tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News May 28, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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eastern. that is the time we have left this evening. thanks for joining us set your dvr so you never miss an episode. the o'reilly factor is on. tonight: >> were there plans for how to react to the fall of mosul to isis? >> well, no. there were not. >> evidence mounting from the nation's most powerful generalled that the obama administration has no clue on how to fight the jihadists. tonight, we'll continue our reporting with charles krauthammer. >> i went back to west virginia for a little bit and enrolled in some college. >> okay oh, cool, what was your major? >> smoking weed. >> as american culture continues to drift into permissive areas how will that effect the entire country? bernie goldberg has some thoughts. >> how often do you spend looking for work on an average day? >> not too often. >> also ahead watters
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talking to americans who are just hanging around. >> sometimes you just don't want to go to college. >> caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. the decline of american power part 2. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. early this week, we annualized how the u.s.a. is losing influence overseas and that is putting americans in physical danger. as the jihad becomes more powerful. it's interesting to note there was no meaningful opposition to that talking points which we have posted on bill o' and now the pbs front line program is reinforcing my opinion, the most powerful military man in the country general martin dempsey chairman of the joint chiefs of staff he told front line flat out the pentagon totally botched the big offensive by isis. >> for all the contingency
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planning that you routinely do here at the pentagon, were there plans for how to react to the fall of mosul to isis? >> well, no. there were not. because, of course, there were several things that surprised us about isil. >> that's chilling. when the pentagon is surprised by the most dangerous terrorist organization on the planet, something's very wrong. but this has been going on for quite some time. in fact, there is still chaos regarding isis in syria. >> the administration's new training program has been severely delayed. only 90 rebels have taken part so far. and the pentagon now says that the first 5,000 rebels won't be vetted and ready until the end of this year at the earliest. >> i worry now that we're too little and we're too late. did we have a window of opportunity at one point -- >> -- sure we did, of course we did. >> now it's hard to believe that nearly 14 years after
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the 9/11 attack the country's foreign policy is in such disarray. but it's true. once again it puts us all in danger. now let's turn to the decline of american power at home. according to the census bureau in 2012, the most recent stats almost 110 million americans lived in a home receiving government assistance, apart from social security and medicare, which is earned. that's about a third of the population. and historically high number including the great depression. when citizens become dependent on government to live day to day that weakens the entire nation. prosperity is a key component to a strong country. but prosperity in the u.s.a. is on the decline. as median income has fallen more than 3% under president obama. wages are the key to personal independence. and wages are not increasing. remember america was built on hard work, not government safety nets. there was no welfare or government assistance when this country was founded. you either made it or you
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didn't. today many of us have a sense of entitlement that's eroding our well-being. millions of americans now depend depend on elected officials for their security. that leads to vote buying and corruption. being self-sufficient makes you stronger. being dependent makes you weaker. the welfare state that liberal america champions has brought power to the democratic party no doubt. but it's also created massive debt and sapped personal initiative. just a few moments jesse watters will talk to some americans who are just hanging around all day doing little with their lives. bottom line, americans' foreign policy weak. america's domestic policy, heading in the wrong direction. very quickly. and that's the memo. now for the top story tonight, reaction. joining us from washington, charles krauthammer. author of the big best seller "things that matter," out in paperback great father's day gift. and you say? >> well, i hate to admit it, but you are right on both
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fronts. when you look at the foreign policy i just saw a headline coming over here to do the show with you and it said administration to fine tune that was in quotes, fine tune isis strategy. it never had any tuning. fine or rough on isis strategy it hasn't had one. and that was the admission of general dempsey when he said we didn't even think about mosul. well the reason is it all comes from on high. when the president says openly a few months earlier that, you know, isis is a jay vee team pretending to be cobe bryant then you have got a director that this is not something to worry about. the pentagon ought to be preparing anyway but it doesn't, it didn't and it doesn't. that happens under this kind of presidency. and that pathetic segment about the syrian opposition. >> what did we have 50? i mean, this is something that we should have been doing at the beginning before the rise of isis.
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isis did not capture this territory it controls in syria from the government. it captured it from the non-jihadist and other rebels and that's why it is where it is today and why is that? because obama dismissed them as being doctors and pharmacists. people who weren't there. they wanted to fight and any needed the training he never gave it to them. >> i believe that the american foreign policy now is at the lowest, the weakest ebb, all right? since world war ii. possibly you could debate jimmy carter's administration, but i don't think so. i think this is the lowest and the weakest we have ever been overseas. but you know what's stunning? you and me and a few others are talking about this. but most of the media is totally ignoring it as is president obama. that's why the folks don't feel any urgency. that's why they don't see how weak this nation has really become. am i wrong? >> well, you are right. and one of the reasons -- i mean i will give you one
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index of this. it was a small item in the paper about three or four months ago maybe page 827. lithuania orders con description. lithuania is a small country that it should be order con description. it couldn't stand up against the russian army for five hours but none the less it feels abandoned by the united states. it's out there naked up front. the baltic states, even the polls are feeling. this they know the russians are on the move, what do they see? they see the secretary of state of the united states going to sochi to bend a knee to putin who made kerry wait and didn't even grant him the audience until an hour before. and kerry's message, if you don't snap up any more territory, we'll begin to relax sanctions which is a complete undoing of what our policy had had been, which was if you don't retreat give back the territory you've stolen, we're going to keep sanctions ice
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isolate you, et cetera. you can argue whether it's going to work. if you don't give in now and say if you don't commit any more aggression we will go easy and abolish this. >> what happened after that a politician close to putin said america is afraid of us. america is afraid of us. he said it outwardly. he said it to the press. america is afraid of us. >> he says it and our allies are saying it. but they can't say it in public. but they sure say it in private. >> everybody knows that it's true. now, let's go to domestically. my theory is that we are growing, welfare state here. and that is hurting us in way more ways than you would ever ever see. as our debt mounts to incredible levels. and a few maybe half the country is carrying the other half. am i wrong? >> i think there are two reasons why we are seeing this. and it is a decline. this is the first recovery since the second world war. i think perhaps the first recovery ever measured,
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where the median income and the recovery has declined. and as a result, i mean we have had essentially no growth. zero growth. the worst recovery, slowest recovery since the second world war. and if you have that, then you are gonna get increasing unemployment dependency. there is another factor here. it's not just economic, it's ideological. obama is among those liberals who believe that a measure of the success and of the goodness of a government is how many people it is sustaining. so when they see large numbers on welfare or on food stamps, this is a sign of a generosity of the country. >> the benevolence. >> rather than a conservative would see it as a failure. and how do we know that the liberals see it this way? because when conservatives advocate tightening up the restrictions requiring work requirements for welfare for example and thus, cutting the burden, they are accused of throwing orphans in the snow.
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obama loosened the requirement for welfare which ironically bill clinton and newt gingrich together had tightened up and essentially eliminated welfare on demand. >> same thing happened in ancient rome. now, we're going to hold charles over. >> well, unlike you. >> go ahead. >> i wasn't around in ancient rome. so i will rely on. >> you i was one of the huns. i wasn't in there. >> your latin is excellent. >> amo. amass. we will hold charles over about 19 republicans currently wanting to be president. 19. dana perino on her two most important stories of the week. i take these out... put in dr. scholl's active series insoles. they help reduce wear and tear on my legs, becuase they have triple zone protection. ... and reduce shock by 40%.
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we're going to have to hire a bouncer to police the stage. there a lot of people up there you know in one way it's a good thing. it shows how many republicans think that the democrats have a really weak vulnerable candidate. this is a year when they could do it. so, everybody thinks you know i can be president. the downside, the obvious is how do you get the more serious candidates to get the face time and to interact with each other and to argue, which is what you want. now, you know, fox is facing a hard decision. it's doing the first debate. and it's decided it will choose the top ten. and as you know, cnn is doing the second debate. they have decided to do back-to-back debates top 10
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for one session and then the others which i think is a rather odd way to do it. i think if you are going to do two panels you have got to do it randomly chosen. you don't want to be on the undercard. that's the way it's got to be done. there is no really good answer here other than to say that you have got to hope that the field will win know itself quickly. i'm not sure how likely it is. >> i want to point out to everybody watching tonight there is no downside to running for president. you get your name out there and become more well known. you can get lecture fees that go up. you can write a book. you can get attention if you have nothing to do. there is really no downside to it. so then you have all of these people, and we assume they are all sincere wanting to improve their country. you are right. there is no way to cut through that clutter. people already have a headache and it's a year and a half out to the election. people going oh, how many
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are there going to be? there could be more. kasich could get in and aer people could get in. >> i hear that you have been considering as well. >> how do you know? i think you are a spooky guy, krauthammer. i was just going to say people say to me all the time why doesn't krauthammer run for president? and i say well he is not an american citizen. [ laughter ] >> you know, you are spreading lies again bill. >> i know. >> born here always been american. >> it's because i spent a few years in canada i have got that taint for the rest of my life. here is my position on running. if nominated i will not run. but if elected i will serve. i'm just lazy. >> you would make a good president, i think. but to do it, you have to put yourself in a position and i think that guys like you and i -- you and me right now we influence the country in ways that we could never influence it being politicians. last word? >> i don't know about influence, but i'm lazy and the only thing i would run for the presidency for is that airplane.
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i would let the vice president govern. i would just fly around everywhere. >> well the factor has gotten jessica's law to protect children pass in 45 out of 50 states. i could never have done that had i been a politician. that's what i always tell people. >> well, as president you might have, but no, i commend you on that. and a few of your other causes, including helping the wounded warriors. i think you've done a great job on that. >> thank you charles. directly ahead dana perino on her two most important stories of the week. later on the factor as we roll along watters talking about some americans who are drifting not really doing very much with their lives. up if you suffer from a dry mouth then you'll know how uncomfortable it can be. but did you know that the lack of saliva can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath? well, there is biotene specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants...
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running for president on the republican side. why is that important? >> well, it's important because as you and charles were talking about the debate is coming up, right? it's 8 weeks to go. and the field is growing not narrowing. and i think that there is a growing sense amongst republican voters that while there might be agreement that the 2016 field is stronger than in 2012 field there is some uneasiness and a little bit of resentment that there are people getting in so late and they just want to pick a winner and go for it. >> but it's not really so late. i don't think. people are already sick of this. i have gotten toes of mail. tired of the bloviating already. but when you have 19 and i think more will get in, too. you are going to have the tower of babble. you are not going to know
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what the hell who is saying what or who is doing what. you know what's interesting? any republican that attacks another republican the press is all over that. that becomes the story because the liberal press wants to diminish the republican party. and this is a way to do it. so when you have chris christie saying something about somebody else on the patriot act front or you have trump who goes in and just slashes and burns. >> rand paul who said that g.o.p. hawks created isis. >> if you don't do that if you don't criticize the people running against you a, you don't get any attention, and b, you know, you have got to say this is why i'm better than hugo over here. >> the goal in the political game right now is you have got to define yourself but you have got to key define your opponents as well. there have got to it be a lot of sharp elbows and be more prepared for that there is a growing resentment and fear that republicans think there is diminishing of the g.o.p. brand as we go through this process. however, we are just going
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to have to deal with it wishful thinking is a big enemy of the republican party. >> it's going to be interesting to see how fox news gets that field down to 10. i guess fox news polling will do that. i guess. >> they are going to take a lolook at this, the five polls that they look at. >> some of those polls just are not -- well, if -- i'm not running. by the way everybody should know they won't let me anywhere near these debates i can't even go to the city where they are. >> you want to go to cleveland? >> i love cleveland. miller andry going to be there in a week. >> you interviewed president bush. >> dayton, ohio. >> you were in ohio. your second choice for most important story of the week is the federal courts, once again, telling president obama you cannot have an executive order legalizing illegal aliens, correct? >> without congressional approval. the interesting thing to me on this story is not that obama continues to lose in the court. it's the way they react to the judges. immediately the white house puts out an on the record statement diminishing the judges in the case and
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questioning their ethics, their capabilities, and their judicial. >> three judges or how many? >> three judges. so is they attack the judges? >> and question their motivations. we have seen this over and over. when president obama has lost 8 to 0 -- 9-0 on one. 8 to 1 on another. big cases instead of just saying okay, we lost, we will try to work on it. we will work around it, they basically go to attacking the judges. that happened with citizens united. then when they win like with obama care he we're all told law of the land. >> but you know next month is the defining moment for obamacare as the supreme court comes back and says whether this can go on or the stays that opted out don't have to do it and that would cripple the whole thing. >> this is been b. the subsidies that you get. this is about president obama created because of the congress rushing through obamacare, they created the problem. and now the g.o.p. is being targeted with having to fix it and also being blamed for
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bringing up the fact that it was written unconstitutionally. >> i never heard anybody blaming the republicans. >> believe me they will. they say if gets thrown out. pro-no, sir at this indicating they. >> everybody knows the obama administration is going to do what they want and see if the system allows it. >> dana perino, buy her book. >> thank you. >> bernie goldberg annualized my talking points last night. the making strong gains in the u.s.a. watters talking to some folks just hanging around. >> do you take any assistance from the government? >> yeah, just food stamps. other than that, i do myself. >> are you ashamed you are on food stamps at all. >> no, not at all. >> we hope. you stay tuned to those reports as the factor continues all across the u.s.a. and all around the world.
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♪ are you living with your parents right now? >> yes. >> what do they say? >> get a job. stop being lazy. >> is your dad around? >> na. >> no? >> i have never met him before. >> mom and dad in the picture. >> my mom yeah. i don't know who my father is. >> just me basically and my grandmother and that's it. >> does she keep you in line when you get out of line. >> pull the paddle out. >> she does? [ laughter ] >> go to college? >> no. >> why not? >> i chose a different lifestyle. >> i pretty much went to the rave scene. >> the rave scene? >> do i all kinds of club dancing and stuff. >> i don't care about college. college is just not the right way to go. sometimes people just don't want to go to college. >> right now i'm studying law enforcement because i want to become a detective. >> you go to school for what. >> carpentry. >> did you go to college. >> yes i did. >> what did you study? >> i guess i studied alcohol. >> you guys working right now? >> not right now currently unemployed. hard to find a job. there ain't nobody hiring.
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>> are you unemployed? >> absolutely. >> how often do you spend looking for work on an average day? >> not too often. like i said i dance a lot. >> you get paid to dance? >> i get in for free. >> are you looking for work right now? >> am i looking for work? yes, i am looking for work. >> did you look for work today? >> yes, i looked for work today and i got nothing out of it. >> do you think the tattoos on the face hurt your job prospect? >> no. no. i don't think that has nothing to do with anything. [ laughter ] >> how do you survive on a daily basis? >> sell drugs, you know. do whatever you have got to do. >> we all got the same dr. dream. we are all trying to get rich. trying to make it to the top. >> how do you get paid? >> i don't get paid. >> i am going to be a does me toll gist. >> does me toll gist? you want to work on my face? >> i can do that. >> are you saying i need work. >> yes. >> how much do you work right now. >> subway. >> how much does that pay you. >> $9 an hour. >> what do you think the key to your success has been? >> hard work, dedication and
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motivation. >> what time did you guys wake up this morning? >> like 10:00. is 10:00 early for you? >> i'm a morning person. >> do you think that you have been held back at all by anything in this country? >> just prohibition and stuff like that. all that stuff. >> prohibition? [ laughter ] >> held you back? >> i don't know if that's the name for it. >> you mean the recession? >> yeah, the recession. not prohibition. >> what are you doing right now. >> going to grab a dutch. >> are you going to go look for a job after you get high? >> i mean not necessarily like that. >> how often do you smoke weed? >> all the time. >> every day? >> yeah, absolutely. >> do you take any assistance from the government at all? >> um, food stamps. >> i get food stamps, that's just about it. >> do you take any assistance from the government? >> yeah, just food stamps. >> are you ashamed you are on food stamps at all. >> no, not at all no. >> my mom gets all -- it's just to help you not to support you. help us out, you know what i
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mean? >> why are you on disability? >> i am on disability because i have nothing else. >> a lot of people taking advantage of that so they feel like they should not work. >> what is your disability? >> i have a lot of anxiety. >> have you ever been arrested? >> yes i have. >> for what? >> i have been in trouble for -- maybe -- not the goodest stuff. >> race isn't keeping you guys down? >> yeah, definitely is. >> a lot of white people get more advantages than darker people just because of skin color not because of what they can do. >> do you think racism is a problem. >> not in this because we all call each other [bleep] >> how have things changed since the president has been in office for you? >> i think helped the food stamps and jobs and housing. >> i think he did a pretty good job for obamacare. before he came i didn't have no healthcare. >> have things gotten better since obama has been president. >> not really. he ain't doing nothing
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besides killing terrorists. should have tried mccain out. [ laughter ] >> i'm interested in the young lady who worked at subway. she was the one out of the whole crew that looked like she was trying to help herself. >> she has a full-time job and she is studying to be in law enforcement. very impressive. car. she was putting gas in the car. she is working long hours. she was the person that had had it most together of anybody that i talked to. >> again you're gonna be accused of just finding the slackers and the lay abouts. but how did you select the people to talk to? >> well, if you are walking around in the middle of the day when most people are working, if it's 11:00 in the morning what are you doing wandering around? >> people hanging. >> hanging out there. was a car accident. a lot of people gathered at one point to look at the car accident. that's where we found some other people. >> maybe they could get a job at insurance adjustors. >> did any of them really have any remorse that their lives weren't going well? were they legitimately frustrated? >> i think down probably a
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little remorseful. >> deep down? >> you feel a little empathy for some of these people. >> absolutely. it just looks like they are lost. >> well, some of them were a little inebriated and lost. >> that came across. >> it's easy when you get food stamps and housing and obamacare and welfare. >> i don't know if it's easy. >> it's easier. >> it certainly zaps initiative. >> right. >> jesse watters everybody. when we come right back, bernie goldberg on why liberals are making gains on social issues throughout the country. gutfeld/mcguirk on hillary clinton. she has a new store. uh-oh. moments away.there's a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. try phillips' fiber good gummies plus energy support. it's a new fiber supplement that helps support regularity and includes b vitamins to help convert food to energy. mmmmm, these are good! nice work, phillips! the tasty side of fiber, from phillips'.
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if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance you switch to geico. it's what you do. put the fish in the cooler! thanks for staying with us, i'm bill o'reilly in the weekdays with bernie segmentment as we told you last night new gallup poll on social issues, americans are tied, 31% saying they are conservative. '31% describe themselves as liberal. joining us from miami to act the purveyor of bernard mr. goldberg. you read my talking points last night posted on bill o' what do you think is driving the move to the left? >> well, first i think that you were right, when you said that the culture influences the american people. i have no problem with that part of your analysis. and are the high priests the media elite of the
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entertainment industry overwhelmingly liberal? >> that's not the entire reason, maybe not the biggest reason. i think in a democracy like the united states, not in isis territory or in the in the dictatorships of africa, but in a democracy like the united states, the natural movement the natural direction of history is to be more socially, to use the words ever the poll, more socially liberal or to put another way more tolerant. it wasn't that long ago in this country was in our lifetime bill, where in this country americans were very intolerant of all sorts of groups. not just black people. all sorts of groups. and people. now, i'm looking at the poll from gallup, it says a vast majority of americans are morally accepting gay relations. okay? a vast majority. a vast majority accept sex
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before marriage between an unmarried man and an unmarried woman and they are let ter row sexual, i don't even know what the issue is on that. so i think that's a big factor. but i think this poll represents trouble for the republican party because only 5%, bill, identify themselves as very conservative on social issues. so i'm trying to figure out how is it a good business model for all these republican candidates to try to portray themselves as the most conservative candidate in the bunch. >> that's a primary play in iowa. that's an iowa play. but, look, the reason that you are seeing more acceptability of certain behaviors, a decline of religion. it goes hand in hand. >> right. i agree. >> look, my parents' generation and their parents, they were much more religious. and they were much more accepting of the doctrines of this is what you do, this is what you don't do, that's
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gone. it's gone in most precincts now. so you are seeing corresponding acceptance of other people's behavior what really drives this. >> but bill. you are right that we're less religious today. but we're also less bigoted today. >> but but it doesn't tie into that. >> i'm not laying the bigotry on the religion but i'm saying we were more religious black. >> i totally reject that it was a sin to do certain things. >> let me give you two quick examples three, very quick. >> all right. >> we were more religious in the 1950s than he we are today i agree. in the 1950s we treated black people as second class citizens jews were looked upon as dirt. and gays, gays were beaten on a regular basis. so where did the religion influence the goodness in those areas? >> you're basically pointing to extreme behavior in those regards and that behavior
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jnches i don't think so. >> was passed from bigot to bigot, to bigot. all right? what has happened now in this country is that we're a secular country. you would agree with that right? secular country? catholic church lost all authority in the priest pedophilia scandals. all disappeared in three to four years gone, vanished. protestant evangelicals hold firm. most like the presbyterians and lutherans they don't have judgment mental accounts in their services and very few people go to their services. so there is no central force here. saying this is right and this is wrong. a lot of people say that's good. a lot of people say it's good. what's happening is that the secularism that we are seeing is driving a society that you just saw with watters world where anything is acceptable. anything. that's going to come back to bite us, last word. >> so my example is the extreme. but the dopes in watters
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world are somehow typical? i'm not buying that. >> we gave the stat at the top of the program on how many millions of americans are now dependent on their government. and that is a unique situation in american history, bernie. >> here's where i agree with you. as we became more tolerant over the years, which is a good thing we became indiscriminately tolerant. we became tolerant of people walking down the street dropping f-bombs. we became tolerant of all sorts of things. >> that's true. i agree with that. >> on this gallup list the only thing i have a problem with, we he become more tolerant of people having children out of wedlock. >> that's been a disaster. >> that's a very bad thing. >> bernie goldberg, everybody. gutfeld/mcguirk on deck. need a pants suit? who doesn't? hillary clinton selling them at her new store. we'll be right back. when eating healthy and drinking water just isn't enough to ease my constipation i trust dulcolax tablets. i take dulcolax for dependable overnight relief
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back of the book seeing isment tonight. what the heck just happened an order to raise even more money for her campaign, hillary clinton has opened a store. >> hillary clinton tweeted tuesday "pants suit up with a link to this treasure right here and for 30 bucks you can get one. it's your every day pants suit t-shirt. we have one here live if you like to see it. it says in the back pants suit up. here now bernard and greg gutfeld. how many did you get. >> i ordered the onesie. quite snug. edible. i love the pants suit t at least it's not a blue dress. no bottoms tribute to bill because that's how he likes to walk around. two things on this web site. let's talk about candidates, too. bernie sanders has a store. >> does he really? >> that says it all. for socialist who exist he needs capitalism.
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>> i he betcha he has a big poster. >> i don't know. i didn't do that research. i just thought it was kind of ironic. rand paul has a signed pocket constitution. you don't sign books you didn't read. would you sign -- would you sign the declaration of independence? >> i will sign anything, you know me. >> bernie sanders has a store. hillary clinton has a store and you are stocking up, right? >> first of all i thought we weren't supposed to focus on what hillary wears? i thought it was sexist. >> good point. >> $30 for a t-shirt. is she really going to debunk the issue that she is not a man of the people -- woman of the people? i mean it's ridiculous. some other items you can tell it was designed by bill as greg said because there are no bottoms. that's true. also selling white house china circa 2,000 and autographed head shots of george stephanopoulos. and, yes rand paul, is he selling -- he is selling head shot of himself on a stick and ted cruz is
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selling a head shot of hillary's head on a stick believe it or not. jeb bush is selling copies of his green card. governor christie's web site, he is selling his and her sweatpants, one size his and hers sweat pants. one size fits both. and also used toothpicks. bernie sanders selling copies of das capital. ben carson selling selfie sticks, which doesn't make any sense. >> we've exhausted that topic. >> i think so. >> you guys are both soccer fans. gutfeld walking around the hallways bouncing a ball off his head. which is why he's the way he is. and now there's a big scandal as the fifa fifa this is the world soccer organization, were taking bribes. are you shocked? >> i am shocked. putin, by the way, was whining today that the americans are sticking their nose where it doesn't belong. obviously, because the fifa finals or whatever are going to be held in russia in 2018. so clearly there was corruption going on.
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but listen americans who like soccer are guys who smoke and like hirsute women. >> i don't get that. what is the linkage? >> i don't know either. it makes no sense. >> it just came off the top of your head. and you're the guy that should be bouncing the ball off your head. >> they wear their shirts too tight and it is as boring as a bernie sanders speech. that's why americans are -- we're like smashmouth. you can't use your hands and you never score. almost like greg in college. there's nothing appealing about it. it's terrible. >> gutfeld, do you want to weigh in on this most important issue? >> it's interesting about soccer. this scandal is huge. everything in soccer is more intense. the riots are more intense. their celebrations are more intense. their corruption is more intense. people die when they're playing soccer. soccer is the crazy uncle of sports. it's something you that keep in the attic and you're right, there's more action in a morgue. i don't know. >> you've got to appreciate the artistry of the game. >> you know what's interesting about soccer? >> what? >> oh. i thought you knew. >> nothing. >> okay. gutfeld has a new program on sunday night. this sunday night debuting
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called "the greg gutfeld program." >> uh-huh. >> co-starring cloris leachman. >> abe vigoda. >> tell me about it. >> and hal linden is making a cameo. you know it's after "legends and lies." >> so you've got a big lead. >> yeah. it's actually kind of like unicorns and lollipops. it's like that. it's going to be fantastic. it's going to change the way you watch television. >> why? because you leave the house? >> that's true. that's a very thing to say, and i expect that from you, bill. he's happy for my success. >> the greg gutfeld show. kind of like ed sullivan. 10:00 east coast time. sunday may 31st. the next series of "legends and lies." what part of american history will we deal with? the tip, moments away. this allergy season, will you be a sound sleeper, or a mouth breather. well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38% more
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right now, verizon is offering unlimited talk and text. plus 10 gigs of shareable data. yeah, 10 gigantic gigs. for $80 a month. and $15 per line. more data than ever. for more of what you want. on the network that's #1 in speed, call, data, and reliability. so you never have to settle. $80 a month. for 10 gigs. and $15 per line. stop by or visit us online. and save without settling. only on verizon. tip of the day.
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"legends and lies." what's next? but first the mail. kathy dolan, wilmington north carolina. riley, your talking points was on target. half the population is illiterate as to what's happening in america. too many people content to live off others so i'm afraid a republican president will never again be elected. please tell me i'm wrong. most americans i believe can be persuaded, kathy. anyone running for president can turn the nation the nation around with strong leadership. mr. o'reilly, your talking points was on the mark overall but you continue to disappoint on abortion. you refer to human life as a potential human being. human life before birth is not a potential. surely you know other americans disagree with you, bill including the supreme court. surely you know that your statement will not persuade them to oppose abortion. my job is to look out for everyone including the unborn. my statement is rock solid fact. you can't deny it. wise up. you want more fololks to become pro life use facts.
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not your personal belief. liza cervantes, tucson arizona. "i was extremely disappointed in miller poking fun at the pope and you laughing. he represents conservative views and belief in the creator." i think the pope has a nice sense of humor, liza, although i'm kind of glad he doesn't watch tv. georgia delani grafton, massachusetts. "when the pope said we spend too much money on pets he revealed himself to be a socialist." pat foster baltimore, maryland "hey bill can you and miller bring the don't be a pinhead tour here? we are depressed." i'm looking at maryland for next year pat. in the meantime get dad a nice father's day gift with tickets to see miller and me st. louis, chicago, charlotte, south florida, phoenix and vegas, all in the fall. follow bill o' dad will love you if you do that. dana orlando, florida. thank you, mr. o. i discovered the fine quality of hickey-freeman clothes because you wear them. the best part made in the usa.
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absolutely. you bet. bill maher. byron, georgia. killing reagan in september? slow down on the books, o'reilly. i'm not a speed reader. one killing book a year george? one? get the audio if you can't keep up. by the way, the kids' book "off killing patton hitler's last days," will be out in june. but that's for the urchins. all right? 10 to 16 in that range. debbie ra lechlt tte, king george virginia. "just want to tell you a sweet lady anna gabora will turn 100 years old tomorrow. happy birthday anna. you're a patriot. here's a fact letter of the day from drew winkler, rancho mirage california. mr. o, i'm 13 and watch the factor. recently in school some kids made fun of me and said fox news is notorious for lying. what should i do? in a calm way ask the kid who delivered the slander to give you one example of lying.
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one. i bet he or she cannot. then you say, thought so smile, and walk away. there will always be misguided people drew. stick with your convictions. and enjoy your signed copy of "legends and lies." and finally tonight, the factor tip of the day, we're pleased to announce that the fox news history series "legends and lies" has been renewed for a second season. yay. as you may know shez are scene sunday night at 8:00 p.m. reactions have been terrific. companion book "legends and lies" huge best-seller all over the place. now fnc announced we'll be back for a second season. and that season will focus on american patriots in a way you have never seen before. we actually tell you the truth about them. so congratulations to all involved. now, coming up this sunday "legends and lies" features general george custer. >> bring men and ammunition quickly. >> yes, sir.
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>> ride as fast as you can. >> yes, sir. >> go. >> we got them boys. >> the cavalry will dispatch these hostiles and then head home. ♪ >> forward. >> that did not turn out well. and how custer got there is fascinating. that's sunday may 31st, 8:00 p.m. right here on the fox news channel. factor tip of the day. that is it for us tonight. please check out the fox news factor website which is different from also we'd like you to spout off on the factor from anywhere in the world.
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do not be a noddy when writing to the factor. no noddies allowed here. thanks for watching us tonight. mission i'm bill o'reilly. please remember the spin stops here. because we're definitely looking out for you. breaking tonight, two new murders in a city racked with historic violence including a 7-year-old child. and now a police department under fire is fighting back. good evening and welcome to "the kelly file," everyone. i'm megyn kelly. the cops are speaking out in what has become one of the biggest stories in america. the steve baltimore has turned into what residents are calling the wild west. describing people walking down the street with guns openly in their hands. some residents saying they've actually barricaded themselves into their own homes for fear of violence. the murder rate today reached the highest it has been in two decades. and one day after she was confronted by fox news on her leadership t
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