tv The Five FOX News June 2, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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eating texas right now. >> are you really? >> yes. first time in years. i never did while my friend rick perry was there. >> you're going to rub that in. >> make sure he knew it. >> thank you very much. it's an incredible event. hello, everyone. i'm greg gutfeld along with kimberly guilfoyle, geraldo and eric bolling and dana perino. this is "the five." the media reactions since the recent second amendment defense is as unsurprising as it is fact-free. piers morgan using that showed up to a gunfight for the opinion
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and he gave it but he did so with actual facts. no wonder the media reacted with flawed surveys filled with boy yas bias calculations. the real stories are the stories that are ignored, like the number of gun owners or what killer james holmes said that he wanted to attack an airport but nicked it because of all of the guns. that's just like elliott roger' man guess sew manifesto. he killed six people. sitting ducks on purpose. finally, a gun expert reports. why would he not like that? because bad people prefer their victims at their mercy.
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>> ei.e, unarmed. >> i want to go to geraldo first because this is his first time on "the five". >> hello. >> good to see you, mustache. the second amendment is the most defended of all of the constitutions. >> and it should be. >> anybody who thinks they need gun, there's a gun for every man, woman and child to protect against the corrupt, arrogant and pervasive government. is that what he says? >> uh-huh. >> doesn't that remind you of timothy mcveigh? >> that reminds me of almost all of america. by the way, why would you go straight to mcveigh? >> we are bathing in blood in the civil war that is racking the inner city of this country. >> that's not law-abiding citizens geraldo. that's gangs. >> it's people with guns please. give me a break.
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baltimore with 30 dead. >> because it's not stop and frisk. i wanted that. >> is the media shocked? >> yes. perhaps he was even shocked that he was able to be so courageous and say what he really believes. i'm sure there's a few more people like him but they are silenced because they are worried about losing their jobs because there is economic consequence to expressing an idea that is not wildly held or viewed upon by the mainstream media. but for somebody like vince vaughn to come forward, perhaps somebody else will. we have the right to bear arms and defend ourselves. what you mentioned in your monologue is also factually correct. they go for soft targets and will not meet the other end of a gun to resist their oppression and violence. >> dana conservatives like me
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are clapping our hands like s.e.a.l.s because it's so refreshing to hear this. >> so grateful. >> yes. we never get to hear this kind of honesty. >> getting more attention then maybe if somebody else had done it. >> right. >> nobody would make waves? >> that's right. >> it was great. some of the examples that you gave those were the mass shootings. a lot of the gun violence is not happening on that mass scale. >> right. >> you don't get to 40 people dead in baltimore in the month of may because 40 people were killed all at once. it's more random than that. one of the things that is interesting like people in hollywood that would criticize vince vaughn they are also for a very popular and somewhat bipartisan policy approach which is the decriminalization of the drug laws. >> right. >> a lot of those people are in jail not just because of the drugs but because of the gun violation that went along with the drug. i'm curious with the less who support this what sort of gun
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laws are they going to be willing to relax in order to get to their decriminalization. >> i'm thinking about it. eric i thought that vince vaughn's best point was when he said that the leaders who preach gun control enroll their kids in four to five schools. >> like i said last night, it's one of the most fortified schools in the country where a lot of the presidents' kids have gone. mass murders happen in gun-free zones. that blew up the left side's head. in fact julie was here saying there's no correlation. i looked up the numbers and here are the numbers. you want facts? here are the facts. since 1993 gun ownership has gone up by 50%. under 200 million to over 300 million, firearms owned in america. murder is going down. the murder rate is going down by
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50%. robbery is going down by 57% and forceable rape is going down by 47%. those are the facts. you can't argue with those facts. >> when was the last time that you heard of a civilian stopping a crime with a -- >> thousands of times per day. in fact there was a statistic and i don't have that right here. increasing concealed carry permits accounts for an 8% drop in crimes because people pulled their own concealed carry on people who were trying to murder them rape them or rob them. >> i wish i was able to carry my weapon in from new jersey into new york and into the studio. i wish i was able to do that. i would feel much safer. >> in central park during the crime waves of the 1980s, i was packing a weapon because we were so paranoid. i heard wrestling in the bushes
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and a guy said hi geraldo. i said that's the last time i'm carrying a gun. >> thank god you don't have a gun, geraldo, or i wouldn't trust you. this is the problem, it's based on anecdotal reporting. we're talking about statistics that are countrywide. john locke junior has been researched. it's this they can. it happens. anecdote ta anecdotal studies are interesting. you did bring up stop and frisk. rudy giuliani was on fox discussing what happens when stop and frisk goes away. >> whatever you think of it it prevents crime, particularly gun crime. >> right. >> chicago has less than half the population in new york and 2 1/2 times the number of murders per capita. we both have the same gun control laws. you can't take away the programs
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that were successful. and that's what this mayor has done consistently. the biggest factors of reduction in homicide were the minority communities which are now suffering and seeing an increase in homicide and shootings. >> what he's saying in 2013 there were 69 killings. at this point, there's 98. who is being shot are not liberal talk show hosts. >> no it's not. i interviewed him on this this morning. he said this is the inability to take guns off the streets. he believes there's a direct correlation with the ceasing of the stop and frisk, to be able to stop someone, question them and take those guns off. because when you know this is put in place and they are not allowed to do it guess what the guy coming out of from wherever they have the gun, they are going to bring it out onto the street because they are not worried about an encounter with the police but they can pull it
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off of them. it makes it easier to use it. hence, the escalation. >> it is a fairly obvious point. stop and frisk guns that prevents gun crime. when you stop it crimes go up. >> wasn't it yesterday that the new york police department announced that they were adding 300 or 350 officers back to the streets so they could help to prevent the gun crime? the answer has been take away the tool that works and add more people to the mix but not give them the tools that they need to do the job. >> and you wonder why they are worried. the other thing about gun death, they make it sound like gun ownership causes all of these homicides but they do it by adding suicide. >> even when you add suicide, the numbers play out. the higher the frequency of gun ownership, the lower -- whether it's a city state or country in general, the lower the homicide. >> can i just point out
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something on the new york city mayor and -- >> ex mayor? >> ex-mayor. also when you point your fingers at the cops and something goes wrong, that makes these crime rates go up as well. >> i agree with that. and moreover there is a civil war in the ghetto in the black ghettos of america. and we have to wake up to it. the only way to disarm the bloods and crips and all of these gangs is with stop question and frisk. it's constitutional if applied appropriately. to take this vital tool away is to hobble them along about it correctly points out the absolute disrespect that's been generated towards the police because of the incident the highly publicized incident in ferguson and charleston and so forth. >> and it victimizes the people living there. >> it absolutely does. >> they are the ones that get -- >> they can't reconcile increasing gun control because they want more gun control laws
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but they want to take away the tool that finds the guns. >> that's the problem. they know how to do this because rudy pointed out that bill bratton helped him put together a law-abiding stop question and brisk procedure. >> it's going to be very difficult to put it back. >> well he should if he cares about black-on-black crime. >> 200 murder as year now 300. 1700 statistically would have been mostly black young men whose lives would have been taken but for programs stop and frisk. the nsa surveillance program, that's next on "the five."
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well a short while ago the senate passed the freedom act that reauthorizes some government surveillance programs but not the nsa bulk collection of records. after the president signs it the government will have to get court orders. something that senator rand paul strongly argues against. >> the usa freedom act will
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allow a corporation to be searched and if that corporation were verizon or at&t we might be back where we started. i still have concerns. i want to be very clear, i want to look at the records of terrorists. i just want the records to be individualized. >> that's his response. he's trying to draw the line to say that he wants the records of terrorists to be looked at but not other americans. can you distinguish between the two? >> it's easier to be said than done. you've got to start from somewhere. the fictions being told about an agency that is a necessity in the modern age. we have different enemies than we did now. the idea that nsa is fine in reading your e-mails? no. if they do that's an objectaboration screw-up. saying that republicans want a terrorist attack -- glehe walked
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that back within two hours of saying it. it gives you a glimpse of what is in his real head. he sees this as you know what he questions people's intent and not judgment because it's about him. and that's sad and disgusting. no wonder he is failing. >> don't you want the civil servant who is being looking at your telephone records to -- a judge's order or warrant? >> nobody is -- >> you love the second amendment. what about the first amendment? >> it is constitutional what is being done. we decided that in the '70s and i believe it. >> i think it's not. >> look at 1979 eric. say what you want. you want profiling. >> the actual amendment says that you need to specify who the warrant goes to. in order to have a warrant in a real court, you need to name the person you want and that's not what is going on with the nsa.
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>> that's not the point i was making. >> this is later with specificity, once they have -- there isn't a retrieval until they have the facts to prove it. >> what about a girlfriend's cell phone records? >> that's wrong. that's an abboration and that shouldn't happen. >> if rand disagrees with requiring the data carriers the phone companies, the googles to keep the data for a certain amount of time i would disagree with that. there is access to something where if you do have -- you're pinging on something, you see a connection go after it. i would simply say that allowing the government to blanketly say we can take anyone at any time that we want that would be the violation of the fourth amendment in the constitution. but asking a company -- here's the difference. like when you decide to go with a phone company at&t or verizon, you sign on the dotted
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line saying my data is yours. you can do what you want with it. if you don't like it go find another carrier. just like when you walk through an airport terminal you're making a decision to do that. however, when the tsa or nsa -- they are not giving you a choice to opt out of the program. >> okay. you're acting as though they are going through your bag. they are not. >> if they pass an agreement among adults look at that woman over there, and we have to -- >> the one behind you dancing. we are now in a modern age where this has to be done. the idea that somebody is actually looking at your phone records is hilarious. they are using it to find -- they are basically looking at the numbers. >> there have been zero occurrences, zero occasions where the metadata has uncovered
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a terror plot. >> erroneous. erroneous. i'll tell you why. when you're working intelligence -- if i could speak, thank you so much. when you're acting for an intelligence agency and i have talked to many of them including on and off the record with giuliani they are collecting this information. it's not like they go there and release it when they are pursing leads and covert operations and things ongoing. they are not going to broadcast it and lay it out to make their case because it would compromise the intelligence that they are doing. >> we uncovered -- before we lose this program, it's so important, this is what we say. >> no, you wouldn't. not when you would compromise your intelligence. >> i think rand paul has totally distinguished himself. and now i think if he were to pull today the leading republican candidate and, by far, the most provocative. >> let me ask you this. do you consider mike morell to
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be an individual who knows what he's talking about? he's one of the individuals who said if they have this collection program prior to 9/11 it would not have happened. is that good enough information for you? >> wait a minute. so you're saying that they've had is since 9/11 and yet boston marathon happened and other terror plots happened and it hasn't foiled those plots? >> you're for profiling? >> i am not for profiling. >> now you're not? >> i'm okay greg if the cia or fbi or an intel agency has an idea and they are pinging on some one they think has connection to a terrorists yes, go to court. >> one place to another. you don't start at zero. >> it's also the circumstances. >> we spent four months trashing the obama administration for doing that and everyone said
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this would never happen again. are you sure are you positive that down the road hillary clinton or another president would not -- >> that's administration and you can't compromise national security because you're scared of hillary clinton looming like a bizarre wizard of oz and reading your e-mails. dana? >> i think there's a difference between targeting a group of people and metadata. that's not looking at somebody's application to the irs. i'd like to express my gratitude to the people who have dedicated themselves as civil servants who are not making a gazillion dollars and impugning the motive of others. >> i know those who wrote the patriot act. they did not speak to circumvent and after 9/11 they are told we need a better way to be able to track down information. this was one of the expansions that they did that the court did
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not say that particular thing saying that it's not illegal. what they said was the legal reasoning was not allowed. >> why not have the constitutional -- >> let me get a word in. i think on the policy it's extremely curious and i don't think he would poll well with republicans today. this morning, cnn's poll showed that rand paul would get 2% of republican women to vote for him. that is not expanding the party. that is not a way to win a presidential nomination. >> very quickly, one of the authors of the patriot act said bulk collection was never intended under the patriot act. >> and the fact that we have not had one clear and convincing case where this bulk collection -- >> i think it's the civil servants at nsa are not going to tell you and they don't need to tell you. >> the only cases that i know the cell phone conversations with people in afghanistan, in
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the tribal territories, that led to the arrests in denver and the new york subway case. this bulk collection is one of these programs -- >> listen you can couch it in all of the patriotism and rhetoric you want but where the rubber meets the road this has not yielded one terrorist. >> we don't know that. >> how do we not know? >> you say they always get to be right. you can't prove it. but then if you do prove it you can't say that. >> for national security reasons, perhaps? >> come on. >> why would they while the investigation is going on? that's the bottom line. i want to piggyback something off of what dana said. we talked about this yesterday. support for the in. republicans, 73%, conservatives 66. dems 63. moderates, 63.
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independents 65. and almost reaching a majority with liberals across the united states of america at 48%. those are the facts. >> and changed the patriot act according to -- >> and just so you know it's coming. >> think about this for one second. harvard did a study and tracked the same way the nsa takes the metadata and found these things. >> we're going to go black. >> who is calling the suicide hotline? >> i don't know. >> we have to leave. >> there are a lot of things you may not want anyone else knowing. >> calling an abortion provider? president obama is touting his legacy again. what he's taking credit for now, if you can believe it, next on "the five." life begins with a howl, we scream shout, shriek with joy. until, inhibition creeps in our world gets smaller quieter,
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promised to change america's standing in the world. >> when i came into office the united states in world opinion ranked below china and just barely above russia. and today, once again, the united states is the most respected country on earth. and part of that, i think, is because of the work we did to re-engage the world and say that we want to work with you as partners with much interests and respect. >> that's what he said. greg better to be liked or respected? >> well you know what neither. this is not your goal as a world leader to be respected by the world. the goal for an american president is to be the safest most prosperous and most feared. respect is for the dead. when he said respected, what he meant was humbled. to him, a humbled america is superior to a brash one.
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america is goliath and the idea that america is exceptional is poisonous but they don't have a replacement for it. they don't know what a world would be like without america but they don't give a damn. >> america is david as opposed to the goliath? >> yes. how could it not be? the freest country. nobody is waiting to get into line in goliath but they are waiting to get in line to america, my friend. it's all around the world. >> i don't think the president is very well regarded in iraq or libya or. >> but he's doing well in iran. >> how about israel or syria? >> this is a poll from last month. we have a 10% favorability rating in egypt and 12% in
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jordan and 19% in turkey and 23% in russia. we're doing well in china. 50%. i also think, kimberly the stress on the international system from the ed snowden revelations actually did hurt america's standing and ability to get cooperation in international matters. >> well the problem is people don't trust us. so what if they don't like us? i'm not worried about that. i would prefer yes, they have the respect with a significant amount of fear to know that if you are a bad actor, there will be meaningful consequences. i don't like the full isolationist attitude. i think that's somebody always taking a back seat and isn't going to stand up for justice throughout the world. to have a more global view to say, we do care what is going on around the world, whether it's boko haram or christians being beheaded that should matter. you should be troubled as the commander in chief in the united
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states of america, who does everybody go to when they need humanitarian need? you come to the united states and we answer those calls proudly and consistently. so when a country goes on bended knee and flog ourselves out of a bizarre thing because -- >> i think that self-flagalation thing is very overrated. we want strength quiet strength dignity, we want an economic model that spreads prosperity. >> and it's been difficult for president obama to convince the congress. there's more republicans for it but on trade and economic situation, we still can't get that across. >> trade is important but i will tell you what is looming large is if he does make a deal with iran to get that bomb this will be one of the worst decisions. it's his worst decision on a
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whole litany of bad decisions he's made because the next president is going to have to take that away from him. they are going to have to apply the sanctions and make sure iran doesn't get the bomb. very quickly varsaudi arabia is going to want it, other countries in the middle east who make sure they get the bomb. >> saudi arabia already has a bomb and it's called the pakistan army. >> perhaps or they will want their own bomb too. >> i want the president to be respected in our cities before they blow up this stuff. >> that's a good point. >> a nuclear arsenal because he decides to let iran get a bomb. >> i'm going to wrap tupit up. i told you i'm going to tell you my theory on this. the reason president obama can make this claim and it's legitimate for the people he surrounds himself with is climate change and the re-engagement on climate change. if you talk nice about it people will like you. >> uh-huh. >> that's what it is about.
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just put it in the cooler. if you're a fisherman, you tell tales. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance you switch to geico. it's what you do. put the fish in the cooler! welcome back. the fastest six minutes on television. first, electric car maker spoke about his musk business model. >> we virtually had no money. >> yes, it's bad enough to have three strikes. four strikes, it's really caput. >> but it was flawless.
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in musk's world, it lifted darkness. >> we won and i just blurted out, i love you guys. >> another $1.5 billion taxpayer dollars contributing to the grand total of your hardworking bucks of a staggering $5 billion worth of government. >> you know i don't like this. in particular because i'm for basic research and for the government funding, since i would give it to the universities and say knock yourself out, whatever you want to do with it i'm not for giving it to him and with the tesla vehicles this is not going to help all of us at least in our lifetime. the cars sell between $100,000 and $150,000. that's not accessible to most -- well 99% of americans could never get this car. >> and not only that greg taxpayers are supporting a $7500 tax credit. i think if you charge your car after midnight it's free.
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>> if we could create a fuel based on naive grad school beliefs, president obama could be a power plant. we could fuel the entire country. >> he'd be chancellor of that for sure right? >> yeah. >> this reminds me every time i hear something like this i think of solyndra, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth like a cold shower. >> he's getting some subsidies. he's getting 1,100th that the fuel industry is getting. >> they get tax credits off the money they earn. >> they get tax credits for pumping. >> he never holds back, charles barkley, was talking about
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mansdplchltman manziel who was caught tossing a water bottle into a fan. >> i'm not one of those people who think you have to kiss up to the fans. if they disrespect you, i make no bones. i've been arrested eight times for punching fans and every single time they deserved it and i'm not going to kiss down to anybody. just because i played basketball you don't have to the right to insult me. >> i totally agree. >> i agree with that. are you kidding me? don't come over here at this end of the table. >> no kidding. i'm with her. >> do you ever think about the heckler, like what is in the mind of a heckler? 99 would be men and 75 would be living at home with their mother. i don't see them as winners. if this is where you go there has to be -- >> you exist in the public sector and someone comes into
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your personal space, you've got to stand up for your dignity. in baltimore, a classic example of that you've got to stand your ground. >> do you remember the guy who used to try to kiss you outside? >> where is juan? >> oh yeah. >> that's never happened to me. no i'm good. >> dana for this one, finally, one of the coolest videos you'll see, check out the high school graduation in hawaii. these seniors really prepared for this graduation and the results are awesome. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> 1.9 million views. >> they managed to do something that we didn't do. they will always remember that. i might remember theirs, too. >> hawaii is a wonderful island nation. i hope to visit it. i think they ought to be retroactively suspended. school is not supposed to be fun. >> it was a lot more fun than any college graduation. the only thing i remember about that is i got in trouble for talking healeding up the line. i was turning around and socializing. >> you're a talker. >> and for drinking. >> did you do that? >> drinking? >> oh no you didn't. >> you do it now. i'm afraid to open instagram. >> selfie alert.
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i'm as surprised as you are. delighted to be here. a candidate for the people -- >> every day americans need a champion and i want to be that champion. >> being how hillary clinton treats some of the people turning out to support her on the campaign trail -- >> go to the end of the line. >> okay. >> why don't you go to the end of the line. >> end of the line. new hampshire voters met with that icy response with her favorability ratings should she be working on her people skills. i've dealt with the clintons much more personally than professionally. two quick personal experiences i've had. one was in puerto rico where she was running for the democratic primary and i was there and she made a beeline for me.
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and she was really gracious. in haiti where it was the earthquake and i was talking about the corruption of the government receiving the aid, she did everything she could to avoid me even hiding behind a secret service guy. i think that she's very skilled and manipulative in terms of dealing with the public. >> can we just look at this video that we showed? she told the woman to go to the end of the line because that's where you get your stuff signed. she wasn't being rude. this thing from american rising is out of context. when companies do things like that we no longer trust you. i don't know what to believe. if you look at the whole video, she was saying i'm shaking these hands, if you meet me on the other side you can sign it. she wasn't being rude at all. believe me, there are too many problems with hillary. we don't need to do this. she was being nice. she was saying that's where -- >> couldn't she have said it in a nice way?
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>> i don't think it was bad. >> i agree. >> although, we were talking about why she stays away from these opportunities, because whether it's this or -- every time she opens her mouth anecdotally, something comes out where her staff says uh-oh, it wasn't really like that. >> not to bring up a sore subject, but earlier when we were talking about republicans -- you said immediately walked it back and that was instinct. it's either legitimate for us to bring it up or not and in this case i don't think that she was being rude. it's overwhelming that all of those people -- if you meet me over there, otherwise it's going to irritate everybody else. >> i don't think that was that bad. however, all fair is in love and war. let's say marco rubio is the nominee. how many times do you think the democrats are going to lose the characterize his drinking of
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water a character flaw. >> i didn't know the background of that. but even if that is true, she was just saying go over there, it wasn't even the way she said it right? >> i don't think it was that bad. >> but likability is huge. >> huge. >> do you think she's super fun and fuzzy? >> in person -- in a quiet context, she is quite charming. >> in a small context? >> as i was trying to suggest, i think that in public she is very conscious of the impression that she might give and whether or not she's going to be favorably received or unfavorably received in the puerto rico context she knew it was positive. she embraced me. in the haitian context, she knew it was skeptical and avoided me. it's politics. >> i think the most successful people are the way that they are on tv as they were off.
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so we got cut off there. eric was going to say that k.g. got hit on by president clinton. all right. time for "one more thing." totally not rigged at all, taking on oncomers. take a look at this. taking them on. steven seagal must be the most powerful man in the world. and then here he steps on the guy's head. look at that. that is just amazing. he truly is a wonderful human being. dana, top that. >> you want to see a cute little thing? julie's phone rang on sunday and didn't take the call because she didn't recognize the number and the person called back. turns out, her boston terrier
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who ran away seven years ago was being returned to her. >> this is an incredible story. >> someone took her to a vet and they checked the chip. >> the dog is like what is going on? >> i don't know if it's covered by section 215. >> it is cute. >> sorry. blew it. >> that's a cute animal situation. >> if you like pigs this is super adorable. >> do you? >> i like them. i like to eat them too. show the clip. this is a police officer that had to go pick up a stray pig in shelby township in michigan. they were in detroit and this lady called and said this pig is going crazy. they took the pig and it's looking out the back window and the pig made a little poop mess.
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>> the taxpayers had to pay for that? >> bacon in the back seat. >> eric? >> quickly sepp blatter resigned today. no one can figure out, three days after he won re-election, why he was resigning. according to my fox news app blat blatter is now under investigation by u.s. officials. >> with a name like that -- >> geraldo? >> i was deeply touched by the president's decision with pentagon urging congress to also involve to recognize two veterans two medal of honor winners from world war i almost 100 years ago. one of them black, private henry johnson who fought with the harlem hell fighters the other jewish two men whose
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conspicuous gallantry was overlooked largely because of discrimination in the armed services during that period. right on mr. president. you did the right thing. >> that's it for us. "special report" is next. i'm bret baier in washington and this is a fox news alert. legislation ended the national security agency's collections of your phone records while preserving some of its other surveillance authorities. senate republican leaders opposed the house passed usa freedom act but they were forced to accept it unchanged after last-ditch attempts to amend it or reject it. a short time ago, president obama tweeted he will sign the bill as soon as he gets it. speaking of surveillance we're learning tonight the fbi is losing low-flying airplanes to keep an eye on you. and a lot of people are upset about
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