show you yesterday. >> i don't feel no ways tired. i come too far from where i started from. nobody told me that the road would be easy. >> you're right. i am running to live again, at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. but i don't want to be there all by myself. i want democrats elected from the local to the county to the state to the federal level. now, let me tell you. i'm aware. i may not be the youngest candidate in this race but i have one big advantage. i've been coloring my hair for years. >> she just slips right back into the southern accent and sounds like every woman from new york.
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new york city. >> at least she was honest about the hair dying. >> is she going to say she's a natural blond? that would be the ultimate lie. >> why the change in voice? al gore goes before a predominantly black audience. we don't want to count in the census. >> she's not authentic. she's not an authentic person. >> that's phony. >> i hang out with ainsley earhardt and sometimes a y'all will slip out. >> that's real. >> i say y'all. like from the northeast. >> you all. >> it makes her look really inauthentic. >> why does your candidate of choice you've got to be a little -- i would cringe if i was a democrat. >> i have never maintained that -- hillary clinton is someone who held a number of high-profile positions and has done arguably great things for the country, and some not so great things. there are downsides to her. >> i have a question.
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name three specific things that she has accomplished to help people. >> she has advocated for gender equality. >> advocated doesn't mean. three specific things she's gotten done. >> she is a driving force behind the pay fair. >> i'll give you that one. >> thank you. >> she doesn't pay her women the same -- >> i know. >> how can she be a driving force. >> you say democrats cringe. there are things going to be indispensable. she held the positions. you'll say it's not -- >> specific accomplishments to help people. >> advocating to raise the federal minimum wage. these are important things. we need voices. >> we need a lot of things. does it make me successful? i advocated obama not get elected and failed miserable. >> hillary clinton has not advocated for the advancement of all women, just one woman, and
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that's herself. >> well said. >> outnumbered every day at noon. we have so much fun. coming up the great one, mark levin, holding nothing back when it comes to the first lady's controversial commencement addresses. another day, another scandal involving the clinton foundation. we'll find out what peter schweizer says. remember when al sharpton said this? >> you ain't nothing! you're a [ bleep ]. come and do something. >> you think that was bad. wait till you hear what he tweeted yesterday. when eating healthy and drinking water just isn't enough to ease my constipation i trust dulcolax tablets. i take dulcolax for dependable overnight relief and in the morning i am back to myself dulcolax, designed for dependable relief
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these are the revolutions of your time. and you have as much responsibility and just as much power to wake up and play your part in our great american story. but as potentially the first african-american first lady i was also the focus of another set of questions and speculations. conversations sometimes rooted in the fears and misperceptions of others. was i too loud or too angry or too emasculateing? we both felt the sting of those slights throughout our lives. the folks that crossed the street in fear of safety. the clerks that kept close eyes on us in the department stores. the people at formal events that assumed we were the help. and those who have questioned our intelligence honesty and even our love of this country. i know that these dignities are
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obviously nothing compared to what folks across the down tricountry are dealing with every day. >> that was michelle obama giving two commencement addresses. joining us now, talk show host i call him the great one, mark levin, back with us from deep down inside his bunker. how are you, sir? >> great until i had to hear her, quite frankly. >> okay. i listened to the speech in full. i'm thinking you're the first lady of the united states. your husband is the president, despite his, quote, funny name to use her words. why not tell kids if we can make it despite the treatment, why? >> rather than trashing the american people and the american system on memorial day, when men
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and women gave their live ss throughout history so she and her husband and all of us can live in freedom. why didn't she give a speech about the revolution and the men that established this system of government. why didn't she talk about the civil war and the 750,000 dead to keep the union together and end slavery. why didn't she talk about america conquering the third reich in japan and italy? first on the spot to give aid when there's natural disasters, america. why didn't she talk about the things that happen outside of the government the churches and so on and so forth. does she sound like someone who loves this country? she and her husband lux you aruate -- are luxury in our government. >> she talked about revolution
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but they've hung out with the radical people. she said a number of times, for the first time in my adult life i am proud of my country. i don't think people are questioning the love of the country. i'm questioning somebody that for the first time she's never appreciated any of the things that you have mentioned, all the people that have sacrificed their lives. all the blood that has been shed in the name of liberty and freedom that allowed them to rise to the highest position in the world. >> for the first time in her life she loved the country because her husband was elected to the senate and president. how about when the u.s. yanks went overseas and freed the jews from the death camps? this is despicable and she gave one of these speeches on memorial day. sean, here's the problem, the fact is she is the status quo. the fact is her husband is the status quo. the fact is big government is the status quo. the fact is, every major city in this country is the status quo.
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they're all controlled by leftists and big government types. so food stamps have exploded. the welfare ranks have exploded. employment opportunities have shrunk. i mean what is she revolting against? the people revolting are doing this to us. >> let me move forward to the 2016 race. we see all the scandals that hillary is involved in. the quid pro quo, the questionable ethics all back again because she's now apparently their anointed one. then you have two more republicans that have gotten in the race. pataki and santorum. what do you think of the slate of candidates? what do you think it's going to take, if you agree with my analysis analysis we start out 47-47 and it's hard to win new york if you're a republican in new jersey oregon, washington. if you're a republican in minnesota, michigan or wisconsin. you have to run the table. what does that republican
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candidate need to win in mark levin's view? >> well the guy who ran the table was the most conservative republican nominated for president in modern american history. maybe history period. that's what we need to do. i'm not happy with the candidates. there's too many of them. i can't control it and neither can anybody else. i think we conservatives will have to rally behind one or two or three quickly. or the rhinos will pick us off, as they did with mccain and romney and hope to do with jeb bush among others. on the democrat side this is amazing to me. i don't know how hillary clinton hasn't served some time in prison given her background and what she's done. now they set up this front group to loan their money through so the sources of the money wouldn't be known. that bill clinton receives. there's so much corruption and sleaze in this family and what they do. yet, apparently that's the definition of the democrat party. she is right now, take the
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goofball from vermont, she's right now the only so-called serious candidate the democrats have. >> yeah. last question. if you were running against hillary, they've gotten away with so much in the past. do you focus on the scandals or focus on how to get 93 million americans back in the labor force, 50 million americans off food stamps and out of poverty. do you focus on the debt and deficit, securing the boarding do you focus on energy? you have to have a positive agenda and tell people how to get them back to work and stop robbing her kids. >> i think you have to do both. i don't think the candidate should get into e-mails and what it said on may 12th 2004. you can leave that to surrogates and others. i think the key here is to have a principle conservative message to connect with the blue collar and other collar democrats. to keep the base. to connect with the american people. to have a positive strong
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consecutive, principle message. now is the time to promote our position and to contrast it with the left. the obama economy, let alone the foreign policy they've been a complete and utter disaster. the democrats want to do more of the same. tax, debt illegal immigration, kill the currency leave our allies on their own, stand back and watch genocide. this is a record. if we can't win this time around i don't think we're ever going to win. >> the great one, mark levin. you can watch him on his radio show every day. coming up a new report reveals that clinton crony was allegedly on the clinton foundation payroll while advising hilary on the situation in libya. it's reported he wanted to do business there. up next clinton cash author peter schweizer, will explain the details and his reaction. later. >> she didn't stand up for the women that knew what her husband did, and she knew what her husband did to the women. there's no way she didn't know
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it. >> that was paula jones explaining why bill clinton should not return to 1600 pennsylvania avenue. we'll get reaction straight ahead. automotive innovation starts... right here. with a control pad that can read your handwriting, a wide-screen multimedia center, and a head-up display for enhanced driver focus. all inside a redesigned cabin of unrivaled style and comfort. the 2015 c-class. at the very touchpoint of performance and innovation.
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welcome back to "hannity." another day, another clinton controversy. long-time clinton crony was being paid $10,000 a month by the clinton foundation while sending error-filled e-mail messages offering advice and, quote, intelligence on libya to hillary clinton who, in fact forwarded the e-mails. the author of "clinton cash," peter schweizer is with us. she would forward these e-mails, right?
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>> right. >> okay. from him. wasn't he looking to do business with libya at the time? >> he was, sean. i mean this is a classic example of what we call the clinton blur. you had sid bloomen paid $10,000 a month, being brought to the clinton foundation to work on legacy projects but he's working with clinton, secretary of state. the obama administration said they weren't going to allow him in the administration. he's providing reports for an area he's not an expert for, while working for a company seeking contracts from the libyan government. sid was pushing them. talk about a massive conflict of interest. if this isn't one, i don't know what one would be. >> what do you know about the slush fund of bill clinton? what do you know about this nexus of the swiss wanting to
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continue to do business with iran lobbying hillary clinton while secretary of state, and meanwhile, raising money in the country? >> yeah. this is definitely a problem that we've seen. we've seen it in canada. we've now seen it in sweden. where there are these charities that have been set up that are really shell companies of the clinton foundation. >> how many of these specific shell companies, peter? >> there are three that we know of. there's one in the uk. there's one in sweden. there's one in canada. but i would say those are the ones we know of. we are looking for others and i think there probably will be others. the problem is sean -- >> go ahead. >> i was going to say -- >> i don't mean to interrupt you. are they getting something from hillary? things they wouldn't ordinarily get as a compensation. >> well i think they're trying to sean. in the case of sweden for example, they give $25 million
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through this government-owned lottery to the clinton foundation at precisely the same time the sweden government -- and i report on this in the book -- precisely the same time the swedish government is trying to get hillary's state department off their backs because sweden is doing these commercial deals with iran. bill clinton gives his biggest single payday speech ever for a swedish company for $750,000 at this same time. guess what? when it comes to iranian sanctions, hillary's state department decides in the end to not include swedish companies. i would say, absolutely they're getting things from hillary clinton while she's secretary of state. >> the clintons have gotten away with so much. there's so much information in your book. even the "new york times" and the "washington post" and fox news incredible news sources, have investigated and taken these further. do you think the average person is understanding the quid pro quo nature of the foundation
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and what she was doing as secretary of state? do you think it's breaking through into the public consciousness? >> well i think the polls are showing that there are increasing numbers of people that don't view her as honest. honestly sean i think the solution on this is -- there needs to be criminal investigation. these are complicated issues. it's the same thing with governor bob mcdonald in virginia or senator menendez. if you ask the average american to look at a flurry of transactions it's going to be hard for them to digest them unless they're on a grand jury. my view is the next logical step and it'll take enormous courage from the fbi or whoever, to launch a criminal investigation on this. the clintons are hoping on the fact that these are happening in far off countries that they won't understand it. >> i interviewed a congressman yesterday on my radio show. he wrote the patriot act. there's been a lot of talk about revisiting and ballanceing national security and civil
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liberties of people. he told me that that act has been violated. i asked him specifically. do you think every american's phone calls have been tape recorded and tapped? he said yes. do you think every electronic message has been recorded? he said yes. doesn't that mean that everything -- and i asked him where it was stored. he said some place in utah. do you think it's possible that maybe every e-mail hillary deleted is in utah? is that possible? >> it is certainly possible. there have been statements by former senior cia officials on the record sean saying that the fact that she has her server in her home it was not part of the government system that it was almost completely 100% sure that it was hacked by foreign government entities. i think there are certainly the possibility that the u.s. government has access to it. i think it's almost positive that a foreign hacking organization has access to it. of course that raises huge questions about what's in the
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e-mails. is there blackmail potential, et cetera. >> absolutely. >> that's why this needs to be probed. >> well said. congratulations on the book's success. peter schweizer, thank you. >> thank you, sean. coming up next. >> who would want bill clinton in office a second time doing the same stuff he was doing before philandering with women. >> that was paula jones issuing a stern warning about bill clinton going back to the white house. plus you may remember this. >> you wanna be the only [ bleep ] on television. only [ bleep ] in the newspaper. only [ bleep ] that can talk. >> that's nothing compared to have al sharpton tweeted yesterday.
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welcome back to "hannity." the clinton's campaign head aches got longer. paula jones, who sued bill clinton, claiming he sexually harassed her while governor of arkansas shared her thoughts about the possibility of the clinton family returning once again to 1600 pennsylvania avenue. take a look. >> i don't believe that she should even be running. alongside the fact that the
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terrible history that they have. and who would want bill clinton in office a second time doing the same stuff he was doing before. philandering with women. she didn't even stand up for the women that knew what her husband did. she knew what her husband did to those women. there's no way that she did not know that. >> here now on our panel, co-host of outnumbered, jedidiah. fox news contributor and fox and friends co hf-co-host ainsley earhardt. hillary wants to be the champion of women's rights. here's bill with his history, the money they take from saud aabea -- saudi arabia all these countries are terrible women rights. how do they get away with it? >> it was a big deal. the infidelity. he was impeached because of it. you can't put his his takes on
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the wife. it was the scandals their scandals together you have to focus on. >> all those women were attacked. they were belittled. they were smeared and slandered by the clinton team. did ever stand up and say stop doing that? >> i'm wondering why is she resurface something >> i talked to her today. she did an interview. i asked her to come on the program. >> isn't it time to bury that and focus other scandals involving hillary? >> i just -- >> there is a generation that don't know this. >> she stayed married to him by the way. the clintons have more baggage than a cargo plane. and this e mail is just the tip of the iceberg. and we don't know. but there are too many stories out there. >> orgy island. >> we got it. >> well you know juanita
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roberts i interviewed her. she may come out. there are a lot of women. >> that is true. is there a pattern of deception here? there is. no matter what issue you look at with hillary clinton, standing beside her man while he did abominable things or her e mails server lack of transparency there is a pattern of deception. she didn't disclose the truth. and so she isn't who she claims to represent. >> sean does character matter? people didn't hold president clinton accountable. so would this hurt her? i argue no. probably not. >> al sharpton. let's go through a history of al sharpton before we get to what may be one of his worst statements. this is the best of al sharpton
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if you will. >># c1 >> that will qualify you to be a host on nbc. he sent out a tweet. do you think the texas floating is related to climate control or god's rebuke? >> that is crazy. >> he's just utterly impossible. my thoughts and prayers go out to people affected but al sharpton has been doing this many many years.
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the man has not been held accountable. he's changing the debate from what is going on in baltimore trying to change the channel and distract people. >> he does it because he gets away with it. you won't be able to get away with that. his platform is outrageous and irresponsible things. he has to stir the pot this, is how he makes a living he has to say something so outrageous. to say the wrath on the state of texas? >> does he make a live something he owes the irs millions. >> which he dsn't have to pay somehow. >> if i owed $0.10 they would demand payment. . >> i don't like it when people say there is a wrath of god on a state. i lived in the state of texas. they're some of the most
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evangelical, they're in church every sunday. you can't say -- what is his point? >> no idea. >> i don't -- >> good point. >> i don't -- >> who makes those statements? >> good point. >> guys good to see you all. >> we need your help very important question of the day, next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the ones with the guts to stand apart - join a league all their own. ♪ excellent looking below the surface, researching a hunch... and making a decision
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that is the time we have left this evening. thanks for joining us set your dvr so you never miss an episode. the o'reilly factor is on. tonight: >> were there plans for how to react to the fall of mosul to isis? >> well, no. there were not. >> evidence mounting from the nation's most powerful generalled that the obama administration has no clue on how to fight the jihadists. tonight, we'll continue our reporting with charles krauthammer. >> i went back to west virginia for a little bit and enrolled in some college. >> okay oh, cool, what was your major? >> smoking weed. >> as american culture continues to drift into permissive areas how will that effect the entire country? bernie goldberg has some thoughts. >> how often do you spend looking for work on an average day? >> not too often.
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