tv The Kelly File FOX News June 2, 2015 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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arming up in the bullpen. i am bill o'reilly please remember the spin stops here, we're definitely looking out for you. breaking tonight, the white house weighs in on a growing epidemic of violent crime across this country and who is to blame blame. >> there are horrifying numbers out this week from some of america's biggest cities. murders up 110% in 34i8 walkie at this time last year. gun violence of all kinds up 64% in baltimore all of this happening as american's cops are criticizing community leaders from city hall to the u.s. capitol. the white house was asked whether the cops are finally feeling a bit beat down.
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>> i think anyone who has listened to the president over the last couple months talk about the important work police officers do. that is something that is worthy of our respect and frankly it's something that that the president has praised. i think it speaks to how important it is for law enforcement officers to build trust with those they serve and
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respect. >> mr. obama sometimes praises the police those remarks almost always go hand in hand about a message of bias wrongdoing and racism. >> a combination of bad training in some cases. a combination of some cases of departments that really are not trying to root out biases. in some cases, conscious fear of folks who look different. all of this contributes to a national problem. >> last year the events in ferguson and new york expressed a deep root eded discussion the need for fair and just law enforcement. >> what happened in ferguson is not a complete aberration. it's not just a one time thing. it's something that happen ss.
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one of the things that i think frustrated the people of ferguson in addition to the specific case of michael brown was this sense of you know this for years. >> too many places in this country. black boys and black men. latino boys latino men. experience being treated differently by law enforcement. in stops and in arrests, and in charges and enkarserations. the statistics are clear, up and down the criminal justice system there's no dispute. >> kevin jackson, executive director of the black fear and author of race pimping. richard fowler the nationally syndicated radio host. the white house comes out today when pressed on these growing crime statistics and they are devastating across the country if you look at the number of cities where the murder rate is skyrocketing. and they go to the president -- the police are feeling low in
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morale it's not because of anything the president has said or done. >> it's interesting how ernest made it -- i want to generalize. well he should because you gave enough statistics you could have gone city by city it would have been worse. look at the top 10 cities two of them are hotbeds right now. what's interesting is that barack obama keeps using this term communities of color, he acts as if black people got dropped in from outer space and cops don't know what to do with them it's communities, it's human, it's people. cops know how to do with people they know how to deal with people who commit crimes they talk about the communities of color, that are overwhelmingly incarcerated. it's very simple. >> you know richard, you look at the piece that was done by the wall street journal yesterday that talks about the ferguson and what it's done to cities across america.
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milwaukee homicides up 180%. robberies 43%. homicides 25 in milwaukee. shootings in chicago, 24% higher homicides, 17. l.a. shootings up 25%. in new york the murder rate is up 13%. on and on it goes and they're talking about the surge, the current surge in lawlessness that contrasts with the first six months of 2014 that continued a 20-year pattern of growing public safety. you're telling me it has nothing to do with lower cop morale? >> well i think there's something here megyn. we've sort of reached a point where the police and the community have to have a really hard reset. we've talked about this on your show before we should be implementing models like what we see in camden new jersey. the police decided to reset and work with the community. we need to bring back officer friendly and put police officers
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back in the classroom to break down the stigma. whether it's rural communities or inner cities communities. >> the cops listening to that would say, wait a minute you take certain cities throw out allegations against an individual cop. the aejss do not with stand legal scrutiny. you get the public believing cops are racist officers who need to be stopped. that gets disproven in many of these instances, your answer is, we need to come together and people need to be taught that -- and police need to teach them that they're not bad. the police are saying, wait a minute you're the ones that are creating the aimages that we are bad? >> no doubt about it before the surge, megyn, there was already a surge, detroit five times the crime rate of the average town. and on down the line. i mean we're talking about two to three times the nation's average for violent crime in these cities prior to the surge. and these people act like it's
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been the cops. the cops should be at fault, because the cops haven't been dealing with this crime. i don't blame them because it's bureaucrats that have implemented these policies of don't stop and frisk and no racial profiling. >> racial profiling doesn't work. you look at the department of justice report in cleveland and ferguson both of them point out, when you have more racial profiling, you have zero tolerance, you have more racism and bias. the ferguson department of justice report they're using racial epithets to describe the community. >> that's true. let me ask you this the president, the white house is coming out saying the president's been very supportive of the police as we point out, he has and he hasn't. he's been hit not just for seeming to couch his praise of them with but, they're biassed and discriminatory against black men. he's been accused of a rush to judgment against the police almost since he took office.
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dating back to what happened with professor henley louis gates and what he said about, well, listen. >> the cambridge police acted stupidly there's a long history in this country of african-americans and latinos. being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately. that's just a fact. >> if i had a son, he would look like trayvon. >> i mean is he ignoring history, when josh ernest comes out today and says the president's been a big supporter. >> a couple weeks ago he playsed police officers for the work they do. we need to workreaking down poverty, and the issues that get us to more crimes. the president has to walk a very fine line between uplifting the cops and talking about what the department of justice is finding in cities across the country. >> has the department of justice ever gone into a police department and found they didn't have a pattern of discrimination
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under this president? has it ever once happe said you're good? we know what's happening here? >> they never will. there's always going to be a but after it. you're never going to hear barack obama talk about the many acts of congress every day. >> he does talk about that. >> he -- >> the question is whether it's only couched or too often couched with criticism. >> you didn't let me finish. that's right, you didn't let me finish. he never says that this is what these guys do day in and day out, without the butt. that's the problem. and so what he's done is he's created a climate where black people -- snitches get snitches and cops are surrounded when they go to do a call. >> if i remember correctly, the president -- >> they're being shot in higher numbers. >> we're not talking about -- >> the president was on the ground with chris christie in camden new jersey, talking
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about how effective their program is their reset has been. >> chris christie wasn't there that day, he was with me in new hampshire. the thing is in camden they have a terribly high murder rate. something had to be done. they fired all the cops and doubled the police force, the murder rate went down. >> beyond having more cops they also implemented true community policing where they started to have a conversation with the community on how they wanted to be policed. >> we're going to have to listen to them. >> megyn, let me tell you, they talk about having the cops do nonlethal. they had two people that were shot with tasers and the first thing that happened is everybody complained about that these people it's never going to be enough for the left. they can't just say, you know what this is bad policy it's hurting communities. >> i have to leave it at that. >> zero tolerance, that's what's bad policy.
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you know it. >> also tonight. less than 24 hours before we sit down with one of america's most famous families. we will do some digging into who leaked the story about the duggars and their family history. did someone break the law when they released this sealed juvenile police department report? also tonight, a fund-raising website rejects an appeal from a man who organized a controversial event challenging islam. just like they rejected appeals from darren wilson. rich lowery is here on who gets a voice and who does not. ann coulter is here with a ten-year ban on all immigration to the united states. >> if you don't want to be killed by isis don't go to syria. if you don't want to be killed -- you owned your car for four years. you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together.
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>> child rape is the norm honor killings are the norm. >> the majority of -- >> national parks are being year run. if you don't want to be killed by isis if you don't want to be killed by a mexican, there's nothing i can tell you. >> there are cultures that are obviously deficient and if they weren't deficient, you wouldn't be sitting in america interviewing me. when you bring the people here you bring those cultures here that includes honor killings uncles raping their nieces. not paying your taxes, paying bribes to government officials. that isn't our culture. >> ann coulter is here a conservative commentator, and author of a new book. she's always afraid to tell us how she really feels. especially in her book covers. >> no sooner had those words come out of your mouth, everyone said you are afraid of the
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browning of america, racist big ott, and the terms went on and on. >> they won't say it to my face because few are brave enough to interview me. >> i thank jorge ramos for that. >> the browning of america phrase that isn't my phrase. these people aren't reading liberal magazines, web pages or watching msnbc. it's something that's constantly celebrated on the left. you're dying off, and that's it that's -- then liberal policies win, first of all, this was a specific plan to change the demographics in america in a way that no country has ever been changed. teddy kennedy's act was backed by a lot of democrats -- >> lying about it. >> to help the democrats and they brag about it. this isn't a fantasy of mine. i have them on record and being quoted in the book. >> is your objection -- is it more about stopping the
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political fallout from that or stopping the change to the culture. >> the point i'm making with that obviously that should be important to me as a republican. it's the culture of america that is being changed. it's the most successful culture on earth. particularly for women, children plants and animals, have never been treated with such respect. you go back talking about how women are treated in america. american women are about to find out, you never had it so good as with american men. no other cultures are like this have you one of the things i make fun of in the book about how the media hides. you know swap the immigrants in this or that heinous crime story, before a gang rape child rape incest rape. even the new york post did it a few weeks ago. headline is school girl raped by 60 men. boy men are awful in england. reading closely, you will find out that they're asian, are they chinese? korean? no they are muslim men,
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pakistanis it's been going on and on and on raping these british girls, you will not find it in the media. you won't find it in the american media, the british media is where i ended up finding out the truth of a lot of these stories. this was done intentionally to our country without checking with the american people. the reason it was done was to get the democrats 30 40 50 million new voters it's working. they have the audacity to act like their arguments are winning. no you changed the voters. >> they point to the polls. they say look the polls show that actually people do favor immigration reform and that they want to see the path to citizenship for these immigrants. nobody wants -- no can or wants to deport 11 million people. you say that's a fallacy. >> i go through some of the more respectable of the polls. the questions are loaded on both sides. on one side you have proof that the illegals will have to jump
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through hoops, and pay fines and taxes and we're going to make all kinds of money on this. none of that ever has happened or will happen. in rubio's bill when these polls were being asked, the bill would be changed so we wouldn't attempt to collect back taxes, they would be getting taxes. other than me no one has suggested rounding themp. mitt romney had the toughest position of any presidential candidate in my lifetime. he said self-deport, go home the same way you came once the jobs dry up. >> let me ask you. a self-described immigrant who wanted you to give her a hug. you got commented on because you didn't give her a hug. did you sense a setup? >> well it's more -- i sensed that we were in the question and answer segment, and my thought is that means question and
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answer you'll often have people turning question and answer into their little show. the truth of the matter was, i'm still sick right now, i was even more sick a week ago. i was coughing throughout that interview. if i had hugged her, it would have been coulter infects illegal alien. >> i remember seeing them throw the piatt you. you're up there giving a remark. you have to be somewhat receipt sent when you get up there and a stranger wants you to do something. >> there's no hugging. >> right? >> i have the same rule. at least not in a way where you don't know the person and it could be a setup, you don't know where it's going to go. it has nothing to do with the person being an illegal immigrant. cameras rolling and anything can happen and history in your case has proven you should be a little wary there's not only the danger issue, but there is the issue of question and answer being taken over that's why we alert the audience to what will be happening now by calling it
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question and answer. >> not kiss and hug, this isn't a therapy session, no performance art. >> the title has got a lot of tongues wagging as they always do. adios america. and that means good-bye. for those at home i took a little spanish, great to see you. up next the controversial conservative tries to launch a fund-raising appeal online and gets rejected. he's not alone. rich lowrie is next on who gets a voice and who doesn't in america. less than 24 hours before we sit down with one of america's most famous families we will look at how the media got ahold of the duggar's secrets and how a confidential sealed police report about several minors wound up in magazines across the country. >> johanna, you have the good-bye room and the dining room. justin the playroom and the meet the world's newest energy superpower. surprised? in fact, america is now the world's number one
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natural gas producer... and we could soon become number one in oil. because hydraulic fracturing technology is safely recovering lots more oil and natural gas. supporting millions of new jobs. billions in tax revenue... and a new century of american energy security. the new energy superpower? it's red, white and blue. log on to learn more.
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so i'm diving fork-first into the lobster and shrimp in paradise, with panko-crusted lobster tail and jumbo shrimp in captain morgan barbecue glaze. or the ultimate island seafood feast, with tender crab wood-grilled lobster and two island-inspired flavors of jumbo shrimp. because a summer without tropical flavors might as well be winter. this escape is too good to miss so...don't. the man behind the controversial freedom of speech rally is in the middle of a new debate. john ritz heimer says he wasn't prepared for a backlash outside a phoenix mosque. he decided to go into hiding. he went to gofundme to raise money for the move. his page got taken down. he's the latest in some well known rejections. rich lowery is editor of the national review and a fox news
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contributor. >> if anyone doubts that ann is consistent she wouldn't hug me when she was leaving. >> i saw the crew was lining up. >> no. >> it's a good looking crew. >> nothing. >> this guy does not sound like a sympathetic character. he was capitalizing on what pam geller did but in a much more in your face way. >> he says he's supporting free speech it involved a protest directly at a mosque. which i don't think is a good idea. >> he was wearing a t-shirt that said f islam. >> i think the leader of the mosque in this particular episode handled it the right way, he said look it's a free country, free speech rights. you can come here and protest. it's a free country you can be an idiot if you want to. at the end of the protest, he invited people to come in and pray and according to the reports, one or two did, and there were some coming together.
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that's fine no one was shot at no one was -- no one had to be killed by police. but the organizer does say he fears for his life. >> why does he need a gofundme page. you go there, like something bad has happened to you and you need people to help you. >> he says something bad has happened to him, which people have threatened him and his family which wouldn't be particularly surprising he wanted to raise money for his security. even if you oppose what he's done or the way he's going about this. >> $10 million by the way. >> ambitious. he's got about 300. and then they cut him off. >> why cut this guy off? >> he's not the most sympathetic character. the reason we're doing the segment is because time after time we've seen these attempts taken down if gofund me happens to find them unsympathetic, it's all
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policy the baltimore six couldn't get money often darren wilson couldn't get money because he was possibly facing charges. and so on so what's the reason for this guy? >> they haven't said yet. it's unclear how it would fit into that rubric of facing formal charges. maybe if you face formal death threats. >> like the official -- >> they said we want to support families it's not just going to be for their legal defense. knocking off the christian bakers who are getting fined for not serving a gay wedding. come on you're going to say these poor people don't want to be part of the ceremony. we're going to hound them we're going to fine them they want to raise money from other americans to defend themselves and pay the fine, you're going to cut that off as well? i think that's really strange. >> that's -- what they said in
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that case was that the judge be fined. they pinned it on this is a court order, they don't allow campaigns in defensive formal charges. or hateful or discriminatory acts. now, that's the problem, who decides what is a discriminatory act? >> we've heard in the debate over hobby lobby and the occasional evangelical or catholic baker who doesn't want to provide his or her services for a gay wedding that corporations don't have values and it's wrong for them to express their morality through their services. but go fund me clearly is expressing its values and a point of view which is their right. it goes to the fact that what you do with your services goes to your morality goes to your point of view. when apple said it's a horrible thing what indiana is doing, we oppose it and when this -- what are you doing, apple, you don't
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have any values. it dependses on whatted values are. >> that's the crux of the matter. >> good to see you. one day after president obama claims credit for improving america's image in the world. new questions about how the duggar family secrets were revealed and whether the person who revealed them broke the law. >> we're the duggars. that's me. i'm michelle there's jim bob, my wonderful husba
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after a national magazine published a sealed police report detailing how josh duggar inappropriately touched several young girls roughly a dozen years ago. >> the police department containing the allegations was released to in touch weekly and the northwest arkansas democrat gazette gazette. the release was approved by the springdale police chief and city attorney. why they approved it is a mystery, because they haven't commented or returned our messages. but the mayor of springdale supported them saying from every indication i have the chief and city attorney reluctantly did what they had to do to comply with the state freedom information law. records of the arrest of a juvenile the detention of a juvenile shall be confidential and shall not be subject to disclosure under the freedom of information act. at the request of one of the alleged victims. the juvenile judge ordered the
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report to be destroyed and expunged from the public record saying it's against the law to directly or indirectly identify the victim of a sex crime. in this case the ruling is too little too late because the police report is widely available online even though the names are redacted. there are abundant details of who the alleged victim the are. now, bart hester is calling for the police chief's job saying she acted recklessly in giving the report to the media. >> when you indirectly release the names of minors that were victims of abuse, you're accountable and this didn't happen on accident and it didn't happen without her understanding completely what she was doing. >> hester says the chief might also face criminal charges. chief o'kelly had already announce she'll retire at the end of the month. critics accuse the duggar family and friends of trying to sweep this under the rug saying when
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springdale police took this report back in 2006 the only reason they didn't investigate josh dugger's alleged abuse is buzz the statute of limitations expired. i confess this to my parents who took several steps to help me address the situation. my parents arranged for me and those affected by my actions to receive counseling. 19 kids and counting has been pulled from tlc's lineup the future of the show still remains uncertain. >> all of which we will get into in our sclus everyone interview tomorrow. joining me now, mark eiglarsh and arthur idalla. i looked at the statute myself and i don't understand how anyone was confused. it specifically says juvenile records are not subject to freedom of information act requests. >> you don't need a law degree
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it is crystal clear as trace pointed out. maybe there's some ambiguity somewhere, it's so clear, fundamental to the justice system the juvenile justice system since its inception in chicago in 1899 is that all proceedingses, reports and records shall, meaning must remain sealed. while i'm glad we know this information i'm equally as outraged as to how we know it he must be fired. >> she. >> yes. >> what about. >> arthur must be fired. >> i don't see the ambiguity, and i don't see how this police chief avoids answering for what she did. >> i've just been restained by the police chief to represent her. i'm going to say, the police chief did exactly what she's supposed to do, she goes to the city attorney which is the
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highest ranking lawyer in their community and says there's this request i have you have to tell me how to interpret it as crystal clear as you are agreeing it is there's a plethora of united states supreme court law on the need open of information act and all different kinds of exceptions. they made a decision that if everyone's name was redacted the defendant and the that document turned over you're turning over a fact scenario that nobody it would have been in the public interest to turn that over. >> no this -- we are talking about the sealed records of child -- i mean molestation victims who did not consent to have what was done to them released and the way that this was released mark reveals the identity of the victims. >> to now expose them and emotionally abuse them all over again, arthur with all due
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respect in your hypothetical you have a fool for a client. it is clear what -- >> no no no no, no. that your honor, i'm not going to -- >> oh, you accept it. >> a police chief is not an attorney the police chief went to the attorney went to the proper authority on her capacity and said, mr. lawyer she's lawyer of the city what do i do -- what do you do. >> i have a question for you. what was she doing handling this in the first place? you submit a request for information to a police department. you submit it to the public information officer, that's who you ask. you don't go to the police chief. what was she doing involved in this and why did she personally get the city attorney involved? >> because of who the individual is. if this was john dough -- >> oh, you're probably right. >> no no no. >> they have to look at who it is and say, this is a hot potato. i have to bring this to my boss.
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>> it's a hot potato. juvenile records are seemed and the law requires them to stay seal ed sealed. >> oh, that's right, we're ignoring the reality show exception. somehow it's different. >> we are only talking about this case because it's a reality show. if this was john doe, we wouldn't be talking about this now. >> whatever you think about josh duggar let's take him out of it because that's the easier part you know he did this stuff and now it's known. it is very controversial, the victims, the victims have been revealed and revictimized by the release of the intimate details. you tell me what this does to other sexual abuse victims who are told talk to the police it will stay confidential? this will not be publicized. don't worry, unless some police
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chief and city attorney decide to ignore the law. >> that is my greatest concern here. this isn't about this guy. this is about the sanctity of the system in the future now, the rape victim who's thinking about coming forward, don't worry, you have my word. >> you really think that's true. >> i wouldn't say it otherwise. a woman who gets sexually assaulted now in new york city or in california is not going to go report it because she's going to be afraid? >> she may not. she may hesitate. >> listen let's talk turkey this state representative is saying that the police chief should face criminal charges. >> that's the politician being a politician. >> number one it's moot because she's retiring in 2016. >> that's not moot to criminal charges. she should be fired and then prosecuted. she went -- she went to the person she should have gone to she did the right thing. >> would she have immunity from any sort of prosecution? >> she probably does have
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immunity under -- what is that? when you -- >> one doctrine i can find. >> when you're a public servant, there is immunity that a public servant is cloaked in. if she did this on her own. >> how about civil liability. >> i want to know what the facts are, i want to know why there was a need to ask a city attorney. do juvenile records get released. should we give out reports with victim's names in it? >> wait -- >> everybody knows that. >> everyone knew who those victims were. >> so our show is clear, there were no names of the defendant, of the victims but -- >> you know very well if you read that police report the victims, the family they're a part of and much of their history is documented right there. >> where do you do the balancing test of the purpose of -- >> i don't need to balance anything i look at the law.
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>> what about what the people want? >> your client -- >> how did -- >> when michael brown and officer darren wilson had their exge and people wanted to look at his juvenile records they weren't allowed to do that. they were sealed. we sealed the records of juveniles in this country, we made a policy decision that we're not going to hold their acts against them unless a judge says they can release them or they commit a felony for which they're charged as an adult. that's the bottom line. very to go good to see you both. >> take care megyn. >> none of that is to make a comment on the actions of josh duggar duggar it's only to get into a different piece of the story. but the main part of the story is the duggar family and you can watch our exclusive sitdown with the duggarsight at 9:00 p.m. eastern time. if you haven't heard that this is happening, just do a little google search and you'll see the amount of attention this has gotten and is going to get. we'll bring you the full story
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tomorrow night in the first exclusive sitdown that the family has given, don't miss it. also tonight, the feds have just admitted to spying on american backyards with a secret fleet of planes. no court order, what are they looking for? >> a new round in the fight between the american president and mr. obama did not pull any punches. mark teason on this. >> i think that he is also a politician whose concerned about keeping coalitions together and maintaining his office. you probably know xerox as the company that's all about printing. but did you know we also support hospitals using electronic health records for more than 30 million patients? or that our software helps over 20 million smartphone users remotely configure e-mail every month? or how about processing nearly $5 billion in electronic toll payments a year? in fact, today's xerox ng ways to help companies simplify the way work gets done and life gets lived. with
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we saw a media report today saying president obama once described himself as the closest thing to a jew that has ever sat in this office. markhasevs as a speech writer to george w. bush. who is closer to a jew that sat in the oval office president obama or president george w. bush and why exactly are we having this debate? >> i have no idea. this is an incredible statement. bill clinton was known as the first african-american president. they looked at his record
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looked at his policies and said yeah he's one of us. i don't think there are many jews out there and look at barack obama's policies and say, he's one of us. >> is this an effort to persuade people that he's proisrael? some of my best friends are jewish jewish. i mean it's come to i'm basically a jew? is it american jus he's trying to persuade? democrats? >> all of the above, i think. it's not his words, it's his actions. the first jewish president wouldn't say he's going to create -- as soon as he came into office say, i'm going to create daylight between myself and israel. the first jewish president wouldn't go on 60 minutes and say, dismiss israel's concerns about a nuclear program as
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noise. >> isn't it enough for him to be the first black president to sit in the oval office? does he have to have everything? >> i think he's going to have to be satisfied with being the first black president, because he's not the first jewish president. >> they say in particular with protection for israel, it's been unprecedented security cooperation. and the former u.s. envoy came out and said the israelis are ungrateful to this president and they never appreciated his rule whereby nothing would harm the security of israel. >> yeah but then you know he goes on and does an interview with israeli television where he says that netanyahu is more concerned about maintaining his office than doing the right thing. israel is in the grip of the politics of fear and they're in danger of losing their values
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and israel is too concerned about terrorism many this is coming from the guy that discussed terrorism. why doesn't he live in their neighborhood and s he'see telling israelis hethey're too concerned about terrorism. >> mark always good to see you. >> thanks megyn. >> also tonight, why is the fbi flying spy planes over american neighborhoods? what exactly are theyhb looking for? that's next. if you can't put a feeling into words, why try? at 62,000 brush movements per minute philips sonicare leaves your mouth with a level of clean like you've never felt before. innovation and you. philips sonicare. usaa makes me feel like i'm a car buying expert in no time at all. there was no stress. it was in and out.
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developing tonight, new privacy concerns for millions of americans as the fbi confirms that it is operating a wide ranging surveillance program using low-flying planes equipped with high-tech equipment, circle u.s. cities and rural areas. chief intelligence correspondent katherine herridge just filed this report.
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>> megyn, tonight the fbi emphasized to fox news that the program is not secret and the data collection is targeted. but over a 30-day period the a.p. investigation found more than 100 flights over at least 11 cities including seattle, houston, phoenix, chicago, boston minneapolis, and over southern california. the a.p. said it was asked by the fbi not to identify the companies used by the bureau. this plane uses an tens in virginia. the fbi fleet has 115 planes including 90 cessnas. today a member of the senate intelligence committee questioned whether the program respects legal boundaries. >> is it consistent? is it authorized? does it have oversight? and we will be asking all these questions sooner rather than later. >> the aircraft are not equipped designs or used for bulk collection activities or
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mass surveillance. and the fbi uses all tools and equipment, and conducts all investigations in accordance with the attorney general guidelines. but critics today, including the aclu -- >> we're only looking for one guy, their equipment is still gathering up information about thousands, or tens of thousands of people. and that raises a lot of questions about constitutional questions, and privacy questions. >> the dea and u.s. marshal's service use planes for similar collection programs. megyn? >> catherine, thanks. we'll be right back. this allergy season, will you be a sound sleeper, or a mouth breather. well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38% more than allergy medicines alone. so you can breathe and sleep. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right.
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father's day is right around the corner. the means is about a lawyer who onto a scandal that could bring down a presidential candidate. it has gotten fantastic reviews. many folks compare it to house of cards. and check out our exclusive sitdown tomorrow night with the duggar family. 9:00 tomorrow night. see you then. i'm megyn kelly, and this is "the kelly file." live from america's news headquarters i'm patricia stark. president obama signing the nsa reform bill just hours after it was approved by the senate. it replaces and makes changes to the patriot act which temporarily expired sunday night. phone companies will still keep records of customers, but the
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government would only be allowed to access them with a warrant. earlier the patriot act permitted the bulk collection of phone data by the national security agency. a man under 24-hour surveillance by terror investigators has been shot to death by law enforcement in boston. an officer and fbi agent claimed that 26-year-old rasim charged at them wielding a large military style knife. when he refused orders to drop the weapon they both opened fire. they arrested another man in connection with the investigation. but it's not clear yet on what grounds. i'm patricia stark. "hannity" starts now. tonight -- >> and today, once again, the united states is the most respected country on earth. >> we'll explain how president obama's comments could not be further from the truth. >> part of that i think, is the work that we did to
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