tv Shepard Smith Reporting FOX News June 3, 2015 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT
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large dinner for the deputies and take it down to the substation. that's nice. and crystal keeps the officers in her prayers every day. also nice. thanks so much for writing and thanks for being part of the real story and a busy news day. here's harris in for shep. grepen thank you. atop the news, terror suspects may have been plotting to execute a police officer by beheading him. that's what one official is telling fox news. investigators shot and killed one of the suspects the other is due in court. is bashar al assad providing air cover for the islamic state terrorists? new reports on how two murderous forces may be working together. and hillary clinton's getting a new competitor in the presidential race. while a high-profile republican gets set to announce whether he'll jump into an already jam-packed field. let's get to it.
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i'm harris faulkner in today for shepard smith. the savage murder of a police officer may have been only a few hours away. so agents knew they had to make their move. that's according to a source of the boston globe newspaper who says the two terror suspects were going to put their plan into action yesterday and go after an officer. instead, police and federal agents in boston shot and killed one suspect, arrested another, and there's also word of a possible third suspect who police are still trying to find. more on that in a moment. right now, authorities say they've been trailing the men fo watching them 24 hours a day. they say the men were inspired by the islamic state terror army online. police say they approached one of them yesterday when he pulled out this knife and lunged at them. soon after, they raided a house and napped a second man. they say he was part of the planned attack on police as well. we caught a glimpse of that
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suspect as police took him into custody. he's due in court in 30 minutes. we'll update you on that if it happens. meanwhile the fbi and police searched a third location in live. witnesses say police were asking around about a man named nick. one neighbor often sees nick in his front yard praying. another says she used to be friends with nick and his brother, but lately the brothers had changed. >> they just kind of kept to themselves and stayed in their house after the past few years. and we haven't seen a lot of him, but we used to see him walking around the neighborhood. and he looked different. he was completely different from when i knew him. >> not hearing from police yet on their search in rhode island but a source confirmed to the globe that it is related to the boston terror suspects. katherine herridge live in washington what more are we learning about the plot? >> here it's based on the news conference and the congressional testimony this morning, investigators believe there was a broader conspiracy. and we have learned that a third
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person of interest will be identified in court papers as early as today. and in this case, 24-hour surveillance in boston likely involved the fbi special surveillance group or ssg, which is only used when there is significant evidence of an imminent threat. this morning, the counterterrorism chief indicated to congress the 26-year-old suspect had gone operational. >> the targets that are out there that the counterterrorism subjects we are monitoring them very closely for any type of action, any type of oversteps, mobilization factors, and when we see those, we're not taking the chance. >> and witnesses testified that there are two types of radicalization the slow burn that can sometimes take years, and the flash to bang an example of that is dale thompson who in a matter of weeks attacked a new york city cop with a hatchet after he used nearly 300 discreet search terms for jihad, harris. >> wow. so it appears and i don't know
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you can tell me is the enemy changing tactics? >> well the witnesses testified this morning, harris that there are a couple of thousand hard core isis propagandas on the web with another 50,000 receiving those messages and yet another 200,000 getting their messages. an increasingly isis is making contacts with americans and directing them to encrypted form was communications effectively going dark and leaving investigators blind. on the hill today, there was an urgent call from the fbi for help. >> there are 200-plus social media companies, some of these companies build their business model around end to end encryption. there is no ability, currently, for us to see that. if we intercept the communication, we see encrypted communication. >> and what's key to watch in this boston case harris is whether there is evidence that these young men were direct ied by isis to attack or simply inspired. and we have seen in the last couple of months here in the
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united states indications that isis is trying to direct these attacks from syria and iraq harris. >> yeah the command and control element in all of this is the enemy. thank you very much. let's learn more about the situation in boston joining us now is mike bellow assistant metro editor and so much mike of what we're learning is through the reporting that you guys have been doing on the ground. the third person named nick potentially, you're talking with neighbors, what can you tell us? he will be named eventually in upcoming documents, so far, what do you know? >> i don't know anything about nick in rhode island we know that rhode island state police and the federal agencies are down there investigating a situation in warwick, investigating individuals down there, but so far, we don't know of any arrests down there. we do know that we have two large officials telling the boston globe that there was a plot to behead a police officer. that that plot level had reached fever pitch, and that's why law enforcement authorities moved in on tuesday to interview this
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suspect when the knife occurred he pulled out the knife, and boston police and the fbi shot him. there was an investigation in terms of these guys were under surveillance for several weeks, and the fact is they felt that they had to move in and take action because something imminent was going to happen that this plot against the police officer was going to be carried out. >> what is happening right now that you've been able to find out? you have the suspect, we've been told about 24 minutes from now, he's expected to be in court. i'm curious about what you're learning in that and also kind of the mood in boston right now. >> well we understand that this suspect, according to authorities had conspired with mr. rahim in this plot to behead a police officer. that there was some kind of contact intelligence of communication between these two individuals that indicated that they were going to make some kind of assault on a police officer. and that's why officials moved in. i think the mood here is, you
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know, people have come to the grim reality that there are terror threats. after the boston marathon bombing, thing that shattered people's sensibilityies about it couldn't happen here. i think people are concerned. i think there's some shock, we talked to a number of people who knew the man who was shot by the place. they said -- police they said he was a nice guy. worked at best buy and other drugstore in the area. no one had any inkling that there was any tendencies of being a terrorist. so people are really shocked -- and also mr. wright who is due in federal court this afternoon, people in everett said the same thing. they had no idea he was involved. i think he was living there with some family, and people couldn't believe what was transpiring. >> i know from the globe's reporting, usaama rahim was a muslim who married a young convert a couple years ago. witnesses told your paper, the globe, that his behavior seemed to change in recent weeks. they both left that mosque he and his young wife quote unquote, they felt it was too
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liberal. this news conference that happened about an hour two hours ago, there was a videotape that was talked about. the actual shooting and the killing of the suspect usaama rahim, why is that central to the case? >> well the videotape, surveillance tape from a nearby business which shows what happened. it's a little grainy. it's from far away. police say it shows that the man pulled out a knife, eight-inch to foot military knife, and was going, was lunging at the officers, came within 15 to 20 feet of them, when they felt they were forced to fire upon him. the video shows the confrontation. it shows the police moving back. now there are conflicting opinions of what it shows, the muslim community there was, muslim clerks along with members of the african american community, some of the muslim community members thought they couldn't really see a knife, but they all agreed that the victim was shot in the front. that he was shot several times in the torso, not shot in the back as has been reported by family members. and that obviously the police
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were retreating. obviously an effort to enlarge that video, but on the face of this video shows police were certainly trying to retreat when the confrontation occurred and when he came at them. >> mike thank you for speaking on where that narrative came from but the total picture in all of this is this is a terrorism case. these suspects are at the heart of a terrorism case. one dead by cops. i was very curious to know why the way he had been shot really played a role and your opinion, do you think that will remain part thft case or do we go forward? >> no i think police had this big meeting, probably two dozen clrge members to say basically this is what happened. i think they're going to release this video as well. they want to be transparent about what happened and police believe the shooting was justified. so i think there'll be talk of course a number of muslim groups want independent investigations, members of the family the rahim family have not really talked
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yet other than a facebook posting. they may talk in the coming days and through lawyers or other people themselves to say what they think about what happened in front of the parking lot in the drugstore. >> one thing is for sure the federal agents and the local police there in boston may have foiled something horrible that was about to be carried out. and they did their jobs very well. so we do know that that happens. we'll follow the news as it happens when that court case continues with the suspect walking into district court there in boston. we'll cover it mike bellow from the globe, thank you very much. >> you're welcome. that surviving suspect due in court, as we understand this is u.s. district court at the courthouse courtroom 11 is what we're be watching there in boston when it happens we'll go to our journalist there live. interesting timing too as the nation watched the tough debate in congress on spying on americans, trying to come up with the information so the feds say to foil americans. this changes the most controversial part of the patriot act, the one that let the nsa collect millions of our
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you pay your auto insurance premium every month on the dot. you're like the poster child for paying on time. and then one day you tap the bumper of a station wagon. no big deal... until your insurance company jacks up your rates. you freak out. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? hey insurance companies, news flash. nobody's perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. you may remember all those packages of deadly anthrax the pentagon admitted it sent to a bunch of states by mistake. first it was nine states, then
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12 plus washington, d.c. then it was south korea, australia, and canada. now officials say the live samples actually went to more than 50 laboratories in 17 states in d.c. and those other countries i mentioned. all in the past decade. on top of that officials warn that number will probably go higher as their investigation continues. but they say there is no risk to the public. >> we know of no risk to the general public from these samples. to provide context, the concentration of these samples are too low to infect the average healthy individual. >> again, the deputy defense secretary said officials do not know how big this will get. officials also say there was no evidence that anybody intentionally sent the deadly lily anthrax. many of the surveillance programs are back in effect but some are now scaled down. president obama signed into law the usa freedom act hours after congress gave the okay yesterday. and under the new act, kind of a
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revision of the patriot act, the government can no longer collect american call logs in bulk without court orders it was breaking news fox report sunday as we watch the lead-up to parts of the patriot act expiring. lawmakers could not agree on a deal to cope it going. it was a bipartisan battle. people in both political parties for and against certain parts of it. president obama says the new legislation will maintain national security while protecting americans civil liberties, but the kentucky senator and republican presidential candidate rand paul says it does not do enough to stop the government from snooping on innocent americans. our own judge andrew napolitano says it violates the u.s. constitution so let's bring in fox news senior judicial analyst, andrew napolitano. >> always a pleasure. >> there's a lot to react to. >> there is there is. the bottom line is the differences between the patriot act which was the law from october of 2001'01 and last week and
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the freedom act which he signed yesterday, does not change the amount the nature or the volume of information the nsa can acquire, it changes the mechanism by which it can acquire it. they still go to the secret pfizer court, the court will issue search warrants, not on the basis of probable cause which is what the constitution requires by on the basis of government need which is what the patriot act sets as a standard and which is what the freedom act says is a standard. nsa agents who were physically present, operating computers in the telecom offices, operating nsa computers, will now operate the same computers but remotely rather than present. and the telephone companies will keep their own records only for 18 months. >> okay. >> if the nsa wants records older than 18 months they're out of luck. they know that, they're going to gather records while they're still in the 18-month window. >> okay.
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two questions, first of all, what happens to all the stuff they already have on us? >> that is a very good question and that is probably in the hands of the president himself. this is a novel, legal issue -- >> wait a minute president obama will decide what to do with harris faulkner and judge napolitano's phone records? >> yes, and here's why. most people don't realize this, the nsa is in the military. the president is the commander in chief of the military. >> okay. >> so the president can say, issue an executive order to admiral rogers the head of the nsa and say keep it -- >> any idea? >> i think he'll probably keep it because the nsa will probably say to him, we went through the trouble to get it and it's a treasure-trove and we don't know what's there. when i say get, talking about the content of those conversations which the nsa has in computer aversions. >> interesting. i want to apply over a tapestry over in boston. i said the federal, local police wow, they potentially stopped a huge bomb shell from happening up there with the
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threat against police officers. >> if the allegations are true yes, they did stop it. >> all right. so they were able to get all of this information and to surveil them for 24 hours at the same time both digitally and obviously physically would they still now be able to do all of that? >> yes, yes. the property visions for lone wolf and the phrase is a little misleading lone wolf -- >> he wasn't alone. >> correct. >> allegedly. >> but lone wolf doesn't mean one person. it could mean a large group of people but it means no hierarchy and no connection to a known terrorist organization. >> they're looking into that. >> those conversations can be listened to in realtime by the nsa under both the patriot act and the freedom act. no change in the law at all. >> rand paul says that it's still doesn't leave americans really with their full liberties, last thought. >> i agree with rand paul. the constitution says the standard for a search warrant is probable cause, meaning some evidence from which a judge could conclude that a crime was probably committed. the patriot act and the freedom
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act changed that standard from probable cause to governmental need. the government will always say it needs whatever it wants. so that's not standard at all. >> judge, i could keep you here all day. >> i could work with you all day, miss faulkner. >> i have to let you go. >> all the best. >> thank you. it's not just the russians we have to worry about, a former irs employee now admits she filed hundreds of false tax returns and pocketed hundreds of thousands of dollars. how'd she do that? the fox business network's geri willis will be on to explain. plus one day after the president of fifa announced he's stepping down another major blow to the soccer bosses. uhhh - i left my phone in the living room. this isn't the most efficient way for people -or air to travel. awww! ducts produce uneven temperatures and energy loss.
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you probably know xerox as the company that's all about printing. but did you know we also support hospitals using electronic health records for more than 30 million patients? or that our software helps over 20 million smartphone users remotely configure e-mail every month? or how about processing nearly $5 billion in electronic toll payments a year? in fact, today's xerox is working in surprising ways to help companies simplify the way work gets done and life gets lived. with xerox, you're ready for real business.
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now with the xfinity tv go app, you can watch live tv anytime. it's never been easier with so many networks all in one place. get live tv whenever you want. the xfinity tv go app. now with live tv on the go. enjoy over wifi or on verizon wireless 4g lte. plus enjoy special savings when you purchase any new verizon wireless smartphone or tablet from comcast. visit to learn more. a former irs employee in missouri has confessed to
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committing tax fraud on the clock. prosecutors say she stole tax payers identities and filed false returns for years. raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars. she's pleaded guilty to wire fraud and aggravated identity theft, now faces up to 42 years behind bars. the fox business network geri willis is here what do we know about how she did this? >> okay. so the woman's name plisz brown, look at this she filed 356 false returns. she did this over four years ago, 2008 to 2011 pocketing $326,000. what she did was somehow she stole names addresses, social security numbers, that were not her own, possibly from the irs office she worked in in st. louis. and then she created falsified these documents and filed them then, on top of that she opened bank accounts all over the country in in five different states. six different companies and had
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the refunds put into those accounts. >> yeah this is exactly what we feared through the professional hackers. this is what they were trying to do. is she that good? is she like a pro like that? >> it's not that hard my friend. i think the moral of the story is if the woman in st. louis, missouri can do it it's pretty easy to do. you know john the irs commissioner said this week in front of congress he said you know look super sophisticated criminals from russia they're out to get us we can't fight them they're smarter than us. this woman who works for you stealing the money, how hard can it be? from what we know already, the irs is using old software 14 years old, no security attaches there, they're just not repair prepared. >> they are so far ahead, they won't know what to do with the stuff. right? they're going to go wow, this is old school. real quickly, if you had your case your identity corrupted, when you go to file what
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happens? you can't get your refund. >> can't get your refund -- >> do you have to hire somebody to prove it wasn't you? >> this takes months. aye been talking to accountants and other financial experts who work with this kind of thing all the time it can take months and years. now, what they're doing at the irs is they're giving the people who have this material stolen they've giving them notice first of all that it was stolen and secondly they're giving them the fake files so they can figure out exactly what kind of information is floating out there about them. with cold comfort, and the fact they're giving them, you know kind of a checkup on their credit does nothing at all. >> it's worse than that do they have access to our medical too? because the irs is handling through obamacare some of it they don't, that's the upshot. >> look here's the real thing, they can open credit in your name credit cards, could get that that's a possibility. and secondly this is a new wave of this kind of threat. they're going to go take out a social security in your name medicare medicaid unemployment
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benefits they've got their hands in the treasury. >> thanks miss brown. >> happy week. >> you too. as far as corruption scandals are concerned, fifa just keeps on giving. one day after fifa's president announced he's resigning, six people are added to the most wanted list. that means they could get arrested basically anywhere they traveled. among those individuals, former vice president at fifa he recently went on a rant and saw this. he posted about it he doesn't like the united states put it on facebook, during the rant he cited the onion, fake news. we've reported the feds have accused 14 soccer officials of crimes ranging from bribery to racketeering. fifa's soon to be former leader is now facing many charges at the moment. or any charges rather but he's reportedly under fbi investigation nap may change with charges coming. now multiple news agencies
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report the fbi is also investigating how russia and qatar got awarded the next two world cups. officials in both countries said repeatedly that they're going ahead with plans to host the games. and finally, reuters is reporting some major u.s. and european banks are looking closely into their fifa-related accounts. the justice department named more than a dozen. sop far, none is accused of doing anything illegal. we'll keep you up to speed on it. there's word the islamic state army is getting air support from syrian president, bashar al assad. breaking news in boston this is what we've been watching the suspect accused of plotting to behead a police officer, due in court. we're now getting a look at the evidence against the suspects in this case. we'll bring you the latest coming up from the fox news deck.
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there are some things you just count on like clean drinking water. but today, one in three americans can't be sure their drinking water is safe from pollution. the clean water rule wll protect the streams and wetlands that feed into the drinking water supplies of 117 million americans. tell congress: support the clean water rule. we deserve to know that all our children's drinking water is safe.
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fox report now, more headlines from the fox news deck. new video shows a train slicing a car in half tossing a pregnant woman into the street. she survived. and so did the two other people in the car. it happened at a train crossing in jacksonville yesterday. relatives of the victim says the crossing gate never went down. railroad officials say they're investigating. a surveillance camera caught two men running into a restaurant moments later another man burst in and opened fire. the bullet struck a table, inches away from a customer eating dinner. this happened over the weekend in philadelphia. no word on what started it all, police are still looking for the three men in the video. and students who tried cheating on tests know a drone could be watching. officials south of beijing are flying a drone over teenagers taking college entrance exams. the drone can reportedly look at people wearing hidden earphones to get the answers. there's word from cheaters could face criminal charges if they're caught. the news continues after this.
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breaking news that we're watching now. one of the suspects in the alleged plot to behead a police officer is due in court, well right now. so far, we only caught a quick glimpse of him as police raided his home in boston. feds release and affidavit detailing the allegations against him along with the suspect police shot dead yesterday. according to the documents, the pair discussed attacking police officers and made apparent references to beheading them. in a wire taped phone call the now dead suspect told the other, quote, i just got myself a nice little tool you know it's good for carving wood and like you know carving skrultures and you know quote. that was apparently a reference to the knife police say one of the suspects had when he lunged at them. that's when they shot him dead. the feds say he ordered the knife on amazon and that agents secretly watched him receive the package a week ago today. now we know how rhode island fits into all of this. remember earlier we told you
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police have searched the home in warwick, rhode island and asked neighbors about a man named nick. according to this affidavit, the two suspects met a third suspect on a beach in rhode island on sunday. they have just received word that investigators have cleared that person of interest nick. police said they decided to move on or in on the suspects yesterday when it appeared they were about to launch their attack. in a few moments, live to the federal court house in boston where one of the suspects again subpoena due in court. when that happens, we'll take you there. well for right now though i want to bring in first the syrian dictator bashar al assad is helping islamic state savages advance on a key city in his own country. so obviously we're changing gears here that's according to u.s. embassy officials. they say the president, assad, war planes are acting as the air force bombing rebel fighters near their stronghold of aleppo.
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the air strikes are staying clear of isis militants, almost giving them cover. they're battling the rebels in control of the city. according to the new york times, the islamic state is gaining ground outside of aleppo. and they say part of the reason is the u.s.-led coalition has not launched any air strikes to help them. american officials say they have been supporting so-called moderate rebels in their fight against president assad who murders his own people as you know with poisonous gas. the u.s. is a common enemy for him and isis. meanwhile, we're learning from activists and syrian state-run media, the islamic state launched a major offensive against kurdish fighters in the northeast part of syria. let's bring in leah gabriel with more on this. are they helping the kurds? >> they are, harris. in fact, that region that you're talking about, the northeast region is an area where the kurds have made some gains recently and the islamic state group has tried to reverse some of those gains.
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i actually ran the numbers on the number of coalition air strikes in syria over the past five days, there were 28 in that northeast location but you mentioned aleppo now the closest strikes were 70 miles away in kobani where there were just five. now the u.s. envoys for the u.s.-led coalition against the islamic state group says that the coalition is redoubling its efforts to defeat the islamic state group after iraqi forces basically dropped their u.s.-provided weapons and left ramadi last month, take a listen. >> and yes, it is vitally important that we learn from the experience of ramadi and that we learn the right lessons. but it's also imperative that we see the direction of our campaign from the more expansive horizon than just last month or next month. >> now, i asked the general who once led u.s. forces in iraq why we never see u.s. forces just essentially drop their weapons and run like that. hen ae said we would never have u.s. forces on the ground without embedded controllers who can call in air strikes.
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harris he said it makes all the difference and that iraqi special forces can be trained to do that. >> question we're learning about how many isis fighters the u.s. coalition claims its killed. >> right, now this is the first time we've actually heard them put a number to it and the deputy secretary of state said that that number is 10,000 killed by coalition air strikes. now, there's a number the cia put out last september, regarding the total number of forces that the islamic state group had, and that's about 30,000. but a state department spokesman said today that does not necessarily mean that the islamic state group's forces have been cut by a third. take a listen. >> as fighters are taken off the battlefield, they have attended to and have been able to in cases replace fighters from internally or from other places. something we're concerned about, so it's not, it wouldn't just subtract. >> she says basically that number they put out is the more specific estimate than what the state department has already been inferring.
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>> yeah and of course what this in isis has an incredible way to recruit. >> fighters coming in it's huge problem. >> hard to get numbers. good to see you, thank you very much. let's bring in former assistant secretary of state p.j. crowley, he's now proofrs of practice at the georgetown university. i'm curious about this idea and back to the allegations that bashar al assad air strikes might be helping isis what do you think about that? >> i think it's very plausible, and certainly consistent with his efforts to simply survive. that's what he's focussed on and he tries very much to manipulate what's happening on the ground. and to try to play one element of the opposition off against the other so that he can survive and ultimately be able to dictate what happens in the future in syria. >> what does that do for our ability though to fight over there? i mean if it looks like all three sides are working against
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us? >> well i'm not sure it's only three sides, it could be more than that. it's a very fluid situation, there's not necessarily a clear battle line to the point that we're focussing some air effort you know in support of the kurdish people but this particular moment not necessarily along the battle line between the syrian opposition, you know and the islamic state. it may well be that there's not necessarily a clear line of battle or the ability to get a clear shot without bringing into play civilians. the closer you get to an urban center the more difficult it is to provide closed air support. >> and that helps both that helps everybody who's fighting each other down there though. it helps isis and it also helped bashar al assad that'll lose governmental forces too. in an urban setting, everyone's using civilians i would imagine to hide. >> there is an ebb and flow here. you're reporting the islamic state is on the advance as we
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speak, there has been a moment where they've been the most effective force, most recently the syrian opposition has been gaining ground the assad regime their army has been at war for four years. it's got to be breaking down to a significant extent but there's going to be an ebb and flow and tragically for syria, we're not yet at a point where the fighters have burned themselves out and looking for a solution. i think the conflict is still tragically for syria, still escalating. >> so many refugees in all of that. we have to be careful not to give an overstatement that bashar al assad is siding with isis. >> i think that's right. this is simply a moment of convenience where he's using one to get at the other. you know and on a relative basis, he remains the strongest party. he doesn't control his own country anymore, he only controls portions of it but he wants to make sure he's a player in whatever happens in the
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future. >> with the relationships we have around the world, via this white house, are our options to destroy isis getting fewer by the second? or would you say that's not the case? >> i don't think that's the case. i think the president has a sensible strategy as we've been talking about, there's no real clear solution, you know to syria until, you know, there is a political path. this reminds me a little bit of bosnia 20 years ago where tragically we had to try to contain a conflict until, you know there was a political opening and then we seized that opening with the agreement. you know but i think it's a sensible idea for the president to say we're going to focus on iraq first, that's where we at least have a path forward, but obviously there, it's contingent on the performance of the iraqi government security forces and we have work to do. >> with all do respect, p.j. if you're considering containment to be giving away ramadi and mosul and territory in iraq in jeopardy right now, i'm confused
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by the term containment. >> i'm not suggesting we should be giving away anything. you know the fact it is -- >> we don't control them right now. >> to defeat the islamic state, you have to reduce the amount of territories they hold. the iraqis have they've had some success, they recently had a clear failure in ramadi and they're in the process of regrouping. you're quite right that if the, if the islamic state is gaining territory, then we're not winning this conflict. ultimately delegitimize the islamic state, you have to reduce the size of their caliphate and eliminate that perception of success, once we do that the tide will turn. we're not at that point yet. >> wow, you really have to start the question the policy though of the united states with regard to what's happening in syria. when your enemy bashar al assad can take advantage of your mismanagement of an enemy like isis -- >> harris i challenge what you just said. i think that's wrong. you know unless you're willing
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to put 100,000, 200,000 american forces into syria and the american people don't want the government to do that then this is the strategy that you have it's going to succeed i believe, but it's going to take time to get there. >> how much time? >> years to be sure. >> wow. okay. p.j. thank you very much good to see you. >> thank you. continuing coverage of the breaking news in boston now, the suspect accused of plotting to behead a police officer appearing in court. stay close.
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now breaking news in boston. the terror suspect shot dead yesterday talked about going after the, quote, boys in blue. that's according to to the fbi. and it's just some of what we're now getting from the feds as the other suspect makes his first appearance in federal court. because the affidavit has come out. and here's a shot of the agents taking him into custody yesterday. investigators say he was part of a plot to murder a police officer, behead that officer.
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the feds say they've been tracking both suspects for weeks and that the islamic state savages inspired them. and they're still trying to figure out if it was more of a command and control situation, was this hired by isis. that's what they're looking into. molly line outside the federal court house in boston molly. >> reporter: yeah david wright is 24 years old, arrested yesterday, making his first appearance here in court, now remanded to the custody of the u.s. marshals. in court today, its been revealed that what he's essentially accused of doing is knowingly steal, or cover una tangible october, mainly usaama rahim's smart phone, he was killed yesterday by an fbi agent and boston police officer following and investigation under way by the joint terrorism task force. the intent they say of david wright's efforts is to impede obstruct or influence their investigation into this case. the affidavit really revealing chilling facts that rahim had ordered knives over the internet
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through amazon with the intention of attacking law enforcement in another state, and then openly changed his plan. the plans changed so much so that the police needed to act on june 2nd yesterday, because that's what the plans had been bumped up to on the part of rahim and wright. they had been passing text messages and phone calls back and forth according to to the affidavit. and this reveals that the intent yesterday, on june itnd at 5:00 a.m. rahim called wright and advised him that he changed his plans and planned to commit the attack in another state, massachusetts, instead he was going to go after the, quote, boys in blue. the affidavit here revealing that the fbi agent believes that that was of course a reference to police officers. during this conversation rahim says he can't wait any longer he can't wait that long wright replying back going to try to figure out what you're going to do. rahim says no and moving on
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you're attempting to go on vacation i see, wright asks. rahim says yes, i'm going to be on vacation right here in massachusetts. i'm going to go after them, those boys in blue. the affidavit goes on to reveal that that phrase about going on vacation refers to committing violent jihad according to previous conversations between the two men. still, a lot of information here coming out of the investigation. rahim -- wright just in court a few moments ago. he's 6'4" 300 pounds today he was wearing black sweat pants, black t-shirt, and family members were present in court today as well. so just a few of these details coming out right now that this was indeed intended to be a knife attack and attack rahim ordered and received knives over the internet. harris. >> all right. molly line we'll go back as the news warrants. this is now happening inside that courtroom. courtroom 11 at the u.s. district courthouse in boston. thank you, molly. hillary clinton has some new competition. we'll tell you about the newest
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democratic challenger. and another republican ready to announce whether he's joining the race for the gop nomination for president. stay with us. what up wheels! mr. auto-mo-deal! hey, it's the wheel deal! hey, hey, the duke of deals! i know a few guys in the rental car biz. let's go, 'wheels'. rental car deals up to 40% off. mary jennings has never won a marathon half marathon, 10k or any other k. but mary doesn't run to win. she just loves to run. recently she ran across helpful information and resources for her healthcare options at now she feels like nothing can stop her.
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. louisiana governor bobby is ready to make a major announcement in new orleans. the top political advisers say that it will happen late er this month. if he runs, he will focus on a dramatically different path. take a look nine official candidates and counting. meanwhile hillary clinton has a new challenger. form er rhode island governor. we understand that he is set to announce later today. he is a form er republican and
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turned democrat and that's going left. he is the third to run against her for the nomination. we're live in arlington, virginia. peter? >> it's in a campaign and he is very proud of the only republican back when he was a republican to vote against the war. it's a clear contract that's supported using force in iraq to get rid of sue dam. i commit to the repair needed to all of the harm. the credibility is restored when we respect the world partners and listen when they speak. jp is big on protecting personal freedom and saying that warranting are wrong and the 62-year-old has a pretty interesting personal story before he was a senator and
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governor. he was born to a prominent political parmley and was a classmate of jeb bush and then wrestled before leaving for horse shoe school. it was seven years as a black smith and now it's the political horse race that has his attention, he is expected more than 130 people probably here at george mason where he does not have a personal connection and coming here for the announcement. you don't see any sign age, and we don't expect to. here is a nice auditor yum. half of them is just blocked off from the curtain. we will not be able to see empty speet seats, and they're not expecting to see it on social media.
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this just in. we're getting the very first look at megan kelly's first interview with jim bob and michelle duggar. the stars of the reality show 19 kids and counting. here is a preview. >> this is a young boy who is come to you with shocking information, what did he say? how did you respond to him? what was that like that exchange? >> it was so much grief in our hearts. as parents we felt that we were failures. here we tried to raise the kids to do as right and know what's right, and yet one of our children made some really bad choices, and i think as a parent we were just devastated. >> and you can bet megan is going ask all of the questions that we want to know in the
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situation. more from the exclusive tonight on the kelly file 9:00 p.m. eastern. don't miss it. i am in for shepard smith and your world with neil cavuto. going into neil. well right we're live in boston where a terror suspect and officials believe that the suspects and the alleged may have been radicalized by isis. something that i brought up earlier today on my new fox business show coast to coast. >> typically they call on attacking the military installations or behaeldeading of the police officers. my concern is that this is the beginning of a wave of these
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