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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  June 2, 2015 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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>> we will back with more "happening now" in one hour. >> "outnumbered" starts right now. >> this is "outnumbered." i am andrea tantaros and here today harris faulkner sandra smith and kennedy montgomery, and one lucky guy who is a veteran of more than 170 films. you know him from the classic good fellows actor paul sorvino is on the couch. price for freedom, his newest film, just debuted and it is base on a story of an iranian doctor who came to the united states and helped many escape iran after the revolution saving them from the brutal ayatollah
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hands. >> great to have you. >> heaven! ♪ >> you are singing opera in the green room. i was being serenaded getting my make-up done. your voice is incredible. [singing opera] ♪ >> is that how you will answer
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the questions throughout the area? >> i don't answer just sing. >> let's get to the political news. >> let's begin with hilary clinton. she has chosen a spot to officially launch her presidential campaign with a rally on june 13th. it is new york city's roosevelt island. it has been noted it is the least accessible and most remote part of the big apple. it is written there is only one inhabited island harder to get to and that is rickers island. that is the jail house. the grumbling over her chosen venue comes as a new national poll shows the recent scandals over the clinton charity and e-mails could be taking a toll on her image. 50 percent of the people is the
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poll numbers. she is seeking to raise campaign dollars and it is reported her women-only event had to open the doors to men at the 11th hour because fewer than half of the tickets at $2700 a pop had been sold. all right. paul what do you think about this? do you have a song? >> it is obvious why she chose that island because it has a mote. if you think about what her current image is clean hillary. so she said i might as well go with it. there is a mote we will lower the port and you go behind and get back behind the line. >> paul i heard you laugh when i compared roosevelt island to the other island and i was thinking you have a joke to go
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along with that. it is hard to get out there if you know new york city. you can take a boat maybe? >> i can only assume good reasons. perhaps security. but this is the big apple. right in the center of everything. it is the world's greatest city. what is that all about? brooklyn queens, statin island. this is the nexus and where it should all happen. >> there is she is paul launching this campaign where she is targeting and trying to attract the every day american. here is this woman asking her for a selfie to take a picture. and she said take a hike. >> what do you think about the second doover announcement? that is the bigger story here. >> i am glad you asked that
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because this is hillary clinton part two. i am going to guess her team did polling before we saw the numbers. she has shed 11 percent in favorable since last year. so it is the lowest since 2011 but the key is what is going on in the last 12 months? >> in new york city hanthey had a fundraiser for her and she tried to host a fundraiser for women-only and it didn't work. even women in manhattan one of the most liberal cities in manhattan wouldn't fork over the money so they had to invite men. doesn't it speak to the fact she
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is not as loved? >> the former first lady is capitalizing upon the gender disparity and hoping men are the new women. >> take it easy now. >> that is not my thesis. i think that is what the secretary is saying. men are the new women therefore she can invite them. >> harris has a theory on tipping point for hillary. you said you were going to share. i am not calling you out. >> i think this polling was done prevdone previous to the hair comment. what happens when you marginalize yourself to the visual visual? it takes away personal power. >> it says how do i look today. >> and this polling might have predated those comments by a little bit but i will be curious
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to see the polling down the road. this woman treads on the issue of personal power and talking about the hair color and dye, she doesn't need to do that. >> people don't find her to be likable. and you ask yourself would you want to have a beer with this person? do you like this person? >> and the question is whether or not bill clinton will be an asset or detriment and 40 percent say the marriage to bill clinton makes them more likely to vote for her and equal amounts say it is neutral for them. >> moving on same candidate, what happened here with hilary clinton wanting to be the people's candidate? a hillary supporter was trying to get an autograph. >> go to the end of the line. why don't you go to the end of
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the line? >> good god. >> we should note the video of the incident is released by a rival super pac opposing clinton. it does appear she should she would have given her an autograph after waiting her turn in line. part of the argument is this supports perhaps a narrative about her. what is it? >> my feeling about this and other things about her is she has been in the public eye as a queen, the head of this and that, and hurt badly by her husband emotionally so we were sorry for her. the problem here is in her defense she was not wrong to say go back to the beginning of the line. however what i would have said hopefully, because people ask me for autographs, i would say i
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will be right with you can you -- >> you know what? >> okay. here is what you do. you have to weigh the alternative. if i say go wait at the end of the line i look like a harpy who hates people. but if i say let's take a quick picture i look like the woman of the people. it is someone else's job to step in. >> i can understand because if you are in the public eye at all you are always asked for pictures. i walk quickly through the street and celebrities are like a beautiful woman everybody wants to talk to you take a picture with you, get to know you, so the idea is you keep it going. all she should have done is said absolutely but they are ahead of you. >> paul, you make a really good point. she hasn't, even though she is a celebrity, isn't it because they have kept her under wraps she
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doesn't have the practice to warmly deal with people her husband would. >> it is not her nature either. >> that is it exactly. i don't think you will change that. bill would have said come sit on my lap. >> i would? >> not you. >> i thought she was very cold. >> hilary clinton there was a poll asking how people felt she felt about them do they care about people like me and 47 percent said yes, 52 percent said no. those numbers kind of track where had her favor-ability. >> someone tweeted out she is america's mother-in-law and that is how she sounds. i wasn't surprised by the tone
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she took. people expect her to be this way behind the scenes. but the only thing that would have made the video better is if the woman said hillary, what difference does it make? >> i think she meant it in a serious way talking about her hair and using hair dye but it goes back to starting with ed henry's request answering questions to reporters the day she stood there. she was cold in nature the way she responded to the questions about the conflict of interest with the family's charity and when she went on to answer the questions she was lacking warming. >> you said you have been in a room with her and she same across cold. it is almost like she is anticipating rough edges and just shows some. i want your last thought. >> her nature is elitist. she is an intelligent woman
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especially given the light of her long career and association but my real thought about is she should not run for president. i really don't think so. i think she is too tired. i think should see too eboring to the common woman or man. she is not open to suggestions. >> moving on president obama saying the united states has become the most respected nation in the world under his watch. paul is laughing. we will debate whether he is right or off base about that. and big concerns about government dysfunction -- really? what two separate reviews found wrong at the tsa and the epa. problems at our security at the airport and the agency on the environment. and grab your second screen because we will wrap up on tv and meet you live on the web with "outnumbered" overtime.
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hi welcome back to out. the homeland security department reassigning the acting director of the transportation agency after a scathing internal review. the investigation found screeners failed to detect weapons and explosives 95 percent of the time in a covert test. and in an inspector general report it was found the epa is creating a culture of complacency by dragging their feet against employee misconduct with employees watching porn and a senior executive looking the other way so an employee could fake the time sheet and another worker take a job while on the federal employee clock. the epa is probably the most
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frustrating federal body we interact with. what do we do about the tsa? >> anyone flying knows this is a horror. i loved flying and now i will drive. my beautiful wife and i drove to california and back because i wanted to avoid flying for one time. i think there are two things important here. one is that you really can't see these things by looking in a crowded brief case on an x-ray. there are ways to be fudged. that is the big problem. the other problem is these people are not paid enough. so you are getting people enough enough -- who are not respecting the job so it is not probably enough. they have a bad attitude
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how important the job is. are there bonuses for how many thinks they find? they will look for the easy stuff. i don't know the structure within the tsa that would limit them to go for the easy stuff. it is harder to find things like
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a disclosed. >> after 9/11 how could you not know how important that is? >> the biggest difference is -- >> there is a couple things differently. the israeli's profile and that is a big debate we have had in this country. it is politically incorrect so we don't do it. we know the structure of the tsa. it is run by the government. the va the tsa, the nsa, the irs -- how are they going to fire anyone because there is no competition? where is the motivation and moral? i think if you get a republican president in you run on privatizing the airport security. >> that is one of the most viable options people talk about because they are not keeping us safer doing an efficient job
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and wonderful people who work at the tsa but my neighbor is great but i don't think she should be in charge of airport security. >> i think we will have to learn how to be patient. when you fly in and out of areas like israel you already know it is going to take you a certain amount of time to get to the airport because they do such a thorough job so as the recipients of the safety we have to be patient. >> we are under severe and constant threat and when you know that and train people for that they have a different attitude. and they realize the passengers are not their enemies. they should not be looking as a prosecuting attorney would be looking to catch you. they should be pleasant but thorough just as the israeli
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airports are. president obama claiming his administration helped make the united states the most respected country in the world. we will tell you what the president sights as proof of the magical theory and why critics say he is way off. a new study is showing today's young people are less religious than any other generation possibly in the nation's history. what is going on here and watt could this mean for our country moving forward? stay right here.
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when it comes to good nutrition my daughter's an expert. hi dad. she's a dietitian. and back when i wasn't eating right she got me drinking
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boost. it's got a great taste, and it helps give me the nutrition i was missing. helping me stay more like me. [ female announcer ] boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. all with a delicious taste. grandpa! [ female announcer ] look for valuable savings on boost in your sunday paper. >> welcome back to "outnumbered." president obama is raising eyebrows after saying quote the united states has become the most repected country on earth
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under his watch. he made the comments with the fellows from the young asian i initiative initiative. >> the united states' opinion when i came in the white house was just above russia and below china. today we are the most respected country again and part of that is because of the work we did to reengage the world saying we want to work with you. >> the president seems to be correct about the world having a more favorable opinion of america now. but with issues like the rise of isis and the problematic nuclear negotiation negotiations are iran some critics are wondering if this victory lap is a bit premature. >> i would say it is not relevant. when you say respected what do
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you mean? we are not respected by your enemies. they don't have the respect for us they would have had before. when obama was elected i wept saying we came of age. this beautiful, brilliant guy this country is of age and we are adults now with a black man for a president and it is beautiful thing. but he disappointed me especially in foreign policy. i think he is a good man. he is not a bad man. but if you have been in the army like me you see the world differently. truman and fdr were actually never in the army. but you see the world differently. mr. obama will be respected for many things -- opening cuba one of the best things he did. but as far as respected, that
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may mean financially but it has nothing to do with the threats against us which are real, tangigible and present. >> don't you think this is a little early even though the polling back ups this point. >> it so interesting to hear what you said. you didn't say an unkind word about the man but his policy. and my parents said listen to people that support you. the former prime minister of cutterqutar was on fox business and he said i am a friend to the united states but i share the shock of the foreign policy of this president and share the shock of watching how this white house has dealt with isis and made mistake over mistake trying to get its arms around the problem of the islamic state. that is a friend of the united
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states. are you putting the cart before the horse? i don't know. this is a guy with a nobel peace price before he earned it. >> who could have stopped them early on? we can't know. now it is the long hallul. the minute they beheaded two of our people i would have had special forces in immediately, boots on the ground if you are afraid to have war you cannot have peace. this has been demonstrated throughout the history of the world. we should have gone in with a fast police action and cleaned them out. >> in addition to that i think about the leaders of western europe and world leaders watching arm and arm after the charlie hebdo murders and our president or vice president were nowhere to be seen and how much respect do you think they had for the united states at that time? in a deadly fight for free
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speech. and i look at iran and cuba and think he is not sincere in this outreach -- >> he
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christianity and other religions there could be outreach but i think they see other places where people are killed in religion and it is off putting. >> you have two-parent working relationships and one-parent relationships and you have fewer people in the home to be with the religious values. >> and isn't it ironic we have covered the faith-based movies at the box office are doing better than romantic comedies?
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people are looking for something to believe in. they are not sticking to the religions with which they grew up. when i went to ireland i was expected to see the churches filled with people. but i walk in and no one is there. the irish catholics have abandoned the churches. it is amazing to see. no one knows what is causing it but they are not leaving religion all together. they are looking for other sources and ways. >> i think we are turning into a secular, more european-like country. that is what europe does. you mention ireland and you go to any search in europe a lot of the pews are empty. tv shows movies on the whole we have gotten away from religion but it is mocked, feared and christians are poked fun at and killed around the world. when there is a failing it exploded on the national scene.
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when there is a failing in other religions the media doesn't seize on it like they do christians. i think it is hurting people's desire to become part of an organized religion. >> do you think it is less reinforced in the home? >> i definitely do. the fact that families used to have a structure where a mom was there and dad came home and he was the enforcer. now no one is there and they are left with grandmas who are not robust enough. >> just because it is one parent doesn't mean the parent isn't there. >> in the lack of compelling evidence with the existence of a god it is harder and harder to
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believe. there is a wonderful quote of people walking in the sand saying did you believe in god, and he said if you see a watch on the beach and ask he how i got there and i sai grew by itself would you believe me? we all know something is there. but where is the evidence to show the potency? >> we don't have enough time to debate that. >> you will never have enough time. >> this is an interesting turn. a new study on men who cheat and why certain husbands do it more than others and which are the most lake likely to do so?
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hundred percent economically dependented on their spouses are 15 percent more likely to cheat on their hard working, bread winning wives. conversely women who financially depend on their husband only face a five percent chance of swaying. one expert says it has to do with social standards of being dependent on your woman might threaten malehood and having an affair establishes that male masculinity. >> would you like to give me more reasons men cheat? two three, four. >> we are the reason women cheat. >> beautiful women! my feelings about it and if i were not married to this beautiful woman as you know i would be whacked and you would
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see feeding. >> we are stunned silent. i think if you are a dog you are a dog. i think if you are with someone in a committed relationship and have a good relationship if you cheat you are an idiot. you trivalize yourself and your partner and screw it up. i have no respect for people like this or understanding of it. if you have a terrible relationship that is off. i understand that. >> you are the queen of business. he is talking about financial dependency and what is the correlation of women being the bread winners and men not having jobs and being dead beats? >> the reason women are working is because for many years and
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there is economical reasons but they wanted to feel empowered and have that independence and their own money. so if a man is staying home they have the same feeling. i don't know it is gender specific but if a man is staying home it is easy to see he feels like he lost power in his house or inferior to his own wife and something like this could happen. i agree with you at the end of the day it is all about the person and the man. >> or the woman who sleeps with the married man and there is a special place in hell for those types of women. >> look, men are more premiscisous by nature. >> when i am reading cosmo's magazine i tell sandra all about this. >> you have the greatest reaction on the couch and
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haven't said anything. >> i think it comes down to free time. >> wow! >> bread winners? don't cheat because they don't have time. drop mike. i think if you have a lot of free time and no one is pulling at you and you are curious by nature then you will do something during that free time. if you are working six days a week -- >> keep them busy. >> there you go. >> the divorce rate is going up in bad economic times. >> because people are not busy enough and they get busy and that is a same. well he wowed the world winning the olympic gold medal and now big news again. will this transition change the conversation about transgender issues? that is coming up. glucerna has carbsteady
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more "outnumbered" in just a moment. but first let's get to jenna lee on what is coming up in the second hour of "happening now." >> several current and potential gop candidates are at an event in florida. scott walker spoke a few minutes ago and chris christie is coming up next and we will take you there live.
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it is streaming live on as well. and a horrible accident in england after a roller coaster crashed into another and more people being assessassessed for juries. and in los angeles, two cars jumped a curb and crashed into a building. we will have more on this breaking story as soon as we get it and see you at the top of the hour. >> thank you very much jenna we will be watching. it is the photo that everybody is talking about. meet kaitlyn jenner the olympic gold medalist formally known as bruce gracing the cover of vanity fair as a woman. the magazine is sold out. jenner launching a twitter account and tweeted the photo and reached one million followers in a world-record time. many are rallying around her with praise including president obama's who responded to
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jenner's second tweet saying it takes courage to share your story. i will go to you harris i do think it takes courage to do what jenner did and whether you agree with him or not, i think she, kaitlyn, has handled the process from the interview to the cover in a grace full light. >> i am happy as a journalist when people talk about what is difficult. i love we live in a country where we can talk about anything. the feedback on social media proves how hot the topic is. it isn't about bruce, kaitlyn and the transcending from one to another. it is about the curiosity point in our society. >> i cannot believe vanity fair put a republican on the cover. >> i think kaitlyn should be on the couch as one lucky girl.
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that would be fantastic. would you share your couch with kaitlyn jenner? >> why not? >> that is the right answer. >> watt did you think of the cover? >> huba huba. i wish him well. it is a sad situation you cannot play the genetically dealt hand you have. he is trying to find happiness. this is a short life. if you are unhappy go for what makes you happy. >> go for the gold. >> you a great athlete man, and now a great woman. whatever you want to be. i don't agree with it. i don't understand it. but i say god bless you, be happy. >> the worldal rallied around this #callmekaitlyn and you saw a million twitter followers in four minutes. when we were sitting and the news broke on the couch we were looking at our twitter and she at the moment had less than 200,000 followers and it
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happened like that. what do you attribute to that in >> this is an olympic athlete becoming a woman. >> think about this person not just an olympian and hero but well-liked. if you watch the kardashians, which i do this is a man who stepped up to raise children that were not his. when he married chris jenner he raised kim and her sister in a beautiful way. think about that. he raised another woman's and man's children. and i think that is part of the reason we fell in love with his parenting style. he is a great man and individual. >> i love he eclipsed them and took a page from their self marketing manual and is now the most talked about of all of them. >> how is this our business? >> he is making it our business. >> he is a public person. bruce jenner now kaitlyn was
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always a public person. so i think that is natural for to be a public -- >> espn is going to be honoring him as well. the wnba starts their 19th season soon. and in an effort to boost the excitement hear what may have woman slam dunking their way to more fans.
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technology proven to reduce fish burps. new bayer pro ultra omega-3. ♪ >> dancing over here. >> retro. >> wnba and 19th season and the sport never getting great ratings but there could be a solution to that. one reporter said the women's game relies on jump shots and measure work a day style. lowering the rim, will be the single most exciting move. the dunk. brittany griener is the second woman ever to dunk in an wnba game. some say the ten foot rim is part of the tradition and game.
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harris, i go to you on this one. you took interest and chatting before the show about it. but the game of basketball is altered for women. the ball is smaller and the three- point line is closer to the net. a couple of different ways, 30 second shot has a 24- second clock for the wnba and they have altered the sport, why not here? >> you know it is interesting, the former president of the wnba said it is one of her big regrets as an experiment to see that she could build the crowds. i don't know if that will be. you are tall like me. did you ever play you said you did play. >> i was told that i ran like a ballerina down the court. and honestly speaking of
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running and i ran track-and-field and ran in the collegeeate division one and my steeplechase was shorter than the men's steeplechase. >> hurdles are shorter as well. and there is all kinds of adaptations why not lower it? >> i don't have a problem with. it average height is 5- 11 and the men are 6- 7 and that is several inches. >> i agree with harris. they gave me $300 and a free ice cream cone i would not go. >> i think it would make the game more exciting. >> you think they should do it? >> absolutely. >> you are all for anything the ladies want. >> no anything that is good for ladies as i see it. >> and i love your honesty. >> wonderful to have you today. >> thank you. >> sir paul. >> more singing in overtime.
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we'll stay right here for outnumbered over time on the web. there may be more vocals from sir paul. click on the overtime tab and we'll be back noon eastern "happening now". >> fox news alert. more fallout from a widening investigation in worldwide soccer and a big name now stepping down. five- firm fifa president. sepp blatter is stepping down. he was just reelected and defiant. and he's calling for a new election as soon as possible and blatter is out. and also this fox news alert. a man is dead following a police involved shooting in boston. the suspect may


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