tv Hannity FOX News May 29, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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thanks for watching. go to and follow me on twitter @megynkelly. let me know your thoughts about the police in america. thanks for watching. i'm megyn kelly. this is "the kelly file." welcome to this special edition of "hannity tonight." college graduates get ready to enter the real world given advice by their chosen speakers those who deliver commencement speeches. some great, some shocking. for the hour we'll examine both. first to kick things off here are some of the best advice give ton graduates so far this year. ♪ >> those of how are graduating this afternoon with high honors awards and distinctions, i say, well done. and as i like to tell the "c"
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students you too can be president. [ cheers and applause ] >> life's not fair it never was. it isn't now and won't ever be. do not fall into the trap. the entitlement trap of feeling like you're a victim. you are not. >> history rarely yields to one person. but think and never forget what happens when it does. >> here now for the hour is the author of "the new york times" best-seller "the silencing" how the left is killing free speech. fox news contributor kirsten powers and juan williams comedian tom shalhoub and "adios america's" author the one and only ann coulter. you like the title. you haven't read the book yet. >> what? that title. that will stop you. one second they say in the book
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store where you look you go what is that about? holy smokes. >> already created quite a stir which we won't talk about now. first question i have to ask is this why are conservatives far outnumbered by liberals in terms of giving commencement addresses? >> i don't know. maybe because academia is overwhelmingly run by lib rats and, you know i talk about this a lot in my book about how there's a group that tracks the commencement speeches and since 2000 they've had twice as many commencement speeches canceled almost all of them conservatives and fewer invitations go to conservatives in the first place so the fact that they're getting canceled for the conservatives when they're not even being invited in the first place shows you what adisparate -- >> your son is a conservative. thank goodness he didn't you know inherit your liberal genes. >> please. i am a living weather vane on this topic. i used to get a lot of
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invitations to deliver commencement addresses so i have done a large number. >> how many? >> i would guess i've done over -- close to three dozen, you know like 36 right. okay but fox news and the controversies i got into especially when i got -- shut it down. >> none. >> no. >> so i like just did franklin pierce which is where andy card is president now. so i'll get something like that. but for the most part exactly what kirsten said. >> liberty university was the worst speech i ever gave. the one time i used a teleprompter. >> why did you -- >> i was on my book tour. the worst i ever gave. do you ever do one. >> no i'm so relieved. i kept thinking you know if i were a liberal having researched and written my own ten "the new york times" best-sellers i wouldn't have time to write they books i would be accepting so
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many awards at the kennedy center and giving commencement speeches and on a postage stamp and the speeches i was looking through them and won't complain about the topic being obvious and dull but i will say the commencement speeches oh my gosh they're boring. thank heaven i don't have to give any commencement speeches. >> wait a minute. does matthew mcconaughey impress you? >> i love him. that was great. >> that surprised me. >> other than the group that sang it's hard out here for a pimp i think mcconaughey is the only to thank god in his oscar acceptance speech though i'm not an expert on them because i never watch them. >> i think there's too many conservatives speaking at commencements -- 6-1. the top universities 6-1. that's a better -- more conservatives than there are on campus. what is -- >> especially in the faculty lounge. >> not representative. you want to be representative it would be fewer.
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what do conservatives want to speak on campuses for anyway. they can charge high fees and speak at corporate events. >> i think the one thing -- i don't think at these big universities the last thing a student want is a long speech. what do you want to tell them? they just finished party, all hung over they don't care what you have to say. they want to get their degree and go to the next party w that said there is an inherent bias here. and there's also a negative tone i've seen emerge america's grim and things aren't going well. which i kind of agree with since obama is our president. >> i would say that comes a lot from the conservatives. >> well it is okay. >> if i was one of the 93 million americans out of work or one of the -- >> yeah, yeah. oh kid, you'll never get a job and live in your parents' basement adios. you can't give that speech. that's not -- >> adios, america. that's a new book in oh your book. to these kids and i think that's a depressing message. you're also talking to parents and grandparents. it's a real moment for them and
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they do want to hear something from the speaker. >> they should be exposed -- this is a radical idea. be exposed to people who think differently than they do and be able to see -- if you have somebody like condoleezza rice being protested, she's not coming to speak about the iraq war, she's giving a commencement address and we should be able -- i opposed the iraq war but we should be able to hear from people who have other insights to share even though we disagreed with them on something. that's the problem. >> sean could i say -- i think we've all said you know surprise surprise david horowitz has been writing how left wing they are -- all his ex-buddies are tenured faculty. i have a limit pore perpetual outrage about these things and i think we need to take the next step which is to say what do conservatives do about it. for one thing why do they sit quietly and why don't parents walk out when they're getting another racism rap.
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go to brunch early and pick up your degree at another point. as soon as republicans took congress something i've been pushing for for six months and still haven't listened to me. >> they don't listen to me either. >> i want republicans to hold hearings on the cost of college education, i want them to have tobacco style hearings and invite all the presidents of the universities in and explain why college tuition has gone up 1,000% since 1978. nothing else has gone up like that. explain your salaries. some of these college presidents are making a million dollars a year and i would also demand they come with facts and figure. >> look at the amen corner you're creating. kirrten saying amen to ann coulter. >> republicans like rick santorum who say, oh what a snobbish altitude. why does everyone need to go to college. the working man might not want to go to college. you should help young people set high bars for themselves and i think an education matters and he said there's liberal
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professors. >> only 10-1. >> yeah. people who are smart. >> i like peter teal. he has the fellowship and gives you $100,000 to not go to school and finds the top students and says i will pay you not to go to college and get to work right now and the results are fan tass take. >> it's a great idea because what you are paying -- >> you sound anti-capitalist. >> not supply and demand. >> sure it is. the united states taxpayer is guaranteeing -- that's got to stop. the middle class would love this. tuition prices -- >> pay back -- >> who is on the hook. >> if it's a private school they ought -- >> middle class -- no no no not when we're guaranteeing it. the whole mortgage bubble crisis all over again done with college tuition. but if you're talking about the charge -- it's not the same issue. it's the same -- >> don't you love when conservatives fight? >> why get in the way? >> the middle class is being lie lied to and told it's an investment in your future.
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although i agree i think it's not true with a lot of these colleges majoring in gender or ethic study, obama, all the democrats are saying this is an investment in your future. you get a college degree it is worth spending $200,000 because you'll make money. well no you won't and the taxpayer -- >> wait wait. that's not true. >> not if you're majored in anthropology. >> juan juan i want to bring it up. >> it's true. >> hang on. if if there's 5,000 or 50,000 people that apply to harvard or princeton or one of these schools and they only take a thousand and it's an honor to get one of those coveted slots and you get in and they want to charge whatever they want to charge so you have the prestige that have degree that's supply and demand. >> no it isn't. you don't understand. you don't understand. it is not -- you can say the same thing, i will explain it again. if a house is selling for $2 million, if someone wants to pay that they can pay it but, aha,
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we're giving you this mortgage. we'll give you this mortgage. >> you're supposed to pay that money back. >> who is on the hook for it when they don't pay it back? >> it's a separate issue. >> no it is not. >> sean -- >> i pay back my opportunity loan. >> most people pay -- >> no they don't. >> no because only in the case of mortgages, only in the case of college tuition are those loans guaranteed by whom? the federal government. no other loans are guaranteed. >> the american people as taxpayers, as a political body say, that's a good thing for us for our economy to have -- >> but it isn't. that's a lie. >> did you pay back your -- >> yeah i did but i dropped out of college because i was afraid of the mounting debt so i ended up going -- >> smafs smart. >> you went on tv and -- >> i'm on tv. >> most kids are going to end up in debt. value of their college degree and do not talk about harvard, princeton and yale. there are a lot ofry -- >> you sound like a liberal. >> you so don't understand.
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>> she's invited to give a commencement address, run out of the room kids. run away. do not listen to her. >> you know what we need ann to give one. >> sean. >> back on her, walk out on her. >> can you imagine if you paid for your child to go to college for four years and anne stands up there and tells you what a fool you are. >> that would be fun. >> my speeches are a lot more fun because they're not boring things about life a journey. the half the room lined in cops because i'm like david duke showing up on a college campus. it's a very exciting event when i give a college spiech. >> it's about you or should be about the students. >> when you take out -- it's separate and apart. it's separate and apart. why do you want to control prices of anything unless it's a state-run school. >> it is the government's -- look the government can say we are going to gafrpt a student loan for up to a million dollars
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a semester. every college in the country look at our tuition -- >> before we go -- i want to put up denzel washington. he said something good in his commencement speech he said "put god first in everything you do. everything that i have is by the grace of god. i didn't stick with him but he always stuck with me" and he also said "you'll never see a u-haul behind a hearse. i don't care how much money you make you can't take it with you. it's not how much you have. it's what you do with what you have" on that note we'll come back. up next -- >> as potentially the first african-american first lady i was also the focus of another set of questions and speculations. >> first lady michelle obama raised a lot of eyebrows after delivering that highly divisive commencement address, well why did she do it? our panel responds next.
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welcome back to this special edition of "hannity." the issue of race has become the subject of much discussion over the past year and a few weeks ago first lady michelle obama made this the focus of her commencement address at tuskegee university. watch this. >> but as potentially the first african-american first lady i was also the focus of another set of questions and speculations conversations sometimes rooted in the fears and misperceptions of others was i too loud or too angry or too emasculating?
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we've both felt the sting of those daily slights throughout our entire lives. the folks who cross the street in fear of their safety the clerks who kept a close eye on us in all those department stores. the people at formal events who assumed we were the help and those who have questioned our intelligence our honesty, even our love of this country and i know that these little indignities are obviously nothing compared to what folks across the country are dealing with every single day, those nagging worries that you're going to get stopped or pulled over for absolutely no reason. the fear that your job application will be overlooked because of the way your name sounds. this then there was the first time i was on a magazine cover. it was a cartoon drawing of me with a huge afro and a machine gun. now, yeah it was satire but if
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i'm really being honest that knocked me back a bit. or you might remember the on stage celebratory fist bump between me and my husband after a primary when that was referred to as a terrorist fist jab. and over the years folks have used plenty of interesting words to describe me. one said i exhibited a little bit of uppityism. another noted i was one of my husband's cronies of color. >> oh wait we bring back our panel for reaction. i watched this speech and i thought it was just the wrong tone for a commencement address for this reason. she seemed angry in the speech. she talked a lot about race in the speech and i'm thinking you're the first laid of the united states of america. in spite of obstacles you made it to that position. your husband is the president. >> that was the point of what she was saying. >> the way she said it -- >> we're looking at two different speeches. >> you're watching from the
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liberal perspective. >> she's a pretty good speaker. i thought her presentation was great and i think she's talking about her experience. this sis a historically black college speaking to african-american students about something a lot in the audience can relate to and that's her experience. that's what you're there to share about. how this is -- >> i didn't get the transition that i faced difficulties maybe with -- it seemed like there was an angry edge to her speaking style and then this is what can happen to you, to america. this is how we've changed this. is how we've overcome. this is how we've evolved and righted wrongs and injustices. ann, i didn't hear that. >> i just think as i've said before she's a one-note charlie. all she ever talks about, what her princeton thesis about. can she say anything other than about america's a racist country? it's getting to be kind of a snooze. >> come on ann. she had to suffer the indignity of being featured on "the new
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yorker." that's terrible. some of these things that were said about her were said on right wing blogs and do you think she really was hurt by them? she said -- she had trouble sleeps at night because she wonder fundamental people really liked her? do you believe that. >> yes. >> i do not believe it for a second. >> i don't understand this demon skaigs of her. >> i don't -- >> i'm not saying demonization -- >> she's not a public person. she's married to a public person and -- is there she's the first lady. >> but she wasn't the first lady when she's talking about the first time she sees herself on the cover of a magazine and being caricatured in this way i think that would -- >> by "the new yorker" who loves her. >> i mean -- >> well let me just say, first of all, the thing to keep in mind it's tuskegee working class to poor black kids who are, you know at the edge of the college experience in america and i think they want to know that michelle obama has some bonding with them that she goes through the experience of being suspected of being a
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criminal when you go in the department store because of the way you're dressed and your hip-hop style and i think michelle obama delivered that but i heard you when you said where is the moment where she transitions and says you know but i made it and you can make it and we can make it and that moment of inspiration i think was missing. i will say this you asked whether or not she gets hurt she does get hurt. i can tell you from personal experience on this channel i once said about michelle obama when she was coming in she cannot be stokely carmichael in a designer dress. holy smokes that -- >> that's a good line. >> they made her so furious. >> i think maybe liberals should grow thicker skin. this is really child's play for a conservative age 14 this is make you go home and cry at night. how are you going to face the world? i mean i'll compare -- >> let me say to you she has been terrific on childhood obesity and military families. >> ever try those school lunches? i heard they're aw mr. diet king.
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>> she's going to cry, sean. >> i love my daughters more than anything else and while that may not be the first thing you want to hear from a harvard educated lawyer -- who is against loving your children? like there are a lot of straw men in this speech. >> let's go to some more -- this was a second speech she gave. >> i want to urge you to actively seek out the most contentious polarized gridlock places you can find because so often throughout our history those have been the places where progress really happens. the places where minds are changed, lives transforminged where our great american story unfolds. climate change economic inequality human rights criminal justice, these are the revolutions of your time. and you have as much responsibility and just as much power to wake up and play your
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part in our great american story. >> revolution in our time. what is she talking about? >> oh god. >> revolution on climate change supply don't even know -- how are we watching the same thing? like that you really think -- >> you see it through the prism of liking them. >> revolution is some sort of like overthrow. she's -- >> you know -- but, wait. you got to put it in context. she is the person that said for the first time in her adult life she was proud of her country. this is a woman -- i don't hear in either the president or her enough about america's greatness. like when the president goes around and apologizes for the country. >> oh stop. >> he talks about problems. no, i don't hear the celebratory greatness of america from them. >> i think she was talking about the ability of young people to get out there, get in the fight, make a difference in america. >> a revolution. >> revolution in terms of making life better for all of us. that was a good thing sean hannity. >> oberlin -- that was a right
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wing speech for the oberlin crowd. >> i agree with that. >> she didn't falsely accuse a college republican of rape. >> geez. >> that's where lena dunham went. she falsely accused a guy of rape. >> strong medicine from the first lady. >> coming up next on this special edition of "hannity." >> climate change will impact every country on the planet. no nation is immune. so i'm here today to say that climate change constitutes a serious threat to global security. >> more than iran having a nuke. is that the message the military wants to hear? more of his address to the coast guard and their graduates right after the break. stay with us. drives you... ...and takes the wheel right from your very hands... ...this isn't that car.
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headquarters i'm patricia stark. growing safety concerns surrounded a tree doll of speech rally outside an islamic mosque in phoenix. the event includes a prophet muhammad cartoon contest. they're encouraging attendees to use guns if necessary. local leaders are urging muslims not to go. the council on american and islamic americans says teaching people hate and how to kill people and throw pig blood or whatever it is these days is just really sad to see that. phoenix police and the fbi have been gathering intelligence and monitoring social media for any potential sign of trouble this. happens to be the same mosque attended by the two men shot and killed during their recent attack on a prophet humid cartoon drawing contest in texas. i'm patricia stark. now back to "hannity." welcome back to the special edition of "hannity," college commencement addresses typically intended to be inspirational
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filled with great advice. with many liberal speakers left wing ideology often becomes a centerpiece of their message. for example, watch president obama's speech to the graduates of the u.s. coast guard academy. >> and this brings me to the challenge i want to focus on today. one where our coast guardsmen are already on the front lines and then perhaps more than any other will shape your entire careers. and that's the urgent need to combat and adapt to climate change. as a nation we face many challenges including the grave threat of terrorism. and as americans we will always do everything in our power to protect our country. yet, even as we meet threats like terrorism, we cannot and we must not ig nor a peril that can affect generations. climate change will impact every country on the planet. no nation is immune.
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so i'm here today to say that climate change constitutes a serious threat to global security. an immediate risk to our national security and make no mistake it will impact how our military defends our country. and so we need to act and we need to act now. >> all right, is that really the message that young members of our military want to hear? we continue with our panel. so let me understand this. climate change one of the biggest threats to our national security this. is a guy that negotiated with iran that admit that their breakout time is in 11 years zero meaning they can build a nuclear weapon that he's given his seal of approval on. he didn't demand they recognize israel. he didn't demand they stop being state sponsors of terror. he is giving the iranians nukes and says climate change is our biggest threat to our military in the world. you agree -- >> i think i'm doing a kirsten powers. he said we have military issues
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but for the coast guard you can't ig nor the threat of flooding. >> what's more dangerous? >> food shortages and rushing around. >> giving iranians nukes -- >> yes. >> that's up to you. that's not the fact. >> he also by his own words said the breakout time in 11 years would be zero. >> in 11 years. >> that's right. >> he wanted to -- >> he wants to negotiate a deal that would prevent them from being able to -- >> no that's the dial he's talking about. >> he's talking about a ten-year time frame at the end of the ten years you would have to renegotiate or look at the deal again. >> okay. they'll have nukes. >> he said it was one of many threats. he didn't say that it was the absolute -- >> made it sound like one of the biggest theys. >> where he got that is from the pentagon. the pentagon is the one who says that. >> that's a fact. >> this is a pentagon report by all of those left wingers who say climate change is going to be a serious issue.
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>> the "time" magazine said the new ice age is coming. >> no no. >> what is it? >> there was no great consensus -- >> why did the anglo professors alter their data if it was so indisputable? >> not comparable. it was not a broad-based like consensus about it that was sort of -- >> consensus. anyone like me that thinks it's a hoax is -- >> didn't have the majority of the scientists saying there was ice age was coming just because it was on the cover of "time" magazine. >> we put up list names after names of scientists that they say it's a hoax. altered data. >> the sad thing about the speech washat he's trying to tailor the speech to his audience. you know saying the coast guard is -- they're the ones that have to clean up the mess for climate change like if he goes through culinary school if it gets warmer people lose their appetite. it'll come down on -- >> climb change is that our
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biggest military threat? >> no an again, it doesn't surprise me and that will be one of the questions in my tobacco-style hearings that republicans have -- will have with college presidents we'll see how much they're making and how much they paid for that degree. how many hours of college are spent on climate change how many professors they have teaching that and what the professors are making compared to what their graduates are making five years out. >> that really bothers you how much the professors get paid and how much university presidents get paid. >> no because, again, sean we are paying for it. you don't understand -- that's exactly what my point is. drop student loans. if colleges are so confident as you have the entire democratic party and obama and college presidents saying this degree is worth so much money, you're going to make so much -- let them guarantee their own loans then. if they're so confident their graduates are going to make all kinds of money, they don't make money. a huge number of them aren't
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paying them back. the taxpayers is left on the hook and the price of tuition keeps going up directly in line with how much the student loans -- >> here's the fallacy in what you're saying. >> no fallacy in what i'm saying? >> i hate to agree with juan. >> apart from the fact that it's not a job training institution, you know. >> that's how it's being sold. >> no it's not. let me just tell you -- >> no no no. michele -- >> i can tell you -- hang on. what we say is -- >> no. >> the ability to think critically and engage in debate with sean hannity and ann coulter -- >> you need to get a college education. a complete lie. >> you should value books written -- classics by what thethe the -- you should want americans to read them and think about them. >> if people were choosing colleges based on them that's what --
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>> of course oh yeah that's why sean said it's hard to get into harvard, yale and princeton. >> those are some of the few words even possible to read the great books. do you think most collegeses they are reading great books because you are absolutely wrong. >> you are wrong, i think i actually go to college campuses more often but i'm just saying to you -- >> your idea is that great books and the ability to think and the ability to speak doesn't matter. the ability to write doesn't matter. >> there is no evidence that going to college -- >> big job, big paying job that pays off your college degree wrong. >> you said nobody is trying to sell colleges as being good. >> you are. >> for making money. that's all you seem -- only value -- >> i'm still talking? >> go go go. >> you said no one is selling college as a way to make more money and you said it will help you make more money. >> no no no. >> so yes, you democrats, michelle obama as they used to do with the zero down mortgages, when you spend $2 million on this house it's an investment in your future.
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this is how college tuition -- >> juan was saying they're teaching -- >> again, i was still talking. apparently my side will not be heard in this debate. >> take a different tact. they're not teaching them critical thinking skill. >> she's agreeing with you. >> my book is filled with horror stories of exactly how they tamp down debate. they chill speech. >> i know this -- i know there are instances like that i don't doubt that. >> my son the conservative has told me about this but let me tell you overwhelmingly where do you get to read in american society great books, argue about them it's america's college universities. >> we are not -- you have no idea what's going on. >> greatest book i read was milton -- >> watching al gore global warming documentaries and learning about gender studies, ethics studies. >> we got to take a break. >> oh my goodness. >> coming up research shows liberals are more likely to be invited to give these addresses
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graduates, you made it. and you're [ bleep ]. teachers they're all be working. [ bleep ], jobs lousy pay, but they'll still be working. the graduates in accounting they all have jobs. where does that leave you? envious of those accountants, i doubt it. now that you've made your choice or rather succumbed to it your path is clear. not easy but clear. you have to keep working. it's that simple. you got through tssch, that's a big deal or to put it another way, you got through tisch, big deal. [ applause ]
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well, it's a start. on this day of triumphantly graduating a knew door is opening for you. a door to a lifetime of rejection. it's inevitable. it's what graduates call the real world. >> all right, that was actor robert de niro speaking to graduates of new york iefrts's tisch skoofl the arts. it seems these days when you hear a graduation speech more often than not it's given by a liberal. among the top 100 universities liberal commencement speakers outnumber conservatives 6-1. and notes that among the top 50 universities the ratio increases to nine liberals to every one conservative. among the top ten, zero conservatives, nine liberal speakers. author zev shefitz discussed this on the program. >> the conservatives who do get invited are invited either to evangelical schools or to public
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universities in the south, large public many universities or some catholic schools, fewer and fewer. >> yeah. >> willing to do that. >> one rare exception former president george w. bush. >> you live in a land that is compassionate and decent. because we believe in the rights and dignity of our own citizenry, we are committed to defending the rights and dignity of people everywhere. america's liberated millions around the world from tyranny and terror. we've helped turn the tide against deadly disease in places like africa. in our hearts we believe all are created equal under god. the liberty we prize is not america's gift to the world. it is almighty god's gift to humanity. >> finally a conservative. you still don't like any commencement speeches. would you give one if invited. >> i'd prefer to not.
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>> if a college asked you to give one, now what colleges have you spoken at? you have spoken at many. >> lots of them. >> if you've been at harvard. >> oh yeah. >> princeton, yale brown, dartmouth. >> i don't think i've been to brown but i've been to most of the -- >> what is the reception for you when you -- >> fantastic. i was just describing the room is lined with policemen like i'm david duke coming to speak. it's fantastic. >> you like -- >> i'm disappointed in liberals because sisince obama has become president they don't know what the chapter should be so they're not coming out -- they used to hold me responsible for everything the bush administration did and that was just fantastic. i used to answer the phone bush bush -- [ laughter ] >> one college university they tried to hit you with a pie, right? >> missed. >> missed. >> yes. >> bad aim. >> i moved like -- >> it's good news they would invite ann coulter to come -- >> the colleges aren't paying for it. >> the college republicans or
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the college conservatives but somebody invites -- so ann is on campus for their education. it's not a bad thing. >> colleges will not spend -- >> don't you think it's healthy for college kids to hear her. >> sure because i value debate. >> but colleges don't. >> i think that's what college should be about. >> you're remembering dan finish. >> you have the last word. >> your topic. i used to do a lot of commencement addresses but the fox connection and the npr firing you can see it drop off. this is not data coming from some skewed source this. is very real in terms of who makes the decision as to who is invited to give the commencement address. now, i think this is corrupt. but i will say that you know what it shouldn't be. it's not intended to be a political address. it's intended to be a moment of celebration, a brass tack in life. graduating from college. >> you have a big black-tie dinner. thanks for being with us. we'll continue with our panel and this is coming up next on "hannity."
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welcome back to this special edition of "hannity." many called it the best speech given. admiral mccraven gave them ten life lessons to live by. here's just a small sample of one of the lessons that stood out. >> it matters not your gender your ethic or religious background orientation or social status. our struggles in this world are similar and the lessons to overcome those struggles and to move forward changing ourselves and changing the world around us will apply equally to all. if you make your bed every morning, you will have accomplished the first task of the day. it will give you a small sense of pride and encourage you to do another and another and another and by the end of the day that one task completed will have turned into many tasks completed making your bed will reinforce the fact that the little things
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in life matter if you can't do the little things right you'll never be able to do the big things right. if by chance have you a miserable day you will come home to a bed that is made. that you made and a made bed gives you encouragement that tomorrow will be better. so if you want to change the world, start off by making your bed. [ laughter ] >> all right. we continue with our panel. all right, so this is the question. we've come to the -- almost the last segment. i love that speech because it talks about life discipline life's hard. do the little things and all that will follow will be good for you. so i like that speech. what would you tell graduates, i can give you 30 seconds, kirsten powers -- >> i can't do that. first of all, i'm completely convicted by the bed thing because i don't make my bed in the morning. i'm a loser according to -- i'm not doing the little things. my house is a disaster.
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i do think -- i do think that people have to be warned that life actually is difficult and it's not going to be like these day-care centers that our colleges are today that people need to be prepared to -- be encouraged to push through. i think something that sometimes might have wanted to hear when i was younger that i don't know that people bring up they focus so much on career and they don't talk as much about finding a spouse and having a partner for your life and the importance -- >> eww! if you tell them that -- >> i never heard that. it's something that would have been -- >> coming out. tom shillue. >> i think that the -- they always try to give grand advice. no one is listening. i never ended up graduating so i never went to a graduation for college. had a speaker who came to my high school an athlete. a bruins or a celtics or red sox but it was some athlete. and he said if i could give you
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one piece of advice keep a diary. wake up and write something down and i thought, all right. i'll do it. i started doing it. it was great. that changed my life. that little thing that athlete said -- i wish i knew who it was. he said keep a diary. that started me writing and writing comedy and jokes and that led to my career. it was life-changing and just a thing -- an athlete said. >> coulter, what would you say? >> don't go to law school. [ laughter ] thank you, good night. >> thank you, good night. that's it over? >> if you're not employed within you know a month or after summer after graduation and if you haven't paid back your student loans or your entire college tuition within five years, you should sue this university. [ laughter ] if you took a single class in anthropology sociology, gender studies, climate change you have wasted your money. >> they have to take it. they force them to take it. >> yeah i know. what was juan talking about?
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>> my parents were -- >> does he know what is happening on college campuses. >> my parents were anthropology majors. they had very good career. >> that will come up in my college hearings. >> back to this. >> earning five years sdmrout here's my advice i don't care what you do. you are going to be fearful when you give a first speech. fearful the first time you're on tv or radio like in my case i was. you got to -- you got to jump off the high board and don't be afraid. just take chances. you never know where it's going to lead you. that's my speech. good night, folks. is that pretty good? >> they should hire you. first time i got the approval of ann -- >> you should have said that at liberty college. >> you're right. more of our special edition of "hannity" right after the break. preservatives, and no artificial smiles. because clean dressings, taste better. ♪ introducing the first ever gummy multivitamin from centrum.
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a special edition of the o'reilly factor is on. tonight: fighting the terror threat. >> it's an enormous challenge and we have to fight it on every front including the front of social media. >> incredibly nancy pelosi believes that fighting isis on the net should be a priority that's how screwed up this entire terror war is right now. we'll have a special report. >> in mosul in ramadi, in fallujah isis is literally lighting people on fire. >> the situation now almost out of control in iraq as thousands of frightened refugees stream into baghdad. now we hear some americans are going over to fight isis on their own because the obama administration is not doing enough. we'll have
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