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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  June 3, 2015 12:00am-1:01am PDT

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americans, as we should what about the american people? why do they have to fly scare air? that's my off the record comment tonight. thank you for being with us. see you tomorrow night here at 7:00 p.m live from america's news headquarters i'm patricia stark. president obama signing the nsa reform bill just hours after it was approved by the senate. it replaces and makes changes to the patriot act that temporarily expired on sunday night. the phone companies will still keep records of customers, but the government can no longer access them without a warrant. earlier the patriot act permitted the bulk collection of phone data by the national security agency. the fbi is now tracking bad guys from the air. according to the associated press, the agency is using small planes equiped with high-tech cameras. the agents so -- could track,000 of cell phones, but they say the planes are only used for on going investigations and thought
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bulk collection activities or mass surveillance. a man under 24-hour surveillance has been shot to death by law enforcement in boston. an officer and an fbi agent claimed that the 26-year-old charged at them wielding a large military-style knife. when he refused orders to drop the weapon they both opened fire. we are learning that violence following the shooting of an unarmed black teen in missouri could have been a lot worse. two st. louis men saying they planned a bomb attack against ferguson police and other officials. both have pleaded guilty to fell fee counts. their arrests came days before a grand jury decided not to indict officer darrin wilson in the death of michael brown. and warner brothers is unveiling their next big film with clint eastwood behind the camera. he will be in charge of telling "sully" sullenberger's famous story. he is famous for navigating a plane into the hudson river.
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the movie remains untitled, but it will be on sully's firsthand account. shear "red eye -- here is "red eye." for all news go to fox welcome to "red eye." i'm tom shillue. don't even pretend it doesn't thrill you. let's welcome our guests m she is a hot girl that is into nerds or as i like to put it the lie from every romantic comedy. i am here with jedediah bila author, columnist of outnumbered. he is a man of many hats, most tin foil. it is tv's andy levey. he has been on the road so much he snows jack carawack. he co-hosts the pod cast with stories. and he is so learned he knows how to pronounce the word learned.
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>> a block. the lede. that's the first story. >> are the feds above our heads? if you see suspicious looking planes circling your neighborhood, it is nothing according to the government and i trust them. the fbi is offering surveillance planes across the country all hidden behind fake companies that are fronts for government. the flights are supposedly used for on going investigations, but the low flying plane raises privacy concerns. some aircraft have equipment that can identify thousands of people below through the cell phones they carry. an analyst at the aclu noted quote, these are not your grandparents surveillance aircraft. the program is almost as alarming as aerial surveillance conducted in the 1990s by major league baseball.
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>> major league baseball? >> i told you they were monitoring my activities. >> he's right. this thing has info on everybody. credit ratings what size baseball hat they wear. >> surveillance beam disabled. market research shutting down. >> hi, folks. i'm mark mcgwire. >> big mac himself. who would have think it? >> we are pretty much spying on you around the clock. >> why mr. mcgwire? >> do you want to know or do you want to see me hit a few dingers? >> dingers! dingers. >> we had to label that simpson's on there? people would have thought that was real surveillance. i am guessing you have no problem with this surveillance. >> this absolutely did not make headlines. it did not blow up your twitter feed. the government is having cessnas and creating dummy
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corporations and spying on us sun bathing like andy did. you have the fuji blimp that is posing as illegal aliens. people would shrug at this point. rand paul was talking about how it is the tip of the iceberg. we just believe that everyone is out to get us and it is hard to get a pulse going. >> so you agree no big deal. >> aerial surveillance is a tool in criminal investigations. like a tool in a toolbox. >> and you believe them. i heard your commentary. i distrust the government seven days a week, 24 hours a day. it is not me who needs to be convinced, it is you. >> i distrust the fact -- >> how could you not be suspicious? everyone is supposed to assume, just sit back and
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assume that the government will not be intrusive when it is convenient? how many things and systems are abused by the government every day? we are supposed to think they don't do that with our privacy? the thing is that people feel like privacy is dead. they feel like we live in an age that everyone has access. >> do you know how many people are listening to you talk right now? >> at least seven. >> they are not watching me 24 hours a day. >> i see your instagram. they get plenty of insight to jedediah bila. i love your webcam too. >> what if these aircraft, what if they deliver goods like groceries things from amazon. would that make it okay sph. >> who cares about privacy?
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that's it. >> that's not always boring. >> it is thought a big concern. >> it is silly. people are worrying there is nothing in their lives. >> i think i know where you stand on this but does this airplane thing, i think it confirms some of your suspicions. >> i guess they are thought so crazy, are they? >> it is not a question that they tell me about the planes, but it is a question of them seeing me. >> i love this quote these are not your parents surveillance aircraft as far as i know. >> my mother had a 1972 chevy surveillance. great vehicle. >> this is similar to the nsa the bulk data collection stuff or as you like to call it, meta data. the question is are these planes following people who are already under
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investigation? is this a higher tech version of tailing a suspect or are they gobbling up information about everything below them including innocent people who have nothing to do with the investigation without so much as a washt? warrant? the associated press says they have high-tech cameras cameras and some can gobble up the gps information from cell tones. cell phones. call me crazy but i don't trust the fbi to do this without an over sight. >> if it was targeted it would be helicopters. helicopters can do this. >> say it is targeted and say they are spying on top. say in spying on tom they happen to pick up information. just because they are spying on one person they may not find something else out and then they hold and use? i know i sound conspiracy crazy, but i'm sorry.
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>> jedediah, what are you doing in the background now that terrorism is around? >> tom is not an innocent person. i have to problem with tom having no privacy. that is smart for america and smart for the world. next story. it is the end of the line for hillary. well if you want an autograph. during a campaign stop clinton was approached by a fan slash weird owe and the queen was not amused. >> go to the end of the line. why don't you go to the end of the line. >> but she hadn't called no cutsies. meanwhile the new york post reports a clinton event meant for women only was open for men after anemic ticket sales.
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the event was expected to attract 125 women but after only 50 tickets were sold by last friday, organizers were forced to allow i i icky gross men to waste their money too. you are a big fan of hillary dare say her biggest supporter, but can you defend people -- defend her telling them to get to the end of the line sph. >> the people she told to go to the back of the line were line jumpers. she did the right thing. she looked mean as hell doing it because she is hillary clinton and she can't help that. the only thing is i don't though how she squares this with amnesty for illegal immigrants. if people need to wait in line you can't give amnesty to i will grel immigrants. have you back.
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jedediah hillary will never seem likable, but this will hurt. is this her 47%? >> i don't think so. i think we have better stuff from hillary. bill clinton could have done the same thing and told people to go to the back of the line. the way he would have done it we would have liked him better. it was amazing to see two people married and they both have political as -- aspirations and is so likable and could do heinous things in the oval office and you still like him. the other one doing some heinous stuff but not much. you can't stand her. even people who like her policy cannot stomach her. it is moments like these her true self comes out. she is angry. >> you said they are married are they married? >> i forget they are married. >> he is a a fun saxophone [bleep] getting cool guy.
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she is unpleasant. >> women love her, especially powerful new york women. what if you drum up 125 ladies to her event? >> mac? they call me mac the knife. >> $2700 to see her? come on, i have a free bar show in midtown and i am getting not getting anything. >> they like accountability and they like transparency. everything they like she stands in hostility for. why not? she has a 70-point advantage. she does president have to do anything -- she doesn't have to do anything right. she is rubbing progressives' face into everything. >> if women are making 70 cents on the dollar shouldn't they get a discount, but i
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don't think you should reach into the phak that you couldn't get a lot of women to show up. first of all it was noon and that is prime nail appointment time and also that is sandwich making time. the husband may come home for lunch. he needs his sandwich. >> it is also sandwich eating time. what are they doing? >> they are probably wondering where the sandwiches are. >> it is supposed to be like that at the vfw. >> follow your dreams. a bay area teacher asked steph cuff re. he was not invited to speak at the school, but the teacher nevertheless wrote a blog post that athletes shouldn't be the ones in spiring our youth. he noted they are already good
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at dreaming of being rich and famous. what we need them to do is get more real realistic about what is in their control. steph, you and i know they have a better chance of winning the lottery. no one seems to tell them these things but me. the teacher does president want beyonce writing. when beyonce tees make sure you pass algebra? andy, is this the most crafty way to get beyonce do their school. >> he is partially right and partially wrong and that's all i have to say on the matter. >> the part he is wrong about -- well let's start with what he is right about. it is next to impossible to become a professional athlete or singer at the level of beyonce. the number of kids that try will fail.
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his point is these kids need a back up plan and they don't want to just think i will be a basketball player like steph curry and be a millionaire and i won't have to worry about my grades. there are things steph curry can't team these kids. i also just think he wrote an open letter to steph curry not to attend the school. >> it is okay if i call you steph, right? >> does the teacher think steph is with them? >> that worries me. >> you don't come to my school. they don't need to learn from you. >> they should have hobos come because you can say you don't president what to become this. when athletes come to a school they don't say everyone drop out and be an athlete. they give you other tips. >> how to rape women and beat
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them. >> i don't think they tell that in their speeches. it would be fun if they did. >> are athletes and should they be role models? >> i am in favor of this guy except for the volunteering home who weren't on the invite. athletes are kind of dumb. he has a sweet cross over dribble i had an offensive player from the rams and that is the worst hour. >> a little nerd bitterness. >> i was happy. i was a rams fan. what are they going to tell you. steph curry have a gad who is one of the most -- one of the greatest shot. and then he will have a hot wife and whip.
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>> jedediah. you were principal -- >> i was a dean. >> what porno is this? >> it is the one playing in your head after tonight's show. >> jedediah when you -- did you want athletes coming to your school? >> i would love it. i had a crazy idea and my dad is an ultimate realist and i told him i want to be on television. being the practical guy he was he had -- has a back up plan. i love this idea of people who make it in this is really dove businesses -- really tough businesses. there may be a kid in the
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audience who wants to be an at let. they will reach for. it they may fall right under it and do something they love in the teeld. >> i would invite actors actresses. >> i would get somebody who -- >> one who the kids haven't heard of. >> i like that speech. >> thank you. paid me well. >> when i was in high school some athlete came. at the can't remember where a big new england thing and he said i regret keeping a diary. i keep a diary and it changed my mind. >> i want to read it. mike huckabee and i hit the showers. find out if the showers hit back. more "red eye" after the break. don't go anywhere.
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former arkansas governor and current presidential candidate mike huckabee wishes he was transgender in high school. end of story let's discuss. >> this is tv. aren't we supposed to make a blanket statement? >> i suppose he was trying to make a larger point that allows the transgender to choose which bathrooms they use. here is huck talking to the national broadcasters convention. >> we are watching city after
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city watching ordinances saying if your 7-year-old daughter goes into the rest womb can't be offended -- restroom can't be offended and you can't be offended if she is met by a 42-year-old man who feels more like a woman than a man. i wish somebody told me in high school it was okay to feel like a woman in the showers. i think i would have found my feminine side saying, coach, i think i would rather shower with the girls today. you are laughing because it sounds so ridiculous doesn't it? >> no, governor, they are laughing because they agree with you. that's what people do when they agree with you right panel? >> he looks like a tele -- televangelist. >> he is the only comedian on the panel. he didn't even get the set up. >> the comedy is a fine line. >> huckabee is right. the
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laws will lead to awkward situations, but while we are at it, you know what else is awkward? all public restrooms. it may be weird to run into someone of the opposite gender. the trend is toward uni-sex bathrooms. if you have never been there they are a uni-sex hand washing rooms and private stalls with a full door and a lock. i just finished another vexing public issue correct? mark, you know what i'm talking about even if you don't know what i am joking. a lot of the clubs have the unisex bathrooms. why congress graw dwait in the men's -- why congregate in the men's room. >> you are with huckabee. >> should have been transgender in high school. so you want to cut your dong
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off so you can shower with the ladies? just go look at porn, weird owe. we just have to change the bathroom sign. it needs to be a toilet with a question mark. >> the way starbucks is, right? >> they have a bathroom with one toilet and it is a product that makes you go to the bathroom. >> and there is always a line of 10 people. >> starbucks needs a unisex bathroom and a bathroom for hobos. that's where they have drawn the line. give me a transgender any day. >> my answer is to make them all gender less bathrooms. >> don't do it. except for after the age of
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80. i can't figure this stuff out. it is a universe of free nouns and i just don't understand already i am making a mess. >> the candidates are not happy unless they discuss something they are all uncomfortable with and make it more uncomfortable. >> as soon as something happens bruce is caitlyn jenner and there are a thousand people saying whatever the morraays are you have to follow them now or they are cuban monsters. >> i keep calling him bruce and people think i am being splitly correct. >> it is caitly. >> andy if you changed your name i would keep calling you andy but it wouldn't have anything to do with being politically incorrect. >> i dated a girl named bruce in high school and she was fantastic.
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>> bruce jenner look, he looks great. you have to admit he looks good she looks great but is it worth the pay cut? am i right? >> i think he is going to go with the higher pay. >> how do you do that? he is a woman. >> you have options. >> are you a woman. if i was a wo-man. >> scary the next time he will sit over here. as a real issue and we are having fun but would you want a freshly transgendered man in the ladies room. >> i agree with you. i don't have a problem with -- i don't understand why they can't get urinals. get rid of them and have unisex bathrooms. a lot of girls wouldn't have an issue with it.
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there are women that are sensitive about it. they think of little girls and like little boy being -- being exposed. as an adult i wouldn't care as long as i can't see. >> the days of parents letting their kids go in -- the dad goes with them. it is not like go examine see what happens. these mens rooms you go to a sports stadium and it is hard to describe a ports stadium to a -- it is like a crowded subway but everyone has therapy nighs out. >> isn't it fun peeing on the ice? you feel like a superhero. >> but you need the gaps.
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>> yes cht. >> that's how you pass the drugs. you are basically killing industry. usiness and anti-small business. that's true. >> and to let your gay republican friend to know if we are down. >> if we can use conservatisms evolution on gay issues as a guide in about 30 years most of all will stouter using a transgender as a punch line. >> did you say y'all? >> why wouldn't obama has a sole to still and don't forget the greg gutfeld shot. each week greg for -- forgets. he will be opening different briefcases of veal.
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live from america's news headquarters i'm patricia stark. there is a new law in the books designed to protect our civil liberties from government surveillance abuses. president obama signed the bill last night just hours after the senate gave its final okay. under the new rules the private phone logs must remain in the hands of the phone companies unless the federal investigate investigate --
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investigators propose a court order. >> 60% of the americans are in favor of the bulk day tau collection program. i think congress is misreading the public mood if they think americans are concerned about the privacy i'm plaw ition locations of this. as other speakers said repeatedly nobody is listening to your phone call. >> there is an effort underway to make california the first state to extend health coverage to those children in the state illegally. state senators passed a bill that would allow children under 19 and low income families to apply for medical regardless of their legal status. there are more than 400 people trapped in a cruiseship. only 14 have been rescued. this despite the frantic copy
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searchers. most of the victims are the elderly. kitty and bill cos -- katie and bill cosby may be facing if you legal whoas. they asked them to no release any documents stemming from a -- sex-assault lawsuit. three women are de mppedding to see the records. he has not been charged with any crime. i'm patricia stark. now back to "red eye." log on to fox her he job cost her the job. on monday the supreme court ruled in favor of a muslim woman who sued abercrombie & fitch after she didn't get a job because she wore a headscarf. he was -- she rase rejected because of religious reasons. shockingly pamela geller was
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thought happy with the ruling. the free speech tire brand asked what devout muslim girl would want to work for a group that has soft porn adages. it was another set up for a major american business to cover islamic norm. it was litigation jihad. she doesn't minutes words duds dash cash does she? i agree with her on the cartoon thing. can't she apply for a job at the muslim -- >> geller? >> no, it mate be on her list. >> pamela geller does not understand the law that chooses not to inform her readers of it. as justice ask scalia noted
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liberal, said quote this is really easy. the civil rights act forbids discrimination in hiring. they may not make or con firvel firvel -- connish if decisions. >> scalia very much ruled on this side, but he was center. >> interesting. >> mark, are you viced that amber -- that abercrombie makes them wear hardly any clothes? >> it is a scar of. scarf. it is over there cleave edge -- cleavage and the hot wet boys if she is wearing a scar of and willing to care cargo parts and a headscarf.
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>> here is my caveat. i want to go to a burka shop and wear like a bough fan that you hammock see how they feel about that. i. >> you should call pam geller and she will set it up. >> i want them cradled in a beautifully crafted. >> you know this is a tv show, right? >> oh sorry. i thought this was a pod cast. it might be after tonight. >> jedediah, are you with the store or the terrorists? just two options? >> i'm with andy.
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you can't discriminate against religious purposes. she crams there was a history of of -- she claims there was a history of lawsuits and this woman sued over and over and over. that is interesting. if somebody were trying to prove a point it might beacon veer sayings worthy regardless you can't discriminate. she has to be allowed to wear what she wants to wear. >> what if she worshiped the devil? how far will we go with the whole religion thing? >> andy, he has to -- if she legitimately has a level. >> if she can prove that it is because of they are that held
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it above her head. if you say you worship the devil and you want to wear bloody horns i would say blood is not allowed in our store. >> i don't know. i agree with both of you essentially, but let's be real about what these anti-disanymore nation are. you are telling businesses what they can or can't do. does it apply to the chain i am planning, wallies and shorts. if you don't like the law work to get the law changed. if it were up to mow -- >> the americans with disabilities act people have been litigating. they wake up and go to every place to try to get clubs. >> it is like someone in a wheelchair. >> there is one gude cho has
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gotten it. >> here is what is coming up tomorrow on "kennedy." >> on the next "kennedy." i will hang out with tom shillue. the u.s. goalie and kimberly guilffoyld.
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in hollywood men get older and women stay the same age. vulture looked at the love interest age gap zeroing in on three actresses emma stone was paired up with colin firth age 53 in "magic in the moon light." mr. -- jennifer lawrence is 24 and has been matched with bradley cooper her sixteen years scarlet johansson will be the love interest of jonathon a giant tortoise. i look forward to that one. slow and said de wins the rate. >> you were shrugging like you were giving me a no big deal gesture. my first real boyfriend i was fine teen and he was 34. i great tate for the older
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man. >> it is more comfortable to look at a older woman and yuck guy. that's the way it is. remember when sex and the city was dating that iewper young guy that wouldn't work. the prospect would have to -- >> it is good right. it is comic cal. it is not taken seriously. i was like sure i can do that. >> dwhrad -- glad i went to you first. the hollywood women are struggling with this big beale. >> in this new movie "aloha" i fee like he is not old enough for her. emma stone needs a guy older that that, like 48, just to particular a handful.
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>> she is. >> i wouldn't know. the flip side of what jedediah was saying, many generals of all ages are uh practed to and men age 20 to 50 they said women -- the age women look best to them something in the early 20s. >> not me, andy. not me. >> a lot of men. all of these movies are written and directed by men. as jedediah pointed out women are more likely to be attractioned it to men. are 20 something female movie goer is not going to see a picture and kay he is good. they will look at em paw stone and say she is hot. >> what are they talking about.
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>> the biggest problem is in sitcoms. it is always fat slab comedian and comedians are the worst. super hot wife. >> that's why i never go the sitcoms. the bell is handsome. >> where does that happen? >> snot in reality right? it what maggie jill lynn hall and who planed it all. maybe he just didn't want to answer it. they are bringing in who the pib wants to see older guys had their stuff together and the gals like that and men like a younger gal just like -- i foe it is not fair, but that's how it is. >> we had to end on that. mr. full head of hair? >> doing great. >> we will close things out
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with obama and selfies. to see clips of recent shows go to fox eye.
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coming up tomorrow on the next "red eye" kennedy will be hosting and she will be joined by bernard mcgurk. >> e block. that's story. that's the last story. >> read his lips, no new selfies. >> it was all handshakes and fist bumps for the southeast leaders who participated in the town hall event. as the president worked the line she approached one lady getting ready for a quick snap and the commander in cool made h quite clear. >> okay it was all handshakes and fist bumps. yes the same president would wheezed politics and pop
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culture. whoe who chats with the ladies of "the view." you have to believe this is not obama's personal decision. he is the first to use a selfie stick. likely it was a decision made in 2014 after the red sox star david ortiz was paid to use a samsung sphoan with the president. is the president going to be able to keep it. i don't think he can do it. >> i don't think so either. i like that side. especially folks on the right say it is to the presidential and it is not serious. >> are you talking about people who with you work with on this network? >> the president would like a fun side. and i would tut it on my instagram. >> i haven't put a picture of us yet but i will get one.
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>> i don't want the president on an intau gram. i want him an intern. just like bill clinton. selfies take a lot of time. people just snapping photos. ii don't like a zoro in herk. it is like forest gump. selfie stands for self-praf. will you sure. selfie with a p-h. it is selt. yourself. >> what do you think of the ban on the celtics. >> the fur we hast darn. and we think this is going to be good. the off the of the united states which is to step the agenda is warming up. >> what are we doing taking on
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obama? do you think he doesn't look presidential when he engages in this country? >> matt welch what do you think? >> buying a pro sell fee. it was like the danish prime minister. they were doing this and michelle was doing that. >> that could be. he is doing the jazzy. state, that's one you don't know. >> you have to have a president who keeps up with social media. isn't that the rate we are going. >> can you imagine hillary attempting to be human and time physical tours. we need a president that will take how good the sofie on pear.
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tv's andy levey and pliek normal and -- mike norman and matt welch. i'm tom shillue and i will see you next time.
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it for us. "special report" is next. i'm bret baier in washington and this is a fox news alert. legislation ended the national security agency's collections of your phone records while preserving some of its other surveillance authorities. senate republican leaders opposed the house passed usa freedom act but they were forced to accept it unchanged after last-ditch attempts to amend it or reject it. a short time ago, president obama tweeted he will sign the bill as soon as he gets it. speaking of surveillance we're learning tonight the fbi is losing low-flying airplanes to keep an eye on you. and a lot of peopl


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