tv The Kelly File FOX News May 29, 2015 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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lls asleep. thanks for watching this special edition of "the factor." i'm bill o'reilly. please remember the spin stops here. we're always looking out for from the world headquarters of fox news it's "the kelly file" with megyn kelly. >> break tonight as the bloodshed in baltimore continues to soar we are taking a closer look at how the fallout from a series of incident as cross this country is leaving america's finest under fire. good evening and welcome to a "kelly file" special. i'm megyn kelly. two more people were shot in baltimore. 24 hours after a mother and her 7-year-old son were found murdered in their home, both shot in the head. this comes as a 9-year-old boy is released from the hospital after he was shot over the holiday weekend while playing basketball. one of the many victims now of a
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500% increase in the shootings of juveniles from last year. today baltimore's mayor addressed the continuing spike in violence suggesting she will not let her city be defined by this surge in crime. >> we know that baltimore is stronger than this moment but we won't have our history defined by violence. rather we will be defined by how we come together and how we bill and grow stronger than ever before. >> tonight we take a look at how the media, politicians and some left wing activists have jumped on a handful of incidents to start a debate about policing in this country, national policing. many times they rush to judgment ignore the results of investigation or decision miss the verdict in order to feed what has become a narrative about out of control cops with racist intentions. we're going to try to go a little deeper tonight with a big lineup. howard kurtz, sheriff david clark, president.
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law enforcement legal defense fund and chris is here but we go to trace gallagher in our west coast newsroom of how -- of how just four cases have fueled this movement. trace? >> megyn, it was last july 17th, 43-year-old eric garner was stand on a staten island street corner selling cigarettes known as lucys when police approached him. when police tried to cuff him garner resisted and was put into what officials ruled a choke hold though the police union disputed that definition. lying face down on the ground garner said "i can't breathe" 11 times and lost consciousness but cpr was not performed because he was still breathing police say. he was pro-ghounsed dead at the hospital an hour later. the medical examiner said he died of a choke hold and chest compression ruling it a homicide. but a grand jury decided not to indict officer daniel pant layaleo who used the technique.
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it sparked public protests and rallies. listen. >> i can't breathe. i can't breathe. i can't breathe. i can't breathe. >> for protesters "i can't breathe" became their chant for police brutality. on august 9th surveillance video showed michael brown stealing cigarillos. seven minutes later he was confronted dr. officer darren wilson. willing claims brown pushed him back into his patrol vehicle, punched him in the face and tried to grab his gun. two shots fired inside the vehicle. brown turned and ran then turned back toward the officer. some witnesses claim brown put his hands up and said don't shoot. willing and other witnesses claim brown started charging. he was shot six times including a fatal blow to the head. the killing sparked almost a week of violent protests and riots. 3 1/2 months later the grand jury came back. listen.
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>> all decisions in the criminal justice system must be determined by the physical and scientific evidence and the credible testimony corroborated by that evidence. not in response to public outcry or for political expediency. >> no indictment. the violence in ferguson began anew and despite the fact that michael brown never had his hands up never said don't shoot, the phrase joined i can't breathe in a national outcry. on april 12th, four biker police officers attempted to stop freddie gray. they found he was carrying an illegal pocketknife and placed him face down on the ground. he was then put into a police van with no restraints. the van made three stops including one to place leg restraints on freddie gray and another to check on his condition. the prosecutor claims freddie gray's request for help went unanswered. by the time the van made it back to the police station, freddie had suffered a severe spinal injury and was not breathing.
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he died a week later. his death led to days of riots and violence against police. the state's attorney acted rapidly against the officers involved. >> my team has been presenting evidence to a grand jury that just today returned indictments against all six officers. >> a grand jury dropped some charges and changed others but kept the second degree murder charge against the driver of the van. just last week cleveland police officer michael breelo was found not guilty in the death of timothy russell and melissa williams. his car backfired. police thought it was a gunshot and pulled him over. he sped away leading more than 60 police units on a 22-mile high speed pursuit. when it ended a dozen police officers fired 137 bullets into his car but officer brelo who says he thought the suspects were firing back jumped on the hood of russell's vehicle and fired 15 shots down through the
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windshield. the couple turned out to be unarmed. the acquittal of officer brelo did spark protests but they were mostly peaceful protests. megyn. >> trace gallagher. thank you. over the past several months stories of police brutality have dominated and heroics few and far between. why is that? howie kurtz host of "media buzz" on sundays on fnc. do we not give that as much coverage because it's a dog bites man kind ofstory, cops are expected to behave heroically and when they do so it doesn't warrant any media coverage? >> it's not even close, megyn. most of the coverage the national coverage of the police in this country has been exceedingly negative because we pounce on these relative handful of cases where there is real or alleged wrongdoing and here's the problem. by playing up these individual
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cases many of which would have been local news purely local news a few years ago, the routine bravery of the officers who risk their lives protecting our communities is utterly overshadowed. >> if you watch some of the other channels and i am proud that the fox news channel doesn't do this if you do they lead every night with an instance of cops doing something and there's almost no doubt cast upon the allegations if the allegations make the cop look bad. i mean you talk about a rush to judgment. all you have to do is dangle the notion of a cop doing something bad, especially if it's a white cop and a black defendant or would-be criminal and the salvation is visible in some corners. >> yeah especially if you have a racially charged situation, megyn, those stories rate. they attractle eyeballs they attract clicks. you know sometimes there are bad cops. we all saw that horrifying video in norls charleston in which a black man was shot in the back
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while running away. others like freddie gray he should not have died of course are more disputed and so this has become the narrative and stories about as you say there are some stories about thoughtful stories about police strategies and community police relations and technology and all of that. but that has been so utterly focused in this past year by the media hype machine that you would think that all the cops are bad, that all the cops are racist, that all police forces like in san francisco they're exchanging racist text messages and that's simply not the case. >> if you go with the narrative of just putting every alleged case of police brutality on the air and showing it putting it in the viewers' faces with videotape that is partial, you don't know the whole story but keep putting it in their face you think there would be responsibility to at least think about offering what the police are saying in defense of themselves or taking a hard look at it putting a lawyer on to say, listen let's not rush to judgment whatever it is and yet we've seen exactly the opposite
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and ferguson is a great example of that where everyone bought that hands up don't shoot, not everyone no one on "the kelly file" but once that was debunked and we're going to get to this in my next segment it was like a couple of people said we're sorry. we totally blew that so there's no accountability. the media gins up a false narrative, oh it's another news story. if they find another story of a cop acting badly they hold on to that as justification that their earlier false reporting was somehow okay. >> there were few apologies, no soul searching byes media for having pushed this having become a national narrative based on a false premise and here's the further problem. you know we all descend when there are riots and when the riots are over we move on to the next crisis. we don't cover as you've been covering lately in baltimore weekend after weekend in urban areas where police are trying to stem the tide of rising violence sometimes against kids
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because we've become inured to that. it's not news unless there's something spectacular about it. all that adding up to a picture where every police force in the country is populated by a lot of bad apples and the police side of the story in many instances is not told and sometimes when they're acq not as big a story as the original charge. >> howie, good to see you. >> my pleasure. tonight "the kelly file" has the very first look at a new report that tracks the coverage of that michael brown shooting in ferguson, missouri last year and how the media bought into the very false claims we heard over and over and over last fall. >> he put his hands in the air but the officer still approached with his weapon drawn and he fired several more shots and my friend died. >> we want to know why he felt the need to execute michael and leslie's child. >> how can you justify killing
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and shooting down a man in the middle of a street execution style? >> the issue is how a young man with no deadly threat no life extenuating circumstances was shot multiple times. >> hands up don't shoot. >> hands up don't shoot. >> hands up don't shoot. >> ron hosco collaborated with the media research center on that report. media research center being a right-leaning media watchdog group. ron, good to see you. so you know i remember distinctly all those lawmakers rushing out to tell the nation that they had misled them oh wait no i don't because it didn't happen. and they let that lie stand and people go out and march doing that apparently not knowing or caring that it's a lie.
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>> that's right, megyn. we asked the media research center to take a look at this hands up don't shoot narrative going back to when it came out of the mouth of witness 101 dorian johnson when the lie came from him in ferguson last august the 9th. and mrc told us 140 times it was used by the big broadcast networks. not too, too surprising but what is equally concerning is their inability or unwillingness to go back and admit that these were inaccurate representations, that this was, in fact a lie. >> and the thing is it did some real damage this lie, you know it's not like well they made a mistake but news events moved on. they moved on. they didn't get around to correcting it. this was pushed over and over and over and over and they never -- i mean collectively they did it and they never had the guts or the principle to go
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back and say, we were wrong. >> right, we expect that from al sharpton. we have come to expect it from perhaps his understudy benjamin crump. they have -- they're advocates for a particular purpose. they're not advocates for truth or justice. and so that we expect but we don't really expect it from the mainstream media, not only in their initial reporting but their unwillingness to come back and correct the record. >> uh-huh. >> the ethical code of the society of professional journalists in this country calls for fairness and transparency calls for -- >> don't you think, ron, there is an underlying belief among many of these reporters and media outlets as a whole that the cops are bad and racist and that even though they may have been wrong in ferguson, missouri they're right overall and they're on the site of the angels as long as they're saying bad things about the cops who are racist institutionally racist discriminatory as a group and so on.
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>> i think as howie mentioned, i think they prefer conflict they prefer agitation, they prefer warring sides. it sells news whether it's their politics or how you sell news in your network, but it's incredibly disappointing because this -- these actions last august started a brush fire and it's an anti-cop brush fire that has evolved. it's now evolved into black lives matter and other chants and where is the responsibility of the media and the media is complicit here? they're complicit. they're complicit in baltimore. unquestionably this mantra resulted in two good cops being executed on the streets of new york last december. so where's the responsibility of the media and where is the introspection and looking at themselves? >> and the attempt -- at least attempt to be fair and balanced. ron, thank you. well in cleveland the department of justice is forcing new guidelines on the police department there. this is what they do.
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coming soon to a city near you likely and just ahead you will hear why cleveland police think that the new rules are going to get the cops killed. plus this national debate about policing has raged on some of the loudest critics have been democrats. chris direwalt why some on the left are turning on the officers they once said they supported. >> there is something wrong when trust between law enforcement and the communities they serve breaks down as far as it has in many of our communities. we have allowed our criminal justice system to get out of balance. i am totally blind. i lost my sight in afghanistan but it doesn't hold me back. i go through periods where it's hard
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welcome back to our "kelly file" special. as a handful have turned into a national debate about policing some of the loudest critics are democrats. while the party has traditionally supported the police unions who stood behind their candidates now they are leading the chorus of suggesting fault sometimes before these investigations are even complete. >> too many young men of color feel targeted by law enforcement, guilty of walking while black or driving while
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black. >> when wille le condemn police that shoot and kill unarmed men? >> we have a responsibility to come together and do everything we can to achieve justice for this family a vigorous prosecution must now be pursued. >> with dante early on we said look f. a police officer stops you, do everything he tells you it do. don't move suddenly. don't reach for your cell phone because we knew sadly there's a greater chance it might be misinterpreted if it was a young man of color. >> to those of you who wish to engage in brutality, misconduct racism and corruption let me be clear, there is no place in the baltimore city police department for you. > what we have seen in baltimore should indeed i think does tear at our soul from ferguson to staten island to baltimore, the patterns have become
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unmistakable and undeniable. >> really? chris stirewalt is our digital editor. what are they? baltimore, we only have charges. we have no adjudication. ferguson, missouri we were told that case was something very different from what it turned out to be. what exactly is she talking about and shouldn't someone who is running for president be a little bit more careful? >> well but if you say that you're concerned about the relationship if you say that you are concerned that the trust is missing and that is something the president retreats into very often, he makes a lot of insinuations and former secretary clinton makes a lot of insinuations or made as she was flipping her views on the subject, she made a lot of insinuations about what's going on. but what they retreat to is trust. >> everybody wants trust. the question is how do you get
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it? if you follow up with that question the answer is the cops stink and they need to do better. it's -- there's no looking at what is the community doing? oh wait they're shooting at the cops. that doesn't engender trust either. >> this is an interesting moment for the democratic party and for their presumptive nominee. think about it this way, back in the old days when she used to tout how tough on crime she and her husband were it's because they were deadly afraid of being seen soft on crime. those riots republicans were the law and order party and democrats worried about that so when bill and hillary clinton arrived from new the south as new democrats they were tough on drugs, tough on crime. >> she maintained that in 2008. listen to hillary clinton then. >> and what i said then is what i have been saying that i will be a good partner for cities like philadelphia as president,
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because i will bring back the cops program, the so-called cops program where we had 100,000 police on the streets which really helped drive down the crime rate and also helped create better community relations. >> she has a very different message going now. >> yeah you're not going to be very popular with democratic primary voters if you go out and say i want to put 100,000 police officers on the street and drive down the crime rate. the correct discussion in the democratic party because, remember this we often talk about how far right the republican party has gone in the last 10 or 20 years and more conservative than it was but for the democratic party, the move has been further left and it has happened over a shorter period of time. we went from the clinton era of triangulation into the obama era of not very happy about police officers. >> great to see you, chris. >> you bet. >> well the department of justice investigation into the cleveland police department now leading to a new plan that's meant to transform the department.
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powerful new reaction from law enforcement tonight as the city of cleveland agrees to a deal with the doj to reform the cleveland police department. doj says cleveland cops have been engaged in a pattern of excessive force against civilians but after looking at the plan from washington the police union says the doj's solution is going to make things
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a lot worse. >> this dockment is going to get police officers killed. do you want us to be police officers. do you want to us provide safety and security for the community or do you want us to be part of a national and very very political discussion? if you want us in the office doing paperwork we're going to oblige you. >> jay christian adams is a former doj attorney and author of "injustice:exposing the racial agenda for the obama administration" for which chris worked. good to see you, chris. >> hi megyn. >> this is what they do. it's like i'm getting tired of reporting on the doj going into virtually every major city and essentially wresting control such they tell the cops how to do their job. >> yeah this is part of a broader ideological campaign many years in the making megyn, where people who just don't like the police are now in charge at doj. have you people like vineta
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gupta saying the riots in baltimore is because of slavery and cleveland and other cities across the country that are being put under these federal consent de creeks that aren't even litigated. cleveland surrendered. >> they can't. i mean it's like -- what people don't realize these cities can't fight it. they got them by their hands are tied behind their backs and sign off. it's expensive. >> it is expensive. doj should have to prove these cases in court, not just acquisce and that's all political. but what these agreements do megyn, is cops have to spend time doing reports, cop drs. to go to sensitivity training which is being taught by people contracted by the doj. cops have to report about their personal finances like they did in los angeles. causing people not to want to do the tough work of policing. >> not only that this cop is complaining, the one we played one of the main complaints is that they are now going to have to document every time they pull
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their weapons. when and why and there are many towns in the united states where a cop pulls his gun every day and now he's going to have to worry he'll get reviewed and explain. they don't fire it but their lives -- now we're going to make the cops very you know gun shy and i know people out there who don't like cops are going to say, good. look what happened in ferguson. look what happened in baltimore but the truth is the vast majority of police officers out there are there to protect us and risk their own lives to do it. >> that's the key. and places where the doj done this before like los angeles, it resulted in more crime. more mayhem. more lawlessness but that doesn't matter to the bureaucrats who are pushing it. they care about the ideological anti-police agenda more than they care about safe streets. and so this is part of a broader effort to make cops beholden to washington, d.c. instead of good policing on the street. >> what about a city like ferguson where although the entire narrative was baloney,
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the doj's investigation into the police force at large revealed very racist e-mails and racist individuals and what they said was a pattern or practice of discriminatory policing so can it be that the doj dogs have a role in some of these cities in cleaning up a problem? >> well don't forget the folks who are doing these doj reports believe that cops are guilty until proven innocent so a few racist e-mails does not do that. it doesn't violate federal law t requires a pattern or practice which means an ongoing continuing thing and the people who write these reports at doj have bias against police officers to begin with so the reports are always going to show that. >> i know chris has documented how they've been caught red-handed trying to manipulate un unethically cases against cops in court and chastised and sanctioned by judges for misbehaving. question what they're doing out
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more rain is in the forecast this weekend. the obama administration removing cuba from the u.s. terrorism black list on friday. the step as the two countries continue to work on restoring diplomatic relations the decision being hailed as healing a decades-old wound. now, back to "the kelly file". i'm patricia stark. now back to "the kelly file." welcome back to our "kelly" file special. we have seen a number of shootings soar and the arrests plummet in the city of baltimore and seen police department as cross the country come under fire. now one man claiming to be a black former cop in st. louis is suggesting that while all cops are not bad, the culture within america's police departments allows a fair percentage of
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racist officers to spoil the bunch. mark fuhrman is a former detective. good to see you. he says there are five things we need to understand about police departments. he says there are cops who willfully violate the human rights of the people in their community, the bad officers corrupt the departments and the mainstream media helps sustain the narrative of heroism that even the country officers take refuge in and there are officers who want to address institutional racism and says cameras are important. your thoughts on it? >> well when you read this statement from this officer, it's interesting that people keep remembering incidents that they personally experienced whether they watched it or were the principal involved or action of the police yet they never make a complaint. they never go to anybody and this officer makes no reference to him going to superiors or the district attorney or the chief of police or internal affairs or
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the doj. so with those instances i dismiss them because either they were involved with it they condoned it or they were afraid to go forward and never did, so that's difficult to believe most of these things. but when you read this document the one thing that i do agree with i don't like it but if you're going to agree with anything in here body cameras will show you just exactly what police have to put up with every moment of every day, not when they're in an altercation, not when they're in the middle of an arrest or a shooting or a fight, just what they deal with every time they answer a radio call every time they try to talk to somebody every time they make a traffic stop if you have body cameras, make all of the body camera film public record let's put it on youtube and see how these good communities react. >> an interesting point. one of the cops who came on our
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show after baltimore said you know from baltimore said look policing is not pretty and when you look at it up close and personal it's you know it's not going to be okay with the queen of england. it's out on the street and you're dealing with bad people and have we gone to a place in the society where picturing like a bunch of little errant boy scouts and big bad police officers coming in with their billy clubs ready to beat them down. >> well they are. megyn, they want it both ways. first they complain that the police are too aggressive in baltimore so they back off. now they want them to be aggressive again. i guess aggressive like see suspiciousle behavior like freddie gray and pursue him on foot that's what they want them to do now but they just indicted six officers that actually did that. something that they're never going to repair. the only way that anybody is
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going to repair what's wrong in baltimore between the police officers and the city government is to dismiss those six indictments. it's the only good faith thing that's ever going to happen that's going to actually repair this. >> mark thank you. joining me richard fowler a nationally syndicated radio host. richard, the point -- we've been talking about how cops are being painted with this broad brush like raceists on the other hand there is no question that police forces like many industries have racists within the bunch. >> you're exactly right, megyn. i think nobody is saying that all police officers are racists and 80% of them i would argue 90% go to work every day to protect and serve their community but there are those bad apples whether it's the six individuals in baltimore who were not only indicted by the state's attorney but also were found to commit -- you know were given charges by a grand jury. >> why are you referencing them when you're talking about racism?
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there's no allegation -- >> i'm making a point here and there's bad apples in every bunch. >> well suspected. let's say suspected. >> suspected bad apples. i'll give you that one but what we have got to do as americans, we've got to begin to figure out how to turn the page. how we do that by having a symbiotic relationship between community, law enforcement -- >> let me ask you that the cops have said they basically won't be happy in these communities until they enforce a hug-a-thug. and people in the ivory tower we got to bond but we're the guys out there and these are criminals, they're gang members, they shoot at old ladies we can't hug it out. it's not going to work that way. >> here's the thing, megyn. i reported from ferguson and i reported from baltimore and i've also reported from new york city. and nobody is saying there aren't bad people out in the streets that need to go behind bars. what we are saying there are good people mistaken for that and the way we fix that and perception oft perception between communities and police departments and have early
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exposure and, two, communities expose themselves to police officers whether you bring the police officers to schools, you breath bring them into parent meetings and break down the walls of separation and have a conversation because what the community wants is a safe and welcoming place to live. what the police officers want is to protect and serve the community so there's mutual interest and the way you get to the bottom of it is by truly implementing real community policing efforts. >> that's governor christie was telling me he did it in camden new jersey and president obama went there to tout how well he says it's working there, you know elsewhere not so much. richard, thank. >> you not so much. thanks megyn. >> well new police body cam video emerging showing police arresting a woman who says she's eight months pregnant and immediately sparking claims of discrimination. david clark is next on race and the police.
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stop it! >> this is ridiculous. what are you doing? what are you doing? >> now some are suggesting this is a case of racial bias. >> as a former south bronx cop and what i saw here nothing to do with color. i see a person -- >> why were they bill okay that's a bunch of crap. >> okay. >> because i have been in similar situations where i have called police and the police go over to the white person and say, what do you want? >> your experience is indicative of every police interaction across america. >> no it's not indicative but -- but, yes, there is some credence to that. >> joining me now sheriff david clark the sheriff of milwaukee county. good to see you. in most of these cases that we've seen that have been highlighted you're talking about white cops and black defendants or you know black people on the end of the arrest. although in baltimore we have six black cops who are also
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arrested. the narrative that emerges is as you heard don lemon say, he's been in a position where just because of the color of his skin he feels like the cops look at him differently. is he wrong? >> sure he's wrong. the only thing we haven't accused the american police officer of in this whole thing since ferguson is breathing while black because i suppose that could come up too. look just because the officer makes a determination no crime was committed doesn't mean he shouldn't ask somebody for information. when i send officers to an assignment i expect them to document something. they got called for service and i expect them to say i talked to person "a," person "b," resolved it. the opposite is true if they take down nothing and walk away and the woman and go to my officer and say let me see your memo book and there's nothing there. now, i think maybe they're hiding something so it's one of those adam filthauted eddamne dd if
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you do and damned if you don't. >> three of the officers are black. does that mean there's no racism? i mean can there be institutional racism executed by an african-american cop against another african-american? >> no, i don't believe that. you know we have to come to some sort of definition as to what we're talking about when we say racism. there's no institutional racism in the baltimore police department. i think we would have found out long before freddie gray so the fact that they have a good amount of black law enforcement officer doesn't mean racism doesn't exist but as an institution with the baltimore police department that's just pure nonsense look we can't control what's in people's hearts. we have policied against that sort of thing, the constitution is the guiding force and we talk about how people deserve and demand how they should be treated. some officer is going to go off the reservation so to speak and go outside our code of conduct
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and act in that fashion, that could happen but to indict an entire profession we didn't do that with the medal profession and found out the abortion doctor was slaughtering fetuses like he was, we didn't blame every other doctor in the united states and claim that the medical profession needs to be transformed. i think that we're overdoing this thing. when i say we i'm talking about people who have no love for the american police officer but we're seeing in baltimore, megyn, what life looks like when the police do not engage in assertive self-initiated and proactive policing? >> what about the situation in cleveland now where they have to report to you know the superiors thanks to the doj every time they even draw their weapon. >> this is a waste of time and it's a waste of money. what you do as was explained by the person that you formerly talked to it ties officers up endlessly writing reports in the station house. it's very expensive. i want my officers on the street
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patrolling high crime neighborhoods, providing law enforcement services for the good law abiding black people that live in the american ghetto. they can't do that if they're sitting in station houses writing reports to comply with doj demands. the other thing that does megyn this is what this is about, they could then misinterpret those and beat the same police department over the head with the misuse of statistics. >> sheriff clark, always good to speak with you. thank you, sir. >> thank you, megyn. while many in the media focused on allegation of officer misconduct much less attention has been paid to those who gave their lives. protecting the rest of us. like new york city officer brian moore. when we come back a closer look at some of those who lost their lives while simply trying to do their job.
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police officers across the country, increasingly bearing the bankrupt of loud criticism. we cannot be defined by that criticism. what is lost in the shouting and the rhetoric is the context of what we do. what is lost is officers like brian moore, and the people he served and protected. >> that was new york city police commissioner bill bratton earlier this month for the funeral of officer brian moore. dozens of other officers' lives have been taken while trying to keep our communities safe. trace gallagher for those who get much less attention in the media. >> minor moore followed his father in the police department. after five years in the job he was simultaneously rising in the ranks and commanding respect. moore and another officer were in an unmarked police vehicle when they pulled up behind a
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suspect who turned and fired on both officers. brian moore was struck in the head and killed. his partner survived. moore's funeral was a sea of blue. >> at every one of these funerals at every one of the wakes, there's a constant refrain, why is it always the good ones. well maybe it's because almost all of them in our profession are the good ones. >> two other new york police officers also lost their lives recently. they were ambushed in their squad car at point-blank range by a man who vowed to kill police officers. the killer then turned the gun on himself. the killing gained national attention. in omaha, 29-year-old police officer carrie roscoe was out looking for a career criminal when they approached the suspect, he opened fire killing her. she was scheduled to go on a delayed maternity leave the very next day. she gave birth to a premature baby daughter back in february.
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the baby was released from the hospital the day her mom died. listen. >> such a terrible tragedy. a mom, just had a newborn baby. it really is terrible. >> across the country, in 2014 130 police officers were killed in the line of duty. at a ceremony in washington the president praised their courage. >> we could not be prouder of them more grateful for their service. >> men and women who put themselves at risk every day. megyn? >> trace, thank you. we'll be right back. y. megyn. >> trace, thank you. we'll be right back.
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challenger conceded. soccer's governing body and leader have come under fire this week after the u.s. announced corruption charges against several fifa officials. they range from bribery to racket earring. fifa's president not facing any charges for now. james holmes said he was driven to kill by depression. jurors on friday got to watch a video of holmes in which he told a psychiatrist he went from being suicidal to homicidal after breaking up with a girlfriend. he denies he acted out of anger. holmes pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity. i'm patricia stark. now here's "hannity." for all your headlines, logon to welcome to the special edition of han i di. that time of year once again as college graduates get ready to enter the real world while
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