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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  May 29, 2015 12:00am-1:01am PDT

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using #greta. up next the o'reilly factor. go to though because we want you to blog with us on the open thread. good night from washington d.c. live from america's news headquarters i'm patricia stark. several texas communities are still on high alert. with more rain and rivers continuing to swell. they had either left or looking to lead. roads to several subdivisions are under three feet of water and totally impassable. the devastating throeding is -- flooding is blamed. the house speaker officially charged with paying hush money. he agreed to pay $3.5 million for a person to keep quite about, quote prior misconduct. the indictment charges the 73-year-old republican evading
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bank reporting rules by withdrawing the money in increments of less than $10,000. former new york governer journal paw tau -- george pataki launching a bid for the white house. he served in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. he didn't waste anytime taking a swing at the front runner, hillary clinton. >> our justice department will treat all fairly and uphold the constitution. no one will be above the law even if you are a former secretary of state whose name happens to be clinton. >> he is the eighth gop candidate to announce a run for the white house after rick santorum joined the race. michael jackson's never land ranch could be yours. but you will have to shell out a whooping $100 million. the 2700-acre ranch comes with a 6-bedroom home and a movie
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theater and two private lakes. jackson purchased it for less than $20 million. i'm patricia stark and now here is "red eye." for all of your news go to fox welcome on "red eye." hello. i am bonnie pack -- pack -- macfarland. if they would have given a prize for beauty queen they would have given it to joanne know saw nosuchunsky. and free think producer camille foster. i don't trust a man whose chin has something to hide, especially comedian joe devito. his comedy album "first date" is available on amazon and itunes. i would not have read that if i had known. >> keep going 6789 -- keep going. you are doing great. >> and ept aring the
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aristoca -- uh rise staw crass see is rob long. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. >> they are listening just like the government. as the senate debates a bill that would rein in the nsa a group of artists is recording people's conversations in public places to, quote help win the war on terror. they claim tongue and cheekily, to be freelance contractors, looking for signs and plots against the homeland. the project's website we are always listening posts conversations in bars and gems in new york city. among the recording a woman complaining abouter h rent -- about her rent and a man describing an ex-boyfriend's fetish. we imagine people are fine with this surveillance. the general public has mostly spoken in a unified voice
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saying well, it is just what you need to do to keep the country safe. camille, let's start with you. >> sure. >> for no particular reason. do you think the public should be upset having conversations forwarded and isn't that what the group always wants? >> yes absolutely. >> thank you for your answer. good job. go ahead camille speak freely. >> at the end of the day i think this story has all of the hallmarks that it is not entirely true. they are not taping people's conversations and putting them on-line. that would be a crime in new york city which could be a problem for them. but they do highlight a very important issue. i think a lot of americans are asking questions about the programs appropriately. it is worth pointing out the action pending in congress is not reining in the nsa in any substantive fashion. quite the contrary it is
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codifying these things in law that were questionable and dubious. and it is not efficient by any reasonable standard. >> okay i fell asleep a little bit. rob, what conversations do you not want? >> i want them all recorded. >> a differing of opinion? >> it has nothing to do with the nsa. everyone is eavesdropping. 464-921-3467. eavesdropping someone's conversation and saying what they said every one of us has been at a restaurant. i am trying to hear what they are saying behind me. people do it all time. that's all it is. >> miracle ear. >> whether it is true or not it could be put on. there were four guys sitting around talking about how another one of their trends is
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trying to be too much like them which was fantastic mean girls conversation among guys that is fan it is a steek. >> you want to hear more of that? >> i want to hear more. >> which of these gentlemen is right? >> it is great performance art they are doing. >> i always said that about you. >> listening to these makes me feel bad. it makes me realize the conversation. the best one is about the friends. they were making fun of him for sounding too asian. he was an asian guy and his name was kevin. >> how do you know it was asian guys 1234 it was an audio recording. >> i have my video. >> i think it is cool. it shows you that -- >> we've heard enough from
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you. thank you. i will say this, everybody before we go to joanne, thank you for wearing what i asked you to wear. nobody seems to get my notes but you do. pocket squares. joanne, do you think this would be a good way to get your name out there? you can talk about your play if you think there is a microphone? >> it makes me think i have a more extinguishable voice like james earl jones. wouldn't that be great if i sounded like that? >> we are not going to tell you who this is but -- >> i get why this is wrong. it is for sure these are artists who planted these conversations. some of what i heard was ambient noise. it it has to be audible but i don't know you are in a public space. you have to understand that what you are saying, like rob said could be overheard. >> everyone is carrying around right now -- they have a
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smartphone and they have an audio broadcasting device with a terrific microphone and a terrific camera. i could have my microphone on and broadcasting this and no one would know it. i think it might be a crime. >> i think it is a crime. >> caw mean, you have done -- camille, you have done it. >> what they are trying to highlight is what the nsa has been doing which is taking a look at your in box and looking at your programs. >> things that are supposed to be private. >> i mean who are they listening to? >> it is not even so much listening to the conversation. it is compiling a bunch of data about the people you are talking to which gives you a sense of what you are doing. if the nsa is looking through the massive pile of information they are not doing what could make us safer and that's what they are drawing attention to. it is a silly program but perhaps for a noble cause.
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>> i know are you a big fan of noble causes. >> do i get to keep the mirrors on my shoes? >> no, you don't. >> that's been debateed. >> don't you think some of the places they put the microphones were -- like how many terrorists are at crunch gym? >> they strike me more as a planet fitness crew. >> we have had a cool president. is it time for a video game nerd? ted cruz has long been an avid gamer and his current obsession is candy crush. he claims to be in the 217th level and i don't buy that. the texas senator is into plants versus zombies where they collect points to feed plants who fight off zombie armies. he tells the daily beast he doesn't have a consul because if i had one i would use it far too much. growing up his favorites were galaga and centipede.
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he would also stay up all night playing super par yow brothers. mario brothers. his cat hated it. >> nice. camille. you enjoyed that. >> if you think if he wins the presidency he should not have a consul? >> he doesn't want one. he is playing candy crush and zombies versus robots or some nonsense. you can't have gamer credibility if you are not playing destiny or halo. >> right? >> this is not gonna get him credibility with the kids.
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>> how important is it for the president to be a high achiever in candy crush? >> it is pretty lame. i want to see him play a first person shooter game. i want to see him mowing down bad guys. i want to see him playing words with friends. that could be a security risk. what if he sends out a pass word by miss take. by mistake. >> that's a compelling point. >> rob speak your mind. >> you know that we are running low on campaign news when we are worried about what games ted cruz plays on these phone. this is not going to help revert him. some people are shocked that ted cruz acts like a human being. holy moly, ted cruz acts like a human being. i find it weird any people play those games. >> why are you defending him so heartly for? he lovessed it cruz. >> why don't you marry him? i don't play the games because i find them weird. i remember when i was younger
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i would put a quarter in the machine and play a space invaders game. >> what's a quarter? >> joanne, don't you think he would have admitted to an addiction or something cooler like alcohol or sex? >> we need a president who doesn't have an addiction. i do think that humans have addictive personalities. this could be safest one. although it is great for him. he is going to kill two birds with one stone with this candy crush fetish let's say. you know how you always get the e-mails from a candidate the personal e-mails in vieting you to help out with a donation and then you get the candy crush game requests that are awful? just combine them together and it is a bunch of people that is harassing. >> justl account.
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>> i am the one who instructed hillary. >> i asked you about it for no particular reason. >> ♪ for our next president ♪ ♪ we are all in for ted cruz. >> jo, is that good or bad? >> that's not good at all. >> i don't like music with a positive message. especially when you start to look things up. >> i feel like when they were writing it they were making lists of words and these two rhyme and let's put them together. it is like stream of
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consciousness -- actually it is not poetry. it is awful. it is leak they made an effort to make it terrible. >> i thought it was really moving. i thought maybe it was too risque. i think if you are the candidate and someone says a white christian rap group made a song 4 you say how much do you want to never do that? >> let's see if we can cut down on that right away. >> donald trump hasn't entered the way but it sounds like he is campaigning. here he is on greta. i just call her greta. he was talking about isis. >> isis is truly bad. isis is far worse than iraq was ever going to be. i do know what to do and i
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would know how to bring isis to the table or defeat isis very quickly and i am not going to tell you what it is tonight. if i run and i win i don't want the enemy to know what i am going to do. all i can tell you is it is a foolproof way of winning. >> it is foolproof. is donald trump a sociopath? >> who runs around saying they have the answer, but he is not going to tell you. >> he is a confident man whether you like him or not. we need a chander in chief who is going to make decisions. i like he is confident whether he know what's he is doing or not. that's okay. you. >> we want more. >> we have had no shortage of huberous. >> to want to be -- >> they do plenty of stuff too.
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the notion that you have a secret solution to isis, but you won't tell us for another year and a half makes you the worst person ever. >> i am not going to run. >> four years ago when i checked he has his own brand of chocolates. >> nobody does know that. >> dark chocolate, milk chocolate and this is true, deluxe nut. if he wins it would be the perfect secret service code word for him. deluxe nut. >> well, thank you. >> it is hard to get that in. >> coming up i hope our guests have their submissions ready. more "red eye" after the break. stick around.
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if you missed out on the first cartoon contest you are in luck. a second will be held on friday. the freedom of speech rally round two will include a protest outside the mosque frequented by the gunman killed outside the texas cartoon contest earlier this month. organizers say it it is a peaceful event. but bring your guns in case it doesn't go that way. here is the chief organizer. an exmarine explaining the motivation behind the rally. >> this is what we have to take to expose the the true religion. we have to old the cartoon contest. to be able to show islam. we have the freedom of sech and it is under attack from islam.
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>> a mosque president told them quote they are not looking for an intellectual conversation. they are looking to stir up controversy and we are not going to be a part of it. >> i have a sculpt contest before that that involves a lot of butter. it is mostly for weddings. i don't like what they are doing. as provocative as the first contest was it is different -- this is not about the contest. this is surrounding a place of worship. it is the kind of thing we should be blood americans don't do. the gunmen had not been at this mosque for several years. they are really bothering people who most likely had nothing to do with this. i think it is a case where they are stirring up trouble. if they are interested in tree
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dom of speech take it to a care office for those who have a track record of violating freedom of speech. >> very deep thought. jay -- cair as in c-a-i-r not c-a-r-e. >> do you want to tell the trump story again? >> camille which will be drawn more, mohamed or pistols? >> pistols i imagine. mohamed carrying a pistol. ii don't see how this can go wrong. most problems are fired with a firearm and ammunition. it always makes the situation better. >> i would say if i had to choose between one or the other i would take a sword and use it as a pen. >> swords are bad-ass.
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>> are you a professional fencer? >> i hop fences. >> i don't know what they are really called. >> that's not it? >> the sword is called a foil. >> it is a fencist? >> are you a fencist, are you not? >> i agree with joe on this one. it is not a pro free speech rally and it is turning into an anti-islam protest. you can have those too freedom of expression and freedom of choice. people are going to get offended obviously. i don't know. >> you do know. >> i know it is probably a bad idea.
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>> what could go wrong? >> this feels like a rumble of the. >> bring your guns. >> without the show part of it. >> i don't understand what the point is. >> first amendment. >> you know the church who protest the funerals? it is within the right of the people of the funeral to kick their ass if they want to. >> is that in their right? >> no. >> you would understand if they did it? >> why would you -- might even help. >> in this country that has so
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generously welcomed you to the shores we had something called the first amendment we take seriously. >> we have it. we just have it lower down. >> point to the doll on where it is, lower down. >> it is between the knee and the torso. >> go ahead jill. keep talking. when i stop talking people have to start talking. i already said that. i think it is a dumb idea and they even said they would have rides. are you having a carnival of protests? as long as there is face painting? >> will there be cotton candy? will there be ice cream? >> coming up, ben and jerries reveal a thank you flavor to help stop global warming. don't worry. it won't stop obesity. and the greg gutfeld show airs
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10 p.m. eastern on sunday. each week mystery writer and amateur writer greg gutfeld will help solve a murder.
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live from america's news headquarters. i'm patricia stark. several texas communities are still on high alert with more rain in rivers continuing to swell. many cities including houston are still in danger of flooding. rainwater from earlier in the week is also now moving downstream and swelling rivers leading to the evacuation of hundreds of homes. 2300 people have been killed by this batch of storms and 15 are missing. two earthquakes striking the west coast. a 6.8 struck off alaska. moments later a smaller 5.1 quake hit there lewiston, california. both are scarcely populated and there are no tsunami warnings or word of damage. the the threat from the homegrown terrorism seems to be getting worse. it is to the point where the fbi is asking local law agencies for help in tracking possible terror threats in the
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u.s. >> we ar enlisting all of our state and local partners,an't stand here with high confidence when i face a world that is dark and tell you i have it all covered. >> they are extending an order for railroads to note tie -- notify shipments of crude oil. they are concerned about carrying crude through canada to the northern plains. they were involved in fiery wrecks including a derailment that killed 4700 people and devastated a town in quebec. the "wall street journal" reports that jp morgan chase will cut jobs. they are trimming operations because a growing number of customers will go to their smartphones for everyday transactions. i'm patricia stark. for all of your news go to fox
12:32 am a studio for zumba spelled his doomba. the new york post reports the deputy commissioner transformed an old printing room into a zumba studio and he was so proud he gave the commissioner a tour. he said it was money well spent. no, he was fear yous and order the studio to be dispan telled telled -- dismantled which is how "foot loose" begins. he had other ahead of his time ideas like giving breath mints to cops to combat foul language. what is worst $60,000 on a dance studio or $60,000 on a dance studio that no one will ever use? >> i would hope no one would ever use it. $60,000 on a dance studio no
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one would use is better than $60,000 on a studio a bunch of new york cops will do. >> i take it you have never done zumba. >> guess again and i take it seriously. i respect the men and women in blue, but zumba is an art form. imagine the belt and the equipment and the gun shaking around. >> they would take off the uniform, no? >> they never do. they never take off -- >> all of the pads. >> such a high bar you set. >> the cops have been subjective to so many threats. i want to look at this in the most optimistic way. there could be great motivations . that's good.
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and the second thing is status pro tegs in america. profession in america. a cop. >> i read medical journals all the time. >> i see a lot of fat cops and if they are doing zumba to lose some weight, it is a good thing. they are not on the streets beating up on people. >> are you a zumba instructor, correct? >> that is between me and the irs. >> i like he had the zumba studio and breath mints for the cops and baby oil when the protesters linked arms. i don't want to imply anything, but you have cops dancing and getting in shape and baby oil. >> a romantic at heart? >> and he plays candy crush.
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>> i am actually picturing him with the steam coming out of his ears. >> what do you think the studio should have been used for? >> meditation maybe? they are stressed out. it is good to cleanse the hora. >> do you meditate? >> sometimes i sit on the mirror and staerstare into my eyes and say you are beautiful. i didn't know $60,000 was going to his zumba studio? shame on you. he is busy getting bad guys. he doesn't know where the money is going. >> this explains why sipotitz is wearing the short sleeve.
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>> do you have anything further? >> no i am done with baby oil. >> and now i just want to watch "dirty dancing." >> i know the "foot loose" reference. ice cream got more political. ben and jerry's is raising awareness on global warning with a new flavor called save our swirled. we wanted to send out our own sos for the plan feet. they have dark and white swirls and there is a clean energy petition. joe, is the ice cream the solution to global warming this. >> no and that flavor sounds disgusting. >> their biggest flavor is bull [bleep]. >> how dare you? >> it is the hipy dipy stuff.
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they keep acting like they are doing -- oh we are this little business -- no. >> they are trying to change the world. >> they act like anti-capitalists but they enjoy a lot of good stuff. >> what do you mean? >> they don't want to make personal sacrifices. >> they are making a lot of money by pretending they have a cause. >> it will make me feel good while i buy expensive name brand ice cream. >> it sounds like brilliant marketing. >> if you are worried about global warming the planet would turn to a dry waste land. >> what if beer commercials admitted the truth? >> you will think unattractive women look good. >> where do i buy this beverage?
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>> i love when woman look worse than me. >> what are your thoughts? >> i can't think of a better way to spread the message. >> a lot of people don't know. >> is this the gospel of global warming? >> sending the refrinl rated -- refrigerated trucks and you are spilling fossil fuels so a person can pull it out of the convenience store and look at it. >> cry about the planet. >> maybe i will click on that at some point. >> would you click on it? they pre extend they are doing something good. >> you will go and buy more ice cream. >> marsh mellows made by child laborers. >> what? >> that's jobs. >> i don't listen all the
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time but sometimes i come back into the conversation. never focus fully is what i have learned. >> marshmellows are made outside of this country? >> don't quote me on that. >> i just did. >> i take your fossil fuels and raise you cows. what does it take to make ice cream? dairy from cows. cows produce so much methane that it is all for the environment. why are you encouraging the production of dairy for the use of livestock. thisy are harming -- they are harming our environment and then those who can't process dairy properly. >> it is a cycle that won't stop. >> this is a classy show, i have to say. >> wow, if you think that is class see. >> it is time to take a break.
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machine -- man spreading when we come back. you are doing it when we come back.
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is it a faux-pas organs the law? -- or against the law. they arrested two subway
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riders for man spreading. the transit authority rule bans people for taking up more than one space and the campaign has urged better etiquette. the men were arrested late at night which even the judge found odd. she noted quote 12:11 a.m., i can't believe there weren't many people on the subway. that's how she talks. j do i go to you first? you look like a man dares take the subway at midnight. >> fearless. >> is it crowded? >> no and it is sexist. >> how so? >> it is not fair our reproductive organs are on the outside of our body. >> you are complaining that you have to go through a little pain to keep your legs closed. we go through a lot of paper for a lot of things. look at these heels. >> maybe you shouldn't have been taking apples from snakes. it is in the bible. >> how dare you bring up eve right now? >> we have to close our legs
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on this feet to make room for your 19 pocket books and yoga mats? >> and don't forget the hoop skirt. >> i just think it is unfair and clearly someone was trying to meet their ticket quota. obviously you collect yourself and women say men are not like men. >> if you were men in the traditional sense of the word you would take another seat with your hat. >> answer her now. >> i don't remember which side i am on. do you do it, the leg spread? >> i do when i am siting in a chair. i never sit on the train. i can't remember the last time i sought on a subway in new york city because they are
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disgusting. the guy who is sitting there just deaf indicated on himself in the seat. and then i sit down. >> i apologize for that a thousand times. >> well, this was not even about that. this is basically a version of stop and frisk. they check you out. you look suspicious. >> now it is just minorities being brought in foreman spreading. i don't know. i am not in any trouble. there are outstanding warrants and they can keep you for what they keep you for. he was a code like you better keep your nose clean for the next 24, 48 hours. >> wouldn't it be better the cops are in the zumba studio
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working on their abs instead of beating people up and taking them to jail for -- >> this is what the cops did for years stop and frisk in new york city. >> but they vipt to have a a -- they didn't have to have a reason. >> the crime rates have been plummeting for a a long tim. >> the budgets were cut and the crime rate went down. crime rates have gone down. >> crime rates can go down for bad reasons. >> was it the chicken or the egg that came first. >> crime rates can come back. you can violate everybody's similarities. >> they can frisk you if you keep moving around.
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>> that's why you need the zumba. >> i don't think any man should be sitting. you should always give your seat to a woman. >> i don't want to say there are stwo genders so possibly. >> that question was trans phobic is what she said. >> so anyone. anyone on the spectrum could be arrested foreman -- for man spreading. i prefer though the people that hang on the poles. i can't debt my hand on the pole. >> we will close things out how to ruin a wedding and go to fox"red eye."
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coming up tomorrow on the next "red eye" return
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appearances. >> e block. last story. that's the last story. >> he proposed and she said yes. a wedding guest upstaged the bride by popping the question to his girlfriend at the reception right in front of the newlyweds. since being read the picture has been viewed a billion times. that can't be right. her smile says congratulations and her eyes say that biotch. camille, are you and your wife -- are you married? >> yes married with kids. >> i guess i have been barking up the wrong tree all night? how would she react? >> she may be okay with it if his blouse is not so big and
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bouncy. >> it is hard to focus on the core of the story. >> you are distracted by the fashion? >> the fashion crimes. >> do you think the guy proposing this he thought it through. >> the -- it is so bluesy. >> she is trying to look cool. the groom looks like he is having fun and this looks like the first fight where the bride is like i can't believe he did it. the groom would say i thought it would be funny. >> who do you feel worse for? the girl being proposed to or the bride? >> i feel worse for me because i am neither people. the bright and the bride's sister that's her sister, but they put out a statement. >> a billion researchers.
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>> they put out a stiement that said they were both in on it and they thought the way to make the bay even more special was to have the sister get proposed to. >> my sister can get an -- >> what do you think? >> they shouldn't wear an aqua tunic. i think if -- >> joanne likes to believe everything. >> this is a sociopath who did this otherwise. it is obnoxious -- >> if that's not the case i hope the bride goes to this one'sed withing and when they say does anyone have a reason she should object, she says yeah because you are a big jerk and everyone does the chicken dance. >> good one.
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ending on the chicken dance! is that what you like to do. >> i do it in my zumba class. >> there are certain rules of conduct at weddings for those who don't know. you don't wear white if you are not the bride but i have gotten away with a cream before. you don't fake anything during the objection. eon, dash darks -- everyone has that uncle. and you don't want to do anything that steals the spotlight unless you get really drunk and fall into the cake. that's humorous. >> i want to thank you all for coming. joe, where are you performing this weekend? >> the mohec -- me he can sun. >> i that does it for me. i'm bonnie mcfarland. i will see you next time.
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for us. a foreign policy triple threat for president obama. trouble looming for the president in some of the world's most dangerous places. this is special report. good evening and welcome to washington i'm bret baier. the u.s. says it will not do for iraq what iraq must do for itself against isis terrorists. the white house is signaling new involvement in ukraine and china is warning the president against what it calls


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